;$Author: tkovalic $ ;$Date: 2023/05/12 14:16:21 $ ; /home/rumba/cdaweb/dev/control/RCS/virtual_funcs.pro,v 1.0 ;$Locker: ryurow $ ;$Revision: 1.186 $ ; ;Copyright 1996-2013 United States Government as represented by the ;Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ;All Rights Reserved. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------ compile_opt idl2 ;+ ; ; NAME: Function VTYPE_NAMES ; ; PURPOSE: Returns array of names or index numbers where the var_type is ; equal to vtype (eg."data"). ; function vtype_names, buf, vtype, NAMES=vNAMES tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnums = n_tags(buf) vnames=strarr(tagnums) vindices=intarr(tagnums) ; Determine names and indices ii=0 for i=0, tagnums-1 do begin tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(i)) if(tagindex('VAR_TYPE', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin ;upcase both sides in case there's mixed case ; if(buf.(i).VAR_TYPE eq vtype) then begin if(strupcase(buf.(i).VAR_TYPE) eq strupcase(vtype)) then begin ;if(buf.(i).VAR_TYPE eq 'data') then begin vnames[ii]=tagnames[i] ;vindices(ii)=i vindices[ii]=i ii=ii+1 endif endif endfor wc=where(vnames ne '',wcn) if(wc[0] lt 0) then begin vnames[0]=wc vindices[0]=wc endif else begin vnames=vnames[wc] vindices=vindices[wc] endelse ;Jan. 6, 2003 - TJK added the "or (n_elements..." below because in IDL 5.6 ;if the NAMES keyword is set as "" in the calling routine, IDL doesn't think ;the keyword is set (as it does in previous IDL versions). ;if(keyword_set(NAMES) or (n_elements(names) gt 0)) then begin ; NAMES=vnames ;endif return, vindices end ;+ ; ; NAME: Function Trap ; ; PURPOSE: Trap malformed idl structures or invalid arguments. ; ; INPUT; a an idl structure function buf_trap, a ibad=0 str_tst=size(a) if(str_tst[str_tst[0]+1] ne 8) then begin ibad=1 v_data='DATASET=UNDEFINED' v_err='ERROR=a'+strtrim(string(i),2)+' not a structure.' v_stat='STATUS=Cannot plot this data' a=create_struct('DATASET',v_data,'ERROR',v_err,'STATUS',v_stat) endif else begin ; Test for errors trapped in conv_map_image atags=tag_names(a) rflag=tagindex('DATASET',atags) if(rflag[0] ne -1) then ibad=1 endelse return, ibad end ;+ ; ; NAME: Function VV_NAMES ; ; PURPOSE: Returns array of virtual variable names or index numbers. ; function vv_names, buf, NAMES=NAMES tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnums = n_tags(buf) vnames=strarr(tagnums) vindices=intarr(tagnums) ; Determine names and indices ii=0 for i=0, tagnums-1 do begin tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(i)) if(tagindex('VIRTUAL', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin if(buf.(i).VIRTUAL) then begin vnames[ii]=tagnames[i] vindices[ii]=i ii=ii+1 endif endif endfor wc=where(vnames ne '',wcn) if(wc[0] lt 0) then begin vnames[0]=wc vindices[0]=wc endif else begin vnames=vnames[wc] vindices=vindices[wc] endelse ;TJK IDL6.1 doesn't recognize this keyword as being set since ;its defined as a strarr(1)... ;if(keyword_set(NAMES)) then NAMES=vnames if(n_elements(NAMES)) then begin NAMES=vnames endif return, vindices end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: Function CHECK_MYVARTYPE ; ; PURPOSE: ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to ignore_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; status = check_myvartype(buf,org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = metadata. ; ; Output: ; buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variables ; status - 0 ok else failed ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; function check_myvartype, nbuf, org_names status=0 var_names=strarr(1) var_indices = vtype_names(nbuf,'data',NAMES=var_names) if(var_indices[0] lt 0) then begin print, "STATUS= No variable of type DATA detected." print, "ERROR= No var_type=DATA variable found in check_myvartype.pro" print, "ERROR= Message: ",var_indices[0] status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) ; RCJ 08/29/2012 Let's find all 'components'. We'll need this list below. compnames=[''] for i=0, n_elements(var_indices)-1 do begin tnames=tag_names(nbuf.(i)) for k=0,n_elements(tnames)-1 do begin pos = strpos(tnames[k],'COMPONENT_') if (pos eq 0) then compnames=[compnames,nbuf.(var_indices[i]).(k)] endfor endfor for i=0, n_elements(var_indices)-1 do begin wc=where(org_names eq var_names[i],wcn) if(wc[0] lt 0) then begin ; this is not the originally requested var. ; print,'***** not requested, make support_data : ',var_names[i] nbuf.(var_indices[i]).var_type = 'support_data' ; wc1=where(strupcase(compnames) eq var_names[i]) if (wc1[0] ne -1) then nbuf.(var_indices[i]).var_type='additional_data' ; if (wc1[0] ne -1) then print,'********** and a component, make additional_data: ',nbuf.(var_indices[i]).varname endif endfor ; Old logic: (RCJ 08/29/2012) ; ; RCJ 01/23/2007 depend_0s is to be used if one of the vars ; becomes additional or ignore_data ; depend_0s='' ; for i=0,n_elements(tag_names(nbuf))-1 do begin ; depend_0s=[depend_0s,nbuf.(i).depend_0] ; endfor ; depend_0s=depend_0s[1:*] ; ; RCJ 11/09/2007 Added same thing for depend_1's ; depend_1s='' ; for i=0,n_elements(tag_names(nbuf))-1 do begin ; if (tagindex('DEPEND_1',tag_names(nbuf.(i))) ge 0) then $ ; depend_1s=[depend_1s,nbuf.(i).depend_1] ; endfor ; if n_elements(depend_1s) gt 1 then depend_1s=depend_1s[1:*] ; ; we don't want the var to be ignored in case we are going to write a cdf, ; but we also don't want the var listed/plotted, so turn it into a ; 'additional_data'. ; if ((nbuf.(var_indices(i)).var_type eq 'data') or $ ; (nbuf.(var_indices(i)).var_type eq 'support_data')) then $ ; nbuf.(var_indices(i)).var_type = 'additional_data' else $ ; nbuf.(var_indices(i)).var_type='ignore_data' ; if ((nbuf.(var_indices(i)).var_type eq 'additional_data') or $ ; (nbuf.(var_indices(i)).var_type eq 'ignore_data')) then begin ; if nbuf.(var_indices(i)).depend_0 ne '' then begin ; q=where(depend_0s eq nbuf.(var_indices(i)).depend_0) ; if n_elements(q) eq 1 then $ ; s=execute("nbuf."+nbuf.(var_indices(i)).depend_0+".var_type='additional_data'") ; endif ; if nbuf.(var_indices(i)).depend_1 ne '' then begin ; q=where(depend_1s eq nbuf.(var_indices(i)).depend_1) ; if n_elements(q) eq 1 then $ ; s=execute("nbuf."+nbuf.(var_indices(i)).depend_1+".var_type='additional_data'") ; endif ; endif ; RCJ 07/14/2008 Now we do want the depends listed. ; print,'*********** not requested: ', nbuf.(var_indices[i]).varname,' ',nbuf.(var_indices[i]).var_type ; if (nbuf.(var_indices[i]).var_type eq 'data') then $ ; nbuf.(var_indices[i]).var_type='additional_data' ; if (nbuf.(var_indices[i]).var_type eq 'additional_data') then begin ; if nbuf.(var_indices[i]).depend_0 ne '' then begin ; q=where(depend_0s eq nbuf.(var_indices[i]).depend_0) ; if n_elements(q) eq 1 then $ ; s=execute("nbuf."+nbuf.(var_indices[i]).depend_0+".var_type='additional_data'") ; endif ; if nbuf.(var_indices[i]).depend_1 ne '' then begin ; q=where(depend_1s eq nbuf.(var_indices[i]).depend_1) ; if n_elements(q) eq 1 then $ ; s=execute("nbuf."+nbuf.(var_indices[i]).depend_1+".var_type='additional_data'") ; endif ; endif ; ; Even older logic: (RCJ 08/29/2012) ; ;if(wc[0] lt 0) then nbuf.(var_indices[i]).var_type="ignore_data" ;if(wc[0] lt 0) then nbuf.(var_indices[i]).var_type="metadata" return, status end ;+ ; NAME: Function ALTERNATE_VIEW ; ; PURPOSE: Find virtual variables and replace their data w/ the component0 ; data ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = alternate_view(buf,org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 R. Baldwin HSTX 1/6/98 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- function alternate_view, buf,org_names,flip_vert=flip_vert status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in alternate_view" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif ; Find virtual variables vvtag_names=strarr(1) vvtag_indices = vv_names(buf,NAMES=vvtag_names) if(vvtag_indices[0] lt 0) then begin print, "ERROR= No VIRTUAL variable found in alternate_view" print, "ERROR= Message: ",vvtag_indices[0] status = -1 return, status endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnums = n_tags(buf) for i=0, n_elements(vvtag_indices)-1 do begin ; variable_name=arrayof_vvtags(i) ; tag_index = tagindex(variable_name, tagnames) tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(vvtag_indices[i])) ;now look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. ;TJK had to change to check for 'ge 0', otherwise it wasn't true... if(tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then $ component0=buf.(vvtag_indices[i]).COMPONENT_0 ; Check if the component0 variable exists component0_index = tagindex(component0,tagnames) ;print, buf.(vvtag_indices[i]).handle vartags = tag_names(buf.(vvtag_indices[i])) ;11/5/04 - TJK - had to change FUNCTION to FUNCT for IDL6.* compatibility ; findex = tagindex('FUNCTION', vartags) ; find the FUNCTION index number findex = tagindex('FUNCT', vartags) ; find the FUNCTION index number if (findex[0] ne -1) then func_name=strlowcase(buf.(vvtag_indices[i]).(findex[0])) ; Loop through all vv's and assign image handle to all w/ 0 handles RTB 12/98 ; Check if handle = 0 and if function = 'alternate_view' ;if(func_name eq 'alternate_view') then begin if ((func_name eq 'alternate_view') or (func_name eq 'alternate_view_flip_vert')) then begin ;print, func_name ;print, vvtag_names[i] if(component0_index ge 0) then begin ; WARNING if /NODATASTRUCT keyword not set an error will occur here ;TJK - changed this from tagnames to tagnames1 if(tagindex('HANDLE',tagnames1) ge 0) then begin if keyword_set(flip_vert) then begin handle_value,buf.(component0_index).HANDLE,img flipimg=img ; placeholder. images will be flipped im_size=size(img) if im_size[0] eq 3 then imgs=im_size[3] else imgs=1 for j=0,imgs-1 do begin flipimg[*,*,j]= reverse(img[*,*,j]) endfor buf.(vvtag_indices[i]).HANDLE=handle_create(value=flipimg) endif else $ buf.(vvtag_indices[i]).HANDLE=buf.(component0_index).HANDLE endif else print, "Set /NODATASTRUCT keyword in call to read_myCDF"; endif else begin print, "ERROR= No COMPONENT0 variable found in alternate_view" print, "ERROR= Message: ",component0_index status = -1 return, status endelse endif ;print, buf.(vvtag_indices[i]).handle endfor ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(buf, org_names) return, buf end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; NAME: Function CLAMP_TO_ZERO ; ; PURPOSE: Clamp all values less than or equal to 'clamp_threshold' to zero. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = clamp_to_zero(buf,org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ; History: Written by Ron Yurow 08/15, based on alternate_view ;- function clamp_to_zero, buf, org_names, index=index status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in clamp_to_zero" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnums = n_tags(buf) ; for i=0, n_elements(vvtag_indices)-1 do begin ; variable_name=arrayof_vvtags(i) ; tag_index = tagindex(variable_name, tagnames) tagnames1 = tag_names (buf.(index)) ; now look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. component0_index = !NULL if (tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin component0 = buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Get the index of the component 0 variable. component0_index = tagindex (component0, tagnames) endif ; and look for the COMPONENT_1 attribute tag for this VV. component1_index = !NULL if (tagindex('COMPONENT_1', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin component1 = buf.(index).COMPONENT_1 ; Get the index of the component 1 variable. component1_index = tagindex (component1, tagnames) endif ; and get the fill value fillval = !NULL if (tagindex('FILLVAL', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin fillval = buf.(index).FILLVAL endif if (component0_index ne !NULL && component1_index ne !NULL) then begin ; WARNING if /NODATASTRUCT keyword not set an error will occur here if (tagindex ('HANDLE', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin handle_value, buf.(component0_index).handle, mydata handle_value, buf.(component1_index).handle, limit ; find values less then the threshold limit clamp = WHERE (mydata le limit, cnt) ; Make sure we have some values to clamp IF cnt gt 0 THEN BEGIN ; Select all of the elements that fulfill the clamp the criteria ; but which are not set FILLVAL notfv = WHERE (mydata [clamp] ne fillval, /NULL) ; Clamp to zero!! mydata [clamp [notfv]] = 0.D ENDIF buf.(index).HANDLE = handle_create () HANDLE_VALUE, buf.(index).HANDLE, mydata, /SET ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, "Set /NODATASTRUCT keyword in call to read_myCDF"; ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, "ERROR= No COMPONENT0 variable found in clamp_to_zero" print, "ERROR= Message: ",component0_index status = -1 RETURN, status ENDELSE ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype (buf, org_names) RETURN, buf end ;+ ; NAME: Function COMPOSITE_TBL ; ; PURPOSE: Create a variable that is a composite of of multiple variables. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = composite_tbl(buf,org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ; History: Written by Ron Yurow 08/15, based on alternate_view ;- function composite_tbl, buf, org_names, index=index status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in composite_tbl" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnums = n_tags(buf) ; for i=0, n_elements(vvtag_indices)-1 do begin ; variable_name=arrayof_vvtags(i) ; tag_index = tagindex(variable_name, tagnames) tagnames1 = tag_names (buf.(index)) ; now look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. component0_index = !NULL if (tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin component0 = buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Get the index of the component 0 variable. component0_index = tagindex (component0, tagnames) endif ; and look for the COMPONENT_1 attribute tag for this VV. component1_index = !NULL if (tagindex('COMPONENT_1', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin component1 = buf.(index).COMPONENT_1 ; Get the index of the component 1 variable. component1_index = tagindex (component1, tagnames) endif ; and look for the COMPONENT_2 attribute tag for this VV. component2_index = !NULL if (tagindex('COMPONENT_2', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin component2 = buf.(index).COMPONENT_2 ; Get the index of the component 1 variable. component2_index = tagindex (component2, tagnames) endif ; and get the fill value fillval = !NULL if (tagindex('FILLVAL', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin fillval = buf.(index).FILLVAL endif all_good = 1 if (component0_index eq !NULL) then all_good = 0 if (component1_index eq !NULL) then all_good = 0 if (component2_index eq !NULL) then all_good = 0 if (all_good) then begin ; WARNING if /NODATASTRUCT keyword not set an error will occur here if (tagindex ('HANDLE', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin handle_value, buf.(component0_index).handle, indicator handle_value, buf.(component1_index).handle, v0 handle_value, buf.(component2_index).handle, v1 n_rec = N_ELEMENTS (indicator) v0dim = SIZE (v0, /DIMENSIONS) v1dim = SIZE (v1, /DIMENSIONS) IF (~ ARRAY_EQUAL (v0dim, v1dim)) THEN BEGIN print, "ERROR= COMPONENT1 variable must have same dimensions as COMPONENT2 variable." status = -1 return, status ENDIF v0type = SIZE (v0, /TYPE) composite = INTARR (v0dim, N_ELEMENTS (indicator)) composite = FIX (composite, TYPE = v0type) index0 = where (indicator eq 0, cnt0) index1 = where (indicator eq 1, cnt1) IF (cnt0 gt 0) THEN FOR i = 0, cnt0 - 1 do composite [0, index0 [i]] = v0 IF (cnt1 gt 0) THEN FOR i = 0, cnt1 - 1 do composite [0, index1 [i]] = v1 buf.(index).HANDLE = handle_create () HANDLE_VALUE, buf.(index).HANDLE, composite, /SET ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, "Set /NODATASTRUCT keyword in call to read_myCDF" ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, "ERROR= Missing variables indicated by one of the following attributes: " + $ "COMPONENT0, COMPONENT1, or COMPONENT2." status = -1 RETURN, status ENDELSE ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype (buf, org_names) RETURN, buf end ;+ ; NAME: Function arr_slice ; ; PURPOSE: Create a variable by extracting a subset (slice) of a multidimensional array. ; Works on variables up to 7 dimensions. ; ; DETAILED DESCRIPTION: ; ; The arr_slice virtual function extracts a subarray of a multidimensional ; variable, in the processes reducing the dimensionality of the resultant ; data array by 1. The dimensionality of the original data variable must be ; at least 2. ; ; The arr_slice function requires that COMPONENT_0 vAttribute be set to source ; data variable. In addition, the following vAttributes are also required: ; ; ARR_INDEX: Index into the requested dimension to extract the subarray from. ; ARR_DIM: The dimension of the source data variable to reduce. ; ; All values are referenced from 0. ; ; As an example suppose the variable TEST is a 10 x 10 Array. Specifying an ; ARR_INDEX of 4 and an ARR_DIM of 0 would result in a vector consisting of the ; 5th column of the array. Likewise, specifying and ARR_INDEX of 0 and an ; ARR_DIM of 1 would result in a vector consisting of the 1st row of the array. ; ; The master fa_esa_l2_ies_00000000_v01 has been updated so that the variables ; "pitch_angle_median" and "energy_median" now use this function. ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = arr_slice (buf,org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ; History: Written by Ron Yurow 05/16, based on alternate_view ;- function arr_slice, buf, org_names, index=index status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in ARR_SLICE" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnums = n_tags(buf) ; for i=0, n_elements(vvtag_indices)-1 do begin ; variable_name=arrayof_vvtags(i) ; tag_index = tagindex(variable_name, tagnames) tagnames1 = tag_names (buf.(index)) ; now look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. component0_index = !NULL if (tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin component0 = buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Get the index of the component 0 variable. component0_index = tagindex (component0, tagnames) endif ; Get the index of the array slice we should extract ind = !NULL v = tagindex (tagnames1, 'ARR_INDEX') IF ( v ne -1) THEN BEGIN ind = buf.(index).(v) ENDIF ; Get the dimension of the array we should reduce when extracting the slice dim = !NULL v = tagindex (tagnames1, 'ARR_DIM') IF ( v ne -1) THEN BEGIN dim = buf.(index).(v) ENDIF ; and get the fill value fillval = !NULL IF (tagindex('FILLVAL', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN begin fillval = buf.(index).FILLVAL ENDIF all_good = 1 IF (component0_index eq !NULL) THEN all_good = 0 IF (ind eq !NULL) THEN all_good = 0 IF (dim eq !NULL) THEN all_good = 0 IF (all_good) THEN BEGIN ; WARNING if /NODATASTRUCT keyword not set an error will occur here if (tagindex ('HANDLE', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN handle_value, buf.(component0_index).handle, src n_dim = N_ELEMENTS (buf.(component0_index).DIM_SIZES) dim_sizes = (SIZE (src, /DIMENSIONS)) [0:n_dim-1] ; Make sure we are not calling this on a one dimensional array IF (n_dim lt 2) THEN BEGIN print, "ERROR= COMPONENT0 variable must have dimensionality greater than 1." status = -1 RETURN, status END ; also can not exceed the number of dimensions of the source variable. IF (dim gt n_dim - 1) THEN BEGIN print, "ERROR= Invalid dimension requestest from COMPONENT0 variable." status = -1 RETURN, status END ; Check that ind selects a valid slice of the source array IF (ind ge dim_sizes [dim] || ind lt 0) THEN BEGIN print, "ERROR= Invalid index specified to select array slice from COMPONENT0" + $ " variable." status = -1 RETURN, status ENDIF ; Brute force way of extracting the array slice, but easier than writing a ; more general solution. CASE dim OF 0: trg = REFORM (src [ind, *, *, *, *, *, *, *]) 1: trg = REFORM (src [*, ind, *, *, *, *, *, *]) 2: trg = REFORM (src [*, *, ind, *, *, *, *, *]) 3: trg = REFORM (src [*, *, *, ind, *, *, *, *]) 4: trg = REFORM (src [*, *, *, *, ind, *, *, *]) 5: trg = REFORM (src [*, *, *, *, *, ind, *, *]) 6: trg = REFORM (src [*, *, *, *, *, *, ind, *]) ELSE: BEGIN print, "ERROR= Invalid dimension requested from COMPONENT0 variable." status = -1 RETURN, status END ENDCASE buf.(index).HANDLE = handle_create () HANDLE_VALUE, buf.