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CDAS Web Services Developer's Kit


The Coordinated Data Analysis System (CDAS) supports simultaneous multi-mission, multi-instrument selection and comparison of science data among a wide range of current space missions.  While CDAWeb provides access to this data through an HTML-based user interface, these Web services provides a distributed programming interface to CDAS.  Figure 1.1-1 shows a simplified view of the software architecture.

Figure 1.1-1 Software Architecture
Client Program
Web services
Unique Stubs
Unique Ties
JAX-RPC Runtime SOAP Message JAX-RPC Runtime

Table 1.1-1 describes each component in more detail.

Table 1.1-1.  Component Description
Component Description Source
CDAS Client Program A CDAS client program.  It may use the CDAS unique stubs and JAX-RPC or some other runtime support library. Developed by any organization wishing to use the CDAS Web services.
CDAS Unique Stubs CDAS unique client wrapper to the JAX-RPC library.   This code is generated by the wscompile tool included with the JWSDP. Provided in the CDAS Web services SDK by the group which developed the CDAS Web services.
JAX-RPC runtime JAX-RPC runtime which handles the actual formatting and sending and receiving of SOAP messages. JWSDP.
CDAS Unique Ties CDAS unique server wrapper to the JAX-RPC library.   This code is generated by the wsdeploy tool included with the JWSDP. Delivered with the CDAS Web services by the group which developed the CDAS Web services.
CDAS Web services The implementation of the CDAS Web services.  This component interfaces with existing CDAS software and data to fulfill Web service requests. Develeped for and delivered to CDAS by the group responsible for the CDAS Web services.


This developer's kit contains the development files required to develop a client application that uses the CDAS web services.  This document also provides information to help a developer in developing a CDAS web service client.  Specifically, the kit contains the following:

This document assumes the reader is already familiar with distributed programming concepts and a programming language but previous knowledge of Web services is not required.

Issues common to all types of clients

This sections describes issues related to utilizing the CDAS Web Services API from any type of client. That is, the issues described in this section apply to all clients irrespective of the programming language/tools used to develop the client or runtime enviroment in which the client is executed. The following issues are common to all types of clients:

These issues are described below.

Changes to the Web services

We strive not to make changes to the Web services that would cause client applications to fail. Major functional changes and changes to the Web services' public interface are only made at major releases (e.g., R1.0 to R2.0) and not at minor releases (e.g., R1.0 to R1.1). We provide advanced notice of major changes and leave the existing Web services available for a transition period after the new release has been deployed (at a URL that is different from the previous major release). Announcements of both major and minor releases are made to the spdf_announcements e-mail list. All client developers are encouraged to subscribe to this e-mail list so they are aware of changes. Otherwise, it is possible that Web service changes could be made that adversely a developer's client without the developer knowing about the change.

WSDL binding style

The CDAS Web services were initially developed before the Web Service Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile was finalized.  The CDAS Web services currently use an RPC/encoded WSDL binding style.  This binding style may cause interoperability issues for clients that don't use the JAX-RPC libraries and the provided sscWebServices-client.jar.  In particular, Microsoft .NET clients may have problems calling the CDAS Web services because of their use of RPC/encoded binding style.  We are considering a change to the document/literal binding style.  If you have comments concerning the binding style, please submit them to CDAS Feedback.

HTTP User-Agent header

You are strongly encouraged to have your client set the HTTP User-Agent header (RFC 2068) to a value that identifies your client application in each CDAS Web Service request that it makes. This will allow us to measure the usefulness of these services and justify their continued support. It isn't too important what value you use but it's best if it uniquely identifies your application. The specifics of how to do this in the client varies depending upon the programming language and support libraries used for the client. The example Java client described below contains the code required to set the header in a Java/JAX-RPC client. If you are unable or unwilling to set the User-Agent value in your client but still want us to know that your client uses the CDAS Web Services, you may send a description of your client and any comments about the CDAS Web Services to CDAWeb feedback

Server resource limits

There are server computer resource limits imposed on the CDAS Web services. While these limits are not expected to be limiting for legitimate requests, making requests for a long period of time or for a large number of spacecraft can exceed these limits and result in a "request exceeded computer resource limits" exception. A client may want to be prepared to deal with such occasions.

