- DeltaB in Despun Spacecraft Coordinates [DeltaB_DSC]
DeltaB in Despun Spacecraft Coordinates. Model Magnetic Field is IGRF version
11. Despun Spacecraft Coordinates (DSC) are defined as: z-axis along the
spin-axis; y-axis in the spin-plane, perpendicular to the Sun-direction; and x
completing the triad x-y-z. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted,
- DeltaB in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Coordinates [DeltaB_GEI]
DeltaB in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinates. Model Magnetic Field is
IGRF version 11. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted, DEL_MAG_FLAG =
- DeltaB in Solar Magnetic Coordinates [DeltaB_SM]
DeltaB in Solar Magnetic coordinates. Model magnetic field and dipole axis
direction from IGRF version 11. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted,
- DeltaB in Field-Aligned Coordinates [DeltaB_FAC]
DeltaB in Field-Aligned Coordinates. Model Magnetic Field is IGRF version 11.
Field-Aligned Coordinates (FAC) defined as: 'b' along the model magnetic field;
'e' as East, in the direction of B-cross-R; and 'o' outwards, completing the
triad o-e-b. Near the poles 'outwards' points towards the respective north or
south pole. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted, DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
- DeltaB in Field-Aligned Spacecraft Coordinates [DeltaB_FAC_V]
DeltaB in Field-Aligned spacecraft coordinates. Model Magnetic Field is IGRF
version 11. Field-aligned spacecraft coordinates use the spacecraft velocity
vector (hence DeltaB_FAC_V) in specifying the coordinate system, which is
defined as: 'b' along the model magnetic field; 'p' perpendicular, in the
direction of B-cross-vel_spacecraft, that is, across track; and 'v' nominally
along the spacecraft velocity vector, along track, completing the triad v-p-b.
Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted, DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
- DeltaB in Field-Aligned/Spin Plane Coordinates [DeltaB_FAC_SP]
DeltaB in Field-Aligned/Spin Plane Coordinates. Model Magnetic Field is IGRF
version 11. Field-aligned/spin plane coordinates use the spin plane (hence
DeltaB_FAC_SP) in specifying the coordinate system, which is defined as: 'b'
along the model magnetic field; 's' in the spin-axis cross model B direction,
that is, in the spin-plane and perpendicular to the model field; and 'p'
perpendicular (B x (spin-axis x B)), nominally along the spin-axis, completing
the triad s-p-b. The spin-plane coordinate 's' is in the same direction as the
despun electric field "E along V" component. Note that "E along V" is nominally
along the spacecraft velocity only in the northern hemisphere, and is nominally
anti-parallel to the spacecraft velocity vector in the southern hemisphere. The
"E along V" electric field crossed with the p-component of "deltaB_FAC_SP"
contributes to the field-aligned Poynting flux. In this s-p-b coordinate system,
positive field-aligned Poynting flux is into the northern ionosphere, but away
from the southern ionosphere. The other contribution to the field-aligned
Poynting flux would be from the p-component of the electric field crossed with
the s-component of the DeltaB magnetic field, but the p-component of the
electric field is mainly given by the spin-axis electric field measurement.
Because one of the axial booms did not deploy on FAST the spin-axis electric
field is generally not used. Detrended (DeltaB) data have bad data deleted,
- Full Magnetic Field in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Coordinates [B_GEI]
Full (non-detrended) magnetometer data in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial
coordinates, with bad data deleted, indicated by DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
- Magnetometer Deleted Data Flag [DEL_MAG_FLAG]
Flags data that have been deleted in B_GEI and detrended (DeltaB) data, or
should be deleted from the non-detrended B_DSC and B_SSC data.
- Torquer Coil Field [Torquer]
Estimated torquer coil magnetic field, in spinning spacecraft coordinates. Units
are pseudo nT since field is estimated with intermediate data.
- Time-Varying Tweaker Matrix [Tweaker]
Time-varying tweaker matrix that gives final orthogonalization and removes
spin-plane offsets. Tweaker takes into account on-orbit variations caused by
eclipse entry, etc..TW_ZX is used to remove from the z-sensor any spin-tone
signals in phase with the x-sensor..TW_ZY is used to remove from the z-sensor
any spin-tone signals in phase with the y-sensor..TW_YY is used to make the
y-sensor have the same gain as the x-sensor..TW_YX is used to remove from the
y-sensor any spin-tone signals in phase with the x-sensor..O_X is used to remove
any DC offsets from the x-sensor..O_Y is used to remove any DC offsets from the
- Magnetometer Data Quality Flag [MAG_QUAL_FLAG]
The Magnetometer Data Quality Flags are additive. Flag values 1 - 16 are Torquer
and other data processing flags. Flag values 32 - 2048 are Spin phase related
flags. Flag values 4096 and 8192 are related to calibration quality. Any data
with a flag value 2048 or greater should be used with care. Flag values: 0
good; 1 Torquers on; 2 Torquer ramp; 4 Nutation [TBD]; 8 Torquer
offset determined from spin plane offset; 16 Torquer offset adjusted by hand
32 spin phase object set to zero; 64 in eclipse (using nadir table); 128
RESERVED; 256 RESERVED; 512 spin phase data not smoothed; 1024 spin phase data
patched with nadir or Mission Unique Electronics (MUE) phase data; 2048 Missing
spin phase data; 4096 Caution set in Magnetometer Calibration File; 8192 Warning
set in Magnetometer Calibration File.