(index).HANDLE, trg, /SET ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, "Set /NODATASTRUCT keyword in call to read_myCDF" ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, "ERROR= Missing variable indicated by COMPONENT0 or other required " + $ "attributes." status = -1 RETURN, status ENDELSE ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype (buf, org_names) RETURN, buf end ;+ ; NAME: Function CROP_IMAGE ; ; PURPOSE: Crop [60,20,*] images into [20,20,*] ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = crop_image(buf,org_names,index) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; index - variable index, so we deal with one variable at a time. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; History: Written by RCJ 12/00, based on alternate_view ;- function crop_image, buf, org_names, index=index status=0 ;print, 'In Crop_image' ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in crop_image" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(index)) ;now look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. if(tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then $ component0=buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Check if the component0 variable exists component0_index = tagindex(component0,tagnames) ; this line is useful if we are just replacing the old data w/ the new: ;buf.(index).HANDLE=buf.(component0_index).HANDLE ;handle_value,buf.(index).handle,img handle_value,buf.(component0_index).handle,img ; Rick Burley says that from the original 60x20 image ; we need to extract a 20x20 image: buf.(index).handle=handle_create() handle_value,buf.(index).handle,img[19:38,*,*],/set ; ; RCJ 10/22/2003 If the image is being cropped then depend_1 ; should also be cropped. Found this problem when trying to list the data, ; the number of depend_1s did not match the number of data columns. if(tagindex('DEPEND_1', tagnames1) ge 0) then $ depend1=buf.(index).DEPEND_1 ; RCJ 05/16/2013 Good, but if alt_cdaweb_depend_1 exists, use it instead: if(tagindex('ALT_CDAWEB_DEPEND_1', tagnames1) ge 0) then if (buf.(index).alt_cdaweb_depend_1 ne '') then $ depend1=buf.(index).alt_cdaweb_depend_1 ; depend1_index = tagindex(depend1,tagnames) handle_value,buf.(depend1_index).handle,sp ; RCJ 12/29/2003 Check to see if this depend_1 wasn't already cropped ; because of another variable which also uses this var as it's depend_1 if n_elements(sp) gt 20 then $ handle_value,buf.(depend1_index).handle,sp[19:38],/set $ else handle_value,buf.(depend1_index).handle,sp,/set ; no change ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(buf, org_names) return, buf end ;+ ; NAME: Function clean_data ; ; pURPOSE: Remove data 3*sigma from mean ; ; INPUT: ; ; data simple data array ; ; KEYWORDS: ; FILLVAL the fill value to be used to replace outlying data. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; data = clean_data(data,keywords...) ; function clean_data, data, FILLVAL=FILLVAL if not keyword_set(FILLVAL) then FILLVAL=1.0+e31; w=where(data ne FILLVAL,wn) if(wn eq 0) then begin print, "ERROR = No valid data found in function clean_data"; print, "STATUS = No valid data found. Re-select time interval."; endif ; mean= total(data[w[0:(wn-1)]])/fix(wn) ; RCJ 10/03/2003 The function moment needs data to have 2 or more elements. ; If that's not possible, then the mean will be the only valid element of ; data and the sdev will be 0. if n_elements(data[w[0:(wn-1)]]) gt 1 then begin result = moment(data[w[0:(wn-1)]],sdev=sig) mean=result[0] endif else begin mean=data[w[0:(wn-1)]] sig=0. endelse sig3=3.0*sig w=where(abs(data-mean) gt sig3, wn); ;TJK 4/8/2005 - add the next two lines because we have a case where ; all of the data values are exactly the same, and the "moment" routine ; above returns a sig value greater that the difference between the mean ; and data, so all values are set to fill, which isn't correct at all... ; So to make up for this apparent bug in the moment routine, do the following: t = where(data eq data[0], tn) if (tn eq n_elements(data)) then begin wn = 0 print, 'DEBUG clean_data - overriding results from moment func. because ' print, 'all data are the same valid value = ',data[0] endif if(wn gt 0) then data[w] = FILLVAL return, data end ;+ ; NAME: Function CONV_POS ; ; PURPOSE: Find virtual variables and compute their data w/ the component0, ; component1,... data. This function specifically converts position ; information from 1 coordinate system into another. ; ; INPUT: ; ; buf an IDL structure ; org_names an array of original variables sent to read_myCDF ; ; KEYWORDS: ; COORD string corresponding to coordinate transformation ; default(SYN-GCI) ; (ANG-GSE) ; TSTART start time for synthetic data ; TSTOP start time for synthetic data ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; newbuf = conv_pos(buf,org_names,keywords...) ; function conv_pos, buf, org_names, COORD=COORD, TSTART=TSTART, $ TSTOP=TSTOP, DEBUG=DEBUG, INDEX=INDEX status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in conv_pos.pro" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L if not keyword_set(INDEX) then INDEX=0L; if not keyword_set(COORD) then COORD="SYN-GCI"; if (keyword_set(TSTART) and keyword_set(TSTOP))then begin start_time = 0.0D0 ; initialize b = size(TSTART) & c = n_elements(b) if (b[c-2] eq 5) then start_time = TSTART $ ; double float already else if (b[c-2] eq 7) then start_time = encode_cdfepoch(TSTART); string stop_time = 0.0D0 ; initialize b = size(TSTOP) & c = n_elements(b) if (b[c-2] eq 5) then stop_time = TSTOP $ ; double float already else if (b[c-2] eq 7) then stop_time = encode_cdfepoch(TSTOP); string endif ;m3int=fix((stop_time - start_time)/(180.0*1000.0)) ; RCJ 07/10/02 Replaced fix w/ round. Fix won't work correctly on long integers m3int=round((stop_time - start_time)/(180.0*1000.0)) t3min=dblarr(m3int+1) failed=0 dep=parse_mydepend0(buf) depends=tag_names(dep) depend0=depends[dep.num] epoch1='Epoch1' namest=strupcase(tag_names(buf)) if((COORD eq "SYN-GCI") or (COORD eq "SYN-GEO")) then begin ; Determine time array depend0=strupcase(buf.(INDEX).depend_0) incep=where(namest eq depend0,w) incep=incep[0] names=tag_names(buf.(incep)) ntags=n_tags(buf.(incep)) ; Check to see if HANDLE a tag name wh=where(names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then begin handle_value, buf.(incep).HANDLE,time datsz=size(time) endif else begin time=buf.(incep).dat endelse ; Determine position array ;help, buf.sc_pos_syngci, /struct vvtag_names=strarr(1) vvtag_indices = vv_names(buf,NAMES=vvtag_names) vvtag_names = strupcase(vvtag_names) ;TJK 12/15/2006, the following doesn't work when reading a ;a1_k0_mpa data file directly (w/o a master) because ;the data cdfs have one of the label variables incorrectly ;defined as a virtual variable, so you can't just assume ;the 1st one in vvtag_indices is the correct one. ; use the index passed in instead of vvtag_indices[0] ; cond0=buf.(vvtag_indices[0]).COMPONENT_0 cond0=buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,data') ;TJK 12/15/2006 these aren't right either - we'll use index ; fillval=buf.(vvtag_indices[0]).fillval ; rmin=buf.(vvtag_indices[0]).VALIDMIN[0] ; tmin=buf.(vvtag_indices[0]).VALIDMIN[1] ; pmin=buf.(vvtag_indices[0]).VALIDMIN[2] ; rmax=buf.(vvtag_indices[0]).VALIDMAX[0] ; tmax=buf.(vvtag_indices[0]).VALIDMAX[1] ; pmax=buf.(vvtag_indices[0]).VALIDMAX[2] fillval=buf.(index).fillval rmin=buf.(index).VALIDMIN[0] tmin=buf.(index).VALIDMIN[1] pmin=buf.(index).VALIDMIN[2] rmax=buf.(index).VALIDMAX[0] tmax=buf.(index).VALIDMAX[1] pmax=buf.(index).VALIDMAX[2] ; x0=execute('cond0=buf.'+vvtag_indices[0]+'.COMPONENT_0') ; x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+org_names[0]+'.HANDLE,data') ; x0=execute('fillval=buf.'+org_names[0]+'.fillval') ; if(COORD eq "SYN-GCI") then begin r=data[0,*] theta=data[1,*] phi=data[2,*] ; Check for radius in kilometers; switch to Re wrr=where(((r gt 36000.0) and (r lt 48000.0)),wrrn) if(wrrn gt 0) then r[wrr] = r[wrr]/6371.2 ; Check validity of data; if outside min and max set to fill rhi=where(r gt rmax,rhin) if(rhin gt 0) then r[rhi]=fillval rlo=where(r lt rmin,rlon) if(rlon gt 0) then r[rlo]=fillval ;print, rmax, rmin ;print, 'DEBUG',min(r, max=maxr) & print, maxr thi=where(theta gt tmax,thin) if(thin gt 0) then theta[thi]=fillval tlo=where(theta lt tmin,tlon) if(tlon gt 0) then theta[tlo]=fillval phii=where(phi gt pmax,phin) if(phin gt 0) then phi[phii]=fillval plo=where(phi lt pmin,plon) if(plon gt 0) then phi[plo]=fillval ; num=long(n_elements(time)) stime=time-time[0] dtime=(time[num-1] - time[0])/1000.0 d_m3time=dtime/(60.0*3.0) ; 3min/interval=(secs/interval) / (secs/3min) m3time=fix(d_m3time) ; Compute syn_phi, syn_r, and syn_theta syn_phi=dblarr(m3int+1) syn_theta=dblarr(m3int+1) syn_r=dblarr(m3int+1) newtime=dblarr(m3int+1) tst_theta=dblarr(num) ; Clean up any bad data; set to fill values outside 3-sigma phi=clean_data(phi,FILLVAL=fillval) theta=clean_data(theta,FILLVAL=fillval) r=clean_data(r,FILLVAL=fillval) wcp=where(phi ne fillval,wcnp) wct=where(theta ne fillval,wcnt) wcr=where(r ne fillval,wcnr) if((wcnp le 0) or (wcnt le 0) or (wcnr le 0)) then begin print, 'ERROR= Data all fill' print, 'STATUS= No valid data found for this time period' return, -1 endif if((wcnp eq 1) or (wcnt eq 1) or (wcnr eq 1)) then begin print, 'ERROR= Only one valid point' print, 'STATUS= Only one valid point found for this time period' return, -1 endif ; For short intervals < 10 points use wcnp otherwise average the 1st 10 points ; to obtain extrapolation parameters ;wcnp=wcnp-1 ;if(wcnp gt 10) then wcnp=10 else wcnp=wcnp-1 ; Compute average of all points mphi= total(phi[wcp[0:(wcnp-1)]])/fix(wcnp) ;mr= total(r(wcr[0:(wcnr-1)]))/fix(wcnr) mr= total(r[wcr[0:(wcnr-1)]])/fix(wcnr) mtheta= total(theta[wct[0:(wcnt-1)]])/fix(wcnt) ampl=double(max(theta[wct])) ;print, mphi, mr, mtheta, ampl wc=where(theta eq ampl,wcn) dphi=phi[wcp[wcnp-1]] - phi[wcp[0]] dr=r[wcr[wcnr-1]] - r[wcr[0]] dtheta=theta[wct[wcnt-1]] - theta[wct[0]] phi_rate=dphi/d_m3time r_rate=dr/d_m3time theta_rate=dtheta/d_m3time nominal_rate=0.75 new_rate= double(360.0/(nominal_rate + phi_rate)) ; print, nominal_rate, phi_rate, new_rate, r_rate ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; Skip latitude daily variation approximation ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; iter=0 ; sign=0 ; corr_coef=0.0 ; while(corr_coef lt 0.75) do begin ; T=time(wc[0])/180000.0 ;; T1=time(wc[0]-1)/180000.0 ;; T2=time(wc[0]-2)/180000.0 ;; T3=time(wc[0]+1)/180000.0 ;; T4=time(wc[0]+2)/180000.0 ; if(iter eq 0) then T=double(T) ;; if(iter eq 1) then T=double((T+T1)/2.0) ;; if(iter eq 2) then T=double((T1+T2)/2.0) ;; if(iter eq 3) then T=double((T+T3)/2.0) ;; if(iter eq 4) then T=double((T4+T3)/2.0) ;;print, ampl, T, mphi, mr, mtheta ; ;; determine array for correlation test ; for i=0L,num-1 do begin ; tm=time[i]/(180.0*1000.0) ;; tst_theta[i] = ampl*sin((2.0*(!pi))*(tm-T)/480.08898) ; if(sign eq 0) then tst_theta[i] = ampl*double(cos((2.0*(!pi))*(tm-T)/new_rate)) ; if(sign eq 1) then tst_theta[i] = ampl*double(sin((2.0*(!pi))*(tm-T)/new_rate)) ; endfor ; ; corr_coef=correlate(theta,tst_theta) ; if(DEBUG) then print, iter," CC = ", corr_coef ; ;; if(iter eq 4) then begin ; if(sign eq 0) then begin ; iter=0 ; sign = 1 ; endif ;; endif ; iter=iter+1 ;; if(iter gt 5) then goto, break ; if(iter gt 1) then goto, break ; endwhile ; break: ; ; if(corr_coef lt 0.75) then failed=1 ; failed=1 ; forces average theta variation to be used approx. 0.0 ; Generate 3-min data for i=0L,m3int do begin tm = (start_time)/180000.0 + i t3min[i]=i*180000.0 + start_time half=m3int/2 it=i-(half+1) syn_phi[i] = mphi + phi_rate*it ; syn_r[i] = mr + r_rate*i syn_r[i] = mr if(failed) then begin ; if(abs(mtheta) > 2.0) then begin ; print, 'WARNING: Check daily latitude variation.' ; return, -1; ; endif syn_theta[i] = 0.0 ; Can't compute daily variation; use this estimate ; syn_theta[i] = mtheta ; Can't compute daily variation; use this estimate ; syn_theta[i] = mtheta + theta_rate*i endif else begin ; syn_theta[i] = ampl*sin((2.0*(!pi))*(tm-T)/480.08898) if(sign eq 0) then syn_theta[i] = ampl*double(cos((2.0*(!pi))*(tm-T)/new_rate)) if(sign eq 1) then syn_theta[i] = ampl*double(sin((2.0*(!pi))*(tm-T)/new_rate)) endelse endfor ; print, t3min[0], syn_r[0], syn_theta[0], syn_phi[0] ; Convert spherical to cartesian ; Determine the offset of the given point from the origin. gei=dblarr(3,m3int+1) geo=dblarr(3,m3int+1) deg2rd=!pi/180.0 j=-1 for i=0L, m3int do begin CT = SIN(syn_theta[i]*deg2rd) ST = COS(syn_theta[i]*deg2rd) CP = COS(syn_phi[i]*deg2rd) SP = SIN(syn_phi[i]*deg2rd) ; Save syn-geo geo[0,i]=syn_r[i] geo[1,i]=syn_theta[i] geo[2,i]=syn_phi[i] ; Convert GEO spherical coordinates SGEO(1,2,3) [R,LAT,LON] ; to GEO cartesian coordinates in REs GEO(1,2,3) [X,Y,Z]. RHO = syn_r[i] * ST xgeo = RHO * CP ygeo = RHO * SP zgeo = syn_r[i] * CT xgei=0.0 & ygei=0.0 & zgei=0.0 ; Rotate 3-min vectors from geo to gci epoch=t3min[i] ; cdf_epoch, epoch, yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, milli, /break ; if((i mod 100) eq 0) then print, epoch, yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, milli geigeo,xgei,ygei,zgei,xgeo,ygeo,zgeo,j,epoch=epoch ; if((i mod 100) eq 0) then print, xgei,ygei,zgei,xgeo,ygeo,zgeo gei[0,i]=xgei gei[1,i]=ygei gei[2,i]=zgei endfor ; Modify existing structure nbuf=buf ; Modify depend0 (Epoch1), but don't add it again!! dc=where(depends eq 'EPOCH1',dcn) if(not dcn) then begin nu_ep_handle=handle_create(value=t3min) ;x0=execute('nbuf.'+depend0+'.handle=nu_ep_handle') x0=execute('temp_buf=nbuf.'+depend0) new=create_struct('EPOCH1',temp_buf) x0=execute('new.'+epoch1+'.handle=nu_ep_handle') x0=execute('new.'+epoch1+'.VARNAME=epoch1') x0=execute('new.'+epoch1+'.LABLAXIS=epoch1') endif ; Modify position data if(COORD eq "SYN-GCI") then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=gei) vin=where(vvtag_names eq 'SC_POS_SYNGCI',vinn) if(vinn) then begin ;nbuf.(vvtag_indices(vin[0])).handle=nu_dat_handle nbuf.(vvtag_indices[vin[0]]).handle=nu_dat_handle ;nbuf.(vvtag_indices(vin[0])).depend_0=epoch1 nbuf.(vvtag_indices[vin[0]]).depend_0=epoch1 endif endif if(COORD eq "SYN-GEO") then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=geo) vin=where(vvtag_names eq 'SC_POS_SYNGEO',vinn) if(vinn) then begin ;nbuf.(vvtag_indices(vin[0])).handle=nu_dat_handle nbuf.(vvtag_indices[vin[0]]).handle=nu_dat_handle ;nbuf.(vvtag_indices(vin[0])).depend_0=epoch1 nbuf.(vvtag_indices[vin[0]]).depend_0=epoch1 endif endif cond0=strupcase(cond0) pc=where(org_names eq cond0,pcn) ;blank=' ' if(pc[0] eq -1) then begin ; RCJ 06/16/2004 Only make epoch.var_type = metadata if no other ; variable needs epoch as its depend_0. in this case epoch ; should still be support_data. q=where(strlowcase(depends) eq 'epoch') if q[0] eq -1 then nbuf.epoch.var_type='metadata' ; RCJ 01/23/2007 The line below does not help listing. Does it do anything useful? ;nbuf.sc_pos_geo.depend_0=blank endif if(not dcn) then nbuf=create_struct(nbuf,new) endif if(COORD eq "ANG-GSE") then begin nbuf=buf vvtag_names=strarr(1) vvtag_indices = vv_names(buf,NAMES=vvtag_names) ; Determine time array ; depend0=depends(INDEX) ; incep=where(vvtag_names eq namest(INDEX),w) ; incep=incep[0] ;depend0=buf.(vvtag_indices(incep)).DEPEND_0 depend0=buf.(INDEX).DEPEND_0 ;print, depend0, INDEX incep=tagindex(depend0, namest) incep=incep[0] names=tag_names(buf.(incep)) ntags=n_tags(buf.(incep)) ; Check to see if HANDLE a tag name wh=where(names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then begin handle_value, buf.(incep).HANDLE,time datsz=size(time) endif else begin time=buf.(incep).dat endelse ; Determine position array ; indat=where(vvtag_names eq namest(INDEX),w) ; indat = indat[0] cond0=buf.(INDEX).COMPONENT_0 ;cond0=buf.(vvtag_indices(indat)).COMPONENT_0 ;print, cond0, INDEX x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,data') ; Convert BGSE vector to angular BGSE; data_sz=size(data) ang_gse=dblarr(data_sz[1],data_sz[2]) ; cart_polar,data[0,*],data[1,*],data[2,*],ang_gse[0,*],ang_gse[1,*],$ ; ang_gse[2,*],1,/degrees ; ang_gse[0,*]=sqrt(data[0,*]*data[0,*]+data[1,*]*data[1,*]+data[2,*]*data[2,*]) ang_gse[0,*]=sqrt(data[0,*]^2+data[1,*]^2+data[2,*]^2) ang_gse[1,*]=90.0-(!radeg*acos(data[2,*]/ang_gse[0,*])) ang_gse[2,*]=!radeg*atan(data[1,*],data[0,*]) wc=where(ang_gse[2,*] lt 0.0,wcn) if(wcn gt 0) then ang_gse[2,wc] = ang_gse[2,wc]+360.0 nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=ang_gse) ;nbuf.(vvtag_indices(indat)).handle=nu_dat_handle nbuf.(INDEX).handle=nu_dat_handle endif ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf end ;to get help: IDL> ptg,/help ; ancillary routines -------------------------------------------- FUNCTION dtand,x RETURN,DOUBLE(TAN(x*!DTOR)) END FUNCTION datand,x RETURN,DOUBLE(ATAN(x)/!DTOR) END FUNCTION fgeodeP,a,b,v1x,v1y,v1z,v2x,v2y,v2z RETURN,v1x*v2x + v1y*v2y + v1z*v2z * a*a/(b*b) END ;--------------------------------------------------------------- PRO vector_to_ra_decP,x,y,z,ra,dec fill_value = -1.D31 ndx = WHERE(z NE 0,count) IF(count GT 0) THEN dec[ndx] = 90.*z[ndx]/ABS(z[ndx]) tmp = SQRT(x*x + y*y) ndx = WHERE(tmp NE 0,count) IF (count GT 0) THEN BEGIN dec[ndx] = atan2d(z[ndx],tmp[ndx]) ra[ndx] = atan2d(y[ndx],x[ndx]) ENDIF ndx = WHERE((ra LT 0) AND (ra NE fill_value),count) IF (count GT 0) THEN ra[ndx] = ra[ndx] + 360. END ;--------------------------------------------------------------- PRO drtollP,x,y,z,lat,lon,r ; RTB gci point validity check if((abs(x) gt 10000.0) or (abs(y) gt 10000.0) or (abs(z) gt 10000.0)) $ then begin lat = -1.0e+31 lon = -1.0e+31 r = -1.0e+31 endif else begin lat = atan2d(z,SQRT(x*x + y*y)) lon = atan2d(y,x) r = SQRT(x*x + y*y + z*z) endelse ; RTB comment ; tmp = WHERE(x EQ Y) AND WHERE(x EQ 0) ; IF ((size(tmp))[0] NE 0) THEN BEGIN ; lat(tmp) = DOUBLE(90.D * z(tmp)/ABS(z(tmp))) ; lon(tmp) = 0.D ; r = 6371.D ; ENDIF tmp2 = WHERE(lon LT 0) IF ((size(tmp2))[0] NE 0) THEN BEGIN ;lon(tmp2) = lon(tmp2) + 360.D lon[tmp2] = lon[tmp2] + 360.D ENDIF ; RTB added 4/98 avoid boundary tmp3 = where(lon eq 0.0) if(tmp3[0] ne -1) then lon[tmp3] = 0.01D tmp4 = where(lon eq 360.0) if(tmp4[0] ne -1) then lon[tmp4] = 359.09D END ;--------------------------------------------------------------- PRO get_scalarP,Ox,Oy,Oz,Lx,Ly,Lz,emis_hgt,ncols,nrows,s,f ;... Equatoral radius (km) and polar flattening of the earth ; Ref: Table 15.4, 'Explanatory Supplement to the ; Astronomical Almanac,' K. Seidelmann, ed. (1992). re_eq = 6378.136D inv_f = 298.257D ;... initialize output s = DBLARR(ncols,nrows) s1 = DBLARR(ncols,nrows) s2 = DBLARR(ncols,nrows) ;... get polar radius re_po = re_eq*(1.D - 1.D /inv_f) ;... get radii to assumed emission height ree = re_eq + emis_hgt rep = re_po + emis_hgt ;... get flattening factor based on new radii f = (ree - rep)/ree ;... get elements of quadratic formula a = fgeodeP(ree,rep,Lx,Ly,Lz,Lx,Ly,Lz) b = fgeodeP(ree,rep,Lx,Ly,Lz,Ox,Oy,Oz) * 2.D c = fgeodeP(ree,rep,Ox,Oy,Oz,Ox,Oy,Oz) - ree*ree ;... check solutions to quadratic formula determinant = b*b - 4.D * a*c ;... remove points off the earth determinant = determinant > 0. tmp_d2 = WHERE(determinant EQ 0.,count) IF(count GT 0) THEN b[tmp_d2] = 0.D ;... solve quadratic formula (choose smallest solution) s1 = ( -b + SQRT(determinant) ) / ( 2.D *a ) s2 = ( -b - SQRT(determinant) ) / ( 2.D *a ) s = s1<s2 END pro ptg_new,orb,LpixX,LpixY,LpixZ,emis_hgt,gclat,gclon,r,epoch=epoch size_L=size(LpixX) ;... Convert Lpix to a Unit Vector mag = dfmag(LpixX,LpixY,LpixZ) LpixX = LpixX/mag LpixY = LpixY/mag LpixZ = LpixZ/mag ; Option which could be included ; calculate right ascension and declination ; IF(KEYWORD_SET(getra)) THEN $ ; vector_to_ra_decP,LpixX,LpixY,LpixZ,ra,dec ;... Find scalar (s) such that s*L0 points to ; the imaged emission source. If the line of ; sight does not intersect the earth s=0.0 Ox = orb[0] Oy = orb[1] Oz = orb[2] get_scalarP,Ox,Oy,Oz,LpixX,LpixY,LpixZ,emis_hgt,size_L[1],size_L[2],s,f posX = Ox + s*LpixX posY = Oy + s*LpixY posZ = Oz + s*LpixZ ;... Convert from GCI to GEO coordinates. j=1 geigeo,posX,posY,posZ,p_geoX,p_geoY,p_geoZ,j,epoch=epoch ;... Get geocentric lat/lon. this converts from ; a 3 element vector to two angles: lat & longitude ; Each point must be checked for outlying cyl. geo values. for i=0, size_L[1]-1 do begin for j=0, size_L[2]-1 do begin drtollP,p_geoX[i,j],p_geoY[i,j],p_geoZ[i,j],dum1,dum2,dum3 ;print, dum1,dum2, dum3 gclat[i,j]=dum1 gclon[i,j]=dum2 r[i,j]=dum3 endfor endfor gclat = gclat < 90. ;... Convert to geodetic lat/lon. F is the flattening ; factor of the Earth. See get_scalar for details. ; Ref: Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control, ; J.R. Wertz, ed., 1991, p.821. IF(KEYWORD_SET(geodetic)) THEN BEGIN gdlat = 90.D + 0.D * gclat ndx = WHERE(gclat LT 90.,count) IF(count GT 0) THEN BEGIN gdlat[ndx] = datand(dtand(gclat[ndx])/(1.D - f)*(1.D - f)) ENDIF gclat = gdlat ENDIF end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROUTINE: ptg ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO ptg,system,time,l0,att,orb,emis_hgt,gclat,gclon $ ,geodetic=geodetic,getra=getra,ra=ra,dec=dec,s=s $ ,LpixX=LpixX,LpixY=LpixY,LpixZ=LpixZ $ ,posX=posX,posY=posY,posZ=posZ, epoch=epoch $ ,versStr=versStr,help=help IF(KEYWORD_SET(help)) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'' PRINT,' PRO ptg,system,time,l0,att,orb,emis_hgt,gclat,gclon PRINT,'' PRINT,' Original base code: UVIPTG' PRINT,' 7/31/95 Author: G. Germany' PRINT,' Development into PTG: 01/15/98' PRINT,' Authors: Mitch Brittnacher & John O''Meara' PRINT,'' PRINT,' calculates geocentric lat,lon, for a complete image PRINT,' PRINT,' input PRINT,' system =1 primary; =2 secondary PRINT,' time time(1)=yyyyddd, time(2)=msec of day PRINT,' L0 gci look direction (from uvilook) PRINT,' att gci attitude PRINT,' orb gci position PRINT,' emis_hgt los altitude PRINT,' PRINT,' output PRINT,' gclat geocentric latitude PRINT,' gclon geocentric longitude PRINT,' PRINT,' keywords PRINT,' geodetic (set) returns geodetic values if set PRINT,' getra (set) calulates ra & dec if set PRINT,' ra (out) right ascension (deg) PRINT,' dec (out) declination (deg) PRINT,' s (out) scalar for lpix PRINT,' lpixX (out) x component of unit look direction PRINT,' lpixY (out) y component of unit look direction PRINT,' lpixZ (out) z component of unit look direction PRINT,' posX (out) x,y,z components of vector from PRINT,' posY (out) earth center to emission PRINT,' posZ (out) PRINT,' versStr (out) software version string PRINT,' PRINT,' external library routines required PRINT,' ic_gci_to_geo PRINT,' PRINT,' NOTES: PRINT,' PRINT,' 1. Unlike UVIPTG, this routine returns latitude and longitude PRINT,' for all pixels in an image. It does the calculation in a PRINT,' fraction of the time required by UVIPTG. PRINT,' PRINT,' 2. The default lat/lon values are in geocentric coordinates. PRINT,' Geographic (geocentric) coordinates assume the earth is PRINT,' a sphere and are defined from the center of the sphere. PRINT,' For geodetic coordinates, the earth is assumed to be an PRINT,' ellipsoid of revolution. See the routine fgeode for PRINT,' details. PRINT,' Geodetic coordinates are defined from the normal to the PRINT,' geode surface. To enable geodetic calculations, set the PRINT,' keyword /GEODETIC. PRINT,' PRINT,' 3. The look direction for a specified pixel (Lpix) is PRINT,' calculated from the look direction of the center of the PRINT,' UVI field of view (L0) by successive rotations in PRINT,' row and column directions. Each pixel is assumed to have PRINT,' a fixed angular width. The angular distance from the center PRINT,' of the pixel to the center of the fov is calculated and then PRINT,' L0 is rotated into Lpix. PRINT,' PRINT,' Unlike UVIPTG, this routine explicitly calculates three PRINT,' orthogonal axes whereas UVIPTG implicitly assumed the image PRINT,' z-axis was given by the attitude vector. PRINT,' PRINT,' 4. The secondary and primary detectors have different PRINT,' orientations and require different rotations between L0 and PRINT,' Lpix. PRINT,' PRINT,' 5. Geocentric lat/lon values are the intersection PRINT,' of the look direction for the specified pixel (Lpix) and PRINT,' the surface of the earth. The geocentric values are then PRINT,' transformed into geodetic values. The vector from the PRINT,' center of the earth to the intersection is pos so that PRINT,' pos = orb + S*Lpix, where orb is the GCI orbit vector PRINT,' and S is a scalar. PRINT,' PRINT,' 6. The intersection of Lpix and the earth is calculated first PRINT,' in GCI coordinates and then converted to geographic PRINT,' coordinates. The conversion is by means of ic_gci_to_geo. PRINT,' This routine and its supporting routines, was taken from PRINT,' the CDHF and is part of the ICSS_TRANSF_orb call. PRINT,' PRINT,' 7. The viewed emissions are assumed to originate emis_hgt km PRINT,' above the surface of the earth. See get_scalar for details. PRINT,' PRINT,'10. The keywords POS(xyz) are needed for LOS corrections. PRINT,' RETURN ENDIF versStr = 'PTG v1.0 1/98' ncols = 200 nrows = 228 zrot = DBLARR(ncols,nrows) yrot = DBLARR(ncols,nrows) gclat = DBLARR(ncols,nrows) gclon = DBLARR(ncols,nrows) r = DBLARR(ncols,nrows) ra = DBLARR(ncols,nrows) dec = DBLARR(ncols,nrows) primary = 1 secondary = 2 fill_value = -1.D31 ;... Define orthonormal coordinate axes xax = l0/dfmag(l0[0],l0[1],l0[2]) yax = CROSSP(att,l0) yax = yax/dfmag(yax[0],yax[1],yax[2]) zax = CROSSP(xax,yax) ;... single pixel angular resolution pr = 0.03449D ; 9-bin mean primary detector 9/26/97 (Pyth) pc = 0.03983D ; same ;... initialize output arrays to default gclat[*,*] = fill_value gclon[*,*] = fill_value ra[*,*] = fill_value dec[*,*] = fill_value ;... find rotation angles for each pixel IF (system EQ secondary) THEN BEGIN a = (FINDGEN(200)-99.5)*pc b = REPLICATE(1.,228) zrot = a#b c = (FINDGEN(228)-113.5)*pr d = REPLICATE(1.,200) yrot = d#c ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (system EQ primary) THEN BEGIN a = (FINDGEN(200)-99.5)*pc b = REPLICATE(1.,228) zrot = a#b c = -(FINDGEN(228)-113.5)*pr d = REPLICATE(1.,200) yrot = d#c ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; error trap RETURN ENDELSE ENDELSE ;... Determine Lpix tanz = tan(zrot*!DTOR) tany = tan(yrot*!DTOR) lpx = 1.D /SQRT(1.D + tany*tany + tanz*tanz) lpy = lpx*tanz lpz = lpx*tany LpixX = lpx*xax[0] + lpy*yax[0] + lpz*zax[0] LpixY = lpx*xax[1] + lpy*yax[1] + lpz*zax[1] LpixZ = lpx*xax[2] + lpy*yax[2] + lpz*zax[2] ptg_new, orb,LpixX,LpixY,LpixZ,emis_hgt,gclat,gclon,r,epoch=epoch ;... Convert Lpix to a Unit Vector ; mag = dfmag(LpixX,LpixY,LpixZ) ; ; LpixX = LpixX/mag ; LpixY = LpixY/mag ; LpixZ = LpixZ/mag ; ;; calculate right ascension and declination ; IF(KEYWORD_SET(getra)) THEN $ ; vector_to_ra_decP,LpixX,LpixY,LpixZ,ra,dec ; ;;... Find scalar (s) such that s*L0 points to ;; the imaged emission source. If the line of ;; sight does not intersect the earth s=0.0 ;;help,orb ; Ox = orb[0] ; Oy = orb[1] ; Oz = orb[2] ; get_scalarP,Ox,Oy,Oz,LpixX,LpixY,LpixZ,emis_hgt,ncols,nrows,s,f ; ; posX = Ox + s*LpixX ; posY = Oy + s*LpixY ; posZ = Oz + s*LpixZ ;; ;; RTB replace MSFC GCI to GEO routine w/ geopack ; j=1 ; geigeo,posX,posY,posZ,p_geoX,p_geoY,p_geoZ,j,epoch=epoch ; ;; SOMETHING WRONG HERE !!!!! ;;... Convert from GCI to GEO coordinates. ROTM is the ;; rotation matrix. ;; ic_gci_to_geo,time,rotm ;; p_geoX = rotm(0,0)*posX + rotm(1,0)*posY + rotm(2,0)*posZ ;; p_geoY = rotm(0,1)*posX + rotm(1,1)*posY + rotm(2,1)*posZ ;; p_geoZ = rotm(0,2)*posX + rotm(1,2)*posY + rotm(2,2)*posZ ; ; ;;... Get geocentric lat/lon. this converts from ;; a 3 element vector to two angles: lat & longitude ;; Each point must be checked for outlying cyl. geo values. ; for i=0, 199 do begin ; for j=0, 227 do begin ; drtollP,p_geoX(i,j),p_geoY(i,j),p_geoZ(i,j),dum1,dum2,dum3 ; gclat(i,j)=dum1 ; gclon(i,j)=dum2 ; r(i,j)=dum3 ; endfor ; endfor ; ; gclat = gclat < 90. ; ;;... Convert to geodetic lat/lon. F is the flattening ;; factor of the Earth. See get_scalar for details. ;; Ref: Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control, ;; J.R. Wertz, ed., 1991, p.821. ; IF(KEYWORD_SET(geodetic)) THEN BEGIN ; gdlat = 90.D + 0.D * gclat ; ndx = WHERE(gclat LT 90.,count) ; IF(count GT 0) THEN BEGIN ;; gdlat[ndx] = datand(dtand(gclat[ndx])/(1.D - f)*(1.D - f)) ; ENDIF ; gclat = gdlat ; ENDIF END ;+ ; NAME: Function CONV_MAP_IMAGE ; ; PURPOSE: Convert provided idl structure to structure containing neccesary ; variables for an auroral image map. Use variables pointed to by ; COMPONENT variable attributes to compute geodetic latitude and ; longitude. Populate GEOD_LAT & GEOD_LONG variables w/ the computed ; values. Return the modifiy idl structure. ; ; NEED TO REMOVE UVI DEPENDENCIES....... ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = conv_map_image(buf,org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 R. Baldwin HSTX 1/30/98 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- function conv_map_image, buf, org_names, DEBUG=DEBUG ; Trap any errors propagated through buf if(buf_trap(buf)) then begin print, "idl structure bad (conv_map_image) return, buf endif ; Check tags tagnames=tag_names(buf) ; ;print, 'In Conv_map_image' ;TJK added 6/10/98 - if the 1st image virtual variable handle or dat structure ;elements are already set, then return buf as is (because the other ;image variables, if requested, have already been set on the 1st call to this ;function. vv_tagnames=strarr(1) vv_tagindx = vv_names(buf,names=vv_tagnames) ;find the virtual vars vtags = tag_names(buf.(vv_tagindx[0])) ;tags for the 1st Virtual image var. if (vv_tagindx[0] lt 0) then return, -1 ireturn=1 im_val_arr=intarr(n_elements(vv_tagindx)) for ig=0, n_elements(vv_tagindx)-1 do begin ; RTB added 9/98 vtags=tag_names(buf.(vv_tagindx[ig])) v = tagindex('DAT',vtags) if (v[0] ne -1) then begin im_val = buf.(vv_tagindx[ig]).dat endif else begin im_val = buf.(vv_tagindx[ig]).handle if (im_val eq 0) then ireturn=0 endelse im_val_arr[ig]=im_val im_size = size(im_val) im_val=0 if (im_val[0] ne 0 or im_size[0] eq 3) then begin im_val = 0B ;free up space ireturn=0 endif endfor if(ireturn) then return, buf ; Return only if all orig_names are already a0=tagindex(tagnames,'IMAGE_DATA') if(a0 ne -1) then begin image_handle=buf.(a0).handle image_depend0=strupcase(buf.(a0).depend_0) handle_value, buf.(a0).handle, im_data ;TJK 6/27/2013 - add in check if all values are fill, if so get out fillz = where(im_data ne buf.(a0).fillval, fillcnt) if (fillcnt eq 0) then begin ; RCJ 20Jan2022 If image_data is all fillval then vars that have image_data ; as component_0 should be too : (similarly for gci_sun) for i=0,n_elements(tagnames)-1 do begin if buf.(i).component_0 eq 'IMAGE_DATA' then buf.(i).handle=handle_create(value=im_data) if buf.(i).component_0 eq 'GCI_SUN' then buf.(i).handle=handle_create(value=im_data) endfor return, buf endif im_sz=size(im_data) im_data=0B ; Release image data after we know the dimensionality endif a0=tagindex(tagnames,image_depend0) if(a0 ne -1) then begin handle_value, buf.(a0).handle, im_time endif a0=tagindex(tagnames,'ATTITUDE') if(a0 ne -1) then begin handle_value, buf.(a0).handle, attit endif ;attit=[-0.34621945,0.93623523,-0.059964006] a0=tagindex(tagnames,'GCI_POSITION') if(a0 ne -1) then begin handle_value, buf.(a0).handle, gpos endif ;gpos=[11776.447,7885.8336,55474.6585] a0=tagindex(tagnames,'SYSTEM') if(a0 ne -1) then begin handle_value, buf.(a0).handle, sys endif a0=tagindex(tagnames,'FILTER') if(a0 ne -1) then begin handle_value, buf.(a0).handle, filt endif a0=tagindex(tagnames,'DSP_ANGLE') if(a0 ne -1) then begin handle_value, buf.(a0).handle, dsp endif ; Call uviptg.pro to generate geodetic lat & lon registration of polar images ; uviptg constants emis_hgt=120.D0 ; km ; Process each time frame jcol=im_sz[2] irow=im_sz[1] if(im_sz[0] eq 2) then ntimes=1 else ntimes=im_sz[3] geod_lat=temporary(fltarr(irow,jcol,ntimes)) geod_lon=temporary(fltarr(irow,jcol,ntimes)) time=intarr(2) for it=0, ntimes-1 do begin ; Load ancillary data ; L0=double(look(*,it)) L0=dblarr(3) att=double(attit[*,it]) ; att=double(attit) orb=double(gpos[*,it]) ;orb=double(gpos) if(sys[it] lt 0) then system=sys[it]+3 else system=sys[it] filter=fix(filt[it])-1 dsp_angle=double(dsp[it]) gdlat=DBLARR(jcol,irow) gdlon=DBLARR(jcol,irow) epoch=im_time[it] ; Compute time(1)=yyyyddd and time(2) msec of day from Epoch cdf_epoch, im_time[it], year, month, day,hr,min,sec,milli,/break ;print, im_time(it), year, month, day,hr,min,sec,milli ical,year,doy,month,day,/idoy ;print, year,doy,month,day time=fltarr(2) time[0]=year*1000+doy time[1]=(hr*(3600)+min*60+sec)*1000+milli ; Use uvilook program to compute 2nd detector gci_look uvilook,time,orb,att,dsp_angle,filter,dummy,L0,system=system ptg,system,time,L0,att,orb,emis_hgt,gdlat,gdlon $ ,getra=getra,ra=ra,dec=dec,s=s $ ,LpixX=LpixX,LpixY=LpixY,LpixZ=LpixZ $ ,posX=posX,posY=posY,posZ=posZ, epoch=epoch gwc=where(gdlon gt 180.0,gwcn) if(gwc[0] ne -1) then gdlon[gwc]=gdlon[gwc]-360.0 geod_lat[*,*,it]=transpose(gdlat[*,*]) geod_lon[*,*,it]=transpose(gdlon[*,*]) endfor ; Add to org_names list so that temp=org_names corg=n_elements(temp) org_names=strarr(n_elements(temp)+2) wc=where(temp ne '',wcn) org_names[wc]=temp[wc] ; Populate idl structure w/ geod_lat and geod_lon data ; Create handles and to existing structure a0=tagindex(tagnames,'GEOD_LAT') if(a0 ne -1) then begin gdlat_handle=handle_create(value=geod_lat) buf.(a0).handle=gdlat_handle org_names[corg]='GEOD_LAT' endif else begin print, "ERROR= No GEOD_LAT variable found in cdf (conv_map_image)" print, "ERROR= Message: ", a0 return, -1 endelse a0=tagindex(tagnames,'GEOD_LONG') if(a0 ne -1) then begin gdlon_handle=handle_create(value=geod_lon) buf.(a0).handle=gdlon_handle org_names[corg+1]='GEOD_LONG' endif else begin print, "ERROR= No GEOD_LONG variable found in cdf (conv_map_image)" print, "ERROR= Message: ", a0 return, -1 endelse ; Copy IMAGE_DATA handle to GEOD_IMAGE ; Regular registered map a0=tagindex(tagnames,'GEOD_IMAGE') if(a0 ne -1) then begin buf.(a0).handle=image_handle endif ; Copy IMAGE_DATA handle to GEOD_IMAGE_P; Geo. fixed registered map a0=tagindex(tagnames,'GEOD_IMAGE_P') if(a0 ne -1) then begin buf.(a0).handle=image_handle endif ; Copy IMAGE_DATA handle to GEOD_IMAGE_PS; Geo. registered sun-fixed a0=tagindex(tagnames,'GEOD_IMAGE_PS') if(a0 ne -1) then begin buf.(a0).handle=image_handle endif ; Copy IMAGE_DATA handle to GEOD_IMAGE_O; Geo. map overlay (not-registered) a0=tagindex(tagnames,'GEOD_IMAGE_O') if(a0 ne -1) then begin buf.(a0).handle=image_handle endif ; Copy IMAGE_DATA handle to GEOD_IMAGE_M; MLT registered map a0=tagindex(tagnames,'GEOD_IMAGE_M') if(a0 ne -1) then begin buf.(a0).handle=image_handle endif ; Copy IMAGE_DATA handle to IMAGE_MOVIE_PS; Geo. registered sun-fixed a0=tagindex(tagnames,'IMAGE_MOVIE_PS') if(a0 ne -1) then begin buf.(a0).handle=image_handle endif ; Copy IMAGE_DATA handle to IMAGE_MOVIE_O; Geo. map overlay (not-registered) a0=tagindex(tagnames,'IMAGE_MOVIE_O') if(a0 ne -1) then begin buf.(a0).handle=image_handle endif ; Copy IMAGE_DATA handle to IMAGE_MOVIE_M; MLT registered map a0=tagindex(tagnames,'IMAGE_MOVIE_M') if(a0 ne -1) then begin buf.(a0).handle=image_handle endif ; Check buf and reset variables not in orignal variable list to metadata status = check_myvartype(buf, org_names) return, buf end FUNCTION calc_p, buf, org_names, INDEX=INDEX, DEBUG=DEBUG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;The general algorithm for Dynamic Pressure is mNV^2. I want the units ;to be in nanoPascals (nPa) and so have determined a coefficient which ;contains the proton mass and the conversions to the correct units. A ;typical pressure in the solar wind is a few nPa. ; ;coefficient = 1.6726 e-6 ; ;Use the variables from WI_K0_SWE: ; ; "V_GSE_p(0)" - flow speed (km/s) ; "Np" - ion number density (/cc) ; ; ALGORITHM: ; ; Pressure = coefficient * Np * V_GSE_p(0) * V_GSE_p(0) ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = calc_p(buf,org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; coefficient - Dynamic Pressure conversion coefficient ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 R. Baldwin HSTX 1/6/98 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- status=0 coefficient = 1.6726e-6 fillval = -1.00000e+31 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in calc_p.pro" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L if not keyword_set(INDEX) then INDEX=0L; dep=parse_mydepend0(buf) depends=tag_names(dep) depend0=depends[dep.num] namest=strupcase(tag_names(buf)) nbuf=buf vvtag_names=strarr(1) vvtag_indices = vv_names(buf,NAMES=vvtag_names) ; Determine time array ; depend0=depends(INDEX) ; incep=where(vvtag_names eq namest(INDEX),w) ; incep=incep[0] ;depend0=buf.(vvtag_indices(incep)).DEPEND_0 depend0=buf.(INDEX).DEPEND_0 ;print, depend0, INDEX incep=tagindex(depend0, namest) incep=incep[0] names=tag_names(buf.(incep)) ntags=n_tags(buf.(incep)) ; Check to see if HANDLE a tag name wh=where(names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then begin handle_value, buf.(incep).HANDLE,time datsz=size(time) endif else begin time=buf.(incep).dat endelse ; Determine components ;cond0=buf.(vvtag_indices(indat)).COMPONENT_0 cond0=buf.(INDEX).COMPONENT_0 ;cond1=buf.(vvtag_indices(indat)).COMPONENT_1 cond1=buf.(INDEX).COMPONENT_1 x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,V_GSE_p') x1=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond1+'.HANDLE,np') ; Compute Pressure wnp=where(np eq fillval, wnpn) wv=where(V_GSE_p[0,*] eq fillval, wvn) num = n_elements(np)-1 pressure = fltarr(n_elements(np)) for i=0L, num do begin pressure[i] = coefficient*np[i]*V_GSE_p[0,i]^2.0 endfor if(wvn ne 0) then pressure[wv] = fillval if(wnpn ne 0) then pressure[wnp] = fillval nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=pressure) ;nbuf.(vvtag_indices(indat)).handle=nu_dat_handle nbuf.(INDEX).handle=nu_dat_handle ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf end FUNCTION Add_51s, buf, org_names, INDEX=INDEX, DEBUG=DEBUG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;Want to take the given variables value and add 51 to it. This was ;written specifically for po_h2_uvi, but is generic. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = Add_51s(buf,org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; # to add - defaults to 51 ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; INDEX : this can be set the structure variable index # for which ; you'd like this conversion. If this isn't set we'll look for the ; epoch variable. ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick 4/16/2001 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- status=0 num_milliseconds = 51000 ; 51 seconds in milliseconds ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in Add_51s.pro" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf epoch_names = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(epoch_names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 if (handle_found) then x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,parent_times') $ else x0=execute('parent_times = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') shifted_times = parent_times ; create the same sized array num = n_elements(parent_times)-1 for i=0L, num do begin shifted_times[i] = parent_times[i]+ num_milliseconds endfor if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=shifted_times) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=shifted_times endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in add_51s, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; FUNCTION Add_seconds, buf, org_names, seconds=seconds, INDEX=INDEX, DEBUG=DEBUG ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;Want to take the given "epoch" variables value and add "n" number of seconds ; to it. This was written specifically for po_h2_uvi, but is generic. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = Add_seconds(buf, org_names, seconds) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; seconds - the number of seconds to add to given time ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; # to add - defaults to 51 ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; INDEX : this can be set the structure variable index # for which ; you'd like this conversion. If this isn't set we'll look for the ; epoch variable. ; SECONDS - the number of seconds to add to given time ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick 1/24/2005 ; Generic version, to accept the number of seconds ; as a keyword ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- status=0 if (n_elements(seconds) gt 0) then seconds = seconds else seconds = 51 num_milliseconds = seconds * 1000L ;help, num_milliseconds ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in Add_51s.pro" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf epoch_names = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(epoch_names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 if (handle_found) then x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,parent_times') $ else x0=execute('parent_times = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') shifted_times = parent_times ; create the same sized array num = n_elements(parent_times)-1 for i=0L, num do begin shifted_times[i] = parent_times[i]+ num_milliseconds endfor if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=shifted_times) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=shifted_times endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in add_seconds, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FUNCTION compute_magnitude, buf, org_names, INDEX=INDEX, DEBUG=DEBUG ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;This routine computes the magnitude given a x,y,z vector variable ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = compute_magnitude(buf,org_names, INDEX=INDEX) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; none ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; INDEX : this can be set the structure variable index # for which ; you'd like this conversion. If this isn't set we'll look for the ; epoch variable. ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick 6/27/2001 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in compute_magnitude function" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf names = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 if (handle_found) then x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,parent') $ else x0=execute('parent = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') psize = size(parent, /struct) ; create a magnitude array magnitude = make_array(psize.dimensions[psize.n_dimensions-1]) if (psize.n_dimensions eq 1) then begin ;single record bx = parent[0] by = parent[1] bz = parent[2] magnitude = sqrt(bx*bx + by*by + bz*bz) endif else begin if (psize.n_dimensions eq 2) then begin num = psize.dimensions[1]-1 for i=0L, num do begin bx = parent[0, i] by = parent[1, i] bz = parent[2, i] magnitude[i] = sqrt(bx*bx + by*by + bz*bz) endfor endif endelse if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=magnitude) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=magnitude endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in compute_magnitude, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FUNCTION extract_array, buf, org_names, INDEX=INDEX, DEBUG=DEBUG ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;This routine extracts the requested (by specifying index in the ARG0 ;variable attribute value), the energy array given a 2-d energy ;vs. telescope array variable. This was written specifically for the ;RBSP RBSPICE datasets, but will be applicable to others in the future. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = extract_array(buf,org_names, INDEX=INDEX) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; none ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; INDEX : this can be set the structure variable index # for which ; you'd like this conversion. If this isn't set we'll look for the ; epoch variable. ; Looks for a new variable attribute called ARG0 - for the array ; index value to be used for the ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick 10/31/2012 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in compute_energy function" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf names = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the array element to pull out t = 0 t = buf.(vvar_index).ARG0 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 if (handle_found) then x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,parent') $ else x0=execute('parent = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') evarname = buf.(vvar_index).varname ; print, 'variable name requesting values = ',evarname ; print, 'array index = ',t psize = size(parent, /struct) if (psize.n_dimensions eq 2) then begin ; create a energy array energy = make_array(psize.dimensions[0]) energy = parent[*, t-1] ; fill array endif if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=energy) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=energy endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in extract_array, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;+ ; NAME: Function HEIGHT_ISIS ; ; PURPOSE: Retrieve only height from vector geo_coord: ; (lat1, lon1, height1, lat2, lon2, height2, lat3, lon3, height3, .....) ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = height_isis(buf,org_names,index) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; index - variable index, so we deal with one variable at a time. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; History: Written by RCJ 09/01, based on crop_image ;- function height_isis, buf, org_names, index=index ; status=0 print, 'In Height_isis' ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in height_isis" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(index)) ; look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. if(tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then $ component0=buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Check if the component0 variable exists component0_index = tagindex(component0,tagnames) ; get coordinates handle_value,buf.(component0_index).handle,geo_coord ; get height from coordinates height=0 ; RCJ 06/05/2014 Small change in read_myCDF (look for valid_recs_isis) ; prompted this change. array = [0, lat, lon, height, lat, lon, height, etc..] ; Old line: for i=2L,n_elements(geo_coord)-1,3 do height=[height,geo_coord[i]] for i=3L,n_elements(geo_coord)-1,3 do height=[height,geo_coord[i]] ; RCJ 10/01/2003 I would start the height array at [1:*] to eliminate the first ; 0 but a few more 0's come from read_mycdf so I have to start it at [2:*] : ;height=height[2:*] ; RCJ 06/05/2014 Small change in read_myCDF (look for valid_recs_isis) ; made this right again. height=height[1:*] buf.(index).handle=handle_create() handle_value,buf.(index).handle,height,/set ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(buf, org_names) return, buf ; end ;+ ; NAME: Function FLIP_IMAGE ; ; PURPOSE: Flip_image [*,*] ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = flip_image(buf,org_names,index) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; index - variable index, so we deal with one variable at a time. ; direction - IDL's 'rotate' input to determine which rotation and 'flip' to apply ; ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; History: Written by TJK 01/03 for use w/ IDL RPI data ; RCJ 29May2020 Added keyword direction to be able to use ; options from idl's 'rotate' ;- function flip_image, buf, org_names, index=idx, direction=dir status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in flip_image" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif if not keyword_set(dir) then dir=4 ; These are the options (mostly from idl's help) : ; Read the IDL help page note, applying rotation to image and array are not quite the same... ; Direction, Transpose?, Rot CCW, x1, y1, what it does to an image? ; 0 No None X0 Y0 ; 1 No 90deg -Y0 X0 rotate 90 deg CCW ; 2 No 180deg -X0 -Y0 rotate 180 deg CCW ; 3 No 270deg Y0 -X0 rotate 270 deg CCW ; 4 Yes None Y0 X0 rotate 90 deg CCW and flip on vert axis (default here since it was in the original flip_image) ; 5 Yes 90deg -X0 Y0 rotate 180 deg CCW and flip on horiz axis ; 6 Yes 180deg -Y0 -X0 rotate 270 deg CCW and flip on vert axis ; 7 Yes 270deg X0 -Y0 no rotation, just flip on horiz axis tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(idx)) ; look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. if(tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then $ component0=buf.(idx).COMPONENT_0 ; Check if the component0 variable exists (this is the parent variable) index = tagindex(component0,tagnames) if (index ge 0) then begin ; Check to see if HANDLE a tag name handle_found = 0 wh=where(tagnames1 eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then begin handle_found = 1 handle_value, buf.(index).HANDLE,idat datsz=size(idat) endif else begin idat=buf.(index).dat endelse isize = size(idat) ; determine the number of images in the data if (isize[0] eq 2) then nimages = 1 else nimages = isize[isize[0]] ;print,'Flip_image DEBUG', min(idat, max=dmax) & print, dmax for i = 0L, nimages-1 do begin if (nimages eq 1) then begin ;idat2 = rotate(idat,4) idat2 = rotate(idat,dir) endif else if ((nimages gt 1) and (i eq 0)) then begin ;set up an array to handle the "rotated images" dims = size(idat,/dimensions) dtype = size(idat,/type) ;TJK - 05/29/2003 originally just used this routine for images/byte arrays, ;now expanding its use for any type of array. Add the use of the /nozero ;keyword so that the make_array routine won't waste extra time setting every ;element to zero, since we're going to set the values in the next line. ; idat2 = bytarr(dims(1),dims(0),dims(2)) idat2 = make_array(dims[1],dims[0],dims[2], type=dtype, /nozero) ;idat2[*,*,i] = rotate(idat[*,*,i],4) idat2[*,*,i] = rotate(idat[*,*,i],dir) endif else begin ;idat2[*,*,i] = rotate(idat[*,*,i],4) idat2[*,*,i] = rotate(idat[*,*,i],dir) endelse endfor ;print, 'Flip_image DEBUG', min(idat2, max=dmax) & print, dmax idat = idat2 idat2 = 0 ;clear this array out if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=idat) buf.(idx).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin buf.(idx).dat=idat ;TJK this doesn't work (have to use a handle) endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(buf, org_names) endif else buf = -1 return, buf end ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function wind_plot, buf,org_names,index=index status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in wind_plot" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif ; Find virtual variables vvtag_names=strarr(1) vvtag_indices = vv_names(buf,NAMES=vvtag_names) if(vvtag_indices[0] lt 0) then begin print, "ERROR= No VIRTUAL variable found in wind_plot" print, "ERROR= Message: ",vvtag_indices[0] status = -1 return, status endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(index)) ;now look for the COMPONENT_0 and 1 attributes tag for this VV. if(tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then $ component0=buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 if(tagindex('COMPONENT_1', tagnames1) ge 0) then $ component1=buf.(index).COMPONENT_1 ; Check if the component0 and 1 variables exist: component0_index = tagindex(component0,tagnames) component1_index = tagindex(component1,tagnames) if((component0_index ge 0 )and (component1_index ge 0)) then begin if(tagindex('HANDLE',tagnames1) ge 0) then begin handle_value,buf.(component0_index).handle,zone handle_value,buf.(component1_index).handle,meri sz=size(zone) wind=fltarr(2,sz[2]) alt=(strtrim(strmid(org_names[index],strlen(org_names[index])-3,3),2))*1 handle_value,buf.alt_retrieved.handle,altr q=where(altr eq alt) wind[0,*]=reform(zone[q[0],*]) wind[1,*]=reform(meri[q[0],*]) buf.(index).handle=handle_create() handle_value,buf.(index).HANDLE,wind,/set endif else print, "Set /NODATASTRUCT keyword in call to read_myCDF"; endif else begin print, "ERROR= No COMPONENT0 and/or 1 variable found in wind_plot" print, "ERROR= Message: ",component0_index, component1_index status = -1 return, status endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(buf, org_names) return, buf end ; end of wind_plot FUNCTION comp_epoch, buf, org_names, index=index, DEBUG=DEBUG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;Compute the epoch values from two other variables ;In the case of THEMIS, this is samp_time_sec (time in seconds ;since Jan 1, 2001) Plus samp_time_subsec, which is 1/65536 sec. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = comp_epoch(buf,org_names,index=index) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; index of variable to populate. ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick 5/15/2006 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- print, 'DEBUG, In comp_epoch' status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in comp_epoch" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf epoch_names = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(epoch_names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 if (handle_found) then x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,parent_times') $ else x0=execute('parent_times = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') ; Determine the "parent variable's sidekick" component_1 cond1=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_1 if (handle_found) then x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond1+'.HANDLE,parent_subsec') $ else x0=execute('parent_subsec = buf.'+cond1+'.DAT') num = n_elements(parent_times) shifted_times = make_array(num, /double) subsec_times = make_array(num, /double) for i=0L, num-1 do begin ;get base THEMIS time (Jan, 1, 2001) cdf_epoch, base, 2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,/compute_epoch subsec_times[i] = ((double(parent_subsec[i])/65536)*1000D) shifted_times[i] = base + (double(parent_times[i])*1000D) + subsec_times[i] cdf_epoch, shifted_times[i], yr,mo,d,hr,mm,ss,mil,/breakdown endfor if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=shifted_times) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=shifted_times endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in comp_epoch, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end FUNCTION comp_themis_epoch, buf, org_names, index=index, DEBUG=DEBUG, $ sixteen=sixteen, MSEC=MSEC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;Compute the epoch values from two other variables, a base date, ;e.g. Jan 1, 1970 and a time offset in seconds that will be added to ;the base. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = comp_themis_epoch(buf,org_names,index=index) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Constants: ; ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; index - index of variable to populate. ; sixteen - if specified, epoch16 values will be computed and ; returned ; if not, regular epoch values are computed. ; MSEC - Set MSEC if the component_1 variable values are in ; milliseconds instead of seconds (ICON). ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick 5/15/2006 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;print, 'DEBUG, In comp_themis_epoch' status=0 ; Establish error handler ; catch, error_status ; if(error_status ne 0) then begin ; print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in comp_themis_epoch" ; print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING ; status = -1 ; return, status ; endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if keyword_set(SIXTEEN) then sixteen = 1L else sixteen = 0L if keyword_set(MSEC) then MSEC = 1L else MSEC = 0L if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf epoch_names = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(epoch_names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 if (handle_found) then x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,base_time') $ else x0=execute('base_time = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') ; Determine the "parent variable's sidekick" component_1 cond1=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_1 ;TJK 11/21/2008 - add check for whether the seconds variable handle is ; valid (greater than 0) - if not no data exists, get out if (handle_found) then x0 = execute('hv = buf.'+cond1+'.HANDLE') $ else x0=execute('hv = buf.'+cond1+'.DAT') if (hv[0] gt 0) then begin if (handle_found) then x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond1+'.HANDLE,seconds') $ else x0=execute('seconds = buf.'+cond1+'.DAT') ; Get the FILLVALs for component_0 and coomponent_1. Defautl values are NaN ; R. Yurow (May 21, 2024) comp0_fillval = !VALUES.d_nan comp1_fillval = !VALUES.d_nan ind = WHERE (STRUPCASE (cond0) eq TAG_NAMES (buf), found) IF found eq 1 THEN BEGIN comp0_fillval = buf.(ind).FILLVAL ENDIF ind = WHERE (STRUPCASE (cond1) eq TAG_NAMES (buf), found) IF found eq 1 THEN BEGIN comp1_fillval = buf.(ind).FILLVAL ENDIF num = n_elements(seconds) shifted_times = make_array(num, /double) ; print, 'base_time = ', base_time ; cdf_epoch, base_time, yr,mo,d,hr,mm,ss,mil,/breakdown ; print, 'base date ',yr,mo,d,hr,mm,ss,mil if (sixteen) then begin shifted_times = make_array(num, /dcomplex) psec_scale=1.e12 cdf_epoch, base_time, yr,mo,dd,hr,mm,ss,mil,/break cdf_epoch16, base_time16, yr,mo,dd,hr,mm,ss,mil,0,0,0,/compute endif ; print, 'Inside comp_themis_epoch, number of records will be ',num eps=buf.(vvar_index).fillval*1d-6 for i=0L, num-1 do begin ;subsec = (seconds[i]-LONG64(seconds[i])) ; RCJ 08Feb2018 Added a test before calculating subsec to avoid IDL error ; if seconds is fillval or NaN if (finite(seconds[i]) or $ (seconds[i] gt buf.(vvar_index).fillval+eps or seconds[i] lt buf.(vvar_index).fillval-eps)) then $ subsec = (seconds[i]-floor(seconds[i],/l64)) else subsec=0.d0 ; Check for and handle FILLVALs in either base component or the seconds component ; R. Yurow (May 21, 2024) is_fillval = 0 IF ~(finite (base_time) || finite (comp0_fillval)) || base_time eq comp0_fillval THEN is_fillval = 1 IF ~(finite (seconds [0]) || finite (comp1_fillval)) || seconds [i] eq comp1_fillval THEN is_fillval = 1 IF is_fillval then begin shifted_times [i] = buf.(vvar_index).fillval CONTINUE ENDIF if (sixteen) then begin ; compute the shifted time as epoch16 psecs = subsec*psec_scale ;shifted_times[i] = DCOMPLEX(REAL_PART(base_time16)+LONG64(seconds[i]), IMAGINARY(base_time16)+ psecs) shifted_times[i] = DCOMPLEX(REAL_PART(base_time16)+floor(seconds[i],/l64), IMAGINARY(base_time16)+ psecs) ; cdf_epoch16, shifted_times[i], yr,mo,dd,hr,mm,ss,mil,micro,nano,pico,/break ; print,yr,mo,dd,hr,mm,ss,mil,micro,nano,pico endif else begin ;TJK 11/21/2017 - add chec for MSEC keyword - if set seconds is really milliseconds if finite(seconds[i]) then begin ;test to see if the seconds value is good if (MSEC) then shifted_times[i] = base_time + seconds[i] $ else shifted_times[i] = base_time + (seconds[i]*1000D) endif else begin ; This branch should probably also be rewritten in a similar manner to the epcoh16 branch, ; that is to test both seconds and base_time for fill values acquired from the actual master ; instead of using hardwired values (though they are most likely to be valid). ; In any case, the value -1.0e+31 is incorrect (it is float, when it should be double) ; The correct value is -1.0d+31. But instead of changing it, we will use the actual fill ; value for the variable. ; R. Yurow (May 21, 2024) ; shifted_times[i] = -1.0e+31 ;set the value to fill shifted_times[i] = buf.(vvar_index).fillval cdf_epoch, shifted_times[i], yr,mo,dd,hr,mm,ss,mil,/break print, '** From comp_themis_epoch, seconds = ',seconds[i],' index = ', i print, '** Epoch being set to -1.0e+31, year, month, day, etc ',yr,mo,dd,hr,mm,ss,mil endelse endelse endfor ;TJK 11/21/2008 add else to if no valid handle value found for the time variable ;get the fill value and set it to "shifted_times" endif else begin shifted_times = buf.(vvar_index).fillval print, 'DEBUG - In comp_themis_epoch, no epoch found, set to fill ',shifted_times endelse if (handle_found eq 1) then begin if hv eq 0 then begin ; RCJ 20Sep2018 If hv=0 -> component_1 has a handle of 0 ! This causes errors when listing data ; So remove the var from the structure and also the var dependent on this component ; but leave component_0 alone since it's needed for other vars ; This came about because of dataset thg_l1_ask, where a given ground station ; could simply not be present in the data cdf. print,'WARNING: Virtual_funcs: Var does not exist in cdf, removing var from structure' nbuf=create_struct(nbuf,remove=(where(tag_names(nbuf) eq strupcase(cond1)))[0]) nbuf=create_struct(nbuf,remove=(where(tag_names(nbuf) eq strupcase(nbuf.(vvar_index).varname)))[0]) endif else begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=shifted_times) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endelse endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=shifted_times endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in comp_themis_epoch, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end ;------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION comp_aim_epoch, buf, org_names, index=index, DEBUG=DEBUG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; PURPOSE: ; ;Compute the epoch values from the parent variable, which in the AIM ;case is they're giving us yyyymmdd as an int and we need to convert ;it to an epoch ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; new_buf = comp_aim_epoch(buf,org_names,index=index) ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_mynetcdf ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Constants: ; Keyword Parameters: ; index - index of variable to populate. ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;print, 'DEBUG, In comp_aim_epoch' status=0 org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf epoch_names = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(epoch_names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 which should contain ; integer values of the form yyyymmdd cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 if (handle_found) then x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,aim_time') $ else x0=execute('aim_time = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') ;convert the given integers into Epoch values ntimes = n_elements(aim_time) epoch = make_array(ntimes, /double) if ntimes ge 1 then begin for i = 0, ntimes-1 do begin if aim_time[0] gt 19800101 then begin xstring = strtrim(aim_time[i],2) ; convert to string in order to pull out the year, month and day year = float(strmid(xstring, 0,4)) ;pull out the parts and put back to ints month = float(strmid(xstring, 4,2)) day = float(strmid(xstring, 6,2)) cdf_epoch, val, year, month, day, 0,0,0,/compute_epoch ;compute the epoch value from the int: yyyymmdd endif else cdf_epoch, val, 2000, 1, 1, 0,0,0,/compute_epoch ;compute the epoch value for a random start time 2000/01/01 epoch[i] = val ; for some reason cdf_epoch won't put the value directly into the array... endfor endif ;send the computed epoch value(s) back in a new handle or in the .dat ;structure member if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=epoch) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=epoch endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared ; as data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in comp_aim_epoch, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end ;------------------------------------------------------------- function error_bar_array, buf, index=index, value=value ; ; RCJ Apr 2008 Given a fixed uncertainty value, an array ; will be generated, the size of the component_0 var, and ; the array will be populated w/ that value. ; tagnames=tag_names(buf) tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(index)) if(tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then $ component0=buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 component0_index = tagindex(component0,tagnames) if(component0_index ge 0) then begin if(tagindex('HANDLE',tagnames1) ge 0) then begin handle_value,buf.(component0_index).HANDLE,comp0 sz=size(comp0,/n_elements) er=fltarr(sz) & er[*]=value buf.(index).handle=handle_create() handle_value,buf.(index).handle,er,/set endif else begin print, "ERROR= No COMPONENT0 variable found in error_bar_array" print, "ERROR= Message: ",component0_index status = -1 return, status endelse endif return,buf ; end FUNCTION convert_toev, buf, org_names, index=index, DEBUG=DEBUG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;Convert the Electron Velocity into Electron Energy ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = convert_toeV(buf,org_names,index=index) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; index of variable to populate. ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick 7/1/2008 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- print, 'DEBUG, In convert_toev' status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in convert_toev" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf velh = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(velh eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 if (handle_found) then begin x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,velocity') x0=execute('fillval = buf.'+cond0+'.fillval') print, 'velocity fillvalu = ',fillval endif else begin x0=execute('velocity = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') endelse num = n_elements(velocity) energy = velocity ;want the same data type and array sizes for i=0L, num-1 do begin if (velocity[i] ne fillval) then energy[i] = (velocity[i] / 0.593098E+08)^2 endfor if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=energy) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=energy endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in convert_toev, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end FUNCTION spdf_compute_mean, buf, org_names, index=index, DEBUG=DEBUG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;Compute mean value ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = spdf_compute_mean(buf,org_names,index=index) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; index of variable to populate. ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 C. Gladney 10/03/2018 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;print, 'DEBUG, In spdf_compute_mean' status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in spdf_compute_mean" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf velh = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(velh eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 if (handle_found) then begin x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,dataVals') x0=execute('fillval = buf.'+cond0+'.fillval') ;print, 'fillvalue = ',fillval endif else begin x0=execute('dataVals = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') endelse meanDataVals = dataVals[0,*] meanDataVals = REFORM(meanDataVals) numRows = n_elements(meanDataVals) arrSize = size(dataVals) numCols = arrSize[1] ;determine how many dimensions we are averaging across validmin = buf.(index).validmin validmax = buf.(index).validmax for i=0L, numRows-1 do begin ;initialize variables sum = 0 summedCols = 0 for j=0L, numCols-1 do begin if (dataVals[j,i] GE validmin) && (dataVals[j,i] LE validmax) then begin sum = sum + dataVals[j,i] summedCols = summedCols+1 endif endfor if summedCols EQ 0 then meanDataVals[i] = fillval else meanDataVals[i] = sum/summedCols ;Setting meanDataVals = fillval whenever no values given to us are within the range of [validmin,validmax] endfor if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=meanDataVals) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=meanDataVals endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in spdf_compute_mean, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end FUNCTION convert_Ni, buf, org_names, index=index, DEBUG=DEBUG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;Convert the Log of total ion density to regular ion density ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = convert_Ni(buf,org_names,index=index) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; index of variable to populate. ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick 7/1/2008 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- print, 'DEBUG, In convert_Ni' status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in convert_Ni" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf var = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(var eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 if (handle_found) then begin x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,log_density') x0=execute('fillval = buf.'+cond0+'.fillval') print, 'log_density fillvalu = ',fillval endif else begin x0=execute('log_density = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') endelse num = n_elements(log_density) density = log_density ;want the same data type and array sizes for i=0L, num-1 do begin if (density[i] ne fillval) then density[i] = 10^(log_density[i]) endfor if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=density) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=density endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in convert_Ni, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: Function CONV_POS_HUNGARIAN ; ; PURPOSE: Convert cl_sp_aux positions x,y,z from GSE to GEI (GCI). ; It could be confusing to the user that the GSE positions ; are given in 'reference s/c position' and 'delta s/c positions' ; while all GEI positions will be their real positions, ie, no ; reference s/c and no deltas. ; ; INPUT: ; buf an IDL structure ; org_names an array of original variables sent to read_myCDF ; index variable position in buf ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; newbuf = conv_pos_hungarian(buf,org_names,index=index) ; function conv_pos_hungarian, buf, org_names,INDEX=INDEX status=0 ; Establish error handler ;catch, error_status ;if(error_status ne 0) then begin ; print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in conv_pos_hungarian.pro" ; print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING ; status = -1 ; return, status ;endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(index)) ; look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. if(tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin component0=buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Check if the component0 variable exists component0_index = tagindex(component0,tagnames) ; get coordinates handle_value,buf.(component0_index).handle,gse_xyz endif ; look for the COMPONENT_1 attribute tag for this VV. if(tagindex('COMPONENT_1', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin component1=buf.(index).COMPONENT_1 component1_index = tagindex(component1,tagnames) if (component1_index ne -1) then handle_value,buf.(component1_index).handle,gse_dx_xyz endif ; get time values if(tagindex('DEPEND_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then $ depend0=buf.(index).DEPEND_0 ; Check if the depend0 variable exists depend0_index = tagindex(depend0,tagnames) ; get time handle_value,buf.(depend0_index).handle,depend0 ; calculate xyz in gei from gse. Add delta to gse if this is s/c 1,2, or 4 if (component1_index ne -1) then gse_xyz=gse_xyz+gse_dx_xyz gei_xyz=gse_xyz ; actual values will be replaced year=0 & month=0 & day=0 & hour=0 & minute=0 & sec=0 ; init params for recalc for i=0L,n_elements(gei_xyz[0,*])-1 do begin recalc,year,day,hour,min,sec,epoch=depend0[i] ; setup conversion values ; Create scalar variables required when calling geopack routines geigse,xgei,ygei,zgei,gse_xyz[0,i],gse_xyz[1,i],gse_xyz[2,i],-1,depend0[i] ; gei_xyz[0,i]=xgei gei_xyz[1,i]=ygei gei_xyz[2,i]=zgei endfor buf.(index).handle=handle_create() handle_value,buf.(index).handle,gei_xyz,/set ; ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(buf, org_names) return, buf ; end ;Correct FAST DCF By FUNCTION correct_FAST_By, buf, org_names, INDEX=INDEX, DEBUG=DEBUG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; Sign switch is required because Westward component has incorrect ; sign for that portion of the FAST orbit where the spacecraft is ; moving from high to low latitudes. ; For high to low latitude orbits the spin-axis is Westward ; For low to high latitude orbist the spin-axis is Eastward ; Magnetometer data in original key-parameter files appear to be ; in the minus spin-axis direction. ; Algorithm developed by R. J. Strangeway (UCLA), March 27,2012 ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = convert_Ni(buf,org_names,index=index) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; index of variable to populate. ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick March 28, 2012 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- print, 'DEBUG, In correct_FAST_By' status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in correct_FAST_By" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif org_names=strupcase(org_names) if keyword_set(DEBUG) then DEBUG=1L else DEBUG=0L ;Get the virtual variables index #. if (n_elements(INDEX) gt 0) then vvar_index = INDEX else print, 'No virtual variable specified.' if (vvar_index ge 0) then begin nbuf=buf var = tag_names(buf.(vvar_index)) handle_found = 0 ; Check to see if HANDLE is a tag name wh=where(var eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then handle_found = 1 ; Determine the "parent variable" component_0 cond0=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_0 ; BY cond1=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_1 ; unix_time cond2=buf.(vvar_index).COMPONENT_2 ; ilat if (handle_found) then begin x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond0+'.HANDLE,BY') x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond1+'.HANDLE,unix_time') x0=execute('handle_value, buf.'+cond2+'.HANDLE,ilat') x0=execute('fillval = buf.'+cond0+'.fillval') ;print, 'BY fillvalu = ',fillval endif else begin x0=execute('BY = buf.'+cond0+'.DAT') x0=execute('unix_time = buf.'+cond1+'.DAT') x0=execute('ilat = buf.'+cond2+'.DAT') endelse num = n_elements(BY) correct_BY = BY ;want the same data type and array sizes ;make the corrected values here ; set flagged data to nans ;TJK changed test for -1.e30 to fillval bf = where (ilat lt fillval, nf) if (nf gt 0) then ilat[bf]=!values.f_nan bf = where (BY lt fillval, nf) if (nf gt 0) then BY[bf]=!values.f_nan ; set up arrays change_flag=intarr(n_elements(ilat)) bf = where(finite(ilat),nf) ; RCJ 05/22/2012 added this portion, in case n_elements(bf) eq 1 if n_elements(bf) eq 1 then begin dlat=ilat dt=unix_time nxt=ilat*0. prv=nxt nxt=dlat prv=dlat dtn=unix_time*0.d0 dtp=dtn dtn=dt dtp=dt endif else begin dlat=ilat[bf[1:nf-1L]]-ilat[bf[0:nf-2L]] dt=unix_time[bf[1:nf-1L]]-unix_time[bf[0:nf-2L]] nxt=ilat*0. prv=nxt nxt[bf[0:nf-2L]]=dlat prv[bf[1:nf-1L]]=dlat dtn=unix_time*0.d0 dtp=dtn dtn[bf[0:nf-2L]]=dt dtp[bf[1:nf-1L]]=dt endelse ; now set the change_flag bc = where((nxt lt 0) and (dtn lt 7.5d0),nc) if (nc gt 0) then change_flag[bc]=1 bc = where((prv lt 0) and (dtp lt 7.5d0),nc) if (nc gt 0) then change_flag[bc]=1 ; switch the sign of the BY (Westward component) BY=BY*(1.-2.*change_flag) ;finished with correction if (handle_found eq 1) then begin nu_dat_handle=handle_create(value=BY) nbuf.(vvar_index).handle=nu_dat_handle endif else begin nbuf.(vvar_index).dat=BY endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to metadata ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(nbuf, org_names) return, nbuf endif else begin print, 'No valid variable found in correct_FAST_By, returning -1' return, -1 endelse end ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: Function compute_cadence ; ; PURPOSE: Determine the resolution between epoch values so that one ; can easily see where the "burst" data is located. Originally ; implemented for the messenger_mag_rtn dataset. ; ; ; INPUT: ; buf an IDL structure ; org_names an array of original variables sent to read_myCDF ; index variable position in buf ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; newbuf = compute_cadence(buf,org_names,index=index) ; function compute_cadence, buf, org_names,INDEX=INDEX status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in compute_cadence" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(index)) ; look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. if(tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then begin component0=buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Check if the component0 variable exists component0_index = tagindex(component0,tagnames) ; get epoch handle_value,buf.(component0_index).handle,epoch endif ; calculate the cadence from one epoch to the next. num_epochs = n_elements(epoch) ; Modification made by Ron Yurow (11/13/2014) ; Check to make sure that CDF contains at least three records in order to ; correctly compute a cadence. ; Removed by Ron Yurow (11/14/2014) ; So that an actual cadence will be returned no matter how many records are ; the CDF contains. ;if (num_epochs lt 3) then begin ; print, "ERROR= error detected in compute_cadence" ; print, "ERROR= Message: Not enough epoch values to correctly compute cadence values." ; status = -1 ; return, status ;endif cadence = make_array(num_epochs, /double) ; Modification made by Ron Yurow (11/14/2014) ; Added special cases to handle when there are only 1 or 2 epochs in the CDF ; A single epoch will result in a cadence of the FILLVAL ; Two epochs will actually result in reasonable values for cadence. ; I think .... case num_epochs of 1: cadence [0] = buf.(component0_index).fillval 2: begin cadence[0] = epoch[1]-epoch[0] cadence[1] = epoch[1]-epoch[0] end else: begin cadence[0] = epoch[1]-epoch[0] cadence[num_epochs-1] = epoch[num_epochs-1]-epoch[num_epochs-2] for i=1L,num_epochs-2 do begin if(epoch[i+1]-epoch[i]) < (epoch[i]-epoch[i-1])then $ cadence[i] = epoch[i+1]-epoch[i] else cadence[i] = epoch[i]-epoch[i-1] endfor end endcase buf.(index).handle=handle_create() handle_value,buf.(index).handle,cadence,/set ; ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(buf, org_names) return, buf ; end ;Function: Apply_rtn_qflag ;Purpose: To use the quality variable to "filter out bad messenger ;data points" ;Author: Tami Kovalick, Adnet, May, 2012 ; ; function apply_rtn_qflag, astruct, orig_names, index=index ;Input: astruct: the structure, created by read_myCDF that should ; contain at least one Virtual variable. ; orig_names: the list of varibles that exist in the structure. ; index: the virtual variable (index number) for which this function ; is being called to compute. If this isn't defined, then ; the function will find the 1st virtual variable. ;this code assumes that the Component_0 is the "parent" variable, ;Component_1 should be the filter/quality variable. ;astruct will contain all of the variables and metadata necessary ;to filter out the bad flux values (based on the filter variables values - ;a value != 222 or 223. atags = tag_names(astruct) ;get the variable names. vv_tagnames=strarr(1) vv_tagindx = vv_names(astruct,names=vv_tagnames) ;find the virtual vars if keyword_set(index) then begin index = index endif else begin ;get the 1st vv index = vv_tagindx[0] if (vv_tagindx[0] lt 0) then return, -1 endelse ;print, 'In Apply_rtn_qflag' ;print, 'Index = ',index ;print, 'Virtual variable ', atags(index) ;print, 'original variables ',orig_names ;help, /struct, astruct ;stop; c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_0 ;1st component var (real flux var) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the real data var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then parent_data = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, parent_data endelse fill_val = astruct.(var_idx).fillval endif else print, 'Apply_rtn_qflag - parent variable not found' data_size = size(parent_data) if (data_size[1] gt 0) then begin c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_1 ; should be the quality variable if (c_0 ne '') then begin ; var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then quality_data = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, quality_data endelse endif else print, 'Quality variable not found' ;help, quality_data ;stop; temp = where((quality_data ne 222 and quality_data ne 223), badcnt) if (badcnt ge 1) then begin print, 'found some bad rtn data, replacing ',badcnt, ' out of ', data_size[1],' values with fill.' parent_data[temp] = fill_val endif else begin print, 'All ',astruct.(index).COMPONENT_0,' data good' endelse ;now, need to fill the virtual variable data structure with this new data array ;and "turn off" the original variable. ; ;print, 'badcnt',badcnt ;help, parent_data ;stop; temp = handle_create(value=parent_data) astruct.(index).HANDLE = temp parent_data = 1B quality_data = 1B ; Check astruct and reset variables not in orignal variable list to metadata, ; so that variables that weren't requested won't be plotted/listed. status = check_myvartype(astruct, orig_names) return, astruct endif else return, -1 ;if there's no rtn B radial/tangent/normal data return -1 end ;Function: Apply_rtn_cadence ;Purpose: To use the quality variable to "filter out values ;when the time cadence is less than 200. ;Author: Tami Kovalick, Adnet, May, 2012 ; ; function apply_rtn_cadence, astruct, orig_names, index=index ;Input: astruct: the structure, created by read_myCDF that should ; contain at least one Virtual variable. ; orig_names: the list of varibles that exist in the structure. ; index: the virtual variable (index number) for which this function ; is being called to compute. If this isn't defined, then ; the function will find the 1st virtual variable. ;this code assumes that the Component_0 is the "parent" variable, ;Component_1 should be the filter/quality variable. ;astruct will contain all of the variables and metadata necessary ;to filter out the values where the time cadence is less than 200. atags = tag_names(astruct) ;get the variable names. vv_tagnames=strarr(1) vv_tagindx = vv_names(astruct,names=vv_tagnames) ;find the virtual vars if keyword_set(index) then begin index = index endif else begin ;get the 1st vv index = vv_tagindx[0] if (vv_tagindx[0] lt 0) then return, -1 endelse ;print, 'In Apply_rtn_cadence' ;print, 'Index = ',index ;print, 'Virtual variable ', atags(index) ;print, 'original variables ',orig_names ;help, /struct, astruct ;stop; c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_0 ;1st component var (real variable) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the real data var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then parent_data = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) if (astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE ne 0) then begin handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, parent_data endif else begin ;need to call the virtual function to compute the quality variables when they don't exist astruct = apply_rtn_qflag(temporary(astruct),orig_names,index=var_idx) handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, parent_data endelse endelse fill_val = astruct.