GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor themisapred 60 1 themisbpred 60 1 themiscpred 60 1 themisdpred 60 1 themisepred 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 2028 1 00:00 2029 1 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
Produced by Mission Ops, Science Ops and Science Team..V00: Predictive on all, pre-pass.V01: Intermediate: added definitive spinper, spinphase others predictive, expected shortly after pass.V02: Preliminary: added definitive position, expected shortly after OD update (1 day after pass).V03: Definitive: added science attitude determination using perigee data post-processing
Rev- 2008-04-09
Only valid during eclipse segments.
Only used during eclipse segments.
Bit 0 (LSbit) = 1 for eclipse, bit 1 = used FGM sunpulse
Only valid during eclipse segments.
Only used during eclipse segments.
Bit 0 (LSbit) = 1 for eclipse, bit 1 = used FGM sunpulse
THEMIS-A: Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Electric field measurements. The L2 product is a 3D estimate of Eperp derived from the spin plane E-field measurements assuming E dot B = 0, using relevant FGM (Flux-Gate Magnetometer) data.Includes spin-averaged, and Fast-survey field data.Spin-averaged (EFS_DOT0) data has approximately 3 second time resolution. Fast-survey (EFF_DOT0) data has 1/8 second time resolution.
Rev- 2009-09-16
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
No Units
No Units
Units are in mV/m, Z (non-spin plane) component is NaN
Units are in mV/m, Z (non-spin plane) component is NaN
THEMIS-A: Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Energy Fluxes (ions: 5 eV to 25 keV) electrons: 6 eV to 30 keV) and Moments (density, velocity, pressure, and temperature). Includes FULL, REDUCED and BURST modes. FULL: high angular resolution, low (few min) time resolution. REDUCED: degraded angular resolution, high (approx. 3 sec) time resolution. BURST: high angular resolution, high time resolution; only short bursts of data. Note that angular resolution affects moments since they are obtained integrating over the mode-specific angular distribution. Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 2: Counter saturation, 4: Solar Wind not in Solar Wind Mode, or Solar Wind Mode, not in Solar Wind, 8: (Reduced Mode only) slow survey mode+flows, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver).
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Sensor and electronics design provided by UCB (J. W. Bonnell, F. S. Mozer), Digital Fields Board provided by LASP (R. Ergun), Search coil data provided by CETP (A. Roux).
Rev- 2006-09-18
hf_peak and hf_avg are the peak and average values of the output of the High-Frequency Filter, a broadband filter convering the 100- to 400-kHz band used for AKR detection
THEMIS-A: On Board Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) power spectra of Electric (EFI) and Magnetic (SCM) field, for particle and wave burst survey modes.
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Sensor and electronics design provided by TUBS (Glassmeier, Auster) and IWF (Baumjohann, Magnes)
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-A: On Board spin fits of Electric (EFI) and Magnetic (FGM) field.
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-A: Solid State Telescope (SST) & Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): ground calculatedenergy fluxes & moments.(density, velocity, pressure, and temperature) Generated from ESA+SST combined distributions
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
THEMIS-A: On Board moments: Electron/Ion moments density, flux, velocity, pressure and temperature.Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver).
See THEMIS website for caveats
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
THEMIS-A: Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) Magnetic Field Measurements. Includes FAST SURVEY, PARTICLE BURST and WAVE BURST data. FAST SURVEY (SCF): 1/8 second time resolution. PARTICLE BURST (SCP): 1/128 second time resolution; only short bursts of data. WAVE BURST (SCW): 1/8192 second time resolution; only short bursts of data. Sensor and electronics design provided by LPP, Roux and Le Contel
Rev- 2009-08-13
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-A: Solid State Telescope (SST): Energy Flux spectrogram: Data includes: Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Fluxes (30 keV - 300 keV).
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor themisa 60 1 themisb 60 1 themisc 60 1 themisd 60 1 themise 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 2024 336 00:00 2025 1 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor themisapred 60 1 themisbpred 60 1 themiscpred 60 1 themisdpred 60 1 themisepred 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 2028 1 00:00 2029 1 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
No TEXT global attribute value.
Produced by Mission Ops, Science Ops and Science Team..V00: Predictive on all, pre-pass.V01: Intermediate: added definitive spinper, spinphase others predictive, expected shortly after pass.V02: Preliminary: added definitive position, expected shortly after OD update (1 day after pass).V03: Definitive: added science attitude determination using perigee data post-processing
Rev- 2008-04-09
Only valid during eclipse segments.
Only used during eclipse segments.
Bit 0 (LSbit) = 1 for eclipse, bit 1 = used FGM sunpulse
Only valid during eclipse segments.
Only used during eclipse segments.
Bit 0 (LSbit) = 1 for eclipse, bit 1 = used FGM sunpulse
THEMIS-B: Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Electric field measurements. The L2 product is a 3D estimate of Eperp derived from the spin plane E-field measurements assuming E dot B = 0, using relevant FGM (Flux-Gate Magnetometer) data.Includes spin-averaged, and Fast-survey field data.Spin-averaged (EFS_DOT0) data has approximately 3 second time resolution. Fast-survey (EFF_DOT0) data has 1/8 second time resolution.
Rev- 2009-09-16
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
No Units
No Units
Units are in mV/m, Z (non-spin plane) component is NaN
Units are in mV/m, Z (non-spin plane) component is NaN
THEMIS-B: Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Energy Fluxes (ions: 5 eV to 25 keV) electrons: 6 eV to 30 keV) and Moments (density, velocity, pressure, and temperature). Includes FULL, REDUCED and BURST modes. FULL: high angular resolution, low (few min) time resolution. REDUCED: degraded angular resolution, high (approx. 3 sec) time resolution. BURST: high angular resolution, high time resolution; only short bursts of data. Note that angular resolution affects moments since they are obtained integrating over the mode-specific angular distribution. Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 2: Counter saturation, 4: Solar Wind not in Solar Wind Mode, or Solar Wind Mode, not in Solar Wind, 8: (Reduced Mode only) slow survey mode+flows, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver).
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Sensor and electronics design provided by UCB (J. W. Bonnell, F. S. Mozer), Digital Fields Board provided by LASP (R. Ergun), Search coil data provided by CETP (A. Roux).
Rev- 2006-09-18
hf_peak and hf_avg are the peak and average values of the output of the High-Frequency Filter, a broadband filter convering the 100- to 400-kHz band used for AKR detection
THEMIS-B: On Board Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) power spectra of Electric (EFI) and Magnetic (SCM) field, for particle and wave burst survey modes.
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Sensor and electronics design provided by TUBS (Glassmeier, Auster) and IWF (Baumjohann, Magnes)
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-B: On Board spin fits of Electric (EFI) and Magnetic (FGM) field.