How to use the WSDL file

The WSDL file provides a standard description of CDAS web services.  The file is available from   You may want to save the file to your computer's disk for later use.

Depending upon your browser's XML capabilities and how it handles an XML file that doesn't contain any style information, you may need to use the browser's "view source" option to view the WSDL in the browser.  Recent versions of Internet Explorer and Mozilla will have no problem displaying the WSDL.  Alternately, you may force the browser to save the WSDL file and view it using another application.  The file should be viewable in a simple text editor.

Many programming languages now understand WSDL and can use this file to automatically invoke CDAS services. For example, the WSDL can be imported into .NET, converted into Java code using the JAX-RPC wscompile tool, or used directly by Perl SOAP::Lite.  Refer to your particular development tools' documentation to learn how to use the provided WSDL file to develop a client application.  If you are developing your client in a language other than Java or don't want to use the included Java library, then you must use the WSDL and can ignore the next section.

How to use the Java API

For convenience, we have included a Java library based upon JAX-RPC.  It is not necessary to use this library but it will be the easiest way for someone developing a Java client to access the CDAS Web Services.  You may use the WSDL described above along with any other standards complying web service development tools to develop a client instead of using this library.

The Java API provides an easy to use, high level API for accessing the CDAS web services.  Here is a description of the CDAS Web services Java API.  It was developed using Java EE 5 JAX-RPC.  In order to use the provided jar, you must already have a Java 1.5 or higher development environment with the JAX-RPC run-time class libraries.  At the time of this writing, JAX-RPC was not available as a separate download from Sun Microsystems.  Your options from Sun are to get the Java Enterprise Edition 5 development environment. Vendors other than Sun may offer other options.

The cdasWebService-test.jar provided with this kit contains an application that can be used to test the client run-time environment with the CDAS web services.  To use the test client, use the equivalent of the following, single line command for your environment:

java -classpath cdasWebServices-test.jar:jax-rpc-jars:cdasWebServices-client.jar gov.nasa.gsfc.spdf.cdas.test.WsExample

where jax-rpc-jars is to be replaced by all of the JAX-RPC run-time support jar files.

This should produce output similar to the following:

 Running the gov.nasa.gsfc.spdf.cdas.test.WsExample program....
 Mission Data Views:
   sp_phys  Title: CDAWeb (Space Physics Public Data)
       SubTitle: Public data from current and past space physics missions
       Overview: null
       UnderConstruction: false
       Public Access: true
 Time to execute getViewDescriptions = 1.393seconds

 Mission Groups for istp_public :
   Geosynchronous Investigations
   Ground-Based Investigations
   Interball Ground-Based
   OMNI (Merged 1AU IP Data)
 Time to execute getAllMissionGroups = 1.287seconds

 Instrument Types for istp_public :
   Electric Fields (space)
   Ground-Based HF-Radars
   Ground-Based Imagers
   Ground-Based Magnetometers, Riometers, Sounders
   Ground-Based VLF/ELF/ULF, Photometers
   Imagers (space)
   Magnetic Fields (space)
   Particles (space)
   Plasma and Solar Wind
   Radio Plasma Imagers  (space)
   Radio and Plasma Waves (space)
 Time to execute getAllInstrumentTypes = 1.479seconds

