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CDAWeb Served Heliophysics Datasets Beginning with 'C'

C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_H1_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Proton omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_HE1_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Helium+ omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_H1_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_H1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_H1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_HE1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Helium+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_HE1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Helium+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_O1_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_O1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_O1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_O1_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Oxygen+ omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_HS_H1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Proton Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_HS_HE1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Helium+ Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_HS_O1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Oxygen+ Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA Ion omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_MAG_IONS_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_MAG_IONS_PF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_MAG_IONS_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_SW_IONS_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_SW_IONS_PF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_SW_IONS_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_LS_1D_PEF: This dataset contains Ion omni-directional fluxes in Particle_Energy_Flux units - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_LS_SW_IONS_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_LS_SW_IONS_PF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_LS_SW_IONS_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_CIS-HIA_PAD_HS_MAG_IONS_PF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA Ion Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_CP_EDI_AEDC: This dataset contains mixed resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C1_CP_EDI_MP: This dataset contains mixed (i.e. quarter- half- and one spin) resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C1_CP_EDI_QZC: This dataset contains mixed resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C1_CP_EDI_SPIN: This dataset contains spin resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C1_CP_EFW_L3_E3D_INERT: This dataset contains 4-sec averages of the 3-dimensional Electric field vector - Mats Andre (IRFU)
C1_CP_EFW_L3_P: This dataset contains measurements of the - Yuri Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C1_CP_EFW_L3_V3D_INERT: This dataset contains 4-sec averages of the ExB-drift velocity in ISR2, using - Mats Andre (IRFU)
C1_CP_FGM_5VPS: This dataset contains 5 vectors/second resolution measurements of the magnetic field vector from the FGM - Chris Carr (Imperial College)
C1_CP_FGM_SPIN: Cluster Spacecraft 1 FluxGate Magnetometer (FGM) Spin-Resolution Parameters
C1_CP_RAP_E3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_ESPCT6: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_HSPCT: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_I3DM_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_I3DM_H: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_I3DM_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_ISPCT_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_ISPCT_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_L3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_PAD_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_PAD_E3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_PAD_H: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_PAD_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_RAP_PAD_L3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C1_CP_STA_CWF_GSE: This dataset contains measurements of the magnetic field - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C1_CP_STA_PPP: Polarization and propagation parameters - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C1_CP_STA_PSD: Power Spectral Density measurements of three - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C1_CP_STA_SM: Cross spectral matrices formed from - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C1_CP_WHI_ACTIVE: This dataset contains electric spectral power density under Sounding Mode from Whisper on spacecraft 1 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C1_CP_WHI_ELECTRON_DENSITY: This dataset contains plasma frequencies from Whisper on spacecraft 1 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C1_CP_WHI_NATURAL: This dataset contains electric spectral power density under natural mode from Whisper on spacecraft 1 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C1_CP_WHI_PASSIVE_ACTIVE: This dataset contains passive electric spectral power density under sounding mode from Whisper on spacecraft 1 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C1_CP_WHI_WAVE_FORM_ENERGY: This dataset contains the Electric Wave Form Power Density under natural mode from Whisper on spacecraft 1 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C1_JP_PMP: Cluster Spacecraft 1, JSOC Predicted Magnetic Positions - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)
C1_JP_PSE: Cluster Spacecraft 1, JSOC Predicted Scientific Events - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)
C1_PP_ASP: Cluster Spacecraft 1, ASPOC Prime Parameters - K. Torkar (IWF-OAW)
C1_PP_CIS: Cluster Spacecraft 1, CIS Prime Parameters - I. Dandouras (IRAP)
C1_PP_DWP: Cluster Spacecraft 1, DWP Prime Parameters - M. Balikhin (Univ-Sheff)
C1_PP_EDI: Cluster Spacecraft 1, EDI Prime Parameters - R. Torbert (UNH)
C1_PP_EFW: Cluster Spacecraft 1, EFW Prime Parameters - Y. Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C1_PP_PEA: Cluster Spacecraft 1, PEACE Prime Parameters - A. Fazakerley (MSSL)
C1_PP_RAP: Cluster Spacecraft 1, RAPID Prime Parameters - P. W. Daly (MPI Solar System Research, Goettingen, Germany)
C1_PP_STA: Cluster Spacecraft 1, STAFF Prime Parameters - N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin (LPP)
C1_PP_WHI: Cluster Spacecraft 1, WHISPER Prime Parameters - J. G. Trotignon (LPC2E)
C1_UP_FGM: Cluster Spacecraft 1, FGM Unvalidated Prime Parameters - C. Carr (ICSTM)
C1_WAVEFORM_WBD: Cluster Wideband Data Plasma Wave Receiver/High Time Resolution Waveform Data - 2006 - Current: J. S. Pickett; 1988 - 2006: D. A. Gurnett (The University of Iowa)
C1_WAVEFORM_WBD_BM2: Cluster Wideband Data Plasma Wave Receiver/High Time Resolution Waveform Data - 2006 - Current: J. S. Pickett; 1988 - 2006: D. A. Gurnett (The University of Iowa)
C2_CP_EDI_AEDC: This dataset contains mixed resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C2_CP_EDI_MP: This dataset contains mixed (i.e. quarter- half- and one spin) resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C2_CP_EDI_QZC: This dataset contains mixed resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C2_CP_EDI_SPIN: This dataset contains spin resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C2_CP_EFW_L3_E3D_INERT: This dataset contains 4-sec averages of the 3-dimensional Electric field vector - Yuri Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C2_CP_EFW_L3_P: This dataset contains measurements of the - Yuri Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C2_CP_EFW_L3_V3D_INERT: This dataset contains 4-sec averages of the ExB-drift velocity in ISR2, using - Yuri Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C2_CP_FGM_5VPS: This dataset contains 5 vectors/second resolution measurements of the magnetic field vector from the FGM - Chris Carr (Imperial College)
C2_CP_FGM_SPIN: Cluster Spacecraft 2 FluxGate Magnetometer (FGM) Spin-Resolution Parameters
C2_CP_RAP_E3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_ESPCT6: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_HSPCT: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_I3DM_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_I3DM_H: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_I3DM_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_ISPCT_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_ISPCT_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_L3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_PAD_E3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_PAD_H: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_PAD_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_RAP_PAD_L3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C2_CP_STA_CWF_GSE: This dataset contains measurements of the magnetic field - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C2_CP_STA_PPP: Polarization and propagation parameters - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C2_CP_STA_PSD: Power Spectral Density measurements of three - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C2_CP_STA_SM: Cross spectral matrices formed from - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C2_CP_WHI_ACTIVE: This dataset contains electric spectral power density under Sounding Mode from Whisper on spacecraft 2 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C2_CP_WHI_ELECTRON_DENSITY: This dataset contains plasma frequencies from Whisper on spacecraft 2 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C2_CP_WHI_NATURAL: This dataset contains electric spectral power density under natural mode from Whisper on spacecraft 2 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C2_CP_WHI_PASSIVE_ACTIVE: This dataset contains passive electric spectral power density under sounding mode from Whisper on spacecraft 2 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C2_CP_WHI_WAVE_FORM_ENERGY: This dataset contains the Electric Wave Form Power Density under natural mode from Whisper on spacecraft 2 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C2_JP_PMP: Cluster Spacecraft 2, JSOC Predicted Magnetic Positions - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)
C2_JP_PSE: Cluster Spacecraft 2, JSOC Predicted Scientific Events - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)
C2_PP_ASP: Cluster Spacecraft 2, ASPOC Prime Parameters - K. Torkar (IWF-OAW)
C2_PP_DWP: Cluster Spacecraft 2, DWP Prime Parameters - M. Balikhin (Univ-Sheff)
C2_PP_EDI: Cluster Spacecraft 2, EDI Prime Parameters - R. Torbert (UNH)
C2_PP_EFW: Cluster Spacecraft 2, EFW Prime Parameters - Y. Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C2_PP_PEA: Cluster Spacecraft 2, PEACE Prime Parameters - A. Fazakerley (MSSL)
C2_PP_RAP: Cluster Spacecraft 2, RAPID Prime Parameters - P. W. Daly (MPI Solar System Research, Goettingen, Germany)
C2_PP_STA: Cluster Spacecraft 2, STAFF Prime Parameters - N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin (LPP)
C2_PP_WHI: Cluster Spacecraft 2, WHISPER Prime Parameters - J. G. Trotignon (LPC2E)
C2_UP_FGM: Cluster Spacecraft 2, FGM Unvalidated Prime Parameters - C. Carr (ICSTM)
C2_WAVEFORM_WBD: Cluster Wideband Data Plasma Wave Receiver/High Time Resolution Waveform Data - 2006 - Current: J. S. Pickett; 1988 - 2006: D. A. Gurnett (The University of Iowa)
C2_WAVEFORM_WBD_BM2: Cluster Wideband Data Plasma Wave Receiver/High Time Resolution Waveform Data - 2006 - Current: J. S. Pickett; 1988 - 2006: D. A. Gurnett (The University of Iowa)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_H1_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Proton omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_HE1_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Helium+ omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_H1_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_H1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_H1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_HE1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Helium+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_HE1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Helium+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_O1_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_O1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_O1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_O1_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Oxygen+ omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_HS_H1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Proton Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_HS_HE1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Helium+ Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_HS_O1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Oxygen+ Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA Ion omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_MAG_IONS_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_MAG_IONS_PF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_MAG_IONS_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_SW_IONS_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_SW_IONS_PF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_HS_SW_IONS_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_LS_1D_PEF: This dataset contains Ion omni-directional fluxes in Particle_Energy_Flux units - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_LS_SW_IONS_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_LS_SW_IONS_PF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_LS_SW_IONS_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-HIA 3D Ion distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_CIS-HIA_PAD_HS_MAG_IONS_PF: This dataset contains CIS-HIA Ion Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_CP_EDI_AEDC: This dataset contains mixed resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C3_CP_EDI_MP: This dataset contains mixed (i.e. quarter- half- and one spin) resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C3_CP_EDI_QZC: This dataset contains mixed resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C3_CP_EDI_SPIN: This dataset contains spin resolution measurements of the - Goetz Paschmann (University of New Hampshire)
C3_CP_EFW_L3_E3D_INERT: This dataset contains 4-sec averages of the 3-dimensional Electric field vector - Mats Andre (IRFU)
C3_CP_EFW_L3_P: This dataset contains measurements of the - Yuri Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C3_CP_EFW_L3_V3D_INERT: This dataset contains 4-sec averages of the ExB-drift velocity in ISR2, using - Mats Andre (IRFU)
C3_CP_FGM_5VPS: This dataset contains 5 vectors/second resolution measurements of the magnetic field vector from the FGM - Chris Carr (Imperial College)
C3_CP_FGM_SPIN: Cluster Spacecraft 3 FluxGate Magnetometer (FGM) Spin-Resolution Parameters
C3_CP_RAP_E3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_ESPCT6: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_HSPCT: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_I3DM_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_I3DM_H: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_I3DM_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_ISPCT_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_ISPCT_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_L3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_PAD_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_PAD_E3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_PAD_H: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_PAD_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_RAP_PAD_L3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C3_CP_STA_CWF_GSE: This dataset contains measurements of the magnetic field - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C3_CP_STA_PPP: Polarization and propagation parameters - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C3_CP_STA_PSD: Power Spectral Density measurements of three - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C3_CP_STA_SM: Cross spectral matrices formed from - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C3_CP_WHI_ACTIVE: This dataset contains electric spectral power density under Sounding Mode from Whisper on spacecraft 3 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C3_CP_WHI_ELECTRON_DENSITY: This dataset contains plasma frequencies from Whisper on spacecraft 3 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C3_CP_WHI_NATURAL: This dataset contains electric spectral power density under natural mode from Whisper on spacecraft 3 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C3_CP_WHI_PASSIVE_ACTIVE: This dataset contains passive electric spectral power density under sounding mode from Whisper on spacecraft 3 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C3_CP_WHI_WAVE_FORM_ENERGY: This dataset contains the Electric Wave Form Power Density under natural mode from Whisper on spacecraft 3 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C3_JP_PMP: Cluster Spacecraft 3, JSOC Predicted Magnetic Positions - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)
C3_JP_PSE: Cluster Spacecraft 3, JSOC Predicted Scientific Events - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)
C3_PP_ASP: Cluster Spacecraft 3, ASPOC Prime Parameters - K. Torkar (IWF-OAW)
C3_PP_CIS: Cluster Spacecraft 3, CIS Prime Parameters - I. Dandouras (IRAP)
C3_PP_EDI: Cluster Spacecraft 3, EDI Prime Parameters - R. Torbert (UNH)
C3_PP_EFW: Cluster Spacecraft 3, EFW Prime Parameters - Y. Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C3_PP_PEA: Cluster Spacecraft 3, PEACE Prime Parameters - A. Fazakerley (MSSL)
C3_PP_RAP: Cluster Spacecraft 3, RAPID Prime Parameters - P. W. Daly (MPI Solar System Research, Goettingen, Germany)
C3_PP_STA: Cluster Spacecraft 3, STAFF Prime Parameters - N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin (LPP)
