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CDAWeb Served Heliophysics Datasets Beginning with 'E'

EARTH_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
ELA_L1_EPDEF: Energetic Particle Detector, Counts, Electrons>keV [UNCALIBRATED RAW DATA] - V. Angelopoulos (UCLA, IGPP/EPSS)
ELA_L1_EPDIF: [UNCALIBRATED RAW DATA ONLY] Energetic Partical Detector Energy Particles, Ions>keV - V. Angelopoulos (UCLA, IGPP/EPSS)
ELA_L1_STATE_DEFN: Probe state file, contains position and attitude and orbit events - V. Angelopoulos (UCLA, IGPP/EPSS)
ELA_L1_STATE_PRED: Probe state file, contains position and attitude and orbit events - V. Angelopoulos (UCLA, IGPP/EPSS)
ELB_L1_EPDEF: Energetic Particle Detector, Counts, Electrons>keV [UNCALIBRATED RAW DATA] - V. Angelopoulos (UCLA, IGPP/EPSS)
ELB_L1_EPDIF: [UNCALIBRATED RAW DATA ONLY] Energetic Partical Detector Energy Particles, Ions>keV - V. Angelopoulos (UCLA, IGPP/EPSS)
ELB_L1_STATE_DEFN: Probe state file, contains position and attitude and orbit events - V. Angelopoulos (UCLA, IGPP/EPSS)
ELB_L1_STATE_PRED: Probe state file, contains position and attitude and orbit events - V. Angelopoulos (UCLA, IGPP/EPSS)
ENDURANCE_EPHEMERIS_DEF: Position and attitude of Endurance during flight - G. Collinson (NASA GSFC / Catholic University of America)
ENDURANCE_FIELDS_SKINPOT-500US: Electric field sphere voltages. - G. Collinson (NASA GSFC / Catholic University)
ENDURANCE_L1A_PES: Level 1a PES Science and Housekeeping data at 40ms time resolution as downlinked in the Data Matrix - G. Collinson (NASA GSFC / Catholic University of America )
ENDURANCE_L1B_PES: Uncalibrated L1b raw counts per energy step from the 8 DESA sensors during science portion of mission - G. Collinson (NASA GSFC / Catholic University of America )
ENDURANCE_L2-ESA_PES: Standard Resolution (15% DE/E) data (10eV to 1keV) - G. Collinson (NASA GSFC / Catholic University of America )
ENDURANCE_L2-GF_PES: Variation of Geometric Factor of PES during operation - G. Collinson (NASA GSFC / Catholic University of America )
ENDURANCE_L2-RPA_PES: High Resolution (0.5% DE/E) data (20.30eV to 25.85eV) - G. Collinson (NASA GSFC / Catholic University of America )
ENDURANCE_L2_SLP: Calibrated L2 data from SLP - A. Barjatya (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University)
ENDURANCE_L3_PES: Electric Potential Drop parallel to Earth’s magnetic Field below Endurance - G. Collinson (NASA GSFC / Catholic University of America )
EQ_PP_AUX: Equator-S Auxiliary Data Prime Parameters - EDC (MPE)
EQ_PP_EDI: Equator-S Electron Drift Instrument Prime Parameters - G. Paschmann (MPE)
EQ_PP_EPI: Equator-S 3D Analyzer Prime Parameters - T. Sanderson (ESTEC)
EQ_PP_ICI: Equator-S Ion Composition Instrument Prime Parameters.(The raw moments calculated onboard should only be used qualitatively for identifying regions and temporal variations. Quantitative analysis should be done with the final moments generated from telemetered 3D distributions.) - L. Kistler (UNH)
EQ_PP_MAM: Equator-S Fluxgate Magnetometer Prime Parameters - W. Baumjohann (MPE)
EQ_PP_PCD: Equator-S Potential Control Device Prime Parameters - K. Torkar (IWF)
EQ_SP_SFD: Equator-S Scintillating Fibre Detector Summary Parameters - L. Adams (ESTEC)
ERG_HEP_L2_OMNIFLUX: High-energy electron experiments (HEP) Level-2 omni flux data, ARASE/ERG) - Takefumi Mitani (ISAS, JAXA)
ERG_LEPE_L2_OMNIFLUX: Low-Energy Particle experiments - electron analyzer (LEP-e) Level 2 omni electron flux data, ARASE/ERG - Shiang-Yu Wang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
ERG_LEPI_L2_OMNIFLUX: Exploration of Low Energy Particle Ion (LEPi) Experiment 3D ion flux data, ARASE/ERG - Kazushi Asamura (ISAS, Jaxa)
