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About CDAWeb

Coordinated Data Analysis (Workshop) Web (CDAWeb)

The NASA/GSFC Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) bring you a new, World-Wide-Web-based system for viewing essentially ANY data produced in Common Data Format/CDF with the ISTP/IACG Guidelines. CDAWeb, the Coordinated Data Analysis (Workshop) Web, supports interactive plotting of variables from multiple instruments on multiple investigations simultaneously on arbitrary, user-defined time-scales. It also supports data retrieval in both CDF or ASCII format.

We believe this is a powerful new capability to better leverage the various databases accessed through CDAWeb in order to accomplish the coordinated science objectives of the International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) program and the InterAgency Consultative Group.

We invite you to take this opportunity to look for events in any of these databases, possibly events that you have found already through analyzing other data. Resident with the data is the necessary information (metadata) on labels, time tags, dependencies, display types, etc. so that the steps needed to actually display the data are minimal (see HELP). The system combines the client-server user interface technology of the World Wide Web with a powerful set of customized routines based in the COTS Interactive Data Language (IDL) package to leverage the data format standards.

CDAWeb System Layout

For each database accessible via CDAWeb, the system consists of three major components, a series of WWW pages (Home Page, Data Selector, Data Explorer), as depicted in the figure below. [CDAWeb page layout]

For additional information, there are several articles that describe CDAWeb:

ISTP public Key Parameters supply particle and field measurements at approximately 1 minute resolution. Geotail KPs include low-energy electron and ion fluxes at 32 energies and 4 look directions; plasma density, pressure and bulk flow velocity; energetic particle differential and integral fluxes, abundance ratios, anisotropies; and magnetic and electric field components, spacecraft potential and bias current. Wind KPs include ion and electron density, velocity and temperature, ion (proton, He, CNO, Iron) and electron fluxes, electric field background, transients, and average values at 76 frequency values, and magnetic field components. Additional particle and field KPs are provided by ancilliary spacecraft such as IMP-8 and the LANL and GOES geosynchronous satellites. Ground-based investigations such as HF Radars, VLF/ELF/ULF Radars, Incoherent-Scatter Radars, Magnetometers, Riometers, Sounders, Photometers and an All Sky Imager, provide data at anywhere from 1 minute resolution to 30 minute resolution depending on the type of measurement. In many cases the data are more complicated than can be displayed in simple time series plots, and thus are displayed as e.g., spectrograms, images, or ionospheric convection patterns. We show below a few examples of the display capabilities.

[IMP-8 time series plot]
Figure 1. A time series plot of data from the IMP-8 Three-axis magnetometer instrument.

[spectrogram image]
Figure 2. A spectrogram of electron Differential Flux at 322 East @ 12 Energies 30 to 2000 keV from the Energetic Particles/LANL Geosynchronous Investigation.

[Viking auroral oval mapped image plot]
Figure 3. Mapped image of the North Polar Cap from the Viking (Sweden) UV Auroral Imager.

[Wind Key Parameter 3DP stacked plot]
Figure 4. Stacked time series plot of Wind Electron Energy.

[polar projected thumbnail plots of TIMED GUVI data]
Figure 5. Large Thumbnail Polar plots of TIMED GUVI L1C Disk imager data.

[Animated gif of TIMED GUVI data]
Figure 6. Animated gif of TIMED GUVI L1C Disk imager data.

[Animated gif of TIMED TIDI data]
Figure 7. Animated gif of TIMED TIDI Wind Vector data.

[Bastille day movie to TEC data from GPS]
Figure 8. Bastille day movie of total electron content from the Global Positioning System (GPS).

[RPI Echo amplitude plasmagram]
Figure 9. IMAGE Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) Echo amplitude plasmagram.

[TWINS1 Neutral-atom Spectrometer Level-1 Magnetospheric Movie]
Figure 10. TWINS1 Neutral-atom Spectrometer Level-1 Magnetospheric Movie.

[THEMIS All Sky Imager Keograms (ASK)]
Figure 10. THEMIS All Sky Imager Keograms (ASK) for several stations (same time range as TWINS data above).

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