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CDAWeb Served Heliophysics Datasets Beginning with 'N'

NEPTUNE_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
NEW_HORIZONS_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
NEW_HORIZONS_SWAP_PICKUP-IONS: Data from New Horizons SWAP instrument - David J. McComas (Princeton)
NEW_HORIZONS_SWAP_PICKUP-IONS-HISTOGRAM: Data from New Horizons SWAP instrument - David J. McComas (Princeton)
NEW_HORIZONS_SWAP_VALIDSUM: Data from New Horizons SWAP instrument - David J. McComas (Princeton)
NOAA05_MEPED1MIN_SEM: 1 minute re-processed particle count rates, fluxes, and model fields, SEM MEPED, NOAA-05/TIROS-N/POES 5-14 Data Archive - Shing F. Fung (SPDF, GSFC/NASA)
NOAA06_MEPED1MIN_SEM: 1 minute re-processed particle count rates, fluxes, and model fields, SEM MEPED, NOAA-05/TIROS-N/POES 5-14 Data Archive - Shing F. Fung (SPDF, GSFC/NASA)
NOAA07_MEPED1MIN_SEM: 1 minute re-processed particle count rates, fluxes, and model fields, SEM MEPED, NOAA-05/TIROS-N/POES 5-14 Data Archive - Shing F. Fung (SPDF, GSFC/NASA)
NOAA08_MEPED1MIN_SEM: 1 minute re-processed particle count rates, fluxes, and model fields, SEM MEPED, NOAA-05/TIROS-N/POES 5-14 Data Archive - Shing F. Fung (SPDF, GSFC/NASA)
NOAA10_MEPED1MIN_SEM: 1 minute re-processed particle count rates, fluxes, and model fields, SEM MEPED, NOAA-05/TIROS-N/POES 5-14 Data Archive - Shing F. Fung (SPDF, GSFC/NASA)
NOAA12_MEPED1MIN_SEM: 1 minute re-processed particle count rates, fluxes, and model fields, SEM MEPED, NOAA-05/TIROS-N/POES 5-14 Data Archive - Shing F. Fung (SPDF, GSFC/NASA)
NOAA14_MEPED1MIN_SEM: 1 minute re-processed particle count rates, fluxes, and model fields, SEM MEPED, NOAA-05/TIROS-N/POES 5-14 Data Archive - Shing F. Fung (SPDF, GSFC/NASA)
NOAA15_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC: NOAA15 POES-SEM2 2-second Particle Precipitation Data [Important: these data have known contamination problems: please consult Rob Redmon ( for usage recommendations.] - NGDC and SWPC (NOAA)
NOAA16_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC: NOAA16 POES-SEM2 2-second Particle Precipitation Data [Important: these data have known contamination problems: please consult Rob Redmon ( for usage recommendations.] - NGDC and SWPC (NOAA)
NOAA18_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC: NOAA18 POES-SEM2 2-second Particle Precipitation Data [Important: these data have known contamination problems: please consult Rob Redmon ( for usage recommendations.] - NGDC and SWPC (NOAA)
NOAA19_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC: NOAA19 POES-SEM2 2-second Particle Precipitation Data [Important: these data have known contamination problems: please consult Rob Redmon ( for usage recommendations.] - NGDC and SWPC (NOAA)

NEPTUNE_HELIO1DAY_POSITION (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Planet/Neptune/HelioWeb/Ephemeris/P1D)
No TEXT global attribute value.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NEW_HORIZONS_HELIO1DAY_POSITION doi:10.48322/hfg9-qk78
No TEXT global attribute value.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NEW_HORIZONS_SWAP_PICKUP-IONS doi:10.48322/d4g8-sm25
Data from New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto instrument.
Elliott, H. A., D. J. McComas, P. Valek, G. Nicolaou, S. Weidner, and G.
Livadiotis (2016), ApJS, 223(2), 1-21, doi:10.3847/0067-0049/223/2/19.
McComas, D. et al. (2008), The Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Instrument Aboard
New Horizons, Space Sci Rev, 140(1), 261-313, doi:10.1007/s11214-007-9205-3.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Data from New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto instrument.
Elliott, H. A., D. J. McComas, P. Valek, G. Nicolaou, S. Weidner, and G.
Livadiotis (2016), ApJS, 223(2), 1-21, doi:10.3847/0067-0049/223/2/19.
McComas, D. et al. (2008), The Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Instrument Aboard
New Horizons, Space Sci Rev, 140(1), 261-313, doi:10.1007/s11214-007-9205-3.
