No TEXT global attribute value.
No TEXT global attribute value.
No TEXT global attribute value.
No TEXT global attribute value.
The Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission is designed to study the characteristics and environment of Mercury from orbit. Specifically, the scientific objectives of the mission are to characterize the chemical composition of Mercury's surface, the geologic history, the nature of the magnetic field, the size and state of the core, the volatile inventory at the poles, and the nature of Mercurys exosphere and magnetosphere over a nominal orbital mission of one Earth year MESSENGER launched on 3 August 2004 at 6:15:56 UT (2:15:56 a.m. EDT) on a Delta 7925H (a Delta II Heavy launch vehicle with nine strap-on solid-rocket boosters). The spacecraft was injected into solar orbit 57 minutes later. The solar panels were then deployed and the spacecraft began sending data on its status. One year after launch, on 2 August 2005, MESSENGER flew by Earth at an altitude of 2347 km. On 12 December 2005 at 11:30 UT, MESSENGER fired its large thruster for 524 seconds, changing the spacecraft velocity by 316 m/s and putting it on course for its 24 October 2006 Venus flyby at an altitude of 2990 km. The second Venus flyby took place on 5 June 2007 at 23:08 UT (7:08 p.m. EDT) at an altitude of approximately 337 km. The first of three Mercury flybys, all at roughly 200 km altitude, occurred on 14 January 2008 at 19:04:39 UT, and the second on 6 October 2008 at 08:40:22 UT. The third will be on 29 September 2009. There are also five deep space manuevers. Data collected during the Mercury flybys will be used to help plan the scientific campaign during the orbital phase. Mercury orbit insertion will take place on 18 March 2011, requiring a delta-V of 0.867 km/s. The nominal orbit is planned to have a periapsis of 200 km at 60 degrees N latitude, an apoapsis of 15,193 km, a period of 12 hours and an inclination of 80 degrees. The periapsis will slowly rise due to solar perturbations to over 400 km at the end of 88 days (one Mercury year) at which point it will be readjusted to a 200 km, 12 hour orbit via a two burn sequence. Data will be collected from orbit for one Earth year, the nominal end of the primary mission will be in March 2012. Global stereo image coverage at 250 m/pixel resolution is expected. The mission should also yield global composition maps, a 3-D model of Mercury's magnetosphere, topographic profiles of the northern hemisphere, gravity field to degree and order 16, altitude profiles of elemental species, and a characterization of the volatiles in permanently shadowed craters at the poles. The MESSENGER spacecraft is a squat box (1.27 m x 1.42 m x 1.85 m) with a semi-cylindrical thermal shade (roughly 2.5 meters tall and 2 meters wide) for protection from the Sun and two solar panel wings extending radially about 6 meters from tip to tip. A 3.6 m magnetometer boom also extends from the craft. The total mass of the spacecraft is 1093 kg, 607.8 kg of this is propellant and helium. The structure is primarily graphite-cyanate-ester (GrCE) composite and consists of two vertical panels which support two large fuel tanks and two vertical panels which support the oxidizer tank and plumbing panel. The four vertical panels make up the center column and are bolted at their aft ends to an aluminum adapter. A single top deck panel mounts the LVA (large velocity adjust) thruster, small thrusters, helium and auxiliary fuel tanks, star trackers and battery. Main propulsion is via the 645-N, 317-s bipropellant LVA thruster, four 22-N monopropellant thrusters provide spacecraft steering during main thruster burns, and ten 4-N monopropellant thrusters are used for attitude control. There is also a reaction-wheel attitude control system. Knowledge for attitude control is provided by star tracking cameras, an inertial measurement unit, and six solar sensors. Power is provided by the solar panels, which extend beyond the sunshade and are rotatable to balance panel temperature and power generation, which provides a nominal 450 W in Mercury orbit. The panels are 70% optical solar reflectors and 30% GaAs/Ge cells. The power is stored in a common-pressure-vessel nickel-hydrogen battery, with 11 vessels and 2 cells per vessel. Communications are in X-band with downlink through two fixed phased-array antenna clusters and uplink and downlink through medium- and low-gain antennas on the forward and aft sides of the spacecraft. Passive thermal control, primarily a fixed opaque ceramic cloth sunshade, is utilized to maintain operating temperatures near the Sun. Radiators are built into the structure and the orbit is optimized to minimize infrared and visible light heating of the spacecraft from the surface of Mercury. Multilayer insulation, low conductivity couplings, and heaters are also used to maintain temperatures within operating limits. Five science instruments are mounted externally on the bottom deck of the main body: the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS), Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (GRNS), X-ray Spectrometer (XRS), Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA), and Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer (MASCS). The Energetic Particle and Plasma Spectrometer (EPPS) is mounted on the side and top deck and the magnetometer (MAG) is at the end of the 3.6 m boom. Radio Science (RS) experiments will use the existing communications system. The Messenger MAG instrument is a miniature three-axis ring-core fluxgate magnetometer with low-noise electronics. It is mounted on a 3.6 m boom in the anti-sunward direction. The MAG has .. 1530 and ..51300 nT ranges with 20-bit internal resolution and 17-bit output resolution. The MAG probe samples magnetic field values along the X, Y, and Z axes at a rate of up to 20 samples/second (commandable and can vary). This dataset has 3-axis calibrated samples of the magnetic field in heliospheric RTN coordinates in units of nano-Tesla, Br, Bt, Bn. The spacecraft position is identified by radial distance from the Sun, latitude above the ecliptic plane, and azimuth with respect to the Earth-Sun line in the ecliptic plane. Anderson, B. J., M. H. Acuna, D. A. Lohr , J. Scheifele, A. Raval, H. Korth, and J. A. Slavin, \'The Magnetometer instrument on MESSENGER\', Space Science Reviews, 2007.[ANDREWSETAL2007]
Azimuthal angle of MESSENGER spacecraft in the instantaneous ecliptic plane with respect to the Earth-Sun line in units of degrees, positive in direction of the Earth's orbital motion with Z in J2000 coordinates
Azimuthal angle of MESSENGER spacecraft in the instantaneous ecliptic plane with respect to the Earth-Sun line in units of degrees, positive in direction of the Earth's orbital motion with Z in J2000 coordinates
Computed on the fly to determine the time res. between points
POES N19 data: POES/MetOp: Particle Precipitation Data (These data have known contamination problems. Please consult provider rob.redmon@noaa.gov for usage recommendations.)
POES N19 data: POES/MetOp: Particle Precipitation Data (These data have known contamination problems. Please consult provider rob.redmon@noaa.gov for usage recommendations.)
POES N19 data: POES/MetOp: Particle Precipitation Data (These data have known contamination problems. Please consult provider rob.redmon@noaa.gov for usage recommendations.)
The Mars Global Surveyor magnetic field instrument consists of dual, triaxial fluxgate magnetometers, capable of measuring fields between +/- 4 nT and +/- 65536 nT. Automated range switching allows the instrument to maintain maximum digital resolution over a wide range of field strengths. The text of this instrument description has been abstracted from the instrument paper: Acuna, M. A., J. E. P. Connerney, P. Wasilewski, R. P. Lin, K. A. Anderson, C. W. Carlson, J. McFadden, D. W. Curtis, H. Reme, A. Cros, J. L. Medale, J. A. Sauvaud, C. d'Uston, S. J. Bauer, P. Cloutier, M. Mayhew, and N. F. Ness, Mars Observer Magnetic Fields Investigation, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 7799-7814, 1992.
High Resolution. Interpolated from low resolution (which uses the radius of Mars = 3389.5 km)
sun-state, ss, or MSO
High resolution in sun-state or MSO coordinates. Outboard.
High resolution in sun-state or MSO coordinates. Outboard.
High resolution in sun-state or MSO coordinates. Outboard.
High resolution in payload coordinates.
High resolution in payload coordinates. Outboard.
High resolution in payload coordinates. Outboard.
High resolution in payload coordinates. Outboard.
Magnitude calculated via the square root of the sum of the squares.
The Mars Global Surveyor magnetic field instrument consists of dual, triaxial fluxgate magnetometers, capable of measuring fields between +/- 4 nT and +/- 65536 nT. Automated range switching allows the instrument to maintain maximum digital resolution over a wide range of field strengths. The text of this instrument description has been abstracted from the instrument paper: Acuna, M. A., J. E. P. Connerney, P. Wasilewski, R. P. Lin, K. A. Anderson, C. W. Carlson, J. McFadden, D. W. Curtis, H. Reme, A. Cros, J. L. Medale, J. A. Sauvaud, C. d'Uston, S. J. Bauer, P. Cloutier, M. Mayhew, and N. F. Ness, Mars Observer Magnetic Fields Investigation, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 7799-7814, 1992.