C3_PP_WHI: Cluster Spacecraft 3, WHISPER Prime Parameters - J. G. Trotignon (LPC2E)
C3_UP_FGM: Cluster Spacecraft 3, FGM Unvalidated Prime Parameters - C. Carr (ICSTM)
C3_WAVEFORM_WBD: Cluster Wideband Data Plasma Wave Receiver/High Time Resolution Waveform Data - 2006 - Current: J. S. Pickett; 1988 - 2006: D. A. Gurnett (The University of Iowa)
C3_WAVEFORM_WBD_BM2: Cluster Wideband Data Plasma Wave Receiver/High Time Resolution Waveform Data - 2006 - Current: J. S. Pickett; 1988 - 2006: D. A. Gurnett (The University of Iowa)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_H1_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Proton omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_HE1_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Helium+ omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_HE1_DENSITY_CORRECTED: He+ density (with standard devitation), which is - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_H1_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_H1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_H1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_HE1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Helium+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_HE1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Helium+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_O1_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_O1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_O1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_LS_H1_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_LS_H1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_LS_H1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Proton distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_LS_HE1_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Helium+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_LS_HE1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Helium+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_LS_O1_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_LS_O1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_LS_O1_PSD: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF 3D Oxygen+ distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_O1_1D_PEF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Oxygen+ omni-directional distributions - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_HS_H1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Proton Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_HS_HE1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Helium+ Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_HS_O1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Oxygen+ Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_LS_H1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Proton Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_LS_HE1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Helium+ Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_CIS-CODIF_PAD_LS_O1_PF: This dataset contains CIS-CODIF Oxygen+ Pitch-Angle Distribution, - Iannis Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_CP_EFW_L3_E3D_INERT: This dataset contains 4-sec averages of the 3-dimensional Electric field vector - Yuri Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C4_CP_EFW_L3_P: This dataset contains measurements of the - Yuri Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C4_CP_EFW_L3_V3D_INERT: This dataset contains 4-sec averages of the ExB-drift velocity in ISR2, using - Yuri Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C4_CP_FGM_5VPS: This dataset contains 5 vectors/second resolution measurements of the magnetic field vector from the FGM - Chris Carr (Imperial College)
C4_CP_FGM_SPIN: Cluster Spacecraft 4 FluxGate Magnetometer (FGM) Spin-Resolution Parameters
C4_CP_RAP_E3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_ESPCT6: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_HSPCT: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_I3DM_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_I3DM_H: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_I3DM_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_ISPCT_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_ISPCT_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_L3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_PAD_CNO: This dataset contains differential fluxes of CNO ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_PAD_E3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_PAD_H: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Protons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_PAD_HE: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Helium ions - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_RAP_PAD_L3DD: This dataset contains differential fluxes of Electrons - Berend Wilken (MPS)
C4_CP_STA_CWF_GSE: This dataset contains measurements of the magnetic field - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C4_CP_STA_PPP: Polarization and propagation parameters - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C4_CP_STA_PSD: Power Spectral Density measurements of three - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C4_CP_STA_SM: Cross spectral matrices formed from - Patrick Canu (LPP)
C4_CP_WHI_ACTIVE: This dataset contains electric spectral power density under Sounding Mode from Whisper on spacecraft 4 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C4_CP_WHI_ELECTRON_DENSITY: This dataset contains plasma frequencies from Whisper on spacecraft 4 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C4_CP_WHI_NATURAL: This dataset contains electric spectral power density under natural mode from Whisper on spacecraft 4 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C4_CP_WHI_PASSIVE_ACTIVE: This dataset contains passive electric spectral power density under sounding mode from Whisper on spacecraft 4 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C4_CP_WHI_WAVE_FORM_ENERGY: This dataset contains the Electric Wave Form Power Density under natural mode from Whisper on spacecraft 4 - Pierre Henri (LPC2E)
C4_JP_PMP: Cluster Spacecraft 4, JSOC Predicted Magnetic Positions - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)
C4_JP_PSE: Cluster Spacecraft 4, JSOC Predicted Scientific Events - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)
C4_PP_ASP: Cluster Spacecraft 4, ASPOC Prime Parameters - K. Torkar (IWF-OAW)
C4_PP_CIS: Cluster Spacecraft 4, CIS Prime Parameters - I. Dandouras (IRAP)
C4_PP_DWP: Cluster Spacecraft 4, DWP Prime Parameters - M. Balikhin (Univ-Sheff)
C4_PP_EDI: Cluster Spacecraft 4, EDI Prime Parameters - R. Torbert (UNH)
C4_PP_EFW: Cluster Spacecraft 4, EFW Prime Parameters - Y. Khotyaintsev (IRFU)
C4_PP_PEA: Cluster Spacecraft 4, PEACE Prime Parameters - A. Fazakerley (MSSL)
C4_PP_RAP: Cluster Spacecraft 4, RAPID Prime Parameters - P. W. Daly (MPI Solar System Research, Goettingen, Germany)
C4_PP_STA: Cluster Spacecraft 4, STAFF Prime Parameters - N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin (LPP)
C4_PP_WHI: Cluster Spacecraft 4, WHISPER Prime Parameters - J. G. Trotignon (LPC2E)
C4_UP_FGM: Cluster Spacecraft 4, FGM Unvalidated Prime Parameters - C. Carr (ICSTM)
C4_WAVEFORM_WBD: Cluster Wideband Data Plasma Wave Receiver/High Time Resolution Waveform Data - 2006 - Current: J. S. Pickett; 1988 - 2006: D. A. Gurnett (The University of Iowa)
C4_WAVEFORM_WBD_BM2: Cluster Wideband Data Plasma Wave Receiver/High Time Resolution Waveform Data - 2006 - Current: J. S. Pickett; 1988 - 2006: D. A. Gurnett (The University of Iowa)
CASSINI_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
CASSINI_MAG_1MIN_MAGNETIC_FIELD: 1 min averaged magnetic field - Michele Dougherty (Imperial College, London)
CL_JP_PCY: Cluster, JSOC Predicted Solar Cycle Trends - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)
CL_JP_PGP: Cluster, JSOC Predicted Geometric Positions - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)
CL_OR_GIFWALK: Link to Cluster orbit plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
CL_SP_AUX: Cluster, Auxiliary Parameters - (Non-PI) M. Tatrallyay (Wigner RCP, RMKI)
CNOFS_CINDI_IVM_500MS: CNOFS CINDI IVM ion density, composition, temperature, and drift (0.5-sec) - Dr. Roderick A. Heelis (University of Texas, Dallas)
CNOFS_PLP_PLASMA_1SEC: C/NOFS Planar Langmuir Probe 1 second average Key Parameters. "The data are PRELIMINARY, and as such, are intended for BROWSE PURPOSES ONLY" - D. E. Hunton (Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate)
CNOFS_VEFI_BFIELD_1SEC: Magnetic field solution (at 1 sample per sec) produced by VEFI on the Communication Navigation Outage Forecast System satellite. - Robert F. Pfaff (NASA GSFC)
CNOFS_VEFI_EFIELD_1SEC: Electric Field solution (at 1 sample/sec) produced by VEFI on the Communication Navigation Outage Forecast System satellite. The data are PRELIMINARY, and as such, are intended for BROWSE PURPOSES ONLY. - Robert F. Pfaff (GSFC)
CNOFS_VEFI_LD_500MS: CNOFS VEFI Lightning Detector, low rate data (eclipse portion of CNOFS orbit) - Robert H. Holzworth (University of Washington)
CN_K0_ASI: CANOPUS All Sky Imager, Key Parameters - J. Samson (U. Alberta)
CN_K0_BARS: CANOPUS Bistatic Auroral Radar System, Key Parameters - John Samson (University of Alberta)
CN_K0_MARI: CANOPUS MARI Magnetometer Key Parameters - J. Samson (U. Alberta)
CN_K0_MPA: CANOPUS Meridian Photometer Array, Key Parameters - J. Samson (U. Alberta)
CN_K1_MARI: CANOPUS MARI Riometer Key Parameters - J. Samson (U. Alberta)
COMETGS_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
COMETHMP_HELIO1DAY_POSITION: Position in heliocentric coordinates from SPDF Helioweb - Natalia Papitashvili (NASA/GSFC/SPDF)
CSSWE_REPTILE_6SEC-COUNTS-L1: CSSWE REPTile level1 6sec Counts and Position - Xinlin Li (University of Colorado at Boulder)
CSSWE_REPTILE_6SEC-FLUX-L2: CSSWE REPTile level2 6sec flux and Position - Xinlin Li (University of Colorado at Boulder)
CT_JP_PSE: Cluster centroid, JSOC Predicted Scientific Events - (Non-PI) M. Hapgood (RAL)

Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Mixed time resolution: 1/16 s for normal and 1/128 s for burst mode 
The AEC (*.edi_ae_cor) files were used to correct for angular (theta-phi)
dependence of the efficieny
The correction is applied to the original CDF files delivered by the EDI team
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Non-regularly spaced time-series! It contains quarter-spin, half-spin
and spin resolution data with all qualities: GOOD/CAUTION/BAD. 
The values 2/1/0 for GOOD/CAUTION/BAD are  written to Status[0].
Data from spin, half spin and quarter spin IFF files are merged by an algorithm
that can be
thought of as a 'use more if not lower quality' algorithm.
The analysis is performed on each spin's worth of data starting
with spin resolution. If there is more data of half spin 
resolution with equal or better quality, it replaces the spin
resolution data. Likewise, if there is more data of quarter 
spin resolution with equal or better quality, it replaces the
half spin resolution data.
The electric field and drift velocity measurements are given
in the inertial frame (a correction has been applied for the
spacecraft velocity).
VERSION 01: The first version of this dataset was converted by the CAA
from source CDF files provided by the EDI team. This conversion involved
insertion of a half interval parameter that was not included in the source
files and correction of missing or bad metadata. The half interval
determination was based on comparison with the spin time-tags provided
in the EDI CSDS Prime Parameter data file. In some cases a consistent
determination could not be found with the PP data and the half-interval
was set to the minimum, quarter spin, 1 second, value.
CDF to CEF Conversion was done using revision 1.1 (2006/11/06) of
Metadata correction was done using revision 1.1 (2006/11/06) of
For this initial conversion the CAA CEF files have retained the same file
version number as the source CDF files. In most cases file versions are
V13 or V14.
VERSION 02: Minor changes
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Mixed time resolution: 1/8 s for normal and 1/64 s for burst mode 
MIN_TIME_RESOLUTION is set to fill_value
Not regularly spaced timeline 
The background electron counts at fixed energy and pitch angle may be
contaminated with beam electrons 
Status parameter has two bits for electron energy and acquisition time for the
electron counts
bit0=0: acquisition time=1/512 s; bit0=1: acq_time=1/1024 s 
bit1 is the energy flag=0/1 for 1/0.5 keV electron energy
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Spin resolution data with GOOD/CAUTION qualities.
The values 2/1 for GOOD/CAUTION are in Status[0].
The electric field and drift velocity measurements are given
in the inertial frame (a correction has been applied for the
spacecraft velocity).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
This dataset has been calculated using the following products:
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
Level 3 quantity P is the negative of the spacecraft potential,
calculated by averaging the Level 2 quantity P over 4 seconds.
For more information on data quality and how the CAA data are processed,
please consult the EFW CAA Users Guide and the EFW CAA Interface Control
Document (ICD).
Detailed quality information is provided as a 16 bit set of flags
in the parameter P_bitmask__C1_CP_EFW_L3_P. The meaning of
the bits is as follows (LSB numbering starting at 0):
Bit  0: Reset.
Bit  1: Bad bias.
Bit  2: Probe latchup.
Bit  3: Low density saturation (-68V).
Bits 4-12: N/A
Bit 13: Whisper operating.
Bit 14: Saturation due to high bias current.
Bit 15: N/A
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
This dataset has been calculated using the following products:
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Each Cluster spacecraft carries an identical FGM instrument
(Fluxgate Magnetometer) to measure the DC magnetic field
vector. Each instrument, in turn, consists of two triaxial
fluxgate magnetometers and an onboard data processing unit.
The instrument samples the magnetic field at a cadence of 22 Hz
(67 Hz in Burst mode). In order to minimise the magnetic 
background of the spacecraft, one of the magnetometer sensors
 (the outboard, or OB sensor) is located at the end of one
 of the two 5 m radial booms of the spacecraft, the other 
(the inboard, or IB sensor) at 1.5 m inboard from the end 
of the boom. Since the start of the scientific operations 
on February 1, 2001, only the outboard sensor on each 
satellite has been used.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_CP_FGM_SPIN (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/FGM/SpinResolution/PT4S)
No TEXT global attribute value.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 01: First version of dataset.
Version 02: Few corrected re-deliveries.
Version 03: Removal of on-board calibration records is now based on
the calibration bit (instead of the step-in-cal character).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 09 : Reprocessed due to FGM and/or SPD-AUX files re-deliveries.
Version 08 : FGM induced gaps revised and completed.
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the half-interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Now with FGM induced gaps. FGM file used described in the FILE_CAVEATS 
metadata section. 
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C1_CP_STA_PPP variables was set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the minimum time resolution (4s)
which is correct in most of the cases (Normal Bit Rate).
Note that the data themselves are correct.
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Version 05: used the new calibration tables (feb 2013).
Version 03: AUX files in CDF format used are 26 hours.
Same data than version02 but less missing values.
Version 02: Data format corrected.
Version 01: Obsolete. Should not be used !
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C1_CP_STA_PSD variables is set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the usual minimum time resolution (1s)
which is correct in most of the time (Normal Bit Rate).
The  time resolution is better in High Bit Rate.
Note that the data themselves are correct.
Version 04 : All the headers have been updated (laboratory name 
and email). Introduction of a new header file (Dataset). 
The PSD negative values in the version 03 have been replaced 
by the fillvalue (-1.00E+31).
Version 03:
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Phase rotation corrected + exhaustive data. Older versions 
are obsolete and should not be used ! The negative values must not be
taken into account by the users.
Version 02 : Obsolete. This version may be used if Version 03 is not 
available, as long as only total B and total E power are used !
Version 01 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C1_CP_STA_SM variables is set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the minimum time resolution (4s)
which is correct in most of the cases (Normal Bit Rate)
Note that the data themselves are correct.
Version 04 : All the headers have been updated (laboratory name 
and email). Introduction of a new header file (Dataset). 
Units and Si Conversion of the variables BB and BE have been corrected.
Version 03 : Phase rotation corrected + exhaustive data. 
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Older versions are obsolete and should not be used ! 
Version 02 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
Version 01 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: dataset headers update, QUALITY changed to CONTRAST, addition of a
new QUALITY variable
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_JP_PMP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/Ephemeris/JP/PredictedMagneticPosition/PT5M)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation used to calculate magnetic field and L value 
 in PMP files produced after 23 Feb 2020.