 Instruments for istp_public :
   30F  30 second Fluxes
   3DP  3-D Plasma Analyzer
   ACF  AC Fields
   ADS  Attitude Determination System
   AIS  Advanced Ionospheric Sounder
   AKR  High frequency radioemission flux 
   ASI  All Sky Imager
   ASP  Active Spacecraft Potential Control
   AST  Autonomous Star Tracker
   AT1  COSPIN Anisotropy Telescope 1
   AT2  COSPIN Anisotropy Telescope 2
   AUX  Auxiliary data
   BAE  SWOOPS Electron Measurements
   BAI  SWOOPS Ion Measurements
   BARS  Bistatic Auroral Radar System
   CAM  Charge and Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition
   CEL  Charge, Element and Isotope Analysis System
   CEP  Comprehensive Energetic Particle Pitch Angle 
   CIS  Cluster Ion Spectrometry
   COM  Communication Systems
   COR  Ion moments in the range 25 eV -25 keV
   CPI  Comprehensive Plasma Instrumentation
   CST  Comprehensive Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Analyzer
   DCF  DC Fields
   DEF  Definitive Data
   DWP  Digital Wave Processor
   EDI  Electron Drift Instrument
   EES  Electron ESA Survey
   EFD  Electric Field Detector
   EFI  Electric Field Instrument
   EFW  Electric Fields and Waves
   ELE  Thermal Electron Data
   EP8  Energetic Particle Sensor
   EPA  Energetic Particle Composition Experiment
   EPAM  ACE Electron Proton Alpha Monitor
   EPI  Energetic Particle Instrument
   EPM  ACE Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor
   EPS  Energetic Particle Sensor
   ERN  Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electron experiment
   EUV  Extreme Ultraviolet Imager
   FGM  Fluxgate Magnetometer
   FPI  Fabry-Perot  Interferometer
   FSW  Flight Software
   GBAY  Goose Bay  
   GLG  Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS)
   GME  Goddard Medium Energy Investigation
   HANK  Hankasalmi 
   HENA  High Energy Neutral Atom Imager
   HET  COSPIN High Energy Telescope
   HFT  COSPIN High Flux Telescope
   HYD   Fast Plasma Analyzer
   ICD  Tail Probe Ion Composition Data 
   ICEW  Iceland West (Stokkseyri)
   ICI  Equator-S Ion Spectrometry
   IES  Ion (3eV-25eV) Analyzers
   KAPU  Kapuskasing
   KET  COSPIN Kiel Electron Telescope
   KILP  Kilpisjarvi All-Sky Camera
   LEP  Low-Energy Particles
   LET  COSPIN Low Energy Telescope
   LF15  HI-SCALE LEFS 150
   LM12  HI-SCALE LEMS 120
   MAG  Magnetometer
   MAM  Fluxgate Magnetometer
   MARI  Magnetometer and Riometer Array
   MENA  Medium Energy Neutral Atom Imager
   MFE  Magnetic Fields
   MFI  Magnetic Field Data
   MGF  Magnetic Field
   MPA  Magnetospheric plasma analyzer
   PACE  Halley Station,Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment
   PCD  Potential Control Device
   PCI  PC Geomagnetic Index
   PCY  Predicted Solar Cycle Trends
   PEA  Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
   PFRA  URAP Plasma Frequency Receiver (Average Data)
   PFRP  URAP Plasma Frequency Receiver (Peak Data)
   PGP  Predicted Geometric Positions
   PIX  Polar Ionospheric X-ray Imaging Experiment
   PLA  Plasma Investigation
   PMP  Predicted Magnetic Position
   POF  Polarcap Fluxes
   PRE  Predicted Data
   PSE  Predicted Scientific Events
   PWI  Plasma Wave Instrument
   PWR  Power Systems
   PYKK  Pykkvibaer 
   R144  URAP Radio Astronomy Receiver (144 second resolution)
   RAP  Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors
   RARA  URAP Radio Astronomy Receiver (Average Data)
   RARP  URAP Radio Astronomy Receiver (Peak Data)
   RIO  30MHz Riometer Array
   RPI  Radio Plasma Imager
   SASK  Saskatoon  
   SFD   Scintillating Fibre Detector
   SIE  Electron Auroral Images at 1356 A
   SIP  Proton Auroral Images at 1218 A
   SIS  ACE Solar Isotope Spectrometer
   SMS  Solar Wind & Suprathermal Ion Composition Investigation
   SPA  Synchronous Orbit Particle Analyzer
   SPHA  Spin Phase
   SSC  Satellite Situation Center Ephemeris
   STA  Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations
   SWE  ACE Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor
   SWEP  ACE Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor
   SWI  Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer
   TID  Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment
   TIM  Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph
   TML  Thermal
   VDP  Antisunward Ion Flux
   VHM  Vector Helium Magnetometer
   VIS  Visible Imaging System
   VLF  VLF/ELF LoggerExperiment (VELOX)
   WART  HISCALE Composition Aperture Telescope
   WAV  Radio/Plasma Wave
   WFBA  URAP Waveform Analyzer Magnetic Field (Average Data)
   WFBP  URAP Waveform Analyzer Magnetic Field (Peak Data)
   WFEA  URAP Waveform Analyzer Electric Field (Average Data)
   WFEP  URAP Waveform Analyzer Electric Field (Peak Data)
   WHI  Waves of High Frequency and Sounder for Probing of Density by Relaxation
   WIC  Auroral Images, Wide-Band Imaging Camera
   WRTD  HI-SCALE Composition Aperture Telescope
 Time to execute getAllInstruments = 1.139seconds