Low Resolution. Calculated as the radius of Mars (= 3389.5 km) subtracted from the spacecraft position.
Low resolution
Gain range of the instrument at the time of the sample. Sample quantization is gain range dependent. A negative value indicate a detail word (versus fullword) entry.
Dynamic spacecraft field in payload coordinates (this has been removed from the measured field to compensate for spacecraft field); see sc_mod.ker at https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/search/view/?f=yes&id=pds://PPI/MGS-M-MAG-3-MAP1_F ULLWORD-RES-MAG-V1.0/GEOMETRY and https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/search/view/?f=yes&id=pds://PPI/MGS-M-MAG-3-PREMAP _FULLWORD-RES-MAG-V1.0/GEOMETRY Low resolution.
Dynamic spacecraft field in payload coordinates (this has been removed from the measured field to compensate for spacecraft field); see sc_mod.ker at https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/search/view/?f=yes&id=pds://PPI/MGS-M-MAG-3-MAP1_F ULLWORD-RES-MAG-V1.0/GEOMETRY and https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/search/view/?f=yes&id=pds://PPI/MGS-M-MAG-3-PREMAP _FULLWORD-RES-MAG-V1.0/GEOMETRY Low resolution.
Dynamic spacecraft field in payload coordinates (this has been removed from the measured field to compensate for spacecraft field); see sc_mod.ker at https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/search/view/?f=yes&id=pds://PPI/MGS-M-MAG-3-MAP1_F ULLWORD-RES-MAG-V1.0/GEOMETRY and https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/search/view/?f=yes&id=pds://PPI/MGS-M-MAG-3-PREMAP _FULLWORD-RES-MAG-V1.0/GEOMETRY Low resolution.
Static spacecraft fields are due to permanent magnetization, for example, magnets or magnetized objects.
Static spacecraft field in payload X coordinates (this has been removed from the measured field to compensate for spacecraft fields); see sc_mod.ker at https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/search/view/?f=yes&id=pds://PPI/MGS-M-MAG-3-MAP1_F ULLWORD-RES-MAG-V1.0/GEOMETRY and https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu/search/view/?f=yes&id=pds://PPI/MGS-M-MAG-3-PREMAP _FULLWORD-RES-MAG-V1.0/GEOMETRY Low resolution.
Planetocentric, low resolution.
Sun-state, ss, or MSO. Low resolution.
Low resolution in planetocentric coordinates. Outboard.
Low resolution in planetocentric coordinates. Outboard.
Low resolution in sun-state or MSO coordinates. Outboard.
Low resolution in planetocentric coordinates. Outboard.
Low resolution in sun-state or MSO coordinates. Outboard.
Low resolution, planetocentric.
Low resolution, sun-state/ss/MSO
Root mean square of the outboard delta words (there are 23 delta words between fullwords, sampled at either 32, 16, or 8 per second depending on date rate allocation. Planetocentric, low resolution.
Low resolution, sun-state/ss/MSO
Low resolution, planetocentric.
Low resolution, sun-state/ss/MSO
Solar array (-Y panel) current from sc engineering data base. A fill value of '-99' is used when the solar array currents are negative.'-999' is used as a fill value when the data is not available for the time.
Solar array output current (total) from sc engineering data base. A fill value of '-99' is used when the solar array currents are negative.'-999' is used as a fill value when the data is not available for the time.
Solar array (+Y panel) current from sc engineering data base. A fill value of '-99' is used when the solar array currents are negative. '-999' is used as a fill value when the data is not available for the time.
Low resolution in planeocentric coordinates.
Low resolution in sun-state or MSO coordinates.
Low resolution in planetocentric coordinates.
Low resolution in sun-state or MSO coordinates.
Low resolution in planetocentric coordinates.
Low resolution in sun-state or MSO coordinates.
Magnitude calculated via the square root of the sum of the squares. Low resolution data.
K. Torkar et al, Active Spacecraft Potential Control Investigation Space Science Reviews, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-014-0049-3 Further information: - http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at/en/research/near-earth-space/mms/ - http://mms.space.swri.edu/
150224 Initial version 150831 Minor updates and fixes 160205 CDF file format guide compliant
BPSD is the low frequency B spectral density covering the frequency range of .2 to 6000 Hz.
EPSD combines the low frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range of 1 to 8000 Hz and the medium frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range of .25 to 100 kHz.
search coil magnetometer spectral density
electric spectral density
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - Original version. v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state. v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux. v1.2.0 - Added flux error. v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas. v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values. v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode. v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode. v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata. v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v1.0.0 - Original version. v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments. v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error. v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average. v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type. v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion. v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations. v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation. v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - First version. v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables. v0.0.2 - Energy written properly. v1.0.0 - Update variable names. v1.1.0 - Added optics state. v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories. v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas. v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES. v3.1.0 - Fixed optics datatype. v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable. v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Q0 data consists of raw electron counts. The error at any one time is the square-root of the counts. Note that there may be contamination from the EDI electron beams. See the data products guide or contact an EDI team member to learn about beam contamination.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - Original version. v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state. v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux. v1.2.0 - Added flux error. v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas. v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values. v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode. v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode. v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata. v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Correct time deltas. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v1.0.0 - Original version. v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments. v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error. v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average. v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type. v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion. v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations. v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation. v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - First version. v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables. v0.0.2 - Energy written properly. v1.0.0 - Update variable names. v1.1.0 - Added optics state. v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories. v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas. v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES. v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable. v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Q0 data consists of raw electron counts. The error at any one time is the square-root of the counts. Note that there may be contamination from the EDI electron beams. See the data products guide or contact an EDI team member to learn about beam contamination.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
AC Electric Field
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Generated at LASP
Generated at LASP
Generated at LASP
Generated at LASP
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis. Prior to launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University, Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were calibrated at UCLA. Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit, with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI), and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired. A detailed description of the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-014-0057-3 (DOI 10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at http://www-spc.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/mms (UCLA),and http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at (IWF, Graz). For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG. Because AFG and DFG are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data. Consequently, any differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
version X=5: * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. * Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf: fixes bug when reading position data. * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a gaussian filter, instead of using a single average value for the day. This short-term filter avoids introduding artificial jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after maneuvers in the GSE result. * Fixes error with DEFATT file selection found when choosing the daily DEFATT files to be used in Phase 2. * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high range gain. Now uses measured Etemp. version X=4: First version for public release of L2. Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable name guidelines (obs_instr_paramName[_coordSys]_mode_level): Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName. Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName. Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'. Added 'rdeltahalf'. l1a_mode is now just 'mode'. version X=3: fixed removal of overlap between modes. fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be empty. version X=2: flag parameter name corrected: was 'status' added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters. rate, hirange, and stemp parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g. FILLVAL now defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan No longer use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead In this version, temperature-corrected gains are applied. Reference temperatures are used when stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data. version X=1: added 'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
bit definitions: . 0: TBD, 1: TBD, 2: user flagged, 3: TBD, . 4: B1 saturated, 5: B2 saturated, 6: B3 saturated, 7: range-change glitch, . 8-31: TBD
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis. Prior to launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University, Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were calibrated at UCLA. Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit, with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI), and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired. A detailed description of the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-014-0057-3 (DOI 10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at http://www-spc.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/mms (UCLA),and http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at (IWF, Graz). For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG. Because AFG and DFG are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data. Consequently, any differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
version X=5: * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. * Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf: fixes bug when reading position data. * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a gaussian filter, instead of using a single average value for the day. This short-term filter avoids introduding artificial jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after maneuvers in the GSE result. * Fixes error with DEFATT file selection found when choosing the daily DEFATT files to be used in Phase 2. * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high range gain. Now uses measured Etemp. version X=4: First version for public release of L2. Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable name guidelines (obs_instr_paramName[_coordSys]_mode_level): Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName. Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName. Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'. Added 'rdeltahalf'. l1a_mode is now just 'mode'. version X=3: fixed removal of overlap between modes. fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be empty. version X=2: flag parameter name corrected: was 'status' added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters. rate, hirange, and stemp parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g. FILLVAL now defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan No longer use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead In this version, temperature-corrected gains are applied. Reference temperatures are used when stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data. version X=1: added 'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
bit definitions: . 0: TBD, 1: TBD, 2: user flagged, 3: TBD, . 4: B1 saturated, 5: B2 saturated, 6: B3 saturated, 7: range-change glitch, . 8-31: TBD
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution; these form a separate product from this. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. Offsets reflect 128 steps over the 30 msec sweep period. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DES alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
see FPI docs for details
Energies (parity 0/1) in the 64-step FPI energy table
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DES alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
low energy bin: 0 eV - 200 eV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
mid energy bin: 200 eV - 2 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
high energy bin: 2 keV - 30 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees parallel bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees antiparallel to bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 60 degrees perpendicular to bentPipe magnetic field.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only)
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this burst
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution; these form a separate product from this. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DIS alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. Offsets reflect 128 steps over the 150 msec sweep period. See FPI docs for details.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
see FPI docs for details
Energies (parity 0/1) in the 64-step FPI energy table
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DIS alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Background differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look) background level.