(var_idx).fillval endif else print, 'Apply_rtn_cadence - parent variable not found' data_size = size(parent_data) type_code = size(parent_data,/type) if (data_size[1] gt 0) then begin c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_1 ; should be the time cadence variable if (c_0 ne '') then begin ; var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then cadence_data = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) if (astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE ne 0) then begin handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, cadence_data endif else begin ;need to call the virtual function to compute the epoch_cadence when it doesn't exist yet. astruct = compute_cadence(temporary(astruct),orig_names,index=var_idx) handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, cadence_data endelse endelse endif else print, 'Cadence variable not defined' temp = where((cadence_data gt 200), tcnt) ngood = data_size[1] - tcnt ;if (tcnt ge 1) then begin if (ngood ge 1) then begin print, 'removing rtn data gt 200, making a smaller array, original = ',data_size[1],' new size = ', ngood new_data = make_array(ngood, type=type_code) new_data = parent_data[temp] endif else begin new_data = make_array(1, type=type_code) new_data[0] = fill_val print, 'No cadence <200 data found for ',astruct.(index).COMPONENT_0 endelse ;now, need to fill the virtual variable data structure with this new data array ;and "turn off" the original variable. ; ;print, 'tcnt',tcnt ;help, new_data ;stop; temp = handle_create(value=new_data) astruct.(index).HANDLE = temp parent_data = 1B cadence_data = 1B ; Check astruct and reset variables not in orignal variable list to metadata, ; so that variables that weren't requested won't be plotted/listed. status = check_myvartype(astruct, orig_names) return, astruct endif else return, -1 ;if there's no rtn data return -1 end ;The following code was written by Tami Kovalick (ADNET) at GSFC ;Written on 10/21/2019 in order to flatten data stored as 1-d, but the ;the data is meant to be plotted as a time series plot (the associated ;time stamps for the expanded data are in the data cdfs, so ;they don't need to be computed). ; function flatten_plain, sdata sdata_type = size(sdata, /type) sdata_dims = size(sdata, /dimensions) new_sdata = make_array(sdata_dims[1]*sdata_dims[0], type=sdata_type, value=0) ;lay out the Sdata into one long time series ;compute the new epochs based on the base_epoch plus time_offsets for ;each base k = 0UL ; counter for the number of elements in the new arrays (needs to be big) for i=0,sdata_dims[1]-1 do begin for j=0,sdata_dims[0]-1 do begin new_sdata[k] = sdata[j,i] k = k + 1 endfor endfor return, new_sdata end ; flatten_plain function flatten_data_gold, astruct, org_names, INDEX=index, DEBUG=DEBUG ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;This routine computes TT2000 epochs from the base times and the ;timeoffsets. NEED to define the computed epoch variable in the ;master to be of type tt2000. Also restructures the data from ;size N elements/record out to a single dimensioned array for ;display as a timeseries (where the original/parent data is set ;up for a spectrogram display) ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = flatten_data_gold(buf,org_names, INDEX=INDEX) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; none ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; INDEX : this can be set the structure variable index # for which ; you'd like this conversion. If this isn't set we'll look for the ; 1st variable that's defined as "virtual". ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; If the index of the Virtual variable is given, us it, if not, then ; find the 1st virtual variable in the structure. atags = tag_names(astruct) ;get the variable names. vv_tagnames=strarr(1) vv_tagindx = vv_names(astruct,names=vv_tagnames) ;find the virtual vars if keyword_set(index) then begin index = index endif else begin ;get the 1st vv index = vv_tagindx[0] if (vv_tagindx[0] lt 0) then return, -1 endelse print, 'In flatten_data_gold' print, 'original variables ',org_names c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_0 ;1st component var (real/parent variable) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the real data var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then Samples = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) if (astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE ne 0) then $ handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, Samples endelse fill_val = astruct.(var_idx).fillval endif else print, 'flatten_data_gold - parent variable not found' ;Get the datatype to determine how to process the different types of ;data. Doesn't seem to be any other way to determine some of this. datatype = astruct.(var_idx).data_type dtype = 1 ;if strcmp(datatype, 'emfisis', 7, /fold_case) then dtype = 1 ;if strcmp(datatype, 'TDS', 3, /fold_case) then dtype = 2 print, 'flatten_datatype ',datatype, dtype new_samples = flatten_plain(Samples) ;help, Samples ;help, new_samples ;stop; ;Populate the samples variable in the structure temp = handle_create(value=new_samples) astruct.(index).HANDLE = temp ; Check buf and reset variables not in orignal variable list to metadata status = check_myvartype(astruct, org_names) return, astruct end ;+ ; NAME: Function flatten_data ; ; PURPOSE: Remove any dimensionality from data array. ; ; DETAILED DESCRIPTION: ; ; The flatten_data function removes any dimensionality from the data, ; effectively turning every element into a record with a single value. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = flatten_data (buf, org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ; History: Written by Ron Yurow 3/3/20, based on alternate_view ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION flatten_data, astruct, org_names, INDEX=index, DEBUG=DEBUG ; Establish error handler catch, error_status IF (error_status ne 0) THEN BEGIN print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in flatten_data" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status ENDIF tagnames = tag_names(astruct) tagnums = n_tags(astruct) tagnames1 = tag_names (astruct.(index)) ; now look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. component0_index = !NULL IF (tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN component0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Get the index of the component 0 variable. component0_index = tagindex (component0, tagnames) endif ; and get the fill value fillval = !NULL IF (tagindex('FILLVAL', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN fillval = astruct.(index).FILLVAL ENDIF ; Make sure we got a COMPONENT_0 IF (component0_index ne !NULL) THEN BEGIN ; WARNING if /NODATASTRUCT keyword not set an error will occur here IF (tagindex ('HANDLE', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN ; flatten the data. handle_value, astruct.(component0_index).handle, mydata mydata = mydata [*] ;help, mydata ;stop astruct.(index).HANDLE = handle_create () HANDLE_VALUE, astruct.(index).HANDLE, mydata, /SET ENDIF ENDIF status = check_myvartype (astruct, org_names) RETURN, astruct END ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;The following code was written by Tami Kovalick (ADNET) at GSFC ;Written on 3/8/2013 in order to expand the waveform data and times ;for a time series plot (data is structured as a spectrogram in the ;data files). ; function expand_wave_data, astruct, org_names, INDEX=index, DEBUG=DEBUG ; ; PURPOSE: ; ;This routine computes TT2000 epochs from the base times and the ;timeoffsets. NEED to define the computed epoch variable in the ;master to be of type tt2000. Also restructures the data from ;size N elements/record out to a single dimensioned array for ;display as a timeseries (where the original/parent data is set ;up for a spectrogram display) ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = expand_wave_data(buf,org_names, INDEX=INDEX) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; Constants: ; ; none ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; INDEX : this can be set the structure variable index # for which ; you'd like this conversion. If this isn't set we'll look for the ; 1st variable that's defined as "virtual". ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; If the index of the Virtual variable is given, us it, if not, then ; find the 1st virtual variable in the structure. atags = tag_names(astruct) ;get the variable names. vv_tagnames=strarr(1) vv_tagindx = vv_names(astruct,names=vv_tagnames) ;find the virtual vars if keyword_set(index) then begin index = index endif else begin ;get the 1st vv index = vv_tagindx[0] if (vv_tagindx[0] lt 0) then return, -1 endelse ;print, 'In Expand_wave_data' ;print, 'original variables ',org_names c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_0 ;1st component var (real/parent wave variable) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the real data var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then Samples = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) if (astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE ne 0) then $ handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, Samples endelse fill_val = astruct.(var_idx).fillval endif else print, 'expand_wave_data - parent variable not found' ;Get the datatype to determine how to process the different types of ;data. Doesn't seem to be any other way to determine some of this. datatype = astruct.(var_idx).data_type dtype = 1 if strcmp(datatype, 'emfisis', 7, /fold_case) then dtype = 1 if strcmp(datatype, 'TDS', 3, /fold_case) then dtype = 2 print, 'Expand_wave_datatype ',datatype, dtype c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_1 ;2nd component var (Epoch) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the Epoch base value var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then Epoch_base = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) if (astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE ne 0) then $ handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, Epoch_base endelse ; ; RCJ 09/01/2015 Shouldn't make Epoch (depend_0) ignore_data w/o testing. It could be ; used for another requested variable. Make array of depend_0's for ; vars that are 'data' and see if any is Epoch. More/different tests might be needed ; later. qq='' for k=0,n_elements(atags)-1 do begin if astruct.(k).var_type eq 'data' then qq=[qq,strupcase(astruct.(k).depend_0)] endfor q=where(qq eq c_0) ; c_0 always Epoch here? if q[0] eq -1 then astruct.(var_idx).var_type = 'ignore_data' ; ; ;astruct.(var_idx).var_type = 'ignore_data' endif else print, 'expand_wave_data - Epoch_base variable not found' ;TJK made an NRV version of the timeOffsets variable - so using this c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_2 ;3rd component var (time_offsets) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the time offset values var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then time_offsets = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) if (astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE ne 0) then $ handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, time_offsets endelse ; RCJ 09/23/2015 Same as above for component_1, make component_2 'ignore_data' if not ; used for another requested variable. qq='' for k=0,n_elements(atags)-1 do begin if astruct.(k).var_type eq 'data' then qq=[qq,strupcase(astruct.(k).depend_0)] endfor q=where(qq eq c_0) ; c_0 always Epoch here? if q[0] eq -1 then astruct.(var_idx).var_type = 'ignore_data' ; endif else print, 'expand_wave_data - time_offsets variable not found' ;New epoch variable to be computed/created c_0 = astruct.(index).DEPEND_0 ;1st component var (real wave variable) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the new Epoch variable new_epoch_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(new_epoch_idx)) ;tags for the new Epoch variable. d = tagindex('CDFTYPE',itags) tt2k = 0 if (d[0] ne -1) then begin new_e_dtype = astruct.(new_epoch_idx).CDFTYPE if (new_e_dtype eq 'CDF_TIME_TT2000') then tt2k = 1 endif endif ; nrec = n_elements(Epoch_base) ;lenwave= n_elements(time_offsets) ;should be 4096 time_size= size(time_offsets) ;can use above line w/ the time_offsets varys w/ time (2-d) lenwave = time_size[1];need the size of the 2nd dimension ; number of result records num_new_epoch= nrec*lenwave ;new_epoch = make_array(num_new_epoch+1, /double) ; regular epoch new_epoch = make_array(num_new_epoch, /double) ; regular epoch need_to_convert_base = 1 if (size(Epoch_base[0],/tname) eq 'LONG64') then need_to_convert_base = 0 if (tt2k) then begin ;checks for tt2k new_epoch = lon64arr(num_new_epoch, /nozero) ;tt2k epoch if (not need_to_convert_base) then time_offsets = long64(temporary(time_offsets)) ; convert so math will work below endif print, 'In expand wave data ' ;convert the cdf_epoch array to cdf_tt2000's if our new_epoch ;is going to be of type tt2000 and our base epoch is cdf_epoch if (need_to_convert_base and tt2k) then begin ;CDF_Epoch, Epoch_base, year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,micro,nano,/TOINTEGER,/BREAK ; RCJ 25Jul2019 cdf_epoch does not return micro or nano CDF_Epoch, Epoch_base, year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,/TOINTEGER,/BREAK micro=(Epoch_base-floor(Epoch_base,/l64))*1.e3 nano=(micro-floor(micro,/l64))*1.e3 ; print, 'Epoch base value = ', year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,micro,nano CDF_TT2000, tt_Epoch_base, year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,micro,nano,/COMPUTE endif samples_type = size(samples, /type) ;new_samples = make_array(num_new_epoch+1, type=samples_type, value=0) new_samples = make_array(num_new_epoch, type=samples_type, value=0) ;lay out the Samples into one long time series ;compute the new epochs based on the base_epoch plus time_offsets for ;each base ;TJK debug open and write computed values to a file ;openw, Ounit, 'times.txt', /get_lun ;;printf,format='(a)', Ounit, 'new voyager epoch date :' ;printf, Ounit, ' year month day hour minute second milli micro nano' k = 0UL ; counter for the number of elements in the new arrays (needs to be big) for i=0,nrec-1 do begin time_varies = 0 if (size(time_offsets, /n_dim) eq 2) then time_varies = 1 if (time_varies) then begin ;time_offsets, vary w/ time for j=0,lenwave-1 do begin if (tt2k and dtype eq 2) then begin ;for wind tds time_offsets are in seconds so *1000000000 to get nanoseconds offset = long64(1000000000*time_offsets[j,i]) ; and have to call long64 or else math below doesn't happen! new_epoch[k] = tt_Epoch_base[i]+offset ;CDF_EPOCH,new_epoch[k],year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,micro,nano,/TOINTEGER,/BREAK ; RCJ 25Jul2019 cdf_epoch does not return micro or nano CDF_EPOCH,new_epoch[k],year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,/TOINTEGER,/BREAK micro=(new_epoch[k]-floor(new_epoch[k],/l64))*1.e3 ; print, 'new epoch date : ',year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,micro,nano ; print, new_epoch[k] endif else begin new_epoch[k] = Epoch_base[i]+time_offsets[j,i] ; CDF_EPOCH,new_epoch[k],year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,/BREAK ; print, 'new epoch date : ',year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli endelse new_samples[k] = Samples[j,i] k = k + 1 endfor endif else begin ;time_offsets don't vary w/ time. For the RBSP waveform emfisis cdfs ;just use the 1st records time_offsets ; OR for when there's only one ; real epoch value found for ; the user's request ; print, 'Multiplying time_offset by 1000000000 to get nanoseconds ' for j=0,lenwave-1 do begin ; print, 'time offset = ', time_offsets[j] if (tt2k) then begin case dtype of 1: begin ; for voyager ;offset for voyager only needs to ;convert micro to nanoseconds (*1000) offset = long64(1000*time_offsets[j]) ;voyager new_epoch[k] = Epoch_base[i] + offset ; voyager ;debug lines follow to show the values used to make the new_epoch ; CDF_tt2000,new_epoch[k],year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli, micro, nano,/BREAK ; printf, Ounit, 'new date', year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milli, micro, nano ;TJK DEBUG line = string(year)+ string(month)+ string(day) + string(hour) + string(minute) + string(second) +string(milli)+string(micro)+string(nano) ; printf, Ounit, line ;debug end 2: begin ;for wind_tds tds time_offsets are in ;seconds so *1000000000 to get nanoseconds offset = long64(1000000000*time_offsets[j]) ; and have to call long64 or else math below doesn't happen! ; debug print, 'offset in microseconds to be added to base = ',offset new_epoch[k] = tt_Epoch_base+offset ;CDF_EPOCH,new_epoch[k],year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,micro,nano,/TOINTEGER,/BREAK ; RCJ 25Jul2019 cdf_epoch does not return micro or nano CDF_EPOCH,new_epoch[k],year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,/TOINTEGER,/BREAK micro=(new_epoch[k]-floor(new_epoch[k],/l64))*1.e3 end else: begin ; where timeoffsets are already in nanoseconds new_epoch[k] = Epoch_base[i] + time_offsets[j] end endcase endif else begin ;for rbsp original case (regular cdf_epoch, not tt2k) new_epoch[k] = Epoch_base[i] + time_offsets[j] endelse new_samples[k] = Samples[j,i] k = k + 1 endfor endelse endfor ;free_lun, Ounit ; debug ;Populate the samples variable in the structure temp = handle_create(value=new_samples) astruct.(index).HANDLE = temp ;Populate the new_times associated variables (Depend_0/Epoch_exapanded) ; Create handles and populated data in existing structure c_0 = astruct.(index).DEPEND_0 ;1st component var (real wave variable) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the new Epoch variable var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the new Epoch variable. temp = handle_create(value=new_epoch) d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE = temp d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then astruct.(var_idx).DAT = new_epoch endif else print, 'expand_wave_data - new epoch variable not found' ; Check buf and reset variables not in orignal variable list to metadata status = check_myvartype(astruct, org_names) return, astruct end ;+ ; NAME: Function make_stack_array ; ; PURPOSE: take the array of data specified by component_0 ; and apply the array reduction specified in the display_type ; place the result in the return buffer. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = make_stack_array(buf,org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; astruct - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; index - keyword - if set use this index value to find the virtual ; variable, otherwise, find the 1st vv in the structure. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick ADNET 6/19/2013 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- function make_stack_array, astruct,org_names,index=index status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in make_stack_array" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif ; If the index of the Virtual variable is given, use it, if not, then ; find the 1st virtual variable in the structure. atags = tag_names(astruct) ;get the variable names. vv_tagnames=strarr(1) vv_tagindx = vv_names(astruct,names=vv_tagnames) ;find the virtual vars if keyword_set(index) then begin index = index endif else begin ;get the 1st vv index = vv_tagindx[0] if (vv_tagindx[0] lt 0) then return, -1 endelse ;print, 'In make_stack_array' ;print, 'original variables ',org_names c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_0 ;1st component var (real/parent wave variable) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the real data var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then parent_array = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) if (astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE ne 0) then $ handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, parent_array endelse ; help, parent_array ;don't think I need this... fill_val = astruct.(var_idx).fillval d = tagindex('DISPLAY_TYPE',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then begin display_string = astruct.(index).DISPLAY_TYPE a = break_mystring(display_string,delimiter='>') new_display_type='' ; Count the number of '=' to determine the number of instructions b=0 ;for i=0,strlen(a[1])-1 do if (strmid(a[1],i,1) eq '=') then b=b+1 for j=0,n_elements(a)-1 do begin if strpos(a[j],'=') ne -1 then begin for i=0,strlen(a[j])-1 do if (strmid(a[j],i,1) eq '=') then b=b+1 eq_index=j ; element of display_type for which '=' exists endif else begin new_display_type=[new_display_type,a[j]] ; make array; add '>' later endelse endfor if (b ge 1) then begin ilist = strarr(b) endif else begin ;no y=var(*,1) instructions found, return the parents data astruct.(index).handle = astruct.