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cdasws Graph Example Jupyter Notebook

This Jupyter notebook demonstrates using the cdasws Python package to access a CDAWlib plot of data from cdaweb. This notebook contains the following sections:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Setup
  3. Get Graph of Data
  4. Display Graph
  5. Advanced Options
  6. Additional Capabilities
  7. Additional Documentation


  1. This example only depends upon pure Python modules and does not require modules that depend upon non-Python code (such as spacepy and pycdf).


Install the prerequisite software from the Python Package Index if it is not already installed.


Execute some preliminary code that is necessary before the code that follows.

Get Graph of Data

The following code demonstrates how to access CDAWlib plots of magnetic field measurements from the ACE AC_H1_MFI.

Display Graph

The following code demonstrates how to display the CDAWlib plot.

Advanced Options

The above example was intentionally simple and accepted default values where possible. The following code demonstrates some of the additional options.

Additional Capabilities

The cdasws package has many additional capabilities such as the following:

Additional Documentation

View the cdasws API for additional functions. Additional notebook examples are also available.