June 2024: The THEMIS mission reprocessed FGM and FIT data files for THEMIS-A and D from 2024-03-01 onward, using updated calibration data. See the THEMIS Instrument processing history files for further details.
May 2024: The THEMIS mission has reprocessed FGM and FIT data files for THEMIS-A and D from 2024-03-01, THEMIS-B and C from 2023-09-01, and THEMIS-E from 2023-04-24, using updated calibration data.
March 2024: The PSP data have been extended to December 2023 (availability depending on data sets), covering Encounter 17 and some of Orbit 18. Please check the system, the PSP inventory plot and the annual inventory plots for details.
February 2024: Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) magnetometer data and Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) radiation data for many years have been added to the system, services and archive.
January 2024: A new plotting option has been added to allow auto-scaling by time (the default is to not autoscale time, but rather to show the time range requested). This option should allow users to more easily navigate burst data.
November 2023: The PSP data have been extended to August 2023 (availability depending on data sets), covering Encounter 16 and some of Orbit 16. Please check the system, the PSP inventory plot and the annual inventory plots for details.
October 2023: The PSP data have been extended to June 2023, covering the rest of Orbit 15, including Encounter 15, and part of the inbound leg of Orbit 16. New Radio Frequency Spectrometer (RFS) Level 3 High Frequency Receiver (HFR) and Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) data sets from the FIELDS instrument suite were added.
September 2023: New Cluster CIS data have been added to the system - 198 Ion Spectrometry (CIS) data sets are available in the system and the SPDF archive.
September 2023: The THEMIS C FIT and FGM L2 data files after 2022-07-31 are being reprocessed to fix an error in the Bz offset in the calibration file.
July 2023: The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) data for Releases 2-17 have been converted into the CDF scientific file format with full ISTP metadata for easier analysis and are now available in the system.
May 2023: The PSP data have been extended up to February 2023, covering Orbit 14, Encounter 14, and part of the inbound leg of Orbit 15. A new Level 3 dust data set from FIELDS was also added. Please check the PSP inventory plot and annual inventory plots for details.
March 2023: Wind MFI datasets WI_H3-RTN_MFI and WI_H4-RTN_MFI (RTN coordinates equivalents of WI_H0_MFI and WI_H2_MFI datasets) have been added to the SPDF archive and the system.
March 2023: The default plotting width has been changed to three times the standard width (see the "CHANGE the X-axis width" option to modify the setting). In addition, the system is now making the newly release version of CDF files (V3.9.0).
February 2023: The PSP data have been extended up to November 2022, covering the rest of Orbit 13 and a part of the inbound leg of Orbit 14. The SPAN electron and ion data from SWEAP have been updated to version 04. Please check the PSP inventory plot and annual inventory plots for details.
January 2023: The Level 3 Heavy Ion Sensor (HIS) composition data (SOLO_L3_SWA-HIS-COMP-10MIN) has been added to the archive and the system.
January 2023: The default plotting height has been changed to twice the standard height (see the "CHANGE the Y-axis height" option to modify the setting).
November 2022: The PSP data have been extended up to August 2022, covering the rest of Orbit 12 and part of the inbound leg of Orbit 13. EPI-Lo calculations have been updated affecting Quadrant 1 (look directions 20-39) fluxes and count rates.
September 2022: GOES magnetometer (MAG) high-resolution data is now available for GOES-08 to GOES-17, covering the period between 1995 and present. The GOES MAG subsystem consists of fluxgate magnetometer instruments monitoring three orthogonal components of the geomagnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (L = 6.6) with high-resolution sampling rate (G8-15: 2 Hz and G16-17: 10 Hz).
August 2022: The data for the entire mission for the ACE/ULEIS (AC_H2_ULE) data set was reprocessed to version 04 and is now available in the system. Please consult the release notes for further information.
August 2022: The PSP data have been extended up to April 2022, covering the rest of Orbit 11 and part of the inbound leg of Orbit 12. Two new FIELDS datasets are added. They are Level 2 Antenna Electronics Board (AEB) data and Level 3 Simplified Quasi-Thermal Noise (SQTN) data using the Radio Frequency Spectrometer (RFS) spectra. Pitch angles are included in the ISOIS datasets whenever FIELDS data are available. EPI-Lo calibrations have been updated for apertures with thick entrance foils.
August 2022: The GOLD Level 2 TDISK data product was updated to version 04. Please consult the release notes for further information.
June 2022: The SOHO CDF datasets CELIAS-PM_30S and CELIAS-PM_5MIN have been completely reprocessed to version 2, based on a new version of the original ASCII datasets at https://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/data/archive.html, resulting in significant changes to the data. See CELIAS-PM_30S and CELIAS-PM_5MIN readme files for details.
May 2022: The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) SWEAP and FIELDS data have been extended to December 2021, including Encounter 10 in November 2021 and Venus Gravity Assist 5 in October 2021. The ISOIS data have been extended to January 2022, covering part of the inbound leg of Orbit 11 as an addition. EPI-Hi data calibrations are updated and some variables are changed for ISOIS L2 summary data. Please check the PSP inventory plot and annual inventory plots for details.
March 2022: A total of 17 Level 2 Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) datasets from the Solar Orbiter mission have been added to the system.