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-B: Solid State Telescope (SST) & Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): ground calculatedenergy fluxes & moments.(density, velocity, pressure, and temperature) Generated from ESA+SST combined distributions
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
THEMIS-B: Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Energy Fluxes (ions: 5 eV to 25 keV) electrons: 6 eV to 30 keV) and Moments (density, velocity, pressure, and temperature). Includes FULL, REDUCED and BURST modes. FULL: high angular resolution, low (few min) time resolution. REDUCED: degraded angular resolution, high (approx. 3 sec) time resolution. BURST: high angular resolution, high time resolution; only short bursts of data. Note that angular resolution affects moments since they are obtained integrating over the mode-specific angular distribution. Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 2: Counter saturation, 4: Solar Wind not in Solar Wind Mode, or Solar Wind Mode, not in Solar Wind, 8: (Reduced Mode only) slow survey mode+flows, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver). 1. Retrieval of CDF files from CDAWeb of of ESA L2 'good' quality, 'full mode, 'ion plasma data [density (N), thermal speed(W), flow velocity GSE Cartesian components (Vx,Vy, Vz)], starting 9/1/2010 when the spacecraft are mostly in the moon's vicinity. 'Full mode' means as determined from 3-sec high-angular-resolution distributions taken once every 96s (Fast Survey Scan - FSS) or 384s (Slow Survey Scan - SSS), where FSS and SSS are mutually exclusively used for several contiguous hours during each of most days. Data retrieval was followed by creation of ASCII version with N, W, and Vi, and with |V|(flow speed) as computed by us from the Vi. 1a. Despike the plasma data. A modest number of ESA L2 data points appear to be single-point spurious spikes. We have attempted to delete these as follows. We test a point using its two predecessors and two followers. We require that the 1st and last of these 5 points be within 60 mins of each other. The first two and last two points in a data segment separated from its neighbors by intervals of >60 min go untested by the algorithms discussed here. We visually scanned output data looking for obvious spikes thereby missed, and deleted these. Any record having a declared spike in any of its physical parameters is rejected. For a parameter value to be declared a spike, it must satisfy two criteria. Let P represent the value of the physical parameter being tested. Define <P> as the mean value of parameter P over the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th points of the current set, and let sigma(P) be the RMS deviation in this average. The first test for a spike is to have |P-<P>| > 20 * sigma(P). As the second test, for P = V, Vi (i = x, y, z), N, W, we require |P-<P>| > k * <P> where k = 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 for P = V, Vi, N, W respectively. For Themis B and C, these tests eliminated 64 and 51 96s or 384s ESA L2 points, respectively, over the interval September 3, 2010 - January 29, 2011. 1b. In addition to retrieving ESA N, W and Vi values from CDAWeb, we also retrieved the ESA ion mode flag, where the values are 0 and 1. Zero denotes a magnetospheric mode and one a solar wind mode. The magnetosphere mode involves taking measurements over much broader ranges in energy and look direction than for the solar wind mode. This optimizes observations of hot, subsonic non-solar wind plasma and of cooler supersonically flowing solar wind plasma. Usually, but not always, ESA is set to the solar wind mode when the spacecraft is in the solar wind. Moments of ESA magnetosphere-mode data taken while in the solar wind are not reliable. For further details, see the ESA documentation accessible through the UCB URL given above. 2. Retrieval of 1-min spacecraft position (GSE) data from SSCWeb 3. Retrieval of 29-min lunar position (GSE) data from SSCWeb 4. Calculation of moon-centered 1-min spacecraft positions by interpolating 29-min data to 1-min resolution, taking differences between the geocentric spacecraft and moon positions, and changing units from Re to Rm (Moon radii, = 1737 km). 5. Merger of geocentric and selenocentric spacecraft position data and plasma data, interpolating the 1-min position data to the times of the plasma data 6. Retrieval of CDF files of 3-sec magnetic field FGM data in GSE coordinates from CDAWeb and conversion to ASCII. 7. Merger of plasma/position data and magnetic field data. To each 96s or 384s plasma/position record, we add the 3-s magnetic field data whose time tag is closest to that of the plasma data (because, as noted above, the plasma parameters are based on high-angular-resolution ion plasma distributions each determined over three seconds. 8. Creation of FTPBrowser interfaces to these data for (a) plots and listings [http://ftpbrowser.gsfc.nasa.gov/themisb_mrg.html] and (b) parameter value occurrence distributions and other statistics, with filtering [http://ftpbrowser.gsfc.nasa.gov/themisb_mrg_d.html].(These interfaces will soon be LunaSOX-accessible at https://lunasox.gsfc.nasa.gov/Data_browser.html.)
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-B: On Board moments: Electron/Ion moments density, flux, velocity, pressure and temperature.Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver).
See THEMIS website for caveats
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
THEMIS-B: Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) Magnetic Field Measurements. Includes FAST SURVEY, PARTICLE BURST and WAVE BURST data. FAST SURVEY (SCF): 1/8 second time resolution. PARTICLE BURST (SCP): 1/128 second time resolution; only short bursts of data. WAVE BURST (SCW): 1/8192 second time resolution; only short bursts of data. Sensor and electronics design provided by LPP, Roux and Le Contel
Rev- 2009-08-13
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-B: Solid State Telescope (SST): Energy Flux spectrogram: Data includes: Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Fluxes (30 keV - 300 keV).
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor themisa 60 1 themisb 60 1 themisc 60 1 themisd 60 1 themise 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 2024 336 00:00 2025 1 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor themisapred 60 1 themisbpred 60 1 themiscpred 60 1 themisdpred 60 1 themisepred 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 2028 1 00:00 2029 1 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
No TEXT global attribute value.
Produced by Mission Ops, Science Ops and Science Team..V00: Predictive on all, pre-pass.V01: Intermediate: added definitive spinper, spinphase others predictive, expected shortly after pass.V02: Preliminary: added definitive position, expected shortly after OD update (1 day after pass).V03: Definitive: added science attitude determination using perigee data post-processing
Rev- 2008-04-09
Only valid during eclipse segments.
Only used during eclipse segments.
Bit 0 (LSbit) = 1 for eclipse, bit 1 = used FGM sunpulse
Only valid during eclipse segments.
Only used during eclipse segments.
Bit 0 (LSbit) = 1 for eclipse, bit 1 = used FGM sunpulse
THEMIS-C: Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Electric field measurements. The L2 product is a 3D estimate of Eperp derived from the spin plane E-field measurements assuming E dot B = 0, using relevant FGM (Flux-Gate Magnetometer) data.Includes spin-averaged, and Fast-survey field data.Spin-averaged (EFS_DOT0) data has approximately 3 second time resolution. Fast-survey (EFF_DOT0) data has 1/8 second time resolution.
Rev- 2009-09-16
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
No Units
No Units
Units are in mV/m, Z (non-spin plane) component is NaN
Units are in mV/m, Z (non-spin plane) component is NaN
THEMIS-C: Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Energy Fluxes (ions: 5 eV to 25 keV) electrons: 6 eV to 30 keV) and Moments (density, velocity, pressure, and temperature). Includes FULL, REDUCED and BURST modes. FULL: high angular resolution, low (few min) time resolution. REDUCED: degraded angular resolution, high (approx. 3 sec) time resolution. BURST: high angular resolution, high time resolution; only short bursts of data. Note that angular resolution affects moments since they are obtained integrating over the mode-specific angular distribution. Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 2: Counter saturation, 4: Solar Wind not in Solar Wind Mode, or Solar Wind Mode, not in Solar Wind, 8: (Reduced Mode only) slow survey mode+flows, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver).
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Sensor and electronics design provided by UCB (J. W. Bonnell, F. S. Mozer), Digital Fields Board provided by LASP (R. Ergun), Search coil data provided by CETP (A. Roux).
Rev- 2006-09-18
hf_peak and hf_avg are the peak and average values of the output of the High-Frequency Filter, a broadband filter convering the 100- to 400-kHz band used for AKR detection
THEMIS-C: On Board Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) power spectra of Electric (EFI) and Magnetic (SCM) field, for particle and wave burst survey modes.
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Sensor and electronics design provided by TUBS (Glassmeier, Auster) and IWF (Baumjohann, Magnes)
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-C: On Board spin fits of Electric (EFI) and Magnetic (FGM) field.
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-C: Solid State Telescope (SST) & Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): ground calculatedenergy fluxes & moments.(density, velocity, pressure, and temperature) Generated from ESA+SST combined distributions
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
THEMIS-B: Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Energy Fluxes (ions: 5 eV to 25 keV) electrons: 6 eV to 30 keV) and Moments (density, velocity, pressure, and temperature). Includes FULL, REDUCED and BURST modes. FULL: high angular resolution, low (few min) time resolution. REDUCED: degraded angular resolution, high (approx. 3 sec) time resolution. BURST: high angular resolution, high time resolution; only short bursts of data. Note that angular resolution affects moments since they are obtained integrating over the mode-specific angular distribution. Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 2: Counter saturation, 4: Solar Wind not in Solar Wind Mode, or Solar Wind Mode, not in Solar Wind, 8: (Reduced Mode only) slow survey mode+flows, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver). 1. Retrieval of CDF files from CDAWeb of of ESA L2 'good' quality, 'full mode, 'ion plasma data [density (N), thermal speed(W), flow velocity GSE Cartesian components (Vx,Vy, Vz)], starting 9/1/2010 when the spacecraft are mostly in the moon's vicinity. 'Full mode' means as determined from 3-sec high-angular-resolution distributions taken once every 96s (Fast Survey Scan - FSS) or 384s (Slow Survey Scan - SSS), where FSS and SSS are mutually exclusively used for several contiguous hours during each of most days. Data retrieval was followed by creation of ASCII version with N, W, and Vi, and with |V|(flow speed) as computed by us from the Vi. 1a. Despike the plasma data. A modest number of ESA L2 data points appear to be single-point spurious spikes. We have attempted to delete these as follows. We test a point using its two predecessors and two followers. We require that the 1st and last of these 5 points be within 60 mins of each other. The first two and last two points in a data segment separated from its neighbors by intervals of >60 min go untested by the algorithms discussed here. We visually scanned output data looking for obvious spikes thereby missed, and deleted these. Any record having a declared spike in any of its physical parameters is rejected. For a parameter value to be declared a spike, it must satisfy two criteria. Let P represent the value of the physical parameter being tested. Define <P> as the mean value of parameter P over the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th points of the current set, and let sigma(P) be the RMS deviation in this average. The first test for a spike is to have |P-<P>| > 20 * sigma(P). As the second test, for P = V, Vi (i = x, y, z), N, W, we require |P-<P>| > k * <P> where k = 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 for P = V, Vi, N, W respectively. For Themis B and C, these tests eliminated 64 and 51 96s or 384s ESA L2 points, respectively, over the interval September 3, 2010 - January 29, 2011. 1b. In addition to retrieving ESA N, W and Vi values from CDAWeb, we also retrieved the ESA ion mode flag, where the values are 0 and 1. Zero denotes a magnetospheric mode and one a solar wind mode. The magnetosphere mode involves taking measurements over much broader ranges in energy and look direction than for the solar wind mode. This optimizes observations of hot, subsonic non-solar wind plasma and of cooler supersonically flowing solar wind plasma. Usually, but not always, ESA is set to the solar wind mode when the spacecraft is in the solar wind. Moments of ESA magnetosphere-mode data taken while in the solar wind are not reliable. For further details, see the ESA documentation accessible through the UCB URL given above. 2. Retrieval of 1-min spacecraft position (GSE) data from SSCWeb 3. Retrieval of 29-min lunar position (GSE) data from SSCWeb 4. Calculation of moon-centered 1-min spacecraft positions by interpolating 29-min data to 1-min resolution, taking differences between the geocentric spacecraft and moon positions, and changing units from Re to Rm (Moon radii, = 1737 km). 5. Merger of geocentric and selenocentric spacecraft position data and plasma data, interpolating the 1-min position data to the times of the plasma data 6. Retrieval of CDF files of 3-sec magnetic field FGM data in GSE coordinates from CDAWeb and conversion to ASCII. 7. Merger of plasma/position data and magnetic field data. To each 96s or 384s plasma/position record, we add the 3-s magnetic field data whose time tag is closest to that of the plasma data (because, as noted above, the plasma parameters are based on high-angular-resolution ion plasma distributions each determined over three seconds. 8. Creation of FTPBrowser interfaces to these data for (a) plots and listings [http://ftpbrowser.gsfc.nasa.gov/themisb_mrg.html] and (b) parameter value occurrence distributions and other statistics, with filtering [http://ftpbrowser.gsfc.nasa.gov/themisb_mrg_d.html].(These interfaces will soon be LunaSOX-accessible at https://lunasox.gsfc.nasa.gov/Data_browser.html.)
