1                 CDAW 9, Detailed Description of All Variables

                       Ordered by CDF Mnemonic Name

    Each different CDF name has its own page number, and continuations of that
    page as needed.  This catalog contains 93 different CDFs.
    These pages are standard printer-length pages or less (the "1" in column 1
    is a printer carriage control).  Line length is 100 characters.  

          Page     1
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/CCE   
                                                                          CDFname : CCMD

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: T87 Model         T87 calc of mag fld at AMP/CCE

        Source : Kayser                 Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        S/C X-coordinate, GSM                    CCMDXGSM  Re                    X-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    CCMDYGSM  Re                    Y-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    CCMDZGSM  Re                    Z-coordinate GSM    
        T87 Bx-component, GSM                    CCMDBX    nT                    Bx GSM              
        T87 By-component, GSM                    CCMDBY    nT                    By GSM              
        T87 Bz-component, GSM                    CCMDBZ    nT                    Bz GSM              

          Page     2
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/CCE   
                                                                          CDFname : CC00

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ephemeris         GSE/GSM/GegLat/LTime/NeutShDis

        Source : NSSDC                  Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Radial distance of s/c                   CC00RADI  Re                    Radial Distance     
        Dist. from neutral sheet                 CC00ZNUT  Re                    Z-neutral           
        S/C X-component, GSE/GSM                 CC00XGSE  Re                    X-component GSE,GSM 
        S/C Y-component, GSE                     CC00YGSE  Re                    Y-component GSE     
        S/C Z-component, GSE                     CC00ZGSE  Re                    Z-component GSE     
        Geographic Latitude                      CC00GLAT  deg                   Geographic Lat      
        Local Time                               CC00LOCT  Hr                    Local Time          
        S/C Y-component, GSM                     CC00YGSM  Re                    Y-component GSM     
        S/C Z-component, GSM                     CC00ZGSM  Re                    Z-component GSM     

          Page     3
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/CCE   
                                                                          CDFname : CC01

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: HotPlasma         Flux vs energy/pitch ang @6.4m

        Source : Nylund                 Time Resolution :  6.4 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        El Bkgd Env Monitor   TTT                CC01FLUX  /sqcm s sr keV/e      Differential Flux   
        background counts from E-Detector        CC01BAVG  counts/sample         Average Counts      
        state of the EBEM cal bit                CC01CAL                         EBEM cal bit        
        fill data flag (0=data,1=fill)           CC01FILL                        fill data flag      
        HPC sub-com bit (0=ED2,1=ED1)            CC01SCOM                        sub-com bit         
        Electron Detector Num -T-                CC01DNUM                        Detector Number     
        Eng of Channel Center -T-                CC01ENRG  keV/e                 Center Energy       
        Upper Edge 10-deg bin --T                CC01PANG  degrees               Pitch Angle         
        Asym, 1=from 0 deg, -1=from 180 deg      CC01ASY1                        up/down, 0-100 ev   
        Asym, 1=from 90 deg, -1=from 270 deg     CC01ASY2                        right/left, 0-100 ev
        Asym, 1=from 0 deg, -1=from 180 deg      CC01ASY3                        up/down, 100-1000 ev
        Asym, 1=from 90 deg, -1=from 270 deg     CC01ASY4                        right/left, 100-1000
        smallest pitch angle of flux             CC01MINA  degrees               min pitch angle     
        highest pitch angle of flux              CC01MAXA  degrees               max pitch angle     
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   

        Brief Description

        Spurious values were noted in some variables, particularly in the up/down and   
        left/right ASYM variable.                                                       

          Page     4
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/CCE   
                                                                          CDFname : CC02

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: MedEnParts        Medium Energy Particles  @6.4m

        Source : Nylund                 Time Resolution :  6.4 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        (Sector Energy)       TTT                CC02DFLX  1/cm**2 s sr keV      Directional Ion Flux
        Sector-Averaged       T-T                CC02OFLX  1/cm**2 s sr keV      Omni Ion Flux       
        Time Average of MCP1  TT-                CC02MCPA  s**-1                 Time Avg. Cnts MCP1 
        Sector Average,  MCP1 T--                CC02MCPT  s**-1                 Sector Avg Cnts MCP1
        X Component   s/c GSE T--                CC02XGSE  RE                    GSE X-coordinate    
        Y Component   s/c GSE T--                CC02YGSE  RE                    GSE Y-coordinate    
        Z Component   s/c GSE T--                CC02ZGSE  RE                    GSE X-coordinate    
        Energy Channel Number --T                CC02CHAN  N/A                   Energy Channel      
        Sector Number         -T-                CC02SECT                        Sector Number       
        Energy Pass Bands     --T                CC02ENRG  keV/e                 Energy Pass Bands   

          Page     5
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/CCE   
                                                                          CDFname : CC03

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Chrg/En/Ms        CHEM Charge/Energy/Mass       

        Source : Nylund                 Time Resolution :  6.4 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        H+ proton flux at 1.77 keV               CC03HYD1  /sqcm s sr keV/e      H+ flux, 1.77 keV   
        H+ proton flux at 2.51 keV               CC03HYD2  /sqcm s sr keV/e      H+ flux, 2.51 keV   
        He+ proton flux at 18.5 keV              CC03HE1   /sqcm s sr keV/e      He+ flux, 18.5 keV  
        He+ proton flux at 27.2 keV              CC03HE2   /sqcm s sr keV/e      He+ flux, 27.2 keV  
        He++ proton flux at 54.4 keV             CC03ALP1  /sqcm s sr keV/e      He++ flux, 54.4 Ke  
        He++ proton flux at 76.8 keV             CC03ALP2  /sqcm s sr keV/e      He++ flux, 76.8 Ke  
        O+ proton flux at 149.0 keV              CC03OXY1  /sqcm s sr keV/e      O+ flux, 149.0 keV  
        O+ proton flux at 211.0 keV              CC03OXY2  /sqcm s sr keV/e      O+ flux, 211.0 keV  
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   

          Page     6
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/CCE   
                                                                          CDFname : CC04

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: PlasmWve E        VLF E-field, 60 s peak & avg  

        Source : Nylund                 Time Resolution :   60 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        E-field 60-s average   TT                CC04AVER  V/m Hz**0.5           E-field average     
        E-field 60-s peak      TT                CC04PEAK  V/m Hz**0.5           E-field peak        
        Channel Number         -T                CC04CHAN                        Channel Number      
        Center Frequency       -T                CC04FREQ  kHz                   Center Frequency    
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   

          Page     7
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/CCE   
                                                                          CDFname : CC05

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Magnetomtr        B-field (GSE/GSM) @ 68s       

        Source : Nylund                 Time Resolution :   68 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        X comp of B-field, GSE                   CC05GSEX  nT                    B-field, GSE X comp 
        Y comp of B-field, GSE                   CC05GSEY  nT                    B-field, GSE Y comp 
        Z comp of B-field, GSE                   CC05GSEZ  nT                    B-field, GSE Z comp 
        X comp of B-field, GSM                   CC05GSMX  nT                    B-field, GSM X comp 
        Y comp of B-field, GSM                   CC05GSMY  nT                    B-field, GSM Y comp 
        Z comp of B-field, GSM                   CC05GSMZ  nT                    B-field, GSM Z comp 
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   

        Brief Description

        Magnetic field vectors near perigee should be ignored, because of s/c eclipse.  

          Page     8
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/CCE   
                                                                          CDFname : CC1H

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: HotElectrn        Electron plasma dens/temp @ 6s

        Source : Klumpar                Time Resolution :  6.045 s                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        Hot electron density, HPCE               CC1HNE    1/cm**3               Electron Density    
        Hot electron temp, HPCE                  CC1HTE    keV                   Electron Temperature
        Minimum of sampled pitch angle           CC1HPMIN  degrees               Minimum Pitch Angle 
        McIlwain L parameter                     CC1HMCIL                        McIlwain L-value    
        Geographic local time S/C                CC1HLT    hours                 Local Time          
        gm dipole latitude                       CC1HMLAT  degrees               Magnetic Latitude   
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   

          Page     9
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/IRM   
                                                                          CDFname : IRMD

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: T87 Model         T87 calc of mag fld at AMP/IRM

        Source : Kayser                 Time Resolution :   12 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        S/C X-coordinate, GSM                    IRMDXGSM  Re                    X-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    IRMDYGSM  Re                    Y-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    IRMDZGSM  Re                    Z-coordinate GSM    
        T87 Bx-component, GSM                    IRMDBX    nT                    Bx GSM              
        T87 By-component, GSM                    IRMDBY    nT                    By GSM              
        T87 Bz-component, GSM                    IRMDBZ    nT                    Bz GSM              

          Page    10
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/IRM   
                                                                          CDFname : IR00

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ephemeris         GSE/GSM/GegLat/LTime/NeutShDis

        Source : NSSDC                  Time Resolution :   12 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Radial distance of s/c                   IR00RADI  Re                    Radial Distance     
        Dist. from neutral sheet                 IR00ZNUT  Re                    Z-neutral           
        S/C X-component, GSE/GSM                 IR00XGSE  Re                    X-component GSE,GSM 
        S/C Y-component, GSE                     IR00YGSE  Re                    Y-component GSE     
        S/C Z-component, GSE                     IR00ZGSE  Re                    Z-component GSE     
        Geographic Latitude                      IR00GLAT  deg                   Geographic Lat      
        Local Time                               IR00LOCT  Hr                    Local Time          
        S/C Y-component, GSM                     IR00YGSM  Re                    Y-component GSM     
        S/C Z-component, GSM                     IR00ZGSM  Re                    Z-component GSM     

          Page    11
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/IRM   
                                                                          CDFname : IR04

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: PlasmaWave        PlasmaWave Amplitudes         

        Source : Roeder                 Time Resolution :   20 sec                    Events :  -B---

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 10:22

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        Channel Number        T                  IR04CHAN                        Channel Number      
        Center Frequency      T                  IR04FREQ  Hz                    Center Frequency    
        Geocentric Solar Ecliptic, X coordinate  IR04XGSE  RE                    GSE, X coordinate   
        Geocentric Solar Ecliptic, Y coordinate  IR04YGSE  RE                    GSE, Y coordinate   
        Geocentric Solar Ecliptic, Z coordinate  IR04ZGSE  RE                    GSE, Z coordinate   
        PlasmaWave Electric Field Amplitude      IR04EFLD  V/m SQRT(Hz)          E_Field Amplitude   
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   

          Page    12
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : AMP/IRM   
                                                                          CDFname : IR23

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: 3-D Plasma        3-D Plasma Analyzer           

        Source : Baumjohann             Time Resolution :   30 sec                    Events :  -B---

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 10:22

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Proton Density                           IR23DENP  /cc                   Proton Density      
        Proton Temperature                       IR23TEMP  1.e6 K                Proton Temperature  
        Proton Bulk Speed                        IR23PVEL  km/s                  Proton Bulk Speed   
        Velocity Elevation Angle (GSE)           IR23PELV  deg                   Velocity Elevation  
        Velocity Azimuth Angle (GSE)             IR23PAZV  deg                   Velocity Azimuth    
        B-Field Magnitude                        IR23BMAG  nT                    B-Field Magnitude   
        B-Field Elevation Angle (GSE)            IR23BEL   deg                   B-Field Elev.       
        B-Field Azimuth Angle (GSE)              IR23BAZ   deg                   B-Field azimuth     

        Long Description

        AMPTE/IRM 30-s averages of plasma data (for protons) and magnetic field         
        data are available only for the interval 0:30 - 2:30 on 860403.  Angles are     
        expressed in the GSE system.  The UT times are for the midpoints of each        

          Page    13
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : DE-1      
                                                                          CDFname : D1MD

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: T87 Model         T87 calc of mag field at DE-1 

        Source : Kayser                 Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        S/C X-coordinate, GSM                    D1MDXGSM  Re                    X-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    D1MDYGSM  Re                    Y-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    D1MDZGSM  Re                    Z-coordinate GSM    
        T87 Bx-component, GSM                    D1MDBX    nT                    Bx GSM              
        T87 By-component, GSM                    D1MDBY    nT                    By GSM              
        T87 Bz-component, GSM                    D1MDBZ    nT                    Bz GSM              

          Page    14
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : DE-1      
                                                                          CDFname : D100

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ephemeris         DIST/GEG&GMLAT-LON/LT/MLT     

