pro wi_h1_wav_load,INDIR=INDIR
; Look for all rad1 files in the current directory
; it is required that they is a corresponding rad2 and tnr data
; for a cdf to be created for that day.
file_spec = ''
input_Dir = ''
if keyword_set(INDIR) then begin ; set tend
   input_Dir = indir + '/
file_spec = input_Dir + "*.R1"

current_files = findfile(file_spec,count=num_files)
print,'Number of files',num_files

for i = 0,num_files-1 do begin

pro wi_h1_wav_create_cdf,path_name,indir
; arg1: path_name ==> complete path name for a rad1 file,
;                     rad2 and tnr must be there to complete.

x = strsplit(path_name,'/',/extract) 
filename_only = x[size(x,/N_ELEMENTS)-1]
y = strsplit(filename_only,'.',/extract)
time = y[0]

; Create the names of alll idl save set names

rad1_file = indir + time +  '.R1'
rad2_file = indir + time +  '.R2'
tmp = findfile(rad2_file,count=cnt)
if (cnt eq 0) then begin
    print,'Unable able to find expected rad2 file ',rad2_file,' skipping ',time
tnr_file  = indir + time +  '.tnr'
tmp = findfile(tnr_file,count=cnt)
if (cnt eq 0) then begin
    print,'Unable able to find expected rad2 file ',rad2_file,' skipping ',time

;rad2_file = 'wi_wav_rad2_' + time +  '_v01.idl'
;tnr_file = 'wi_wav_tnr_' + time +  '_v01.idl'
; Create output cdfname
out_cdf = 'wi_h1_wav_' + time + '_v01.cdf'

buf1 = read_master_cdf('/home/cdaweb/data/0MASTERS/wi_h1_wav_00000000_v01.cdf',out_cdf)
;buf1 = read_master_cdf('/ncf/rumba1/istp/0MASTERS/wi_h1_wav_00000000_v01.cdf',out_cdf)
;buf1 = read_master_cdf('wi_h1_wav_00000000_v01.cdf',out_cdf)
;restore IDL save set for RAD1 containing the data values for some variables
; the data structure is 1441 records by 256 Voltage values.
; 1440 1 minutes records containing the Voltage values for 
; the day and record 1441 contains the mimimum voltage values
; for the entire day
; Records structure incompatible with CDF-IDL interface, the 
; number of records are contained in the first dimension.  It
; needs to be in the last dimension.  The transpose function will
; convert the array

Voltage_RAD1 = transpose(arrayb[0:1439,*])
; Minimum Voltage data is contained in the record 1441
minVoltage_RAD1 = transpose(arrayb[1440,*])

; get the year,month, and day and convert to integer
y = fix(strmid(time,0,4))
m = fix(strmid(time,4,2))
d = fix(strmid(time,6,2))
; Generate Epoch for the entire day (1440 1 minute records)

Epoch = dblarr(1440)

tmin = 0
for hr = 0, 23 do begin
    for minute = 0,59  do begin
        cdf_epoch,Ep,y,m,d,hr,minute,30,0, /compute_epoch
        Epoch[tmin] = Ep
        tmin = tmin+1
; epoch2 will be a single record at hour 12 of the current day
; the minimum voltage data will point to this time
cdf_epoch,medEpoch,y,m,d,12,0,0,0, /compute_epoch

; Repeat the process for RAD2 and TNR, but no times need to be entered

Voltage_RAD2 = transpose(arrayb[0:1439,*])
minVoltage_RAD2 = transpose(arrayb[1440,*])

Voltage_TNR = transpose(arrayb[0:1439,*])
minVoltage_TNR = transpose(arrayb[1440,*])

;; Now set the buf1 structure data pointers for each variable to the appropriate
;; data arrays/values.
* = Epoch
* = Voltage_RAD1
* = minVoltage_RAD1
* = Voltage_RAD2
* = minVoltage_RAD2
* = Voltage_TNR
* = minVoltage_TNR
* = medEpoch

;;write data in the above pointers back out to our new cdf
print,"Creating: ",out_cdf
stat2 = write_data_to_cdf(out_cdf, buf1)