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-C: On Board moments: Electron/Ion moments density, flux, velocity, pressure and temperature.Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver).
See THEMIS website for caveats
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
THEMIS-C: Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) Magnetic Field Measurements. Includes FAST SURVEY, PARTICLE BURST and WAVE BURST data. FAST SURVEY (SCF): 1/8 second time resolution. PARTICLE BURST (SCP): 1/128 second time resolution; only short bursts of data. WAVE BURST (SCW): 1/8192 second time resolution; only short bursts of data. Sensor and electronics design provided by LPP, Roux and Le Contel
Rev- 2009-08-13
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-C: Solid State Telescope (SST): Energy Flux spectrogram: Data includes: Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Fluxes (30 keV - 300 keV).
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor themisa 60 1 themisb 60 1 themisc 60 1 themisd 60 1 themise 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 2024 336 00:00 2025 1 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor themisapred 60 1 themisbpred 60 1 themiscpred 60 1 themisdpred 60 1 themisepred 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 2028 1 00:00 2029 1 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
Produced by Mission Ops, Science Ops and Science Team..V00: Predictive on all, pre-pass.V01: Intermediate: added definitive spinper, spinphase others predictive, expected shortly after pass.V02: Preliminary: added definitive position, expected shortly after OD update (1 day after pass).V03: Definitive: added science attitude determination using perigee data post-processing
Rev- 2008-04-09
Only valid during eclipse segments.
Only used during eclipse segments.
Bit 0 (LSbit) = 1 for eclipse, bit 1 = used FGM sunpulse
Only valid during eclipse segments.
Only used during eclipse segments.
Bit 0 (LSbit) = 1 for eclipse, bit 1 = used FGM sunpulse
THEMIS-D: Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Electric field measurements. The L2 product is a 3D estimate of Eperp derived from the spin plane E-field measurements assuming E dot B = 0, using relevant FGM (Flux-Gate Magnetometer) data.Includes spin-averaged, and Fast-survey field data.Spin-averaged (EFS_DOT0) data has approximately 3 second time resolution. Fast-survey (EFF_DOT0) data has 1/8 second time resolution.
Rev- 2009-09-16
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
No Units
No Units
Units are in mV/m, Z (non-spin plane) component is NaN
Units are in mV/m, Z (non-spin plane) component is NaN
THEMIS-D: Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Energy Fluxes (ions: 5 eV to 25 keV) electrons: 6 eV to 30 keV) and Moments (density, velocity, pressure, and temperature). Includes FULL, REDUCED and BURST modes. FULL: high angular resolution, low (few min) time resolution. REDUCED: degraded angular resolution, high (approx. 3 sec) time resolution. BURST: high angular resolution, high time resolution; only short bursts of data. Note that angular resolution affects moments since they are obtained integrating over the mode-specific angular distribution. Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 2: Counter saturation, 4: Solar Wind not in Solar Wind Mode, or Solar Wind Mode, not in Solar Wind, 8: (Reduced Mode only) slow survey mode+flows, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver).
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Sensor and electronics design provided by UCB (J. W. Bonnell, F. S. Mozer), Digital Fields Board provided by LASP (R. Ergun), Search coil data provided by CETP (A. Roux).
Rev- 2006-09-18
hf_peak and hf_avg are the peak and average values of the output of the High-Frequency Filter, a broadband filter convering the 100- to 400-kHz band used for AKR detection
THEMIS-D: On Board Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) power spectra of Electric (EFI) and Magnetic (SCM) field, for particle and wave burst survey modes.
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Sensor and electronics design provided by TUBS (Glassmeier, Auster) and IWF (Baumjohann, Magnes)
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-D: On Board spin fits of Electric (EFI) and Magnetic (FGM) field.
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-D: Solid State Telescope (SST) & Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): ground calculatedenergy fluxes & moments.(density, velocity, pressure, and temperature) Generated from ESA+SST combined distributions
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
THEMIS-D: On Board moments: Electron/Ion moments density, flux, velocity, pressure and temperature.Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver).
See THEMIS website for caveats
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
THEMIS-D: Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) Magnetic Field Measurements. Includes FAST SURVEY, PARTICLE BURST and WAVE BURST data. FAST SURVEY (SCF): 1/8 second time resolution. PARTICLE BURST (SCP): 1/128 second time resolution; only short bursts of data. WAVE BURST (SCW): 1/8192 second time resolution; only short bursts of data. Sensor and electronics design provided by LPP, Roux and Le Contel
Rev- 2009-08-13
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-D: Solid State Telescope (SST): Energy Flux spectrogram: Data includes: Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Fluxes (30 keV - 300 keV).
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor themisa 60 1 themisb 60 1 themisc 60 1 themisd 60 1 themise 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 2024 336 00:00 2025 1 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
THEMIS A/B/C/D/E Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Waveforms
Rev- 2006-09-18
Pre-generated THEMIS Event plots: Magnetopause Crossing Database Description: https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/pre_generated_plots/other/documentation//THEMIS _DescriptionMCD.pdf
Status of GMAG reprocessing - document: https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/THEMIS_GMAG_Processing_History.doc
Document posted November 21, 2008
See THEMIS website for caveats
GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor themisapred 60 1 themisbpred 60 1 themiscpred 60 1 themisdpred 60 1 themisepred 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 2028 1 00:00 2029 1 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
Produced by Mission Ops, Science Ops and Science Team..V00: Predictive on all, pre-pass.V01: Intermediate: added definitive spinper, spinphase others predictive, expected shortly after pass.V02: Preliminary: added definitive position, expected shortly after OD update (1 day after pass).V03: Definitive: added science attitude determination using perigee data post-processing
Rev- 2008-04-09
Only valid during eclipse segments.
Only used during eclipse segments.
Bit 0 (LSbit) = 1 for eclipse, bit 1 = used FGM sunpulse
Only valid during eclipse segments.
Only used during eclipse segments.
Bit 0 (LSbit) = 1 for eclipse, bit 1 = used FGM sunpulse
THEMIS-E: Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Electric field measurements. The L2 product is a 3D estimate of Eperp derived from the spin plane E-field measurements assuming E dot B = 0, using relevant FGM (Flux-Gate Magnetometer) data.Includes spin-averaged, and Fast-survey field data.Spin-averaged (EFS_DOT0) data has approximately 3 second time resolution. Fast-survey (EFF_DOT0) data has 1/8 second time resolution.
Rev- 2009-09-16
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
No Units
No Units
Units are in mV/m, Z (non-spin plane) component is NaN
Units are in mV/m, Z (non-spin plane) component is NaN
THEMIS-E: Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Energy Fluxes (ions: 5 eV to 25 keV) electrons: 6 eV to 30 keV) and Moments (density, velocity, pressure, and temperature). Includes FULL, REDUCED and BURST modes. FULL: high angular resolution, low (few min) time resolution. REDUCED: degraded angular resolution, high (approx. 3 sec) time resolution. BURST: high angular resolution, high time resolution; only short bursts of data. Note that angular resolution affects moments since they are obtained integrating over the mode-specific angular distribution. Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 2: Counter saturation, 4: Solar Wind not in Solar Wind Mode, or Solar Wind Mode, not in Solar Wind, 8: (Reduced Mode only) slow survey mode+flows, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver).
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Sensor and electronics design provided by UCB (J. W. Bonnell, F. S. Mozer), Digital Fields Board provided by LASP (R. Ergun), Search coil data provided by CETP (A. Roux).