ERG_MEPE_L2_3DFLUX: Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Medium-Energy Particle experiments - electron analyzer (MEP-e) Level 2 3D electron flux data - Satoshi Kasahara (The University of Tokyo)
ERG_MEPE_L2_OMNIFLUX: Medium Energy Particle experiments - electron analyzer (MEP-e) electron omni flux data, ARASE/ERG - Satoshi Kasahara (The University of Tokyo)
ERG_MEPI_L2_3DFLUX: Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Medium Energy Particle experiments - ion mass analyzer (MEP-i) Level-2 3D flux data - Shoichiro Yokota (Osaka University)
ERG_MEPI_L2_OMNIFLUX: Medium Energy Particle experiments - ion mass analyzer (MEP-i) 3D ion omni flux data, ARASE/ERG - Shoichiro Yokota (Osaka University)
ERG_MGF_L2_8SEC: Magnetic Field Experiment (MGF) Level 2 spin-averaged magnetic field data, ARASE/ERG - Ayako Matsuoka (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5210, Japan)
ERG_ORB_L2: Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Level-2 orbit data
ERG_ORB_L3: Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Level-3 orbit data
ERG_ORB_LPRE_L2: Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Level-2 long-term predicted orbit data
ERG_ORB_MPRE_L2: Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Level-2 medium-term predicted orbit data
ERG_ORB_PRE_L2: Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Level-2 predicted orbit data
ERG_ORB_SPRE_L2: Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Level-2 short-term predicted orbit data
ERG_PWE_EFD_L2_E_SPIN: Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) Electric Field Detector (EFD) Level 2 spectrum data, ARASE/ERG - Yoshiya Kasahara (Kanazawa University)
ERG_PWE_EFD_L2_POT: Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) Electric Field Detector (EFD) Level 2 potential data, ARASE/ERG - Yoshiya Kasahara (Kanazawa University)
ERG_PWE_HFA_L2_SPEC_HIGH: No description
ERG_PWE_HFA_L2_SPEC_LOW: No description
ERG_PWE_HFA_L2_SPEC_MONIT: No description
ERG_PWE_OFA_L2_SPEC: Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) Onboard Frequency Analyzer (OFA) Level 2 spectrum data, ARASE/ERG - Yoshiya Kasahara (Kanazawa University)
ERG_XEP_L2_OMNIFLUX: Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Extremely High-Energy Electron Experiment (XEP) Level 2 extremely high energy electron data - Nana Higashio (Space Environment Group, Aerospace Research and Development Directorate, Tsukuba Space Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8505, Japan)

EARTH_HELIO1DAY_POSITION (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Planet/Earth/HelioWeb/Ephemeris/P1D)
No TEXT global attribute value.
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The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation (ELFIN) mission is a space weather
mission using three scientific instruments in a 3U+ CubeSat. The instruments
measure wave and particle data.
Modification History
Rev- 2018-07-20
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation (ELFIN) mission is a space weather
mission using three scientific instruments in a 3U+ CubeSat. The instruments
measure wave and particle data.
Modification History
Rev- 2018-07-20
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation (ELFIN) mission is a space weather
mission using three scientific instruments in a 3U+ CubeSat. The instruments
measure wave and particle data.
Modification History
Rev- 2022-09-25
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation (ELFIN) mission is a space weather
mission using three scientific instruments in a 3U+ CubeSat. The instruments
measure wave and particle data.
Modification History
Rev- 2022-09-17
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation (ELFIN) mission is a space weather
mission using three scientific instruments in a 3U+ CubeSat. The instruments
measure wave and particle data.