THe histogram data set is before the culling described in McComas
et al. (2017), for times when the solar wind speed varied over the ~24 hour
period by >1% (~13% of the samples) or when the PUI fitting routine
experienced a failing (see McComas et al. 2017 for more details).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NEW_HORIZONS_SWAP_VALIDSUM doi:10.48322/tktq-xn78
Data from New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto instrument.
Elliott, H. A., D. J. McComas, P. Valek, G. Nicolaou, S. Weidner, and G.
Livadiotis (2016), ApJS, 223(2), 1-21, doi:10.3847/0067-0049/223/2/19.
McComas, D. et al. (2008), The Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Instrument Aboard
New Horizons, Space Sci Rev, 140(1), 261-313, doi:10.1007/s11214-007-9205-3.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA05_MEPED1MIN_SEM (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/5/SPM/MEPED/KeyParameter/PT1M)
TIROS/NOAA SEM MEPED Data Archive         
This is the re-processed version of the 
MEPED (Medium Energy Proton Electron Detector) 
data archive from the TIROS/NOAA spacecraft. 
The raw data from the NOAA archive have been 
processed to 1 minute resolution; magnetic 
field parameters (GSM Bx, By, Bz, B/Bmin, and L) 
are derived in 4 magnetic field models: IGRF, 
Tsyganenko 89 (T89), Tsyganenko 96 (T96), 
Tsyganenko 01 (T01); T89, T96, and T01 magnetic 
field models are driven with solar wind parameters 
and geomagnetic indices obtained from OMNI-2 data 
detector counts, omni and perpendicularelectron and 
proton flux are archived. Details of the processing 
can be found from . 
Processing was done by:                  
Shing F. Fung, Lun C. Tan, Xi Shao                
Space Physics Data Facility                 
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA                 
Greenbelt, MD 20771                
Modification History
Created Sept. 2005
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA06_MEPED1MIN_SEM (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/6/SEM/MEPED/KeyParameter/PT1M)
TIROS/NOAA SEM MEPED Data Archive         
This is the re-processed version of the 
MEPED (Medium Energy Proton Electron Detector) 
data archive from the TIROS/NOAA spacecraft. 
The raw data from the NOAA archive have been 
processed to 1 minute resolution; magnetic 
field parameters (GSM Bx, By, Bz, B/Bmin, and L) 
are derived in 4 magnetic field models: IGRF, 
Tsyganenko 89 (T89), Tsyganenko 96 (T96), 
Tsyganenko 01 (T01); T89, T96, and T01 magnetic 
field models are driven with solar wind parameters 
and geomagnetic indices obtained from OMNI-2 data 
detector counts, omni and perpendicularelectron and 
proton flux are archived. Details of the processing 
can be found from . 
Processing was done by:                  
Shing F. Fung, Lun C. Tan, Xi Shao                
Space Physics Data Facility                 
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA                 
Greenbelt, MD 20771                
Modification History
Created Sept. 2005
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA07_MEPED1MIN_SEM (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/7/SEM/MEPED/KeyParameter/PT1M)
TIROS/NOAA SEM MEPED Data Archive         
This is the re-processed version of the 
MEPED (Medium Energy Proton Electron Detector) 
data archive from the TIROS/NOAA spacecraft. 
The raw data from the NOAA archive have been 
processed to 1 minute resolution; magnetic 
field parameters (GSM Bx, By, Bz, B/Bmin, and L) 
are derived in 4 magnetic field models: IGRF, 
Tsyganenko 89 (T89), Tsyganenko 96 (T96), 
Tsyganenko 01 (T01); T89, T96, and T01 magnetic 
field models are driven with solar wind parameters 
and geomagnetic indices obtained from OMNI-2 data 
detector counts, omni and perpendicularelectron and 
proton flux are archived. Details of the processing 
can be found from . 
Processing was done by:                  
Shing F. Fung, Lun C. Tan, Xi Shao                
Space Physics Data Facility                 
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA                 
Greenbelt, MD 20771                
Modification History
Created Sept. 2005
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA08_MEPED1MIN_SEM (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/8/SEM/MEPED/KeyParameter/PT1M)
TIROS/NOAA SEM MEPED Data Archive         
This is the re-processed version of the 
MEPED (Medium Energy Proton Electron Detector) 
data archive from the TIROS/NOAA spacecraft. 