 All data sources for istp_public :
   AC  Advanced Composition Explorer
   ACE  ISTP Advanced Composition Explorer
   C1  Cluster spacecraft 1
   C2  Cluster spacecraft 2
   C3  Cluster spacecraft 3
   C4  Cluster spacecraft 4
   CANOPUS  Canadian Auroral Network Open Program Unified Study
   CL  Cluster
   CT  Cluster spacecraft Centroid
   DARN  Dual Auroral Radar Network 
   EQ  Equator-S
   FAST  FAST Auroral Snapshot Explorer
   FMI  Finnish Meteorological Institute
   GEOTAIL  Geomagnetic Tail
   GOES_0  Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 10
   GOES_6  Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 6
   GOES_7  Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 7
   GOES_8  Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 8
   GOES_9  Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 9
   I8  IMP-8
   IMAGE  Imager for Magnetopause to Aurora Global Exploration
   IMP-8  Interplanetary Monitoring Platform 8
   INTERBALL-AURORAL  Interball Auroral Probe
   INTERBALL-GROUND  Ground Based Data
   INTERBALL-TAIL  Interball  auroralprobe
   LANL-97A  Los Alamos National Laboratory 1997
   LANL1989_046  Los Alamos National Laboratory 1989
   LANL1990_095  Los Alamos National Laboratory 1990
   LANL1991_080  Los Alamos National Laboratory 1989
   LANL1994_084  Los Alamos National Laboratory 1994
   Lanl-97A  Los Alamos National Laboratory 1997
   Lanl1989_046  Los Alamos National Laboratory 1989
   Lanl1990_095  Los Alamos National Laboratory 1990-095
   Lanl1991_080  Los Alamos National Laboratory 1991
   Lanl1994_084  Los Alamos National Laboratory 1994
   OMNI (1AU IP Data)  Merged 1 Hour Interplantary OMNI data
   POLAR  Polar Plasma Laboratory
   SAMPEX  Solar Anomalous Magnetic Particle Explorer
   SESAME  Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements
   SOHO  Solar Heliospheric Observatory
   ULYSSES  Ulysses
   Ulysses  Ulysses
   WIND  Wind Interplanetary Plasma Laboratory
 Time to execute getSources = 1.452seconds

 All data sources for istp_public, Electric Fields (space) :
   CL  Cluster
   EQ  Equator-S
   GEOTAIL  Geomagnetic tail
   POLAR  Polar Plasma Laboratory
 Time to execute getSources = 1.318seconds

 All data sources for istp_public, 30F :
   SAMPEX  Solar Anomalous Magnetic Particle Explorer
 Time to execute getSourcesByInstrument = 0.873seconds

 Instrument Types for istp_public, CL :
   Electric Fields (space)
   Magnetic Fields (space)
   Particles (space)
   Plasma and Solar Wind
   Radio and Plasma Waves (space)
 Time to execute getInstrumentTypes = 0.41seconds