February 17, 2022: The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) data have been extended to November 2021, which covers Orbit 9 including Encounter 9 with perihelion in August 2021 and Venus Flyby 5 in October 2021. Two new SPAN-Ion data sets are added. As a mission focusing on solar encounters, the time coverage varies greatly between PSP data sets. Please check the PSP inventory plot and annual inventory plots for details.
January 16, 2022: The MMS FPI data is currently being reprocessed by the data provider and re-ingested into the system to include the micro-second offsets for each skymap; the reprocessed data files will be version 3.4. This message will be updated when all previous versioned files have been replaced.
January 2022: The ICON Level 2 data products (in netCDF files) for MIGHTI, IVM, FUV and EUV are available via SPDF HTTPS and in the system. Likewise, the MAVEN Level 2 data products (in CDF files) for STATIC, SWIA, SWEA, and SEP are available via SPDF HTTPS and in the system.
October 2021: The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) data have been extended to June 2021 (for FIELDS) and July 2021 (for SWEAP and ISOIS), which covers all of Orbit 8, including Encounter 8 with perihelion in April 2021. The FIELDS and SWEAP data have updated quality flags. Because EPI-Lo species identification tables were updated on 14 June 2021, the ion composition (IC) files in this release have added the variables related to N and Ne count rates, although they are not popula\
ted yet.
September 30 2021: The SPDF websites use Let's Encrypt for our web site HTTPS certification. One of the Let's Encrypt root certificates (DST Root CA X3) expired on Sept. 30, 2021. You may find that some web tools report that our SSL certificates have expired. If so, please update those tools to support the latest root certificates, and to use OpenSSL 1.1.0 or later. This includes updating to the latest curl and wget, and IDL (IDL 8.7.1 and 8.8 work). Compatible software package versions are listed at https://letsencrypt.org/docs/certificate-compatibility/.
July 2021: The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) data have been extended to March 2021, which includes Encounter 7, the rest of Orbit 7, and the 4th Venus flyby. Some SWEAP SPAN data sets had new variables added. The Fluxgate magnetic field data are reprocessed for the entire mission. The merged fluxgate and search coil magnetic field data are updated for Encounters 1-3, and the high-rate EPI-Hi data of ISOIS from 2020-11-30 to 2020-12-02 are not fully calibrated yet.
May 2021: The GOLD NMAX, ON2, TDISK and ICON IVM data sets have been added to the system (with others coming soon).
April 2021: The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) data have been extended to December 2020 - February 2021 in the SPDF archive and CDAWeb, and include Encounter 6 and the rest of Orbit 6. Most of the ISOIS datasets include new variables. This release adds a new ISOIS ephemeris dataset, a new SWEAP alpha particle distribution dataset, and reprocessed Digital Fields Board (DFB) cross spectra and subset of FIELDS MAG data.
April 2021: GOLD Level 1C data have been fully reprocessed with updated radiometric calibration and background subtraction. All Level 2 data products have been reprocessed using the new version of L1C data, as well as improved algorithms for the ON2, QEUV and TDISK data products. See the release notes for further information.
April 2021: The Polar H3/H4 PWI data set files have been replaced by ones containing the full, corrected calibrations, as well as an adjustment to the start of each time series snapshot to account for an instrumental start-up problem. These data are particularly interesting for studying whistler mode waves in the inner magnetosphere and plasmasphere during solar minimum.
February 2021: The ACE SWEPAM Level 2 data from 2013 to the present have been reprocessed to account for changes in CEM detector gains over time; the data files for AC_H0_SWE and AC_H2_SWE (version 11) have been ingested into the system. Please consult the ACE SWEPAM release notes for the details.
February 10, 2021: To reach SPDF support services staff please use our new email address: NASA-SPDF-Support@nasa.onmicrosoft.com (for help with CDAWeb, SSCWeb, SPDF Web Services and OMNIWeb). To reach CDF support staff please use our new email address: NASA-CDF-Support@nasa.onmicrosoft.com.
November 20, 2020: THEMIS GMOM data for all probes, for the entire mission, have been reprocessed at Berkeley and have been re-ingested into the system. Consult the GMOM processing history page for further details.
November 18, 2020: The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) data has been extended through August 2020, for most data sets, and includes encounter 5 and the remainder of orbit 5. The new data files were added to the system and to the SPDF PSP archive.
November 11, 2020: The Solar-Orbiter Level 2 (L2) science data and low latency (LL02) data are now available in the system as well as the SPDF's Solar Orbiter archive.
September 16, 2020: The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) FIELDS and SWEAP data has been extended through April 2020, for most data sets. The new data files were added to the system and to the SPDF PSP archive.
September 1, 2020: FGM data for all THEMIS probes, starting on 2020-04-01, has been reprocessed at Berkeley and is being re-ingested into the system.
July, 2020: Alternate names for the web addresses for various SPDF web sites have been deprecated and redirected to the standard name. For instance, please change any use of spdf.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov to https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/ and cdaweb.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov to https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/.
April 15, 2020: Parker Solar Probe (PSP) data has been updated to January 14, 2020 (the start of the 4th orbit around the Sun). New data files have been added to the system and to the SPDF PSP archive.