JSOC predicted magnetic positions.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_JP_PSE (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/Ephemeris/JP/PredictedScientificEvent/PT0.016S)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
AP _ Apogee
CY 1 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 2 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 3 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 1 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 2 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 3 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 4 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
DY 1 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 2 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 3 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 4 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 5 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 1 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 2 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 3 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 4 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
GY 1 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 2 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 3 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 4 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 1 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 2 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 3 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
JY 1 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 2 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 3 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 4 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 1 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 2 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 3 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
KA 1 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 2 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 3 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 4 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 1 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 2 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 3 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 4 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
MY 1 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 2 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 3 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 4 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 1 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 2 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 3 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
NS S Southbound neutral sheet
NT I Enter north tail lobe from inner magnetosphere
PA 1 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 2 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 3 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 4 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PE _ Perigee
PL 1 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 2 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 3 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 4 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 5 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
QL I Inbound critical L value for auroral zone
QL O Outbound critical L value for auroral zone
RA 1 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 2 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 3 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 4 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 1 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 2 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 3 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 4 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 5 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
ST O Leave south tail lobe for inner magnetosphere
TL I Inbound radiation belt entry for WEC
TL O Outbound radiation belt exit for WEC
VL I Inbound critical L value for EDI
VL O Outbound critical L value for EDI
XL I Inbound critical L value for PEACE
XL O Outbound critical L value for PEACE
YL I Inbound critical L value for RAPID
YL O Outbound critical L value for RAPID
ZL I Inbound critical L value for CIS
ZL O Outbound critical L value for CIS
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation pole used to calculate GSM latitude and MLT 
 in PSE files produced after 23 Feb 2020.
PSE files updated to support orbits >999 and six decimal figures 
 on orbit phase from 25 March 2006.
JSOC predicted scientific events.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_PP_ASP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/ASPOC/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
K. Torkar et al, Active spacecraft potential control for Cluster -
implementation and first results
Ann. Geophys., 19,  pp 1289 - 1302, 2001)
Modification History
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_PP_CIS (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/CIS/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
H. Reme et al, First multispacecraft ion measurements in and near 
the Earth's magnetosphere with the identical 
Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) experiment
Annales Geophysicae, 19, pp 1303 - 1354, 2001
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** C1_PP_CIS_20220930 pre-validated by CIS team and supplied to UKCDC for inges
The user of the CIS data needs to be cautious.
Please refer to the CIS Home Page: ,
link [Caveats for specific data intervals], for caveats concerning these data.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_PP_DWP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/DWP/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
L. J. C. Woolliscroft et al, The Digital Wave-Processing Experiment on Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 209 - 231, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Operational version of UKCDHF Pipeline software
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This CSDS DWP product has not been validated prior to release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_PP_EDI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/EDI/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
G. Paschmann et al, The Electron Drift Instrument for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 233 - 269, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
1) EDI's automated analysis algorithm has a known susceptibility to
producing occasional incorrect values of the drift velocities (and electric
fields). The code attempts to prevent these bad values to be output
to the cdf file. No further removal is done in the validation process.
2) When drift velocities become sufficiently large, there can be a
180-degree ambiguity in drift direction that is usually flagged in bit 7
(counting from 0) of Status Byte 3.
3) There are two methods to analyze a spin's worth of EDI data. If bits 5 &
6 in Status Byte 3 are NOT set, the employed method was triangulation. If
either bit 5 or 6 are set, then the results are from time-of-flight
4) The reported drift velocities and electric field refer to inertial
coordinates, i.e., have been corrected for spacecraft velocity. However, the
magnitude errors (in %) and the angle errors (in degrees), reported in
Status Bytes 5 & 6, respectively, refer to the spacecraft frame and have NOT
yet been converted to inertial coordinates.
5) The reduced chi-square reported as a data word is a measure of the
goodness-of-fit of the triangulation analysis.
Dataset in CDAWeb
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C1_PP_EFW (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/EFW/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
G. Gustafsson et al, The Electric Field and Wave Experiment for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 137 - 156, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data calibration may be unreliable at this early stage of the mission
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** CSDS data are not for publication ***
Be aware that data may be reprocessed as necessary to improve quality
For questions on data validity please contact
Fill value inserted for E_dusk__C1_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_pow_f1__C1_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_sigma__C1_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Fill value inserted for U_probe_sc__C1_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
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C1_PP_PEA (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/PEACE/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
A. D. Johnstone et al, Peace, A Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 351 - 398, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
PP & SP data is generated at MSSL, then provided to UK-CDHF
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This is PEACE PP/SP data version 3.1, produced at MSSL
Based on onboard moments but using corrected geometric factors which account for
uplinked changes of the values used in onboard calibration as well as estimated
changes due to variable MCP gain performance
Onboard moments are calculated for up to three energy ranges. Photoelectron
contamination may affect 0, 1 or 2 of these ranges
EFW PP probe-spacecraft potential was used to select the energy ranges to be
excluded to remove misleading photoelectron contributions. Note that the density
may be underestimated if there are both plasma electrons and photoelectrons in
the lowest energy range
When 88h58 is used for the HEEA sensor, sometimes the entire plasma electron
population and photoelectrons are in just the lowest of the 3 energy ranges.
This data has been deleted in this release of the PEACE PPs
Data is deleted if the spacecraft electric potential is too large for the simple
correction procedure to work or there is no EFW PP data available
Measured electron energies have not been corrected for their acceleration by the
spacecraft electric potential
Onboard moments use onboard energy tables, efficiencies and response surfaces.
Any errors in these parameters cannot be corrected in ground data processing
Before 2001-09-11 the onboard energy efficiencies were not accurate, which
caused the density in the solar wind to be overestimated. This data has been
removed in this release of the PEACE PPs
The calculation of T_par, T_perp and Q_par used PP FGM data
The data is for context and information only. It is not suitable for detailed
analysis, but may be used for event selection
The next iteration of PP/SP moments will be of a higher quality
Please see links under for more
Please contact the PEACE PI to request science quality data
Automatically validated by UKCDC
Product delivered pre-validated by the PI institute
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C1_PP_RAP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/RAPID/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
B. Wilken et al, RAPID, The Imaging Energetic Particle Spectrometer on Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 399 - 473, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data processed on 2024-11-14T07:34:19Z
Caveats file: RAP_CAV_C1_V245.DAT; Release Sep 16, 2024
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
2023-09-19T00:00:00.000Z/9999-12-31T23:59:59.000Z: RAPID permanently turned off
as of Sep 19, 2023.
Corrected time stamps for ions and electrons.
Energy threshold shifts have been applied.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_PP_STA (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/STAFF/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
N. Cornilleau et al,
The Cluster Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (Staff) Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 107 - 136, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
PI Software Version 4.2, 25 September 2006
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_PP_WHI (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/WHISPER/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
P. M. E. Decreau et al, WHISPER, A Resonance Sounder and Wave Analyser:
Performances and Perspectives for the Cluster Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 157 - 193, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Two types of parameters are provided by WHISPER:
1) Density values (and quality): N_e_res and N_e_res_q, are related to sounding
The N_e_res value is calculated from an algorithm for resonance recognition,
which cannot take account of all level of information available to the
experimenter. The reliability of N_e_res parameters derived at the CSDS level
is thus limited in an unknown manner.
The N_e_res_q parameter (one value for each N_e_res data point) provides a crude
idea of the probability that the N_e_res value is actually correct. A value of
0 means that the value is probably wrong, a value above 80 that it is probably
correct. Anything in between reflects a crude evaluation of the chances. Refer
to PI for details.
2) Wave power values: E_pow_f4, E_pow_f5, E_pow_f6, E_pow_su and E_var_ts, are
related to recording of natural wave emissions.
Those parameters, not affected by variations in instrument's transfer functions,
are globally OK.
However, two factors can affect the precision of the measurements:
a) the occasional presence of spurious emissions created by operations of the
EDI instrument increases the wave power values measured on SC1, SC2 and SC3,
from an unknown amount,
b) the limited dynamical range of the instrument leads to an underestimation of
the E_pow parameters values when the voltage difference measured by the double
sphere antenna signal in the 2 - 80 kHz band is higher than 150 mVp or 600 mVp
(depending of the gain chosen). As a consequence, high values have to be taken
with special caution.
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_UP_FGM (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Rumba/FGM/UnvalidatedParameter/PT4S)
A. Balogh et al, The Cluster Magnetic Field Investigation
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 65 - 92, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Operational version of UKCDHF Pipeline software
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
For the extended mission (starting 1/1/2006) CSDS FGM products
are not validated prior to release to the science community.
Spikes and other artefacts that were previously removed during
validation of the FGM PP/SP data may occur in these files.
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C1_WAVEFORM_WBD doi:10.48322/7jw6-ks09
High time resolution calibrated waveform data sampled in one of 3 frequency
bands in the range 0-577 kHz along one axis using either an electric field
antenna or a magnetic search coil sensor.  The dataset also includes instrument
mode, data quality and the angles required to orient the measurement with
respect to the magnetic field and to the GSE coordinate system.
The procedure used in computing the calibrated Electric Field and Magnetic Field
values found in this file can be obtained from the document
'cluster_wbd_calibration.pdf'. Because the calibration was applied in the time
domain using a simple equation the raw counts actually measured by the WBD
instrument can be obtained by using these equations and solving for 'Raw
Counts', keeping in mind that this number is an Integer ranging from 0 to 255. 
Since DC offset is a real number, the resultant when solving for raw counts will
need to be converted to the nearest whole number.
In order to convert the WBD data to the frequency domain via an FFT, the
following steps need to be carried out:  1) If Electric Field, first divide
calibrated data by 1000 to get V m^-1; 2) Apply window of preference, if any
(such as Hanning, etc.); 3) Divide data values by sqrt(2) to get back to the rms
domain; 4) perform FFT (see Bandwidth variable notes for non-continuous modes);
5) divide by the noise bandwidth, which is equal to the sampling frequency
divided by the FFT size (see table below for appropriate sampling frequency); 6)
multiply by the appropriate constant for the window used, if any.
Bandwidth   Sample Rate
---------   ------------
9.5 kHz      27.443 kHz 
19 kHz       54.886 kHz 
77 kHz      219.544 kHz 
One axis measurements made in the Antenna Coordinate System, i.e., if electric
field measurement, it will either be Ey or Ez, both of which are in the spin
plane of the spacecraft, and if magnetic field measurement, it will either be
Bx, along the spin axis, or By, in spin plane.
Modification History
Created Mar 2008.Revised Dec 2008, Jan 2010
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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High time resolution calibrated waveform data sampled in one of 3 frequency
bandwidths in the range 0-577 kHz along one axis using either an electric field
antenna or a magnetic search coil sensor.  The dataset also includes instrument
mode, data quality and the angles required to orient the measurement with
respect to the magnetic field and to the GSE coordinate system.
The procedure used in computing the calibrated Electric Field and Magnetic Field
values found in this file can be obtained from the document
'CAA_EST_CR_WBD_v20.pdf'. Because the calibration was applied in the time domain
using a simple equation the raw counts actually measured by the WBD instrument
can be obtained by using these equations and solving for 'Raw Counts', keeping
in mind that this number is an Integer ranging from 0 to 255.  Since DC offset
is a real number, the resultant when solving for raw counts will need to be
converted to the nearest whole number.
In order to convert the WBD data to the frequency domain via an FFT, see
'CAA_EST_CR_WBD_v20.pdf'. The steps for converting are briefly outlined below:
1) If Electric Field, first divide calibrated data by 1000 to get V m^-1; 2)
Apply window of preference, if any (such as Hanning, etc.); 3) Divide data
values by sqrt(2) to get back to the rms domain; 4) perform FFT (see Bandwidth
VAR_NOTES for non-continuous modes); 5) divide by the noise bandwidth, which is
equal to the sampling frequency divided by the FFT size (see table in VAR_NOTES
of the 'BM_Mode' variable for the appropriate sampling frequency); 6) multiply
by the appropriate constant for the window used, if any;7) if Translation is not
equal to 0, add the appropriate translation frequency to each frequency
component (see Translation CATDESC for the exact values).
One axis measurements made in the Antenna Coordinate System, i.e., if electric
field measurement, it will either be Ey or Ez, both of which are in the spin
plane of the spacecraft, and if magnetic field measurement, it will either be
Bx, along the spin axis, or By, in spin plane.
Modification History
Created Nov 2014.
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Mixed time resolution: 1/16 s for normal and 1/128 s for burst mode 
The AEC (*.edi_ae_cor) files were used to correct for angular (theta-phi)
dependence of the efficieny
The correction is applied to the original CDF files delivered by the EDI team
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Non-regularly spaced time-series! It contains quarter-spin, half-spin
and spin resolution data with all qualities: GOOD/CAUTION/BAD. 
The values 2/1/0 for GOOD/CAUTION/BAD are  written to Status[0].
Data from spin, half spin and quarter spin IFF files are merged by an algorithm
that can be
thought of as a 'use more if not lower quality' algorithm.
The analysis is performed on each spin's worth of data starting
with spin resolution. If there is more data of half spin 
resolution with equal or better quality, it replaces the spin
resolution data. Likewise, if there is more data of quarter 
spin resolution with equal or better quality, it replaces the
half spin resolution data.
The electric field and drift velocity measurements are given
in the inertial frame (a correction has been applied for the
spacecraft velocity).
VERSION 01: The first version of this dataset was converted by the CAA
from source CDF files provided by the EDI team. This conversion involved
insertion of a half interval parameter that was not included in the source
files and correction of missing or bad metadata. The half interval
determination was based on comparison with the spin time-tags provided
in the EDI CSDS Prime Parameter data file. In some cases a consistent
determination could not be found with the PP data and the half-interval
was set to the minimum, quarter spin, 1 second, value.
CDF to CEF Conversion was done using revision 1.1 (2006/11/06) of
Metadata correction was done using revision 1.1 (2006/11/06) of
For this initial conversion the CAA CEF files have retained the same file
version number as the source CDF files. In most cases file versions are
V13 or V14.