        Source : NSSDC                  Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Radial distance of spacecraft            D100RADI  Re                    Radial Distance     
        Geographic latitude of subsatellite pt   D100GLAT  deg                   Geographic lat      
        Geographic longitude of subsatellite pt  D100GLON  deg                   Geographic lon      
        Local Time at subsatellite point         D100LOCT  Hour                  local time          
        Invariant Latitude of spacecraft         D100ILAT  deg                   Invariant Lat       
        McIllwain L-Parameter                    D100MACL  Re                    L-Parameter         
        SM Latitude                              D100MLAT  deg                   Magnetic Lat        
        Geomagnetic Longitude of spacecraft      D100MLON  deg                   Geomagnetic Long    
        Magnetic Local Time                      D100MLT   Hour                  Magnetic LT         

          Page    15
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : DE-1      
                                                                          CDFname : D103

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Aur.Imager        UV images; also avail on MACII

        Source : JCraven                Time Resolution :  App 12m                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  2-Nov-1992 14:28

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Brightness, kRayleighs TT                D103KRAY  kR                    Image Brightness    
        Corr Mag Lat of pixel  TT                D103MLAT  deg.                  Corr. GeoMag Lat.   
        Mag Local Time @ pixel TT                D103MLT   degrees E.            Magnetic Local Time 
        Geog lat of pixel      TT                D103GOLT  deg                   Geog. Latitude      
        Geog long of pixel     TT                D103GOLN  deg                   Geog. Longitude     
        Image column (1-120)   -T                D103SCAN  na                    Scan Number         
        Pixel No./Scan (1-150) T-                D103PIXL  na                    Row Number          

        Long Description

        These South Pole UV auroral images (123-155 nm) can be best seen from within    
        the NACS software by selecting the Mapped Image Plot option in Graphics.        
        Recommended settings for the parameters in this option are:                     
        1.  Choose MLAT,MLT,KRAY for X,Y,Z.                                             
        2.  Choose Nearest1 algorithm and 100 gridpoints.                               
        3.  Choose Orthographic projection, -90 for the pole, magnification of 3,       
              and set MAPDATA to 10 to turn off continent outlines.                     
        4.  You may change the plotted range of intensities from default values.        
        5.  Select times that include the start time of the desired image.              
        6.  Fill in the plot Title, save_filename, Username, etc.                       
        Images are 12 min apart for Events A and B, 8 or 12 min for Event C, 6 min for  
        Event D, and 8 min for Event E.  The geomagnetic coordinates are corrected      
        (IGRF 1980, Gustafsson) magnetic latitude and magnetic local time, in degrees.  
        The original ungridded images are also available on the MAC, via NCSA Image.  A 
        program is available (9/91), to run on a Sun workstation, which displays the    
        ungridded images, saves values of selected points, and presents a mapped        
        gridded image on request (geographic or geomagnetic).                           

          Page   15 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : D103

        !!! The images for the last half of Event E were revised in August 1990 to fix  
        a drift in the location values caused by onboard nadir-determination problems.  
        Discard any DE-1 Event E plots of SAI data made before 8/90.                    
             In addition, a handful of pixels in most images have bad coordinate values 
        in CDFs made before 7/92. These are unlikely to have caused problems.           

          Page    16
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : DE-1      
                                                                          CDFname : D104

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: RIMS/IComp        Retard Ion Mass Spec          

        Source : PCraven                Time Resolution :    1 min                    Events :  AB-D-

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H+ Particle Counts     TT                D104HCNT  counts                H+ Counts           
        He+ Particle Counts    TT                D104HECT  counts                He+ Counts          
        Pitch angle value      fT                D104PANG  deg                   Pitch Angle Value   
        McIlwain L-parameter   Tf                D104L                           L-value             
        Invariant Magnetic Lat.Tf                D104MLAT  deg                   Invariant Mag. Lat. 
        Local Time             Tf                D104LT    hrs                   Local Time          
        Geocen. Radial DistanceTf                D104RADI  Re                    Radial Distance     
        Spacecraft Velocity    Tf                D104VEL   km/sec                S/C velocity        

        Long Description

        One-minute averages of H+ and He+ ion counts are presented in 5 degree wide     
        bins covering a full spin.  The pitch angle variable gives the center spin      
        angle of the bin, with 0 deg in the direction of the spacecraft velocity.       
        Times are at the start of the interval.                                         

          Page    17
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : DE-1      
                                                                          CDFname : D16D

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: EICS/IDens        EnerIonCompSpec/Dens          

        Source : Peterson               Time Resolution :  192 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC Standard Reference Time            EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        H+ Ion Den.,Est. Partial                 D16DD1    1/cm**3               H+ Density          
        H+ Dens.Error,1 Sigma Est.               D16DED1   1/cm**3               H+ Den Error        
        He+&++ Density,Est. Partial              D16DD2    1/cm**3               He+ & ++ Density    
        He+&++ Den.Error,1 Sigma Est.            D16DED2   1/cm**3               He+&++ Den Error    
        O+ Density,Est. Partial                  D16DD16   1/cm**3               O+ Density          
        O+ Dens. Error,1 Sigma Est.              D16DED16  1/cm**3               O+ Den Error        

          Page    18
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : DE-1      
                                                                          CDFname : D16F

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: EICS/IFlux        EnerIonCompSpec/Flux          

        Source : Peterson               Time Resolution :  192 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDCA Standard Reference Time           EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        KeV step for fluxes  T                   D16FIONE  keV                   Ion Energy          
        H+ Differential Flux T                   D16FJ1    1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      H+ Diff Flux        
        H+ Standard Deviation T                  D16FSD1   1/cm*2-s-sr-keV       S.D.,H+ Flux        
        He++ Differential Flux T                 D16FJ2    1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      He++ Diff Flux      
        He++ Stand. Deviation T                  D16FSD2   1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      S.D.,He++ Flux      
        He+ Differential Flux T                  D16FJ4    1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      He+ Diff Flux       
        He+ Standard Deviation T                 D16FSD4   1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      S.D.,He+ Flux       
        O+ Differential Flux T                   D16FJ16   1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      O+ Diff Flux        
        O+ Standard Deviation T                  D16FSD16  1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      S.D.,O+ Flux        

          Page    19
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : GMS-3     
                                                                          CDFname : GMMD

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: T87 Model         T87 calc of mag field at GMS-3

        Source : Kayser                 Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        S/C X-coordinate, GSM                    GMMDXGSM  Re                    X-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    GMMDYGSM  Re                    Y-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    GMMDZGSM  Re                    Z-coordinate GSM    
        T87 Bx-component, GSM                    GMMDBX    nT                    Bx GSM              
        T87 By-component, GSM                    GMMDBY    nT                    By GSM              
        T87 Bz-component, GSM                    GMMDBZ    nT                    Bz GSM              

          Page    20
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : GMS-3     
                                                                          CDFname : GM30

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ephemeris         GSE/GSM/GegLat/LTime/NeutShDis

        Source : NSSDC                  Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Radial distance of s/c                   GM30RADI  Re                    Radial Distance     
        Dist. from neutral sheet                 GM30ZNUT  Re                    Z-neutral           
        S/C X-component, GSE/GSM                 GM30XGSE  Re                    X-component GSE,GSM 
        S/C Y-component, GSE                     GM30YGSE  Re                    Y-component GSE     
        S/C Z-component, GSE                     GM30ZGSE  Re                    Z-component GSE     
        Geographic Latitude                      GM30GLAT  deg                   Geographic Lat      
        Local Time                               GM30LOCT  Hr                    Local Time          
        S/C Y-component, GSM                     GM30YGSM  Re                    Y-component GSM     
        S/C Z-component, GSM                     GM30ZGSM  Re                    Z-component GSM     

          Page    21
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : GMS-3     
                                                                          CDFname : GM32

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: SEM/EnPart        SpaceEnvMon/>1MeV EP          

        Source : Nagai                  Time Resolution :    2 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC Standard Reference Time            EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        Electron & Proton Cts/s                  GM32PCNT  particles/s           Count Rate          
        Cal.Flg(if>0,PCNT=calib)                 GM32CALB                        Calibration Flag    

        Long Description

        The channel for this data set is nominally designed for protons with            
        energies of 0.8 - 4 MeV.  However, there are a lot of electron counts           
        and proton counts are almost always masked.  There are often injection          
        events in the dawn side in this data set so that we assume that                 
        particles are mainly electrons with energies less than 500 KeV.  There          
        is one channel for electrons with energies greater than 2 MeV but it            
        is not available during the CDAW 9 periods.                                     
        Non-zero values of the CALB parameter imply the CDF contains                    
        calibration data at those points.                                               

          Page    22
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : GOES-5    
                                                                          CDFname : G504

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: B-Fld (1m)        Vector Magnetic Field @1-min  

        Source : Nagai                  Time Resolution :    1 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC Standard Reference Time            EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        Northward B-field Component (H)          G504BH    nT                    BH                  
        Radial B-field Component (V,+=outward)   G504BV    nT                    BV                  
        Eastward B-field Component (D)           G504BD    nT                    BD                  

        Brief Description

        If all three B-field components were equal to 0 for one input data point, the   
        data were considered to be fill data.                                           
        Location during events A through E:  285 deg E.                                 

          Page    23
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : GOES-6    
                                                                          CDFname : G605

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: B-Fld (1m)        Vector Magnetic Field @1-min  

        Source : Nagai                  Time Resolution :    1 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC Standard Reference Time            EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        Northward B-field Component (H)          G605BH    nT                    BH                  
        Radial B-field Component (V,+=outward)   G605BV    nT                    BV                  
        Eastward B-field Component (D)           G605BD    nT                    BD                  

        Brief Description

        If all three B-field components were equal to 0 for one input data point, the   
        data were considered to be fill data.                                           
        Location during events A through E: 252 deg E.                                  

          Page    24
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : IMP-8     
                                                                          CDFname : IJMD

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: T87 Model         T87 calc of mag fld at IMP-8  

        Source : Kayser                 Time Resolution :   12 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        S/C X-coordinate, GSM                    IJMDXGSM  Re                    X-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    IJMDYGSM  Re                    Y-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    IJMDZGSM  Re                    Z-coordinate GSM    
        T87 Bx-component, GSM                    IJMDBX    nT                    Bx GSM              
        T87 By-component, GSM                    IJMDBY    nT                    By GSM              
        T87 Bz-component, GSM                    IJMDBZ    nT                    Bz GSM              

          Page    25
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : IMP-8     
                                                                          CDFname : IJ00

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ephemeris         GSE/GSM/GegLat/LTime/NeutShDis

        Source : NSSDC                  Time Resolution :   12 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Radial distance of s/c                   IJ00RADI  Re                    Radial Distance     
        Dist. from neutral sheet                 IJ00ZNUT  Re                    Z-neutral           
        S/C X-component, GSE/GSM                 IJ00XGSE  Re                    X-component GSE,GSM 
        S/C Y-component, GSE                     IJ00YGSE  Re                    Y-component GSE     
        S/C Z-component, GSE                     IJ00ZGSE  Re                    Z-component GSE     
        Geographic Latitude                      IJ00GLAT  deg                   Geographic Lat      
        Local Time                               IJ00LOCT  Hr                    Local Time          
        S/C Y-component, GSM                     IJ00YGSM  Re                    Y-component GSM     
        S/C Z-component, GSM                     IJ00ZGSM  Re                    Z-component GSM     

          Page    26
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : IMP-8     
                                                                          CDFname : IJ01

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: B-Fld(15s)        15-sec Vector MagFld          

        Source : Lepping                Time Resolution :   15 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        B-Field Magnitude                        IJ01BT    nT                    B-Field Magnitud    
        B-Field latitude, GSE                    IJ01SELT  deg                   B-Field lat, GSE    
        B-Field longitude, GSE                   IJ01SELN  deg                   B-Field lon, GSE    
        B-Field latitude, GSM                    IJ01SMLT  deg                   B-Field lat, GSM    
        B-Field longitude, GSM                   IJ01SMLN  deg                   B-Field lon, GSM    
        B-Field, X-component, GSE                IJ01BSEX  nT                    BX GSE              
        B-Field, Y-component, GSE                IJ01BSEY  nT                    BY GSE              
        B-Field, Z-component, GSE                IJ01BSEZ  nT                    BZ GSE              
        B-Field, X-component, GSM                IJ01BSMX  nT                    BX GSM              
        B-Field, Y-component, GSM                IJ01BSMY  nT                    BY GSM              
        B-Field, Z-component, GSM                IJ01BSMZ  nT                    BZ GSM              
        B-Field Variance XX                      IJ01VARX  nT**2                 B-Field Var XX      
        B-Field Variance YY                      IJ01VARY  nT**2                 B-Field Var YY      
        B-Field Variance ZZ                      IJ01VARZ  nT**2                 B-Field Var ZZ      
        S/C position, X-component, GSE           IJ01GSEX  Re                    X-component, GSE    
        S/C position, Y-component, GSE           IJ01GSEY  Re                    Y-component, GSE    
        S/C position, Z-component, GSE           IJ01GSEZ  Re                    Z-component, GSE    

        Long Description

        These CDFs contain the IMP-8 magnetic field values in both the GSE and GSM      
        coordinate systems, in both polar and cartesian coordinates.  The variances and 
        s/c position coordinates are also provided.                                     
        The IMP-8 s/c is in the solar wind for Events A, B, and E, and in the           
        magnetosphere for Event C.  During Event D, IMP-8 crossed the bow shock from the
        magnetosheath into the solar wind at 14 h UT.                                   