- Full Magnetic Field in Despun Spacecraft Coordinates [B_DSC]
Full (non-detrended) magnetometer data in Despun Spacecraft Coordinates (DSC),
with bad data included, indicated by DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1. Despun Spacecraft
Coordinates have the z-axis along the nominal spin axis, and the Sun in the x-z
- Full Magnetic Field in Spinning Spacecraft Coordinates [B_SSC]
Full (non-detrended) magnetometer data in Spinning Spacecraft Coordinates (SSC),
with bad data included, indicated by DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
- Removed Magnetic Field Spin-Tone Harmonic in Despun Spacecraft Coordinates [Bharmonic_DSC]
Magnetic field spin-tone harmonic in Despun Spacecraft Coordinates (DSC). Bad
data removed, DEL_MAG_FLAG = 1.
- Spin Frequency [Spin_Freq]
Spacecraft spin frequency at the time specified by Spin_Epoch.
- Spin Phase [Spin_Phase]
Phase angle of the magnetometer x-axis with respect to the Sun at the time
specified by Spin_Epoch.
- FAST Orbit Number [Orbit]
Orbit number as specified by the FAST ephemeris software, together with the
other ephemeris information.
- Spacecraft Position in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Coordinates [pos_gei]
FAST spacecraft position in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinates.
- Spacecraft Velocity in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Coordinates [vel_gei]
FAST spacecraft velocity in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial coordinates.
- Model Magnetic Field in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Coordinates [B_model_gei]
Model magnetic field (IGRF version 11 at the date of acquisition) in Geocentric
Equatorial Inertial coordinates.
- FAST Altitude Relative to 6378.14 km [alt]
FAST altitude with respect to Earth equatorial radius (6378.14 km), not mean
radius or geodetic altitude.
- FAST Geographic Latitude [lat]
FAST geographic latitude with respect to sphere with Earth equatorial radius
(6378.14 km), not geodetic.
- FAST Geographic Longitude [lng]
FAST geographic longitude with respect to sphere with Earth equatorial radius
(6378.14 km), not geodetic.
- FAST Invariant Latitude [ilat]
FAST invariant latitude (ILAT) calculated with respect to offset tilted dipole.
Dipole geographic position: [-402.199, 287.504, 195.908] km; Dipole orientation:
latitude 79.3637 degrees, longitude 288.454 degrees. Invariant latitude defined
using 6371.2 km radius with respect to dipole origin.
- FAST Invariant Longitude [ilng]
FAST invariant longitude (ILNG) calculated with respect to offset tilted dipole.
Dipole geographic position: [-402.199, 287.504, 195.908] km; Dipole orientation:
latitude 79.3637 degrees, longitude 288.454 degrees.
- FAST Magnetic Local Time [mlt]
FAST magnetic local time (MLT) calculated from ILNG, which in turn uses an
offset tilted dipole. Dipole geographic position: [-402.199, 287.504, 195.908]
km; Dipole orientation: latitude 79.3637 degrees, longitude 288.454 degrees.
- FAST Magnetic Footprint Latitude [flat]
Latitude of FAST magnetic footprint at 100 km altitude (geodetic coordinates).
IGRF Version 7 used for magnetic field model (IGRF Version 7 is the default in
the field-line tracing code). Latitude is in geodetic coordinates.
- FAST Magnetic Footprint Longitude [flng]
Longitude of magnetic footprint at 100 km altitude (geodetic coordinates). IGRF
Version 7 used for magnetic field model (IGRF Version 7 is the default in the
field-line tracing code). Longitude is in geodetic coordinates.
- Footprint Magnetic Field in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Coordinates [B_foot_gei]
IGRF Version 7 model magnetic field at the position specified by FLAT, FLNG, and
100 km altitude geodetic (IGRF Version 7 is the default in the field-line
tracing code).
- Sun Direction in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Coordinates [sun_dir_gei]
This unit vector is used to construct the despun spacecraft to Geocentric
Equatorial Inertial coordinate transformation. This unit vector is also used to
generate the GEI to Solar Magnetic coordinate transformation.
- Dipole Orientation in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Coordinates [dip_orient_gei]
Unit vector giving dipole orientation in Geocentric Equatorial Inertial
coordinates. Dipole specified by the g10, g11, and h11 values of the IGRF 11
model, using the center time of the orbit as the reference epoch. Used to
generate GEI to Solar Magnetic coodinate transformation.
- Orbit Number [Orbit_Value]
Fixed value of the orbit number, specified at the Orbit_Fixed_Epoch time.
- Coupling Matrix [Coupling_Matrix]
Magnetometer coupling matrix components, fixed values for the orbit. Coupling
matrix components can change from orbit to orbit.
- Magnetometer Offsets [Offsets]
Magnetometer offsets, fixed values for the orbit. Offsets can change from orbit
to orbit.
- Spin Axis Right Ascension and Declination [Spin_Axis]
Spin axis right ascension (RA) and declination (DEC), obtained by comparing IGRF
model field with data. The parameters RA_FDF and DEC_FDF are the starting values
for the initial comparison (FDF = Flight Dynamics Facility).
- Spin Phase Delta [Spin_Phase_Delta]
Angle by which the measured field leads the model field in the spin-plane,
before correction. Correction is to rotate the measured field back by this