VERSION 02: Minor changes
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Mixed time resolution: 1/8 s for normal and 1/64 s for burst mode 
MIN_TIME_RESOLUTION is set to fill_value
Not regularly spaced timeline 
The background electron counts at fixed energy and pitch angle may be
contaminated with beam electrons 
Status parameter has two bits for electron energy and acquisition time for the
electron counts
bit0=0: acquisition time=1/512 s; bit0=1: acq_time=1/1024 s 
bit1 is the energy flag=0/1 for 1/0.5 keV electron energy
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Spin resolution data with GOOD/CAUTION qualities.
The values 2/1 for GOOD/CAUTION are in Status[0].
The electric field and drift velocity measurements are given
in the inertial frame (a correction has been applied for the
spacecraft velocity).
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
This dataset has been calculated using the following products:
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
Level 3 quantity P is the negative of the spacecraft potential,
calculated by averaging the Level 2 quantity P over 4 seconds.
For more information on data quality and how the CAA data are processed,
please consult the EFW CAA Users Guide and the EFW CAA Interface Control
Document (ICD).
Detailed quality information is provided as a 16 bit set of flags
in the parameter P_bitmask__C2_CP_EFW_L3_P. The meaning of
the bits is as follows (LSB numbering starting at 0):
Bit  0: Reset.
Bit  1: Bad bias.
Bit  2: Probe latchup.
Bit  3: Low density saturation (-68V).
Bits 4-12: N/A
Bit 13: Whisper operating.
Bit 14: Saturation due to high bias current.
Bit 15: N/A
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
This dataset has been calculated using the following products:
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Each Cluster spacecraft carries an identical FGM instrument
(Fluxgate Magnetometer) to measure the DC magnetic field
vector. Each instrument, in turn, consists of two triaxial
fluxgate magnetometers and an onboard data processing unit.
The instrument samples the magnetic field at a cadence of 22 Hz
(67 Hz in Burst mode). In order to minimise the magnetic 
background of the spacecraft, one of the magnetometer sensors
 (the outboard, or OB sensor) is located at the end of one
 of the two 5 m radial booms of the spacecraft, the other 
(the inboard, or IB sensor) at 1.5 m inboard from the end 
of the boom. Since the start of the scientific operations 
on February 1, 2001, only the outboard sensor on each 
satellite has been used.
Modification History
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C2_CP_FGM_SPIN (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/FGM/SpinResolution/PT4S)
No TEXT global attribute value.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 01: First version of dataset.
Version 02: Few corrected re-deliveries.
Version 03: Removal of on-board calibration records is now based on
the calibration bit (instead of the step-in-cal character).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 09 : Reprocessed due to FGM and/or SPD-AUX files re-deliveries.
Version 08 : FGM induced gaps revised and completed.
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the half-interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Now with FGM induced gaps. FGM file used described in the FILE_CAVEATS 
metadata section. 
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C2_CP_STA_PPP variables was set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the minimum time resolution (4s)
which is correct in most of the cases (Normal Bit Rate).
Note that the data themselves are correct.
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Version 05: used the new calibration tables (feb 2013).
Version 03: AUX files in CDF format used are 26 hours.
Same data than version02 but less missing values.
Version 02: Data format corrected.
Version 01: Obsolete. Should not be used !
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C2_CP_STA_PSD variables is set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the usual minimum time resolution (1s)
which is correct in most of the time (Normal Bit Rate).
The  time resolution is better in High Bit Rate.
Note that the data themselves are correct.
Version 04 : All the headers have been updated (laboratory name 
and email). Introduction of a new header file (Dataset). 
The PSD negative values in the version 03 have been replaced 
by the fillvalue (-1.00E+31).
Version 03:
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Phase rotation corrected + exhaustive data. Older versions 
are obsolete and should not be used ! The negative values must not be
taken into account by the users.
Version 02 : Obsolete. This version may be used if Version 03 is not 
available, as long as only total B and total E power are used !
Version 01 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
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STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C2_CP_STA_SM variables is set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the minimum time resolution (4s)
which is correct in most of the cases (Normal Bit Rate)
Note that the data themselves are correct.
Version 04 : All the headers have been updated (laboratory name 
and email). Introduction of a new header file (Dataset). 
Units and Si Conversion of the variables BB and BE have been corrected.
Version 03 : Phase rotation corrected + exhaustive data. 
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Older versions are obsolete and should not be used ! 
Version 02 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
Version 01 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: dataset headers update, QUALITY changed to CONTRAST, addition of a
new QUALITY variable
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_JP_PMP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/Ephemeris/JP/PredictedMagneticPosition/PT5M)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation used to calculate magnetic field and L value 
 in PMP files produced after 23 Feb 2020.
JSOC predicted magnetic positions.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_JP_PSE (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/Ephemeris/JP/PredictedScientificEvent/PT0.016S)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
AP _ Apogee
CY 1 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 2 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 3 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 1 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 2 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 3 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 4 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
DY 1 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 2 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 3 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 4 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 1 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 2 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 3 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
GY 1 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 2 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 3 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 4 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 1 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 2 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 3 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
JY 1 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 2 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 3 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 4 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 1 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 2 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 3 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
KA 1 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 2 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 3 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 4 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 1 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 2 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 3 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 4 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
MY 1 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 2 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 3 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 4 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 1 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 2 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 3 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
NS S Southbound neutral sheet
NT I Enter north tail lobe from inner magnetosphere
PA 1 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 2 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 3 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PE _ Perigee
PL 1 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 2 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 3 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 4 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
QL I Inbound critical L value for auroral zone
QL O Outbound critical L value for auroral zone
RA 1 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 2 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 3 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 4 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 1 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 2 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 3 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 4 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
ST O Leave south tail lobe for inner magnetosphere
TL I Inbound radiation belt entry for WEC
TL O Outbound radiation belt exit for WEC
VL I Inbound critical L value for EDI
VL O Outbound critical L value for EDI
WL I Inbound critical L value for ASPOC
WL O Outbound critical L value for ASPOC
XL I Inbound critical L value for PEACE
XL O Outbound critical L value for PEACE
YL I Inbound critical L value for RAPID
YL O Outbound critical L value for RAPID
ZL I Inbound critical L value for CIS
ZL O Outbound critical L value for CIS
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation pole used to calculate GSM latitude and MLT 
 in PSE files produced after 23 Feb 2020.
PSE files updated to support orbits >999 and six decimal figures 
 on orbit phase from 25 March 2006.
JSOC predicted scientific events.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_PP_ASP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/ASPOC/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
K. Torkar et al, Active spacecraft potential control for Cluster -
implementation and first results
Ann. Geophys., 19,  pp 1289 - 1302, 2001)
Modification History
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
One raw data format (5.1.5 secs) of bad data may occur
when the instrument is powered on.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_PP_DWP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/DWP/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
L. J. C. Woolliscroft et al, The Digital Wave-Processing Experiment on Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 209 - 231, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Operational version of UKCDHF Pipeline software
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This CSDS DWP product has not been validated prior to release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_PP_EDI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/EDI/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
G. Paschmann et al, The Electron Drift Instrument for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 233 - 269, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
The guns are switched off since 2004/04/10 because of strong
interferences with WHISPER. Only Ambient Electron data have been measured
Dataset in CDAWeb
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C2_PP_EFW (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/EFW/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
G. Gustafsson et al, The Electric Field and Wave Experiment for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 137 - 156, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data calibration may be unreliable at this early stage of the mission
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** CSDS data are not for publication ***
Be aware that data may be reprocessed as necessary to improve quality
For questions on data validity please contact
Fill value inserted for E_dusk__C2_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_pow_f1__C2_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_sigma__C2_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Fill value inserted for U_probe_sc__C2_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_PP_PEA (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/PEACE/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
A. D. Johnstone et al, Peace, A Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 351 - 398, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
PP & SP data is generated at MSSL, then provided to UK-CDHF
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This is PEACE PP/SP data version 3.1, produced at MSSL
Based on onboard moments but using corrected geometric factors which account for
uplinked changes of the values used in onboard calibration as well as estimated
changes due to variable MCP gain performance
Onboard moments are calculated for up to three energy ranges. Photoelectron
contamination may affect 0, 1 or 2 of these ranges
EFW PP probe-spacecraft potential was used to select the energy ranges to be
excluded to remove misleading photoelectron contributions. Note that the density
may be underestimated if there are both plasma electrons and photoelectrons in
the lowest energy range
When 88h58 is used for the HEEA sensor, sometimes the entire plasma electron
population and photoelectrons are in just the lowest of the 3 energy ranges.
This data has been deleted in this release of the PEACE PPs
Data is deleted if the spacecraft electric potential is too large for the simple
correction procedure to work or there is no EFW PP data available
Measured electron energies have not been corrected for their acceleration by the
spacecraft electric potential
Onboard moments use onboard energy tables, efficiencies and response surfaces.
Any errors in these parameters cannot be corrected in ground data processing
Before 2001-09-11 the onboard energy efficiencies were not accurate, which
caused the density in the solar wind to be overestimated. This data has been
removed in this release of the PEACE PPs
The calculation of T_par, T_perp and Q_par used PP FGM data
The data is for context and information only. It is not suitable for detailed
analysis, but may be used for event selection
The next iteration of PP/SP moments will be of a higher quality
Please see links under for more
Please contact the PEACE PI to request science quality data
Automatically validated by UKCDC
Product delivered pre-validated by the PI institute
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_PP_RAP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/RAPID/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
B. Wilken et al, RAPID, The Imaging Energetic Particle Spectrometer on Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 399 - 473, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data processed on 2024-11-14T07:34:19Z
Caveats file: RAP_CAV_C2_V245.DAT; Release Sep 16, 2024
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
2024-02-01T03:57:00.000Z/9999-12-31T23:59:59.000Z: RAPID permanently turned off
as of Feb 1, 2024
Corrected time stamps for ions and electrons.
Energy threshold shifts have been applied.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_PP_STA (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/STAFF/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
N. Cornilleau et al,
The Cluster Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (Staff) Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 107 - 136, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
PI Software Version 4.2, 25 September 2006
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_PP_WHI (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/WHISPER/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
P. M. E. Decreau et al, WHISPER, A Resonance Sounder and Wave Analyser:
Performances and Perspectives for the Cluster Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 157 - 193, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Two types of parameters are provided by WHISPER:
1) Density values (and quality): N_e_res and N_e_res_q, are related to sounding
The N_e_res value is calculated from an algorithm for resonance recognition,
which cannot take account of all level of information available to the
experimenter. The reliability of N_e_res parameters derived at the CSDS level
is thus limited in an unknown manner.
The N_e_res_q parameter (one value for each N_e_res data point) provides a crude
idea of the probability that the N_e_res value is actually correct. A value of
0 means that the value is probably wrong, a value above 80 that it is probably
correct. Anything in between reflects a crude evaluation of the chances. Refer
to PI for details.
2) Wave power values: E_pow_f4, E_pow_f5, E_pow_f6, E_pow_su and E_var_ts, are
related to recording of natural wave emissions.
Those parameters, not affected by variations in instrument's transfer functions,
are globally OK.
However, two factors can affect the precision of the measurements:
a) the occasional presence of spurious emissions created by operations of the
EDI instrument increases the wave power values measured on SC1, SC2 and SC3,
from an unknown amount,
b) the limited dynamical range of the instrument leads to an underestimation of
the E_pow parameters values when the voltage difference measured by the double
sphere antenna signal in the 2 - 80 kHz band is higher than 150 mVp or 600 mVp
(depending of the gain chosen). As a consequence, high values have to be taken
with special caution.
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C2_UP_FGM (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/FGM/UnvalidatedParameter/PT4S)
A. Balogh et al, The Cluster Magnetic Field Investigation
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 65 - 92, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Operational version of UKCDHF Pipeline software
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
For the extended mission (starting 1/1/2006) CSDS FGM products
are not validated prior to release to the science community.
Spikes and other artefacts that were previously removed during
validation of the FGM PP/SP data may occur in these files.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_WAVEFORM_WBD doi:10.48322/8hs9-sg97
High time resolution calibrated waveform data sampled in one of 3 frequency
bands in the range 0-577 kHz along one axis using either an electric field
antenna or a magnetic search coil sensor.  The dataset also includes instrument
mode, data quality and the angles required to orient the measurement with
respect to the magnetic field and to the GSE coordinate system.
The procedure used in computing the calibrated Electric Field and Magnetic Field
values found in this file can be obtained from the document
'cluster_wbd_calibration.pdf'. Because the calibration was applied in the time
domain using a simple equation the raw counts actually measured by the WBD
instrument can be obtained by using these equations and solving for 'Raw
Counts', keeping in mind that this number is an Integer ranging from 0 to 255. 
Since DC offset is a real number, the resultant when solving for raw counts will
need to be converted to the nearest whole number.
In order to convert the WBD data to the frequency domain via an FFT, the
following steps need to be carried out:  1) If Electric Field, first divide
calibrated data by 1000 to get V m^-1; 2) Apply window of preference, if any
(such as Hanning, etc.); 3) Divide data values by sqrt(2) to get back to the rms
domain; 4) perform FFT (see Bandwidth variable notes for non-continuous modes);
5) divide by the noise bandwidth, which is equal to the sampling frequency
divided by the FFT size (see table below for appropriate sampling frequency); 6)
multiply by the appropriate constant for the window used, if any.
Bandwidth   Sample Rate
---------   ------------
9.5 kHz      27.443 kHz 
19 kHz       54.886 kHz 
77 kHz      219.544 kHz 
One axis measurements made in the Antenna Coordinate System, i.e., if electric
field measurement, it will either be Ey or Ez, both of which are in the spin
plane of the spacecraft, and if magnetic field measurement, it will either be
Bx, along the spin axis, or By, in spin plane.