          Page    27
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : IMP-8     
                                                                          CDFname : IJ02

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Plas Den/V        Plasma Density/Velocity's @60s

        Source : Lazarus                Time Resolution :   60 sec                    Events :  AB-DE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Plasma Bulk Velocity                     IJ02BVEL  km/s                  Plasma Bulk Vel     
        Plasma Thermal Velocity                  IJ02TVEL  km/s                  Plasma Therm Vel    
        Plasma density                           IJ02PDEN  1/cm**3               Plasma density      
        N/S flow angle (+ from S)w.r.t spin axis IJ02NSFA  deg                   N/S flow angle      
        E/W flow angle (+ from W)                IJ02EWFA  deg                   E/W flow angle      

        Long Description

        These CDFs contain the IMP-8 proton plasma data.  Temperatures are expressed as 
        thermal velocity; to convert to Kelvin, multiply (value in km/sec) squared, by  
        60.1.  Flow angles are with respect to the s/c axes.                            
        The IMP-8 s/c is in the solar wind for Events A, B, and E, and in the           
        magnetosphere for Event C.  During Event D, IMP-8 crossed the bow shock from the
        magnetosheath into the solar wind at 14 h UT.                                   

          Page    28
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : IMP-8     
                                                                          CDFname : IJ05

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: LowEn Part        Elec/prot Flux 20-2000 keV@20s

        Source : Mitchell               Time Resolution :   20 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard reference time            EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        Azimuthal Sector Angle T                 IJ05SANG  deg                   Azim Sect Angle     
        S/C Geographic Long  f                   IJ05GOLN  deg                   Geograph Long       
        S/C Geographic Lat   f                   IJ05GOLT  deg                   Geograph Lat        
        S/C Geomagnetic Long f                   IJ05GMLN  deg                   Geomagnetic Long    
        S/C Geomagnetic Lat  f                   IJ05GMLT  deg                   Geomagnetic Lat     
        S/C Radial Dist (RE) f                   IJ05RDIS  RE                    Radial Dist (RE)    
        S/C Radial Dist (km) f                   IJ05RADI  km                    Radial Dist (km)    
        S/C GSE X-component  f                   IJ05XGSE  km                    X-component, GSE    
        S/C GSE Y-component  f                   IJ05YGSE  km                    Y-component, GSE    
        S/C GSE Z-component  f                   IJ05ZGSE  km                    Z-component, GSE    
        S/C GSM X-component  f                   IJ05XGSM  km                    X-component, GSM    
        S/C GSM Y-component  f                   IJ05YGSM  km                    Y-component, GSM    
        S/C GSM Z-component  f                   IJ05ZGSM  km                    Z-component, GSM    
        Diff Ion Chan1 Flux  T                   IJ05IC1J  1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      Ion Chan 1 Flux     
        Diff Ion Chan2 Flux  T                   IJ05IC2J  1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      Ion Chan 2 Flux     
        Diff Elec Chan1 Flux T                   IJ05EC1J  1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      Elec Chan 1 Flux    
        Diff Elec Chan2 Flux T                   IJ05EC2J  1/cm**2-s-sr-keV      Elec Chan 2 Flux    
        Ion & Elec Int Flux  T                   IJ05IEJ   1/cm**2-s-sr          Ion + Elec Int J    

        Brief Description

        The fluxes in this CDF are dimensioned with respect to the azimuthal sector     
        angle parameter, SANG.  There are 16 22.5-degree azimuthal sectors.  They       
        increase in a counter-clockwise direction and the values of the beginning edges 
        of the sectors are given in SANG.                                               

          Page    29
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : IMP-8     
                                                                          CDFname : IJ08

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: EnElec/Pro        Elec/Proton Flux .2-.5MeV @10s

        Source : Lui                    Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  --C--

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 11:35

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        Sector (1-8) in spin-plane of S/C        IJ08SECT                        Sector Number       
        Ions, 0.29 - 0.5 MeV Flux                IJ08ION   1/cm**2 s sr          Ion(.29-.5MeV)J     
        Electrons, .22 - .5 MeV Flux             IJ08ELEC  1/cm**2 s sr          Electron(.22-.5MeV)J
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   

        Brief Description

        Energetic electron fluxes appeared abnormal in some sectors; contact            
        investigator for validity.                                                      

          Page    30
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : ISEE-1    
                                                                          CDFname : I1MD

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: T87 Model         T87 calc of mag fld at ISEE-1 

        Source : Kayser                 Time Resolution :   12 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        S/C X-coordinate, GSM                    I1MDXGSM  Re                    X-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    I1MDYGSM  Re                    Y-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    I1MDZGSM  Re                    Z-coordinate GSM    
        T87 Bx-component, GSM                    I1MDBX    nT                    Bx GSM              
        T87 By-component, GSM                    I1MDBY    nT                    By GSM              
        T87 Bz-component, GSM                    I1MDBZ    nT                    Bz GSM              

          Page    31
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : ISEE-1    
                                                                          CDFname : I100

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ephemeris         GSE/GSM/GegLat/LTime/NeutShDis

        Source : NSSDC                  Time Resolution :   12 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Radial distance of spacecraft            I100RADI  Re                    Radial Distance     
        Distance from neutral sheet              I100ZNUT  Re                    Z-neutral           
        S/C position, X-component, GSE or GSM    I100XGSE  Re                    X-component GSE,GSM 
        S/C position, Y-component, GSE           I100YGSE  Re                    Y-component GSE     
        S/C position, Z-component, GSE           I100ZGSE  Re                    Z-component GSE     
        Geographic Latitude                      I100GLAT  deg                   Geographic Lat      
        Local Time                               I100LOCT  Hr                    Local Time          
        S/C position, Y-component, GSM           I100YGSM  Re                    Y-component GSM     
        S/C position, Z-component, GSM           I100ZGSM  Re                    Z-component GSM     

          Page    32
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : ISEE-1    
                                                                          CDFname : I102

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: ElecPlasma        PlasmaElec Dens/Temp          

        Source : Fairfield              Time Resolution :    9 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Electron Density                         I102DEN   1/cm**3               Electron Density    
        Electron Temperature                     I102TEMP  K                     Elec. Temperature   

        Long Description

        The Electron Spectrometer produces a distribution function every 0.5 sec at     
        the top data rate, from which moments such as density and temperature are       

          Page    33
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : ISEE-1    
                                                                          CDFname : I103

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Plasma            Plasma Dens/Temp/Flw          

        Source : Huang                  Time Resolution : 2, 8 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Proton Density                           I103DENS  1/cm**3               Proton Density      
        Proton Temperature                       I103TEMP  eV                    Prot. Temperature   
        Proton Velocity                          I103VEL   km/sec                Proton Velocity     
        Proton Velocity X-component (GSM)        I103VELX  km/sec                P Velocity X-comp.  
        Proton Velocity Y-component (GSM)        I103VELY  km/sec                P Velocity Y-comp.  
        Proton Velocity Z-component (GSM)        I103VELZ  km/sec                P Velocity Z-comp.  

        Long Description

           Proton plasma parameters were obtained as moments of the distribution        
        function every 128 s.  For densities below 0.1/cc, higher-order moments are not 
        always reliable.  To convert temperature values from eV to K, multiply by       

          Page    34
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : ISEE-1    
                                                                          CDFname : I104

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: B-Fld (4s)        4-sec Vector Magnetic Field   

        Source : Elphic                 Time Resolution :    4 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDCA Standard Reference Time           EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        B-Field, X-component, GSM                I104BSMX  nT                    BX GSM              
        B-Field, Y-component, GSM                I104BSMY  nT                    BY GSM              
        B-Field, Z-component, GSM                I104BSMZ  nT                    BZ GSM              
        B-Field Magnitude                        I104BT    nT                    B-Field Magnitud    
        S/C position, X-component, GSM           I104GSMX  Re                    X-component, GSM    
        S/C position, Y-component, GSM           I104GSMY  Re                    Y-component, GSM    
        S/C position, Z-component, GSM           I104GSMZ  Re                    Z-component, GSM    

        Brief Description

        There are a few bad data points for the GSM coordinate values in event A.       

          Page    35
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : ISEE-1    
                                                                          CDFname : I110

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: LowEn Part        Protn/Elec 2-400 keV          

        Source : Parks                  Time Resolution :    4 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Flux of e+p 16-280 keV                   I110OT12  /cm**2 s keV sr       Flux e+p .gt.16keV  
        Flux of e+p 42-280 keV                   I110OT30  /cm**2 s keV sr       Flux e+p .gt.42keV  
        Flux e+p > 200 keV                       I110O200  /cm**2 s keV sr       Flux e+p .gt.200keV 
        Electron Flux 19-280 keV                 I110FT08  /cm**2 s keV sr       Elc Flux .gt.19keV  
        Electron Flux 42-280 keV                 I110FT30  /cm**2 s keV sr       Elc Flux .gt.42keV  
        Electron flux 1.4-1.6 keV                I110E2KV  /cm**2 s keV sr       Electron flux, ch2  
        Electron flux 4.5-6.0 keV                I110E6KV  /cm**2 s keV sr       Electron flux, ch6  
        Proton flux 1.4-1.6 keV                  I110P2KV  /cm**2 s keV sr       Proton flux, ch2    
        Proton flux 4.5-6.0 keV                  I110P6KV  /cm**2 s keV sr       Proton flux, ch6    
        Elc > 300keV, prot > 1MeV                I110COIN  /cm**2 s keV sr       High Energy e+p     
        Spacecraft spin angle                    I110SANG  deg                   Spin Angle          

        Long Description

        Measurements of energetic particles were made by essentially identical          
        instrumentation on the ISEE-1 and -2 Mother/Daughter spacecraft.  Four fixed    
        voltage electrostatic analyzers measure ~1.5 keV and ~6 keV electrons and       
        protons (2e, 2p, 6e, 6p), and two semiconductor telescopes measure e and p      
        fluxes above 15 keV.  One of these telescopes (FT) has a thin foil cover to     
        stop low energy protons; the open telescope (OT) counts both electrons and      
        protons.  The detectors' view directions are along the spin axis (nominally     
        normal to the ecliptic plane), except for the FT which looks 15 deg from the    
        spin axis.  This minimizes spin modulation effects that could confuse           
        comparison of features seen at both spacecraft.                                 

          Page    36
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : ISEE-2    
                                                                          CDFname : I200

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ephemeris         GSE/GSM/GegLat/LTime/NeutShDis

        Source : NSSDC                  Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Radial distance of spacecraft            I100RADI  Re                    Radial Distance     
        Distance from neutral sheet              I100ZNUT  Re                    Z-neutral           
        S/C position, X-component, GSE or GSM    I100XGSE  Re                    X-component GSE,GSM 
        S/C position, Y-component, GSE           I100YGSE  Re                    Y-component GSE     
        S/C position, Z-component, GSE           I100ZGSE  Re                    Z-component GSE     
        Geographic Latitude                      I100GLAT  deg                   Geographic Lat      
        Local Time                               I100LOCT  Hr                    Local Time          
        S/C position, Y-component, GSM           I100YGSM  Re                    Y-component GSM     
        S/C position, Z-component, GSM           I100ZGSM  Re                    Z-component GSM     

          Page    37
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : ISEE-2    
                                                                          CDFname : I204

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: B-Fld (4s)        4-sec Vector Magnetic Field   

        Source : Elphic                 Time Resolution :    4 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDCA Standard Reference Time           EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        B-Field, X-component, GSM                I204BSMX  nT                    BX GSM              
        B-Field, Y-component, GSM                I204BSMY  nT                    BY GSM              
        B-Field, Z-component, GSM                I204BSMZ  nT                    BZ GSM              
        B-Field Magnitude                        I204BT    nT                    B-Field Magnitud    
        S/C position, X-component, GSM           I204GSMX  Re                    X-component, GSM    
        S/C position, Y-component, GSM           I204GSMY  Re                    Y-component, GSM    
        S/C position, Z-component, GSM           I204GSMZ  Re                    Z-component, GSM    

        Brief Description

        There are a few bad data points for the GSM coordinate values in event A.       

