This class represents an object that knows how to obtain authentication for the Coordinated Data Analysis System (CDAS). Usually, it will do this by prompting the user for information.
Author information
- Author
B. Harris
- Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010-2017 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved.
Class description for SpdfAuthenticator
Subclasses: SpdfCdawebChooserAuthenticator
Fields in SpdfAuthenticator
- credentialsCache strarr(10, 2)
cache of authentication credentials.
- dataviewCache strarr(10)
cache of dataview names. A dataview's index in this array corresponds to its authentication credentials in the credentialsCaches. For example, if dataviewCache[5] = 'dv1', then the authenticaion credentials for 'dv1' are credentialsCache[5, 0] and credentialsCache[5, 1].
Routines from spdfauthenticator__define.pro
result = SpdfAuthenticator::init()
Creates an SpdfAuthenticator object.
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
result = SpdfAuthenticator::getCredentials(dataview, username, password)
Obtains the user's authentication credentials to access the specified dataview.
result = SpdfAuthenticator::getCachedCredentials(dataview, username, password)
Gets the cached credentials for the specified dataview.
result = SpdfAuthenticator::cacheCredentials(dataview, username, password)
Stores the given credentials for the specified dataview in the cache.
result = SpdfAuthenticator::addToCachedCredentials(dataview, username, password)
Adds the given credentials for the specified dataview to the cache.
Defines the SpdfAuthenticator class.
Routine details
top source SpdfAuthenticator::init
result = SpdfAuthenticator::init()
Creates an SpdfAuthenticator object.
Return value
reference to an SpdfAuthenticator object.
top source SpdfAuthenticator::cleanup
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
top source SpdfAuthenticator::getCredentials
result = SpdfAuthenticator::getCredentials(dataview, username, password)
Obtains the user's authentication credentials to access the specified dataview.
Return value
1 if username/password has been set. Otherwise, 0.
- dataview in type=string
name of dataview requiring authentication to access.
- username out type=string
user's name.
- password out type=string
user's password.
top source SpdfAuthenticator::getCachedCredentialsprivate
result = SpdfAuthenticator::getCachedCredentials(dataview, username, password)
Gets the cached credentials for the specified dataview.
Return value
1 if username/password has been set. Otherwise, 0.
- dataview in type=string
name of dataview requiring authentication to access.
- username out type=string
user's name.
- password out type=string
user's password.
top source SpdfAuthenticator::cacheCredentialsprivate
result = SpdfAuthenticator::cacheCredentials(dataview, username, password)
Stores the given credentials for the specified dataview in the cache.
Return value
1 if credentials have been cached. Otherwise, 0.
- dataview in type=string
name of dataview requiring authentication to access.
- username in type=string
user's name.
- password in type=string
user's password.
top source SpdfAuthenticator::addToCachedCredentialsprivate
result = SpdfAuthenticator::addToCachedCredentials(dataview, username, password)
Adds the given credentials for the specified dataview to the cache.
Return value
1 if credentials have been cached. Otherwise, 0.
- dataview in type=string
name of dataview requiring authentication to access.
- username in type=string
user's name.
- password in type=string
user's password.
File attributes
Modification date: | Wed May 9 06:58:57 2018 |
Lines: | 61 |
CDAS Feedback.