CDAW-9 NACS/DATABASE USER'S GUIDE: VERSION 2.0 [Original PC version was dated 11/27/89; This version was slightly edited, reformatted to new MS Word version, and converted to plain ASCII 12/30/93.] QUICK REFERENCE GUIDES TO THE CDAW DATABASE AND ANALYSIS SYSTEM CDAW-9 DATABASE ORGANIZATION: o EVENT (namely Events 9A through 9E) o SPACECRAFT (or Observing Platform; e.g., DE-1, Viking, ISEE-1, IMP-8, Ground-Based) o INSTRUMENT (or Data Set; e.g., Magnetic Field, Energetic Particles 0.1-2 MeV, Canadian Ground Stations, South Pole Riometer) CDAW/NACS DATA SYSTEM OUTLINE: Initialization -> Data Manipulation -> Listing Averaging Math Functions Subsetting -> Graphics -> Specify Data Sets -> Specify plotting options -> Draw plot on terminal -> Make Graphics Hardcopy (run after plots made on terminal) The original guide contained a "summary catalog" of CDAW 9.2 data sets at this point. Now there are three CDAW data bases available: CDAW 6 & 7 combined; CDAW 8; and CDAW 9. Their "summary catalogs" are found in the CDAW anonymous directory as the files named "CDAW_n.DATA_SETS", where the identifier "n" is either "6_7", "8", or "9". Detailed descriptions of each data set are in the files named with the extension ".VARIABLES". Page 2 QUICK REFERENCE: GETTING STARTED [In all the following, [CR] = Carriage Return. System responses appear in plain type, user responses were originally in Boldface, but that hasn't yet been replaced by an alternate scheme in this plain ASCII version. It is assumed the user has an ANSI-Standard alphanumeric terminal (e.g, VT 100) with respect to the various Summary Screens.] [FOR CDAW 9.2: The primary system access was via MacIntosh IIs running the VersaTerm Pro Terminal Emulation software. This package emulates a Tektronix 4105 graphics terminal (terminal type "T4100" below).] $ cdaw Enter desired priority: 5 (during 9.2) and [CR] Enter terminal (may not always appear): T4100 (e.g.) and [CR] CDAW Vers 9.2 - December 10, 1989 etc. [CR] Select Data Manipulation, Graphics, 2 (=Graphics) [CR] and various exit options Select GRAPH Utilities or Post-Processor 1 (=GRAPH Utilities) [CR] Select Graphics Data Selection mode 3 (=CDAW-9 Window CDF) [CR] --------------------------------------------------------------------- CDAW DATA SELECTION SCREEN: To position to desired EVENT Use up/down arrow keys (to scroll/move highlight) and PF2/PF3 to "page" selections To get help on highlighted EVENT PF4 (on/off toggle for help) To select EVENT [CR] while EVENT is highlighted To position/select SPACECRAFT Same instructions as above To change EVENT (once selected) cntl-H To position/select INSTRUMENT Same instructions as above To select 2nd, 3rd, etc. Same instructions as above, EVENT / SPACECRAFT / INSTRUMENT (if > one data set desired) To exit Data Selection and start graphics PF1 and [CR] To quit (abort) Data Selection PF1, position highlight and [CR] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prompts "Writing CDF Information to TAE..." and "Dynamically building TAE forms ..." (16 option) "Plot Type Selection Menu" 12 (= CDAW Summary Screen) and [CR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 3 GRAPHICS SUMMARY PANELS (2 "pages"): - On the 1st Page - To select "Plot Type" [CR] (accept default) or [Choices = XY or PANEL] PF3 (display options), Up/down arrows (move highlighting), [CR] (to accept highlighted option) To select "Plot Style" Same as "Plot Type", [Choices = SCATTER, VECTOR, etc.] (VECTOR recommended) To select "Scaling" Same as "Plot Type" [Choices = MANUAL or AUTO (Panel only)] To specify "User" label Type desired name and [CR] (limit of 12 characters) To specify "Plotfile" Type desired name and [CR] (limit of 10 characters, with no blanks, no .plt extension) To specify "Plot Title" label Type desired title and [CR] (limit of 20 characters) To select "Font" Same as "Plot Type", [Choices = FAST/HW or LOW/SW] (Use FAST/HW for speed, LOW/SW for text appearance) To select "Filter Mode" Same as "Plot Type" [Choices = NORMAL or SIMPLIFIED] (SIMPLIFIED recommended) To redraw screen cntl-W To backspace field cntl-H To toggle between Summary Panel "pages": PF2 To save selections/exit or nosave/quit PF1 and move highlight, [CR] PAGE 4 GRAPHICS SUMMARY PANELS (2 "pages") (cont.): - On the 2nd Page - To move to any desired field on 2nd page [CR] to move to