Compute uniformly spaced binned data for scalar/vector/spectrogram data (not available with noise filtering)
Use spike removal to filter data without binning (not available with noise filtering)(Warning: Experimental !!). Spike removal method: removal of extreme outliers only removal of moderate to extreme outliers removal of mild to extreme outliers
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ELA_L1_STATE_PRED: Info/DOI Metadata Archive ELFIN-A state file, contains predictive position, velocity, and attitude - V. Angelopoulos (UCLA, IGPP/EPSS)
Available dates: 2018/09/17 00:00:00 - 2022/09/17 23:59:59 (Continuous coverage not guaranteed - check the inventory graph for coverage)
Spacecraft Position XYZ in GEI-J2000 Spacecraft Velocity Vxyz in GEI-J2000 Spacecraft Attitude in GEI-J2000 Date of attitude solution, UTC, in seconds attitude - interpolated=0, modeled=1 Spin Period - Calculated Angle Between Spin Vector and Orbit Normal Angle Between Spin Vector and Sun
[ Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation-A state file]
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