          Page    38
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : ISEE-2    
                                                                          CDFname : I208

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: LowEn Part        Protn/Elec 2-400 keV          

        Source : Parks                  Time Resolution :    4 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Flux of e+p 16-280 keV                   I208OT12  /cm**2 s keV sr       Flux e+p .gt.16keV  
        Flux of e+p 84-280 keV                   I208OT60  /cm**2 s keV sr       Flux e+p .gt.84keV  
        Flux e+p > 200 keV                       I208O200  /cm**2 s keV sr       Flux e+p .gt.200keV 
        Electron Flux 19-280 keV                 I208FT08  /cm**2 s keV sr       Elc Flux .gt.19keV  
        Electron Flux 84-280 keV                 I208FT60  /cm**2 s keV sr       Ele Flux .gt.84keV  
        Electron flux 1.4-1.6 keV                I208E2KV  /cm**2 s keV sr       Electron flux, ch2  
        Electron flux 4.5-6.0 keV                I208E6KV  /cm**2 s keV sr       Electron flux, ch6  
        Proton flux 1.4-1.6 keV                  I208P2KV  /cm**2 s keV sr       Proton flux, ch2    
        Proton flux 4.5-6.0 keV                  I208P6KV  /cm**2 s keV sr       Proton flux, ch6    
        Elc > 300keV, prot > 1MeV                I208COIN  /cm**2 s keV sr       High Energy e+p     
        Spacecraft spin angle                    I208SANG  deg                   Spin Angle          

        Long Description

        Measurements of energetic particles were made by essentially identical          
        instrumentation on the ISEE-1 and -2 Mother/Daughter spacecraft.  Four fixed    
        voltage electrostatic analyzers measure ~1.5 keV and ~6 keV electrons and       
        protons (2e, 2p, 6e, 6p), and two semiconductor telescopes measure e and p      
        fluxes above 15 keV.  One of these telescopes (FT) has a thin foil cover to     
        stop low energy protons; the open telescope (OT) counts both electrons and      
        protons.  The detectors' view directions are along the spin axis (nominally     
        normal to the ecliptic plane), except for the FT which looks 15 deg from the    
        spin axis.  This minimizes spin modulation effects that could confuse           
        comparison of features seen at both spacecraft.                                 

          Page    39
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : SCATHA    
                                                                          CDFname : SC00

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ephemeris         GSE/GSM/GegLat/LTime/NeutShDis

        Source : NSSDC                  Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Radial distance of s/c                   SC00RADI  Re                    Radial Distance     
        Dist. from neutral sheet                 SC00ZNUT  Re                    Z-neutral           
        S/C X-component, GSE/GSM                 SC00XGSE  Re                    X-component GSE,GSM 
        S/C Y-component, GSE                     SC00YGSE  Re                    Y-component GSE     
        S/C Z-component, GSE                     SC00ZGSE  Re                    Z-component GSE     
        Geographic Latitude                      SC00GLAT  deg                   Geographic Lat      
        Local Time                               SC00LOCT  Hr                    Local Time          
        S/C Y-component, GSM                     SC00YGSM  Re                    Y-component GSM     
        S/C Z-component, GSM                     SC00ZGSM  Re                    Z-component GSM     

          Page    40
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : SCATHA    
                                                                          CDFname : SC06

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: LowEn Part        Elc/Ion cts 1-1000eV @60 sec  

        Source : Fennell                Time Resolution :   60 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDCA Standard Reference Time           EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        Electrn,cps,90deg P.A. T                 SC06E90   ct/s                  Pitch 90, Elect     
        Electrn,cps,180deg P.A.T                 SC06E180  ct/s                  Pitch 180, Elect    
        Ion, ct/s,90 deg P.A. T                  SC06I90   ct/s                  Pitch 90, Ion       
        Ion, ct/s,180 deg P.A. T                 SC06I180  ct/s                  Pitch 180, Ion      
        Electron Energy    T                     SC06EENG  eV                    Electron Energy     
        Ion Energy   T                           SC06IENG  eV                    Ion Energy          

          Page    41
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : SCATHA    
                                                                          CDFname : SC08

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: B-Fld(16s)        16-sec Vector MagFld          

        Source : Fennell                Time Resolution :   16 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDCA Standard Reference Time           EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        Radial Comp. of B-field (VDH)            SC08BV    nT                    Radial B            
        Eastward B-field Comp. (VDH)             SC08BD    nT                    Eastward B          
        Northward B-field Comp. (VDH)            SC08BH    nT                    Northward B         
        Magnitude of B-field                     SC08BTOT  nT                    Total B             

          Page    42
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : SCATHA    
                                                                          CDFname : SCMD

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: T87 Model         T87 calc of mag fld at SCATHA 

        Source : Kayser                 Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        S/C X-coordinate, GSM                    SCMDXGSM  Re                    X-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    SCMDYGSM  Re                    Y-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    SCMDZGSM  Re                    Z-coordinate GSM    
        T87 Bx-component, GSM                    SCMDBX    nT                    Bx GSM              
        T87 By-component, GSM                    SCMDBY    nT                    By GSM              
        T87 Bz-component, GSM                    SCMDBZ    nT                    Bz GSM              

          Page    43
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : SCATHA    
                                                                          CDFname : SCE0

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: B-Modl/Eph        Eph/model B/L/Invar/LT/MLT@10m

        Source : Fennell                Time Resolution :   10 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDCA Standard Reference Time           EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        Altitude of Spacecraft                   SCE0ALT   km                    S/C Altitude        
        Geographic Latitude, Subsatellite Pt.    SCE0GLAT  deg                   Geogr. Latitude     
        Geographic Longitude, Subsatellite Pt.   SCE0GLON  deg                   Geogr. Longitude    
        Geomagnetic Latitude                     SCE0MLAT  deg                   Geomagnetic Lat     
        Geomagnetic Longitude                    SCE0MLON  deg                   Geomagnetic Long    
        Total Model B-Field Value                SCE0BMOD  nT                    Model B Value       
        McIlwain L - Parameter                   SCE0MACL  Re                    L - Parameter       
        Invariant Latitude of S/C                SCE0ILAT  deg                   Invariant Lat       
        Local Time at Subsatellite Pt.           SCE0LT    hour                  Local Time          
        Geomagnetic Local Time                   SCE0MLT   hour                  Geomagnetic L.T.    

        Brief Description

        The magnetic field model used to generate the BMOD parameter values was the sum 
        of the Olsen-Pfitzer 1974 and the GRF 1979 or 1980 models.                      

          Page    44
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : SCATHA    
                                                                          CDFname : SC14

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: EnerProton        H,He,Ions 17-717 keV          

        Source : Fennell                Time Resolution :   60 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDCA Standard Reference Time           EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        90 deg, 17-29 keV, Protons               SC14P190  ct/s                  90, 17-29 keV, P    
        90 deg, 29-54 keV, Protons               SC14P290  ct/s                  90, 29-54 keV, P    
        90 deg, 54-104 keV, Protons              SC14P390  ct/s                  90,54-104 keV, P    
        90 deg, 104-189 keV, Protons             SC14P490  ct/s                  90,104-189keV, P    
        90 deg, 189-363 keV, Protons             SC14P590  ct/s                  90,189-363keV, P    
        90 deg, 363-717 keV, Protons             SC14P690  ct/s                  90,363-717keV, P    
        90 deg, GT 717 keV, Protons              SC14P790  ct/s                  90,GT 717 keV, P    
        90 deg, GT 3.3 MeV, Protons              SC14P890  ct/s                  90,GT 3.3 MeV, P    
        90 deg, Low Energy Alphas                SC14A190  ct/s                  90, Low E Alpha     
        90 deg, High Energy Alphas               SC14A290  ct/s                  90, High Alpha      
        90 deg, GT 120 keV, Protons              SC14P1S9  ct/s                  90,GT 120 keV, P    
        90 deg, GT 300 keV, Protons              SC14P2S9  ct/s                  90,GT 300 keV, P    
        90 deg, Low Energy C,N,O                 SC14CN90  ct/s                  90, Low E CNO       
        90 deg, Heavier than CNO                 SC14GR90  ct/s                  90, Heavier         
        90 deg, Background                       SC142B90  ct/s                  90, Background      
        180 deg, 17-29 keV, Protons              SC14P10   ct/s                  0, 17-29 keV, P     
        180 deg, 29-54 keV, Protons              SC14P20   ct/s                  0, 29-54 keV, P     
        180 deg, 54-104 keV, Protons             SC14P30   ct/s                  0,54-104 keV, P     
        180 deg, 104-189 keV, Protons            SC14P40   ct/s                  0,104-189keV, P     
        180 deg, 189-363 keV, Protons            SC14P50   ct/s                  0,189-363keV, P     
        180 deg, 363-717 keV, Protons            SC14P60   ct/s                  0,363-717keV, P     
        180 deg, GT 717 keV, Protons             SC14P70   ct/s                  0,GT 717 keV, P     
        180 deg, GT 3.3 MeV, Protons             SC14P80   ct/s                  0,GT 3.3 MeV, P     
        180 deg, Low Energy Alphas               SC14A10   ct/s                  0, Low E Alpha      
        180 deg, High Energy Alphas              SC14A20   ct/s                  0, High Alpha       
        180 deg, GT 120, Protons                 SC14P1S0  ct/s                  0,GT 120 keV, P     
        180 deg, GT 300 keV, Protons             SC14P2S0  ct/s                  0,GT 300 keV, P     
        180 deg, Low Energy C,N,O                SC14CN0   ct/s                  0, Low E CNO        
        180 deg, Heavier than CNO                SC14GR0   ct/s                  0, Heavier          
        180 deg, Background                      SC142B0   ct/s                  0, Background       

          Page    45
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VIMD

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: T87 Model         T87 calc of mag fld at Viking 

        Source : Kayser                 Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        S/C X-coordinate, GSM                    VIMDXGSM  Re                    X-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    VIMDYGSM  Re                    Y-coordinate GSM    
        S/C Y-coordinate, GSM                    VIMDZGSM  Re                    Z-coordinate GSM    
        T87 Bx-component, GSM                    VIMDBX    nT                    Bx GSM              
        T87 By-component, GSM                    VIMDBY    nT                    By GSM              
        T87 Bz-component, GSM                    VIMDBZ    nT                    Bz GSM              

          Page    46
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI00

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ephemeris         Dist/Geg&GMLat-Lon/LT/MLT     

        Source : NSSDC                  Time Resolution :    3 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Radial distance of spacecraft            VI00RADI  Re                    Radial Distance     
        Geographic latitude of subsatellite pt   VI00GLAT  deg                   Geographic lat      
        Geographic longitude of subsatellite pt  VI00GLON  deg                   Geographic lon      
        Local Time at subsatellite point         VI00LOCT  Hour                  local time          
        Invariant Latitude of spacecraft         VI00ILAT  deg                   Invariant Lat       
        McIllwain L-Parameter                    VI00MACL  Re                    L-Parameter         
        SM Latitude                              VI00MLAT  deg                   Magnetic Lat        
        Geomagnetic Longitude of spacecraft      VI00MLON  deg                   Geomagnetic Long    
        Magnetic Local Time                      VI00MLT   Hour                  Magnetic LT         

          Page    47
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI01

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Aur.Imager        UV Images; also avail on MACII

        Source : Murphree               Time Resolution : 40, 80 s                    Events :  ABCD-

                                                                    Last modified : 17-Apr-2006 09:26

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------

          Page    48
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI04

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Elec Field        Viking Electric Field, V1     

        Source : Lindqvist              Time Resolution :   20 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        E in spin plane, along B projection      VI04E1    mV/m                  E parallel B        
        E field in spin plane, positive to dusk  VI04E2    mV/m                  E perpendicular B   
        N (geomag) Electric field at satellite   VI04ENSA  mV/m                  E north, spacecraft 
        N (geomag) Elec fld mapped to ionosphere VI04ENIO  mV/m                  E north, ionosphere 
        Standard deviation of electric field     VI04SDEV  mV/m                  Std. Dev. of E      
        Approx. floating ground potential        VI04VFG   Volts                 V Floating Ground   
        Angle between spin plane and mag field   VI04PHI   Degrees               Angle Spin-to-B     

