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CDAWeb Data Explorer

Select start and stop times from which to GET or PLOT data:

Compute uniformly spaced binned data for scalar/vector/spectrogram data (not available with noise filtering)

Select an activity:

Note: CDF patch required for reading Version 3.9 CDFs in IDL or MATLAB.
Get CDFX - IDL GUI plotting/listing toolkit software. To be used with either the daily or "created" CDF files available above.

Pressing the "Submit" button will spawn a new window/tab in order to support the new "Previous" and "Next" functions.

Variable parameters (required for Listing, Creating and Plotting data only)

  Info/DOI  Metadata  Archive

Lower latitude chain (Lat 32.2, Long 249.3), Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Tucson, Arizona, 1 sec, USGS Network - Carol A. Finn (United States Geological Survey, Golden, CO)

Available dates: 2007/01/01 00:00:00 - 2025/01/09 00:00:00
(Continuous coverage not guaranteed - check the inventory graph for coverage)

[Data available at USGS ]

Pressing the "Submit" button will spawn a new window/tab in order to support the new "Previous" and "Next" functions.

Data Inventory Graphs (full, 5 year and by mission)
Full list of CDAWeb data sets.
CDFX - IDL GUI plotting/listing toolkit software.
CDAWeb Data File Directories (shows actual data inventory)
SPDF Home Page

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