;------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: ; DT_TM_MAK ; PURPOSE: ; Set up a time and date string from reference JD and offset. ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; s = dt_tm_mak(jd0, [sec]) ; INPUTS: ; jd0 = Julian Date of a reference date (0:00 hr). in ; sec = Seconds since JD0 at 0:00. in ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; Keywords: ; FORMAT = format string. Allows output date to be customized. ; The default format string is 'Y$ n$ d$ h$:m$:s$ w$' ; The following substitutions take place in the format string: ; Y$ = 4 digit year. ; y$ = 2 digit year. ; N$ = full month name. ; n$ = 3 letter month name. ; 0n$= month as a 2 digit number. ; d$ = day of month number. ; 0d$= 2 digit day of month number. ; doy$= 3 digit day of year. ; W$ = full weekday name. ; w$ = 3 letter week day name. ; h$ = hour. ; m$ = minute. ; s$ = second. ; f$ = fraction of second (see DECIMAL, DENOMINATOR below). ; I$ = time interval in days to 2 decimal places. ; i$ = time interval in days as an integer. ; H$ = time interval in integer hours. ; @ = Carriage Return. ; ! = Line feed. ; DECIMAL=dp Number of decimal places to use for fraction of ; second (def=3) for f$ in format. f$ will include dec pt. ; DENOMINATOR=den If given then fraction is listed as nnn/ddd ; ddd is given by den. Over-rides DECIMAL keyword. Ex: ; DENOM=1000 might give 087/1000 for f$ in format. ; OUTPUTS: ; S = resulting string. out ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; NOTES: ; Notes: Some examples: 'h$:m$:s$' -> 09:12:04, ; 'd$ n$ Y$' -> 12 Jan 1991, 'd$D h$h' -> 3D 2h, ... ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; R. Sterner. 17 Nov, 1988. ; Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. ; RES 20 Apr, 1989 --- 2 digit year. ; R. Sterner, 26 Feb, 1991 --- Renamed from time_date_str.pro ; R. Sterner, 27 Feb, 1991 --- Renamed from tm_dt_str.pro ; R. Sterner, 28 Feb, 1991 --- changed format. ; R. Sterner, 17 Jun, 1992 --- fixed a bug for large sec. ; R. Sterner, 27 Sep, 1993 --- Modified to handle arrays. ; R. Sterner, 2 Dec, 1993 --- Slightly modified def format. ; R. Sterner, 1994 Jun 15 --- Added fraction of second. ; R. Sterner, 1995 Mar 8 --- Added i$ format. ; R. Sterner, 1995 Jul 6 --- Added 0d$ format. ; R. Sterner, 1997 Feb 3 --- Added new keywords 0n$ and doy$ to ; give month as 2 digit number and day of year. ; Matthew Savoie, Systems Technology Associates --- 1997 Feb 5 ; fixed a bug by adding floor to: days = long(floor(idays)). ; R. Sterner, 1997 Dec 18 --- Added DDECIMAL=ddec for number of ; decimal places in Day of Year. ; ; Copyright (C) 1988, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory ; This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not ; sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This ; routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties ; whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt. ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------- function dt_tm_mak, jd0, sec, format=frmt, decimal=dec, $ denominator=den, ddecimal=ddec, help=hlp if (n_params(0) lt 1) or (keyword_set(hlp)) then begin print,' Set up a time and date string from reference JD and offset. print,' s = dt_tm_mak(jd0, [sec]) print,' jd0 = Julian Date of a reference date (0:00 hr). in' print,' sec = Seconds since JD0 at 0:00. in' print,' S = resulting string. out' print,' Keywords:' print,' FORMAT = format string. Allows output date to be '+$ 'customized.' print," The default format string is 'Y$ n$ d$ h$:m$:s$ w$'" print,' The following substitutions take place in the '+$ 'format string:' print,' Y$ = 4 digit year.' print,' y$ = 2 digit year.' print,' N$ = full month name.' print,' n$ = 3 letter month name.' print,' 0n$= month as a 2 digit number.' print,' d$ = day of month number.' print,' 0d$= 2 digit day of month number.' print,' doy$= 3 digit day of year.' print,' W$ = full weekday name.' print,' w$ = 3 letter week day name.' print,' h$ = hour.' print,' m$ = minute.' print,' s$ = second.' print,' f$ = fraction of second (see DECIMAL, DENOMINATOR below).' print,' I$ = time interval in days to 2 decimal places.' print,' i$ = time interval in days as an integer.' print,' H$ = time interval in integer hours.' print,' @ = Carriage Return.' print,' ! = Line feed.' print,' DECIMAL=dp Number of decimal places to use