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Hourly averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data OMNI Data Documentation: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/ow_data.html Additional data access options available at SPDF's OMNIWeb Service: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ow.html COHOWeb-formatted OMNI_M merged magnetic field and plasma data http://cohoweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ Recent OMNI 1-HR Updates News: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/ow_news.html Data variables with 1800 in their names use time stamps on the half-hour (1800 seconds) to reflect the mid-point of the hourly data, and are tied to the EPOCH_1800 time variables
created August 2003; conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000 2024 Sept: changed real variables back to VAR_TYPE=data
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Magnetosonic Mach number = V/Magnetosonic_speedMagnetosonic speed = [(sound speed)**2 + (Alfv speed)**2]**0.5The Alfven speed = 20. * B / N**0.5The sound speed = 0.12 * [T + 1.28*10**5]**0.5
Hourly averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data The Heliographic Inertial (HGI) coordinates are Sun-centered and inertially fixed with respect to an X-axis directed along the intersection line of the ecliptic and solar equatorial planes. The solar equator plane is inclined at 7.25 degrees from the ecliptic. This direction was towards ecliptic longitude of 74.367 degrees on 1 January 1900 at 1200 UT; because of precession of the celestial equator, this longitude increases by 1.4 degrees/century. The Z axis is directed perpendicular and northward from the solar equator, and the Y-axis completes the right-handed set. This system differs from the usual heliographic coordinates (e.g. Carrington longitudes) which are fixed in the frame of the rotating Sun. The RTN system is fixed at a spacecraft (or the planet). The R axis is directed radially away from the Sun, the T axis is the cross product of the solar rotation axis and the R axis, and the N axis is the cross product of the R and T axes. At zero heliographic latitude, when the spacecraft is in the solar equatorial plane, the N and solar rotation axes are parallel. Latitude and longitude angles of solar wind plasma flow are generally measured from the radius vector away from the Sun. In all cases, latitude angles are positive for north-going flow. The flow longitude angles have been treated differently for the near-Earth data, i.e. the OMNI, and for the deep space data. The flow is positive for the near-Earth data when coming from the right side of the Sun as viewed from the Earth, i.e. flowing toward +Y from -X GSE or opposite to the direction of planetary motion. On the other hand, the flow longitudes for the deep space spacecraft use the opposite sign convection, i.e. positive for flow in the +T direction in the RTN system.
created July 2007; conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000 Time tags in CDAWeb version were modified in March 2005 to use the CDAWeb convention of having mid-average time tags rather than OMNI's original convention of start-of-average time tags.
1minute averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data Additional information for all parameters are available from OMNI Data Documentation: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/HROdocum.html Additional data access options available at SPDF's OMNIWeb Service: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ow_min.html Recent omni high resolution updates Release Notes: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/hro_news.html Time stamps are for the beginning of each data averaging time bin.
created September 2019; conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000 Near-Earth Heliosphere Data (OMNI) 1minute averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data. Additional information for all parameters are available from OMNI Data Documentation: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/HROdocum.html New data may be accesible at SPDFs OMNIWeb Service: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ow_min.html Created September 2019; conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000 Time tags in CDAWeb version were modified in March 2005 to use the CDAWeb convention of having mid-average time tags rather than OMNI original convention of start-of-average time tags. The Modified (Level-3) High Resolution OMNI data files are made in the same format as the omni files based on SWE_KP data. There are a few differences between old and new high res. OMNI 1. In the new, modified Level-3 OMNI data files we used the Wind/SWE plasma definitive data rather than the Wind/SWE plasma KP-despiked data. Using the definitive data give us possibility to include the Alpha/Proton Density Ratio and use more accurate plasma parameters. However, the time coverage in the new OMNI data was decreased by 2-10% - see the data description at our FTP site at https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/omni/high_res_omni/modified/. For detail comparison 1-min. SWE definitive and cross-normalized SWE_KP data sets see https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftpbrowser/wind_pla_def_kp_norm.html. 2. To keep the number of words and the records length the same as in the old OMNI high resolution data set we replaced the PCN-index (word #45 ) in the records with the new Alpha/Proton Density Ratio parameter. 3. The latest date for these new data usually behind of the OMNI based on SWE_KP data. 2024 Sept: Added BIN_LOCATION attributes
The following spacecraft ID's are used: ACE 71, Geotail 60, IMP 8 50, Wind 51
The following spacecraft ID's are used: ACE 71, Geotail 60, IMP 8 50, Wind 51
The percent (0-100) of the points contributing to the 1-min magnetic field averages whose phase front normal (PFN) was interpolated because neither the MVAB-0 nor Cross Product shift techniques yielded a PFN that satisfied its respective tests.