Background number density derived via integration of the estimated background differential energy flux.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this burst
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution in this mode. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s period. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
low energy bin: 0 eV - 200 eV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
mid energy bin: 200 eV - 2 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
high energy bin: 2 keV - 30 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees parallel bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees antiparallel to bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 60 degrees perpendicular to bentPipe magnetic field.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only)
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this survey
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution in this mode. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s period. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation, Bit-14 = high MMS3 spintone due to DIS008 anomaly
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with the sun-sensor axis.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with the sun-sensor axis.
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +x axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 135deg <= phi < 225deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -x axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and phi >= 315deg or phi < 45deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +y axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 225deg <= phi < 315deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -y axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 45deg <= phi < 135deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +z axis (instrument look angles: 135deg <= theta < 180deg and 0deg <= phi < 360deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -z axis (instrument look angles: 0deg <= theta < 45deg and 0deg <= phi < 360deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look).
Background differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look).
Background number density derived via integration of the estimated background differential energy flux.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this survey
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Pre-generated MMS Quicklook Summary Plots File location: https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/mms/ql_plots/al1_mms4_summ
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__link.springer.com_article_10 .1007_s11214-2D014-2D0096-2D9&d=DwIFAg&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=bjziExGTRYoZgE 2xb_dDSm9NxNIo0lG6Q-rB0Y6rHS4&m=CMzo0Vv9zPtWSdbdY1Wq9-jIkYS2cOMV9JYZsMV10y0&s=Xb P9PiEAswHGl5lqgsDVI6zs8ivJx7yek9i2undKl10&e=
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-28T21:54:40.00003248453152Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:55:18.00005435943897Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:55:23.00002723932559Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 8192S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 1.00Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide.
Each letter refers to one SCM physical antenna in the SCM123 order. 'G' stands for good data, 'Z' for data that are affected or set to zero by convolution boundary effect, 'S' for saturated data, 'X' for out of range data, 'B' for fillvalue/bad data.
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11214-014-0096-9
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-28T21:54:59.00005012750638Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:56:34.00004446506814Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:56:37.00002819300012Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 16384S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 32.00Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/Science_Data_Products_ Guide_vol2_SCM_v11_20160301.pdf).
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__link.springer.com_article_10 .1007_s11214-2D014-2D0096-2D9&d=DwIFAg&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=bjziExGTRYoZgE 2xb_dDSm9NxNIo0lG6Q-rB0Y6rHS4&m=CMzo0Vv9zPtWSdbdY1Wq9-jIkYS2cOMV9JYZsMV10y0&s=Xb P9PiEAswHGl5lqgsDVI6zs8ivJx7yek9i2undKl10&e=
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-27T00:08:14.00005638599394Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-09T00:12:52.0000371336937Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-09T00:14:01.00006520748137Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 32S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 0.50Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide.
Each letter refers to one SCM physical antenna in the SCM123 order. 'G' stands for good data, 'Z' for data that are affected or set to zero by convolution boundary effect, 'S' for saturated data, 'X' for out of range data, 'B' for fillvalue/bad data.
K. Torkar et al, Active Spacecraft Potential Control Investigation Space Science Reviews, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-014-0049-3 Further information: - http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at/en/research/near-earth-space/mms/ - http://mms.space.swri.edu/
150224 Initial version 150831 Minor updates and fixes 160205 CDF file format guide compliant
BPSD is the low frequency B spectral density covering the frequency range of .2 to 6000 Hz.
EPSD combines the low frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range of 1 to 8000 Hz and the medium frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range of .25 to 100 kHz.
search coil magnetometer spectral density
electric spectral density
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - Original version. v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state. v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux. v1.2.0 - Added flux error. v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas. v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values. v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode. v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode. v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata. v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v1.0.0 - Original version. v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments. v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error. v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average. v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type. v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion. v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations. v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation. v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - First version. v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables. v0.0.2 - Energy written properly. v1.0.0 - Update variable names. v1.1.0 - Added optics state. v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories. v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas. v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES. v3.1.0 - Fixed optics datatype. v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable. v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Q0 data consists of raw electron counts. The error at any one time is the square-root of the counts. Note that there may be contamination from the EDI electron beams. See the data products guide or contact an EDI team member to learn about beam contamination.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - Original version. v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state. v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux. v1.2.0 - Added flux error. v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas. v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values. v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode. v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode. v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata. v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Correct time deltas. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v1.0.0 - Original version. v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments. v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error. v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average. v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type. v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion. v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations. v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation. v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - First version. v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables. v0.0.2 - Energy written properly. v1.0.0 - Update variable names. v1.1.0 - Added optics state. v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories. v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas. v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES. v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable. v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Q0 data consists of raw electron counts. The error at any one time is the square-root of the counts. Note that there may be contamination from the EDI electron beams. See the data products guide or contact an EDI team member to learn about beam contamination.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
AC Electric Field
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Generated at LASP
Generated at LASP
Generated at LASP
Generated at LASP
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis. Prior to launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University, Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were calibrated at UCLA. Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit, with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI), and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired. A detailed description of the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-014-0057-3 (DOI 10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at http://www-spc.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/mms (UCLA),and http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at (IWF, Graz). For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG. Because AFG and DFG are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data. Consequently, any differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
version X=5: * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. * Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf: fixes bug when reading position data. * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a gaussian filter, instead of using a single average value for the day. This short-term filter avoids introduding artificial jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after maneuvers in the GSE result. * Fixes error with DEFATT file selection found when choosing the daily DEFATT files to be used in Phase 2. * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high range gain. Now uses measured Etemp. version X=4: First version for public release of L2. Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable name guidelines (obs_instr_paramName[_coordSys]_mode_level): Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName. Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName. Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'. Added 'rdeltahalf'. l1a_mode is now just 'mode'. version X=3: fixed removal of overlap between modes. fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be empty. version X=2: flag parameter name corrected: was 'status' added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters. rate, hirange, and stemp parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g. FILLVAL now defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan No longer use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead In this version, temperature-corrected gains are applied. Reference temperatures are used when stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data. version X=1: added 'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
bit definitions: . 0: TBD, 1: TBD, 2: user flagged, 3: TBD, . 4: B1 saturated, 5: B2 saturated, 6: B3 saturated, 7: range-change glitch, . 8-31: TBD
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis. Prior to launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University, Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were calibrated at UCLA. Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit, with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI), and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired. A detailed description of the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-014-0057-3 (DOI 10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at http://www-spc.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/mms (UCLA),and http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at (IWF, Graz). For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG. Because AFG and DFG are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data. Consequently, any differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
version X=5: * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. * Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf: fixes bug when reading position data. * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a gaussian filter, instead of using a single average value for the day. This short-term filter avoids introduding artificial jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after maneuvers in the GSE result. * Fixes error with DEFATT file selection found when choosing the daily DEFATT files to be used in Phase 2. * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high range gain. Now uses measured Etemp. version X=4: First version for public release of L2. Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable name guidelines (obs_instr_paramName[_coordSys]_mode_level): Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName. Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName. Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'. Added 'rdeltahalf'. l1a_mode is now just 'mode'. version X=3: fixed removal of overlap between modes. fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be empty. version X=2: flag parameter name corrected: was 'status' added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters. rate, hirange, and stemp parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g. FILLVAL now defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan No longer use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead In this version, temperature-corrected gains are applied. Reference temperatures are used when stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data. version X=1: added 'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
bit definitions: . 0: TBD, 1: TBD, 2: user flagged, 3: TBD, . 4: B1 saturated, 5: B2 saturated, 6: B3 saturated, 7: range-change glitch, . 8-31: TBD
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution; these form a separate product from this. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DES alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. Offsets reflect 128 steps over the 30 msec sweep period. See FPI docs for details.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
see FPI docs for details
Energies (parity 0/1) in the 64-step FPI energy table
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DES alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
low energy bin: 0 eV - 200 eV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
mid energy bin: 200 eV - 2 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
high energy bin: 2 keV - 30 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees parallel bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees antiparallel to bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 60 degrees perpendicular to bentPipe magnetic field.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only)
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this burst
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution; these form a separate product from this. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DIS alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. Offsets reflect 128 steps over the 150 msec sweep period. See FPI docs for details.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
see FPI docs for details
Energies (parity 0/1) in the 64-step FPI energy table
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DIS alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Background differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look) background level.
