$! This command file will compile and link the Alpha VMS version of $! Makecdf program. $! $! User must change "ncf_acq_user:[hills.copy]" in $makecdf below to $! instead specify the user's location for the new Makecdf executable. $! $! This command file runs do_cdf26.com in order to define $! all of the appropriate symbols. They will use version 2.6 of CDF library. $! $! This command file also defines a symbol "makecdf" that, on VMS $! machines, is required in order to allow you to call a program with $! arguments. $! set noverify @do_cdf26.com $cc/warnings=disable=(pragma)/define=(alpha=1)/include=('a_cdfsi','a_cdft','a_cdfi')- makecdf.c,makecdf2.c,makecdf3.c $link/exe=makecdf'p2 makecdf,makecdf2,makecdf3,toolbox1.obj,- toolbox3.obj,'a_cdfl'libcdf/lib $! $! $makecdf == "$ ncf_acq_user:[hills.copy]makecdf.exe" $! This defines the symbol to be the makecdf $! version just made, in the USER-SPECIFIED location.