(var_idx).handle return, astruct endelse ;if instructions are found, continue on ;looking for syntax like stack_plot>y=FLUX_SEL_ENERGY_STACK(*,1) ; Dissect the input string into its separate instructions inum = 0 & next_target=',' ; initialize for i=0,strlen(a[eq_index])-1 do begin c = strmid(a[eq_index],i,1) ; get next character in string if (c eq next_target) then begin if (next_target eq ',') then inum = inum + 1 if (next_target eq ')') then begin ilist[inum] = ilist[inum] + c & next_target = ',' endif endif else begin ilist[inum] = ilist[inum] + c ; copy to instruction list if (c eq '(') then next_target = ')' endelse endfor ;we don't need this loop for y=var(*,n) or y=var(n,*) or y=var(n,n,*) ;but we do need the loop for y=var(1,1),y=var(1,5), etc. ;help, ilist ;stop; num_lists = n_elements(ilist) for inum=0,num_lists-1 do begin b=strpos(ilist[inum],'y=') & c=strpos(ilist[inum],'Y=') if c gt b then b=c if (b ne -1) then begin ; extract the name of the y variable and elist c = break_mystring(ilist[inum],delimiter='(') if (n_elements(c) eq 2) then rem = strmid(c[1], 0,strlen(c[1])-1) if (rem ne '') then begin ;apply the reduction syntax to the parent array y0 = execute('new_array = parent_array['+rem+',*]') ;last dim. is records ;stop; if (num_lists eq 1) then begin new_array = reform(new_array) ;remove 1-d dimensions endif else begin temp_array = append_mydata[new_array, temp_array] if (inum eq num_lists-1) then new_array = reform(temp_array) ;print, 'check this syntax ' ;stop; endelse ; print, 'New reduced array ' & help, new_array endif endif endfor endif else print, 'make_stack_array - DISPLAY_TYPE needed' endif else print, 'make_stack_array - parent variable not found' ;Put the reduced sized array in the virtual variables handle temp = handle_create(value=new_array) astruct.(index).HANDLE = temp ;astruct.(index).DISPLAY_TYPE = a[0] ; should be just stack_plot ndt='' ; start at 1 because 1st element of new_display_type is '' for i=1,n_elements(new_display_type)-2 do ndt=ndt+strtrim(new_display_type[i],2)+'>' ; last element: ndt=ndt+strtrim(new_display_type[i]) astruct.(index).DISPLAY_TYPE = ndt ; should be just stack_plot ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared ; as data otherwise set to support_data status = check_myvartype(astruct, org_names) return, astruct end ;+ ; NAME: Function fix_sparse ; ; PURPOSE: take the array of data specified by component_0 ; and replace all fill values w/ the preceding non-fill value - ; place the result in the return buffer. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = fix_sparse(buf,org_names) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; astruct - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; index - keyword - if set use this index value to find the virtual ; variable, otherwise, find the 1st vv in the structure. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; 1.0 T. Kovalick ADNET 6/19/2013 ; Initial version ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- function fix_sparse, astruct,org_names,index=index status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in fix_sparse" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif ; If the index of the Virtual variable is given, use it, if not, then ; find the 1st virtual variable in the structure. atags = tag_names(astruct) ;get the variable names. vv_tagnames=strarr(1) vv_tagindx = vv_names(astruct,names=vv_tagnames) ;find the virtual vars if keyword_set(index) then begin index = index endif else begin ;get the 1st vv index = vv_tagindx[0] if (vv_tagindx[0] lt 0) then return, -1 endelse ;print, 'In fix_sparse' ;print, 'original variables ',org_names c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_0 ;1st component var (real/parent variable) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the real data var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then parent_array = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) if (astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE ne 0) then $ handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, parent_array endelse ; help, parent_array ; print, 'parent_array', parent_array new_array = parent_array ; initialize to be identical fill_is_nan = 0L d = tagindex('FILLVAL',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then begin ; fillval is define fill_val = astruct.(var_idx).fillval if finite(fill_val, /nan) then fill_is_nan = 1 dims = size(new_array,/dimensions) if (n_elements(dims) eq 2) then begin for i = 0, dims[0]-1 do begin column = parent_array[i,*] ; save_value = (max(column, /nan) + min(column, /nan))/2 ; set an initial value if the array starts off w/ fill save_value = fill_val; set an initial value, Bob says to use the fill_value ; use finite, otherwise a value of NaN isn't caught if (fill_is_nan) then nogood = where(finite(column, /nan), n_nogood) else $ nogood = where(column eq fill_val, n_nogood) if (n_nogood gt 0 and (n_nogood ne n_elements(column))) then begin ;go through the column and replace values for j = 0, dims[1]-1 do begin if (finite(column[j]) and (column[j] ne fill_val)) then save_value = column[j] else new_array[i,j] = save_value endfor endif ; else don't replace any values endfor endif ;endif 2 dimensions endif else print, 'fix_sparse - fillval required' endif else print, 'fix_sparse - parent variable not found' ;print, new_array ;Put the reduced sized array in the virtual variables handle temp = handle_create(value=new_array) astruct.(index).HANDLE = temp ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared ; as data otherwise set to support_data status = check_myvartype(astruct, org_names) return, astruct end ;Function: apply_filter_flag ;Purpose: To use the filter variable to "filter" out unwanted data points ;This one is different than the rest in that the user, through the ;master cdf can specify the value to be tested against by using ;the variable attribute COMPARE_VAL, if not defined, value defaults ;to zero. It also looks for COMPARE_OPERATOR, defaults to "eq". ;Author: Tami Kovalick, ADNET Inc, March 21, 2016 ; ; ;Copyright 1996-2013 United States Government as represented by the ;Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ;All Rights Reserved. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; function apply_filter_flag, astruct, orig_names, index=index ;Input: astruct: the structure, created by read_myCDF that should ; contain at least one Virtual variable. ; orig_names: the list of varibles that exist in the structure. ; index: the virtual variable (index number) for which this function ; is being called to compute. If this isn't defined, then ; the function will find the 1st virtual variable. ;this code assumes that the Component_0 is the original variable, and ;Component_1 should be the filter variable. ;COMPARE_VAL - this will be the value that the s/w will use to compare ;the filter data against. If COMPARE_VAL is not found, then the value defaults to 0. ;It also looks for the operator to be used as another variable ;attribute called COMPARE_OPERATOR, default is "eq", other acceptable ;values are "ne", "gt", "ge", "lt", "le". atags = tag_names(astruct) ;get the variable names. vv_tagnames=strarr(1) vv_tagindx = vv_names(astruct,names=vv_tagnames) ;find the virtual vars if keyword_set(index) then begin index = index endif else begin ;get the 1st vv index = vv_tagindx[0] if (vv_tagindx[0] lt 0) then return, -1 endelse print, 'In apply_filter_flag' ;print, 'original variables ',orig_names c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_0 ;1st component var (real flux var) if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the real data var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then z_data = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, z_data endelse fill_val = astruct.(var_idx).fillval endif else print, 'Component_0 variable not found' c_0 = astruct.(index).COMPONENT_1 ; should be the filter variable if (c_0 ne '') then begin ; var_idx = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(var_idx)) ;tags for the real data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d[0] ne -1) then filter_data = astruct.(var_idx).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) handle_value, astruct.(var_idx).HANDLE, filter_data endelse endif else print, 'Filter variable not found' ;Next, get the value to compare against in order to apply the filter c = tagindex('COMPARE_VAL',tag_names(astruct.(index))) ;if the COMPARE_VAL attribute and value exist if (c[0] ne -1) then compare_val = astruct.(index).COMPARE_VAL else compare_val = 0 ;TJK 5/12/2023 - don't compare against blank ('') because that's an ; valid comparison value (msl_rad_obs-l2), so just ; trust that if compare_val attribute exists in a master, that ; it is properly set up... so the value won't be ; changed to zero (0) ;handle the case where the attribute exists in the cdf, but no value defined for this variable ;if (compare_val eq '') then compare_val = 0 ;if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print, 'DEBUG compare_val set to (now accepts blank as a good comparison value)',compare_val ;Next, get the operator, e.g. eq, gt, ge, lt, le to use, default will ;be eq (which in the logic below is "ne" since we need to turn the ;value ne to the campare_val to fill. c = tagindex('COMPARE_OPERATOR',tag_names(astruct.(index))) ;if the COMPARE_OPERATOR attribute and value exist if (c[0] ne -1) then compare_operator = astruct.(index).COMPARE_OPERATOR else compare_operator = 'eq' ;handle the case where the attribute exists in the cdf, but no value defined for this variable if (compare_operator eq '') then compare_operator = 'eq' print, 'DEBUG compare_operator set to ',compare_operator ;change values not matching the compare_val to the appropriate fill values case (compare_operator) of 'eq': begin temp = where(filter_data ne compare_val, badcnt) ;*** end 'ne': begin temp = where(filter_data eq compare_val, badcnt) ;*** end 'lt': begin temp = where(filter_data ge compare_val, badcnt) ;*** end 'le': begin temp = where(filter_data gt compare_val, badcnt) ;*** end 'gt': begin temp = where(filter_data le compare_val, badcnt) ;*** end 'ge': begin temp = where(filter_data lt compare_val, badcnt) ;*** end else: print, 'no apply_filter_flag operator specified' endcase ;help, temp ;print, badcnt if (badcnt ge 1) then begin print, 'found ',badcnt, ' records of data turning to fill' dims = size(z_data, /n_dimensions) print, 'size of data = ',dims ;help, filter_data ;help, z_data if (dims eq 1) then z_data[temp] = fill_val if (dims eq 2) then z_data[*,temp] = fill_val if (dims eq 3) then z_data[*,*,temp] = fill_val if (dims eq 4) then z_data[*,*,*,temp] = fill_val endif ;now, need to fill the virtual variable data structure with this new data array ;and "turn off" the original variable. tempd = handle_create(value=z_data) astruct.(index).HANDLE = tempd z_data = 1B filter_data = 1B ; Check astruct and reset variables not in orignal variable list to metadata, ; so that variables that weren't requested won't be plotted/listed. status = check_myvartype(astruct, orig_names) return, astruct ;endif else return, -1 ;if there's no data return -1 end ;+ ; NAME: Function REORDER_DATA ; ; PURPOSE: Reorder a variable in monotonic increasing order or based the ; order of a dependent variable(s). ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; new_buf = reorder (buf, org_names, index) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; none ; ; History: Written by Ron Yurow 08/15, based on alternate_view ;- FUNCTION rd_map_variable, dims, n_records time_dim = WHERE (dims eq n_records, found) ; Make sure dimension matched the number of expected records. IF found ne 1 THEN BEGIN print, "WARNING=Reorder failed." print, "WARNING=Data is record varying but could not identify time dimension." RETURN, 0 ENDIF data_dim = time_dim xor 1 r = {time_dim: time_dim [0], data_dim: data_dim [0]} RETURN, r END FUNCTION rd_create_data_ordering, vstruct, $ sz_time_vector, $ data, $ order, $ NORMALIZED=normalized ; Get the prime data. This is the data that will be monotonically sorted. HANDLE_VALUE, vstruct.handle, data ; Find out about the dimensions. dim = SIZE (data, /DIMENSIONS) ; And number of dimensions. ndim = N_ELEMENTS (dim) ; Initialize exp_dim to 1. May reset it later. exp_dim = 1 ; Determine if the variable has a DEPEND_0 (Epoch) and if it does, then set ; the number of expected dimensions to 2. sink = WHERE (STRUPCASE (TAG_NAMES (vstruct)) eq "DEPEND_0", found) IF found ne 0 && STRLEN (vstruct.DEPEND_0) gt 0 THEN exp_dim = 2 ; Check for vector data. IF ndim ne exp_dim THEN BEGIN ; OK, don't have vector data, but check if the numeber of expected dimensions ; is two, but the actual number dimensions is one. ; This can happen if only a single record is available. ; In this case it will be processed as if it had no DEPEND_0. IF ndim ne 1 && exp_dim ne 2 THEN BEGIN print, "WARNING=Reorder failed." print, "WARNING=Data to be reordered must be a vector or based on the sequence of " + $ "elements in a sorted vector." RETURN, 0 ENDIF ENDIF ; Check if the prime data variable is time depenent. If it is, then sorting becomes more complex ; then just running through a SORT function. ; Note we are assuming this variable uses the same DEPEND_0 as that of the main variable we are ; trying to process (if it is a dependent variable). It is possible that it would not, if the ; CDF was not constructed correctly, but this is just too much work to actually check. IF ndim eq 2 THEN BEGIN order = INTARR (dim) ; Call rd_map_variable to assign time and data dimensions. vmap = rd_map_variable (dim, sz_time_vector) ; Check for errors IF SIZE (vmap, /TYPE) ne 8 THEN RETURN, 0 ; Decide how to rearrange the data array so that the time dimension will be ; the lowest order dimension. permutation = [vmap.data_dim, vmap.time_dim] ; Rearrange the data array and the ordering array into an ; appropiate form to do the sort. data = TRANSPOSE (TEMPORARY (data), permutation) order = TRANSPOSE (TEMPORARY (order), permutation) ; Find the correct sort order. FOR i = 0, sz_time_vector - 1 DO order [*,i] = SORT (data [*, i]) normalized = order ; Put the data array and the ordering array back into their original form. data = TRANSPOSE (TEMPORARY (data), SORT (permutation)) order = TRANSPOSE (TEMPORARY (order), SORT (permutation)) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Get the sort order for the prime data set. order = SORT (data) normalized = order ENDELSE RETURN, 1 END FUNCTION reorder_data, buf, org_names, index=index status=0 ; Establish error handler ; catch, error_status ; if (error_status ne 0) then begin if (0) then begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in reorder" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING status = -1 return, status endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnums = n_tags(buf) ; for i=0, n_elements(vvtag_indices)-1 do begin ; variable_name=arrayof_vvtags(i) ; tag_index = tagindex(variable_name, tagnames) tagnames1 = tag_names (buf.(index)) ; now look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. component0_index = -1 IF (tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN component0 = buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Get the index of the component 0 variable. component0_index = tagindex (component0, tagnames) ENDIF ; and look for the COMPONENT_1 attribute tag for this VV. component1_index = -1 IF (tagindex('COMPONENT_1', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN component1 = buf.(index).COMPONENT_1 ; Get the index of the component 1 variable. component1_index = tagindex (component1, tagnames) ENDIF ; and look for the COMPONENT_2 attribute tag for this VV. component2_index = -1 IF (tagindex ('COMPONENT_2', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN component2 = buf.(index).COMPONENT_2 ; Get the index of the component 2 variable. component2_index = tagindex (component2 , tagnames) ENDIF ; and look for the COMPONENT_3 attribute tag for this VV. component3_index = -1 IF (tagindex ('COMPONENT_3', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN component3 = buf.(index).COMPONENT_3 ; Get the index of the component 3 variable. component3_index = tagindex (component3 , tagnames) ENDIF ; Now look for the DEPEND_0 attribute tag for this VV. ; Theoretically, I suppose a variable and one of its depends could use different ; Depend_0s, but I don't see how this would possible, so lets not bother with it. depend0_index = -1 IF (tagindex('DEPEND_0', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN depend0 = buf.(index).DEPEND_0 ; Get the index of the depend 0 variable. depend0_index = tagindex (depend0, tagnames) ENDIF ; and get the fill value fillval = !NULL IF (tagindex('FILLVAL', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN fillval = buf.(index).FILLVAL ENDIF IF (component0_index ne !NULL) THEN BEGIN ; WARNING if /NODATASTRUCT keyword not set an error will occur here IF (tagindex ('HANDLE', tagnames1) ge 0) THEN BEGIN ; There two types of reordeirng. We will either sort the data of the ; variable specified in COMPONENT 0 or reorder the data specified in ; COMPONENT 0 based on the sequence of elements of the data from ; COMPONENT 1 (and possibly COMPONENT 2 & COMPONENT 3) when sorted in ; ascending order variable. ; In the later case, the attributes COMPONENT_1, COMPONENT_2 and ; COMPONENT_3 should specify the DEPEND_1, DEPEND_2, and DEPEND_3 of ; the variable in COMPONENT_0 ; Prime is the name of the variable whose data will be sorted. ; Second, if it exists, is the name of a variable that will also be sorted. ; Third, if it exists, is the name of a variable that will also be sorted ; Depend, if it exists, is the variable whose data will be reordered based ; on the sort of prime (and possibly second and third). ; Set prime, second, third and depend based on if there is a COMPONENT 1, COMPONENT 2, ; or COMPONENT 3 specified. prime = component0 prime_ind = component0_index second = "" second_ind = -1 third = "" third_ind = -1 depend = "" depend_ind = -1 return_prime = 1 ; Determine which type of sort we will be doing, a strait sort of a variable, or ; sorting one variable based on the order of one (or two) other variables. ; By default, everything is already initialized just to so a simple sort of a ; a variable. Other cases will be derived from this. SWITCH 1 OF ; Set up for sorting based on the order of two or three variables. ; NB. We will also have to do the setup for for sorting base on a single ; variable. (component3_index ne -1) : BEGIN third = component3 third_ind = component3_index END (component2_index ne -1) : BEGIN second = component2 second_ind = component2_index END ; Set up for sorting based on the order of a single variable. (component1_index ne -1) : BEGIN prime = component1 prime_ind = component1_index depend = component0 depend_ind = component0_index return_prime = 0 END ELSE : ENDSWITCH ; Check if we have depend 0. If the data is time dependent, then we should. IF depend0_index ne -1 THEN BEGIN ; Get the time vector and the size of the time vector. HANDLE_VALUE, buf.(depend0_index).handle, time_vector sz_time_vector = N_ELEMENTS (time_vector) ENDIF ; Process the prime data. This may be the product in its own right, or it may ; be used to sort a second data set. IF (~ rd_create_data_ordering (buf.(prime_ind), $ sz_time_vector, $ prime_data, $ prime_order, $ NORMALIZED=normalized_prime_order)) THEN BEGIN RETURN, -1 ENDIF ; Number of dimensions in the sorted product. ndim_prime = N_ELEMENTS (SIZE (normalized_prime_order, /DIMENSIONS)) ; Check if we need to get a sort order from a secondary data set. This will be needed ; if the COMPONENT_2 was specified. IF (second ne "") THEN BEGIN IF (~ rd_create_data_ordering (buf.(second_ind), $ sz_time_vector, $ second_data, $ second_order, $ NORMALIZED=normalized_sec_order)) THEN BEGIN RETURN, -1 ENDIF ; Number of dimensions in the sorted product. ndim_sec = N_ELEMENTS (SIZE (normalized_sec_order, /DIMENSIONS)) ENDIF ; Check if we need to get a sort order from a tertiary data set. This will be needed ; if the COMPONENT_3 was specified. IF (third ne "") THEN BEGIN IF (~ rd_create_data_ordering (buf.(third_ind), $ sz_time_vector, $ third_data, $ third_order, $ NORMALIZED=normalized_third_order)) THEN BEGIN RETURN, -1 ENDIF ; Number of dimensions in the sorted product. ndim_third = N_ELEMENTS (SIZE (normalized_third_order, /DIMENSIONS)) ENDIF ; Check if we are to return the prime data in sorted order. We can do that now. IF return_prime THEN BEGIN buf.(index).HANDLE = handle_create () HANDLE_VALUE, buf.(index).HANDLE, prime_data [prime_order], /SET ; Otherwise more work to do. ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Get the depend data. This data will be sorted based on the component_1 ; and possibly component_2 data. HANDLE_VALUE, buf.(depend_ind).handle, depend_data ; Find out about the dimensions. dim = SIZE (depend_data, /DIMENSIONS) ; And number of dimensions. ndim = N_ELEMENTS (dim) ; Found is array with one element for each dimension of the data, we will use ; it to find the time dimension, by setting all dimensions that correspond to ; dependent data to 0. found = INTARR (ndim) + 1 ; Find the total expected dimensionality of the record. expected_dim = (third ne "")? 