Rev- 2006-09-18
hf_peak and hf_avg are the peak and average values of the output of the High-Frequency Filter, a broadband filter convering the 100- to 400-kHz band used for AKR detection
THEMIS-E: On Board Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) power spectra of Electric (EFI) and Magnetic (SCM) field, for particle and wave burst survey modes.
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Sensor and electronics design provided by TUBS (Glassmeier, Auster) and IWF (Baumjohann, Magnes)
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
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Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-E: On Board spin fits of Electric (EFI) and Magnetic (FGM) field.
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in mV/m
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-E: Solid State Telescope (SST) & Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA): ground calculatedenergy fluxes & moments.(density, velocity, pressure, and temperature) Generated from ESA+SST combined distributions
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
Notes on diagonalized temperature:.The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. .The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
This is the direction vector of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates
THEMIS-E: On Board moments: Electron/Ion moments density, flux, velocity, pressure and temperature.Moment Data Quality flags (0: good data; non-zero flags are totals of values; 1: missing S/C potential, 16: electron density Gt 2*ion density, 32: ion density Gt 2*electron density, 64: Spacecraft Maneuver).
See THEMIS website for caveats
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
Pressure tensor around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes (X,Y), where Y is Z direction crosed into Sun direction, and X completes orthogonal system.
THEMIS-E: Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) Magnetic Field Measurements. Includes FAST SURVEY, PARTICLE BURST and WAVE BURST data. FAST SURVEY (SCF): 1/8 second time resolution. PARTICLE BURST (SCP): 1/128 second time resolution; only short bursts of data. WAVE BURST (SCW): 1/8192 second time resolution; only short bursts of data. Sensor and electronics design provided by LPP, Roux and Le Contel
Rev- 2009-08-13
See THEMIS website for caveats
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
Units are in nanotesla
THEMIS-E: Solid State Telescope (SST): Energy Flux spectrogram: Data includes: Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Fluxes (30 keV - 300 keV).
Rev- 2006-09-18
See THEMIS website for caveats
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
The first eigenvalue and eigenvector are the distinguishable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues aresorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one.
3d temperatures around magnetic axis (Z) and normal axes(X,Y) where Y is Z direction crossed into Sun direction, and X completes the orthogonal system
This is the direction of the principal axis of the pressure tensor in DSL coordinates. Vector is normalized.
GROUP 1 Satellite Resolution Factor themisa 60 1 themisb 60 1 themisc 60 1 themisd 60 1 themise 60 1 Start Time Stop Time 2024 336 00:00 2025 1 00:00 Coord/ Min/Max Range Filter Filter Component Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes GEO X YES - - - - - - GEO Y YES - - - - - - GEO Z YES - - - - - - GEO Lat YES - - - - - - GEO Lon YES - - - - - - GEO LT YES - - - - - - GM X YES - - - - - - GM Y YES - - - - - - GM Z YES - - - - - - GM Lat YES - - - - - - GM Lon YES - - - - - - GM LT YES - - - - - - GSE X YES - - - - - - GSE Y YES - - - - - - GSE Z YES - - - - - - GSE Lat YES - - - - - - GSE Lon YES - - - - - - GSE LT YES - - - - - - GSM X YES - - - - - - GSM Y YES - - - - - - GSM Z YES - - - - - - GSM Lat YES - - - - - - GSM Lon YES - - - - - - SM X YES - - - - - - SM Y YES - - - - - - SM Z YES - - - - - - SM Lat YES - - - - - - SM Lon YES - - - - - - SM LT YES - - - - - - Addtnl Min/Max Range Filter Filter Options Output Markers Minimum Maximum Mins/Maxes dEarth YES - - - - MagStrgth YES - - - - dNeutS YES - - - - dBowSck YES - - - - dMagPause YES - - - - L_Value YES - - - - InvarLat YES - - - - Perform the following magnetic field traces: North trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GEO footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. North trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. South trace for GM footpoint; Output: lat, lon, arclen. Magnetic field model: Internal: IGRF External: Tsyganenko 89C External: Tsyganenko 89C Kp: 3-,3,3+ Stop trace altitude (km): 100.00 Formats and units: Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s). Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90. Distance format: Earth radii with 2 place(s).
Originated 03/14/96
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort. The All-Sky-Imagers (ASI) take white lght images of the overhead sky. N-S Keograms are generated by combining the North-Southcross section of the image from each UT time into a single image with UT time as x-axis.
Rev- 2008-11-19, Harald Frey
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Ground based observatory, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russia.
Rev- 2012-06-05
Magnetic field variation with respect to unknown baseline.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2013-01-16
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01 Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider) Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network
Rev- 2010-05-13.Rev-2012-01-10 lphilpott Adding declination
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2012-04-17 (New Data Online).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Ground based observatory, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russia.
Rev- 2012-06-05
Magnetic field variation with respect to unknown baseline.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2013-01-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13 (New Data Provider).Rev- 2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network
Rev- 2010-05-13 (New Data Provider).Rev- 2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2013-03-27.Rev- 2013-03-27 crussell Added station declination from IGRF-11 (date 2007-02-17) and changed from geographic to local geomagnetic components.
Data rotated from XYZ components using declination angle calculated from IGRF2011, date 02-17-2007.
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Ground based observatory, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russia.
Rev- 2012-06-05
Magnetic field variation with respect to unknown baseline.
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Part of the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2013-03-27.Rev- 2013-03-27 crussell Added station declination from IGRF-11 (date 2007-02-17) and changed from geographic to local geomagnetic components.
Data rotated from XYZ components using declination angle calculated from IGRF2011, date 02-17-2007.
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
Values way above the validmax are being recorded around January 2009, but they are not valid. The data provider is investigating.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Ground based observatory, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russia.
Rev- 2012-06-05
Magnetic field variation with respect to unknown baseline.
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13 Rev- 2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Tomso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13 .Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-17 Rev- 2012-04-02 lphilpott Added station declination from IGRF-11 (date 2007-02-17) and changed from geographic to local geomagnetic components.
Data rotated from XYZ components using declination angle calculated from IGRF2011, date 02-17-2007.
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Part of the STEP Polar magnetometer network.
Rev- 2014-06-05
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Part of the STEP Polar magnetometer network.
Rev- 2014-06-05
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2013-01-16
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2012-08-16
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13.Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
ASAFA Ground Based Observatory
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the STEP Polar magnetometer network.
Rev- 2014-06-05
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2013-03-27.Rev- 2013-03-27 crussell Added station declination from IGRF-11 (date 2007-02-17) and changed from geographic to local geomagnetic components.
Data rotated from XYZ components using declination angle calculated from IGRF2011, date 02-17-2007.
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network. Truls Lynne Hansen, retired.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev- 2010-05-13 (New Data Provider).Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network
Rev- 2011-05-05.Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13.Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
ASAFA Ground Based Observatory
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the STEP Polar magnetometer network.
Rev- 2014-06-05
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
Ground based observatory, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russia.
Rev- 2012-06-05
Magnetic field variation with respect to unknown baseline.
ASAFA Ground Based Observatory
Rev- 2016-10-11
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 20013-01-16
Part of the STEP Polar magnetometer network.
Rev- 2014-06-05
Ground based observatory, affiliated with Science Institute, University of Iceland. Data is preliminary 10 second resolution data.
Rev- 2012-05-10
Data rotated from XYZ components using mean declination angle for 2007 through 2010, calculated from the annual means for 2007 through 2010 provided by the Leirvogur Observatory.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2013-01-16
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network
Rev- 2010-05-13 .Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2013-03-27.Rev- 2013-03-27 crussell Added station declination from IGRF-11 (date 2007-02-17) and changed from geographic to local geomagnetic components.
Data rotated from XYZ components using declination angle calculated from IGRF2011, date 02-17-2007.
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13.Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13 Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
Part of the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2013-03-27.Rev- 2013-03-27 crussell Added station declination from IGRF-11 (date 2007-02-17) and changed from geographic to local geomagnetic components.
Data rotated from XYZ components using declination angle calculated from IGRF2011, date 02-17-2007.
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
Ground based observatory, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russia.
Rev- 2012-06-05
Magnetic field variation with respect to unknown baseline.
ASAFA Ground Based Observatory
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2013-01-16
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
Polar Experimental Network for Geospace Upper atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn) Ground Based Observatory.
Polar Experimental Network for Geospace Upper atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn) Ground Based Observatory.
Polar Experimental Network for Geospace Upper atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn) Ground Based Observatory.
Polar Experimental Network for Geospace Upper atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn) Ground Based Observatory.
Polar Experimental Network for Geospace Upper atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn) Ground Based Observatory.
Polar Experimental Network for Geospace Upper atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn) Ground Based Observatory.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the STEP Polar magnetometer network.
Rev- 2014-06-05
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
No TEXT global attribute value.
Rev- 2008-12-01
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2013-01-16
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13 .Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2013-01-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01 Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider) Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13 .Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Troms.. Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13.Rev- 2012-05-11 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
ASAFA Ground Based Observatory
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2013-03-27.Rev- 2013-03-27 crussell Added station declination from IGRF-11 (date 2007-02-17) and changed from geographic to local geomagnetic components.
