; ; NOSA HEADER START ; ; The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the NASA Open ; Source Agreement (NOSA), Version 1.3 only (the "Agreement"). You may ; not use this file except in compliance with the Agreement. ; ; You can obtain a copy of the agreement at ; docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt ; or ; https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WebServices/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt. ; ; See the Agreement for the specific language governing permissions ; and limitations under the Agreement. ; ; When distributing Covered Code, include this NOSA HEADER in each ; file and include the Agreement file at ; docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt. If applicable, add the ; following below this NOSA HEADER, with the fields enclosed by ; brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: ; Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] ; ; NOSA HEADER END ; ; Copyright (c) 2010-2023 United States Government as represented by the ; National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed ; in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. ; ; ;+ ; This file contains a procedure-oriented wrapper that integrates ; functionality from the SpdfCdas class (IDL client interface to ; ; Coordinated Data Analysis System Web Services (CDAS WSs)) ; and the ; CDAWlib ; library. ; ; @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2023 United States Government as ; represented by the National Aeronautics and Space ; Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States ; under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. ; ; @author B. Harris ;- ;+ ; This function is an example of a callback_function for the ; spdfGetData function. ; ; @param statusInfo {in} {type=strarr} ; @param progressInfo {in} {type=lon64arr} ; @param callbackData {in} {type=reference} ; @returns a continue flag. A return value of zero indicates that ; the operation should be cancelled. A return value of one ; indicates that the operation should continue. ;- function SpdfGetDataCallback, $ statusInfo, progressInfo, callbackData compile_opt idl2 print, 'spdfGetDataCallback: statusInfo:', statusInfo if progressInfo[0] eq 1 then begin percentComplete = $ double(progressInfo[2]) / progressInfo[1] * 100.0 print, progressinfo[2], progressInfo[1], percentComplete, $ format='(%"spdfGetDataCallback: (%d) bytes of (%d) complete (%f%%)")' endif return, 1 end ;+ ; This function gets data from NASA's ; Space Physics Data Facility ; Coordinated Data Analysis ; System and returns it in a ; CDAWlib ; structure.. ;
; Notes: ; ; @param dataset {in} {type=string} ; name of dataset to get data from. ; @param variables {in} {out} {type=strarr} ; On entry, names of variables whose values are to be gotten. ; If the first (only) name is "ALL-VARIABLES", then the ; resulting CDF will contain all variables. ; On exit, names of variables actually read (may be more ; than requested). ; @param timeSpans {in} {type=strarr(n, 2)} ; ISO 8601 format strings of the start and stop times of the ; data to get. ; @keyword binInterval {in} {optional} {type=double} {default=60.0D} ; binning interval (seconds). ; @keyword binInterpolateMissingValues {in} {optional} {type=byte} ; {default=1} ; flag indicating whether to interpolate missing values. ; @keyword binSigmaMultiplier {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=0} ; standard deviation multiplier used for rejecting data. ; @keyword binOverrideDefaultBinning {in} {optional} {type=byte} ; {default=0} ; flag indicating whether to override the default selection ; of variables to bin. 0 = use default selection (only ; variables with the ALLOW_BIN attribute set). 1 = bin ; additional variables beyond just those with the ALLOW_BIN ; attribute set. ; @keyword dataview {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='sp_phys'} ; name of dataview containing the dataset. ; @keyword endpoint {in} {optional} {type=string} ; {default='https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WS/cdasr/1'} ; URL of CDAS web service. ; @keyword keepfiles {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} ; The KEEPFILES keyword causes SpdfGetData to retain the ; downloaded data files. Normally these files are deleted ; after the data is read into the IDL environment. ; @keyword quiet {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} ; SpdfGetData normally prints an error message if no data is ; found. If QUIET is set, no error messages is printed. ; @keyword verbose {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} ; The VERBOSE keyword causes SpdfGetData to print additional ; status, debugging, and usage information. ; @keyword callback_function {in} {optional} {type=string} ; this keyword value is the name of the IDL function that ; is to be called during this retrieval operation. The ; callbacks provide feedback to the user about the ongoing ; operation, as well as provide a method to cancel an ; ongoing operation. If this keyword is not set, no ; callback to the caller is made. For information on ; creating a callback function, see "Using Callbacks with ; the IDLnetURL Object" in the IDL documentation. ; @keyword callback_data {in} {optional} {type=reference} ; this keyword value contains data that is passed to the ; caller when a callback is made. The data contained in ; this variable is defined and set by the caller. The ; variable is passed, unmodified, directly to the caller ; as a parameter in the callback function. If this keyword ; is not set, the corresponding callback parameter's value ; is undefined. ; @keyword sslVerifyPeer {in} {optional} {type=int} ; {default=spdfGetDefaultSslVerify()} ; Specifies whether the authenticity of the peer's SSL ; certificate should be verified. When 0, the connection ; succeeds regardless of what the peer SSL certificate ; contains. ; @returns structure containing requested data. ; @examples ;
;     d = spdfgetdata('AC_H2_MFI', ['Magnitude', 'BGSEc'], $
;           ['2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', '2013-01-03T00:00:00.000Z'], $
;           /VERBOSE)
;     The Epoch values are returned in d.epoch.dat
;     The Magnitude values are in d.magnitude.dat
;     The BGSEc values are in d.bgsec.dat
;    To see further info. about each variable type 
;        help, /struct, d."variablename"
;    To make a plot with the CDAWlib s/w type 
;        s = plotmaster(d, /AUTO, /CDAWEB, /GIF, /SMOOTH, /SLOW)
;- function SpdfGetData, $ dataset, $ variables, $ timeSpans, $ binInterval = binInterval, $ binInterpolateMissingValues = binInterpolateMissingValues, $ binSigmaMultiplier = binSigmaMultiplier, $ binOverrideDefaultBinning = binOverrideDefaultBinning, $ dataview = dataview, $ endpoint = endpoint, $ keepfiles = keepfiles, $ quiet = quiet, $ verbose = verbose, $ callback_function = callback_function, $ callback_data = callback_data, $ sslVerifyPeer = sslVerifyPeer compile_opt idl2 if ~obj_valid(httpErrorReporter) then begin httpErrorReporter = obj_new('SpdfHttpErrorReporter') endif if ~keyword_set(dataview) then begin dataview = 'sp_phys' end cdas = $ obj_new('SpdfCdas', $ endpoint = endpoint, $ userAgent = 'SpdfGetData', $ defaultDataview = dataview, $ sslVerifyPeer = sslVerifyPeer) sizeTimeSpans = size(timeSpans) if sizeTimeSpans[0] eq 1 and sizeTimeSpans[1] eq 2 then begin timeIntervals = $ [obj_new('SpdfTimeInterval', timeSpans[0], timeSpans[1])] endif else begin if sizeTimeSpans[0] eq 2 then begin timeIntervals = objarr(sizeTimeSpans[1]) for i = 0, sizeTimeSpans[1] - 1 do begin timeIntervals[i] = $ obj_new('SpdfTimeInterval', $ timeSpans[0, i], timeSpans[1, i]) endfor endif else begin if ~keyword_set(quiet) then begin print, 'Error: timeSpans parameter must be strarr(n, 2)' print, 'Error: size(timeSpans) = ', sizeTimeSpans endif obj_destroy, cdas return, obj_new() endelse endelse if keyword_set(binInterval) or $ keyword_set(binInterpolateMissingValues) or $ keyword_set(binSigmaMultiplier) or $ keyword_set(binOverrideDefaultBinning) then begin if ~keyword_set(binInterval) then binInterval = 60.0D if ~keyword_set(binInterpolateMissingValues) then $ binInterpolateMissingValues = 1B if ~keyword_set(binSigmaMultiplier) then binSigmaMultiplier = 0L if ~keyword_set(binOverrideDefaultBinning) then binOverrideDefaultBinning = 0B binData = obj_new('SpdfBinData', binInterval, $ binInterpolateMissingValues, binSigmaMultiplier, $ binOverrideDefaultBinning) endif data = cdas->getCdawlibData( $ timeIntervals, dataset, variables, $ binData = binData, $ httpErrorReporter = httpErrorReporter, $ keepfiles = keepfiles, $ quiet = quiet, $ verbose = verbose, $ callback_function = callback_function, $ callback_data = callback_data) obj_destroy, timeIntervals obj_destroy, cdas if keyword_set(verbose) then begin print, 'Data values are returned in the data structure in each variables .dat tag member. ' print, ' ' print, "For example - for the call d = spdfgetdata('AC_H2_MFI', ['Magnitude', 'BGSEc'], ['2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', '2013-01-03T00:00:00.000Z'])" print, ' ' print, 'The Epoch values are returned in d.epoch.dat' print, 'the Magnitude values are in d.magnitude.dat' print, 'and the BGSEc values are in d.bgsec.dat' print, ' ' print, 'To see further info. about each variable type help, /struct, d."variablename"' print, 'To make a plot with the CDAWlib s/w type s = plotmaster(d, /AUTO, /CDAWEB, /GIF, /SMOOTH, /SLOW) endif return, data end