Background number density derived via integration of the estimated background differential energy flux.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this burst
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution in this mode. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s period. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DES compression loss indicator,0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
low energy bin: 0 eV - 200 eV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
mid energy bin: 200 eV - 2 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
high energy bin: 2 keV - 30 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees parallel bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees antiparallel to bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 60 degrees perpendicular to bentPipe magnetic field.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only)
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this survey
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution in this mode. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s period. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation, Bit-14 = high MMS3 spintone due to DIS008 anomaly
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with the sun-sensor axis.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with the sun-sensor axis.
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +x axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 135deg <= phi < 225deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -x axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and phi >= 315deg or phi < 45deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +y axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 225deg <= phi < 315deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -y axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 45deg <= phi < 135deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +z axis (instrument look angles: 135deg <= theta < 180deg and 0deg <= phi < 360deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -z axis (instrument look angles: 0deg <= theta < 45deg and 0deg <= phi < 360deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look).
Background differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look).
Background number density derived via integration of the estimated background differential energy flux.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this survey
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Pre-generated MMS Quicklook Summary Plots File location: https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/mms/ql_plots/all_mms2_summ
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__link.springer.com_article_10 .1007_s11214-2D014-2D0096-2D9&d=DwIFAg&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=bjziExGTRYoZgE 2xb_dDSm9NxNIo0lG6Q-rB0Y6rHS4&m=CMzo0Vv9zPtWSdbdY1Wq9-jIkYS2cOMV9JYZsMV10y0&s=Xb P9PiEAswHGl5lqgsDVI6zs8ivJx7yek9i2undKl10&e=
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-28T21:54:08.00004512071622Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:55:37.00003176927859Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:55:41.00005030632312Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 8192S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 1.00Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide.
Each letter refers to one SCM physical antenna in the SCM123 order. 'G' stands for good data, 'Z' for data that are affected or set to zero by convolution boundary effect, 'S' for saturated data, 'X' for out of range data, 'B' for fillvalue/bad data.
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11214-014-0096-9
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-28T21:54:33.00003021955502Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:56:42.00004130602197Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:56:45.00006526708917Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 16384S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 32.00Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/Science_Data_Products_ Guide_vol2_SCM_v11_20160301.pdf).
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11214-014-0096-9
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-27T00:09:09.00003969669339Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-09T00:15:48.00004810094838Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-09T00:16:40.00004768371578Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 32S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 0.50Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/Science_Data_Products_ Guide_vol2_SCM_v11_20160301.pdf).
K. Torkar et al, Active Spacecraft Potential Control Investigation Space Science Reviews, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-014-0049-3 Further information: - http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at/en/research/near-earth-space/mms/ - http://mms.space.swri.edu/
150224 Initial version 150831 Minor updates and fixes 160205 CDF file format guide compliant
BPSD is the low frequency B spectral density covering the frequency range of .2 to 6000 Hz.
EPSD combines the low frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range of 1 to 8000 Hz and the medium frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range of .25 to 100 kHz.
search coil magnetometer spectral density
electric spectral density
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - Original version. v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state. v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux. v1.2.0 - Added flux error. v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas. v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values. v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode. v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode. v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata. v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v1.0.0 - Original version. v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments. v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error. v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average. v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type. v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion. v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations. v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation. v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - First version. v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables. v0.0.2 - Energy written properly. v1.0.0 - Update variable names. v1.1.0 - Added optics state. v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories. v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas. v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES. v3.1.0 - Fixed optics datatype. v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable. v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Q0 data consists of raw electron counts. The error at any one time is the square-root of the counts. Note that there may be contamination from the EDI electron beams. See the data products guide or contact an EDI team member to learn about beam contamination.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - Original version. v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state. v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux. v1.2.0 - Added flux error. v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas. v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values. v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode. v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode. v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata. v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Correct time deltas. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v1.0.0 - Original version. v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments. v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error. v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average. v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type. v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion. v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations. v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation. v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - First version. v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables. v0.0.2 - Energy written properly. v1.0.0 - Update variable names. v1.1.0 - Added optics state. v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories. v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas. v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES. v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable. v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Q0 data consists of raw electron counts. The error at any one time is the square-root of the counts. Note that there may be contamination from the EDI electron beams. See the data products guide or contact an EDI team member to learn about beam contamination.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
AC Electric Field
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
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Generated at LASP
Generated at LASP
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis. Prior to launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University, Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were calibrated at UCLA. Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit, with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI), and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired. A detailed description of the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-014-0057-3 (DOI 10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at http://www-spc.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/mms (UCLA),and http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at (IWF, Graz). For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG. Because AFG and DFG are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data. Consequently, any differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
version X=5: * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. * Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf: fixes bug when reading position data. * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a gaussian filter, instead of using a single average value for the day. This short-term filter avoids introduding artificial jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after maneuvers in the GSE result. * Fixes error with DEFATT file selection found when choosing the daily DEFATT files to be used in Phase 2. * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high range gain. Now uses measured Etemp. version X=4: First version for public release of L2. Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable name guidelines (obs_instr_paramName[_coordSys]_mode_level): Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName. Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName. Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'. Added 'rdeltahalf'. l1a_mode is now just 'mode'. version X=3: fixed removal of overlap between modes. fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be empty. version X=2: flag parameter name corrected: was 'status' added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters. rate, hirange, and stemp parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g. FILLVAL now defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan No longer use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead In this version, temperature-corrected gains are applied. Reference temperatures are used when stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data. version X=1: added 'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
bit definitions: . 0: TBD, 1: TBD, 2: user flagged, 3: TBD, . 4: B1 saturated, 5: B2 saturated, 6: B3 saturated, 7: range-change glitch, . 8-31: TBD
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis. Prior to launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University, Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were calibrated at UCLA. Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit, with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI), and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired. A detailed description of the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-014-0057-3 (DOI 10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at http://www-spc.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/mms (UCLA),and http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at (IWF, Graz). For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG. Because AFG and DFG are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data. Consequently, any differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
version X=5: * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. * Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf: fixes bug when reading position data. * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a gaussian filter, instead of using a single average value for the day. This short-term filter avoids introduding artificial jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after maneuvers in the GSE result. * Fixes error with DEFATT file selection found when choosing the daily DEFATT files to be used in Phase 2. * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high range gain. Now uses measured Etemp. version X=4: First version for public release of L2. Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable name guidelines (obs_instr_paramName[_coordSys]_mode_level): Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName. Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName. Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'. Added 'rdeltahalf'. l1a_mode is now just 'mode'. version X=3: fixed removal of overlap between modes. fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be empty. version X=2: flag parameter name corrected: was 'status' added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters. rate, hirange, and stemp parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g. FILLVAL now defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan No longer use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead In this version, temperature-corrected gains are applied. Reference temperatures are used when stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data. version X=1: added 'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
bit definitions: . 0: TBD, 1: TBD, 2: user flagged, 3: TBD, . 4: B1 saturated, 5: B2 saturated, 6: B3 saturated, 7: range-change glitch, . 8-31: TBD
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution; these form a separate product from this. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DES alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. Offsets reflect 128 steps over the 30 msec sweep period. See FPI docs for details.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
see FPI docs for details
Energies (parity 0/1) in the 64-step FPI energy table
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DES alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
low energy bin: 0 eV - 200 eV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
mid energy bin: 200 eV - 2 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
high energy bin: 2 keV - 30 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees parallel bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees antiparallel to bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 60 degrees perpendicular to bentPipe magnetic field.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only)
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this burst
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution; these form a separate product from this. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DIS alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. Offsets reflect 128 steps over the 150 msec sweep period. See FPI docs for details.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
see FPI docs for details
Energies (parity 0/1) in the 64-step FPI energy table
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DIS alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Background differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look) background level.