Data rotated from XYZ components using declination angle calculated from IGRF2011, date 02-17-2007.
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the FMI magnetometer network.
Rev- 2017-01-18
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Ground based observatory, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russia.
Rev- 2012-06-05
Magnetic field variation with respect to unknown baseline.
GIMA observatoies - Data served as part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Tromso Geophysical Observatory ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2010-05-13.Rev- 2012-05-11
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the USGS magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-21
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS), part of the THEMIS EPO Effort.
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Technical University of Denmark ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2008-12-01.Rev-2011-05-04 (New Data Provider).Rev-2012-05-10 (Adding Declination)
Rotated from geographic XYZ components using declination provided by TGU.
Part of the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2013-03-27.Rev- 2013-03-27 crussell Added station declination from IGRF-11 (date 2007-02-17) and changed from geographic to local geomagnetic components.
Data rotated from XYZ components using declination angle calculated from IGRF2011, date 02-17-2007.
Ground based observatory, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russia.
Rev- 2012-06-05
Magnetic field variation with respect to unknown baseline.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
Part of the STEP Polar magnetometer network.
Rev- 2014-06-05
ASAFA Ground Based Observatory
Rev- 2006-08-16
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2013-01-16
Part of the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) ground magnetometer network.
Rev- 2011-11-17.Rev- 2012-04-02 lphilpott Added station declination angle from IGRF11 (2007--02-17), changed from geographic to geomagnetic components.
Data rotated from XYZ components using declination angle calculated from IGRF2011, date 02-17-2007.
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Rev- 2006-08-16
No TEXT global attribute value.
No TEXT global attribute value.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). The L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) data provide the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 5 wavelengths bands. DISPLAY OPTIONS: (1) Mapped images of the (lin or log) intensities by orbit using a transverse Mercator projection. (2) Mapped images of the (lin or log) intensities using a polar projection of the North and South pole areas. Generating thumbnails for (1) or (2) for one day takes about 1 minute. (3) Movies of plot types (1),(2): There are 15 orbits/frames per day, max is 2 days, i.e. 30 frames. (4) Images of intensitiesas scanned along the orbit. (5) Line plots of intensities at selected across-track positions. CDAWeb TUTORIAL: A tutorial on how to use CDAWeb to quickly generate GUVI plots can be found at https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/cdaweb/cdaweb_guvi_tutorial.pdf DATA DESCRIPTION: Details about the data format and processing can be found at http://guvi.jhuapl.edu/data/understanding.shtml
15 orbits/frames per day; max allowedis 3 days (45-frame movie)
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 1st H Ly-alpha (1216 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a Transverse Mercator projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 1st H Ly-alpha (1216 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a North Polar projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 1st H Ly-alpha (1216 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a South Polar projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 2nd (1304 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a Transverse Mercator projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 2nd (1304 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a North Polar projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 2nd (1304 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a South Polar projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 3rd (1356 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a Transverse Mercator projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 3rd (1356 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a North Polar projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 3rd (1356 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a South Polar projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 4th LBH1 (1400-1500 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a Transverse Mercator projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 4th LBH1 (1400-1500 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a North Polar projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 4th LBH1 (1400-1500 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a South Polar projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 5th LBH2 (1650-1800 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a Transverse Mercator projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 5th LBH2 (1650-1800 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a North Polar projection.
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track scanning spectrograph images a ground swath of 3000 km width providing a nearly contiguous global coverage duringone day (15 orbits). This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file provides the calibrated, geolocated, and rectified intensities for the 5th LBH2 (1650-1800 A) wavelength band. This is a movie with mapped images of the log intensities by orbit using a South Polar projection.
Included the final TIMED-SEE suborbital rocket calibration (NASA 36.240, 14-Apr-2008). This involved a departure from previous calibration methods which were derived from very similar instrumentation. The primary instrument aboard NASA 36.240 is the prototype SDO EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) with a spectral range of 6 nm to 105 nm. The SORCE SOLSTICE is used for correcting the EGS degradation trend in the FUV (115 nm - 190 nm). A novel approach is applied in Version 10 in which information from the EGS on-board flatfield-measured changes is mapped to all of the rocket calibrations to provide improved EGS degradation trend. - Updated and extended EGS flatfield degradation curve fits through 2008. - Updated EGS FOV correction to perform monthly averaging to remove day-to-day jumps in irradiance. This removes the need for the beta angle correction that was added into version 9. - Updated degradation algorithm to keep the normal channel in better agreement with the calibration channel. This improves the spectral shape in heavily degraded regions. - Updated EGS gain to be a function of wavelength and temperature. The present assumption is that enough degradation has occurred to affect the electrical resistance of the microchannel plates such that low-exposure regions on the detector are increasing with time. - Added a step correction for EGS data beyond 2004/263. Near this time period the spacecraft entered a prolonged safe mode demotion. An operational decision was made to point SEE down toward the spacecraft deck. We now believe this allowed a small amount of contamination to enter the aperture which decreased the sensitivity by approximately 8% in the EUV. - The responsivity of the XPS photometers was updated. - The second order subtraction of 30.4 has been adjusted to avoid zero flux. This is based on a curve fit to two gaussians, which has some problems, but is an improvement over previous versions. - Wavelengths longer than 190 nm are now zeroed out. Users interested in this range are encouraged to use the higher-precision SORCE-SOLSTICE data.(See also ftp://laspftp.colorado.edu/pub/SEE_Data/SEE_v10_releasenotes.txt including description of earlier versions) The TIMED-SEE XPS Level 4 product has been updated to include an improved solar cycle minimum reference spectrum. This reference model is a combination of the CHIANTI Quiet Sun (QS) DEM and Coronal Hole (CH) DEM. Now that XPS has made solar cycle minimum measurements in 2007-2009, the weighting for combining the QS and CH DEMs to match XPS observations is more accurate now. The previous XPS Level 4 model used a weighting of 0.5 for each; now the weights are 0.32 and 0.68 for the QS DEM and CH DEM, respectively. In addition to this update, a software bug in using the GOES XRS data for 'flare' temperature has been fixed. The previous XPS Level 4 data had a constant irradiance spectrum used throughout the day whenever the GOES XRS 0.1-0.8 nm irradiance fell below a minimum level, resulting in invalid temperatures. This is fixed now by assigning a minimum temperature of 3 MK whenever the GOES XRS irradiance falls below its minimum level.
38 emission lines extracted from EGSLevel 2A spectra, and the XPS Level 2A diode irradiances.
Merged Solar irradiance for XPS and EGS flux at 1nm bins with gaps filled using Woods-Rottman 2002 VUV model. Below 26 nm, flux is result of solution of linear equations involving XPS diodes and scaled to the VUV model. EGS data is used above 26 nm except 114.5-120.5 and 122.5-128.5 nm where the VUV model is scaled to the EGS Lyman-alpha line.
No TEXT global attribute value.
Altitude for electric fields
Altitude variable for electron density
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
SPDF Reference to the ROPE data sets.
Initial Release
The cartesian XYZ components of the polar pointing vector in ECI coordinates.
The cartesian XYZ components of the azimuthal pointing vector in ECI coordinates.
