CDAW-9.2 User's Guide            (11/27/89)         V2.0 

[This is part 2 of 3, converted from the original mixed text-and-graphics
format to this plain ASCII text, January 20, 1994.] 

[Page numbers have been inserted here to closely match those in the original, 
so that the original Table of Contents remains useful.  The intervals between
page numbers are non-uniform due to the absence of graphics in this plain ASCII

Page  i


        TUTORIALS                                                 28

III.A.  Completing the Graphics Goals of the Preceding Section    28
III.B.  Creating Paper or Transparency Copies of Plots            30
III.C.  Saving Things:  Save/Restore Options, VMS 
          Subdirectories and the CDAW Purge/Delete Options:       32
  III.C.1.  CDAW Purge/Delete Options                             32
  III.C.2.  VMS Subdirectories                                    33
  III.C.3.  CDAW Save and Restore Options                         34
III.D.  An Introduction to "Filters"                              35
III.E.  "Dimensional Data Sets" and the CDAW Graphics System      41
III.F.  Selection of "User Specified" Data Sets                   49

Page ii


Figure III.1.  ISEE-1 and IMP-8 Magnetic Fields                           29
Figure III.2.  TAE "Tutor" for Post-Processor File Name Specification     30
Figure III.3.  IMP-8 B-Field Components and Variances                     37
Figure III.4.  Specification Page with Global Filter Select               38
Figure III.5.  IMP-8 B-Field Component Values with BZ Variance <0.1 nT2   39
Figure III.6.  IMP-8 B-Field Components with VARZ <0.1 nT2 and BY GSE 
                 Plotted Only Where BX GSE >3 nT                          40
Figure III.7.  Variable Selection Pop-up for 2-Dimensional CDF            44
Figure III.8.  SIMPLIFIED Filter Interface for 2-Dimensional CDF:
                 Automatic Prompt for Filter Definition on 1st Dimension  44
Figure III.9.  How Filters Set by the SIMPLIFIED Interface Look           45
Figure III.10.  CCE Hot Plasma:  Flux at 3 Energies and 10 degree Pitch
                  Angle                                                   46
Figure III.11.  Event 9A CCE Hot Plasma Fluxes (all Energies / Pitch 
                  Angles)                                                 46
Figure III.12.  Discrete Variable Value Select "Pop-up"                   47
Figure III.13.  CCE Hot Plasma Energy Spectra at 5 Pitch Angles           49
Figure III.14.  Directory Path Specification Form on "Uselect"            50

Page 28


Upon re-entering the (XY/Panel Graphics) Summary screens, whether directly 
(instruction 11.43a) or by exiting NACS and later restarting via "$ cdaw" 
(instructions 11.43b) to get back to the Summary screen,  the specifications 
you entered previously should be restored.  

As before, on entering the Summary screens, the default plot type is Panel.  
To see your previous XY specifications, use the left-arrow to reset to XY.  
If you then press PF2, you will see all your previously selected variables and 
limits displayed, ready for further editing.

Recall that the graphics goals we defined in Section II were the following 
plots of three components of magnetic field, for a time within event 9B:

  o  For ISEE-1, overlaid on a single grid (XY plot; i.e. Figure II.5)

  o  For ISEE-1, plotted on 3 separate grids (Panel plot; i.e. Figure II.6)

  o  For ISEE-1 and IMP-8 together on a Panel plot (Figure III.1).

Having accomplished the initial display, we will now continue the example to 
complete these goals, then to demonstrate a few other selected capabilities 
of the CDAW graphics system and to generate hardcopies of these plots.

III.A   Completing the Graphics Goals of the Preceding Section.

III.1)  Use PF3, the up-down arrow keys and [CR] to set the plot type to Panel.
 If the plot file name is not changed (you should still see the specification
"demo_plot"), any new plots of which "snapshots" are made will be appended to
the previously defined file. 

III.2)  Use PF2 to switch to the specification page.  Use [CR], cntl-H, and 
up-down arrows to position to fields.  Use PF3 to bring up pop-up selection
menus, up-down arrows and the keys u-d to move the selection highlight and [CR]
to make variable selections.  Use left- right arrows to position within
(typeover) character fields (minimum and maximum ranges). 