          Page    49
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI05

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: MICS              MICS, Hot Plasma Expt         

        Source : Fennell                Time Resolution : 0.15 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDCA Standard Reference Time           EPOCH     ms                    Time Line           
        Chan. Threshold Energy                   VI05TENG  keV                   Threshold Energy    
        Front Start Counts                       VI05FSCT  counts                Front Start Cts     
        Double Coincidence Cts                   VI05DCCT  counts                Double Coinc Ct     
        Triple Coincidence Cts                   VI05TCCT  counts                Triple Coinc Ct     
        H+ Ion Scaler Counts                     VI05HCTS  counts                H+ Counts           
        He+ Ion Scaler Counts                    VI05HEP   counts                He+ Counts          
        He++ Ion Scaler Counts                   VI05HEPP  counts                He++ Counts         
        O++ Ion Scaler Counts                    VI05OPP   counts                O++ Counts          
        O+ Lo E,Ion Scaler Cts                   VI05OPLO  counts                O+ Cts, Low E       
        O+ Hi E,Ion Scaler Cts                   VI05OPHI  counts                O+ Cts, Hi E        
        Invariant Latitude                       VI05ILAT  deg                   Invariant Lat       
        Magnetic Local Time                      VI05MLT   hours                 Mag Local Time      
        Magnitude of B                           VI05BTOT  nT                    Magnitude of B      
        Pitch Angle                              VI05PANG  deg                   Pitch Angle         
        Geocentric Longitude                     VI05GOLN  deg                   Geocentric Long     
        Geocentric Latitude                      VI05GOLT  deg                   Geocentric Lat      
        Altitude of S/C                          VI05ALT   km                    Altitude (km)       

        Long Description

        This CDF contains the data for every third energy value of this experiment.     
        Energy steps 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30, and 32 were included.  This CDF has a
        very fine time resolution of 0.15 seconds, and is therefore quite large.  It    
        takes a large amount of time to plot more than about an hour of data for any    

          Page    50
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI06

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: B-fld/2.4s        Magnetometer: N,E,Sun,Dawn,Prl

        Source : Zanetti                Time Resolution :  2.4 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        Northward Component, BN                  VI06BN    nT                    Northward Comp, BN  
        Eastward Component, BE                   VI06BE    nT                    Eastward Comp, BE   
        Sunward Component, BS                    VI06BS    nT                    Sunward Comp, BS    
        Dawnward Component, BD                   VI06BD    nT                    Dawnward Comp, BD   
        Parallel Component, BPAR                 VI06BPAR  nT                    Parallel Comp, BPAR 
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   

          Page    51
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI2B

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: V4H               V4H; E field filterbank @2.4s 

        Source : Bahnsen                Time Resolution :  2.4 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Filterbank, averages   TT                VI2BEAVA  dB (>1E-6 V/m)        Av. Electric field  
        Filterbank, maxima     TT                VI2BEMAX  dB (>1E-6 V/m)        Max. Electric field 
        Filterbank frequency   -T                VI2B_FRQ  KHz                   Frequency band      

          Page    52
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI2D

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: V4H-RS            V4H-RS Electron den.,72s or 2m

        Source : Perraut                Time Resolution : 72s or2m                    Events :  A-C-E

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Electron density in cm-3                 VI2D_NE   cm-3                  Electron density    

        Brief Description

        Depending on the orbit, the time resolutio is 72 seconds or 2 minutes.          
        For Event A, it is 2 minutes; for Events C and E, it is 72 seconds.             

          Page    53
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI2F

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: V4H-RS            V4H-RS; Spectral Charac. - 10s

        Source : Hilgers                Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  A-C-E

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Electron gyrofrequency                   VI2F_FCE  KHz                   Electron gyrofreq.  
        Fce is electron gyrofreq.                VI2F_ELO  eV/cm-3               Int. ener. bel. Fce 
        Hiss upper cutoff freq.                  VI2F_HIS  KHz                   Hiss upper cutoff   
        Fce is electron gyrofreq.                VI2F_EHI  eV/cm-3               Int. ener. above Fce
        TKR lower cutoff frequ.                  VI2F_FLO  KHz                   TKR lower cutoff    
        TKR upper cutoff freq.                   VI2F_FUP  KHz                   TKR upper cutoff    
        Fce is electron gyrofreq.                VI2FAMAX  V/m/sqrt(Hz)          Max-amp above Fce   
        F. at amp.-max. above Fce                VI2FFMAX  KHz                   Freq. at amp.-max.  

          Page    54
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI2S

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Elec/MagSp        V4H; Elctrc/B fld spectrm @19s

        Source : Bahnsen                Time Resolution : 19.2 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Spectrum, elec. field  TT                VI2S_ESP  dB >1E-8 V/m*sqrt_Hz  Elec. field (spct)  
        Spectrum, mag. field   TT                VI2S_BSP  dB >1E-15 T/sqrt_Hz   Mag. field (spct)   
        Spectrum frequencies   -T                VI2S_FRQ  KHz                   Frequency band      

          Page    55
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI3H

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: V4L El HiF        V4L El Wav modes 1,2, 10-428Hz

        Source : Gustafsson             Time Resolution :    2 sec                    Events :  A-C--

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Index for spectrum     -T                VI3H_IND  none                  Spectrum index      
        of electric field      TT                VI3H_ESP  (mV/m)^2/Hz           Power spect. density
        Fcp frequency          T-                VI3H_FCP  Hz                    Proton cyclotron fq.
        Lower boundary         TT                VI3H_FLO  Hz                    Frq. range, lower b.
        Upper boundary         TT                VI3H_FUP  Hz                    Frq. range, upper b.

        Brief Description

        Due to the very large data volume, for best response time when plotting power   
        density vs time the user should use filtering to select a single frequency index
        (which is constant), rather than the frequency range (which is time-varying and 
        requires much longer to search).                                                

        Long Description

        Both VI3H and VI3L have identical parameters, basically the power               
        spectral density as a function of frequency.  The instrument has 3 operating    
        modes, and switches from one to another at various times.                       
        VI3H (Higher frequencies) contains Mode 1 and 2 data:                           
             Mode 1:  from 10 to 214 Hz in 14 ranges                                    
             Mode 2:  from 10 to 428 Hz in 17 ranges.                                   
        VI3L (Lower frequencies) contains Mode 3 data:                                  

          Page   55 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : VI3H

             Mode 3:  from 0.4 to 10 Hz in 13 frequency ranges.                         
        Because the instrument changes modes continuously, there is 2-second resolution 
        in both VI3H and VI3L, but never the same time for H and for L.                 
        For plotting a power density spectrum, the user should plot the power density,  
        using filtering to select the time interval.  Or, the Animation feature can be  
        used, animating on, e.g., IMINUTE, which would then produce a composite of all  
        the spectra for each minute of time.  When using Animation for this, one might  
        want to set the controls to ORDER on either the vertical or the horizontal      
        parameter, or use SCATTER plot instead of VECTOR, to avoid drawing extraneous   
        lines from the end of one spectrum to the beginning of the next one.            

          Page    56
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI3L

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: V4L El LoF        V4L El Wave Mode 3, 0.4-10 Hz 

        Source : Gustafsson             Time Resolution :    2 sec                    Events :  A-C--

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Index for spectrum     -T                VI3L_IND  none                  Spectrum index      
        of electric field      TT                VI3L_ESP  (mV/m)^2/Hz           Power spect. density
        Fcp frequency          T-                VI3L_FCP  Hz                    Proton cyclotron fq.
        Lower boundary         -T                VI3L_FLO  Hz                    Frq. range, lower b.
        Upper boundary         -T                VI3L_FUP  Hz                    Frq. range, upper b.

        Brief Description

        Due to the very large data volume, for best response time when plotting power   
        density vs time the user should use filtering to select a single frequency index
        (which is constant), rather than the frequency range (which is time-varying and 
        requires much longer to search).                                                

        Long Description

        Both VI3H and VI3L have identical parameters, basically the power               
        spectral density as a function of frequency.  The instrument has 3 operating    
        modes, and switches from one to another at various times.                       
        VI3H (Higher frequencies) contains Mode 1 and 2 data:                           
             Mode 1:  from 10 to 214 Hz in 14 ranges                                    
             Mode 2:  from 10 to 428 Hz in 17 ranges.                                   
        VI3L (Lower frequencies) contains Mode 3 data:                                  

          Page   56 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : VI3L

             Mode 3:  from 0.4 to 10 Hz in 13 frequency ranges.                         
        Because the instrument changes modes continuously, there is 2-second resolution 
        in both VI3H and VI3L, but never the same time for H and for L.                 
        For plotting a power density spectrum, the user should plot the power density,  
        using filtering to select the time interval.  Or, the Animation feature can be  
        used, animating on, e.g., IMINUTE, which would then produce a composite of all  
        the spectra for each minute of time.  When using Animation for this, one might  
        want to set the controls to ORDER on either the vertical or the horizontal      
        parameter, or use SCATTER plot instead of VECTOR, to avoid drawing extraneous   
        lines from the end of one spectrum to the beginning of the next one.            

          Page    57
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Viking    
                                                                          CDFname : VI5W

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Hot Plasma        Hot Plasma                    

        Source : Woch                   Time Resolution :  1.2 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Electron Flux          TT                VI5WEFLX  /cm**2 s sr keV       Electron Flux       
        Ion Flux               TT                VI5WIFLX  /cm**2 s sr keV       Ion Flux            
        Electron low bin edge  -T                VI5WELEN  keV                   Electron Energy     
        Ion En. low bin edge   -T                VI5WINEN  keV                   Ion Energy          
        Magnetic Local Time    T-                VI5WMLT   Hours                 MLT                 
        Pitch Angle            T-                VI5WPA    Deg                   Pitch Angle         

        Brief Description

        For time history: plot a flux vs. time, filtering on VI5WELEN or VI5WINEN to    
        select channel.  Energy spectrum: make XY plot VI5WEFLX vs VI5WELEN (for        
        electrons), with filter on desired time. Animate for several spectra per        

        Long Description

        These CDFs contain electron and ion (mostly proton) data from the Viking-3 hot  
        plasma experiment.  The full resolution dataset contains 36 electron energy     
        channels and 32 ion energy channels.  The energy of each channel depends on the 
        detector mode; two electron modes (one of which had only 32 energy channels) and
        three ion modes occurred during the CDAW-9 events. Because of the large quantity
        of data, 9 contiguous energy bins were defined for each detector; the energy at 
        the low-energy bin edge is given in the variables VI5WELEN for electrons and    
        VI5WINEN for ions.  The highest bin edge is 40 keV for both detectors.  The 9   
        fluxes in the arrays VI5WEFLX and VI5WIFLX are the average of the fluxes in each

          Page   57 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : VI5W

        bin.  Electron fluxes measured near 1 keV are subject to interference, and have 
        been omitted.                                                                   
        To examine the time history of the data, plot one flux channel vs time, using a 
        filter on VI5WELEN or VI5WINEN to select the channel.  To see an energy         
        spectrum, make an XY plot VI5WEFLX vs VI5WELEN (for electrons), with a filter on
        the desired time.  For more than one spectrum in a time interval (spectra are   
        available every 1.2 s), use the Animation feature.                              

          Page    58
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : 82-019A   
                                                                          CDFname : S019

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ener Parts        Elec/Prot 30-2000 keV         

        Source : Baker                  Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H Dir.Cosine, s/c axes T-                S019HCOS  -                     H Direction Cosine  
        V Dir.Cosine, s/c axes T-                S019VCOS  -                     V Direction Cosine  
        D Dir.Cosine, s/c axes T-                S019DCOS  -                     D Direction Cosine  
        Electron Diff Flux     TT                S019DJE   /cm**2 s sr KeV       Electron Diff Flux  
        Proton Diff Flux       TT                S019DJP   /cm**2 s sr KeV       Proton Diff Flux    
        Electron,low bin Ener. -T                S019EEN   KeV                   Electron Energy     
        Proton, low bin Energ. -T                S019PEN   MeV                   Proton Energy       
        Polar angle to H axis  T-                S019THET  deg                   Polar Angle         
        Azim. Angle to Earth   T-                S019PHI   deg                   Azimuth Angle       
        2 Order Elc Anisotr.   T-                S019CC2   --                    Electron Anisot(2)  
        4 Order Elc Anisotr.   T-                S019CC4   --                    Electron Anisot(4)  
        Proton E-W Anisotropy  T-                S019PAEW  --                    Proton Anisot. E-W  
        Proton N-S Anisotropy  T-                S019PANS  --                    Proton Anisot. N-S  
        Local Time             T-                S019TLOC  hours                 Local Time          
        S/C Radial Distance    T-                S019DIST  Re                    Radial Distance     
        S/C Geographic Long.   T-                S019LONG  deg                   Geogr. Long         
        S/C Geographic Lat.    T-                S019LAT   deg                   Geogr. Lat          

        Brief Description

        For time history: plot one flux channel from S019DJE or S019DJP vs time, filter 
        on S019EEN or S019PEN to select the channel.  Energy spectrum: use XY plot      
        S019DJE vs S019EEN, with filter on desired time.  Use Animation for multiple    
        Longitudes:  S019: 322 E;   S037: 70 E;   S129: 205 E                           
        A simplified subset of these data is available in SA19.                         