Background number density derived via integration of the estimated background differential energy flux.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this burst
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution in this mode. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s period. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
low energy bin: 0 eV - 200 eV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
mid energy bin: 200 eV - 2 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
high energy bin: 2 keV - 30 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees parallel bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees antiparallel to bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 60 degrees perpendicular to bentPipe magnetic field.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only)
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this survey
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution in this mode. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s period. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation, Bit-14 = high MMS3 spintone due to DIS008 anomaly
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with the sun-sensor axis.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with the sun-sensor axis.
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +x axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 135deg <= phi < 225deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -x axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and phi >= 315deg or phi < 45deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +y axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 225deg <= phi < 315deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -y axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 45deg <= phi < 135deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +z axis (instrument look angles: 135deg <= theta < 180deg and 0deg <= phi < 360deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -z axis (instrument look angles: 0deg <= theta < 45deg and 0deg <= phi < 360deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look).
Background differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look).
Background number density derived via integration of the estimated background differential energy flux.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this survey
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Pre-generated MMS Quicklook Summary Plots File location: https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/mms/ql_plots/all_mms3_summ
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__link.springer.com_article_10 .1007_s11214-2D014-2D0096-2D9&d=DwIFAg&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=bjziExGTRYoZgE 2xb_dDSm9NxNIo0lG6Q-rB0Y6rHS4&m=CMzo0Vv9zPtWSdbdY1Wq9-jIkYS2cOMV9JYZsMV10y0&s=Xb P9PiEAswHGl5lqgsDVI6zs8ivJx7yek9i2undKl10&e=
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-28T21:54:56.0000663995744Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:55:55.00005483627612Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:55:59.00003314018542Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 8192S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 1.00Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide.
Each letter refers to one SCM physical antenna in the SCM123 order. 'G' stands for good data, 'Z' for data that are affected or set to zero by convolution boundary effect, 'S' for saturated data, 'X' for out of range data, 'B' for fillvalue/bad data.
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11214-014-0096-9
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-28T21:55:15.00004380941364Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:56:51.00003272295312Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:56:55.00005125999765Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 16384S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 32.00Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/Science_Data_Products_ Guide_vol2_SCM_v11_20160301.pdf).
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11214-014-0096-9
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-28T00:02:42.00004667043685Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T00:10:03.00002843141559Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T00:10:59.00004655122761Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 32S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 0.50Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/Science_Data_Products_ Guide_vol2_SCM_v11_20160301.pdf).
K. Torkar et al, Active Spacecraft Potential Control Investigation Space Science Reviews, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-014-0049-3 Further information: - http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at/en/research/near-earth-space/mms/ - http://mms.space.swri.edu/
150224 Initial version 150831 Minor updates and fixes 160205 CDF file format guide compliant
BPSD is the low frequency B spectral density covering the frequency range of .2 to 6000 Hz.
EPSD combines the low frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range of 1 to 8000 Hz and the medium frequency E spectral density covering the frequency range of .25 to 100 kHz.
search coil magnetometer spectral density
electric spectral density
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - Original version. v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state. v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux. v1.2.0 - Added flux error. v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas. v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values. v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode. v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode. v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata. v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v1.0.0 - Original version. v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments. v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error. v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average. v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type. v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion. v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations. v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation. v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - First version. v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables. v0.0.2 - Energy written properly. v1.0.0 - Update variable names. v1.1.0 - Added optics state. v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories. v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas. v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES. v3.1.0 - Fixed optics datatype. v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable. v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Q0 data consists of raw electron counts. The error at any one time is the square-root of the counts. Note that there may be contamination from the EDI electron beams. See the data products guide or contact an EDI team member to learn about beam contamination.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - Original version. v1.0.0 - Include trajectory vectors and optics state. v1.1.0 - Update metadata: counts -> flux. v1.2.0 - Added flux error. v1.3.0 - Trajectory vector errors are now deltas. v1.4.0 - Fixed dead-time correction and error values. v1.5.0 - Factor of 2 for accumulation time & 2 for abscal factor in srvy mode. v1.6.0 - No factor of 2 for accumulation time in srvy mode. v2.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Update metadata. v2.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v3.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Correct time deltas. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v4.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI ambient data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guide can be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v1.0.0 - Original version. v1.1.0 - Correct fill value for fluxes. v2.0.0 - Omni-directional error for trajectories. Y-Version linked to cal file. Single epoch for counts. v3.0.0 - Replace data in GSM coordinates with data in DBCS to be consistent with other particle instruments. v4.0.0 - Each trajectory has its own LABL_PTR_1 variable.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
EDI electric field data. Instrument papers for EDI can be found at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7
v1.0.0 - First version. TRI-TOF selection based on smallest error. v1.1.0 - TRI-TOF merged by weighted average. v1.2.0 - Fixed t_delta_plus/minus CDF_type. v1.3.0 - Fixed Fixed vdrift SI conversion. v1.4.0 - Fixed data duplication caused by multiple l2pre file locations. v1.5.0 - Inplemented baseline*beams*Bmag filter for triangulation. v1.6.0 - Inplemented null files for no or low quality data.
EDI Q0 data. The EDI instrument paper and data products guidescan be found at the following two links: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-015-0182-7, https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/
v0.0.0 - First version. v0.0.1 - Filled energy variables. v0.0.2 - Energy written properly. v1.0.0 - Update variable names. v1.1.0 - Added optics state. v2.0.0 - Added electron trajectories. v2.1.0 - Deltas on trajectory vectors are now deltas. v3.0.0 - Reduced file size with scalar errors. Add VAR_NOTES. v4.0.0 - Removed unused Epoch variable. v5.0.0 - Trajectories are provided in DBCS coordinates.
Q0 data consists of raw electron counts. The error at any one time is the square-root of the counts. Note that there may be contamination from the EDI electron beams. See the data products guide or contact an EDI team member to learn about beam contamination.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
Trajectories are given as unit vectors in spherical coordinates, with phi (theta) representing the azimuthal (polar) directions, in the indicated coordinate system. They are opposite to the nominal look-direction of the instrument. Errors represent an omni-directional error. For more details about errors, contact the EDI instrument team.
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
V.0. Initial release.
http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The full name of PI affiliations: SWRI - Southwest Research Institute. LASP - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology).
V.0. Initial release. V.1. QL (v1.0.z), SCPOT (v1.0.z), L2A (v0.1.z) now uses ASPOC srvy l2 and DEFATT, if these are available. Brst QL uses intermediate L2A file from Fast mode for delta offsets. Bitmask changed to uint16 and Quality to uint8. V.2. SCPOT (v2.0.z), L2A (v1.0.z) now uses variable names in accordance with new recommended standard for FIELDS, All products change shortening factor to 1.25 on SDP, offsets applied indicated by GlobalAttribute Calibration_file. V.2. L2a (v2.0.z), QL (v1.6.z) now try to remove solar wind wake which previously left a clear sinusodial signal in the data. V.3. L2a (v3.0.z) Slow Mode probe Gain set to 1.0 when orbital radius less than 5 RE (1.25 otherwise), L2pre (v2.0.z) DSL offsets removed from field is now included in the file as the Slow mode is dependent on scpot product (Fast/Brst is simply based on offset in Calibration_file).