Page 29

III.3)  Once the variables have been defined, use PF1 and [CR] to draw the
Panel plot.  Use "s" (no [CR]) to save a copy of the plot and "q", [CR] to
return to the TAE "Select" menu.  Enter "12", [CR] to return to the Summary

III.6)  Leave the specifications as PANEL and use PF2 to go to the
specifications page.  Using the same techniques as before, load BX, BY and BZ
GSE for IMP-8 (variables IJ01BSEX, IJ01BSEY and IJ01BSEZ) into Y#4, Y#5 and
Y#6.  You may wish to set those minima / maxima to the range -10.0 to +10.0
(nT). Then use PF1 to plot (output should be Figure III.1), "s" to"snapshot"
and "q", [CR] to go to the graphics "Select" TAE menu. 

Figure III.1.   ISEE-1 and IMP-8 Magnetic Fields
     [The plot for Figure III.1 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

Page 30

At this point, we've accomplished our initial graphics goals.  Additionally, it
can be seen that changing plot styles (Scatter to Vector to other styles) and
scaling mode (use of Automatic mode in Panel plots) as well as switching LINear
and LOGarithmic scalings for individual Y curves is a trivial extension of the
techniques just discussed. 

III.B   Creating Paper or Transparency Copies of Plots

It was noted earlier that the TAE "menus" form something of a "tree" structure.
 In the introductory section, it was also noted in the first diagram that
access to the "post-processor" for making paper copies of plots (or replaying
previously made plots on terminals) is chosen at a level that precedes the
specification of data sets in the DMS screen. 

Within certain sensible limits, however, TAE does allow a user to jump about
the "tree".  We can thus return to the highest level of the system and then
invoke the post-processor without destroying the plotting environment we have
just created. 

If you start from the 'Select" menu:

III.7a) Enter "top" and [CR].

If you are starting from the VMS "$" prompt:

III.7b)	Enter "cdaw", [CR]  etc. to get to the initial (or "root") TAE menu, 
which branches between Data Manipulation and Graphics.

III.8)	Enter "3" (Graphics) and [CR], then "2" (Post-Processor) and [CR].

Figure III.2.  TAE "Tutor" for Post-
Processor File Name Specification
Tutor: proc "PLTSELEC", library "ngs$menu"                            Pg 1.

                      GRAPHICS Post Processor

  parm          description                            	value
  ----          -----------                            	-----
INFILE          Name of input plot file                 " "


At this point, you have been put into a TAE "tutor" screen like Figure III.2.

III.9a)	Use the up-arrow to bring up a prompt for the plot file name onto the
TAE "prompt" line at the bottom of the screen.  Use the backspace- delete or
rubout key to remove the right quote, then enter the name of the plot file you
defined before quoted as "demo_plot", then [CR] and go on to step III.10. 

Please note that the .plt extension on the plot file name is not needed and
should NOT be entered! 

But suppose you forget the plot file name you used, but you're pretty sure
you'd recognize it if you saw it again.  While TAE command logic will be
discussed more in section IV (and hence the following is presented as a
"cookbook" example only for now), then do the following: 

III.9b1) Enter "exit" and [CR] to return to the post-processor selection menu.

III.9b2) Enter "c" (for "command" at the ? TAE menu prompt and [CR].

You will now see a prompt line "NACS>".  To that prompt enter "dcl dir *.plt"
to see a directory listing of all the plot files in your current VMS directory.
Once you've noted the correct name: 

III.9b3) Enter "m", [CR] at the " NACS>" prompt, then "2", [CR] to get back to 
where you can execute instruction III.9a.

III.10) Enter "run" and [CR] to link to this plot file.

The next  menu prompts you to select a display device from among various
hardcopy devices available currently at NSSDC or your current terminal (to
replay the plots made). 


HP7580              Good quality, color plotter, slow
TEKTRONIX 4692      Color plotter, good quality, slow
                      (only device recommended for images)
TALARIS 2400        Fast, high quality B&W laser printer
                      (requires free disk space twice plot file size)

As an illustration, we will suppose you have targeted the Talaris Laser Printer
for its speed and resolution, surrendering the modest amount of color in the
plots in trade for quick reproduction (because the Talaris is black-and-white
only).  The procedures to use the Tektronix 4692 and other devices are very
similar however.  It is generally not necessary to alter the detailed device

Page 31

III.11) Enter "7" and [CR].