          Page   58 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : S019


        Long Description

        CDFs from the 3 s/c 1982-019A, 1984-037A and 1984-129A are identical in form.   
        There are 4 detectors: low energy electrons (LOE), high energy  electrons (HIE),
        each with 6 energy ranges; and LOP and HIP for protons, with 10 and 16 energy   
        ranges (only the 1st 6 or 7 of HIP are useful).  For LOE, HIE, and LOP, each    
        range is from a lower energy level up to the detector maximum--an integrated    
        energy.  For example, the 1st two LOE ranges are 30-300 keV and 45-300 keV.     
        The 30-45 keV range is thus the difference between the two measurements.  For   
        low levels, background is significant, and measurements for a detector may not  
        be strictly monotonic for any individual 10-s average.  In such cases, the      
        differential flux is made 0 for energies above the non-monotonic flux.          
        6 HIE fluxes are stacked after 6 LOE fluxes in S019DJE. Low edge of each energy 
        bin is in S019EEN and bands are contiguous, so 1st bin is 30-45 keV. Band 6 is  
        top band of LOE (200-300 keV), same as band 7 (lowest energy of HIE).  Topmost  
        energy is 2000 keV.  The 5 channels marked 1996-2000 keV are fill values only.  
        10 LOP channels are in elements 1-9 and 11 of S019DJP and the 1st 7 HIP channels
        are in elements 10 and 12-17, so ranges increase monotonically. Low edge of     
        energy bin is in S019PEN; upper edge is value of the bin above it except bins   
        9-11 have ranges .377-.462, .37-.52, and .462-.600 MeV. Topmost energy bin is   
        1.7-2.2 MeV.                                                                    
        For time history of the data, plot flux from S019DJE or S019DJP vs time, and    
        filter on S019EEN or S019PEN to select the channel.  Energy spectrum: make an   
        XY plot of S019DJE vs S019EEN (for electrons), filtered on desired time. For    
        successive spectra (spectra are available every 10-s), use Animation.           
        Direction cosines for H, V, D are with respect to dipole-meridian coordinates: H
        is parallel to the dipole axis, V radially outward, and D east.  S019THET and   
        S019PHI are colatitude relative to the H axis and the azimuth measured from the 
        negative V axis.                                                                

          Page    59
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : 82-019A   
                                                                          CDFname : SA19

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Energ Part        Elec/Prot 30-300/90-1300 keV  

        Source : Cayton                 Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Elec Diff Flux  30-45 keV                SA19E030  /cm**2 s sr KeV       E Flux  30-45 keV   
        Elec Diff Flux  45-65 keV                SA19E045  /cm**2 s sr KeV       E Flux  45-65 keV   
        Elec Diff Flux  65-95 keV                SA19E065  /cm**2 s sr KeV       E Flux  65-95 keV   
        Elec Diff Flux 95-140 keV                SA19E095  /cm**2 s sr KeV       E Flux  95-140 keV  
        Elc Diff Flux 140-200 keV                SA19E140  /cm**2 s sr KeV       E Flux 140-200 keV  
        Elc Diff Flux 200-300 keV                SA19E200  /cm**2 s sr KeV       E Flux 200-300 keV  
        Proton Flux  90-108 keV                  SA19P092  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux  92-108 keV  
        Proton Flux 108-128 keV                  SA19P108  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux 108-128 keV  
        Proton Flux 128-150 keV                  SA19P128  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux 128-150 keV  
        Proton Flux 150-195 keV                  SA19P150  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux 150-195 keV  
        Proton Flux 195-229 keV                  SA19P195  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux 195-229 keV  
        Proton Flux 229-254 keV                  SA19P229  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux 229-254 keV  
        Proton Flux 254-318 keV                  SA19P254  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux 254-318 keV  
        Proton Flux 318-377 keV                  SA19P318  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux 318-377 keV  
        Proton Flux .37-.52 MeV                  SA19P370  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux .37-.52 MeV  
        Proton Flux .52-.64 MeV                  SA19P520  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux .52-.64 MeV  
        Proton Flux .64-.80 MeV                  SA19P640  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux .64-.80 MeV  
        Proton Flux .80-1.0 MeV                  SA19P800  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux .80-1.0 MeV  
        Proton Flux 1.0-1.3 MeV                  SA19PMEV  /cm**2 s sr KeV       P Flux 1.0-1.3 MeV  
        Polar angle to H axis                    SA19THET  deg                   Polar Angle         
        Azim. Angle to Earth Vector              SA19PHI   deg                   Azimuth Angle       
        2 Order Electr Anisotropy                SA19CC2   --                    Electron Anisot(2)  
        Proton E-W Anisotropy                    SA19PAEW  --                    Proton Anisot. E-W  
        Local Time                               SA19TLOC  hours                 Local Time          

          Page   59 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : SA19

        Long Description

        CDFs from the 3 s/c 1982-019A, 1984-037A and 1984-129A are identical in form.   
        There are 4 detectors: low energy electrons (LOE), high energy  electrons (HIE),
        each with 6 energy ranges; and LOP and HIP for protons, with 10 and 16 energy   
        ranges (only the 1st 6 or 7 of HIP are useful).  For LOE, HIE, and LOP, each    
        range is from a lower energy level up to the detector maximum--an integrated    
        energy.  For example, the 1st two LOE ranges are 30-300 keV and 45-300 keV.     
        The 30-45 keV range is thus the difference between the two measurements.  For   
        low levels, background is significant, and measurements for a detector may not  
        be strictly monotonic for any individual 10-s average.  In such cases, the      
        differential flux is made 0 for energies above the non-monotonic flux.          
        This CDF is a subset of S019, containing only selected energy channels for the  
        particle flux, and some of the other variables.  Each energy channel is now in  
        a separate variable.  The selected fluxes are:  all 6 for LOE, the lowest 8 for 
        LOP, and the lowest 5 for HIP, corresponding to elements 1-6 in S019DJE, and    
        elements 1-8,10,12-15 in S019DJP.                                               
        Direction cosines for H, V, D are with respect to dipole-meridian coordinates: H
        is parallel to the dipole axis, V radially outward, and D east.  S019THET and   
        S019PHI are colatitude relative to the H axis and the azimuth measured from the 
        negative V axis.                                                                

          Page    60
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : 84-037A   
                                                                          CDFname : S037

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ener Parts        Elec/Prot 30-2000 keV         

        Source : Baker                  Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H Dir.Cosine, s/c axes T-                S037HCOS  -                     H Direction Cosine  
        V Dir.Cosine, s/c axes T-                S037VCOS  -                     V Direction Cosine  
        D Dir.Cosine, s/c axes T-                S037DCOS  -                     D Direction Cosine  
        Electron Diff Flux     TT                S037DJE   /cm**2 s sr KeV       Electron Diff Flux  
        Proton Diff Flux       TT                S037DJP   /cm**2 s sr KeV       Proton Diff Flux    
        Electron,low bin Ener. -T                S037EEN   KeV                   Electron Energy     
        Proton, low bin Energ. -T                S037PEN   MeV                   Proton Energy       
        Polar angle to H axis  T-                S037THET  deg                   Polar Angle         
        Azim. Angle to Earth   T-                S037PHI   deg                   Azimuth Angle       
        2 Order Elc Anisotr.   T-                S037CC2   --                    Electron Anisot(2)  
        4 Order Elc Anisotr.   T-                S037CC4   --                    Electron Anisot(4)  
        Proton E-W Anisotropy  T-                S037PAEW  --                    Proton Anisot. E-W  
        Proton N-S Anisotropy  T-                S037PANS  --                    Proton Anisot. N-S  
        Local Time             T-                S037TLOC  hours                 Local Time          
        S/C Radial Distance    T-                S037DIST  Re                    Radial Distance     
        S/C Geographic Long.   T-                S037LONG  deg                   Geogr. Long         
        S/C Geographic Lat.    T-                S037LAT   deg                   Geogr. Lat          

        Brief Description

        For time history: plot one flux channel from S037DJE or S037DJP vs time, filter 
        on S037EEN or S037PEN to select the channel.  Energy spectrum: use XY plot      
        S037DJE vs S037EEN, with filter on desired time.  Use Animation for multiple    
        Longitudes:  S019: 322 E;   S037: 70 E;   S129: 205 E                           
        A simplified subset of these data is available in SA37.                         

          Page   60 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : S037


        Long Description

        CDFs from the 3 s/c 1982-019A, 1984-037A and 1984-129A are identical in form.   
        There are 4 detectors: low energy electrons (LOE), high energy  electrons (HIE),
        each with 6 energy ranges; and LOP and HIP for protons, with 10 and 16 energy   
        ranges (only the 1st 6 or 7 of HIP are useful).  For LOE, HIE, and LOP, each    
        range is from a lower energy level up to the detector maximum--an integrated    
        energy.  For example, the 1st two LOE ranges are 30-300 keV and 45-300 keV.     
        The 30-45 keV range is thus the difference between the two measurements.  For   
        low levels, background is significant, and measurements for a detector may not  
        be strictly monotonic for any individual 10-s average.  In such cases, the      
        differential flux is made 0 for energies above the non-monotonic flux.          
        6 HIE fluxes are stacked after 6 LOE fluxes in S037DJE. Low edge of each energy 
        bin is in S037EEN and bands are contiguous, so 1st bin is 30-45 keV. Band 6 is  
        top band of LOE (200-300 keV), same as band 7 (lowest energy of HIE).  Topmost  
        energy is 2000 keV.  The 5 channels marked 1996-2000 keV are fill values only.  
        10 LOP channels are in elements 1-9 and 11 of S037DJP and the 1st 7 HIP channels
        are in elements 10 and 12-17, so ranges increase monotonically.  Low edge of    
        energy bin is in S037PEN; upper edge is value of the bin above it except bins   
        9-11 have ranges .35-.45, .38-.49, and .45-.56 MeV. Topmost energy bin is       
        1.8-2.3 MeV.                                                                    
        For time history of the data, plot flux from S037DJE or S037DJP vs time, and    
        filter on S037EEN or S037PEN to select the channel.  Energy spectrum: make an   
        XY plot of S037DJE vs S037EEN (for electrons), filtered on desired time. For    
        successive spectra (spectra are available every 10-s), use Animation.           
        Direction cosines H, V, D, S037THET and S037PHI have spurious values for S037.  