right cntl-H to move to left DOWN-arrow to move down UP-arrow to move up To select any x-axis or y-axis variable Position to desired field under "Variables" (using up/down arrows, [CR] and cntl-H) [CR] (to accept default; eg TIME) PF3 (to display choices), then up/down arrows and [CR] to highlight choice and select) If prompted by additional "pop-up" menus, select Filters using up/down arrow & [CR] To set any lower (MIN) plot axis limit Position to field and (over)type value, then [CR] To set any upper (MAX) plot axis limit Same as "set MIN limit" To set any scaling Position to field [Choices = LINear or LOGarithmic] To set "Filters" (on Filter Selection Form) [CR] (no change) (Setting Filters _not_ recommended when using SIMPLIFIED page 2 format) (Otherwise) PF3 or (Y, [CR]) To execute plot PF1 (to display options), and/or exit/quit Summary Screen up/down arrows and [CR] to [Choices = Draw XY/Panel plot move highlight & select option Save Settings / Exit NoSave Settings / Quit Continue editing Summary Screen] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 5 Message "Summary File Clean-up..." appears, followed by terminal switch to its graphics mode screen Terminal will "beep" when plot is completed To interrupt plotting (sometimes not possible) cntl-C ("several" times), (manually) switch to alphanumeric mode screen and abort, [CR] ) Plot exit options (when plot is complete) s, h and q (with NO [CR]) ([Choices = s (copy plot to plot file) h (hardcopy, if appropriate device attached to terminal) q (quit/end plot and return to "16 option" Select Menu)] NOTE THAT MOST PC / MACINTOSH BASED TERMINAL EMULATION PROGRAMS INCLUDE FACILITIES FOR "LOCAL" HARDCOPY, WHICH SHOULD BE EXECUTED (IF DESIRED) BEFORE EXITING PLOT. [FOR CDAW 9.2: The primary system access was via MacIntosh IIs running the VersaTerm Pro Terminal Emulation Package, and connected to a local laser printer. This package emulates a Tektronix 4105 graphics terminal. To generate a local B&W copy of a graph displayed, "pull down" the "File" menu of VersaTerm Pro and select "Print". With VersaTerm Pro, it is required to manually "click" on the vt100 screen to bring this screen to the foreground after exiting a graph.] To exit CDAW system 15 (exit / purge) and [CR] (preserving current plot definitions) To re-enter CDAW system $ cdaw, [CR] etc. to (restarting with last plot definitions) (5 option) Subsystems Menu "m select" and [CR] 12 and [CR] (Summary Screen) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAPHICS POST-PROCESSOR : This option can be used to both replay plots written to disk on a terminal and to make hardcopies. [FOR CDAW 9.2: please note that hardcopies made under this option will be printed _at NSSDC_ (_not locally_). You can arrange with us to (B&W) FAX these hardcopies, or mail the originals (B&W plus color) to your home address.] PAGE 6 To move from the "Select menu" Enter top and [CR] to start Graphics Post-Processor 2 (=GRAPHICS) and [CR] 2 (=Post Processor) and [CR] To enter plot file name up-arrow (position to input field) delete key (remove right ") type in file name (with no .plt extension, and ending in ") and [CR] type run and [CR] (to link to file) To replot to terminal 1 (= terminal) and [CR] 3 (= draw plots) and [CR] ( f, b, s, h, q) to manage display m select (after q) and [CR] (to return to graphics menu) OR to plot to hardcopy Enter # of choice and [CR], then [Choices include TALARIS (fast B&W) 3 (= draw plots) and [CR]. HP7580 (slow color) (Enter "m select" and [CR] Tek 4692 (slow color)] to return to graphics menu) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LISTING/COPYING A CDAW DATA SET (CDF) (VT100-compatible terminal): Go to (5 option)"Subsystem Menu" $ cdaw [CR] etc. (from DCL $) top, [CR] (from "Select" menu) Select "Data Manipulation" 1 and [CR] Select "List ..." 3 and [CR] LIST-CDF FULL-SCREEN SPECIFICATION: Specify Data Set to be "listed" END OF QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE ____________________________________________________________________________ Curator: H. Kent Hills ( Author and NASA Official: Robert E. McGuire ( Head, Space Physics Data Facility (Code 632), NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771 Last Revised: 22 Nov 1996 [HKH] ____________________________________________________________________________