TWINS (Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers) is a Mission of Opportunity under NASA's Small Explorer (SMEX) program. TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 are the designations for NASA-sponsored instruments flying on unspecified non-NASA U.S. government spacecraft. The TWINS-1 instrument high voltages were turned on in April 2007 and the TWINS-2 high voltages in May 2008; the exact launchdates are not available. The data (including both science data and spacecraft ephemeris/attitude information) from the two NASA-funded science instruments are publicly available to the scientific research community. See http://twins.swri.edu/ TWINS is a stereo mission whose overall scientific objective is to establish the global connectivities and causal relationships between processes in different regions of the Earth.s magnetosphere. To meet this goal, TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 provide stereoscopic neutral atom imaging of the magnetosphere from two widely spaced, high-altitude, high-inclination spacecraft. TWINS instrumentation includes an energetic neutral atom (ENA) imager to capture charge-exchange-produced neutral atoms over a broad energy range (approximately 1-100 keV) and a Lyman-alpha detector to measure the density of the neutral hydrogen geocorona needed for extraction of magnetospheric ion fluxes from neutral atom data. The TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 instruments are identical. Each spacecraft carrying TWINS instruments is in a Molniya orbit (63.4 deg, 7.2 Re apogee, 1000 km perigee; period 12 h), and is three-axis stabilized and approximately nadir-pointing. Each acquires image data with time resolution of 60 s. The time required to change actuator direction between scans (no data collection) was 25 seconds from June 2008 to July 2009, and 12 seconds at all other times. This gives an effective cadence of 72 or 85 seconds. The nominal design lifetime for each instrument is four years. TWINS operates only during the apogee portion of each orbit, when the spacecraft is above the radiation belts. More detailed information is available at the TWINS home page http://twins.swri.edu/
TWINS (Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers) is a Mission of Opportunity under NASA's Small Explorer (SMEX) program. TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 are the designations for NASA-sponsored instruments flying on unspecified non-NASA U.S. government spacecraft. The TWINS-1 instrument high voltages were turned on in April 2007 and the TWINS-2 high voltages in May 2008; the exact launchdates are not available. The data (including both science data and spacecraft ephemeris/attitude information) from the two NASA-funded science instruments are publicly available to the scientific research community. See http://twins.swri.edu/ TWINS is a stereo mission whose overall scientific objective is to establish the global connectivities and causal relationships between processes in different regions of the Earth.s magnetosphere. To meet this goal, TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 provide stereoscopic neutral atom imaging of the magnetosphere from two widely spaced, high-altitude, high-inclination spacecraft. TWINS instrumentation includes an energetic neutral atom (ENA) imager to capture charge-exchange-produced neutral atoms over a broad energy range (approximately 1-100 keV) and a Lyman-alpha detector to measure the density of the neutral hydrogen geocorona needed for extraction of magnetospheric ion fluxes from neutral atom data. The TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 instruments are identical. Each spacecraft carrying TWINS instruments is in a Molniya orbit (63.4 deg, 7.2 Re apogee, 1000 km perigee; period 12 h), and is three-axis stabilized and approximately nadir-pointing. Each acquires image data with time resolution of 60 s. The time required to change actuator direction between scans (no data collection) was 25 seconds from June 2008 to July 2009, and 12 seconds at all other times. This gives an effective cadence of 72 or 85 seconds. The nominal design lifetime for each instrument is four years. TWINS operates only during the apogee portion of each orbit, when the spacecraft is above the radiation belts. More detailed information is available at the TWINS home page http://twins.swri.edu/
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 1 keV energy, in units of (cm^2 sr s eV)^-1. Images have been smoothed using a technique that provides approximately uniform statistics across the image. Each image has 4x4 degree angular resolution and includes 15 minutes of data.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movies at 1 keV energy, in units of (cm^2 sr s eV)^-1. Images have been smoothed using a technique that provides approximately uniform statistics across the image. Each image has 4x4 degree angular resolution and includes 15 minutes of data.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
The per-pixel sweep count is the number of times a given pixel was sampled by the instrument during thetime taken to make the image. This value is only a function of longitude (actuation angle), and so is the same for all latitude (imaged) pixels at a given scan (actuation) angle. The value is nominally the same for all pixels in an image, and is the same as the number of sweeps in the image. Differences from this value are due to errors in either actuator motion or transmission of data from agiven direction.
Target value for the number of counts per pixel used in the smoothing algorithm. This value can vary by energy.
Array of energy values (in keV) for the smoothed images. Nominally 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30, and 50 keV.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 1 keV energy. The error in the flux for each pixel is given by sqrt(counts) / counts using the counts included in each pixel of the image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 1 keV energy. The error in the flux for each pixel is given by sqrt(counts) / counts using the counts included in each pixel of the image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Indication of the quality of the data based on three parameters. The quality flag is a 3 bit number. A value of 0 indicates good data. A value of 1 indicates an attitude shift of more than 4 degrees during the sweep. A value of 2 indicates that the Sun is within 20 degrees of the instrument...s FOV. A value of 4 indicates a high level of background. A value of 7 would indicate that all three flags have been raised (indicating that caution should be used in interpreting this data).
A flag that identifies when attitude and ephemeris information are available. A value of 0 indicates data are available; a value of 1 indicates that either attitude or ephemeris information is not available for a given time interval.
The change (in degrees) of the spacecraft attitude vector over the time required to make the given image.
The average spacecraft location vector over the time interval of the image in ECI coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The average polar pointing vector over the time interval of the image in ECI coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components). The polar attitude vector points to 90 degree instrument polar (imaged) angle.
The average azimuthal pointing vector over the time interval of the image in ECI coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components). The azimuthal pointing vector points to +90 degree instrument scan angle.
The average location of the Sun over the time interval of the image in ECI coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components).
The average geomagnetic dipole vector over the time interval of the image in ECI coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components).
The average spacecraft location vector over the time interval of the image in SM coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components).
The average polar pointing vector over the time interval of the image in SM coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components). The polar attitude vector points to 90 degree instrument polar (imaged) angle.
The average azimuthal pointing vector over the time interval of the image in SM coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components). The azimuthal pointing vector points to +90 degree instrument scan angle.
The average location of the Sun over the time interval of the image in SM coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components).
Spacecraft radial distance (in Earth radii)from the center of the Earth.
Spacecraft latitude in SM coordinates.
The McIlwain L-Shell at the spacecraft location assuming a dipole magnetic field model and using SM coordinates.
Spacecraft magnetic local time in SM coordinates.
TWINS raw image at 1 keV energy, in units of (cm^2 sr s eV)^-1. These images are derived on the ground from direct events measurements of the time of flight and detection location on the anode for individual ENAs. Each image has 4x4 degree angular resolution and includes 15 minutes of data. The first dimension of the image represents the scan angle in instrument coordinates. In this system the azimuthal attitude vector points to +90 degree scan angle. The second is the imaged angle, where 90 degrees is the central viewing angle of the instrument and the direction of the polar attitude vector.
TWINS raw image at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
A series of TWINS raw images at 1 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e1 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 4 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e2 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 8 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e3 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 12 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e4 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 16 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e5 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 20 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e6 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 25 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e7 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 30 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e8 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 50 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e9 variable.
TWINS error image for raw image at 1 keV energy. The error in the flux for each pixel is based on the error in the fit of flux vs energy used to determine the flux value given in the primary image.
TWINS raw error image at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 1 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e1 variable.
A series of TWINS error images at 4 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e2 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 8 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e3 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 12 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e4 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 16 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e5 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 20 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e6 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 25 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e7 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 30 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e8 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 50 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e9 variable.
TWINS (Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers) is a Mission of Opportunity under NASA's Small Explorer (SMEX) program. TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 are the designations for NASA-sponsored instruments flying on unspecified non-NASA U.S. government spacecraft. The TWINS-1 instrument high voltages were turned on in April 2007 and the TWINS-2 high voltages in May 2008; the exact launchdates are not available. The data (including both science data and spacecraft ephemeris/attitude information) from the two NASA-funded science instruments are publicly available to the scientific research community. See http://twins.swri.edu/ TWINS is a stereo mission whose overall scientific objective is to establish the global connectivities and causal relationships between processes in different regions of the Earth.s magnetosphere. To meet this goal, TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 provide stereoscopic neutral atom imaging of the magnetosphere from two widely spaced, high-altitude, high-inclination spacecraft. TWINS instrumentation includes an energetic neutral atom (ENA) imager to capture charge-exchange-produced neutral atoms over a broad energy range (approximately 1-100 keV) and a Lyman-alpha detector to measure the density of the neutral hydrogen geocorona needed for extraction of magnetospheric ion fluxes from neutral atom data. The TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 instruments are identical. Each spacecraft carrying TWINS instruments is in a Molniya orbit (63.4 deg, 7.2 Re apogee, 1000 km perigee; period 12 h), and is three-axis stabilized and approximately nadir-pointing. Each acquires image data with time resolution of 60 s. The time required to change actuator direction between scans (no data collection) was 25 seconds from June 2008 to July 2009, and 12 seconds at all other times. This gives an effective cadence of 72 or 85 seconds. The nominal design lifetime for each instrument is four years. TWINS operates only during the apogee portion of each orbit, when the spacecraft is above the radiation belts. The TWINS Lyman-a Detector consists of two independent sensors to measure Lyman alpha radiation being emitted by neutral hydrogen atoms. The sensors oriented at angles of ..40 deg. with respect to the actuator spin axis. Each sensor has a FWHM field of view of 4 deg., defined by collimation hole baffles, uses Lyman-a interference filters as narrow band transmissions filters, and applies a KBr or CsI photodiode for photon detection. The Lyman-a detector is located on the rotating actuator platform to provide full 360 deg. azimuthal angle coverage Time resolution is 60 sec. More detailed information is available at the TWINS home page http://twins.swri.edu/
Values run from -90 to +90 degrees during a scan. Note that sectors are either 4 degrees wide (dynamic modes) or 1.333 sec long (static modes)
The LAD counters are read out each 0.67 seconds (corresponding to 2degree at the nominal TWA rotation rate of 3degree/s
The LAD counters are read out each 0.67 seconds (corresponding to 2degree at the nominal TWA rotation rate of 3degree/s
The LAD counters are read out each 0.67 seconds (corresponding to 2degree at the nominal TWA rotation rate of 3degree/s
The LAD counters are read out each 0.67 seconds (corresponding to 2degree at the nominal TWA rotation rate of 3degree/s
The spacecraft location in ECI coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The spacecraft location in geographic coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The spacecraft location in GSM coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The spacecraft location in eccentric dipole coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
Spacecraft longitude (east longitude) in geographic coordinates.