          Page    61
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : 84-037A   
                                                                          CDFname : SA37

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Energ Part        Elec/Prot 30-300/70-1450 keV  

        Source : Cayton                 Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Elec Diff Flux  30-45 keV                SA37E030  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux  30-45 keV   
        Elec Diff Flux  45-65 keV                SA37E045  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux  45-65 keV   
        Elec Diff Flux  65-95 keV                SA37E065  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux  65-95 keV   
        Elec Diff Flux 95-140 keV                SA37E095  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux  95-140 keV  
        Elc Diff Flux 140-200 keV                SA37E140  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux 140-200 keV  
        Elc Diff Flux 200-300 keV                SA37E200  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux 200-300 keV  
        Proton Flux  70-83 keV                   SA37P070  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux  70-83 keV   
        Proton Flux 83-100 keV                   SA37P083  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 83-100 keV   
        Proton Flux 100-130 keV                  SA37P100  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 100-130 keV  
        Proton Flux 130-160 keV                  SA37P130  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 130-160 keV  
        Proton Flux 160-190 keV                  SA37P160  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 160-190 keV  
        Proton Flux 190-235 keV                  SA37P190  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 190-235 keV  
        Proton Flux 235-290 keV                  SA37P235  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 235-290 keV  
        Proton Flux 290-350 keV                  SA37P290  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 290-350 keV  
        Proton Flux .38-.49 MeV                  SA37P380  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux .38-.49 MeV  
        Proton Flux .49-.68 MeV                  SA37P490  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux .49-.68 MeV  
        Proton Flux .68-.87 MeV                  SA37P680  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux .68-.87 MeV  
        Proton Flux .87-1.05 MeV                 SA37P870  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux .87-1.05 MeV 
        Proton Flux 1.05-1.45 MeV                SA37PMEV  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 1.05-1.45 MeV
        Polar angle to H axis                    SA37THET  deg                   Polar Angle         
        Azim. Angle to Earth Vector              SA37PHI   deg                   Azimuth Angle       
        2 Order Electr Anisotropy                SA37CC2   --                    Electron Anisot(2)  
        Proton E-W Anisotropy                    SA37PAEW  --                    Proton Anisot. E-W  
        Local Time                               SA37TLOC  hours                 Local Time          

          Page   61 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : SA37

        Long Description

        CDFs from the 3 s/c 1982-019A, 1984-037A and 1984-129A are identical in form.   
        There are 4 detectors: low energy electrons (LOE), high energy  electrons (HIE),
        each with 6 energy ranges; and LOP and HIP for protons, with 10 and 16 energy   
        ranges (only the 1st 6 or 7 of HIP are useful).  For LOE, HIE, and LOP, each    
        range is from a lower energy level up to the detector maximum--an integrated    
        energy.  For example, the 1st two LOE ranges are 30-300 keV and 45-300 keV.     
        The 30-45 keV range is thus the difference between the two measurements.  For   
        low levels, background is significant, and measurements for a detector may not  
        be strictly monotonic for any individual 10-s average.  In such cases, the      
        differential flux is made 0 for energies above the non-monotonic flux.          
        This CDF is a subset of S037, containing only selected energy channels for the  
        particle flux, and some of the other variables.  Each energy channel is now in  
        a separate variable.  The selected fluxes are:  all 6 for LOE, the lowest 8 for 
        LOP, and the lowest 5 for HIP, corresponding to elements 1-6 in S037DJE, and    
        elements 1-8,10,12-15 in S037DJP.                                               
        Direction cosines for H, V, D are with respect to dipole-meridian coordinates: H
        is parallel to the dipole axis, V radially outward, and D east.  S037THET and   
        S037PHI are colatitude relative to the H axis and the azimuth measured from the 
        negative V axis.                                                                

          Page    62
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : 84-129A   
                                                                          CDFname : S129

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ener Parts        Elec/Prot 30-2000 keV         

        Source : Baker                  Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H Dir.Cosine, s/c axes T-                S129HCOS  -                     H Direction Cosine  
        V Dir.Cosine, s/c axes T-                S129VCOS  -                     V Direction Cosine  
        D Dir.Cosine, s/c axes T-                S129DCOS  -                     D Direction Cosine  
        Electron Diff Flux     TT                S129DJE   /cm**2 s sr KeV       Electron Diff Flux  
        Proton Diff Flux       TT                S129DJP   /cm**2 s sr KeV       Proton Diff Flux    
        Electron,low bin Ener. -T                S129EEN   KeV                   Electron Energy     
        Proton, low bin Energ. -T                S129PEN   MeV                   Proton Energy       
        Polar angle to H axis  T-                S129THET  deg                   Polar Angle         
        Azim. Angle to Earth   T-                S129PHI   deg                   Azimuth Angle       
        2 Order Elc Anisotr.   T-                S129CC2   --                    Electron Anisot(2)  
        4 Order Elc Anisotr.   T-                S129CC4   --                    Electron Anisot(4)  
        Proton E-W Anisotropy  T-                S129PAEW  --                    Proton Anisot. E-W  
        Proton N-S Anisotropy  T-                S129PANS  --                    Proton Anisot. N-S  
        Local Time             T-                S129TLOC  hours                 Local Time          
        S/C Radial Distance    T-                S129DIST  Re                    Radial Distance     
        S/C Geographic Long.   T-                S129LONG  deg                   Geogr. Long         
        S/C Geographic Lat.    T-                S129LAT   deg                   Geogr. Lat          

        Brief Description

        For time history: plot one flux channel from S129DJE or S129DJP vs time, filter 
        on S129EEN or S129PEN to select the channel.  Energy spectrum: use XY plot      
        S129DJE vs S129EEN, with filter on desired time. Use Animation for multiple     
        Longitudes:  S019: 322 E;   S037: 70 E;   S129: 205 E                           
        A simplified subset of these data is available in SA29.                         

          Page   62 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : S129

        Long Description

        CDFs from the 3 s/c 1982-019A, 1984-037A and 1984-129A are identical in form.   
        There are 4 detectors: low energy electrons (LOE), high energy  electrons (HIE),
        each with 6 energy ranges; and LOP and HIP for protons, with 10 and 16 energy   
        ranges (only the 1st 6 or 7 of HIP are useful).  For LOE, HIE, and LOP, each    
        range is from a lower energy level up to the detector maximum--an integrated    
        energy.  For example, the 1st two LOE ranges are 30-300 keV and 45-300 keV.     
        The 30-45 keV range is thus the difference between the two measurements.  For   
        low levels, background is significant, and measurements for a detector may not  
        be strictly monotonic for any individual 10-s average.  In such cases, the      
        differential flux is made 0 for energies above the non-monotonic flux.          
        6 HIE fluxes are stacked after 6 LOE fluxes in S129DJE. Low edge of each energy 
        bin is in S129EEN and bands are contiguous, so 1st bin is 30-45 keV. Band 6 is  
        top band of LOE (200-300 keV), same as band 7 (lowest energy of HIE).  Topmost  
        energy is 2000 keV.  The 5 channels marked 1996-2000 keV are fill values only.  
        10 LOP channels are in elements 1-9 and 11 of S129DJP and the 1st 7 HIP channels
        are in elements 10 and 12-17, so ranges increase monotonically.  Low edge of    
        energy bin is in S129PEN; upper edge is value of the bin above it except bins   
        9-11 have ranges .365-.457, .36-.48, and .457-.573 MeV.  Topmost energy bin is  
        1.80-2.05 MeV.                                                                  
        For time history of the data, plot flux from S129DJE or S129DJP vs time, and    
        filter on S129EEN or S129PEN to select the channel.  Energy spectrum: make an   
        XY plot of S129DJE vs S129EEN (for electrons), filtered on desired time. For    
        successive spectra (spectra are available every 10-s), use Animation.           
        Direction cosines H, V, D, S129THET and S129PHI  have spurious values for S129. 

          Page    63
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : 84-129A   
                                                                          CDFname : SA29

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Energ Part        Elec/Prot 30-300/70-1400 keV  

        Source : Cayton                 Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:57

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Elec Diff Flux  30-45 keV                SA29E030  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux  30-45 keV   
        Elec Diff Flux  45-65 keV                SA29E045  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux  45-65 keV   
        Elec Diff Flux  65-95 keV                SA29E065  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux  65-95 keV   
        Elec Diff Flux 95-140 keV                SA29E095  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux  95-140 keV  
        Elc Diff Flux 140-200 keV                SA29E140  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux 140-200 keV  
        Elc Diff Flux 200-300 keV                SA29E200  /cm**2 s sr keV       E Flux 200-300 keV  
        Proton Flux  72-91 keV                   SA29P072  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux  72-91 keV   
        Proton Flux 91-104 keV                   SA29P091  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux  91-104 keV  
        Proton Flux 104-125 keV                  SA29P104  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 104-125 keV  
        Proton Flux 125-153 keV                  SA29P125  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 125-153 keV  
        Proton Flux 153-190 keV                  SA29P153  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 153-190 keV  
        Proton Flux 190-235 keV                  SA29P190  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 190-235 keV  
        Proton Flux 235-292 keV                  SA29P235  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 235-292 keV  
        Proton Flux 292-365 keV                  SA29P292  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 292-365 keV  
        Proton Flux .36-.48 MeV                  SA29P360  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux .36-.48 MeV  
        Proton Flux .48-.63 MeV                  SA29P480  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux .48-.63 MeV  
        Proton Flux .63-.80 MeV                  SA29P630  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux .63-.80 MeV  
        Proton Flux .80-1.0 MeV                  SA29P800  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux .80-1.0 MeV  
        Proton Flux 1.0-1.4 MeV                  SA29PMEV  /cm**2 s sr keV       P Flux 1.0-1.4 MeV  
        Polar angle to H axis                    SA29THET  deg                   Polar Angle         
        Azim. Angle to Earth Vector              SA29PHI   deg                   Azimuth Angle       
        2 Order Electr Anisotropy                SA29CC2   --                    Electron Anisot(2)  
        Proton E-W Anisotropy                    SA29PAEW  --                    Proton Anisot. E-W  
        Local Time                               SA29TLOC  hours                 Local Time          

          Page   63 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : SA29

        Long Description

        CDFs from the 3 s/c 1982-019A, 1984-037A and 1984-129A are identical in form.   
        There are 4 detectors: low energy electrons (LOE), high energy  electrons (HIE),
        each with 6 energy ranges; and LOP and HIP for protons, with 10 and 16 energy   
        ranges (only the 1st 6 or 7 of HIP are useful).  For LOE, HIE, and LOP, each    
        range is from a lower energy level up to the detector maximum--an integrated    
        energy.  For example, the 1st two LOE ranges are 30-300 keV and 45-300 keV.     
        The 30-45 keV range is thus the difference between the two measurements.  For   
        low levels, background is significant, and measurements for a detector may not  
        be strictly monotonic for any individual 10-s average.  In such cases, the      
        differential flux is made 0 for energies above the non-monotonic flux.          
        This CDF is a subset of S129, containing only selected energy channels for the  
        particle flux, and some of the other variables.  Each energy channel is now in  
        a separate variable.  The selected fluxes are:  all 6 for LOE, the lowest 8 for 
        LOP, and the lowest 5 for HIP, corresponding to elements 1-6 in S129DJE, and    
        elements 1-8,10,12-15 in S129DJP.                                               
        Direction cosines for H, V, D are with respect to dipole-meridian coordinates: H
        is parallel to the dipole axis, V radially outward, and D east.  S129THET and   
        S129PHI are colatitude relative to the H axis and the azimuth measured from the 
        negative V axis.                                                                

          Page    64
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : XFI 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Fnlnd Riom        8 Finnish Rioms,L=3.7-13.1 @1m

        Source : Ranta                  Time Resolution :    1 min                    Events :  ABCD-

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Extraterr. radio noise TT                XFIABSRP  dB                    Absorption          
        Station index          -T                XFISTIND  none                  Station index       
        riometer site (Id.-Nr) -T                XFISTNAM  none                  Station name (Id)   
        North latitude in deg. -T                XFI_LATI  degrees North         Geographic Latitude 
        East longitude in deg. -T                XFI_LONG  degrees East          Geographic Longitude
        L-Value at station     -T                XFI_LVAL  none                  L-Value             

          Page    65
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : XISY

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Syowa&Conj        Syowa/Iceland mag/riom/VLF @2s

        Source : Yamagishi              Time Resolution :    2 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H component, fluxgate  TT                XISYH     nT                    H component         
        D component, fluxgate  TT                XISYD     nT                    D component         
        Z component, fluxgate  TT                XISYZ     nT                    Z component         
        dH/dt (induction)      TT                XISYHDOT  nT-Hz                 dH/dt component     
        dD/dt (induction)      TT                XISYDDOT  nT-Hz                 dD/dt component     
        dZ/dt (induction)      TT                XISYZDOT  nT-Hz                 dZ/dt component     
        30 MHz Riometer        TT                XISYCNA   --                    30MHz Riometer      
        VLF noise, 350 Hz      TT                XISYV350  uV/mHz**.5            VLF noise 350 Hz    
        VLF noise, 750 Hz      TT                XISYV750  uV/mHz**.5            VLF noise 750 Hz    
        VLF noise, 1.2 kHz     TT                XISYV1K   uV/mHz**.5            VLF noise 1.2 kKz   
        VLF noise, 2 kHz       TT                XISYV2K   uV/mHz**.5            VLF noise 2 kHz     
        VLF noise, 4 kHz       TT                XISYV4K   uV/mHz**.5            VLF noise 4 kHz     
        VLF noise, 8 kHz       TT                XISYV8K   uV/mHz**.5            VLF noise 8 k Hz    
        VLF noise, 30 kHz      TT                XISYV30K  uV/mHz**.5            VLF noise 30 kHz    
        Station Index          -T                XISYINDX  none                  Station Index       
        North latitude in deg. -T                XISYLAT   degrees North         Geographic Latitude 
        East longitude in deg. -T                XISYLONG  degrees East          Geographic Longitude
        Station Name           -T                XISYSNAM  none                  Station Name        