January 1, 2020: The POES/Metop SEM data products for year 2020 need to have IGRF-13 coefficients added and likely will not be released from the data provider until late January 2020. This note will be updated once the files have been receieved/integrated into the system.
December 31, 2019: The MMS FEEPS Burst Level-2 electron (MMS*_FEEPS_BRST_L2_ELECTRON) files for the entire mission were reprocessed at the MMS SDC (V6.1 files) and have been ingested into the system.
November 22, 2019: All Parker Solar Probe (PSP) data sets are available in the system. In addition, all of the data files are available under the SPDF PSP directory.
August 1, 2019: As part of Federal policy to encrypt all network connections, FTP access to the SPDF and CDAWeb data archive changed to TLS-encrypted FTPS on July 31, 2019. Browsers and traditional command line FTP will NO LONGER CONNECT with FTP, but HTTPS access remains. For more information and alternatives, see our FTPS Readme.
July 9, 2019: The THEMIS mission at Berkeley has reprocessed THEMIS FGM L2 files for probes A,D, and E 2018-07-01 on, and for probes B and C from 2017-03-01 on, with new calibration data. See the THEMIS Instrument processing history files for further details. All files have been re-ingested into the system.
July 2019: Per a US Government directive, the SPDF web sites and web services (CDAWeb, SSCWeb, OMNIWeb, etc.) are now using the HTTPS protocol, with only TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 connections allowed. Some web service clients (IDL 7, Java 6, etc.) will no longer be able to connect. FTP services changed to only allow TLS-based connections (FTPS, FTP-SSL) on July 31, 2019.
June 21, 2019: All currently public Arase(ERG) and Van Allen Probes (RBSP) EFW L1 data sets have been added to the system. In addition, the TIMED Level-2A SABER data files have been reprocessed and ingested in to the system (V2.0 replaced by V2.7); see the TIMED SABER Level-2A release notes.
May 24, 2019: TWINS-1 data is flowing into the archive and the system again.
May 20, 2019: The Polar H4 PWI data set has been removed from the system. The Polar team has found that incorrect calibrations were used. They will be working on a replacement product in the future.
March 25, 2019: The RBSP ECT data for the entire mission has been reprocessed at LANL and all files have been re-ingested into the system/archive. Consult with the LANL folks at RBSP-ECT for details.
April, 2019: The CDAWeb Binning option was made available to user's of the web interface.
January, 2019: Sounding Rocket data from RENU2, ephemeris data from ELFIN and partial moment data from MMS-FPI have been added to the system.
Nov. 15, 2018: The CDAWeb system, and underlying web services, now produces two new listing formats: 1) CSV and 2) CSV with JSON header.
May, 2018: All ACE magnetic field data for 2018/01/30 onward, was reprocessed at the ACE Science Center and re-ingested here in order to correct a calibartion error.
May 30, 2018: Polar VIS Visible Imager Camera fully calibrated data have been added to the system/archive. The data set was created at the SPDF in collaboration with M. R. Dvorsky utilizing the data and XVIS software from the University of Iowa. The CDF data files contain, in addition to the fully cleaned and calibrated image values, the latitude and longitude values for all pixels. See the PO_VIS_VISIBLE-IMAGER-CALIBRATED data set for further details.
May 1, 2018: The system was enhanced to generate MP4 files in addition to animated GIFs.
April 30, 2018: The THEMIS L2 data has been reprocessed at Berkeley and re-ingested here for FGM (post 2017-07-31 to include new spin-calibrations), ESA (all probes/full mission to resolve data quality value ambiguity), SST (all probes/full mission to remove a 1.5 second offset), SST (all probes/full mission to allow a range of freuquency bands). Please reference the appropriate THEMIS Instrument processing history files for further details.
March 2018: New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) data has been added to the system/archive.
March 2018: Polar VIS Earth Camera fully calibrated data have been added to the system/archive. The data set was created at the SPDF in collaboration with M. R. Dvorsky utilizing the data and XVIS software from the University of Iowa. The CDF data files contain, in addition to the fully cleaned and calibrated image values, the latitude and longitude values for all pixels. See the PO_VIS_EARTH-CAMERA-CALIBRATED data set for further details.
February 12, 2018: All THEMIS L2 FGM data set files for all probes (A from 2017/07/21, B&C from 2017/08/31, D from 2017/08/03 and E from 2017/08/02) have been reprocessed at Berkeley and have replaced existing files in the system/archive. The files contain updated calibration data. Please reference the appropriate THEMIS Instrument processing history files for further details.
January 11, 2018: The CDAWeb system was updated to generate PNG files instead of GIF files for all plot types except movies, orbit and radar plots. Please let us know if you encounter any problems using/displaying the PNG files. In addition, user's may now request that a master CDF be returned with any original CDF file download.
Sept. 19, 2017: The THEMIS Ground Based Magnetometer (GMAG) data set files for for the entire mission for many of the networks were reprocessed at Berkeley and replaced existing files in the system/archive. The reprocessing removed spikes and provided a cleaner product. Networks affected: Falcon, McMAC, AUTUMN, AUTUMNX, THEMIS GBOs and EPOs.