III.12) Enter "3" and [CR] to start a VMS batch job to make the hardcopy plots.
You will receive a system message when the job completes, but you are free to
proceed with other analyses while the job is running or waiting to run. 

The Talaris printer is located on the main floor in Building 26, in the Xerox
room 142.  During the 9.2 workshop, NSSDC staff will FAX Talaris and other
outputs to the CDAW-9 participants IF REQUESTED. 

III.13) To return to the "Select" menu, enter "m select" and [CR].

III.C.  Saving Things:  Save/Restore Options, VMS Subdirectories and the CDAW
Purge/Delete Options: 

To allow you (as a new user) to first get a general feeling  for the
capabilities of the graphics data selection and Summary screens, we've used a
couple of shortcuts (which we've not described functionally yet) to minimize
the need for you to re-specify a plot environment at each step of this
tutorial.  But, in fact, how to save and restore a plotting environment, as
well as how to keep one's disk space usage in reasonable bounds, are facts of
life in a computer system. 

III.C.1  CDAW Purge/Delete Options

The graphics environment (data sets selected, plot options specified at a given
point in time) is stored in disk files in the VMS directory assigned to your
account, and from which you are presently running the CDAW/NACS system.  This
is one benefit of using TAE as the architectural backbone of the system.  So
long as you do not delete those files, you can enter and exit the system with
some flexibility while still preserving the graphics environment you have

Page 32

That's one reason why we have used the "purge working files and exit to $
prompt" option to exit the system, because "purging" in VMS terminology only
removes old versions of any given type of file rather than completely deleting
them.  When we re-enter, the overall graphics system is structured such that "m
select" can jump back in fact to the previous working graphics environment. 
The "purge" options in the initializing TAE  menu act in the same way. 

If you instead re-selected the data sets, at the point of "loading" (or linking
to) the selected data sets, all old working files will be deleted and the
associated plot options lost. 

The options that say "Delete working files ..." also completely delete the
working environment.  This saves disk space, of course, so it is the
appropriate way to exit the system when you're really finished with a given set
of plots.  But you should choose "purge" if you intend to come back again. 

III.C.2  VMS Subdirectories

The VMS Operating system allows the creation of a hierarchy of subdirectories
within a given user directory, subject of course to overall quotas on the total
disk space used by the directory as a whole.  Files are by default created and
deleted in whatever subdirectory is currently being used unless an explicit VMS
directory path for a file is specified. 

While it is certainly possible to construct a subdirectory structure so complex
as to be more hindrance than help, a judicious use of subdirectories can
simplify life and can sometimes greatly increase the utility and effective
performance of the CDAW/NACS system. 

For a user with an account "USERNAME" to create a subdirectory which we will
call "CDAW_1" (either upper or lower case letters may be used at any time - the
system does not distinguish upper from lower case in directory and file names),
the user enters the command: 

    $ create/directory [USERNAME.CDAW_1]

To change to that subdirectory , use:

    $ set directory [USERNAME.CDAW_1]
    $ sd .CDAW_1 
        (an abbreviation defined on the NSSDC VAX systems)

To return to the main directory, use:

Page 33

    $ set directory [USERNAME]
    $ sd . (also an NSSDC abbreviation)

So as you start to do real analysis, you might find it convenient to create one
or more working subdirectories.  Then, if you leave the CDAW system via "purge"
while in any subdirectory, the environment will remain and can be simply
re-entered via "m select" when you restart.  You can thus easily maintain
multiple working environments by using multiple subdirectories. 

We would also note that your MAIL files (*.mai) can also easily be stored in a
subdirectory, thus keeping your main directory relatively clean in appearance. 
See online help for mail and its subcommands for more details in how to set up
a mail subdirectory. 

To remove subdirectories, you must first delete all files within them.  You
should then "set directory" back to the next level, reset the "protection" on
the .dir file associated with the subdirectory in question (e.g., CDAW-1.DIR)
to allow its deletion, then delete it.  See the "Beginner's Guide" and other
VMS manuals and online helps for more detail. 