Modification History
Created Mar 2008.Revised Dec 2008, Jan 2010
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C2_WAVEFORM_WBD_BM2 (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Cluster-Salsa/WBD/BM2/PT0.0000046S)
High time resolution calibrated waveform data sampled in one of 3 frequency
bandwidths in the range 0-577 kHz along one axis using either an electric field
antenna or a magnetic search coil sensor.  The dataset also includes instrument
mode, data quality and the angles required to orient the measurement with
respect to the magnetic field and to the GSE coordinate system.
The procedure used in computing the calibrated Electric Field and Magnetic Field
values found in this file can be obtained from the document
'CAA_EST_CR_WBD_v20.pdf'. Because the calibration was applied in the time domain
using a simple equation the raw counts actually measured by the WBD instrument
can be obtained by using these equations and solving for 'Raw Counts', keeping
in mind that this number is an Integer ranging from 0 to 255.  Since DC offset
is a real number, the resultant when solving for raw counts will need to be
converted to the nearest whole number.
In order to convert the WBD data to the frequency domain via an FFT, see
'CAA_EST_CR_WBD_v20.pdf'. The steps for converting are briefly outlined below:
1) If Electric Field, first divide calibrated data by 1000 to get V m^-1; 2)
Apply window of preference, if any (such as Hanning, etc.); 3) Divide data
values by sqrt(2) to get back to the rms domain; 4) perform FFT (see Bandwidth
VAR_NOTES for non-continuous modes); 5) divide by the noise bandwidth, which is
equal to the sampling frequency divided by the FFT size (see table in VAR_NOTES
of the 'BM_Mode' variable for the appropriate sampling frequency); 6) multiply
by the appropriate constant for the window used, if any;7) if Translation is not
equal to 0, add the appropriate translation frequency to each frequency
component (see Translation CATDESC for the exact values).
One axis measurements made in the Antenna Coordinate System, i.e., if electric
field measurement, it will either be Ey or Ez, both of which are in the spin
plane of the spacecraft, and if magnetic field measurement, it will either be
Bx, along the spin axis, or By, in spin plane.
Modification History
Created Nov 2014.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Mixed time resolution: 1/16 s for normal and 1/128 s for burst mode 
The AEC (*.edi_ae_cor) files were used to correct for angular (theta-phi)
dependence of the efficieny
The correction is applied to the original CDF files delivered by the EDI team
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Non-regularly spaced time-series! It contains quarter-spin, half-spin
and spin resolution data with all qualities: GOOD/CAUTION/BAD. 
The values 2/1/0 for GOOD/CAUTION/BAD are  written to Status[0].
Data from spin, half spin and quarter spin IFF files are merged by an algorithm
that can be
thought of as a 'use more if not lower quality' algorithm.
The analysis is performed on each spin's worth of data starting
with spin resolution. If there is more data of half spin 
resolution with equal or better quality, it replaces the spin
resolution data. Likewise, if there is more data of quarter 
spin resolution with equal or better quality, it replaces the
half spin resolution data.
The electric field and drift velocity measurements are given
in the inertial frame (a correction has been applied for the
spacecraft velocity).
VERSION 01: The first version of this dataset was converted by the CAA
from source CDF files provided by the EDI team. This conversion involved
insertion of a half interval parameter that was not included in the source
files and correction of missing or bad metadata. The half interval
determination was based on comparison with the spin time-tags provided
in the EDI CSDS Prime Parameter data file. In some cases a consistent
determination could not be found with the PP data and the half-interval
was set to the minimum, quarter spin, 1 second, value.
CDF to CEF Conversion was done using revision 1.1 (2006/11/06) of
Metadata correction was done using revision 1.1 (2006/11/06) of
For this initial conversion the CAA CEF files have retained the same file
version number as the source CDF files. In most cases file versions are
V13 or V14.
VERSION 02: Minor changes
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Mixed time resolution: 1/8 s for normal and 1/64 s for burst mode 
MIN_TIME_RESOLUTION is set to fill_value
Not regularly spaced timeline 
The background electron counts at fixed energy and pitch angle may be
contaminated with beam electrons 
Status parameter has two bits for electron energy and acquisition time for the
electron counts
bit0=0: acquisition time=1/512 s; bit0=1: acq_time=1/1024 s 
bit1 is the energy flag=0/1 for 1/0.5 keV electron energy
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Electron Drift Instrument
Electric field measured by the drift velocity 
of monoenergetic artificial electron beams 
injected perpendicularly to the ambient magnetic field
Modification History
Spin resolution data with GOOD/CAUTION qualities.
The values 2/1 for GOOD/CAUTION are in Status[0].
The electric field and drift velocity measurements are given
in the inertial frame (a correction has been applied for the
spacecraft velocity).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
This dataset has been calculated using the following products:
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
Level 3 quantity P is the negative of the spacecraft potential,
calculated by averaging the Level 2 quantity P over 4 seconds.
For more information on data quality and how the CAA data are processed,
please consult the EFW CAA Users Guide and the EFW CAA Interface Control
Document (ICD).
Detailed quality information is provided as a 16 bit set of flags
in the parameter P_bitmask__C3_CP_EFW_L3_P. The meaning of
the bits is as follows (LSB numbering starting at 0):
Bit  0: Reset.
Bit  1: Bad bias.
Bit  2: Probe latchup.
Bit  3: Low density saturation (-68V).
Bits 4-12: N/A
Bit 13: Whisper operating.
Bit 14: Saturation due to high bias current.
Bit 15: N/A
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
This dataset has been calculated using the following products:
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Each Cluster spacecraft carries an identical FGM instrument
(Fluxgate Magnetometer) to measure the DC magnetic field
vector. Each instrument, in turn, consists of two triaxial
fluxgate magnetometers and an onboard data processing unit.
The instrument samples the magnetic field at a cadence of 22 Hz
(67 Hz in Burst mode). In order to minimise the magnetic 
background of the spacecraft, one of the magnetometer sensors
 (the outboard, or OB sensor) is located at the end of one
 of the two 5 m radial booms of the spacecraft, the other 
(the inboard, or IB sensor) at 1.5 m inboard from the end 
of the boom. Since the start of the scientific operations 
on February 1, 2001, only the outboard sensor on each 
satellite has been used.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C3_CP_FGM_SPIN (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/FGM/SpinResolution/PT4S)
No TEXT global attribute value.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 01: First version of dataset.
Version 02: Few corrected re-deliveries.
Version 03: Removal of on-board calibration records is now based on
the calibration bit (instead of the step-in-cal character).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 09 : Reprocessed due to FGM and/or SPD-AUX files re-deliveries.
Version 08 : FGM induced gaps revised and completed.
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the half-interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Now with FGM induced gaps. FGM file used described in the FILE_CAVEATS 
metadata section. 
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C3_CP_STA_PPP variables was set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the minimum time resolution (4s)
which is correct in most of the cases (Normal Bit Rate).
Note that the data themselves are correct.
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Version 05: used the new calibration tables (feb 2013).
Version 03: AUX files in CDF format used are 26 hours.
Same data than version02 but less missing values.
Version 02: Data format corrected.
Version 01: Obsolete. Should not be used !
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C3_CP_STA_PSD variables is set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the usual minimum time resolution (1s)
which is correct in most of the time (Normal Bit Rate).
The  time resolution is better in High Bit Rate.
Note that the data themselves are correct.
Version 04 : All the headers have been updated (laboratory name 
and email). Introduction of a new header file (Dataset). 
The PSD negative values in the version 03 have been replaced 
by the fillvalue (-1.00E+31).
Version 03:
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Phase rotation corrected + exhaustive data. Older versions 
are obsolete and should not be used ! The negative values must not be
taken into account by the users.
Version 02 : Obsolete. This version may be used if Version 03 is not 
available, as long as only total B and total E power are used !
Version 01 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
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STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C3_CP_STA_SM variables is set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the minimum time resolution (4s)
which is correct in most of the cases (Normal Bit Rate)
Note that the data themselves are correct.
Version 04 : All the headers have been updated (laboratory name 
and email). Introduction of a new header file (Dataset). 
Units and Si Conversion of the variables BB and BE have been corrected.
Version 03 : Phase rotation corrected + exhaustive data. 
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Older versions are obsolete and should not be used ! 
Version 02 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
Version 01 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: dataset headers update, QUALITY changed to CONTRAST, addition of a
new QUALITY variable
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: dataset headers update
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C3_JP_PMP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/Ephemeris/JP/PredictedMagneticPosition/PT5M)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation used to calculate magnetic field and L value 
 in PMP files produced after 23 Feb 2020.
JSOC predicted magnetic positions.
Dataset in CDAWeb
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C3_JP_PSE (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/Ephemeris/JP/PredictedScientificEvent/PT0.016S)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
AP _ Apogee
CY 1 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 2 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 3 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 1 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 2 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 3 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 4 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
DY 1 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 2 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 3 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 1 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 2 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 3 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
GY 1 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 2 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 3 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 4 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 1 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 2 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 3 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
JY 1 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 2 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 3 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 4 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 1 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 2 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 3 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
KA 1 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 2 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 3 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 4 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 1 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 2 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 3 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 4 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
MY 1 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 2 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 3 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 4 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 1 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 2 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 3 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
NS S Southbound neutral sheet
NT I Enter north tail lobe from inner magnetosphere
PA 1 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 2 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 3 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PE _ Perigee
PL 1 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 2 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 3 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 4 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
QL I Inbound critical L value for auroral zone
QL O Outbound critical L value for auroral zone
RA 1 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 2 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 3 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 4 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 1 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 2 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 3 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
ST O Leave south tail lobe for inner magnetosphere
TL I Inbound radiation belt entry for WEC
TL O Outbound radiation belt exit for WEC
VL I Inbound critical L value for EDI
VL O Outbound critical L value for EDI
WL I Inbound critical L value for ASPOC
WL O Outbound critical L value for ASPOC
XL I Inbound critical L value for PEACE
XL O Outbound critical L value for PEACE
YL I Inbound critical L value for RAPID
YL O Outbound critical L value for RAPID
ZL I Inbound critical L value for CIS
ZL O Outbound critical L value for CIS
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation pole used to calculate GSM latitude and MLT 
 in PSE files produced after 23 Feb 2020.
PSE files updated to support orbits >999 and six decimal figures 
 on orbit phase from 25 March 2006.
JSOC predicted scientific events.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C3_PP_ASP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/ASPOC/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
K. Torkar et al, Active spacecraft potential control for Cluster -
implementation and first results
Ann. Geophys., 19,  pp 1289 - 1302, 2001)
Modification History
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
One raw data format (5.1.5 secs) of bad data may occur
when the instrument is powered on.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C3_PP_CIS (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/CIS/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
H. Reme et al, First multispacecraft ion measurements in and near 
the Earth's magnetosphere with the identical 
Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) experiment
Annales Geophysicae, 19, pp 1303 - 1354, 2001
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** C3_PP_CIS_20211231 pre-validated by CIS team and supplied to UKCDC for inges
The user of the CIS data needs to be cautious.
Please refer to the CIS Home Page: ,
link [Caveats for specific data intervals], for caveats concerning these data.
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Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C3_PP_EDI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/EDI/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
G. Paschmann et al, The Electron Drift Instrument for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 233 - 269, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
1) EDI's automated analysis algorithm has a known susceptibility to
producing occasional incorrect values of the drift velocities (and electric
fields). The code attempts to prevent these bad values to be output
to the cdf file. No further removal is done in the validation process.
2) When drift velocities become sufficiently large, there can be a
180-degree ambiguity in drift direction that is usually flagged in bit 7
(counting from 0) of Status Byte 3.
3) There are two methods to analyze a spin's worth of EDI data. If bits 5 &
6 in Status Byte 3 are NOT set, the employed method was triangulation. If
either bit 5 or 6 are set, then the results are from time-of-flight
4) The reported drift velocities and electric field refer to inertial
coordinates, i.e., have been corrected for spacecraft velocity. However, the
magnitude errors (in %) and the angle errors (in degrees), reported in
Status Bytes 5 & 6, respectively, refer to the spacecraft frame and have NOT
yet been converted to inertial coordinates.
5) The reduced chi-square reported as a data word is a measure of the
goodness-of-fit of the triangulation analysis.
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C3_PP_EFW (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/EFW/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
G. Gustafsson et al, The Electric Field and Wave Experiment for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 137 - 156, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data calibration may be unreliable at this early stage of the mission
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** CSDS data are not for publication ***
Be aware that data may be reprocessed as necessary to improve quality
For questions on data validity please contact
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C3_PP_PEA (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/PEACE/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
A. D. Johnstone et al, Peace, A Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 351 - 398, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
PP & SP data is generated at MSSL, then provided to UK-CDHF
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This is PEACE PP/SP data version 3.1, produced at MSSL
Based on onboard moments but using corrected geometric factors which account for
uplinked changes of the values used in onboard calibration as well as estimated
changes due to variable MCP gain performance
Onboard moments are calculated for up to three energy ranges. Photoelectron
contamination may affect 0, 1 or 2 of these ranges
EFW PP probe-spacecraft potential was used to select the energy ranges to be
excluded to remove misleading photoelectron contributions. Note that the density
may be underestimated if there are both plasma electrons and photoelectrons in
the lowest energy range
When 88h58 is used for the HEEA sensor, sometimes the entire plasma electron
population and photoelectrons are in just the lowest of the 3 energy ranges.
This data has been deleted in this release of the PEACE PPs
Data is deleted if the spacecraft electric potential is too large for the simple
correction procedure to work or there is no EFW PP data available
Measured electron energies have not been corrected for their acceleration by the
spacecraft electric potential
Onboard moments use onboard energy tables, efficiencies and response surfaces.