Sept. 19, 2017: All THEMIS L2 SST and GMOM data set files (for the entire mission) have been reprocessed at Berkeley and have replaced existing files in the system/archive. The files contain minor fixes to problems and additional quality flags. Please reference the appropriate THEMIS Instrument processing history files for further details.
June 27, 2017: All RBSP ECT REL03 data set files have been replaced in the system/archive. The files were replaced with the latest copy from the RBSP-ECT LANL data portal and will be updated on a daily basis going forward.
June 15, 2017: High-resolution Level-2 archive, electron and proton, survey and burst mode fluxes from the FAST mission's ESA instrument are now publicly available in the system. These products fully supersede the older survey parameters that were originally produced by FAST ESA.
May 15, 2017: THEMIS Level2 ESA, EFI, FGM, FIT, MOM and SST data, for the entire mission, has been re-processed at Berkeley to include spin-fit timing adjustments. The files have been validated/ingested into the system. See the THEMIS data processing history pages for the pertinent information.
April, 2017: Cassini Magnetic field data for January 2000 through June 2004 have been added to the system.
March 8, 2017: The ACE/SWICS 12-minute Solar Wind data set (AC_H6_SWI) has been reprocessed and replaced in the system to correct an issue for proton speeds lower than 300 km/s; the calculation of the proton densities was sometimes off by an aspect-angle dependent scaling factor.
February 13, 2017: The SPDF web sites (CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, SSCWeb, etc.) are automatically redirecting HTTP requests to use the HTTPS protocol. Please begin using the HTTPS protocol directly as soon as possible and contact us with any problems. FTP data access is not affected at this time. For further information, please read the SPDF HTTPS announcement.
January, 2017: New Leap Second - January 1st, 2017 - CDF User's are strongly encouraged to upgrade to CDF3.6.3 (newly released), see the CDF Website for the details and software.
November 16, 2016: The MMS FPI instrument team has released Version 3 of their Burst and Fast data files which contain new variables and quantities - they have now all been validated and ingested into the system. Please read the FPI version release notes for further information.
October 2016: A new Wind data set (WI_L3_DUSTIMPACT_WAVES) has been added to the system; time range 1995-01-01 to 2016-01-01. Please consult the JGR article for further information.
May 25, 2016: THEMIS L2 FGM data for all probes for the following time ranges have been updated with new calibration data: Probe A, after 2016-02-29, Probe B from 2015-11-18 to 2015-12-03, and after 2016-02-28, Probe C after 2016-02-28, Probe D after 2016-02-17 and Probe E after 2016-02-23.
May 18, 2016: Data from the Wind spacecraft for 2016 March 31 to May 7 have some missing or incorrect bits (1-8%) due to a tape recorder issue (worse before reprocessing). Also there was a 25 hour loss of data on 2016 May 5-6 (126T11:44 to 127T12:51) due to a ground station issue.
April 21, 2016: The MMS Level 2 data products are now available via FTP/HTTP and many data sets are available in the system. The range of publicly available MMS data will continue to be updated approximately weekly.
March 24, 2016: The THEMIS FGM L2 files have been reprocessed at Berkeley with new calibration data and are now available in the system. Affected probes/dates are: Probe A after 2015-09-30, Probe B after 2015-10-20, Probe C after 2015-10-20, Probe D after 2015-12-20 and Probe E after 2015-04-30.
December 11, 2015: The THEMIS Ephemeris "state" files for probes A, D and E, 2013-07-01 onward, have been reprocessed at Berkeley and are now available in the system. The reprocessing refines the eclipse spin model processing, to account for changes in the probes moments of inertia due to propellant consumption.
November 19, 2015: The THEMIS MACS GMAG station data, for the mission, have been reprocessed at Berkeley and are now available in the system. For further information see the GMAG data processing history.
November 2, 2015: The ACE SWICS 2.0 (AC_H3_SW2) files have been reprocessed at the ASC and are now available in the system. Data have even more precision.
October 22, 2015: The ACE EPAM 5-minute (AC_H1_EPM) files for year 2015 have been reprocessed at the ASC and are available in the system. Several unintended data gaps have been corrected.
October 14, 2015: New ACE SWICS 2.0 (AC_H3_SW2) data are available in the system. The SWICS 2.0 dataset consists of time series measurements of the elemental abundance, charge state composition, and kinetic distribution of heavy ions in the solar wind. This data set begins after August 23, 2011, when a radiation and age-induced hardware anomaly altered the instrument's operational state. SWICS 2.0 is a different instrument than SWICS 1.1, with different measurement and statistical properties, so all SWICS users should read the release notes provided by the instrument team.
October 13, 2015: Sunspot Number Index values for 1963-2015 in the OMNI2_H0_MRG1HR data set have been updated to the revised Version 2 definition now used by the Royal Observatory of Belgium (see http://sidc.oma.be/silso/datafiles/). The updated values are generally larger by factors 1.2-1.7 and can be compared in detail using http://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/form/sunspot_v1_v2.html.
