FUNCTION xanalyze_image,a,vname i = get_mydata(a,vname) & isize = size(i) window,/free,xsize=isize(1),ysize=isize(2) wset,!d.window tv,i return,0 end PRO cdfx_Xplotimages_Event,event tnames = tag_names(event) if tnames(3) eq 'VALUE' then begin ; process button/pulldown event case event.value of 'Operations>.Analyze Selected Frame' : begin widget_control,/hourglass widget_control,,get_uvalue=info ; retrieve widget info widget_control,info.draw,get_uvalue=s ; retrieve display layout info if info.frame ne -1 then begin frametime = s.tdat(info.frame) ; determine time of frame widget_control,info.base1,get_uvalue=a ; retrieve data structure b = timeslice_mystruct(a,frametime,frametime) ; subset the structure status = xanalyze_image(b,info.vname) endif end 'Operations>.Annotate Thumbnail Plot' : begin widget_control,,get_uvalue=info widget_control,/hourglass annotate end else : print,'Unknown value for xplot_images button!' endcase endif if tnames(3) eq 'TYPE' then begin ; process draw event if event.type eq 1 then begin ; user has clicked in the drawing widget_control,,get_uvalue=info ; retrieve widget info widget_control,info.draw,get_uvalue=s ; retrieve display layout info icol = fix(event.x / s.tsizes(0)) ; compute column number if icol le s.ncols then begin ; user has clicked within images irow = fix((s.ysize-event.y) / (s.tsizes(1)+s.timetag_height)) if irow le s.nrows then begin ; user has clicked within images frame = (irow*s.ncols)+icol ; compute frame number if frame le s.nimages-1 then begin ; valid frame number computed widget_control,info.lab1b,set_value=strtrim(string(frame),2) info.previousframe = info.frame & info.frame=frame widget_control,,set_uvalue=info endif endif endif endif endif end PRO cdfx_Xplotimages_CBox,wid print,'CBox closing does nothing yet' end FUNCTION xplot_images, a,vname,$ THUMBSIZE=THUMBSIZE,TSTART=TSTART,TSTOP=TSTOP,$ XSIZE=XSIZE,NONOISE=NONOISE,COLORBAR=COLORBAR,$ DEBUG=DEBUG ; Evaluate the input structure and determine the plotting space required s = evaluate_image_struct(a,vname,THUMBSIZE=THUMBSIZE,TSTART=TSTART,$ TSTOP=TSTOP,XSIZE=XSIZE,COLORBAR=COLORBAR) i = size(s) & if i(n_elements(i)-2) ne 8 then return,-1 if keyword_set(DEBUG) then help,/struct,s tn = tag_names(a.(s.vnum)) ; Determine the titles for the window and colorbar w = where(tn eq 'SOURCE_NAME',wc) if wc ne 0 then wtitle = a.(s.vnum).SOURCE_NAME else wtitle = '' w = where(tn eq 'DESCRIPTOR',wc) if wc ne 0 then wtitle = wtitle + ' ' + a.(s.vnum).DESCRIPTOR w = where(tn eq 'UNITS',wc) if wc ne 0 then ctitle = a.(s.vnum).UNITS else ctitle = '' ; Retrieve the image data and time data from the structure for manipulation w = where(tn eq 'DAT',wc) if wc ne 0 then idat = a.(s.vnum).DAT else handle_value,a.(s.vnum).HANDLE,idat w = where(tag_names(a.(s.tnum)) eq 'DAT',wc) if wc ne 0 then tdat = a.(s.tnum).DAT else handle_value,a.(s.tnum).HANDLE,tdat ; Perform time filtering if required if ((s.firstframe ne 0)or(s.lastframe ne s.nimages)) then begin idat = idat(*,*,s.firstframe:s.lastframe-1) tdat = tdat(s.firstframe:s.lastframe-1) endif ; Determine validmin and validmax values vmin = 0 & vmax = 10000 ; defaults w = where(tn eq 'VALIDMIN',wc) if wc ne 0 then begin & i = size(a.