; ;Copyright 1996-2013 United States Government as represented by the ;Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ;All Rights Reserved. ; This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not ; sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This ; routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties ; whatsoever. ; function cmb_pp_pos,nx,ny,ix,iy,ierase=ierase,position=position,ch=ch, no_increment=no_increment if n_elements(position) ne 4 then position = [.1,.1,.9,.9] if n_params() eq 0 then begin print,'usage: plot,.....,position= cmb_pp_pos_b(nx,ny,ipanel,ierase=ierase,position=position,ch=ch) print,'cmb_pp_pos_b,nx,ny,ipanel,ierase=ierase,position=position,ch=ch' print,'returns position on a panel on multi-panel nx by ny plot' print,';nx is the # of panels on x-axis' print,';ny is the # of panels on y-axis' print,';ipanel is the ipanel index for nx=1, 0 is the top panel' print,';position is the specifies panel boundaries on plot window' print,';ch is the normalize spacing between panels, default is 0.05' return,position endif if ny*nx eq 1 then return,position if n_elements(ch) eq 0 then ch = 2./40. if n_elements(ipanel) eq 0 then ipanel = 0 x0 = position[0] x1 = position[2] y0 = position[1] y1 = position[3] dx = (x1-x0 - (nx-1)*ch)/nx dy = (y1-y0 - (ny-1)*ch)/ny xa = x0 +ix*(dx+ch) xb = xa + dx yb = y1 -iy*(dy+ch) ya = yb -dy if keyword_set(no_increment) eq 0 then ipanel = ipanel + 1 return,[xa,ya,xb,yb] end