August 18, 2015: All of the ACE SWICS H*_SWI datasets have been re-released by the project and reingested into the system. The ACE SWICS 1.1 data set covers launch up to August 23, 2011, when a radiation and age-induced hardware anomaly altered the instrument's operational state. The dataset consists of a re-release of significantly improved time series measurements by ACE/SWICS of the elemental abundance, charge state composition, and kinetic properties of heavy ions in the solar wind. It is a major new version produced with completely redesigned analysis methods to account more rigorously for instrumental and statistical effects (Shearer et al. 2014). Rare elements are now identified more reliably and estimates of statistical error are provided. Please read the release notes for further information.
April 16, 2015: All ACE H2 (1 hour) and H1 (5 minute) EPAM data has been reprocessed at the ACE Science Center and re-ingested into the system. Updates include improvements in geometry-factors and energy-ranges used in calculating fluxes and improvements in calculating the statistical uncertainties.
April 2, 2015: All THEMIS L2 ESA and MOM data, for the entire mission, have been reprocessed at Berkeley and re-ingested into the system. For further information, please consult the THEMIS processing history.
February 6, 2015: Wind 2014 Data Notice - Data between 2014 Oct. 26 and Nov. 7 were lost due to single event upsets in the command and attitude processor. Data from 2014 Nov. 7-21 have incorrect attitude and time values and partial data loss; scientific use is discouraged. SWE operations were fully restored 2014 Dec. 1. Data from 2014 Nov. 6 to 2015 Jan. 30 have transmission errors on the order of 1 bit every 1250 bytes, so use with caution. Wind returned to full operations after 2015 Jan. 30 17:50. See the Wind 2014 Update for further information.
February 6, 2015: THEMIS L2 FGM data were reprocessed at Berkeley for all probes with new calibration data. For the exact dates for each probe, please consult the THEMIS FGM processing history. All updated files are now in the system.
January 29, 2015: The ACE SWICS (H2-H5) data sets have been removed from the system as they are out of date. They will be replaced soon by the ACE Science Center (ASC). Please see the ASC for the newest data in HDF format. This notice will be updated once new CDF data have been received and re-ingested into the system.
October 1 2014: Important Notice About Reduced STEREO Science Operations.
Oct. 1, 2014: THEMIS at Berkeley has reprocessed ESA L2 data to fix a problem in the spacecraft potential calculation in all probes from 2014-03-26 through present. All files have been successully recieved and ingested into the system.
Sept. 29, 2014: THEMIS at Berkeley has reprocessed FGM L2 data to include new calibrations for probes A, B and C. A: 2014/08/13 through present; B: 2013/04/01 through present and C: 2013-04-01 through present. All relevant files have been successully recieved and ingested into the system.
Sept. 16, 2014: NOAA POES and MetOp SEM-2 observations from the Total Energy Detector (TED) and the Medium Energy Proton and Electron Detector (MEPED) instruments are now available. These new data sets include six spacecraft, NOAA-15, 16, 18, 19, MetOp-1(B) and MetOp-2(A) and cover years 2013 through near real-time.
July 30, 2014: The ACE SIS team has released a new version of the Level 2 data. The new analysis includes a better calculation of the time-dependent geometry factor and a data cut to eliminate chance-coincidence events resulting from disabled strips. See the release notes for details.
July 10, 2014: The system now contains the 40.5 second averages of plasma moments and magnetic fields from the Helios 1 and 2 missions to the inner heliosphere. Although the data are from the late 70's, they provide the most complete in situ view we have of regions inside Earth orbit, and thus are especially valuable for studies of what to expect from Solar Probe Plus and Solar Orbiter.
June 6, 2014: The THEMIS Level 2 FGM data, for probes A, B, D & E since April 1st 2014, have been reprocessed at Berkeley and are now available in the system. For further details see the THEMIS FGM Data Processing history.
April, 2014: The Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) data for the 2013 campaign are available in the system. For further details see the BARREL site. We are expecting the data for 2nd campaign in the coming months.
January 27, 2014: The THEMIS Level 2 SST data for Probes A through E are now available in the system. The SST files, for the entire mission, were reprocessed at Berkeley and contain many new quantities. For further details see the THEMIS SST Data Processing history.
December 9, 2013: FAST high resolution data (FAST_HR_DCB) from September 28, 1996, to October 9, 1998, are now available. These data files include the magnetometer data with the IGRF model field subtracted in several coordinate systems (e.g., SM, GEI, and field-aligned coordinates), as well as spacecraft ephemeris information.
November 15, 2013: The THEMIS Level 2 FGM data files for all probes, from December 2012 till present, have been reprocessed to incorporate new calibration data and are available in the system.
November 1, 2013: The THEMIS Level 2 ESA data files for all probes, from August 15th, 2013 till present, have been reprocessed (again) at Berkeley and are available in the system.
August 28, 2013: Current electron fluxes 40-475 keV from NOAA GOES 13/14/15 MagED are now available.
August 14, 2013: A new release (V07) of the STEREO IMPACT LET data has been made. The new and improved data are available in the system. Please read the release notes for further information.
June 11, 2013: The Van Allen Probes (RBSP) data are in the public views.