 Instruments for istp_public, CL :
   ASP  Active Spacecraft Potential Control
   AUX  Auxiliary data
   CIS  Cluster Ion Spectrometry
   DWP  Digital Wave Processor
   EDI  Electron Drift Instrument
   EFW  Electric Fields and Waves
   FGM  Fluxgate Magnetometer
   PCY  Predicted Solar Cycle Trends
   PEA  Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
   PGP  Predicted Geometric Positions
   RAP  Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors
   SSC  Satellite Situation Center Ephemeris
   STA  Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations
   WHI  Waves of High Frequency and Sounder for Probing of Density by Relaxation
 Time to execute getInstruments = 0.355seconds

 Datasets for istp_public, ACE, null: 
   AC_K2_MFI  K2 - ACE Magnetic Field 1-Hour Key Parameters [PRELIM] - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
       PI: N. Ness  PI Affiliation: Bartol Research Institute
       Time range: 2002/03/01 00:00:00  2002/12/31 23:00:00
   AC_H0_SWE  ACE/SWEPAM Solar Wind Experiment 64-Second Level 2 Data - D. J. McComas (SWRI)
       PI: D. J. McComas  PI Affiliation: SWRI
       Time range: 1998/02/04 00:00:31  2002/10/15 23:59:03
   AC_K0_SIS   ACE Solar Isotope Spectrometer 1-Hr Key Parameter Data - C. M. S. Cohen (California Institute of Technology)
       PI: C. M. S. Cohen  PI Affiliation: California Institute of Technology
       Time range: 1997/08/28 00:00:00  2002/12/31 23:00:00
   AC_H2_SWE  ACE/SWEPAM Solar Wind Experiment 1-Hour Level 2 Data - D. J. McComas (SWRI)
       PI: D. J. McComas  PI Affiliation: SWRI
       Time range: 1998/02/04 00:00:00  2002/10/15 23:00:00
   AC_H2_EPM  ACE/EPAM Solar Energetic Particle 1-Hour Level 2 Data - R. Gold (JHU/APL)
       PI: R. Gold  PI Affiliation: JHU/APL
       Time range: 1997/08/30 00:00:00  2002/08/25 23:00:00
   AC_H1_MFI  H1 - ACE Magnetic Field 4-Minute Level 2 Data - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
       PI: N. Ness  PI Affiliation: Bartol Research Institute
       Time range: 1997/09/02 00:00:00  2002/09/19 23:56:00
   AC_H0_MFI  H0 - ACE Magnetic Field 16-Second Level 2 Data - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
       PI: N. Ness  PI Affiliation: Bartol Research Institute
       Time range: 1997/09/02 00:00:12  2002/09/19 23:59:39
   AC_H2_MFI  H2 - ACE Magnetic Field 1-Hour Level 2 Data - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
       PI: N. Ness  PI Affiliation: Bartol Research Institute
       Time range: 1997/09/02 00:00:00  2002/09/19 23:00:00
   AC_K1_MFI  ACE Magnetic Field 16-Second Key Parameters [PRELIM] - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
       PI: N. Ness  PI Affiliation: Bartol Research Institute
       Time range: 2002/03/01 00:00:00  2002/12/31 23:59:49
   AC_K0_SWE  K0 - ACE Solar Wind Experiment 5-Minute Key Parameters [PRELIM] - D. J. McComas (Southwest Research Institute)
       PI: D. J. McComas  PI Affiliation: Southwest Research Institute
       Time range: 2002/03/01 00:00:00  2002/12/31 23:55:00
   AC_K0_MFI  ACE Magnetic Field 5-Minute Key Parameters [PRELIM] - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
       PI: N. Ness  PI Affiliation: Bartol Research Institute
       Time range: 2002/03/01 00:00:00  2002/12/31 23:55:00
   AC_K0_EPM  K0 - ACE EPAM 5-Minute Key Parameters - R. Gold (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory)
       PI: R. Gold  PI Affiliation: JHU Applied Physics Laboratory
       Time range: 1997/08/31 00:00:00  2002/12/31 23:55:00
   AC_OR_SSC  ACE GSE Positions @ 12 min resolution  - SSC/SSCWeb ( NASA's GSFC)
       PI: SSC/SSCWeb  PI Affiliation:  NASA's GSFC
       Time range: 1997/08/26 00:00:00  2003/08/01 08:00:00
   AC_K1_EPM  K1 - ACE EPAM 1-Hour Key Parameters - R. Gold (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory)
       PI: R. Gold  PI Affiliation: JHU Applied Physics Laboratory
       Time range: 1997/08/31 00:00:00  2002/12/31 23:00:00
   AC_K1_SWE  K1 - ACE Solar Wind Experiment 1-Hour Key Parameters [PRELIM] - D. J. McComas (Southwest Research Institute)
       PI: D. J. McComas  PI Affiliation: Southwest Research Institute
       Time range: 2001/08/01 00:00:00  2002/12/31 23:00:00
 Time to execute getDatasets = 1.602seconds