Note that standard deviations for the two vectors are given as the square roots of the sum of squares of the standard deviations in the component averages. The component averages are given in the records but not their individual standard deviations. There are no phase front normal standard deviations in the 5-min records. This word has fill (99.99) for such records.
Note that standard deviations for the two vectors are given as the square roots of the sum of squares of the standard deviations in the component averages. The component averages are given in the records but not their individual standard deviations.
The new parameter Na/Np Ratio is included using Wind SWE definitive data.
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Flow pressure = (2*10**-6)*Np*Vp**2 nPa (Np in cm**-3, Vp in km/s, subscript p for proton)
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Electric field = -V(km/s) * Bz (nT; GSM) * 10**-3
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Plasma beta = [(T*4.16/10**5) + 5.34] * Np / B**2 (B in nT)
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Alfven Mach number = (V * Np**0.5) / 20 * B
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Magnetosonic Mach number = V/Magnetosonic_speedMagnetosonic speed = [(sound speed)**2 + (Alfv speed)**2]**0.5The Alfven speed = 20. * B / N**0.5The sound speed = 0.12 * [T + 1.28*10**5]**0.5
5minute averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data Additional information for all parameters are available from OMNI Data Documentation: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/HROdocum.html Additional data access options available at SPDF's OMNIWeb Service: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ow_min.html Recent omni high resolution updates Release Notes: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/hro_news.html Time stamps are for the beginning of each data averaging time bin.
created September 2019; conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000 Near-Earth Heliosphere Data (OMNI) 5minute averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data. Additional information for all parameters are available from OMNI Data Documentation: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/HROdocum.html New data may be accesible at SPDFs OMNIWeb Service: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ow_min.html Created September 2019; conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000 Time tags in CDAWeb version were modified in March 2005 to use the CDAWeb convention of having mid-average time tags rather than OMNI original convention of start-of-average time tags. The Modified (Level-3) High Resolution OMNI data files are made in the same format as the omni files based on SWE_KP data. There are a few differences between old and new high res. OMNI 1. In the new, modified Level-3 OMNI data files we used the Wind/SWE plasma definitive data rather than the Wind/SWE plasma KP-despiked data. Using the definitive data give us possibility to include the Alpha/Proton Density Ratio and use more accurate plasma parameters. However, the time coverage in the new OMNI data was decreased by 2-10% - see the data description at our FTP site at https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/omni/high_res_omni/modified/. For detail comparison 1-min. SWE definitive and cross-normalized SWE_KP data sets see https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftpbrowser/wind_pla_def_kp_norm.html. 2. To keep the number of words and the records length the same as in the old OMNI high resolution data set we replaced the PCN-index (word #45 ) in the records with the new Alpha/Proton Density Ratio parameter. 3. The latest date for these new data usually behind of the OMNI based on SWE_KP data. 2024 Sept: Added BIN_LOCATION attributes
The following spacecraft ID's are used: ACE 71, Geotail 60, IMP 8 50, Wind 51
The following spacecraft ID's are used: ACE 71, Geotail 60, IMP 8 50, Wind 51
The percent (0-100) of the points contributing to the 1-min magnetic field averages whose phase front normal (PFN) was interpolated because neither the MVAB-0 nor Cross Product shift techniques yielded a PFN that satisfied its respective tests.
Note that standard deviations for the two vectors are given as the square roots of the sum of squares of the standard deviations in the component averages. The component averages are given in the records but not their individual standard deviations.
The new parameter Na/Np Ratio is included using Wind SWE definitive data.