for fraction of' print,' second (def=3) for f$ in format. f$ will include dec pt.' print,' DENOMINATOR=den If given then fraction is listed as nnn/ddd' print,' ddd is given by den. Over-rides DECIMAL keyword. Ex:' print,' DENOM=1000 might give 087/1000 for f$ in format.' print," Notes: Some examples: 'h$:m$:s$' -> 09:12:04," print," 'd$ n$ Y$' -> 12 Jan 1991, 'd$D h$h' -> 3D 2h, ..." return, -1 endif if n_params(0) lt 2 then sec = 0. ; Default seconds are 0. num = n_elements(sec) ; Number of strings to make. ;----- format string ------ fmt = 'Y$ n$ d$ h$:m$:s$ w$' ; Default format. if keyword_set(frmt) then fmt = frmt ; Use given format. ;----- Get all the allowed parts ----- idays = sec/86400d0 ; Seconds to interval in days days = long(floor(idays)) ; Interval to integer days rem = sec - days*86400d0 ; and left over seconds. jd2ymd, jd0+days, y, m, d ; Find Yr, Mon, Day. if n_elements(ddec) eq 0 then ddec=0 ; Default for doy is integer. doy = string(ymd2dn(y,m,d),form='(I3.3)') ; Day of year. if ddec gt 0 then begin ; If DOY fraction requested. doyfrm = '(F'+strtrim(2+ddec,2)+'.'+strtrim(ddec,2)+')' doyfrac = string(sec/86400d0,form=doyfrm) ; Find fraction of day. doy = doy + strmid(doyfrac,1,99) ; Concatenate on fraction. endif yu = strtrim(y,2) ; 4 Digit year. ;Tami Kovalick, Raytheon STX changed this since it doesn't work ;for years past 1999. July 13, 1998 ; yl = strtrim(fix(y-100*fix(y/100)),2) ; 2 digit year. yl = strmid(strtrim(y,2),2,2) ;get the last two digits of the year. mnames = monthnames() ; List of names. mu = mnames(m) ; Long month name. ml = strmid(mu,0,3) ; 3 letter month name. mn = string(m,form='(I2.2)') ; Month as a 2-digit number. dl = strtrim(d,2) ; Day of month. dl0 = dl ; Leading 0 form. w = where(d lt 10, cnt) ; Look for day<10. if cnt gt 0 then begin dl(w)=' '+dl(w) ; Leading space form. dl0(w) = '0'+dl0(w) ; Leading 0 form. endif wu = weekday(y,m,d) ; Long weekday name. wl = strmid(wu,0,3) ; 3 letter weekday name. sechms, rem, h, m, s, hh, mm, ss ; Find Hr, Min, Sec. ii = strtrim(string(idays,format='(f20.2)'),2) ii2 = strtrim(days,2) hh2 = string(idays*24.,format='(I0)') ;------- Handle fraction of second --------- frac = s - floor(s) if keyword_set(den) then begin ; nnn/ddd wid = strtrim(ceil(alog10(den)),2) dn = strtrim(den,2) fm2 = '(I'+wid+'.'+wid+')' endif else begin ; .fff dp = 3 if keyword_set(dec) then dp = dec fm1 = '(f'+strtrim(dp+2,2)+'.'+strtrim(dp,2)+')' endelse ff = strarr(num) for i = 0, num-1 do begin if keyword_set(den) then begin ff(i) = string(den*frac(i),form=fm2)+'/'+dn ; Add denominator. endif else begin ff(i) = strmid(string(frac(i),form=fm1),1,99) ; Keep dec. point. endelse endfor ;------ Replacements ------- out = strarr(num) for i = 0, num-1 do begin tmp = fmt tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'I$', ii(i)) ; Interval in days (2 dp). tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'i$', ii2(i)) ; Interval in days (int). tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'H$', hh2(i)) ; Interval in integer hours. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'doy$',doy(i)) ; 3 digit day of year. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'Y$', yu(i)) ; 4 digit year. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'y$', yl(i)) ; 2 digit year. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'N$', mu(i)) ; Long month name. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, '0n$',mn(i)) ; Month as 2-digit number. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'n$', ml(i)) ; 3 letter month name. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'W$', wu(i)) ; Long weekday name. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'w$', wl(i)) ; 3 letter weekday name. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, '0d$',dl0(i)) ; Day of month (leading 0). tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'd$', dl(i)) ; Day of month. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'h$', hh(i)) ; Hour. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'm$', mm(i)) ; Minute. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 's$', ss(i)) ; Second. tmp = stress(tmp, 'R', 0, 'f$', ff(i)) ; Fraction of second. tmp = repchr(tmp, '@', string(13B)) ; <CR> tmp = repchr(tmp, '!', string(10B)) ; <LF> out(i) = tmp endfor if n_elements(out) eq 1 then return, out(0) return, out end