The raw data from the NOAA archive have been 
processed to 1 minute resolution; magnetic 
field parameters (GSM Bx, By, Bz, B/Bmin, and L) 
are derived in 4 magnetic field models: IGRF, 
Tsyganenko 89 (T89), Tsyganenko 96 (T96), 
Tsyganenko 01 (T01); T89, T96, and T01 magnetic 
field models are driven with solar wind parameters 
and geomagnetic indices obtained from OMNI-2 data 
detector counts, omni and perpendicularelectron and 
proton flux are archived. Details of the processing 
can be found from . 
Processing was done by:                  
Shing F. Fung, Lun C. Tan, Xi Shao                
Space Physics Data Facility                 
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA                 
Greenbelt, MD 20771                
Modification History
Created Sept. 2005
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA10_MEPED1MIN_SEM (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/10/SEM/MEPED/KeyParameter/PT1M)
TIROS/NOAA SEM MEPED Data Archive         
This is the re-processed version of the 
MEPED (Medium Energy Proton Electron Detector) 
data archive from the TIROS/NOAA spacecraft. 
The raw data from the NOAA archive have been 
processed to 1 minute resolution; magnetic 
field parameters (GSM Bx, By, Bz, B/Bmin, and L) 
are derived in 4 magnetic field models: IGRF, 
Tsyganenko 89 (T89), Tsyganenko 96 (T96), 
Tsyganenko 01 (T01); T89, T96, and T01 magnetic 
field models are driven with solar wind parameters 
and geomagnetic indices obtained from OMNI-2 data 
detector counts, omni and perpendicularelectron and 
proton flux are archived. Details of the processing 
can be found from . 
Processing was done by:                  
Shing F. Fung, Lun C. Tan, Xi Shao                
Space Physics Data Facility                 
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA                 
Greenbelt, MD 20771                
Modification History
Created Sept. 2005
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA12_MEPED1MIN_SEM (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/12/SEM/MEPED/KeyParameter/PT1M)
TIROS/NOAA SEM MEPED Data Archive         
This is the re-processed version of the 
MEPED (Medium Energy Proton Electron Detector) 
data archive from the TIROS/NOAA spacecraft. 
The raw data from the NOAA archive have been 
processed to 1 minute resolution; magnetic 
field parameters (GSM Bx, By, Bz, B/Bmin, and L) 
are derived in 4 magnetic field models: IGRF, 
Tsyganenko 89 (T89), Tsyganenko 96 (T96), 
Tsyganenko 01 (T01); T89, T96, and T01 magnetic 
field models are driven with solar wind parameters 
and geomagnetic indices obtained from OMNI-2 data 
detector counts, omni and perpendicularelectron and 
proton flux are archived. Details of the processing 
can be found from . 
Processing was done by:                  
Shing F. Fung, Lun C. Tan, Xi Shao                
Space Physics Data Facility                 
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA                 
Greenbelt, MD 20771                
Modification History
Created Sept. 2005
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA14_MEPED1MIN_SEM (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/14/SEM/MEPED/KeyParameter/PT1M)
TIROS/NOAA SEM MEPED Data Archive         
This is the re-processed version of the 
MEPED (Medium Energy Proton Electron Detector) 
data archive from the TIROS/NOAA spacecraft. 
The raw data from the NOAA archive have been 
processed to 1 minute resolution; magnetic 
field parameters (GSM Bx, By, Bz, B/Bmin, and L) 
are derived in 4 magnetic field models: IGRF, 
Tsyganenko 89 (T89), Tsyganenko 96 (T96), 
Tsyganenko 01 (T01); T89, T96, and T01 magnetic 
field models are driven with solar wind parameters 
and geomagnetic indices obtained from OMNI-2 data 
detector counts, omni and perpendicularelectron and 
proton flux are archived. Details of the processing 
can be found from . 
Processing was done by:                  
Shing F. Fung, Lun C. Tan, Xi Shao                
Space Physics Data Facility                 
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA                 
Greenbelt, MD 20771                
Modification History
Created Sept. 2005
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA15_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/15/SEM-2/CDF/PT2S)
POES N19 data: POES/MetOp: Particle Precipitation Data (These data have known
contamination problems. Please consult provider for usage
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA16_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/16/SEM-2/CDF/PT2S)
POES N19 data: POES/MetOp: Particle Precipitation Data (These data have known
contamination problems. Please consult provider for usage
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA18_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/18/SEM-2/CDF/PT2S)
POES N19 data: POES/MetOp: Particle Precipitation Data (These data have known
contamination problems. Please consult provider for usage
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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NOAA19_POES-SEM2_FLUXES-2SEC (spase://NOAA/NumericalData/POES/19/SEM-2/CDF/PT2S)
POES N19 data: POES/MetOp: Particle Precipitation Data (These data have known
contamination problems. Please consult provider for usage
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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