III.C.3  CDAW Save and Restore Options

The CDAW/NACS  system itself offers a direct capability to save and restore 
graphics "environments" (either a full environment, with data sets and plot 
options or the XY/Panel plot options only.  

Access to the "Total environment save/restore" is possible both when 
preparing to specify graphics data sets (as option #4) and from the graphics 
"Select" menu (as option #13).  In either case, when "Total environment 
save/restore" is invoked, the user will first be asked whether he wishes to 
save, restore, or delete a named environment.  He will then be presented with 
a TAE "tutor" (used in a manner similar to that discussed for the post-
processor / graphics hardcopy options) into which to enter a "name" (an 
alphanumeric string of characters appropriate to making part of a VMS file 
name) under which the environment was saved or is to be restored.

Page 34

The procedure to enter data is the same as discussed for invoking the 
graphics post-processor, namely:

III.14) Enter up-arrow to bring the prompt to enter the environment name to the
TAE command line at the bottom of the screen.  Then use rubout / delete to
remove the "", then type the name and enter [CR]. 

III.15) Then enter "run" and [CR] to execute the save/restore/delete.  Note
that "exit" and [CR] exits the TAE tutor WITHOUT executing anything. 

An "XY/Panel plot environment save/restore" is accessible only from the TAE
"Select" menu (option #14).  It is invoked in an identical manner to the "total
environment save/restore" described above.  When only the "plot environment" is
restored, various plot options are restored to the extent that the variables in
the new data sets match in name and properties those in the data sets at the
time the plot environment was saved.  This capability is of particular use when
trying to create identically set-up plots over a series of CDAW events, for
example to make our BX/BY/BZ plots for all the events 9A through 9E. 

The total environment save/restore can also be used conveniently to re- create
one user's environment for another user.  Say for example we have one user at
the workshop in telephone contact with another user in e.g. Los Angeles.  Both
are accessing the NSSDC computer/CDAW facilities under their own accounts, the
user in Los Angeles most likely connected to NSSDCA via SPAN.  If the user at
NSSDC has set up an interesting plot he/she would like the user in Los Angeles
to see, one procedure would be: 

   o save the total environment that produced that plot as a named environment 
       (e.g., the name "netsave"), 

   o have the user in LA copy all files from the first user's account of the
form "netsave*.*" into his/her own account (primary directory or a working
subdirectory) on NSSDCA, and 

   o then invoke "cdaw", "m select", "12", and PF1 to see that same plot.  

Page 35

III.D.  An Introduction to "Filters"

A fairly common requirement is to make a plot of variables Y versus X  with
points plotted only where some other variable(s) Z satisfy certain
constraint(s).  As an example in a data set such as the IMP-8 magnetometer,
where a fine-scale variance in the components of B has been computed as well as
the average components, we might want to plot only those field values from
times when  the field was relatively stable. 

The concept of putting constraints on data values not necessarily directly
plotted  is termed  "Filtering" in the CDAW/NACS software system.  The software
interface is structured to make such work simple. 

Two kinds of "Filters" are distinguished in the CDAW system:

   o "Global Filters"      Apply to all  curves on a given plot

   o "Per-curve Filters"   Apply only to a specific curve.

A total of ten "filters" (global plus per-curve) may apply to any given
specific (Y versus X) curve on a plot. 

As an example which will demonstrate the operation of filters in an immediate
way, we will go back to execute the problem just described, namely to filter
IMP-8 field component plots based on excluding times with larger variances. 

III.16) From the TAE "Select" menu, we may return again directly to the
plotting environment set up earlier.  Enter "12" and [CR] to return to the
XY/Panel Summary screens.  For convenience, you may want to start a new plot
file; e.g. "demo_plot2" and change the plot title line to reflect this. 

Page 36

III.17) Set up a panel plot covering 1900-2000UT on 2nd April, 1986, with the
IMP-8 BX GSE data on the bottom panel (scale -10 to +10 nT) plotted with the
B-field variance XX (variable IJ01VARX).  Set up similar plots for BY/VARY and
BZ/VARZ and display the plot (Figure III.3 - note in this example, the plot has
been made using FAST / HARDWARE characters and a Tektronix 4105 emulation). 

