function cmb_spike_clean, d, SIGMUL=sigmul ;+ ; EXAMPLE USAGE: ; status= cmb_skip_clean ( d, sigmul=sigmul) ; ; NAME: ; cmb_spike_clan ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure is wrapper function for cmb_spike_editor0 to allow it to be easily called ; from within CDAWeb ; ; CATEGORY: ; Data binning. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; status= cmb_skip_clean ( d, sigmul=sigmul ) ; ; INPUTS: ; d = data structure returned by ; ; Keyword Inputs: ; sigmul: if set and sigmul >= 1, sigmul is the multiplicative factor of standard ; deviation for rejection of data: ; 5 (default) ; 4 (less aggressive) ; 6 (more aggressive) ; Note if sigmul < 1 or not defined filtering is skipped. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; 1 is successful ; 0 if not. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Unknown. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Unknown. ; ; FUNCTION: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Based on code developed by Aaron Roberts and Scott Boardsen at GSFC. ;- if cmb_var_type(d) ne 'STRUCT' then return, 0 if n_elements(sigmul) eq 0 then return, 0 ; Check for errors trapped in read_myCDF d_tags = tag_names(d) rflag = WHERE (d_tags eq 'DATASET') if (rflag[0] ne -1) then return, 0 if sigmul ge 1. then begin tnames = tag_names(d) for itag=0,n_elements(tnames)-1 do begin ; Change conditional from enclosing an if branch to simply triggering the next ; iteration of the loop. ; Ron Yurow (Dec 17, 2021) ; if d.(itag).var_type eq 'data' then begin if d.(itag).var_type ne 'data' then continue ; Add check string variable types. ; Not sure how we got away without it for so long. ; Ron Yurow (Dec 17, 2021) sink = where ('CDFTYPE' eq tag_names (d.(itag)), cnt) if cnt gt 0 && d.(itag).cdftype eq 'CDF_CHAR' then continue print,'tag_name:', tnames[itag] a = cmb_dat(d.(itag)) fillval=d.(itag).fillval VALIDMIN = 0 VALIDMAX = 0 if cmb_tag_name_exists('VALIDMIN', d) and cmb_tag_name_exists('VALIDMAX', d) then begin VALIDMIN = d.(itag).VALIDMIN VALIDMAX = d.(itag).VALIDMAX endif ; set values outside of valdimin/max to fillval cmb_filter_time_series,a,fillval=fillval, validmax=validmax, validmin=validmin IF ISA (a, /SCALAR) THEN a = [a] a = cmb_collapse(a, ndimsorg = ndimsorg) ig = cmb_autobad (a,sigmul, fillval=fillval, /filter_by_fill) ib = where(ig eq 0) if ib[0] ne -1 then begin if cmb_tag_name_exists('dat', d) then begin d.(itag).dat[ib] = fillval endif else begin a[ib] = fillval a = cmb_collapse(a, ndimsorg = ndimsorg,/revert) handle_value,/set,d.(itag).handle, a endelse endif ; endif endfor endif return, 1 end