(s.vnum).VALIDMIN) if i(0) eq 0 then vmin = a.(s.vnum).VALIDMIN endif w = where(tn eq 'VALIDMAX',wc) if wc ne 0 then begin & i = size(a.(s.vnum).VALIDMAX) if i(0) eq 0 then vmax = a.(s.vnum).VALIDMAX endif ; Perform data validmin/max filtering to maximize color spread w = where(idat lt vmin,wc) & if wc gt 0 then idat(w) = 0 ; 'black' w = where(idat gt vmax,wc) & if wc gt 0 then idat(w) = vmax-1 ; 'red' ; Rebin the data to the thumbnail size if s.nimages eq 1 then idat = congrid(idat,s.tsizes(0),s.tsizes(1)) $ else idat = congrid(idat,s.tsizes(0),s.tsizes(1),s.nimages) ; Filter data values outside 3-sigma for better color spread if keyword_set(NONOISE) then begin ;semiminmax,idat,smin,smax ; RCJ 05/05/2006 Replaced call to semiminmax w/ call to three_sigma sigminmax=three_sigma(idat) smin=sigminmax.(0) smax=sigminmax.(1) w = where(idat lt smin,wc) & if wc gt 0 then idat(w) = smin ; 'black' w = where(idat gt smax,wc) & if wc gt 0 then idat(w) = smax-1 ; 'red' endif ; Bytescale to maximize the color spread idmax = max(idat) & idmin = min(idat) idat = bytscl(idat,min=idmin,max=idmax,top=!d.n_colors-8) ; Generate the Widget display base = widget_base(title=wtitle,/column) draw = widget_draw(base,xsize=s.xsize,ysize=s.ysize,/frame,retain=2,uvalue=s,$ x_scroll_size=512,y_scroll_size=512,/button_events) base1= widget_base(base,/row,/frame,uvalue=a) lab1a= widget_label(base1,value='Selected Frame= ') lab1b= widget_label(base1,value='-1') junk1= {CW_PDMENU_S,flags:0,name:''} puld1= [{CW_PDMENU_S,1,'Operations>'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Analyze Selected Frame'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,2,'Annotate Thumbnail Plot'}] but1a= CW_PDMENU(base1,puld1,/return_full_name) info = {vname:vname,draw:draw,base1:base1,$ lab1b:lab1b,frame:-1,previousframe:-1} widget_control,base,set_uvalue=info widget_control,base,/realize widget_control,draw,get_value=windowid ; Draw the plot in the newly created draw widget wset,windowid & irow=0 & icol=0 xpos = 0 & ypos = s.ysize - s.title_height - s.tsizes(1) if keyword_set(COLORBAR) then begin !x.margin = 14 & plot,[0,1],[0,1],/noerase,/nodata,xstyle=4,ystyle=4 endif for j=0,s.nimages-1 do begin tv,idat(*,*,j),xpos,ypos,/device tdate = decode_cdfepoch(tdat(j)) shortdate = strmid(tdate,10,strlen(tdate)) xyouts,xpos,ypos-s.timetag_height+1,shortdate,color=!d.n_colors-1,/device ; recompute positions for next thumbnail xpos = xpos + s.tsizes(0) & icol = icol + 1 if icol eq s.ncols then begin icol=0 & xpos=0 & ypos = ypos - (s.tsizes(1) + s.timetag_height) endif endfor ; Draw the colorbar if requested if keyword_set(COLORBAR) then begin if n_elements(cCharSize) eq 0 then cCharSize=0 cscale = [idmin,idmax] & xwindow= !x.window & offset = 0.01 colorbar,cscale,ctitle,logZ=0,cCharSize=cCharSize,$ position=[!x.window(1)+offset, !y.window(0),$ !x.window(1)+offset+0.03,!y.window(1)],$ fcolor=244,/image !x.window=xwindow endif ; colorbar ; Start the Xmanager Xmanager,'Xplotimages',base,Event='cdfx_Xplotimages_Event',$ Cleanup='cdfx_Xplotimages_CBox' return,0 end