Spacecraft latitude in geographic coordinates.
Spacecraft radial distance (km) from the center of the Earth.
Spacecraft radial altitude (km) based on an oblate spheroid Earth model (WGS84).
The location of the Sun in ECI coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The magnetic field vector in ECI coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The magnetic field magnitude at the spacecraft mirror point based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The magnetic field magnitude at the field-line minimum point based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The magnetic field magnitude at the North 100 km point based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The magnetic field magnitude at the South 100 km point based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The spacecraft mirror point location in GSM coordinates (cartesian XYZ components) based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The Equatorial Point location in GSM coordinates (cartesian XYZ components) based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The location of the North 100 km point in GSM coordinates (cartesian XYZ components) based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The location of the South 100 km point in GSM coordinates (cartesian XYZ components) based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The McIlwain L-Shell Parameter based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Spacecraft invariant magnetic latitude based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Dipole magnetic radial distance based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Dipole magnetic latitude based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Spacecraft latitude in the eccentric dipole frame based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Magnetic local time in the geographic coordinates frame.
Magnetic local time in the eccentric dipole frame based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Equatorial mapped magnetic local time in the eccentric dipole frame based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Solar zenith angle cosine.
Particle loss cone angle based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Magnetic dipole tilt angle based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Magnetic dipole displacement (XYZ components) based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
DataFile ID as used in TWINS database storage
TWINS (Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers) is a Mission of Opportunity under NASA's Small Explorer (SMEX) program. TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 are the designations for NASA-sponsored instruments flying on unspecified non-NASA U.S. government spacecraft. The TWINS-1 instrument high voltages were turned on in April 2007 and the TWINS-2 high voltages in May 2008; the exact launchdates are not available. The data (including both science data and spacecraft ephemeris/attitude information) from the two NASA-funded science instruments are publicly available to the scientific research community. See http://twins.swri.edu/ TWINS is a stereo mission whose overall scientific objective is to establish the global connectivities and causal relationships between processes in different regions of the Earth.s magnetosphere. To meet this goal, TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 provide stereoscopic neutral atom imaging of the magnetosphere from two widely spaced, high-altitude, high-inclination spacecraft. TWINS instrumentation includes an energetic neutral atom (ENA) imager to capture charge-exchange-produced neutral atoms over a broad energy range (approximately 1-100 keV) and a Lyman-alpha detector to measure the density of the neutral hydrogen geocorona needed for extraction of magnetospheric ion fluxes from neutral atom data. The TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 instruments are identical. Each spacecraft carrying TWINS instruments is in a Molniya orbit (63.4 deg, 7.2 Re apogee, 1000 km perigee; period 12 h), and is three-axis stabilized and approximately nadir-pointing. Each acquires image data with time resolution of 60 s. The time required to change actuator direction between scans (no data collection) was 25 seconds from June 2008 to July 2009, and 12 seconds at all other times. This gives an effective cadence of 72 or 85 seconds. The nominal design lifetime for each instrument is four years. TWINS operates only during the apogee portion of each orbit, when the spacecraft is above the radiation belts. More detailed information is available at the TWINS home page http://twins.swri.edu/
The cartesian XYZ components of the polar pointing vector in ECI coordinates.
The cartesian XYZ components of the azimuthal pointing vector in ECI coordinates.
TWINS (Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers) is a Mission of Opportunity under NASA's Small Explorer (SMEX) program. TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 are the designations for NASA-sponsored instruments flying on unspecified non-NASA U.S. government spacecraft. The TWINS-1 instrument high voltages were turned on in April 2007 and the TWINS-2 high voltages in May 2008; the exact launchdates are not available. The data (including both science data and spacecraft ephemeris/attitude information) from the two NASA-funded science instruments are publicly available to the scientific research community. See http://twins.swri.edu/ TWINS is a stereo mission whose overall scientific objective is to establish the global connectivities and causal relationships between processes in different regions of the Earth.s magnetosphere. To meet this goal, TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 provide stereoscopic neutral atom imaging of the magnetosphere from two widely spaced, high-altitude, high-inclination spacecraft. TWINS instrumentation includes an energetic neutral atom (ENA) imager to capture charge-exchange-produced neutral atoms over a broad energy range (approximately 1-100 keV) and a Lyman-alpha detector to measure the density of the neutral hydrogen geocorona needed for extraction of magnetospheric ion fluxes from neutral atom data. The TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 instruments are identical. Each spacecraft carrying TWINS instruments is in a Molniya orbit (63.4 deg, 7.2 Re apogee, 1000 km perigee; period 12 h), and is three-axis stabilized and approximately nadir-pointing. Each acquires image data with time resolution of 60 s. The time required to change actuator direction between scans (no data collection) was 25 seconds from June 2008 to July 2009, and 12 seconds at all other times. This gives an effective cadence of 72 or 85 seconds. The nominal design lifetime for each instrument is four years. TWINS operates only during the apogee portion of each orbit, when the spacecraft is above the radiation belts. More detailed information is available at the TWINS home page http://twins.swri.edu/
TWINS (Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers) is a Mission of Opportunity under NASA's Small Explorer (SMEX) program. TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 are the designations for NASA-sponsored instruments flying on unspecified non-NASA U.S. government spacecraft. The TWINS-1 instrument high voltages were turned on in April 2007 and the TWINS-2 high voltages in May 2008; the exact launchdates are not available. The data (including both science data and spacecraft ephemeris/attitude information) from the two NASA-funded science instruments are publicly available to the scientific research community. See http://twins.swri.edu/ TWINS is a stereo mission whose overall scientific objective is to establish the global connectivities and causal relationships between processes in different regions of the Earth.s magnetosphere. To meet this goal, TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 provide stereoscopic neutral atom imaging of the magnetosphere from two widely spaced, high-altitude, high-inclination spacecraft. TWINS instrumentation includes an energetic neutral atom (ENA) imager to capture charge-exchange-produced neutral atoms over a broad energy range (approximately 1-100 keV) and a Lyman-alpha detector to measure the density of the neutral hydrogen geocorona needed for extraction of magnetospheric ion fluxes from neutral atom data. The TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 instruments are identical. Each spacecraft carrying TWINS instruments is in a Molniya orbit (63.4 deg, 7.2 Re apogee, 1000 km perigee; period 12 h), and is three-axis stabilized and approximately nadir-pointing. Each acquires image data with time resolution of 60 s. The time required to change actuator direction between scans (no data collection) was 25 seconds from June 2008 to July 2009, and 12 seconds at all other times. This gives an effective cadence of 72 or 85 seconds. The nominal design lifetime for each instrument is four years. TWINS operates only during the apogee portion of each orbit, when the spacecraft is above the radiation belts. More detailed information is available at the TWINS home page http://twins.swri.edu/
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 1 keV energy, in units of (cm^2 sr s eV)^-1. Images have been smoothed using a technique that provides approximately uniform statistics across the image. Each image has 4x4 degree angular resolution and includes 15 minutes of data.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movies at 1 keV energy, in units of (cm^2 sr s eV)^-1. Images have been smoothed using a technique that provides approximately uniform statistics across the image. Each image has 4x4 degree angular resolution and includes 15 minutes of data.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS image movie at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image.
The per-pixel sweep count is the number of times a given pixel was sampled by the instrument during thetime taken to make the image. This value is only a function of longitude (actuation angle), and so is the same for all latitude (imaged) pixels at a given scan (actuation) angle. The value is nominally the same for all pixels in an image, and is the same as the number of sweeps in the image. Differences from this value are due to errors in either actuator motion or transmission of data from agiven direction.
Target value for the number of counts per pixel used in the smoothing algorithm. This value can vary by energy.
Array of energy values (in keV) for the smoothed images. Nominally 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30, and 50 keV.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 1 keV energy. The error in the flux for each pixel is given by sqrt(counts) / counts using the counts included in each pixel of the image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
TWINS smoothed image error image at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed image error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 1 keV energy. The error in the flux for each pixel is given by sqrt(counts) / counts using the counts included in each pixel of the image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Statistically smoothed TWINS error image movie at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV smoothed error image.
Indication of the quality of the data based on three parameters. The quality flag is a 3 bit number. A value of 0 indicates good data. A value of 1 indicates an attitude shift of more than 4 degrees during the sweep. A value of 2 indicates that the Sun is within 20 degrees of the instrument...s FOV. A value of 4 indicates a high level of background. A value of 7 would indicate that all three flags have been raised (indicating that caution should be used in interpreting this data).
A flag that identifies when attitude and ephemeris information are available. A value of 0 indicates data are available; a value of 1 indicates that either attitude or ephemeris information is not available for a given time interval.
The change (in degrees) of the spacecraft attitude vector over the time required to make the given image.
The average spacecraft location vector over the time interval of the image in ECI coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The average polar pointing vector over the time interval of the image in ECI coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components). The polar attitude vector points to 90 degree instrument polar (imaged) angle.