Modification History
Rev- 2018-07-20
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation (ELFIN) mission is a space weather
mission using three scientific instruments in a 3U+ CubeSat. The instruments
measure wave and particle data.
Modification History
Rev- 2018-07-20
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation (ELFIN) mission is a space weather
mission using three scientific instruments in a 3U+ CubeSat. The instruments
measure wave and particle data.
Modification History
Rev- 2022-09-28
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation (ELFIN) mission is a space weather
mission using three scientific instruments in a 3U+ CubeSat. The instruments
measure wave and particle data.
Modification History
Rev- 2022-09-27
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TM1 electric field sphere potential (skins) voltages from Endurance FIELDS
experiment during flight.
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The Endurance PES instrument was comprised of 8 boom-mounted Dual Electrostatic
Analyzer (DESA) sensors, and a main electronics box (MEB). Each DESA sensor had
two look directions; A-side (looking down to Earth from launch to pitch-over
maneuver, and then up to space until loss of signal (LOS)); and B-side (looking
up to space from launch to pitch-over, and then down to Earth until loss of
signal (LOS)). The sensors were synchronized by the MEB and cross-calibrated to
look at approximately the same energy at the same time. A PES sweep consisted of
81 different steps and took 10 seconds. At each step, a voltage could be applied
to the Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA) and/or the Retarding Potential Analyzer
(RPA). Of these 81 steps; 3 (0, 1, 44) were used to take background counts with
the ESA grounded, and to fire the SLP; 34 (2:9, 33, 56:80) were used to collect
the standard resolution data measurement (15% DE/E, 10eV to 1keV) using the ESA
alone; and 44 (10:32, 34:43, 45:55) were used to collect the high-resolution
measurement (0.5% DE/E, 20.3 eV to 25.85 eV) using the ESA and RPA combined.”
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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The Endurance PES instrument was comprised of 8 boom-mounted Dual Electrostatic
Analyzer (DESA) sensors, and a main electronics box (MEB). Each DESA sensor had
two look directions; A-side (looking down to Earth from launch to pitch-over
maneuver, and then up to space until loss of signal (LOS)); and B-side (looking
up to space from launch to pitch-over, and then down to Earth until loss of
signal (LOS)). The sensors were synchronized by the MEB and cross-calibrated to
look at approximately the same energy at the same time. These data present the
standard resolution data measurement (15% DE/E, 10eV to 1keV) using the ESA
alone, using counts from all the sensors combined together.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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The Endurance PES instrument was comprised of 8 boom-mounted Dual Electrostatic
Analyzer (DESA) sensors, and a main electronics box (MEB). Each DESA sensor had
two look directions; A-side (looking down to Earth from launch to pitch-over
maneuver, and then up to space until loss of signal (LOS)); and B-side (looking
up to space from launch to pitch-over, and then down to Earth until loss of
signal (LOS)). The sensors were synchronized by the MEB and cross-calibrated to
look at approximately the same energy at the same time. A PES sweep consisted of
81 different steps and took 10 seconds. At each step, a voltage could be applied
to the Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA) and/or the Retarding Potential Analyzer
(RPA). Of these 81 steps; 3 (0, 1, 44) were used to take background counts with
the ESA grounded, and to fire the SLP; 34 (2:9, 33, 56:80) were used to collect
the standard resolution data measurement (15% DE/E, 10eV to 1keV) using the ESA
alone; and 44 (10:32, 34:43, 45:55) were used to collect the high-resolution
measurement (0.5% DE/E, 20.3 eV to 25.85 eV) using the ESA and RPA combined.