Any errors in these parameters cannot be corrected in ground data processing
Before 2001-09-11 the onboard energy efficiencies were not accurate, which
caused the density in the solar wind to be overestimated. This data has been
removed in this release of the PEACE PPs
The calculation of T_par, T_perp and Q_par used PP FGM data
The data is for context and information only. It is not suitable for detailed
analysis, but may be used for event selection
The next iteration of PP/SP moments will be of a higher quality
Please see links under for more
Please contact the PEACE PI to request science quality data
Automatically validated by UKCDC
Product delivered pre-validated by the PI institute
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C3_PP_RAP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/RAPID/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
B. Wilken et al, RAPID, The Imaging Energetic Particle Spectrometer on Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 399 - 473, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data processed on 2024-11-14T07:34:19Z
Caveats file: RAP_CAV_C3_V245.DAT; Release Sep 16, 2024
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Corrected time stamps for ions and electrons.
Energy threshold shifts have been applied.
Solar noise removed from electrons.
Changed EDB format, on-board anisotropies not possible in NM
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C3_PP_STA (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/STAFF/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
N. Cornilleau et al,
The Cluster Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (Staff) Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 107 - 136, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
PI Software Version 4.2, 25 September 2006
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C3_PP_WHI (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/WHISPER/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
P. M. E. Decreau et al, WHISPER, A Resonance Sounder and Wave Analyser:
Performances and Perspectives for the Cluster Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 157 - 193, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Two types of parameters are provided by WHISPER:
1) Density values (and quality): N_e_res and N_e_res_q, are related to sounding
The N_e_res value is calculated from an algorithm for resonance recognition,
which cannot take account of all level of information available to the
experimenter. The reliability of N_e_res parameters derived at the CSDS level
is thus limited in an unknown manner.
The N_e_res_q parameter (one value for each N_e_res data point) provides a crude
idea of the probability that the N_e_res value is actually correct. A value of
0 means that the value is probably wrong, a value above 80 that it is probably
correct. Anything in between reflects a crude evaluation of the chances. Refer
to PI for details.
2) Wave power values: E_pow_f4, E_pow_f5, E_pow_f6, E_pow_su and E_var_ts, are
related to recording of natural wave emissions.
Those parameters, not affected by variations in instrument's transfer functions,
are globally OK.
However, two factors can affect the precision of the measurements:
a) the occasional presence of spurious emissions created by operations of the
EDI instrument increases the wave power values measured on SC1, SC2 and SC3,
from an unknown amount,
b) the limited dynamical range of the instrument leads to an underestimation of
the E_pow parameters values when the voltage difference measured by the double
sphere antenna signal in the 2 - 80 kHz band is higher than 150 mVp or 600 mVp
(depending of the gain chosen). As a consequence, high values have to be taken
with special caution.
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C3_UP_FGM (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/FGM/UnvalidatedParameter/PT4S)
A. Balogh et al, The Cluster Magnetic Field Investigation
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 65 - 92, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Operational version of UKCDHF Pipeline software
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
For the extended mission (starting 1/1/2006) CSDS FGM products
are not validated prior to release to the science community.
Spikes and other artefacts that were previously removed during
validation of the FGM PP/SP data may occur in these files.
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C3_WAVEFORM_WBD doi:10.48322/y123-4274
High time resolution calibrated waveform data sampled in one of 3 frequency
bands in the range 0-577 kHz along one axis using either an electric field
antenna or a magnetic search coil sensor.  The dataset also includes instrument
mode, data quality and the angles required to orient the measurement with
respect to the magnetic field and to the GSE coordinate system.
The procedure used in computing the calibrated Electric Field and Magnetic Field
values found in this file can be obtained from the document
'cluster_wbd_calibration.pdf'. Because the calibration was applied in the time
domain using a simple equation the raw counts actually measured by the WBD
instrument can be obtained by using these equations and solving for 'Raw
Counts', keeping in mind that this number is an Integer ranging from 0 to 255. 
Since DC offset is a real number, the resultant when solving for raw counts will
need to be converted to the nearest whole number.
In order to convert the WBD data to the frequency domain via an FFT, the
following steps need to be carried out:  1) If Electric Field, first divide
calibrated data values by 1000 to get V/m; 2) Apply window of preference, if any
(such as Hanning, etc.); 3) Divide data values by sqrt(2) to get back to the rms
domain; 4) perform FFT (see Bandwidth variable notes for non-continuous modes);
5) divide by the noise bandwidth, which is equal to the sampling frequency
divided by the FFT size (see table below for appropriate sampling frequency); 6)
multiply by the appropriate constant for the window used, if any.
Bandwidth   Sample Rate
---------   ------------
9.5 kHz      27.443 kHz 
19 kHz       54.886 kHz 
77 kHz      219.544 kHz 
One axis measurements made in the Antenna Coordinate System, i.e., if electric
field measurement, it will either be Ey or Ez, both of which are in the spin
plane of the spacecraft, and if magnetic field measurement, it will either be
Bx, along the spin axis, or By, in spin plane.
Modification History
Created Mar 2008.Revised Dec 2008, Jan 2010
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C3_WAVEFORM_WBD_BM2 (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Cluster-Samba/WBD/BM2/PT0.0000046S)
High time resolution calibrated waveform data sampled in one of 3 frequency
bandwidths in the range 0-577 kHz along one axis using either an electric field
antenna or a magnetic search coil sensor.  The dataset also includes instrument
mode, data quality and the angles required to orient the measurement with
respect to the magnetic field and to the GSE coordinate system.
The procedure used in computing the calibrated Electric Field and Magnetic Field
values found in this file can be obtained from the document
'CAA_EST_CR_WBD_v20.pdf'. Because the calibration was applied in the time domain
using a simple equation the raw counts actually measured by the WBD instrument
can be obtained by using these equations and solving for 'Raw Counts', keeping
in mind that this number is an Integer ranging from 0 to 255.  Since DC offset
is a real number, the resultant when solving for raw counts will need to be
converted to the nearest whole number.
In order to convert the WBD data to the frequency domain via an FFT, see
'CAA_EST_CR_WBD_v20.pdf'. The steps for converting are briefly outlined below:
1) If Electric Field, first divide calibrated data by 1000 to get V m^-1; 2)
Apply window of preference, if any (such as Hanning, etc.); 3) Divide data
values by sqrt(2) to get back to the rms domain; 4) perform FFT (see Bandwidth
VAR_NOTES for non-continuous modes); 5) divide by the noise bandwidth, which is
equal to the sampling frequency divided by the FFT size (see table in VAR_NOTES
of the 'BM_Mode' variable for the appropriate sampling frequency); 6) multiply
by the appropriate constant for the window used, if any;7) if Translation is not
equal to 0, add the appropriate translation frequency to each frequency
component (see Translation CATDESC for the exact values).
One axis measurements made in the Antenna Coordinate System, i.e., if electric
field measurement, it will either be Ey or Ez, both of which are in the spin
plane of the spacecraft, and if magnetic field measurement, it will either be
Bx, along the spin axis, or By, in spin plane.
Modification History
Created Nov 2014.
Dataset in CDAWeb
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cluster Ion Spectrometry.
The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment is a comprehensive
ionic plasma spectrometry package onboard the Cluster spacecraft,
capable of obtaining full three-dimentional ion distributions
(about 0 to 40 keV/e) with a time resolution of one spacecraft spin (4 sec)
and with mass-per-charge composition determination.
The CIS package consists of two different instruments,
a time-of-flight ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser (CODIF, or
and a Hot Ion Analyser (HIA, or CIS-2).
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
This dataset has been calculated using the following products:
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
Level 3 quantity P is the negative of the spacecraft potential,
calculated by averaging the Level 2 quantity P over 4 seconds.
For more information on data quality and how the CAA data are processed,
please consult the EFW CAA Users Guide and the EFW CAA Interface Control
Document (ICD).
Detailed quality information is provided as a 16 bit set of flags
in the parameter P_bitmask__C4_CP_EFW_L3_P. The meaning of
the bits is as follows (LSB numbering starting at 0):
Bit  0: Reset.
Bit  1: Bad bias.
Bit  2: Probe latchup.
Bit  3: Low density saturation (-68V).
Bits 4-12: N/A
Bit 13: Whisper operating.
Bit 14: Saturation due to high bias current.
Bit 15: N/A
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The EFW (Electric Field and Wave) instrument consists of four spherical
probes deployed orthogonally on 44-meter-long wire booms in the spin
plane of the spacecraft. The potential differences between opposing
probes, separated by 88 m tip-to-tip, are measured to provide electric
field measurements in two directions, thus providing the full electric
field vector in the spin plane of the spacecraft. Additionally, the
potential differences between each of the probes and the spacecraft are
measured, providing an estimate of the spacecraft potential relative
to the plasma, which can be used as a proxy for the ambient electron
density. The output analogue signals from the preamplifiers connected
to the spherical probes are also provided to the wave instruments
(STAFF, WHISPER and WBD) for analysis of high frequency wave phenomena.
Modification History
This dataset has been calculated using the following products:
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Each Cluster spacecraft carries an identical FGM instrument
(Fluxgate Magnetometer) to measure the DC magnetic field
vector. Each instrument, in turn, consists of two triaxial
fluxgate magnetometers and an onboard data processing unit.
The instrument samples the magnetic field at a cadence of 22 Hz
(67 Hz in Burst mode). In order to minimise the magnetic 
background of the spacecraft, one of the magnetometer sensors
 (the outboard, or OB sensor) is located at the end of one
 of the two 5 m radial booms of the spacecraft, the other 
(the inboard, or IB sensor) at 1.5 m inboard from the end 
of the boom. Since the start of the scientific operations 
on February 1, 2001, only the outboard sensor on each 
satellite has been used.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_CP_FGM_SPIN (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/FGM/SpinResolution/PT4S)
No TEXT global attribute value.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
The RAPID spectrometer for the Cluster mission is an
advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal
plasma distributions in the energy range from 39-400 keV
for electrons, 28-1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen,
and 10 keV/nuc - 1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions.
Modification History
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 01: First version of dataset.
Version 02: Few corrected re-deliveries.
Version 03: Removal of on-board calibration records is now based on
the calibration bit (instead of the step-in-cal character).
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 09 : Reprocessed due to FGM and/or SPD-AUX files re-deliveries.
Version 08 : FGM induced gaps revised and completed.
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the half-interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Now with FGM induced gaps. FGM file used described in the FILE_CAVEATS 
metadata section. 
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C4_CP_STA_PPP variables is set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the minimum time resolution (4s)
which is correct in most of the cases (Normal Bit Rate).
Note that the data themselves are correct.
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Version 05: used the new calibration tables (feb 2013).
Version 03: AUX files in CDF format used are 26 hours.
Same data than version02 but less missing values.
Version 02: Data format corrected.
Version 01: Obsolete. Should not be used !
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C4_CP_STA_PSD variables is set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the usual minimum time resolution (1s)
which is correct in most of the time (Normal Bit Rate).
The  time resolution is better in High Bit Rate.
Note that the data themselves are correct.
Version 04 : All the headers have been updated (laboratory name 
and email). Introduction of a new header file (Dataset). 
The PSD negative values in the version 03 have been replaced 
by the fillvalue (-1.00E+31).
Version 03:
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Phase rotation corrected + exhaustive data. Older versions 
are obsolete and should not be used ! The negative values must not be
taken into account by the users.
Version 02 : Obsolete. This version may be used if Version 03 is not 
available, as long as only total B and total E power are used !
Version 01 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
STAFF (Spatio Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) is one of the five
of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC).
The STAFF experiment comprises a boom-mounted three-axis search coil
magnetometer to 
measure magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 0.1 Hz  - 4 kHz, a 
preamplifier and an electronics box that houses the two complementary 
data-analysis packages: a digital Spectrum Analyser, and an on-board waveform 
unit (SC).
Modification History
Version 07 : New calibration tables plus addition of the interval 
duration and status. Removal of onboard calibration data.
Warning to the users of versions lower than 07:
Delta_plus of Time__C4_CP_STA_SM variables is set to a fixed value
instead of a value varying with the mode.
This chosen fixed value is the minimum time resolution (4s)
which is correct in most of the cases (Normal Bit Rate)
Note that the data themselves are correct.
Version 04 : All the headers have been updated (laboratory name 
and email). Introduction of a new header file (Dataset). 
Units and Si Conversion of the variables BB and BE have been corrected.
Version 03 : Phase rotation corrected + exhaustive data. 
The data were time tagged using TED version 2.4.3
(TED Library 4.4.3 User Patch 1), provided by the Sheffield DWP Group.
Older versions are obsolete and should not be used ! 
Version 02 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
Version 01 : Obsolete. Should not be used !
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: dataset headers update, QUALITY changed to CONTRAST, addition of a
new QUALITY variable
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: correction of the Spectral Frequencies parameter description
VERSION 03: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
Back to top
The Wave of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density
by Relaxation (WHISPER) performs the measurement of the electron density
on the four satellites of the CLUSTER project. The two main purposes of
the WHISPER experiment are to record the natural waves and to make a
diagnostic of the electron density using the sounding technique.
The various working modes and the fourier transforms calculated on board
provide a good frequency resolution obtained in the bandwidth 2-83 kHz.
Onboard data compression by the Digital Wave Processing (DWP) intrument
allows a good dynamic and level resolution of the electric signal amplitude.
Modification History
VERSION 01: first version of dataset
VERSION 02: dataset headers update
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_JP_PMP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/Ephemeris/JP/PredictedMagneticPosition/PT5M)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation used to calculate magnetic field and L value 
 in PMP files produced after 23 Feb 2020.