The average azimuthal pointing vector over the time interval of the image in ECI coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components). The azimuthal pointing vector points to +90 degree instrument scan angle.
The average location of the Sun over the time interval of the image in ECI coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components).
The average geomagnetic dipole vector over the time interval of the image in ECI coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components).
The average spacecraft location vector over the time interval of the image in SM coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components).
The average polar pointing vector over the time interval of the image in SM coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components). The polar attitude vector points to 90 degree instrument polar (imaged) angle.
The average azimuthal pointing vector over the time interval of the image in SM coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components). The azimuthal pointing vector points to +90 degree instrument scan angle.
The average location of the Sun over the time interval of the image in SM coordinates (Cartesian XYZ components).
Spacecraft radial distance (in Earth radii)from the center of the Earth.
Spacecraft latitude in SM coordinates.
The McIlwain L-Shell at the spacecraft location assuming a dipole magnetic field model and using SM coordinates.
Spacecraft magnetic local time in SM coordinates.
TWINS raw image at 1 keV energy, in units of (cm^2 sr s eV)^-1. These images are derived on the ground from direct events measurements of the time of flight and detection location on the anode for individual ENAs. Each image has 4x4 degree angular resolution and includes 15 minutes of data. The first dimension of the image represents the scan angle in instrument coordinates. In this system the azimuthal attitude vector points to +90 degree scan angle. The second is the imaged angle, where 90 degrees is the central viewing angle of the instrument and the direction of the polar attitude vector.
TWINS raw image at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
TWINS raw image at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV image.
A series of TWINS raw images at 1 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e1 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 4 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e2 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 8 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e3 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 12 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e4 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 16 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e5 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 20 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e6 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 25 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e7 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 30 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e8 variable.
A series of TWINS raw images at 50 keV energy. These are the same images as in the twins_image_e9 variable.
TWINS error image for raw image at 1 keV energy. The error in the flux for each pixel is based on the error in the fit of flux vs energy used to determine the flux value given in the primary image.
TWINS raw error image at 4 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 8 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 12 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 16 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 20 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 25 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 30 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
TWINS raw error image at 50 keV energy, in the same format as the 1 keV error image.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 1 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e1 variable.
A series of TWINS error images at 4 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e2 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 8 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e3 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 12 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e4 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 16 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e5 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 20 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e6 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 25 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e7 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 30 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e8 variable.
A series of TWINS raw error images at 50 keV. These are the same images as in the error_image_e9 variable.
TWINS (Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers) is a Mission of Opportunity under NASA's Small Explorer (SMEX) program. TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 are the designations for NASA-sponsored instruments flying on unspecified non-NASA U.S. government spacecraft. The TWINS-1 instrument high voltages were turned on in April 2007 and the TWINS-2 high voltages in May 2008; the exact launchdates are not available. The data (including both science data and spacecraft ephemeris/attitude information) from the two NASA-funded science instruments are publicly available to the scientific research community. See http://twins.swri.edu/ TWINS is a stereo mission whose overall scientific objective is to establish the global connectivities and causal relationships between processes in different regions of the Earth.s magnetosphere. To meet this goal, TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 provide stereoscopic neutral atom imaging of the magnetosphere from two widely spaced, high-altitude, high-inclination spacecraft. TWINS instrumentation includes an energetic neutral atom (ENA) imager to capture charge-exchange-produced neutral atoms over a broad energy range (approximately 1-100 keV) and a Lyman-alpha detector to measure the density of the neutral hydrogen geocorona needed for extraction of magnetospheric ion fluxes from neutral atom data. The TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 instruments are identical. Each spacecraft carrying TWINS instruments is in a Molniya orbit (63.4 deg, 7.2 Re apogee, 1000 km perigee; period 12 h), and is three-axis stabilized and approximately nadir-pointing. Each acquires image data with time resolution of 60 s. The time required to change actuator direction between scans (no data collection) was 25 seconds from June 2008 to July 2009, and 12 seconds at all other times. This gives an effective cadence of 72 or 85 seconds. The nominal design lifetime for each instrument is four years. TWINS operates only during the apogee portion of each orbit, when the spacecraft is above the radiation belts. More detailed information is available at the TWINS home page http://twins.swri.edu/ The TWINS Lyman-a Detector consists of two independent sensors to measure Lyman alpha radiation being emitted by neutral hydrogen atoms. The sensors oriented at angles of ..40 deg. with respect to the actuator spin axis. Each sensor has a FWHM field of view of 4 deg., defined by collimation hole baffles, uses Lyman-a interference filters as narrow band transmissions filters, and applies a KBr or CsI photodiode for photon detection. The Lyman-a detector is located on the rotating actuator platform to provide full 360 deg. azimuthal angle coverage Time resolution is 60 sec.
Values run from -90 to +90 degrees during a scan. Note that sectors are either 4 degrees wide (dynamic modes) or 1.333 sec long (static modes)
The LAD counters are read out each 0.67 seconds (corresponding to 2degree at the nominal TWA rotation rate of 3degree/s
The LAD counters are read out each 0.67 seconds (corresponding to 2degree at the nominal TWA rotation rate of 3degree/s
The LAD counters are read out each 0.67 seconds (corresponding to 2degree at the nominal TWA rotation rate of 3degree/s
The LAD counters are read out each 0.67 seconds (corresponding to 2degree at the nominal TWA rotation rate of 3degree/s
The spacecraft location in ECI coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The spacecraft location in geographic coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The spacecraft location in GSM coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The spacecraft location in eccentric dipole coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
Spacecraft longitude (east longitude) in geographic coordinates.
Spacecraft latitude in geographic coordinates.
Spacecraft radial distance (km) from the center of the Earth.
Spacecraft radial altitude (km) based on an oblate spheroid Earth model (WGS84).
The location of the Sun in ECI coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The magnetic field vector in ECI coordinates (cartesian XYZ components).
The magnetic field magnitude at the spacecraft mirror point based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The magnetic field magnitude at the field-line minimum point based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The magnetic field magnitude at the North 100 km point based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The magnetic field magnitude at the South 100 km point based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The spacecraft mirror point location in GSM coordinates (cartesian XYZ components) based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The Equatorial Point location in GSM coordinates (cartesian XYZ components) based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The location of the North 100 km point in GSM coordinates (cartesian XYZ components) based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The location of the South 100 km point in GSM coordinates (cartesian XYZ components) based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
The McIlwain L-Shell Parameter based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Spacecraft invariant magnetic latitude based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Dipole magnetic radial distance based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Dipole magnetic latitude based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Spacecraft latitude in the eccentric dipole frame based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Magnetic local time in the geographic coordinates frame.
Magnetic local time in the eccentric dipole frame based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Equatorial mapped magnetic local time in the eccentric dipole frame based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Solar zenith angle cosine.
Particle loss cone angle based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Magnetic dipole tilt angle based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
Magnetic dipole displacement (XYZ components) based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005.0 adjusted for the relevant date by means of the IGRF secular variation coefficients.
DataFile ID as used in TWINS database storage
TWINS (Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers) is a Mission of Opportunity under NASA's Small Explorer (SMEX) program. TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 are the designations for NASA-sponsored instruments flying on unspecified non-NASA U.S. government spacecraft. The TWINS-1 instrument high voltages were turned on in April 2007 and the TWINS-2 high voltages in May 2008; the exact launchdates are not available. The data (including both science data and spacecraft ephemeris/attitude information) from the two NASA-funded science instruments are publicly available to the scientific research community. See http://twins.swri.edu/ TWINS is a stereo mission whose overall scientific objective is to establish the global connectivities and causal relationships between processes in different regions of the Earth.s magnetosphere. To meet this goal, TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 provide stereoscopic neutral atom imaging of the magnetosphere from two widely spaced, high-altitude, high-inclination spacecraft. TWINS instrumentation includes an energetic neutral atom (ENA) imager to capture charge-exchange-produced neutral atoms over a broad energy range (approximately 1-100 keV) and a Lyman-alpha detector to measure the density of the neutral hydrogen geocorona needed for extraction of magnetospheric ion fluxes from neutral atom data. The TWINS-1 and TWINS-2 instruments are identical. Each spacecraft carrying TWINS instruments is in a Molniya orbit (63.4 deg, 7.2 Re apogee, 1000 km perigee; period 12 h), and is three-axis stabilized and approximately nadir-pointing. Each acquires image data with time resolution of 60 s. The time required to change actuator direction between scans (no data collection) was 25 seconds from June 2008 to July 2009, and 12 seconds at all other times. This gives an effective cadence of 72 or 85 seconds. The nominal design lifetime for each instrument is four years. TWINS operates only during the apogee portion of each orbit, when the spacecraft is above the radiation belts. More detailed information is available at the TWINS home page http://twins.swri.edu/
Katus, R. M., A. M. Keesee, E. Scime, and M. W. Liemohn (2017), Storm time equatorial magnetospheric ion temperature derived from TWINS ENA flux,J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, 3996, doi:10.1002/2016JA023824.