4 : 3 IF ndim ne expected_dim THEN BEGIN ; OK, don't have array data, but check if the numeber of expected dimensions ; is three, but the actual number dimensions is two. ; This can happen if only a single record is available. ; In this case it will be processed as if it had no DEPEND_0. IF ndim ne expected_dim - 1 THEN BEGIN print, "WARNING=Reorder failed." print, "WARNING=Data to be reordered must be a three dimensional array " + $ "if COMPONENT_1 and COMPONENT_2 are specified." RETURN, -1 ENDIF ENDIF ; Determine which array dimension corresponds to the prime variable. prime_dim = WHERE ((SIZE (normalized_prime_order, /dimensions)) [0] eq dim, cnt) ; Make sure at least one dimension matches up. IF cnt eq 0 THEN BEGIN print, "WARNING=Reorder failed." print, "WARNING=" + prime + " does not appear to be a dependency of " + $ depend + "." RETURN, -1 ENDIF ; Mark the dimension that corresponds to the first dependent variable ; in the found array. found [prime_dim] = 0 ; Check if a second dimension exists IF (second ne '') THEN BEGIN ; Determine which array dimension corresponds to the second dependent variable. second_dim = WHERE ((SIZE (normalized_sec_order, /dimensions)) [0] eq dim, cnt) ; Make sure at least one dimension matches up. IF cnt eq 0 THEN BEGIN print, "WARNING=Reorder failed." print, "WARNING=" + second + " does not appear to be a dependency of " + $ depend + "." RETURN, -1 ENDIF ; Mark the dimension that corresponds to the second dependent variable ; in the found array. found [second_dim] = 0 ENDIF ; Do the same thing for the third dim if needed. IF (third ne "") THEN BEGIN ; Determine which array dimension corresponds to the third dependent variable. third_dim = WHERE ((SIZE (normalized_third_order, /dimensions)) [0] eq dim, cnt) ; Make sure at least one dimension matches up. IF cnt eq 0 THEN BEGIN print, "WARNING=Reorder failed." print, "WARNING=" + second + " does not appear to be a dependency of " + $ depend + "." RETURN, -1 ENDIF ; Mark the dimension that corresponds to the second dependent variable ; in the found array. found [third_dim] = 0 ENDIF ; The time dimension will be the only one that is left. If there is no ; time axis (we are processing a single record) then the time_exist flag ; will be 0. time_dim = WHERE (found eq 1, time_exist) ; check if only component_1 is specified or if component_1, component_2 ; and possibly component 3 are specified. CASE 1 OF ; This branch handles sorting data with three dependent (COMPONENT_1, ; COMPONENT_2 and COMPONENT_3) variables. (third ne "") : BEGIN ; Decide how to rearrange the date array so that the dimension that will be ; sorted based on the variable based on COMPONENT_1 (primary) will be first ; and COMPONENT_2 (secondary) will be second and variables based on ; COMPONENT_3 (terciary) will be thirds. Note the special case if ; time is not available. IF time_exist THEN BEGIN permutation = [prime_dim, second_dim, third_dim, time_dim] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN permutation = [prime_dim, second_dim, third_dim] ENDELSE ; Rearrange the data array into an appropiate form to do the sort. depend_data = TRANSPOSE (TEMPORARY (depend_data), permutation) ; Rewrite as loop sorting each time independently. FOR i = 0, sz_time_vector - 1 DO BEGIN x = (ndim_prime eq 1) ? normalized_prime_order : normalized_prime_order [*,i] y = (ndim_sec eq 1) ? normalized_sec_order : normalized_sec_order [*,i] z = (ndim_third eq 1) ? normalized_third_order : normalized_third_order [*,i] depend_data [*,*,*,i] = TEMPORARY (depend_data [x, y, z, i]) ENDFOR ; Put the data back into its original form. depend_data = TRANSPOSE (TEMPORARY (depend_data), SORT (permutation)) END ; This branch handles sorting data with two depenendent (COMPONENT_1 and ; COMPONENT_2) variables (second ne "") : BEGIN ; Decide how to rearrange the date array so that the dimension that will be ; sorted based on the variable based on COMPONENT_1 (primary) will be first ; and COMPONENT_2 (secondary) will be second. Note the special case if ; time is not available. IF time_exist THEN BEGIN permutation = [prime_dim, second_dim, time_dim] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN permutation = [prime_dim, second_dim] ENDELSE ; Rearrange the data array into an appropiate form to do the sort. depend_data = TRANSPOSE (TEMPORARY (depend_data), permutation) ; Rewrite as loop sorting each time independently. FOR i = 0, sz_time_vector - 1 DO BEGIN x = normalized_prime_order [*,i] y = normalized_sec_order [*,i] depend_data [*,*,i] = TEMPORARY (depend_data [x, y, i]) ENDFOR ; Put the data back into its original form. depend_data = TRANSPOSE (TEMPORARY (depend_data), SORT (permutation)) END ; This branch handles the sorting data with one depenendent (COMPONENT_1) ; variables. ELSE: BEGIN ; Do the sort. how we do the sort will depend on if we have time values. IF time_exist THEN BEGIN ; Decide how to rearrange the date array so that the dimension that will be ; sorted based on the variable based on COMPONENT_1 (primary) will be first. permutation = [prime_dim, time_dim] ; Rearrange the data array into an appropiate form to do the sort. depend_data = TRANSPOSE (TEMPORARY (depend_data), permutation) ; Sort the data appropiately depend_data = depend_data [prime_order, *] ; Put the data back into its original form. depend_data = TRANSPOSE (TEMPORARY (depend_data), SORT (permutation)) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN depend_data = depend_data [prime_order] ENDELSE END ENDCASE ; Rese the handle of the virutal variable to point to the correctly sorted data. buf.(index).HANDLE = handle_create () HANDLE_VALUE, buf.(index).HANDLE, depend_data, /SET ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, "Set /NODATASTRUCT keyword in call to read_myCDF" ; RETURN, -1 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, "ERROR= No COMPONENT0 variable found in reorder" print, "ERROR= Message: ", component0_index status = -1 RETURN, status ENDELSE ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype (buf, org_names) RETURN, buf END ;------------------------------------------------------------------- function spdf_3d_to_2d_avg, buf,org_names,index=index, avg_over_row=avg_over_row, avg_over_column=avg_over_column,debug=debug ; RCJ Jun/2020 Function created for dataset psp_isois-epilo_l2-ic ; A virtual var was created to be plotted as a spectrogram ; ;Example of what we need for spectrogram: ;Epoch LONG64 = Array[900] ;y FLOAT = Array[32, 900] ;z FLOAT = Array[32, 900] ; ; So, for this dataset we had: ;Epoch LONG64 = Array[132] ----------> ok ;Energy FLOAT = Array[80, 48, 132] --> [48,132] -> use virt func arr_slice: index=1, dim=0 ;Flux FLOAT = Array[80, 48, 132] --> [48,132] -> for i=0,47 do ([1,i,0]+[2,i,0]...[79,i,0])/80 ; Repeat for 1...131 times -> [48,132] ;LookDirection INT = Array[80] -----> dimension averaged over. ; ; This function will handle the flux array only. ; status=0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin if (error_status eq -144) then begin if strlowcase(buf.(index).display_type) eq 'spectrogram' then begin print, "ERROR= In spdf_3d_to_2d_avg. Array dimensions do not agree with spectrogram plot." endif else begin print, "ERROR= In spdf_3d_to_2d_avg. Array dimensions less than 3, or 2 if only one time record" endelse endif else begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in spdf_3d_to_2d_avg" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING endelse status = -1 return, status endif if not (keyword_set(avg_over_column) or keyword_set(avg_over_row)) then begin if (keyword_set(debug)) then print,'Spdf_3d_to_2d_avg: Setting averaging over column since keyword was not set.' avg_over_column=1 endif tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnums = n_tags(buf) tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(index)) ;now look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. if(tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then component0=buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Check if the component0 variable exists component0_index = tagindex(component0,tagnames) if(component0_index ge 0) then begin ; WARNING if /NODATASTRUCT keyword not set an error will occur here if(tagindex('HANDLE',tagnames1) ge 0) then begin handle_value,buf.(component0_index).HANDLE,oarr fillval = buf.(component0_index).fillval ; RCJ 28Jul2020 The correction below was requested by the data provider. See emails from 17Jul2020. if buf.(index).varname eq 'H_Flux_ChanT_avg' then begin oarr[35,*,*]=(oarr[34,*,*]=(oarr[31,*,*]=fillval)) if keyword_set(debug) then print,'WARNING= In function spdf_3d_to_2d_avg. Setting Look Directions 31,34,35 of H_Flux_ChanT_avg to fillval.' endif ; RCJ 22Apr2021 Added this bit of logic if number of time records=1 ; In this case there will be only one 2d array arrSize = size(oarr) if arrSize[0] eq 2 then begin print,'WARNING= In spdf_3d_to_2d. Nothing to do, returning 2d array' narr=oarr goto, nothing_to_do_return endif narr=reform(oarr[0,*,*]) ; place holder, oarr= [dir, energy, time] ;arrSize = size(oarr) ; For this example: 3 80 48 132 4 506880 numtimes = arrSize[3] ; numRows = arrSize[2] numCols = arrSize[1] ;help,numcols,numrows if keyword_set(avg_over_row) then begin inloop=numRows outloop=numCols endif else begin ; average over the column inloop=numCols outloop=numRows endelse ; validmin = buf.(index).validmin validmax = buf.(index).validmax for tt=0,numtimes-1 do begin ;for k=0L, numRows-1 do begin for k=0L, outloop-1 do begin sum = 0 summedDim = 0 ; sum over the chosen dimension ;for j=0L, numCols-1 do begin for j=0L, inloop-1 do begin if keyword_set(avg_over_row) then begin if ((oarr[k,j,tt] GE validmin) && (oarr[k,j,tt] LE validmax) && (oarr[k,j,tt] ne fillval)) then begin sum = sum + oarr[k,j,tt] summedDim = summedDim+1 endif endif else begin ; average over the column if ((oarr[j,k,tt] GE validmin) && (oarr[j,k,tt] LE validmax) && (oarr[j,k,tt] ne fillval)) then begin sum = sum + oarr[j,k,tt] summedDim = summedDim+1 endif endelse endfor if keyword_set(avg_over_row) then begin if summedDim EQ 0 then narr[j,tt] = fillval else narr[j,tt] = sum/summedDim endif else begin if summedDim EQ 0 then narr[k,tt] = fillval else narr[k,tt] = sum/summedDim endelse endfor endfor nothing_to_do_return: buf.(index).HANDLE=handle_create(value=narr) endif else print, "In spdf_3d_to_2d_avg. Set /NODATASTRUCT keyword in call to read_myCDF"; endif else begin print, "ERROR= No COMPONENT0 variable: ",component0_index," found in spdf_3d_to_2d_avg" status = -1 return, status endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(buf, org_names) return, buf end ;------------------------------------------------------------------- function spdf_sum_avg_over_col_row_z, buf,org_names,index=index, $ avg_over_row=avg_over_row, avg_over_col=avg_over_col, $ sum_over_row=sum_over_row, sum_over_col=sum_over_col, $ avg_col_row=avg_col_row, avg_col_z=avg_col_z, avg_row_z=avg_row_z, $ sum_col_row=sum_col_row, sum_col_z=sum_col_z, sum_row_z=sum_row_z,$ debug=debug ;+ ; NAME: Function SPDF_SUM_AVG_OVER_COL_ROW_Z ; ; PURPOSE: Sum or average a 2d, 3d or 4d array, which is an element of the structure ; returned by spdf_read_data, over the columns, rows, and/or the 3rd dimension ; (here called z for short. Also known as layer, depth, etc) ; ; PLEASE NOTE: These are consistent with IDL's column-major arrays. ; So if you have a [80, 48, 132] array and you want to average over ; the 1st dimension you will "avg_over_col". ; ; In addition, for 3d or 4d arrays the last dim is always treated as 'time' in this function ; because that's what's returned by spdf_read_data. ; ; Finally, I'm adding logic to this function as needed. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE EXAMPLES: ; ; new_buf = spdf_sum_avg_over_col_row_z(buf,org_names,index=vindex,/avg_over_col) ; new_buf = spdf_sum_avg_over_col_row_z(buf,org_names,index=vindex,/sum_col_z) ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; buf - an IDL structure built w/in read_myCDF ; org_names - list of original variables input to read_myCDF. Any ; variables in this list will remain tagged as ; VAR_TYPE= data otherwise VAR_TYPE = support_data. ; index - listed as a keyword but is necessary. Indicates what variable ; of the input structure we are populating. ; ; Output: ; ; new_buf - an IDL structure containing the populated virtual ; variable ; ; Keyword Parameters (one of these needs to be selected), all are 1/0 (set/not set): ; ; 2D and 3D arrays can be: ; avg_over_row - ; avg_over_col - ; sum_over_row - ; sum_over_col - ; ; 4D arrays can be: ; avg_col_row - ; avg_col_z - ; avg_row_z - ; sum_col_row - ; sum_col_z - ; sum_row_z - ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; check_myvartype ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; History ; ; RCJ Jun/2020 Function created for dataset psp_isois-epilo_l2-ic ; A virtual var was created to be plotted as a spectrogram ; ;Example of what we need for spectrogram: ;Epoch LONG64 = Array[900] ;y FLOAT = Array[32, 900] ;z FLOAT = Array[32, 900] ; ; So, for this dataset we had: ;Epoch LONG64 = Array[132] ----------> ok ;Energy FLOAT = Array[80, 48, 132] --> [48,132] -> use virt func arr_slice: index=1, dim=0 ;Flux FLOAT = Array[80, 48, 132] --> [48,132] -> for i=0,47 do ([1,i,0]+[2,i,0]...[79,i,0])/80 ; Repeat for 1...131 times -> [48,132] ;LookDirection INT = Array[80] -----> dimension averaged over. ; ; This function handles the flux array. Function arr_slice handles the energy. ; ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- status=0 ;Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin ;if (error_status eq -144) then begin ; if strlowcase(buf.(index).display_type) eq 'spectrogram' then begin ; print, "ERROR= In spdf_sum_avg_over_col_row_z. Array dimensions do not agree with spectrogram plot." ; endif else begin ; print, "ERROR= In spdf_sum_avg_over_col_row_z. Array dimensions less than 3, or 2 if only one time record" ; endelse ;endif else begin print, "ERROR= number: ",error_status," in spdf_sum_avg_over_col_row_z" print, "ERROR= Message: ",!ERR_STRING ;endelse status = -1 return, status endif ; Need some sanity checks here tagnames = tag_names(buf) tagnums = n_tags(buf) tagnames1=tag_names(buf.(index)) ;now look for the COMPONENT_0 attribute tag for this VV. if(tagindex('COMPONENT_0', tagnames1) ge 0) then component0=buf.(index).COMPONENT_0 ; Check if the component0 variable exists component0_index = tagindex(component0,tagnames) if(component0_index ge 0) then begin ; WARNING if /NODATASTRUCT keyword not set an error will occur here if(tagindex('HANDLE',tagnames1) ge 0) then begin handle_value,buf.(component0_index).HANDLE,oarr fillval = buf.(component0_index).fillval ; RCJ 28Jul2020 The correction below was requested by the data provider. See emails from 17Jul2020. if buf.(index).varname eq 'H_Flux_ChanT_avg' then begin oarr[35,*,*]=(oarr[34,*,*]=(oarr[31,*,*]=fillval)) if keyword_set(debug) then print,'WARNING= In function spdf_sum_avg_over_col_row. Setting Look Directions 31,34,35 of H_Flux_ChanT_avg to fillval.' endif arrSize = size(oarr) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if arrSize[0] eq 2 then begin if keyword_set(avg_over_row) or keyword_set(sum_over_row) then narr=oarr[*,0] if keyword_set(avg_over_col) or keyword_set(sum_over_col) then narr=oarr[0,*] numtimes = 1 ;arrSize = size(oarr) ; Example: 2 48 132 4 5068 ; numRows = arrSize[2] numCols = arrSize[1] if keyword_set(avg_over_row) or keyword_set(sum_over_row) then begin inloop=numRows outloop=numCols endif else begin ; avg_over_col or sum_over_col inloop=numCols outloop=numRows endelse ; validmin = buf.(index).validmin validmax = buf.(index).validmax for k=0L, outloop-1 do begin sum = 0 summedDim = 0 ; sum over the chosen dimension for j=0L, inloop-1 do begin if keyword_set(avg_over_row) or keyword_set(sum_over_row) then begin if ((oarr[k,j] GE validmin) && (oarr[k,j] LE validmax) && (oarr[k,j] ne fillval)) then begin sum = sum + oarr[k,j] summedDim = summedDim+1 endif endif else begin ; avg_over_col or sum_over_col if ((oarr[j,k] GE validmin) && (oarr[j,k] LE validmax) && (oarr[j,k] ne fillval)) then begin sum = sum + oarr[j,k] summedDim = summedDim+1 endif endelse endfor ; end j if summedDim EQ 0 then narr[k] = fillval else begin if keyword_set(sum_over_col) or keyword_set(sum_over_row) then $ narr[k] = sum else narr[k] = sum/summedDim endelse endfor ; end k endif ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if arrSize[0] eq 3 then begin if keyword_set(avg_over_row) or keyword_set(sum_over_row) then narr=reform(oarr[*,0,*]) ; place holder, oarr= [dir, energy, time] if keyword_set(avg_over_col) or keyword_set(sum_over_col) then narr=reform(oarr[0,*,*]) ; place holder, oarr= [dir, energy, time] numtimes = arrSize[3] ;arrSize = size(oarr) ; Example: 3 80 48 132 4 506880 numRows = arrSize[2] numCols = arrSize[1] if keyword_set(avg_over_row) or keyword_set(sum_over_row) then begin inloop=numRows outloop=numCols endif else begin ; average/sum over the column inloop=numCols outloop=numRows endelse ; validmin = buf.(index).validmin validmax = buf.(index).validmax for tt=0L,numtimes-1 do begin for k=0L, outloop-1 do begin sum = 0 summedDim = 0 ; sum over the chosen dimension for j=0L, inloop-1 do begin if keyword_set(avg_over_row) or keyword_set(sum_over_row) then begin if ((oarr[k,j,tt] GE validmin) && (oarr[k,j,tt] LE validmax) && (oarr[k,j,tt] ne fillval)) then begin sum = sum + oarr[k,j,tt] summedDim = summedDim+1 endif endif else begin ; avg_over_col or sum_over_col if ((oarr[j,k,tt] GE validmin) && (oarr[j,k,tt] LE validmax) && (oarr[j,k,tt] ne fillval)) then begin sum = sum + oarr[j,k,tt] summedDim = summedDim+1 endif endelse endfor ; end j if summedDim EQ 0 then narr[k,tt] = fillval else begin if keyword_set(sum_over_col) or keyword_set(sum_over_row) then $ narr[k,tt] = sum else narr[k,tt] = sum/summedDim endelse endfor ; end k endfor ; end tt endif ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if arrSize[0] eq 4 then begin if keyword_set(avg_col_row) or keyword_set(sum_col_row) then narr=reform(oarr[0,0,*,*]) ; place holder, oarr= [dir, energy, time] if keyword_set(avg_col_z) or keyword_set(sum_col_z) then narr=reform(oarr[0,*,0,*]) ; place holder, oarr= [dir, energy, time] if keyword_set(avg_row_z) or keyword_set(sum_row_z) then narr=reform(oarr[*,0,0,*]) ; place holder, oarr= [dir, energy, time] numtimes = arrSize[4] ;arrSize = size(oarr) ; Example: 4 16 3 32 200 4 506880 ; numZ = arrSize[3] numRows = arrSize[2] numCols = arrSize[1] if keyword_set(avg_col_row) or keyword_set(sum_col_row) then begin inloop=numRows outloop=numCols outerloop=numZ endif if keyword_set(avg_col_z) or keyword_set(sum_col_z) then begin inloop=numCols outloop=numZ outerloop=numRows endif if keyword_set(avg_row_z) or keyword_set(sum_row_z) then begin inloop=numRows outloop=numZ outerloop=numCols endif ;help,oarr,inloop,outloop,outerloop validmin = buf.(index).validmin validmax = buf.(index).validmax for tt=0L,numtimes-1 do begin for m=0L, outerloop-1 do begin sum = 0 summedDim = 0 ; sum over the chosen dimension for k=0L, outloop-1 do begin for j=0L, inloop-1 do begin if keyword_set(avg_col_row) or keyword_set(sum_col_row) then begin if ((oarr[k,j,m,tt] GE validmin) && (oarr[k,j,m,tt] LE validmax) && (oarr[k,j,m,tt] ne fillval)) then begin sum = sum + oarr[k,j,m,tt] summedDim = summedDim+1 endif endif if keyword_set(avg_col_z) or keyword_set(sum_col_z) then begin if ((oarr[j,m,k,tt] GE validmin) && (oarr[j,m,k,tt] LE validmax) && (oarr[j,m,k,tt] ne fillval)) then begin sum = sum + oarr[j,m,k,tt] summedDim = summedDim+1 endif endif if keyword_set(avg_row_z) or keyword_set(sum_row_z) then begin if ((oarr[m,j,k,tt] GE validmin) && (oarr[m,j,k,tt] LE validmax) && (oarr[m,j,k,tt] ne fillval)) then begin sum = sum + oarr[m,j,k,tt] summedDim = summedDim+1 endif endif endfor ; end j endfor ; end k if summedDim EQ 0 then narr[m,tt] = fillval else begin if keyword_set(sum_col_row) or $ keyword_set(sum_col_z) or $ keyword_set(sum_row_z) $ then narr[m,tt] = sum else narr[m,tt] = sum/summedDim endelse endfor ; end m endfor ; end tt endif ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- buf.(index).HANDLE=handle_create(value=reform(narr)) endif else print, "In spdf_sum_avg_over_col_row_z. Set /NODATASTRUCT keyword in call to read_myCDF"; endif else begin print, "ERROR= No COMPONENT0 variable: ",component0_index," found in spdf_sum_avg_over_col_row_z" status = -1 return, status endelse ; Check that all variables in the original variable list are declared as ; data otherwise set to support_data ; Find variables w/ var_type == data status = check_myvartype(buf, org_names) return, buf end ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------