Page 37

Figure III.3:  IMP-8 B-Field Components and Variances.  
     [The plot for Figure III.3 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

Page 38

Note the spikes in BZ variance at approximately 10 minute intervals from 1930
to 2000UT.  We will first set up a "Global" filter on IMP-8 BZ variance to plot
only X/Y/Z B-field components where BZ variance is <0.1 nT2. 

III.18) Use [CR] and/or "control-H" to position the cursor on the specification
page to the "Filter?" column on the X-variable row.  As a convenience, global
filters are specified as filters on the X-variable (one only) and per-curve
filters on the applicable Y-curve. 

III.19) Press "y" or PF3 to display the "Filter Specification" form.

The "Filter Specification" form works very much like the primary variable
specification page; i.e., you first specify the variable(s) to be "filtered". 
Then specify the filter limits and whether the filters are "Inclusive' (points
are accepted only if the filter condition is met) or "Exclusive" (points are
accepted only if the filter condition is NOT met).  When the
inclusive/exclusive filter field is specified by [CR], the "filter
specification" form is automatically exited and the user is returned to the
specification page for plot variables. 

Figure III.4.  Specification Page with Global Filter Select.
     [The plot for Figure III.4 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

Page 39

III.20) Use PF3 to bring up the selection pop-up, the up-down arrow keys and
u-d keys to move the highlight on the variable selection pop-up to "IJ01VARZ"
and [CR] to select.  The screen should now appear as in Figure III.4.  Use
[CR], [CR] to move to the maximum limit field (for data set of "dimension" >0,
pop-ups may automatically appear for variables with only a finite number of
values - dimensionality will be introduced in the next section) and set that to
"0.1".  Then use [CR] to move to the "Inc/Exc" field, accept the default "Inc"
and the PF1 pop-up menu to exit the filter specification form. 

III.21) Reset the plotted variables to suppress direct plotting of the
variances.  Then use PF2 to return to the control page and reset the plot style
to "Scatter" (to show the gaps more clearly).  Then use PF1 to draw the plot
(shown below as Figure III.5).  You should note the gaps where large BZ
variances take place; also note the filter label at the bottom of the plot. 

Figure III.5.  IMP-8 B-Field Component Values with BZ Variance <0.1 nT2.
     [The plot for Figure III.5 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

Use "s" to make a snapshot if you wish for later hardcopy, then "q" and [CR] to
return to the "Select" menu, and "12" and [CR] to return to the Summary screen.
Then use PF2 to return to the specification page. 

Note that by moving to the "Filtering" field for the X-variable and typing "y"
or PF3 again, we gain access back to the filter specification form again. 
Entering "n" nulls the filter, and successive [CR]'s will exit the form. 
However, for illustration here, we will not change the X (or global) filter on
IMP-8 VARZ but will leave it intact. 

We'll next specify an additional "per-curve" filter on IMP-8 BY to plot only
those points where IMP-8 BX is >3.0 nT.  [N.B:  this is an example only.] 

III.22) Use [CR]'s to position to the "Filter?" column for the Y-curves.  Use 
the down-arrow key to position to the "N" for Y#2 (IMP-8 BY GSE).  

Page 40

III.23) Enter "y" or PF3 to display the per-curve filter specification form for
this variable.  Use arrow, u-d keys to highlight the IMP-8 BX variable
(IJ01BSEX), PF3 to select,  and [CR] to move to the minimum field. Then type
"3.0" and 3 [CR]'s to return to the Specification page. 

III.24) Now type PF1 to display the plot.

Figure III.6.  IMP-8 B-Field Components with VARZ <0.1 nT2  and BY GSE Plotted
Only Where BX GSE >3 nT.
     [The plot for Figure III.6 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.] 

Note the labels that appears at the bottom of the plot to identify the global
filter on all curves by BZ variability and the per-curve filter on curve #2
(the middle panel) to show that IMP-8 BY plotted has been additionally filtered
by a condition on the value of BX. 

III.25) Use "s", "q",. and [CR] to return to the TAE"Select" menu.