AC Electric Field
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Constantly modifying this code
Generated at LASP
Generated at LASP
Generated at LASP
Generated at LASP
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis. Prior to launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University, Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were calibrated at UCLA. Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit, with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI), and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired. A detailed description of the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-014-0057-3 (DOI 10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at http://www-spc.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/mms (UCLA),and http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at (IWF, Graz). For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG. Because AFG and DFG are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data. Consequently, any differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
version X=5: * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. * Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf: fixes bug when reading position data. * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a gaussian filter, instead of using a single average value for the day. This short-term filter avoids introduding artificial jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after maneuvers in the GSE result. * Fixes error with DEFATT file selection found when choosing the daily DEFATT files to be used in Phase 2. * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high range gain. Now uses measured Etemp. version X=4: First version for public release of L2. Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable name guidelines (obs_instr_paramName[_coordSys]_mode_level): Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName. Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName. Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'. Added 'rdeltahalf'. l1a_mode is now just 'mode'. version X=3: fixed removal of overlap between modes. fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be empty. version X=2: flag parameter name corrected: was 'status' added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters. rate, hirange, and stemp parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g. FILLVAL now defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan No longer use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead In this version, temperature-corrected gains are applied. Reference temperatures are used when stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data. version X=1: added 'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
bit definitions: . 0: TBD, 1: TBD, 2: user flagged, 3: TBD, . 4: B1 saturated, 5: B2 saturated, 6: B3 saturated, 7: range-change glitch, . 8-31: TBD
The Fluxgate Magnetometers (FGM) on Magnetospheric Multiscale consist of a traditional Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer (AFG), and a Digital Fluxgate magnetometer (DFG). The dual magnetometers are operated as a single instrument providing a single intercalibrated data product. Range changes occur at different times on the two instruments so the gains checked each periapsis can be carried out unambiguously to apoapsis. Cross correlation of calibration parameters can separate causes of the any apparent calibration changes. Use of Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) to determine the field along the rotation axis allows accurate monitoring of the zero levels along the rotation axis. Prior to launch the magnetometers were calibrated at the Technical University, Braunschweig, except for the AFG magnetometers on MMS3 and MMS4, which were calibrated at UCLA. Both sets of sensors are operated for the entire MMS orbit, with slow survey (8 samples per second) outside of the Region of Interest (ROI), and fast survey (16 samples per second) inside the ROI. Within the ROI burst mode data (128 samples per second) are also acquired. A detailed description of the MMS fluxgate magnetometers, including science objectives, instrument description, calibration, magnetic cleanliness program, and data flow can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-014-0057-3 (DOI 10.1007/s11214-014-0057-3).Additional information can also be found at http://www-spc.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/mms (UCLA),and http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at (IWF, Graz). For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level2 data product, burst mode data is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG. Because AFG and DFG are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data. Consequently, any differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude.
version X=5: * Y-version number comes from cal file entries. * Ensures there are 2 ephemeris points before/after data to enable proper spline. * Fix to depend_0 of rdeltahalf: fixes bug when reading position data. * L-vector for DMPA2GSE transformation is smoothed with a gaussian filter, instead of using a single average value for the day. This short-term filter avoids introduding artificial jumps at 00:00 UTC and removes 7-minute 'wobble' after maneuvers in the GSE result. * Fixes error with DEFATT file selection found when choosing the daily DEFATT files to be used in Phase 2. * Fixed bug where reference Etemp was used for high range gain. Now uses measured Etemp. version X=4: First version for public release of L2. Renamed variables to conform with new MMS variable name guidelines (obs_instr_paramName[_coordSys]_mode_level): Mag field parameters include 'b' for paramName. Use 'r' instead of 'pos' for S/C position paramName. Eliminated 'rate', replaced with 'bdeltahalf'. Added 'rdeltahalf'. l1a_mode is now just 'mode'. version X=3: fixed removal of overlap between modes. fixed a bug that caused stemp and etemp to be empty. version X=2: flag parameter name corrected: was 'status' added bits 4, 5, 6 to flag saturation on B1, B2, and B3, respectively added bit 7 to flag bad data at range changes Added etemp and l1a_mode parameters. rate, hirange, and stemp parameters now comply with MMS CDF Guidlelines, e.g. FILLVAL now defined for stemp and etemp, and is set to !values.f_nan No longer use Var_Parents attribute in stemp -- see Parents instead In this version, temperature-corrected gains are applied. Reference temperatures are used when stemp or etemp are set to FILLVAL. Non-linearity correction is applied to high rage DFG data. version X=1: added 'flag', rate and hirange parameters (but 'flag' is actually called 'status')
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
During nominal operatins in the region of interest, DMPA is within 3 degrees of GSE.
bit definitions: . 0: TBD, 1: TBD, 2: user flagged, 3: TBD, . 4: B1 saturated, 5: B2 saturated, 6: B3 saturated, 7: range-change glitch, . 8-31: TBD
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution; these form a separate product from this. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DES alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. Offsets reflect 128 steps over the 30 msec sweep period. See FPI docs for details.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
see FPI docs for details
Energies (parity 0/1) in the 64-step FPI energy table
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DES alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
low energy bin: 0 eV - 200 eV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
mid energy bin: 200 eV - 2 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
high energy bin: 2 keV - 30 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees parallel bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees antiparallel to bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 60 degrees perpendicular to bentPipe magnetic field.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only)
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this burst
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution; these form a separate product from this. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of those burst-resolution data selected for downlink. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Burst SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DIS alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. Offsets reflect 128 steps over the 150 msec sweep period. See FPI docs for details.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
see FPI docs for details
Energies (parity 0/1) in the 64-step FPI energy table
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
FPI/DIS alternates between two tables, designated "even" (0) and "odd" (1).
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Records P-value used to de-spin this burst sky-map on board. See FPI docs for details.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Background differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look) background level.
Background number density derived via integration of the estimated background differential energy flux.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s, etc) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode outside of ROI, and then only the 60 s resolution survey data are available. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this burst
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution in this mode. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s period. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DES compression loss indicator,0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>25%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied
FPI/DES compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
low energy bin: 0 eV - 200 eV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
mid energy bin: 200 eV - 2 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
high energy bin: 2 keV - 30 keV. pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -X_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Y_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to +Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed over DSC velocity-dirs closest to -Z_DSC, by energy bin.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees parallel bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 30 degrees antiparallel to bentPipe magnetic field.
Counts, summed within 60 degrees perpendicular to bentPipe magnetic field.
Differential energy flux, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all look directions, by energy bin.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
Estimated error in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DES < 0.05 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only)
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this survey
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution are aggregated on board and made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution in this mode. This product contains phase-space distribution maps of results from surveying the high-resolution observations during each 4.5 s period. In particular, the (highest possible quality at the time of release) corrected/converted "Fast Survey SkyMap" distributions are reported with time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Az bin: sector ind=00 looks "after" (spin-phase) Sun, ..., sector ind=31 looks "before" Sun dir. Head field-of-view: pixel index=00 looks to zenith, ..., pixel index=15 looks to nadir. FPI operations nominally bin data from 64 energy filters into 32 pairwise energy bins, indexed 0-31. Nominally, bins are indexed in increasing energy order. See FPI docs for details.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap
FPI/DIS compression loss indicator, 0=lossless, 1=lossy
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase count indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with Sun.
Average f1-count level as a function of energy
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation, Bit-14 = high MMS3 spintone due to DIS008 anomaly
Nominally, spin-phase counts range over [0000, 5759] cnts. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with the sun-sensor axis.
Nominally, spin-phase angles range over [0, 360) deg. Each count represents 1/16 deg of observatory spin-phase. Zero spin-phase angle indicates obs +X-axis aligned with the sun-sensor axis.
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +x axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 135deg <= phi < 225deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -x axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and phi >= 315deg or phi < 45deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +y axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 225deg <= phi < 315deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -y axis (instrument look angles: 45deg <= theta < 135deg and 45deg <= phi < 135deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the +z axis (instrument look angles: 135deg <= theta < 180deg and 0deg <= phi < 360deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over particles whose DBCS flow direction is within 45 degrees (polar and azimuthal) of the -z axis (instrument look angles: 0deg <= theta < 45deg and 0deg <= phi < 360deg).
Differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look).
Background differential energy flux by energy bin, averaged (weighted by solid angle) over all directions (flow or look).
Background number density derived via integration of the estimated background differential energy flux.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
Estimated systematic error (positive or negative) in spin-plane bulk velocity (km/s) due to imperfect sensor suite flat-fielding. This can be subtracted from bulk velocity to obtain the corrected velocity vector.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all survey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible, FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This product contains partial moments that come from performing the standard moment integrals over a limited portion of velocity space. The resulting quantities are named similarly to their corresponding standard moments, but are decorated with 'part' to differentiate. For example, density_part is the density moment integrated from a particular energy step to infinity. These partial moments are formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the indicated time.