May 22, 2013: January 25th, 2013: January 22nd, 2013: January 8th, 2013: December 7th, 2012: November 27th, 2012: November 14th, 2012: October 25th, 2012: September 27th, 2012: August 27, 2012: August 20, 2012: August 5, 2012: June 11th, 2012: May 25th, 2012: May 4th, 2012: May 1st, 2012: March 16, 2012: February 28, 2012: January 19, 2012: December 6, 2011: November 7, 2011: November 7, 2011: November 4, 2011: October, 2011: October 14, 2011: September 30, 2011: September 14, 2011: September 13, 2011: August, 2011: April 1, 2011: January 28, 2011: January 28, 2011: December 1, 2010: November 12, 2010: November 3, 2010: October 26, 2010: September 28, 2010: September 13, 2010: August 25, 2010: August 23, 2010: August 13, 2010: August 6, 2010: June 7, 2010: May 31, 2010: May 21, 2010: May 21, 2010: May 20, 2010: April 26, 2010: April 13, 2010: A new Wind Electron energy-angle dist (WI_ELPD_3DP) dataset has been added.
April 8, 2010: New versions of the AC_H2_SIS, AC_H2_CRIS and AC_H3_CRIS datasets have been ingested - see the release notes at the ACE Science Center (under Documentation). In addition, new ACE/SIS Solar Isotope Spectrometer 256-sec Level 2 Data (AC_H1_SIS) is being added.
March 12, 2010: March 10, 2010: March 9, 2010: Five new Wind Solar Wind Experiment (SWE) datasets added (H3, H4, H5, M0 and M2).
February 22, 2010: February 1, 2010: February 1, 2010: January 1, 2010: December 29, 2009:: December 17, 2009: FAST EES and IES files for all years were successfully reprocessed at Berkeley and re-ingested into CDAWeb. THEMIS All Sky Imager Keogram data for most of 2009 has been updated to contain the highest resolution data.
Polar K1 VIS image data coverage is being extended beyond 2006.
November 16, 2009:
November 3, 2009:
October 26, 2009:
October 14, 2009:
October 13, 2009: New FAST TEAMS files have been ingested.
October 9, 2009:
September 23, 2009:
September 21, 2009:
September 15, 2009: September 11, 2009: August 25, 2009: July 24, 2009: June 19, 2009: May 7, 2009: April 29, 2009: April 24, 2009: April 1, 2009: March 25, 2009: March 12, 2009: ** New functionality added to all output pages: Previous/Next buttons produce the next or previous plot, listing or cdf.
** Postscript and PDF plotting files now supported for all plot types except images.
The THEMIS FGM L2 data for all probes have been reprocessed with new calibration data. For the specifics see the FGM Data Processing History.
The ACE CRIS Level 2 data product has been re-released following changes made to the data cuts and the calculation of the geometry factors and SOFT hodoscope efficiencies. Bugs in the positioning and thicknesses of the silicon detector stacks and the calculation of the depth of incident particles have been corrected. Please read the release notes for details. In addition, the high resolution(H*) MFI datasets from June 30 2012 through today, have been reprocessed to include the mid year leap second.
The THEMIS STATE (Ephemeris) files for probes A, D and E, from July 2012 through November 2012, have been reprocessed at Berkeley in order to create the final version 3 files. This also triggered the reprocessing of some Level2 instrument CDFs for the same probes/dates. All files are available in the system.
The THEMIS FGM Level2 files for probes B and C, from August 2012 through today, have been reprocessed at Berkeley with new calibration data. All files are available in the system.
ACE SWICS 2hour averaged charge-state distributions for C, O, Ne, Mg, Si and Fe are now available (AC_H5_SWI). This data product contains actual Q-state distributions, as opposed to the averaged Q-states that have been available from the system for some time.
The STEREO-A PLASTIC Level2 files, for the entire mission, have been reprocessed at UNH (STEREO-B will be reprocessed at a later date). A new algorithm for computing the E/W angle has been used. Read more. All new files have been received and ingested into the system.
The THEMIS FFT Level2 files for all probes, for the entire mission, have been reprocessed at Berkeley to correct a problem with incorrect time stamps.
The THEMIS SST Level 2 files for all probes, for the entire mission, have been reprocessed at Berkeley and are in place in the system.
The CDAWeb system is up and running after a major change in its underlying data directory configuration. Please let us know if you find any problems. The associated FTP site is available - all data files are under pub/data.
A new ACE Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) 1 day resolution dataset has been added (AC_H4_SWI) to the system and includes the following solar wind ion products. He+2 bulk speed, Charge States (C+6/C+5, O+7/O+6 Carbon, Oxygen, Fe), Composition (He/O, C/O, N/O, Ne/O, Mg/O, Si/O, S/O, Fe/O). The N/O and S/O composition data are not present in the 1-hour or 2-hour SWICS datasets. More information.
A new version of the 92-sec Solar Wind Alpha and Proton Anisotropy Analysis (WI_H1_SWE) dataset has been added to the system. This is an improved version of the data and extends the coverage through year 2011.
The THEMIS FGM L2 data from probes B, C and E have been reprocessed with new calibrations at Berkeley (from mid May 2012 till now). The files are available in the system.
The THEMIS FGM L2 data from all probes, for the entire mission, have been reprocessed with new calibrations at Berkeley. All files have been ingested and are available in the system.
ISIS-1 topside sounder ionogram data from 14 ground-stations have been merged into a single data set (I1_AV_ALL) providing a global view of the topside ionosphere for selected time periods between 1969/01/30 and 1983/12/30.
