; RCJ 02/08/2016 Copied from make_ssc_plots5_dev_mambo, then edited. ; ;Copyright 1996-2013 United States Government as represented by the ;Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ;All Rights Reserved. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------ journal, '/bigdisk/sscweb_tmp/ssc_journal_dev' ON_ERROR, 1 ; s = execute("restore, '/home/rumba/cdaweb/lib/spdflib5.dat'") ; this was ops s = execute("restore, '/home/cdaweb/dev/lib/spdflib.dat'") ; this is dev if s ne 1 then journal if s ne 1 then exit print, version() print, 'from within LATEST make_ssc_plots5_dev_aster on aster...' print, 'IDL_DLM_PATH is: ',getenv('IDL_DLM_PATH') print, 'IDL_PATH is: ',getenv('IDL_PATH') print, 'IDL_DIR is: ',getenv('IDL_DIR') print, ' cdfnames = ',cdfnames s = ssc_plot(cdfnames,PID,OUTDIR) !p.noerase=0 !p.multi=0 !p.background=0 !p.position=0 !p.region=0 ;to gif files. print, 'Status of ssc_plot = ',s print, 'Make_ssc_plots finished' help, /files journal exit