Although we will not discuss the issue at length here, note that had we tried
to "filter" e.g. a plot of ISEE-1 B-field components by the IMP-8 variance with
the CDFs we have loaded here, it would NOT have worked.  The essential problem
is that the data are not on a common time basis,(4 seconds for ISEE- 1 versus
15+ seconds for IMP-8) and hence the software will not recognize the relation
among the actual data points. 

The solution to this problem is to "stratify" one or the other of the data
sets.  Stratification (as the term is used in CDAW/NACS) means to
interpolate/extrapolate data from one data set to match precisely the times of
another data set.  Stratification is a function accessible in the data
manipulation section of the system and will be discussed further as part of the
general data manipulation discussion in Section IV. 

Page 41

III.E.  "Dimensional Data Sets" and the CDAW Graphics System

Since almost all of the CDAW-9 data sets are organized in time sequence, the
following discussion is phrased in those terms.  The concepts and capabilities
of the underlying software are more general however. 

In simple cases such as the ISEE-1 or IMP-8 magnetometer data, all variables
are dependent on time and independent of all other variables.  In the
terminology of the CDAW system, these events are referred to as being of
dimensionality  zero ("0").  But this need not necessarily be the case. 

Consider for example  the AMPTE/CCE Hot Plasma Composition data (CC01). In this
data set, energetic particle fluxes are included that are both averaged in
various ways and also individually dependent on: 

   o Energy  and 

   o Pitch Angle, as well as

   o Time.

Because there are two separate (or independent) variables in addition to time
on which other variables (such as flux) may depend, the data set is said to be
of "Dimension 2".  We have encoded a display of the dimensional dependence of
the individual variables in the CDAW system as a string of T/F flags between
the variable mnemonic and variable name.  The first column indicates dependence
on time (the data set records have been organized by time), the other two
columns show respectively dependence on the dimensions associated with energy
and pitch angle. 

For example, proton flux depends on time and both dimensions as noted above,
whereas the averaged background counts  depend only on time.  Because the
energy and angular bins are fixed, they are not dependent on time and are
termed discrete variables. 

If a user were to plot flux versus time without selecting a specific energy
band and pitch angle, multiple points would then be plotted at each time. While
this may sometimes be a desired mode of plotting (to assess range of
variability for example), "filters "on energy and pitch angle are much more
commonly logically appropriate and necessary.  The SIMPLIFIED Filters Interface
option is designed to automatically prompt for the appropriate user entries in
the common case.  The NORMAL Filters Interface allows greater flexibility to
deal with "uncommon" cases (e.g., a plot at fixed energy but displaying all
flux points regardless of pitch angle to display the range of directional
variation in the flux, which would tend to highlight periods of both low and
high anisotropies). 

Page 42

The common format for data that underlies the CDAW graphics system (the Common
Data Format or CDF) has evolved from work in the climate and atmospheric
sciences where complex, dimensional data sets are frequently encountered.  As a
consequence, the format and the graphics system feature the ability for users
to look at such data (data sets of dimension >0) in a logical way, while the
system stores and accesses the data internally to optimize performance and
minimize required storage space. 

To demonstrate the above, suppose we define our goals for this exercise
(working now on Event 9A) to be: 

   o to plot flux as a function of time at several fixed energy bands and a 
       specific look angle (using the SIMPLIFIED Filter Interface),  

   o to plot differential flux without filters (show range of variation),

   o to replot flux as a function of time at several fixed energy bands and a 
       specific look angle (using the "NORMAL" Filter Interface),  

   o to plot a series of spectra (flux versus energy) at different look 
       angles at a fixed time.

To set up for these plots, remember that we can choose first to create a new
subdirectory for these plots (call it [USERNAME.CC01] and set the  default
directory to that subdirectory using the procedures outlined above. 

III.26) At the "$" prompt, enter "cdaw", [CR] etc. and proceed until
          reaching the DMS summary screen for the CDAW-9 database.

III.27) Select the CC01 Event 9A data and use PF1 to load / link to this data 

III.28) At the TAE "Select" menu, enter "12", [CR] and set up the control page
to do "Panel" plots, "vector" plot style, "manual " scaling, and enter your
user name, a plot file title, an appropriate plot title of your own choosing,
an appropriate choice of font to your terminal / network connection. 