A new ACE Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectromaeter (SWICS) dataset (ac_h2_swi) has been added - it has data at 2-hour resolution, and includes the same products as in the 1-hour averaged data currently available, as well as some additional solar wind elemental composition data: He/O, C/O, Ne/O, Mg/O, Si/O See http://www.srl.caltech.edu/ACE/ASC/level2/ssv3_l2desc.html for details.
The system is operating on new hardware.
All of the THEMIS L2 FGM cdf files have been reprocessed at Berkeley and are now available in the system.
ALL THEMIS SSC Orbit data files (TH*_OR_SSC) have been regenerated in order to correct metadata (attribute) errors; the data was and is correct.
ALL Wind and Geotail KP processing has resumed. We believe the problems with the Wind SWE KP products for November 1st, 2011 through January 17th, 2012 have been corrected. Please report any findings to the contrary.
A new Wind MFI dataset (WI_H2_MFI) has been added - it has data at 0.092 second and occasionally 0.046 and 0.184 second time resolution.
The C/NOFS Bfield data have been reprocessed to include new quantities - they are available in the system.
The THEMIS state (ephemeris) files for the entire mission have been reprocessed at Berkeley, they have been validated/ingested and are available in the system.
Due to the reprocessing of the Wind H0 MFI dataset the OMNI low and high resolution datatsets, which include Wind-based shift parameters, have been reprocessed and are available in the system.
A new STEREO Level2 dataset has been added to the system (STA/B_L2_PLA_IRON_Q_2HR).
The Wind H0 MFI dataset has been completely reprocessed by the PI team and replaced in the system. Please see the Wind H0 MFI NOTES page for the detailed description of the changes.
The C/NOFS data is now available in the relevant public views.
Additional PAN and ZOOM buttons have been added to all plot/list/cdf creation pages, so the user can quickly and easily find data of interest.
The STEREO Level 1 SIT data and STEREO-B Level 2 PLASTIC data have been completely reprocessed at the provider sites and are now in the system. For the info. on the PLASTIC dataset, please see the readme file.
The STEREO Level 1 LET data have been completely reprocessed at the provider sites and are now in the system. The data files are "V05" and have some new sectored rates and counts variables in them. Starting in November 2010, the LET team reallocated their telemetry to reflect operational changes in the LET instrument. Please see the Level 1 LET documention for the full description.
The THEMIS Level 2 ESA files have been completely reprocessed at Berkeley in order to correct the Solar Wind Mode values. All files have been re-ingested into the system.
Wind Proton Moments (WI_PM_3DP) files for May 20, 2009 through May 11, 2010 have been reprocessed at Berkeley and have been ingested in the system. They include updates to the two density variables.
Reprocessed THEMIS full mission for ESA, FBK, FGM, FFT, FIT, MOM, SCM, and SST; to correct for data gaps at day boundaries caused by time clipping in load routines.
All Level 2 ACE SIS files have been reprocessed by the ACE Science Center and ingested into the system (H2 files are V06 and H1 files are V03).
THEMIS FGM B and C (also known as ARTEMIS-P1 and P2) data has been reprocessed for May 1st through now to incorporate calibration changes.
All STEREO RTN and SC MAG (STA/B_L1_MAG/MAGB_RTN/SC) files were reprocessed at UCLA and were ingested into the system. The new files are Version 5 files, and include data produced with altered algorithms to fix problems in the STEREO Ahead data.
All STEREO SEPT (STA/B_L1_SEPT) files have been reprocessed at Berkeley and ingested into the system. The new files are Version 8 files, please see SEPT Caveats page for more details.
Reprocessing of ALL THEMIS FBK, FIT, ESA, MOM and SST Level 2 files at Berkeley, to correct timing issues and the solar wind flags, has been COMPLETED and all files are available in this system. Please see the THEMIS processing history pages for more details.
THEMIS Level 2 FGM files from March 29, 2010 through now have been reprocessed at Berkeley and ingested into the system, they encorporate new calibration data, see the THEMIS FGM processing history page for more details.
All AC_K1_MFI (16-sec resolution) data has been reprocessed to correct the GSE magnetic field values. The data and files (version 2) are now available in CDAWeb and at the ACE Science Center.
THEMIS A, D and E State files from 2010/01/01 through 2010/07/26 have been reprocessed to incorporate the latest spin attitude corrections. They are available now in the system. Please see the THEMIS processing history page for more details.
THEMIS All Sky Imager (ASI) data files were updated to contain their full resolution.
ALL THEMIS FGM, FIT, ESA, MOM and SCM Level 2 files have been reprocessed at Berkeley and have been validated and ingested into the system. Changes were that the ESA and MOM datasets have two new solar wind flag variables, FGM had new calibration data incorporated and the other datasets had metadata updates. Please see the THEMIS processing history page for more details.
THEMIS Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) datasets have been released to the public and are included in the system.
STEREO IMPACT MAG Level1 SC and RTN files for the entire mission have been populated in the system. The dataset names have CHANGED from ST(A/B)_L1_MAG to ST(A/B)_L1_(MAG/MAGB)_(RTN/SC), so instead of two datasets, there are eight.