JSOC predicted magnetic positions.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_JP_PSE (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/Ephemeris/JP/PredictedScientificEvent/PT0.016S)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
AP _ Apogee
CY 1 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 2 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 3 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 1 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 2 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 3 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 4 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
DY 1 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 2 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 3 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 4 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 1 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 2 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 3 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
GY 1 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 2 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 3 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 4 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 1 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 2 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 3 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
JY 1 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 2 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 3 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 4 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 1 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 2 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 3 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
KA 1 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 2 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 3 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 4 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 1 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 2 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 3 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 4 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
MY 1 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 2 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 3 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 4 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 1 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 2 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 3 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
NS S Southbound neutral sheet
NT I Enter north tail lobe from inner magnetosphere
PA 1 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 2 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 3 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 4 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PE _ Perigee
PL 1 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 2 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 3 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 4 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 5 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
QL I Inbound critical L value for auroral zone
QL O Outbound critical L value for auroral zone
RA 1 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 2 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 3 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 1 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 2 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 3 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
ST O Leave south tail lobe for inner magnetosphere
TL I Inbound radiation belt entry for WEC
TL O Outbound radiation belt exit for WEC
VL I Inbound critical L value for EDI
VL O Outbound critical L value for EDI
WL B Outbound critical L value 2 for ASPOC
WL I Inbound critical L value for ASPOC
WL O Outbound critical L value for ASPOC
XL I Inbound critical L value for PEACE
XL O Outbound critical L value for PEACE
YL I Inbound critical L value for RAPID
YL O Outbound critical L value for RAPID
ZL I Inbound critical L value for CIS
ZL O Outbound critical L value for CIS
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation pole used to calculate GSM latitude and MLT 
 in PSE files produced after 23 Feb 2020.
PSE files updated to support orbits >999 and six decimal figures 
 on orbit phase from 25 March 2006.
JSOC predicted scientific events.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_PP_ASP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/ASPOC/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
K. Torkar et al, Active spacecraft potential control for Cluster -
implementation and first results
Ann. Geophys., 19,  pp 1289 - 1302, 2001)
Modification History
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
One raw data format (5.1.5 secs) of bad data may occur
when the instrument is powered on.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_PP_CIS (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/CIS/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
H. Reme et al, First multispacecraft ion measurements in and near 
the Earth's magnetosphere with the identical 
Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) experiment
Annales Geophysicae, 19, pp 1303 - 1354, 2001
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** C4_PP_CIS_20220930 pre-validated by CIS team and supplied to UKCDC for inges
The user of the CIS data needs to be cautious.
Please refer to the CIS Home Page: ,
link [Caveats for specific data intervals], for caveats concerning these data.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_PP_DWP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/DWP/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
L. J. C. Woolliscroft et al, The Digital Wave-Processing Experiment on Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 209 - 231, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Operational version of UKCDHF Pipeline software
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This CSDS DWP product has not been validated prior to release.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_PP_EDI (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/EDI/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
G. Paschmann et al, The Electron Drift Instrument for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 233 - 269, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
C4 EDI switched off
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_PP_EFW (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/EFW/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
G. Gustafsson et al, The Electric Field and Wave Experiment for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 137 - 156, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data calibration may be unreliable at this early stage of the mission
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** CSDS data are not for publication ***
Be aware that data may be reprocessed as necessary to improve quality
For questions on data validity please contact
Fill value inserted for E_dusk__C4_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_pow_f1__C4_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_sigma__C4_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Fill value inserted for U_probe_sc__C4_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2024-05-31T09:10:00Z to 2024-05-31T09:13:00Z
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_PP_PEA (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/PEACE/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
A. D. Johnstone et al, Peace, A Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 351 - 398, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
PP & SP data is generated at MSSL, then provided to UK-CDHF
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This is PEACE PP/SP data version 3.1, produced at MSSL
Based on onboard moments but using corrected geometric factors which account for
uplinked changes of the values used in onboard calibration as well as estimated
changes due to variable MCP gain performance
Onboard moments are calculated for up to three energy ranges. Photoelectron
contamination may affect 0, 1 or 2 of these ranges
EFW PP probe-spacecraft potential was used to select the energy ranges to be
excluded to remove misleading photoelectron contributions. Note that the density
may be underestimated if there are both plasma electrons and photoelectrons in
the lowest energy range
When 88h58 is used for the HEEA sensor, sometimes the entire plasma electron
population and photoelectrons are in just the lowest of the 3 energy ranges.
This data has been deleted in this release of the PEACE PPs
Data is deleted if the spacecraft electric potential is too large for the simple
correction procedure to work or there is no EFW PP data available
Measured electron energies have not been corrected for their acceleration by the
spacecraft electric potential
Onboard moments use onboard energy tables, efficiencies and response surfaces.
Any errors in these parameters cannot be corrected in ground data processing
Before 2001-09-11 the onboard energy efficiencies were not accurate, which
caused the density in the solar wind to be overestimated. This data has been
removed in this release of the PEACE PPs
The calculation of T_par, T_perp and Q_par used PP FGM data
The data is for context and information only. It is not suitable for detailed
analysis, but may be used for event selection
The next iteration of PP/SP moments will be of a higher quality
Please see links under for more
Please contact the PEACE PI to request science quality data
Automatically validated by UKCDC
Product delivered pre-validated by the PI institute
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_PP_RAP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/RAPID/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
B. Wilken et al, RAPID, The Imaging Energetic Particle Spectrometer on Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 399 - 473, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data processed on 2024-11-14T07:34:21Z
Caveats file: RAP_CAV_C4_V245.DAT; Release Sep 16, 2024
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Corrected time stamps for ions and electrons.
Energy threshold shifts have been applied.
Changed EDB format, on-board anisotropies not possible in NM
Fill value inserted for J_p_lo__C4_PP_RAP: Noise
for time range 2024-09-30T12:06:32Z to 2024-09-30T12:06:37Z
Fill value inserted for J_p_hi__C4_PP_RAP: Noise
for time range 2024-09-30T12:06:32Z to 2024-09-30T12:06:37Z
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_PP_STA (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/STAFF/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
N. Cornilleau et al,
The Cluster Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (Staff) Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 107 - 136, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
PI Software Version 4.2, 25 September 2006
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_PP_WHI (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/WHISPER/PrimeParameter/PT4S)
P. M. E. Decreau et al, WHISPER, A Resonance Sounder and Wave Analyser:
Performances and Perspectives for the Cluster Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 157 - 193, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Two types of parameters are provided by WHISPER:
1) Density values (and quality): N_e_res and N_e_res_q, are related to sounding
The N_e_res value is calculated from an algorithm for resonance recognition,
which cannot take account of all level of information available to the
experimenter. The reliability of N_e_res parameters derived at the CSDS level
is thus limited in an unknown manner.
The N_e_res_q parameter (one value for each N_e_res data point) provides a crude
idea of the probability that the N_e_res value is actually correct. A value of
0 means that the value is probably wrong, a value above 80 that it is probably
correct. Anything in between reflects a crude evaluation of the chances. Refer
to PI for details.
2) Wave power values: E_pow_f4, E_pow_f5, E_pow_f6, E_pow_su and E_var_ts, are
related to recording of natural wave emissions.
Those parameters, not affected by variations in instrument's transfer functions,
are globally OK.
However, two factors can affect the precision of the measurements:
a) the occasional presence of spurious emissions created by operations of the
EDI instrument increases the wave power values measured on SC1, SC2 and SC3,
from an unknown amount,
b) the limited dynamical range of the instrument leads to an underestimation of
the E_pow parameters values when the voltage difference measured by the double
sphere antenna signal in the 2 - 80 kHz band is higher than 150 mVp or 600 mVp
(depending of the gain chosen). As a consequence, high values have to be taken
with special caution.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_UP_FGM (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/FGM/UnvalidatedParameter/PT4S)
A. Balogh et al, The Cluster Magnetic Field Investigation
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 65 - 92, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Operational version of UKCDHF Pipeline software
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
For the extended mission (starting 1/1/2006) CSDS FGM products
are not validated prior to release to the science community.
Spikes and other artefacts that were previously removed during
validation of the FGM PP/SP data may occur in these files.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_WAVEFORM_WBD doi:10.48322/nepa-q824
High time resolution calibrated waveform data sampled in one of 3 frequency
bands in the range 0-577 kHz along one axis using either an electric field
antenna or a magnetic search coil sensor.  The dataset also includes instrument
mode, data quality and the angles required to orient the measurement with
respect to the magnetic field and to the GSE coordinate system.
The procedure used in computing the calibrated Electric Field and Magnetic Field
values found in this file can be obtained from the document
'cluster_wbd_calibration.pdf'. Because the calibration was applied in the time
domain using a simple equation the raw counts actually measured by the WBD
instrument can be obtained by using these equations and solving for 'Raw
Counts', keeping in mind that this number is an Integer ranging from 0 to 255. 
Since DC offset is a real number, the resultant when solving for raw counts will
need to be converted to the nearest whole number.
In order to convert the WBD data to the frequency domain via an FFT, the
following steps need to be carried out:  1) If Electric Field, first divide
calibrated data by 1000 to get V m^-1; 2) Apply window of preference, if any
(such as Hanning, etc.); 3) Divide data values by sqrt(2) to get back to the rms
domain; 4) perform FFT (see Bandwidth variable notes for non-continuous modes);
5) divide by the noise bandwidth, which is equal to the sampling frequency
divided by the FFT size (see table below for appropriate sampling frequency); 6)
multiply by the appropriate constant for the window used, if any.
Bandwidth   Sample Rate
---------   ------------
9.5 kHz      27.443 kHz 
19 kHz       54.886 kHz 
77 kHz      219.544 kHz 
One axis measurements made in the Antenna Coordinate System, i.e., if electric
field measurement, it will either be Ey or Ez, both of which are in the spin
plane of the spacecraft, and if magnetic field measurement, it will either be
Bx, along the spin axis, or By, in spin plane.
Modification History
Created Mar 2008.Revised Dec 2008, Jan 2010
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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C4_WAVEFORM_WBD_BM2 (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Cluster-Tango/WBD/BM2/PT0.0000046S)
High time resolution calibrated waveform data sampled in one of 3 frequency
bandwidths in the range 0-577 kHz along one axis using either an electric field
antenna or a magnetic search coil sensor.  The dataset also includes instrument
mode, data quality and the angles required to orient the measurement with
respect to the magnetic field and to the GSE coordinate system.
The procedure used in computing the calibrated Electric Field and Magnetic Field
values found in this file can be obtained from the document
'CAA_EST_CR_WBD_v20.pdf'. Because the calibration was applied in the time domain
using a simple equation the raw counts actually measured by the WBD instrument
can be obtained by using these equations and solving for 'Raw Counts', keeping
in mind that this number is an Integer ranging from 0 to 255.  Since DC offset
is a real number, the resultant when solving for raw counts will need to be
converted to the nearest whole number.
In order to convert the WBD data to the frequency domain via an FFT, see
'CAA_EST_CR_WBD_v20.pdf'. The steps for converting are briefly outlined below:
1) If Electric Field, first divide calibrated data by 1000 to get V m^-1; 2)
Apply window of preference, if any (such as Hanning, etc.); 3) Divide data
values by sqrt(2) to get back to the rms domain; 4) perform FFT (see Bandwidth
VAR_NOTES for non-continuous modes); 5) divide by the noise bandwidth, which is
equal to the sampling frequency divided by the FFT size (see table in VAR_NOTES
of the 'BM_Mode' variable for the appropriate sampling frequency); 6) multiply
by the appropriate constant for the window used, if any;7) if Translation is not
equal to 0, add the appropriate translation frequency to each frequency
component (see Translation CATDESC for the exact values).
One axis measurements made in the Antenna Coordinate System, i.e., if electric
field measurement, it will either be Ey or Ez, both of which are in the spin
plane of the spacecraft, and if magnetic field measurement, it will either be
Bx, along the spin axis, or By, in spin plane.
Modification History
Created Nov 2014.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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CASSINI_HELIO1DAY_POSITION doi:10.48322/7x96-1j49
No TEXT global attribute value.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Cassini magnetic-field 1 minute averages for the year 2020 in RTN  coordinates.
RTN coordinates consist of R (radial component, Sun tothe spacecraft), T
(tangential component, parallel to the Solar    Equatorial plane and
perpendicular to R), and N (normal component, completes right handed set).
This file contains a subset of all of the Cassini MAG data for 2001consisting of
only the data after the day of the last Jupiter      bowshock crossing
This file was produced from raw (L1A) data at the PDS/PPI node usingsoftware
provided by the Cassini MAG team, and employing the latest calibration
available. The MAG team reports that while range-0 data are well calibrated,
higher range data needs improvement (see the   RANGE_CHANGES.ASC document for a
time history of range changes). Thesedata will be replaced as the calibration is
The data are mostly from the fluxgate magnetometer (FGM). The tableat vhm.txt
identifies the 52 days in 2000-2004 for which the data are solely from the
vector helium magnetometer (VHM).  Days not in the table contain only FGM
data.VHM_mode variable indicates (value 1) whether data are from VHM
The data were produced from raw (L1A) data at the PDS/PPI node using software
provided by the Cassini MAG team, and employing the latest calibration
available.  PDS/PPI produced both 1-sec vectors and 1-min averages.  The MAG
team reports that while range-0 data are well calibrated for both FGM and VHM,
higher range data need improvement.  FGM_mode variable indicates (value 0) if
data is
MENT/DATA_QUALITY&file=RANGE_CHANGESfor details.  In particular, this
documentation reports that FGM wasin range=0 for the following extended
intervals (plus other brief intervals):
1999/230/05 - 1999/245/07 (YYYY/DDD/HH, inclusive)1999/245/09 -
2000/037/122000/039/00 - 2000/053/182000/053/20 - 2000/056/012000/057/23 -
2002/334/132002/334/17 - 2003/292/182003/292/22 - 2004/046/112004/046/15 -
2004/088/082004/088/12 - 2004/136/062004/136/11 - 2004/174/012004/174/06 -
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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CL_JP_PCY (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster/JSOC/Predicted/SolarCycle/P1M)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
New SILSO sunspot number series used for all records 
 in PCY files produced after 2 Aug 2015.
JSOC predicted Solar cycle trends.
Please acknowledge sunspot numbers as:
Source: WDC-SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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CL_JP_PGP (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster/Ephemeris/JP/PredictedGeometricPosition/PT5M)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre,
 Space Sci. Rev. 79, 487-525 1997
For geometrical configuration parameters, p328 of Tetrahedron Geometric Factors
by P.Robert et al, in Analysis Methods for Multi-Spacecraft Data,
ed. G.Paschmann & P.Daly, pub. 1998 by the European Space Agency and
the International Space Institute, Bern.