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Flow pressure = (2*10**-6)*Np*Vp**2 nPa (Np in cm**-3, Vp in km/s, subscript p for proton)
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Electric field = -V(km/s) * Bz (nT; GSM) * 10**-3
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Plasma beta = [(T*4.16/10**5) + 5.34] * Np / B**2 (B in nT)
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Alfven Mach number = (V * Np**0.5) / 20 * B
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Magnetosonic Mach number = V/Magnetosonic_speedMagnetosonic speed = [(sound speed)**2 + (Alfv speed)**2]**0.5The Alfven speed = 20. * B / N**0.5The sound speed = 0.12 * [T + 1.28*10**5]**0.5
1minute averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data Additional information for all parameters are available from OMNI Data Documentation: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/HROdocum.html Additional data access options available at SPDF's OMNIWeb Service: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ow_min.html Recent omni high resolution updates Release Notes: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/hro_news.html Time stamps are for the beginning of each data averaging time bin.
created November 2006; conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000 2024 Sept: Added BIN_LOCATION attributes
The following spacecraft ID's are used: ACE 71, Geotail 60, IMP 8 50, Wind 51
The following spacecraft ID's are used: ACE 71, Geotail 60, IMP 8 50, Wind 51
The percent (0-100) of the points contributing to the 1-min magnetic field averages whose phase front normal (PFN) was interpolated because neither the MVAB-0 nor Cross Product shift techniques yielded a PFN that satisfied its respective tests.
Note that standard deviations for the two vectors are given as the square roots of the sum of squares of the standard deviations in the component averages. The component averages are given in the records but not their individual standard deviations. There are no phase front normal standard deviations in the 5-min records. This word has fill (99.99) for such records.
Note that standard deviations for the two vectors are given as the square roots of the sum of squares of the standard deviations in the component averages. The component averages are given in the records but not their individual standard deviations.
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Flow pressure = (2*10**-6)*Np*Vp**2 nPa (Np in cm**-3, Vp in km/s, subscript p for proton)
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Electric field = -V(km/s) * Bz (nT; GSM) * 10**-3
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Plasma beta = [(T*4.16/10**5) + 5.34] * Np / B**2 (B in nT)
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Alfven Mach number = (V * Np**0.5) / 20 * B
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Magnetosonic Mach number = V/Magnetosonic_speedMagnetosonic speed = [(sound speed)**2 + (Alfv speed)**2]**0.5The Alfven speed = 20. * B / N**0.5The sound speed = 0.12 * [T + 1.28*10**5]**0.5
5minute averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data Additional information for all parameters are available from OMNI Data Documentation: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/HROdocum.html Additional data access options available at SPDF's OMNIWeb Service: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ow_min.html Recent omni high resolution updates Release Notes: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/hro_news.html Time stamps are for the beginning of each data averaging time bin.
created November 2006; conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000 2024 Sept: Added BIN_LOCATION attributes
The following spacecraft ID's are used: ACE 71, Geotail 60, IMP 8 50, Wind 51
The following spacecraft ID's are used: ACE 71, Geotail 60, IMP 8 50, Wind 51
The percent (0-100) of the points contributing to the 1-min magnetic field averages whose phase front normal (PFN) was interpolated because neither the MVAB-0 nor Cross Product shift techniques yielded a PFN that satisfied its respective tests.
Note that standard deviations for the two vectors are given as the square roots of the sum of squares of the standard deviations in the component averages. The component averages are given in the records but not their individual standard deviations.
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Flow pressure = (2*10**-6)*Np*Vp**2 nPa (Np in cm**-3, Vp in km/s, subscript p for proton)
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Electric field = -V(km/s) * Bz (nT; GSM) * 10**-3
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Plasma beta = [(T*4.16/10**5) + 5.34] * Np / B**2 (B in nT)
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Alfven Mach number = (V * Np**0.5) / 20 * B
Derived parameters are obtained from the following equations. Magnetosonic Mach number = V/Magnetosonic_speedMagnetosonic speed = [(sound speed)**2 + (Alfv speed)**2]**0.5The Alfven speed = 20. * B / N**0.5The sound speed = 0.12 * [T + 1.28*10**5]**0.5