 Datasets for istp_public, CL, Electric Fields (space) :
   CL_SP_EFW  Cluster, EFW Summary Parameters - G. Gustafsson (IRFU)
       PI: G. Gustafsson  PI Affiliation: IRFU
       Time range: 2001/01/01 00:00:30  2002/08/31 23:59:30
   CL_SP_EDI  Cluster, EDI Summary Parameters - G. Paschmann (MPE)
       PI: G. Paschmann  PI Affiliation: MPE
       Time range: 2000/12/12 00:00:30  2002/10/31 00:00:00
 Time to execute getDatasetsBySource = 0.523seconds

 Varibles for istp_public, CL_SP_EFW: 
   Status__CL_SP_EFW  flag>status_number  EFW status
   State_wec__CL_SP_EFW  flag>status_number  WEC status
   E_dusk__CL_SP_EFW  electric_field>Duskward_component  Duskward Electric Field, In spin plane perp to x-gse
   E_pow_f1__CL_SP_EFW  power>electric_field_band  E-field spectral density, Freq range 0.3-10 Hz, from EFW waveform
   E_pow_f2__CL_SP_EFW  power>electric_field_band  E-field spectral density, Freq range 10-180 Hz, from EFW waveform
   E_sigma__CL_SP_EFW  electric_field>variation  Electric Field Variation, Based on spin plane component
   I_probe__CL_SP_EFW  current>instrument  [DO NOT USE - NO DATA YET] Probe Current
   U_probe_sc__CL_SP_EFW  potential>instrument  Probe potential, Relative to Spacecraft
 Time to execute getDatasetVariables = 0.077seconds

 Data CDF URLs for istp_public, CL_SP_EFW: 
     2001/01/01 00:00:30 - 2001/01/03 00:00:30
 Time to execute getDataCdfUrl = 0.143seconds

 Datasets for istp_public, ACE, 30F :
 Time to execute getDatasetsByInstrument = 0.544seconds

Here is the Java source code for the test.WsExample.class.

The cdasWebServices-client.jar, cdasWebServices-test.jar and JAX-RPC jar files must be in your classpath when compiling and running any application that uses the CDAS web services. The JAX-RPC jar files may be obtained from one of the following two sources:

Java Enterprise Edition (EE) 5 Software Development Kit (SDK)
javaee.jar, webservices-rt.jar
Java Web Services Developers Pack (JWSDP) 1.5
jaxrpc-api.jar, jaxrpc-impl.jar, jaxrpc-spi.jar, relaxngDatatype.jar, xsdlib.jar, jaxp-api.jar, dom.jar, sax.jar, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xsltc.jar, saaj-api.jar, saaj-impl.jar, jaxp-api.jar, dom.jar, sax.jar, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar, activation.jar, mail.jar, servlet.jar, jcert.jar, jnet.jar, jsse.jar


Questions or comments concerning these Web services should be sent to CDAS Feedback.

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