Description of source and Makefile: ---------------------------------- The DARN Radar plotting support software written in C and in Fortran is used in conjunction with the CDAWlib IDL software. The source code was originaly provided to NSSDC by JHU/APL. The code was modified for CDAWlib and a Makefile was assembled. The Makefile generates a shared object module which is linked w/ CDAWlib through the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Modify this variable, set in, to the path of the module. Although dependencies for other platforms are included in the Makefile. The code has only been tested on SunOS and DecAlpha platforms. Radar Installation Instructions: ------------------------------ This software is provided in several different forms, please use one of the following that is suitable for your system and its utilities: as a "tar" file compressed with the "compress" utility, compressed using Gnu "gzip", and not compressed. To uncommpress 'Radar_lib.tar.Z' use the uncompress command as follows... uncompress Radar_lib.tar.Z To uncommpress 'Radar_lib.tar.gz' use the gzip command as follows... gzip -d Radar_lib.tar.gz In either case the resulting file will be named 'Radar_lib.tar'. Then use the "tar" command to extract the source files. "tar" will put all of the source files into the current working directory. The syntax for the `tar' command is different on some flavors of UNIX. For most UNIX systems (and the POSIX shell) use... tar -xvof CDAWlib.tar For the IBM-RS6000/AIX use... tar -x -v -f CDAWlib.tar