THEMIS B Level 2 Instrument files for May 29, 2009 through now and for THEMIS C April 13, 2010 through now have been reproduced at Berkeley and have been ingested into the system.
The THEMIS STATE (Ephemeris) files for the entire mission have been reproduced at Berkeley and are available in the system.
STEREO-B PLASTIC Level2 (STB_L2_PLA_1DMAX all resolutions) files are being reprocessed at UNH. Files (Version 8) for 2007 have been ingested into the system, the remaining years have not been released yet. See the release notes .
The THEMIS L2 FGM, ESA, MOM and FIT datasets for August 2009 through the present have been reprocessed at Berkeley and re-ingested into the system.
Three New GOES High Res. Magnetometer datasets (G10/11/12 L2 MAG) have been added.
New ACE Magnetic Field 1-Second Level 2 Data (AC_H3_MFI) dataset added to the system.
THEMIS files for STATE, FGM, FIT and ESA were reprocessed at Berkeley, to include new FGM calibrations, and have been fully ingested in the system. For details of the reprocessing, please see the documentation.
OMNI Datasets updated: with new Wind data (entire dataset), 1973-2000 IMP8 magnetic field data replace with new data and 2004-2006 Geotail data was replaced.
Six new datasets added from the Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers (TWINS) mission.
A new version (3) of the IMP8 15.36 second magnetometer dataset has been ingested into the system (for all 27 years). For details of the reprocessing, please see the documentation.
Geotail H0 CPI UPDATE (new V6 files available): Version 6 data processing replaced version 5 processing for data after March 10, 2006, when the CPI team started using 64 energy steps per spectrum instead of the previously used 32 steps per spectrum. The change was made to ensure that even for very cold flows, the spectrum would have a sufficient number of significant points to derive moments. The change resulted in 96s spectra and 96s-resolution moments, vs. 48s previously.
The CDAWeb mapped display software has been corrected to properly display the IMAGE SIE and SIP image data (the aurora had previously been located too far north in latitude).
TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI) Horizontal Neutral Wind Vector data for 2009 is now available.
STEREO Level2 Plasma and Suprathermal Ion Composition (PLASTIC) 1 min., 10 min. and 1 hour resolution (new version 7) data is now available. Please see the readme for the details.
STEREO Level2 Plasma and Suprathermal Ion Composition (PLASTIC) 1 min., 10 min. and 1 hour resolution data is now available.
All THEMIS ESA and MOM files were reprocessed at Berkeley and were ingested into CDAWeb. Please reference THEMIS Data Processing history for the details.
STEREO IMPACT MAG Level1 files are in the process of being replaced and the dataset names are changing. If you have stereoa/b_l1_mag files from prior to May 18, 2009, they need to be replaced. More information on this and the data files will be forthcoming. May 31, 2010: See update above.
FAST IES and EES files for the mission are being reprocessed at Berkeley and being ingested into the system.
A new release of the CDAWlib software (CDAWeb's underlying IDL software) has been made; significant performance improvements have been included.
A new set of version 7 ACE SWICS H2 data files are now available. Please read the SWICS Release notes.
GPS data were added for a number of short time periods where data were previously missing due to transfer and/or processing errors including Jan 16-20 2005, June 16 2007, and Jan 4 2009.
5-min GOES proton fluxes at >10, 30, and 60 MeV have been added to the 5-min OMNI data set (OMNI_HRO_5MIN).
THEMIS STATE, FIT and FGM dataset files have been completely reprocessed at Berkeley, thus all files have been re-ingested into CDAWeb. THEMIS STATE files now contain ephemeris data in GSE and GSM coordinates in addition to the original GEI.
TIMED SEE Solar UV Irradiance (TIMED_L3A_SEE) data were upgraded to Version 10.02 involving a minor software change that affects the wavelengths shorter than 27 nm.
New THEMIS MOM (on-board moments) files are now available in the system.
All THEMIS ESA files have been completely reprocessed at Berkeley, and re-ingested into CDAWeb; they contain better quality flag values.
Version 10 of TIMED SEE Solar UV Irradiance (TIMED_L3A_SEE) data now available - they include the final TIMED-SEE suborbital rocket calibration.
A new CDAWeb View for the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) data is available. This data view requires one time email registration, after which the user will be provided with the username and password.
THEMIS FGM dataset files were reprocessed at Berkeley and re-ingested into CDAWeb.
Eight new geomagnetic activity index variables added to the OMNI 1min and 5min dataset files. If you have previously downloaded copies of these files, please download a whole new set, via CDAWeb.
ACE Key Parameter (k0,k1,k2) epm/mfi/swe datasets were "pruned" (files prior to June 2008 have been removed); please continue to use their corresponding high resolution (h0, h1, etc.) datasets, where available.
STEREO L1 SEPT data files reprocessed (time stamps corrected).
Additional indices added to the OMNI2_H0_MRG1HR dataset.
THEMIS FGM data reprocessed and populated in CDAWeb.
Restored Data flow: ISIS1 being processed and ingested to CDAWeb.
New to CDAWeb: Global images and movies of Total Electron Content (TEC) deduced from Global Positioning Satellites (GPS_TEC2HR_IGS) (1998 through present).
Restored data flows: FAST and WIND 3DP.