SIMPLIFIED.  Now press PF2 to go to the specification page. 

Page 43

III.29) We will plot the entire event and so will accept the default X-variable
definition of "TIME" and the minimum / maximum plot limits.  We'll also accept
the default X-axis LINear scaling.  Because we're going to start by using the
SIMPLIFIED Filter Interface, you should NOT be initially concerned with setting
global or per-curve filters. 

III.30) Now position to the field defining the curve Y#1 variable and enter PF3
to bring up the pop-up selection menu (Figure III.7).  Note that three columns
of T/F values are displayed, the first column indicating the dependence of a
variable on TIME (e.g., TIME has TFF), the second dependence on energy (e.g.,
CC01ENRG has the pattern FTF, because the energies are not time-dependent) and
third dependence on pitch angle (e.g., CC01PANG has the pattern FFT).  However
CC01FLUX is dependent on all three variables (pattern TTT). 

III.31) On highlighting and selecting ([CR]) CC01PANG as the Y#1 variable,
another pop-up menu automatically appears prompting selection of one of the
defined energy bands (Figure III.8).  When that has been selected (the example
is 0.067 MeV) via [CR], yet a 3rd pop-up prompts for specification of a pitch
angle band (the example is a pitch angle of 10 degrees).  It is NOT possible
under the SIMPLIFIED filters interface to specify a range of values for
filtering, unless the Filters? are edited after responding to the automatic
prompts.  Hence any XY/Panel plot made under the SIMPLIFIED option will usually
have all curves automatically single-valued. 

Page 44

Figure III.7.  Variable Selection Pop-up for 2-Dimensional CDF
     [The plot for Figure III.7 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

Figure III.8.  SIMPLIFIED Filter Interface for 2-Dimensional CDF:  
Automatic Prompt for Filter Definition on 1st Dimension. 

     [The plot for Figure III.8 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

On specifying the CC01PANG filter, the user is returned to the Specification
page to edit the minimum / maximum plot range values. For this demonstration,
we suggest a range 1.0E+05 to 1.0E+09 be set. 

As an exercise, now position to the Filters? column and enter PF3 or Y, [CR]. 
You will then see the display of Figure III.9, showing that the prompts
previously entered have created single-value per-curve filters on both energy
and pitch angle.  Although these could be altered now, instead simply exit back
to the specification page via the PF1 menu. 

Page 45

Figure III.9.  How Filters Set by the SIMPLIFIED Interface Look.
     [The plot for Figure III.13 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

III.32)	Similarly define Y#3 and Y#5 CC01FLUX values (the example is 
0.77 and 20.1 MeV, both at 10 degrees pitch angle) and set all plotted 
scales to be LOGarithmic.  Then execute the plot via the PF1 draw / 
save pop-up menu.  The result is shown in Figure III.10 below.

Page 46

Figure III.10.   CCE Hot Plasma:  Flux at 3 Energies and 10 degree Pitch Angle
     [The plot for Figure III.10 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

Figure III.11.   Event 9A CCE Hot Plasma Fluxes (all Energies / Pitch Angles)
     [The plot for Figure III.11 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

III.33)	The next demonstration will be to plot an totally unfiltered case.  For 
that, reset to XY plots and NORMAL Filter Interface on the 1st (control) page
and select (via PF3 and [CR]) CC01FLUX as the curve Y#1 variable.  Note that no
automatic prompts to set filters now takes place.  Then execute the plot via
the PF1 menu, with the result as shown in Figure III.11 (fast/hardware
characters). You may want to use "s" to make a copy, then "q" etc. to return to
the Specification Page. 

Page 47

III.34) As an exercise, we will now redo Figure III.10.  Reset the plot type to 
Panel and return to the specification (2nd) summary page.  Move to the
"Filter?" field for the X-axis (here TIME) and type Y or PF3 to display the
"Filter Specification" form. 

III.35) Using PF3 to display the selection menu, up-down arrows and u-d keys to
position the highlight, and [CR] to select, set the variable "pitch angle" (
CC01PANG ) as a global filter, then type [CR]. 

