Compute uniformly spaced binned data for scalar/vector/spectrogram data (not available with noise filtering)
Use spike removal to filter data without binning (not available with noise filtering)(Warning: Experimental !!). Spike removal method: removal of extreme outliers only removal of moderate to extreme outliers removal of mild to extreme outliers
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THC_L2_SCM: Info/DOI Metadata Archive Spacecraft-collected search-coil magnetometer (SCM) Magnetic field - V. Angelopoulos, A. Roux and O. LeContel (UCB, LPP NASA NAS5-02099)
Available dates: 2007/02/24 00:00:00 - 2025/01/03 23:59:59 (Continuous coverage not guaranteed - check the inventory graph for coverage)
SCF (fast-survey, 1/8 sec time resolution) SCM magnetic field B magnitude SCF (fast-survey, 1/8 sec time resolution) SCM magnetic field B in XYZ GSE Coordinates SCF (fast-survey, 1/8 sec time resolution) SCM magnetic field B in XYZ GSM Coordinates SCF (fast-survey, 1/8 sec time resolution) SCM magnetic field B in XYZ DSL (Despun Spacecraft) Coordinates SCP (particle burst, 1/128 second time resolution) SCM magnetic field B magnitude SCP (particle burst, 1/128 second time resolution) SCM magnetic field B in XYZ GSE Coordinates SCP (particle burst, 1/128 second time resolution) SCM magnetic field B in XYZ GSM Coordinates SCP (particle burst, 1/128 second time resolution) SCM magnetic field B in XYZ DSL (Despun Spacecraft) Coordinates SCW (wave burst, 1/8192 second time resolution) SCM magnetic field B magnitude SCW (wave burst, 1/8192 second time resolution) SCM magnetic field B in XYZ GSE Coordinates SCW (wave burst, 1/8192 second time resolution) SCM magnetic field B in XYZ GSM Coordinates SCW (wave burst, 1/8192 second time resolution) SCM magnetic field B in XYZ DSL (Despun Spacecraft) Coordinates
[SCM Instrument description including data modes, products and caveats] [SCM Processing history and the THEMIS mission website including TDAS s/w]
Notices/Warnings Data Inventory Graphs (full, 5 year and by mission) Full list of CDAWeb data sets. CDFX - IDL GUI plotting/listing toolkit software. CDAWeb Data File Directories (shows actual data inventory) SPDF Home Page