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation pole used to calculate dipole tilt and GSE-GSM 
 angle in PGP files produced after 23 Feb 2020.
Orbit number field supports 4-digit orbits and 6 figure phase 
 in PGP files produced after 20 March 2006.
JSOC predicted Orbits.
 Using spacecraft C3 as reference spacecraft.
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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Pre-generated PWG plots
Dataset in CDAWeb
Data Access Code Examples written in Python and IDL®.
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CL_SP_AUX (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster/Ephemeris/SummaryParameter/PT60S)
Orbital Parameters Calculated from Short Term Orbit File of RDM
For geometry configuration parameters, see p 328 of Tetrahedron Geometric
by P.Robert et al, in Analysis Methods for Multi-Spacecraft Data,
ed. G.Paschmann & P.Daly, pub. 1998 by the European Space Agency and
the International Space Institute, Bern.
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation pole used to calculate
GSE-to-GSM angle and dipole tilt from 1 January 2020
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
After C2 (Salsa) re-entry at 2024-09-08T18:47:36Z
auxiliary data provided for three spacecraft; use tetrahedron
geometry parameters, especially planarity values with caution
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CNOFS_CINDI_IVM_500MS doi:10.48322/r9x4-x639
 The Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) is a prototype
operational system designed to monitor and forecast ionospheric scintillation in
real-time and on a global scale. In the space-borne segment, C/NOFS will fly a
system of proven sensors on-board a three-axis stabilized satellite to detect
ionospheric scintillation. This will provide data for global, real-time
specification, and 4 hour forecast capability.  
C/NOFS is a joint effort between the DOD Space Test Program and AFRL (Air Force
Research Laboratory). The space test program provides the spacecraft, launch
vehicle, launch and first year on-orbit operations.  AFRL is responsible for the
multi-instrument payload, payload integration  and test, model development, data
center operations, and product generation and distribution. 
The C/NOFS payload consists of six instruments: the Planar Langmuir Probe (PLP)
for measurements of plasma density, the Vector Electric Field Instrument (VEFI)
for measurements of vector electric and magnetic fields, the Ion Velocity Meter
(IVM) for measurements of plasma drift velocities and ion temperatures, the
Neutral Wind Meter (NWM) for measurements of neutral winds, the C/NOFS
Occultation Receiver for Ionospheric Sensing and Specification (CORISS) for
remote sensing of the electron density vertical profile, the Coherent
Electromagnetic Radio Tomography (CERTO) for measurements of ionospheric
scintillation parameters. Both the Neutral Wind Meter (NWM) and the Ion Velocity
Meter (IVM) are provided by NASA as the CINDI (Coupled Ion-Neutral Dynamics
Investigation) payload, which was selected as an Explorer Mission of
 The goal of C/NOFS is to forecast scintillation three to six hours before its
onset such that system operators will be able to plan in ways that will optimize
mission command and control.
The spacecraft will be launched into an orbit with perigee/apogee of 400/700 km,
and an inclination of 13 degrees. Launch is currently planned for early 2006.
Information about C/NOFS can be found at Air Force Research Laboratory page:
The Coupled Ion-Neutral Dynamics Investigation (CINDI) payload is funded by NASA
as an Explorer Mission of Opportunity. CINDI consists of two instruments: the
Ion Velocity Meter (IVM) and the Neutral Wind Meter (NWM). The IVM instrument
includes a ion drift meter and a retarding potential analyzer. IVM measure the
ion drift vector, the ion temperature, and the major ion composition with a
spatial resolution of about 4 km along the satellite track; the ion drift meter
also provides vertical and horizontal ion drift components at 500 m resolution.
The NWM consists of a cross track wind sensor and a ram wind sensor providing a
direct measure of the neutral wind vector with a spatial resolution of about 8
km along the satellite track.
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CNOFS_PLP_PLASMA_1SEC doi:10.48322/xnnr-w563
The Planar Langmuir Probe on C/NOFS is a suite of 2 current measuring sensors
mounted on the ram facing surface of the spacecraft.  The primary sensor is an
Ion Trap (conceptually similar to RPAs flown on many other spacecraft) capable
of measuring ion densities as low as 1 cm-3 with a 12 bit log electrometer.  The
secondary senor is a swept bias planar Langmuir probe (Surface Probe) capable of
measuring Ne, Te, and spacecraft potential.
The ion number density is the one second average of the ion density sampled at
either 32, 256, 512, or 1024 Hz (depending on the mode).
The ion density standard deviation is the standard deviation of the samples used
to produce the one second average number density.
DeltaN/N is the detrened ion number density 1 second standard deviation divided
by the mean 1 sec density.
The electron density, electron temperature, and spacecraft potential are all
derived from a least squares fit to the current-bias curve from the Surface
The data are PRELIMINARY, and as such, are intended for BROWSE PURPOSES ONLY.
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CNOFS_VEFI_BFIELD_1SEC doi:10.48322/vbt7-gj03
The DC vector magnetometer on the CNOFS spacecraft is a three axis, fluxgate
sensor with active thermal control situated on a 0.6m boom.  This magnetometer
measures the Earth's magnetic field, B, using 16 bit A/D converters at 1 sample
per sec with a range of +/- 45,000 nT per sensor axis.  Its primary objective on
the CNOFS spacecraft is to enable the most accurate V x B and E x B measurements
along the spacecraft trajectory, where V is the spacecraft velocity in the fixed
frame of the earth and E is the ambient, measured electric field.  The magnetic
field data also provide indications of ionospheric currents as well as other
geophysical phenomena.  In-flight calibration of the raw magnetic field data is
carried out to determine gains, offsets, and the non-orthogonality matrix in the
sensor axes frame.   The IGRF-11 model is used as a reference to help determine
the calibration.  The calibrated magnetic field measurements are provided in the
data file.  A full description of the instrument can be found in the published
paper:  The Vector Electric Field Instrument (VEFI) on the C/NOFS Satellite,
Pfaff et al., 2021,        
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CNOFS_VEFI_EFIELD_1SEC doi:10.48322/1dcn-xp86
This data file contains information on the electric field solution as processed
by the VEFI team at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  The data is PRELIMINARY,
and as such, is intended for BROWSE PURPOSES ONLY.  Registering your email will
allow notification of updates.
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CNOFS_VEFI_LD_500MS doi:10.48322/pv2n-aj92
This data file contains the low rate data from the VEFI lightning detector. Two
photodiodes measure white light irradiance in 2 look directions and for 7
threshold values. Reference: Jacobson et al, J Atm Ocean Tech, 2011,
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CN_K0_ASI (spase://GBO/NumericalData/CANOPUS/ASI/KeyParameter/K0/PT1M)
Images and intensities. 557.7nm Images binned to geodetic grid
References: 1.Rostoker, G., Samson, J.C., Creutzberg, F., Hughes, T.J.,
McDiarmid, D.R., McNamara, A.G., Vallance Jones, A., Wallis, D.D.,
Cogger, L.L.; CANOPUS - a ground based instrument array for remote sensing the 
high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS program, 
Space Sci. Rev., submitted for publication, 1993.
Modification History
Created 31-DEC-1999
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CN_K0_BARS (spase://GBO/NumericalData/CANOPUS/BARS/KeyParameter/K0/PT1M)
North & East Velocity components at 336.5 EDFL long. from 64.2 to 67.0 EDFL lat.
References: 1.Rostoker, G., Samson, J.C., Creutzberg, F., Hughes, T.J.,
McDiarmid, D.R., McNamara, A.G., Vallance Jones, A., Wallis, D.D.,
Cogger, L.L.; CANOPUS - a ground based instrument array for remote sensing the 
high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS program, 
Space Sci. Rev., submitted for publication, 1993.
Modification History
Created  3-OCT-1994
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CN_K0_MARI (spase://GBO/NumericalData/CANOPUS/MARI/PT60S)
Magnetic Field Extrema and Location
References: 1.Rostoker, G., Samson, J.C., Creutzberg, F., Hughes, T.J.,
McDiarmid, D.R., McNamara, A.G., Vallance Jones, A., Wallis, D.D.,
Cogger, L.L.; CANOPUS - a ground based instrument array for remote sensing the 
high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS program, 
Space Sci. Rev., submitted for publication, 1993.
Modification History
Created 31-DEC-1999
Added station Taloyoak on 29-SEP-1994
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CN_K0_MPA (spase://GBO/NumericalData/CANOPUS/MPA/KeyParameter/K0/PT1M)
Station Status, Merged Scaled 5577A Scans and Peak Intensity
Merged Scans>from 3 stations along constant Geodetic Long. of 265, from Lat. 46
to 67
References: 1.Rostoker, G., Samson, J.C., Creutzberg, F., Hughes, T.J.,
McDiarmid, D.R., McNamara, A.G., Vallance Jones, A., Wallis, D.D.,
Cogger, L.L.; CANOPUS - a ground based instrument array for remote sensing the 
high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS program, 
Space Sci. Rev., submitted for publication, 1993.
2.Samson, J.C., Lyons, L.R., Newell, P.T., Creutzberg, F. and 
Xu, B., Proton aurora substorm intensifications, Geophys. Res. Letters,
19, 2167, 1992. 3.Samson, J.C., Hughes, T.J., Creutzberg, F., 
Wallis, D.D., Greenwald, R.A. and Ruohoniemi, J.M.,
Observations of a detached discrete arc in association with 
field line resonances, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 15, 683, 1991.
Modification History
Created 31-DEC-1999
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CN_K1_MARI (spase://GBO/NumericalData/CANOPUS/MARI/KeyParameter/K1/PT1M)
Riometer measurements and Location
References: 1.Rostoker, G., Samson, J.C., Creutzberg, F., Hughes, T.J.,
McDiarmid, D.R., McNamara, A.G., Vallance Jones, A., Wallis, D.D.,
Cogger, L.L.; CANOPUS - a ground based instrument array for remote sensing the 
high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS program, 
Space Sci. Rev., submitted for publication, 1993.
Modification History
Created 31-DEC-1999
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COMETGS_HELIO1DAY_POSITION (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Comet/GriggSkjellerup/HelioWeb/Ephemeris/P1D)
No TEXT global attribute value.
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COMETHMP_HELIO1DAY_POSITION (spase://NASA/NumericalData/Comet/HondaMrkosPajdusakova/HelioWeb/Ephemeris/P1D)
No TEXT global attribute value.
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CRRES_H0_MEA doi:10.48322/8e23-cz17
CRRES MEA Data Archive
This is the re-processed version of the MEA data archive from the CRRES
The raw data provided by Principal Investigator A. Vampola have been processed
to derive 1 min average data. 
The data consists of counting rates from 17 energy channels in the range of
0.1-2 MeV and 19 pitch angle bins at 1 minute time intervals. 
The average flux, 90 degree flux and N value are included. 
Also included are the spacecraft geographic coordinates and altitude, L shell,
and the local and equatorial magnetic field magnitudes from the 1977
Olson-Pfitzer model of the earth's geomagnetic field.
The raw high resolution (0.512 sec) data and documentation of raw data can be
found at: 
Modification History
Created May 2003
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CSSWE_REPTILE_6SEC-COUNTS-L1 doi:10.48322/dy3g-xz52
CSSWE is a 3U-CubeSat designed and developed by students at the University of
Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder). The objective of the science mission is to
address fundamental questions pertaining to the relationship between solar
flares and energetic particles. These questions include the acceleration and
loss mechanisms of outer radiation belt electrons. 
The goal is to measure differential fluxes of relativistic electrons in the
energy range of 0.58-3.8 MeV and protons in 9-40 MeV. This project is a
collaborative effort between the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
(LASP) and the Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences (AES) at the
University of Colorado, which includes the participation of students, faculty,
and professional engineers. The science goals of the CSSWE mission are to study:
   How flare location, magnitude, and frequency relate to the timing, duration,
and energy spectrum of SEPs reaching Earth.
   How the energy spectrum of radiation belt electrons evolve and how this
evolution relates to the acceleration mechanism.
To accomplish these goals CSSWE has a requirement for a minimum of 3 months of
science operations based on expected flare and geomagnetic storm frequency. The
first month of operations will be utilized for systems stabilization and check
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CSSWE_REPTILE_6SEC-FLUX-L2 doi:10.48322/brd0-ak96
CSSWE is a 3U-CubeSat designed and developed by students at the University of
Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder). The objective of the science mission is to
address fundamental questions pertaining to the relationship between solar
flares and energetic particles. These questions include the acceleration and
loss mechanisms of outer radiation belt electrons. 
The goal is to measure differential fluxes of relativistic electrons in the
energy range of 0.58-3.8 MeV and protons in 9-40 MeV. This project is a
collaborative effort between the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
(LASP) and the Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences (AES) at the
University of Colorado, which includes the participation of students, faculty,
and professional engineers. The science goals of the CSSWE mission are to study:
   How flare location, magnitude, and frequency relate to the timing, duration,
and energy spectrum of SEPs reaching Earth.
   How the energy spectrum of radiation belt electrons evolve and how this
evolution relates to the acceleration mechanism.
To accomplish these goals CSSWE has a requirement for a minimum of 3 months of
science operations based on expected flare and geomagnetic storm frequency. The
first month of operations will be utilized for systems stabilization and check
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CT_JP_PSE (spase://ESA/NumericalData/Cluster/Ephemeris/JP/PredictedScientificEvent/PT5M)
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
NS S Southbound neutral sheet
NT I Enter north tail lobe from inner magnetosphere
ST O Leave south tail lobe for inner magnetosphere
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 13th generation pole used to calculate GSM latitude and MLT 
 in PSE files produced after 23 Feb 2020.
PSE files updated to support orbits >999 and six decimal figures 
 on orbit phase from 25 March 2006.
JSOC predicted scientific events.
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