At this point, because pitch angle is a "discrete" or "independent" variable
(it does not depend on TIME in this case), only certain specific values of the
pitch angle are defined and sensible against which to specify limits, another
"pop-up" appears (Figure III.12) from which to select  the possible minimum
limit on the pitch angle filter values. 

Figure III.12.   Discrete Variable Value Select "Pop-up".
     [The plot for Figure III.12 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

Minimum and maximum are all >= and <=, so minimum = maximum corresponds to
accepting only one specific value.  As a convention  in this system, maximum <
minimum will be internally reset when a plot is drawn to be maximum=minimum. 

III.36) Move the highlights and use [CR] to select a minimum value of the
"global filters" on the pitch angle of 10 (degrees).  Use [CR] to move to the
maximum field and set maximum=minimum as required, then the PF1 menu to exit
the Filter Specification form. 

III.37) Re-select differential flux (CC01FLUX) as the variable for all of Y#1,
Y#3 and Y#5.  By re-selecting these values, all the filters set on the last
Panel plot (defined using the SIMPLIFIED Filter Interface) are removed.  Set
"LOG" scale for all three variables as before, then enter [CR] to move to the
"Filter?" field to set "per-curve" filters. 

Page 48

III.38) Enter "y" or PF3 to display the filter specification form for Y#1. 
Note that the global filters are also displayed on this form but are here
informational and cannot be edited.  Set CC01ENRG as the single per- curve
filter on Y#1, then [CR] to the minimum field to display the valid energy
bands.  We will select the lowest value of 0.067 keV/e (use PF3).  Then type
[CR] to maximum, set that also as 0.067, and PF1, [CR] to exit this per-curve
filter specification. 

III.39) Set an per-curve filters on energy (for example, 0.77 keV/e on curve 
Y#3 and 20.1 keV/e on Y#5) on the two additional curves.  Then plot via PF1. 
The result should match Figure III.10 (as we set up using the SIMPLIFIED option

To produce energy spectra:

III.40) Type "q" etc. and return to the specification page.  Since spectra are
most nicely made on the XY format, change to XY. 

Switch to the specification page, change the X-variable to be "Center Energy"
and [CR].  Change the scaling to be "LOG", and substitute for the global filter
on "pitch angle" a global filter on "Time" to restrict to data at 0900 - 0910

III.41) Now set Y#1 through Y#5  to be the variable CC01FLUX.  We will accept
the default flux scalings for now, so min/max can  be left unchanged.  Scaling
should be changed to "LOG".  Then set per-curve filters on each of Y#1 through
Y#5 to cover the range of pitch angles between 0 and 90 degrees in 5 equal
steps; i.e., steps at 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90 degrees.  Finally draw the plot. 

Figure III.13.  CCE Hot Plasma Energy Spectra at 5 Pitch Angles
     [The plot for Figure III.13 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

Page 49

The techniques used above can be easily extended to handle any data sets with
greater than zero dimension.  Also see some of the topics under the image data
discussion (section V, in that imaging data in a sense is really just another
kind  of dimensional data. 

III.F.  Selection of "User Specified" Data Sets

Where data sets may not be specifically located in the primary CDAW-9
directories, such that the data must be accessed by VMS file name, the
"Uselect" option of the DMS screen should be used. 

On choosing "Uselect", a pop-up appears in which a VMS directory path may be
specified (as shown in Figure III.14). 

Page 50

Figure III.14.  Directory Path Specification Form on "Uselect".
     [The plot for Figure III.14 is omitted from this plain ASCII file.]

Upon entering [CR], a list of available CDFs on that path appears as a Option
Select pop-up.  One of these CDFs may be chosen by [CR], the user may enter PF1
once to modify the directory path (working in typeover mode) or the user may
enter PF1 twice to abort user select mode. 

Note that the mnemonics "EVENT9A" through "EVENT9E" have been defined in the
NSSDC VMS system to hold the primary directory paths to the CDFs for these


Curator: H. Kent Hills (
Author and NASA Official: Robert E. McGuire (
Head, Space Physics Data Facility (Code 632), NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Last Revised: 22 Nov 1996 [HKH]