These calibration data present the variation in Geometric Factor with PES
operation during flight
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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The Endurance PES instrument was comprised of 8 boom-mounted Dual Electrostatic
Analyzer (DESA) sensors, and a main electronics box (MEB). Each DESA sensor had
two look directions; A-side (looking down to Earth from launch to pitch-over
maneuver, and then up to space until loss of signal (LOS)); and B-side (looking
up to space from launch to pitch-over, and then down to Earth until loss of
signal (LOS)). The sensors were synchronized by the MEB and cross-calibrated to
look at approximately the same energy at the same time. These data present the
high-resolution measurement (0.5% DE/E, 20.3 eV to 25.85 eV) using the ESA and
RPA counts from all the sensors combined together
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The Endurance SLP was a needle probe mounted on the forward Fo’c’sle of the
spacecraft. It measured thermal plasma density, electron temperature, the
potential difference between the spacecraft and ambient plasma (plasma
potential) and the relative potential of the spacecraft. SLP performed an active
(20ms) sweep once every 5 seconds, wherein a sweeping +/- 5V voltage was applied
to the needle. The data products here were derived from the I-V curves and
intercalibrated with EISCAT Radar and the PES instrument.
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The Endurance mission was designed to make the first measurement of Earth’s
electric potential. This Level 3 data product is the potential drop below
Endurance as measured from the shift in the peak of the N2 A2 Πu  He-II
photopeak, corrected for spacecraft potential by the Swept Langmuir Probe. 
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EQ_PP_AUX (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Equator-S/Ephemeris/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.8 AUX
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
 No caveats
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EQ_PP_EDI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Equator-S/EDI/PP/PT60s)
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.2 EDI
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
 No caveats
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EQ_PP_EPI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Equator-S/EPI/PP/PT60S)
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.5 EPI
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
* 1997 Dec - first release v1.0
* 1998 Apr - v1.4 PPDB Production Release
* 1998 Dec - v2.0
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
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EQ_PP_ICI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Equator-S/ICI/PP/PT60S)
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.3 ICI
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
 This file has particularly bad background problems due to intense
 radiation belts from ~08:00-10:00 UT.
 This file contains both onboard calculated moments (labeled 
 "raw" with an "*" in the name) and moments calculated on 
 the ground from 3D distributions (labeled "final").
 Quantitative analysis should be done with the "final" moments.  
 The raw data should only be used qualitatively for identifying
 regions and temporal variations.  It has large errors, particularly
 in Vz in spacecraft coordinates.
 O+ and He+ data should not be used in the magnetosheath or at low
 L-values, due to background problems.
 Contact the LI at if the data you need
 is not available on-line.
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EQ_PP_MAM (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Equator-S/MAM/PP/PT60S)
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.1 MAM
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
MAM_SINGLE (128 Hz) and MAM_DUAL (64 Hz) instrument acquisition modes are
 no valid data 
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EQ_PP_PCD (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Equator-S/PCD/PP/PT60S)
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.6 PCD
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Record of history of modification of CDF n/a.
 partly noisy data
 noisy data
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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EQ_SP_SFD (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Equator-S/SFD/PP/PT60S)
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.7 SFD
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
 The used electron sensitivity 4.3e-7 A/(W/cm2) results from
 questionable calibration.  The resulting upper limits for
 electron energy fluxes are too high.
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created 10/2021
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created 10/2021
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filled in with information  
Modification History
Created 01/2022
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created 05/2021
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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" "
Modification History
Created 05/2021
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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" "
Modification History
Created 08/2021
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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" "
Modification History
Created 08/2021
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created 05/2021
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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ERG orbit
Modification History
Created 05/2022
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ERG orbit (The L-shell parameters and adiabatic invariants in this file are
calculated using the International Radiation Belt Environment Modeling (IRBEM)
library ( 
Modification History
Created 09/2018
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Predicted ERG orbit
Modification History
Created 06/2021
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Predicted ERG orbit
Modification History
Created 03/2022
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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Predicted ERG orbit
Modification History
Created 05/2022
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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Predicted ERG orbit
Modification History
Created 05/2022
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created 01/2022
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created 10/2021
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created 05/2021
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created 05/2021
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Modification History
Created 05/2021
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ERG_PWE_OFA_L2_SPEC doi:10.34515/data.erg-08000
Proper citations should include the "Accessed on date" in the form .
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created 04/2022
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created 05/2021
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL.
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