See FPI Version Release Notes (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fpi/) for data set modification history.
Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: Bit-0 = manually flagged interval, Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap, Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V, Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential, Bit-4 = significant (>10%) cold plasma (<10eV) component, Bit-5 = significant (>25%) hot plasma (>30keV) component, Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth > 2.5), Bit-7 = low calculated density (n_DIS <= 0.0 cm^-3), Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of srvy l2pre magnetic field, Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied, Bit-11 = compression pipeline error, Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only), Bit-13 = significant (>=20%) penetrating radiation
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Pxx Pxy Pxz, Row2) Pyx Pyy Pyz, Row3) Pzx Pzy Pzz. Note that Pij=Pji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
The 3x3 matrix is represented as: Row1) Txx Txy Txz, Row2) Tyx Tyy Tyz, Row3) Tzx Tzy Tzz. Note that Tij=Tji.
Recommended energy index during this survey
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
Initial Public Release
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
MMS MEC Magnetic ephemeris and coordinates, Level 2 science data. PI institution is Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Pre-generated MMS Quicklook Summary Plots File location: https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/mms/ql_plots/all_mms4_summ
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__link.springer.com_article_10 .1007_s11214-2D014-2D0096-2D9&d=DwIFAg&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=bjziExGTRYoZgE 2xb_dDSm9NxNIo0lG6Q-rB0Y6rHS4&m=CMzo0Vv9zPtWSdbdY1Wq9-jIkYS2cOMV9JYZsMV10y0&s=Xb P9PiEAswHGl5lqgsDVI6zs8ivJx7yek9i2undKl10&e=
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-28T21:54:33.00003021955502Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:56:14.00003224611597Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:56:20.00003993511514Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 8192S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 1.00Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide.
Each letter refers to one SCM physical antenna in the SCM123 order. 'G' stands for good data, 'Z' for data that are affected or set to zero by convolution boundary effect, 'S' for saturated data, 'X' for out of range data, 'B' for fillvalue/bad data.
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11214-014-0096-9
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-28T21:54:51.00005328655255Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:57:00.00006437301971Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-10T19:57:04.00004267692902Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 16384S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 32.00Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/Science_Data_Products_ Guide_vol2_SCM_v11_20160301.pdf).
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations. The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB). Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-Foret (Orleans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP. SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data. SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame. The instrument paper for SCM can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11214-014-0096-9
unpack telemetry, assign sample times 2024-12-27T00:10:44.00004744529728Z - [L1A->L1B (step 1/1)] Calibration (TMcounts->nT). See CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-09T00:19:13.00006270408631Z - [L1B->L2 (step 1/2)] Coordinate transform (SCM123->GSE). See COORD_TRANS_PARAMETERS for details. 2025-01-09T00:20:29.00005280971534Z - [L1B->L2 (step 2/2)] Frequency filtering. See FREQUENCY_FILTER for details.
These calibrated (nT) AC magnetic field waveform data are sampled at 32S/s. They are high-pass filtered above 0.50Hz but not low-pass filtered. See global attributes for details. For more information, please have a look at the SCM Data Products Guide (https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/public/datasets/fields/Science_Data_Products_ Guide_vol2_SCM_v11_20160301.pdf).
No TEXT global attribute value.
The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) and its data products are described in detail in the literature (Hassler et al., 2012). Each RAD observation contains the following: (1) Instrument counters, (2) Neutral particle count histograms in detectors D and E, (3) LET count histograms, (4) Absorbed dose rate in detectors B and E, (5) High-cadence dose rate in B and E (16 rates per observation).
The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) and its data products are described in detail in the literature (Hassler et al., 2012). Each RAD observation contains the following: (1) Instrument counters, (2) Neutral particle count histograms in detectors D and E, (3) LET count histograms, (4) Absorbed dose rate in detectors B and E, (5) High-cadence dose rate in B and E (16 rates per observation).
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
References: 1. The Instrument Data File Set. URL http://www.idfs.org
Initial Release
Derived from the LP sweep and when available from the plasma line
Derived from the LP sweep
Measured from the probe potentials
Integrated wave power from the onboard calculated FFT, frequencies important for wave heating
Range: 0-100, where 100 is the highest confidence level, use data with quality flag of 50 or above
Integrated wave power from the onboard calculated FFT
Range: 0-100, where 100 is the highest confidence level, use data with quality flag of 50 or above
Integrated wave power from the onboard calculated FFT
Range: 0-100, where 100 is the highest confidence level, use data with quality flag of 50 or above
0 = good solar, 1 = occultation, 2 = no pointing info, 3 = Sun NOT fully in FOV, 4 = Sun NOT in FOV, 5 = windowed, 6 = eclipse, 7 = spare
0 = good solar, 1 = occultation, 2 = no pointing info, 3 = Sun NOT fully in FOV, 4 = Sun NOT in FOV, 5 = windowed, 6 = eclipse, 7 = spare
0 = good solar, 1 = occultation, 2 = no pointing info, 3 = Sun NOT fully in FOV, 4 = Sun NOT in FOV, 5 = windowed, 6 = eclipse, 7 = spare
Density of solar wind or magnetosheath electrons based on moments of the electron distribution after correcting for the spacecraft potential
Statistical uncertainty, (1 sigma), not including systematic error
Temperature of solar wind or magnetosheath electrons based on moments of the electron distribution after correcting for the spacecraft potential
Statistical uncertainty, (1 sigma), not including systematic error
Electron energy flux parallel to the magnetic field vector (0-90 degrees pitch angle)
Electron energy flux parallel to the magnetic field vector (0-90 degrees pitch angle)
Electron energy flux parallel to the magnetic field vector (0-90 degrees pitch angle)
Electron energy flux anti-parallel to the magnetic field vector (90-180 degrees pitch angle)
Electron energy flux anti-parallel to the magnetic field vector (90-180 degrees pitch angle)
Electron energy flux anti-parallel to the magnetic field vector (90-180 degrees pitch angle)
Energy spectrum shape parameter used to distingush between ionospheric photoelectrons and solar wind electrons
Quality flag (0 = bad, 1 = good) indicating whether the distribution is well-measured and decommutation parameters are definite
Quality flag (0 = bad, 1 = good) indicating whether the distribution is well-measured and decommutation parameters are definite
Quality flag (0 = bad, 1 = good) indicating whether the distribution is well-measured and decommutation parameters are definite
Quality flag (0 = bad, 1 = good) indicating whether the distribution is well-measured and decommutation parameters are definite
Integer flag bits, Valid=0, Flag=1, See KP SIS for bit descriptions (formatted as a float in order to include NaN values for data gaps)
H+ number density below TBD altitude determined from APID c6 (32 energy x 64 mass) while in Ram or Conic modes
Number of counts in the measurement
O+ number density below TBD altitude determined from APID c6 (32 energy x 64 mass) while in Ram or Conic modes
Number of counts in the measurement
O2+ number density below TBD altitude determined from APID c6 (32 energy x 64 mass) while in Ram or Conic modes
Number of counts in the measurement
H+ RAM temperature below TBD altitude determined from APID c6 (32 energy x 64 mass) while in Ram or Conic modes
Number of counts in the measurement
O+ RAM temperature below TBD altitude determined from APID c6 (32 energy x 64 mass) while in Ram or Conic modes
Number of counts in the measurement
O2+ RAM temperature below TBD altitude determined from APID c6 (32 energy x 64 mass) while in Ram or Conic modes
Number of counts in the measurement
Number of counts in the measurement
Number of counts in the measurement
H+ omni-directional flux above TBD altitude determined from APID c6 while in Pickup, Eclipse and Protect mode
H+ omni-directional characteristic energy above TBD altitude determined from APID c6 while in Pickup, Eclipse and Protect mode
Number of counts in the measurement
HE+ omni-directional flux above TBD altitude determined from APID c6 while in Pickup, Eclipse and Protect mode
HE+ omni-directional characteristic energy above TBD altitude determined from APID c6 while in Pickup, Eclipse and Protect mode
Number of counts in the measurement
O+ omni-directional flux above TBD altitude determined from APID c6 while in Pickup, Eclipse and Protect mode
O+ omni-directional characteristic energy above TBD altitude determined from APID c6 while in Pickup, Eclipse and Protect mode
Number of counts in the measurement
O2+ omni-directional flux above TBD altitude determined from APID c6 while in Pickup, Eclipse and Protect mode
O2+ omni-directional characteristic energy above TBD altitude determined from APID c6 while in Pickup, Eclipse and Protect mode
Number of counts in the measurement
H+ flux angular width above TBD altitude determined from TBD APID while in Pickup and Scan mode
Number of counts in the measurement
Dominant pickup ion flux angular width above TBD altitude determined from APID D0 and CE while in Pickup, Eclipse and Protect mode
Number of counts in the measurement
Number flux of ions, integrated over the energy range 0.03-1.0 MeV
Standard uncertainty in total ion flux, based on Poisson statistics
Number flux of ions, integrated over the energy range 0.03-1.0 MeV
Standard uncertainty in total ion flux, based on Poisson statistics
Number flux of ions, integrated over the energy range 0.03-1.0 MeV
Standard uncertainty in total ion flux, based on Poisson statistics
Number flux of ions, integrated over the energy range 0.03-1.0 MeV
Standard uncertainty in total ion flux, based on Poisson statistics
Number flux of electrons, integrated over the energy range 30-300 keV
Standard uncertainty in total electron flux, based on Poisson statistics
Number flux of electrons, integrated over the energy range 30-300 keV
Standard uncertainty in total electron flux, based on Poisson statistics
Number flux of electrons, integrated over the energy range 30-300 keV
Standard uncertainty in total electron flux, based on Poisson statistics
Number flux of electrons, integrated over the energy range 30-300 keV
Standard uncertainty in total electron flux, based on Poisson statistics
Unused column
Unused column
Unused column
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
NIV - Neutral Inbound Verified, NIU - Neutral Inbound Unverified, NOV - Neutral Outbound Verified, NOU - Neutral Outbound Unverified
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
NIV - Neutral Inbound Verified, NIU - Neutral Inbound Unverified, NOV - Neutral Outbound Verified, NOU - Neutral Outbound Unverified
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
NIV - Neutral Inbound Verified, NIU - Neutral Inbound Unverified, NOV - Neutral Outbound Verified, NOU - Neutral Outbound Unverified
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
NIV - Neutral Inbound Verified, NIU - Neutral Inbound Unverified, NOV - Neutral Outbound Verified, NOU - Neutral Outbound Unverified
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
NIV - Neutral Inbound Verified, NIU - Neutral Inbound Unverified, NOV - Neutral Outbound Verified, NOU - Neutral Outbound Unverified
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
NIV - Neutral Inbound Verified, NIU - Neutral Inbound Unverified, NOV - Neutral Outbound Verified, NOU - Neutral Outbound Unverified
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
NIV - Neutral Inbound Verified, NIU - Neutral Inbound Unverified, NOV - Neutral Outbound Verified, NOU - Neutral Outbound Unverified
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
SCP - SpaceCraft Potential available and used as computed by STATIC, SC0 - SpaceCraft potential not available
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
SCP - SpaceCraft Potential available and used as computed by STATIC, SC0 - SpaceCraft potential not available
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
SCP - SpaceCraft Potential available and used as computed by STATIC, SC0 - SpaceCraft potential not available
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
SCP - SpaceCraft Potential available and used as computed by STATIC, SC0 - SpaceCraft potential not available
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
SCP - SpaceCraft Potential available and used as computed by STATIC, SC0 - SpaceCraft potential not available
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
SCP - SpaceCraft Potential available and used as computed by STATIC, SC0 - SpaceCraft potential not available
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
SCP - SpaceCraft Potential available and used as computed by STATIC, SC0 - SpaceCraft potential not available
Abundance or upper limit
% Error (1 sigma), if -1, the value is an upper limit
SCP - SpaceCraft Potential available and used as computed by STATIC, SC0 - SpaceCraft potential not available
same as IAU_MARS in SPICE
same as IAU_MARS in SPICE
Longitudinal component of MAVEN's location with respect to Mars
Latitudinal (areodetic) component of MAVEN's location with respect to IAU Mars ellipsoid, equatorial radius of 3396.2 km, polar radius of
Angle measured from MAVEN to the geometric center of the Sun's disc, as described using a horizontal coordinate system
Angle measured from MAVEN to the geometric center of the Sun's disc, as described using a horizontal coordinate system
Altitude (areodetic) with respect to IAU Mars ellipsoid, equatorial radius of 3396.2 km,
same as IAU_MARS in SPICE
same as IAU_MARS in SPICE
XYZ-component of pointing direction of Articulated Payload Platform (z-axis of MAVEN_APP_BP frame) in GEO coordinates
same as IAU_MARS in SPICE
Orbit number increments each time MAVEN reaches geometric periapsis
Inbound (\'I\') is from geometric apoapsis to next geometric periapsis in time, outbound (\'O\') is the reverse
Martian solar longitude. Ls = 0 (northern spring equinox), Ls = 90 (northern summer solstice), etc.
GEO longitude of the sub-solar point
GEO latitude of the sub-solar point
Solar longitude of the center of the Sun as seen from Mars
Solar latitude of the center of the Sun as seen from Mars
From IAU_MARS frame to MAVEN_MSO frame
MAVEN SEP electron and ion Flux
Revision 0
MAVEN SEP electron and ion flux
Revision 0
STATIC>Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions
Rev-1 2014-04-28
Rate data for the rate channels sorted by energy step with dimension (NUM_DISTS, NRATE, NENERGY) units=counts/s
Quality flag (NUM_DISTS elements)
---> Validity flag codes valid data (bit 0), test pulser on (bit 1), diagnostic mode (bit 2), data compression type (bit 3-4), packet compression (bit 5) (NUM_DISTS elements)
---> Decoded mode number. (NUM_DISTS elements)
---> Index that identifies the energy and deflector sweep look up tables (LUT) for the sensor. SWP_IND is an index that selects the following support data arrays: ENERGY, DENERGY, THETA, DTHETA, PHI, DPHI, DOMEGA, GF and MASS_ARR. (NUM_DISTS elements), EN_IND Le NSWP
STATIC> Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions
Rev-1 2014-04-28
Rate data for the rate channels sorted by energy step with dimension (NUM_DISTS, NRATE, NENERGY) units=counts/s
Quality flag (NUM_DISTS elements)
---> Validity flag codes valid data (bit 0), test pulser on (bit 1), diagnostic mode (bit 2), data compression type (bit 3-4), packet compression (bit 5) (NUM_DISTS elements)
---> Decoded mode number. (NUM_DISTS elements)
Decoded telemetry rate number. (NUM_DISTS elements)
---> Index that identifies the energy and deflector sweep look up tables (LUT) for the sensor. SWP_IND is an index that selects the following support data arrays: ENERGY, DENERGY, THETA, DTHETA, PHI, DPHI, DOMEGA, GF and MASS_ARR. (NUM_DISTS elements), EN_IND Le NSWP
STATIC>Supra-Thermal And Thermal Ion Composition Particle Distributions
Rev-1 2014-04-28
Rate data for the rate channels sorted by energy step with dimension (NUM_DISTS, NRATE, NENERGY) units=counts/s
Quality flag (NUM_DISTS elements)
---> Validity flag codes valid data (bit 0), test pulser on (bit 1), diagnostic mode (bit 2), data compression type (bit 3-4), packet compression (bit 5) (NUM_DISTS elements)
---> Decoded mode number. (NUM_DISTS elements)
Decoded telemetry rate number. (NUM_DISTS elements)
---> Index that identifies the energy and deflector sweep look up tables (LUT) for the sensor. SWP_IND is an index that selects the following support data arrays: ENERGY, DENERGY, THETA, DTHETA, PHI, DPHI, DOMEGA, GF and MASS_ARR. (NUM_DISTS elements), EN_IND Le NSWP
MAVEN SWEA 3D Distributions
Revision 0
MAVEN SWEA Pitch Angle Distributions
Revision 0
MAVEN SWEA 3D Distributions
Revision 0
MAVEN SWEA Pitch Angle Distributions
Revision 0
MAVEN SWEA Energy Spectra
Revision 0
MAVEN SWIA Coarse 3d Distributions
Revision 0
MAVEN SWIA Coarse 3d Distributions
Revision 0
MAVEN SWIA Fine 3d Distributions
Revision 0
MAVEN SWIA Fine 3d Distributions
Revision 0
MAVEN SWIA Onboard Moments
Revision 0
MAVEN SWIA Onboard Energy Spectra
Revision 0