          Page    66
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : XKIR

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: IncohRadar        ThmsnScattr/EISCATradar/Kiruna

        Source : Opgenoorth             Time Resolution :   30 min                    Events :  AB---

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Index for alt. scan   --T                XKIR_IND  none                  Altitude Index      
        Index for antenna position   -T-         XKIR_PO   none                  Antenna Position Ind
        Altitude in Km          TTT              XKIR_ALT  km                    Altitude            
        North latitude in deg.TTT                XKIR_LAT  degrees North         Geographic Latitude 
        East longitude in deg.TTT                XKIR_LON  degrees East          Geographic Longitude
        Ion drift, pos=up  TTT                   XKIR_VI   m/sec                 Drift along bisector
        Elec. density in m-3  TTT                XKIR_NE   m-3                   Electron density    
        Te in Kelvin          TTT                XKIR_TE   K                     Electron temperature
        Ti in Kelvin          TTT                XKIR_TI   K                     Ion temperature     

        Long Description

        EISCAT Radar Data is available from three stations.                             
        CDF mnemonic:             XTMS             XKIR         XSOD                    
                                 Tromso           Kiruna      Sodankylae                
                                 Norway           Sweden        Finland                 
        Latitude/deg             69.58N           67.86N        67.37N                  
        Longitude/deg            19.21E           20.44E        26.65E                  
        Corrected geomagnetic                                                           
        Latitude/deg             66.6N            64.9N         63.9N                   
        Longitude/deg           104.9E           104.2E        108.5E                   

          Page   66 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : XKIR

        Latitude/deg - 300km     66.8N            65.1N         64.1N                   
        L-value - 300km           6.46             5.63          5.25                   
        Dip/deg - 300km          77.58            76.72         76.61                   
        Altitude range/km       138 - 965          275           275                    
        Geog. Lat. range/deg   60.1 - 79.2N    63.9 - 75.3N   63.9 - 75.3N              
        Geog. Lon. range/deg    6.3 - 24.3E    13.5 - 22.7E   13.5 - 22.7E              

          Page    67
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : XSBR

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: BckScRadar        SABRE BackScatter Radar       

        Source : T.Yeoman               Time Resolution :   20 sec                    Events :  ABC--

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Irregularity Drift, perp B               XSBREMV   m/s                   East Horizon. Drift 
        Irregularity Drift, perp B               XSBRNMV   m/s                   North Horizon. Drift
        Int. measured at Wick, Scotland          XSBRWBI   dB                    Wick Backscat. Int. 
        Int. measured at Uppsala, Sweden         XSBRSBI   dB                    Sweden Backscat. Int
        none                                     XSBRGLAT  deg N                 Geog. N. Latitude   
        none                                     XSBRGLON  deg E                 Geog. E. Longitude  
        runs from 1 to 26                        XSBRLAIN  none                  latitude index      
        runs from 1 to 26                        XSBRLOIN  none                  longitude index     

        Long Description

        SABRE = Sweden And Britain Radar Experiment                                     
        Event A: Data only from 1900 to 2100                                            
        Event B: Data only from 0100 to 0400 on 03-April-1986                           
        Event C: Data only from 0000 to 0600                                            

          Page    68
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : XSOD

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: IncohRadar        ThmsnSctr/EISCAT/Sodankyla    

        Source : Opgenoorth             Time Resolution :   30 min                    Events :  AB---

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Index for alt. scan   --T                XSOD_IND  none                  Altitude Index      
        Index for antenna position   -T-         XSOD_PO   none                  Antenna Position Ind
        Altitude in Km        TTT                XSOD_ALT  km                    Altitude            
        North latitude in deg.TTT                XSOD_LAT  degrees North         Geographic Latitude 
        East longitude in deg. TTT               XSOD_LON  degrees East          Geographic Longitude
        Ion drift, pos=up  TTT                   XSOD_VI   m/sec                 Drift along bisector
        Elec. density in m-3  TTT                XSOD_NE   m-3                   Electron density    
        Te in Kelvin          TTT                XSOD_TE   K                     Electron temperature
        Ti in Kelvin          TTT                XSOD_TI   K                     Ion temperature     

        Long Description

        EISCAT Radar Data is available from three stations.                             
        CDF mnemonic:             XTMS             XKIR         XSOD                    
                                 Tromso           Kiruna      Sodankylae                
                                 Norway           Sweden        Finland                 
        Latitude/deg             69.58N           67.86N        67.37N                  
        Longitude/deg            19.21E           20.44E        26.65E                  
        Corrected geomagnetic                                                           
        Latitude/deg             66.6N            64.9N         63.9N                   
        Longitude/deg           104.9E           104.2E        108.5E                   

          Page   68 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : XSOD

        Latitude/deg - 300km     66.8N            65.1N         64.1N                   
        L-value - 300km           6.46             5.63          5.25                   
        Dip/deg - 300km          77.58            76.72         76.61                   
        Altitude range/km       138 - 965          275           275                    
        Geog. Lat. range/deg   60.1 - 79.2N    63.9 - 75.3N   63.9 - 75.3N              
        Geog. Lon. range/deg    6.3 - 24.3E    13.5 - 22.7E   13.5 - 22.7E              

          Page    69
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : XSSH

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: IncohRadar        Thomson Scatter, St. Santin   

        Source : Mazaudier              Time Resolution :   30 min                    Events :  AB--E

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Altitude (of the echo)      T            XSSHALT   km                    Altitude, km        
        Electron Density   T                     XSSHNE    m**-3                 Electron Density    
        Electron Temperature, Te   T             XSSHTE    K                     Electron Temp.      
        Ion Temperature, Ti   T                  XSSHTI    K                     Ion Temperature     
        Bistatic Ion Velocity   T                XSSHIVEL  m/s                   Ion Velocity        

        Brief Description

        Variables that showed pervasively spurious values were not included in the CDF. 

          Page    70
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : XSSL

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: IncohRadar        ThomsnScattr, St.Santin, 250km

        Source : Mazaudier              Time Resolution :   30 min                    Events :  AB--E

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Electron Density  T                      XSSLNE    m**-3                 Electron Density    
        Ion Temperature, Ti         T            XSSLTI    K                     Ion Temperature     
        Ion Velocity Direction 4   T             XSSLVEL4  m/s                   Velocity Direction 4
        Ion Velocity Direction 5   T             XSSLVEL5  m/s                   Velocity Direction 5
        Ion Velocity Direction 6   T             XSSLVEL6  m/s                   Velocity Direction 6

          Page    71
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : XSY1

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Syowa Riom        Syowa Stn/Antarc Mlt-Beam Riom

        Source : Yamagishi              Time Resolution :   20 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Syowa Riom, N-S scan  T-                 XSY1VNS   Signal Units          Syowa Riom, N-S Scan
        Syowa Riom, E-W scan  T-                 XSY1VEW   Signal Units          Syowa Riom, E-W Scan
        Positive is N or E    T-                 XSY1ZENA  Degrees               Zenith Angle        
        Scan counter, (for use with animation)   XSY1CNTR                        Scan Counter        

          Page    72
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : XTMS

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: IncohRadar        ThmsnScatr/EISCATradar/Tromso 

        Source : Opgenoorth             Time Resolution :   30 min                    Events :  AB---

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Index for alt. scan   --T                XTMS_IND  none                  Altitude index      
        Index for antenna position   -T-         XTMS_PO   none                  Antenna Position Ind
        Altitude in Km             TTT           XTMS_ALT  km                    Altitude            
        North latitude in deg.TTT                XTMS_LAT  degrees North         Geographic Latitude 
        East longitude in deg.TTT                XTMS_LON  degrees East          Geographic Longitude
        Ion drift, pos=up  TTT                   XTMS_VI   m/sec                 Drift line-of-sight 
        Elec. density in m-3 TTT                 XTMS_NE   m-3                   Electron density    
        Te in Kelvin          TTT                XTMS_TE   K                     Electron temperature
        Ti in Kelvin          TTT                XTMS_TI   K                     Ion temperature     

        Long Description

        EISCAT Radar Data is available from three stations.                             
        CDF mnemonic:             XTMS             XKIR         XSOD                    
                                 Tromso           Kiruna      Sodankylae                
                                 Norway           Sweden        Finland                 
        Latitude/deg             69.58N           67.86N        67.37N                  
        Longitude/deg            19.21E           20.44E        26.65E                  
        Corrected geomagnetic                                                           
        Latitude/deg             66.6N            64.9N         63.9N                   
        Longitude/deg           104.9E           104.2E        108.5E                   

          Page   72 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : XTMS

        Latitude/deg - 300km     66.8N            65.1N         64.1N                   
        L-value - 300km           6.46             5.63          5.25                   
        Dip/deg - 300km          77.58            76.72         76.61                   
        Altitude range/km       138 - 965          275           275                    
        Geog. Lat. range/deg   60.1 - 79.2N    63.9 - 75.3N   63.9 - 75.3N              
        Geog. Lon. range/deg    6.3 - 24.3E    13.5 - 22.7E   13.5 - 22.7E              

          Page    73
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : XVIS

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Ionosondes        Vertical Incidence Ionosondes 

        Source : Feldstein              Time Resolution :   Hr-avg                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        F2 critical frequency  TT                XVISF0F2  MHz                   f0F2                
        M(3000)F2              TT                XVISM3F2  --                    M(3000)F2           
        h'F2--virtual height   TT                XVISHF2   km                    h'F2                
        F1 critical frequency  TT                XVISF0F1  MHz                   f0F1                
        h'F--virtual ht. of F1 TT                XVISHF    km                    h'F                 
        E critical frequency   TT                XVISF0E   MHz                   f0E                 
        Es critical frequency  TT                XVISF0ES  MHz                   f0Es                
        min.freq. of O-mode    TT                XVISFMIN  MHz                   fmin                
        fxI--spread f index    TT                XVISFXI   MHz                   fxI                 
        Geographic Colatitude  -T                XVISCLAT  degrees               Geogr. CoLatitude   
        East longitude in deg. -T                XVISLONG  degrees East          Geographic Longitude
        Station Name and Code  -T                XVISSTNM  none                  Station Name, Code  
        Time Meridian East     -T                XVISTMER  Degrees               Time Meridian E     
        Station index          -T                XVISINDX  none                  Station index       

          Page    74
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZAE 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: AE/AL/AO/A        AuroralElecjet Indices @ 1min 

        Source : Kroehl                 Time Resolution :    1 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        AE Index, 1-min Value                    ZAEAE     nT                    AE Index            
        AE Index, 1-Hour Mean                    ZAEAEHR   nT                    AE Index, Hr Mean   
        AL Index, 1-min Value                    ZAEAL     nT                    AL Index            
        AL Index, 1-Hour Mean                    ZAEALHR   nT                    AL Index, Hr Mean   
        AO Index, 1-min Value                    ZAEAO     nT                    AO Index            
        AO Index, 1-Hour Mean                    ZAEAOHR   nT                    AO Index, Hr Mean   
        AU Index, 1-min Value                    ZAEAU     nT                    AU Index            
        AU Index, 1-Hour Mean                    ZAEAUHR   nT                    AU Index, Hr Mean   

          Page    75
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZCF 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: CFerrGMag         Command. Ferraz (Antarct) GMag

        Source : Trivedi                Time Resolution :    1 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        TIME OF DATA POINT IN MSEC SINCE 0 A.D.  EPOCH     MSEC                  TIME LINE           
        H Component of B, Com. Ferraz (62S,58W)  ZCFH      nT                    Com. Ferraz, H Comp.
        D Component of B, Com. Ferraz (62S,58W)  ZCFD      nT                    Com. Ferraz, D Comp.
        Z Component of B, Com. Ferraz (62S,58W)  ZCFZ      nT                    Com. Ferraz, Z Comp.
        Latitude of Station Comandante Ferraz    ZCFLAT    Degrees               LATITUDE            
        Longitude of Station Comandante Ferraz   ZCFLON    Degrees               LATITUDE            

          Page    76
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZEI 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: EISCAT Mag        EISCAT Magnetometer Cross @20s

        Source : Luehr                  Time Resolution :   20 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        X comp. B, Sel. Sta.   T                 ZEIBX     nT                    Bx                  
        Y comp. B, Sel. Sta.   T                 ZEIBY     nT                    By                  
        Z comp. B, Sel. Sta.   T                 ZEIBZ     nT                    Bz                  
        Index to Station       T                 ZEINDEX   --                    Index to Station    
        Geographic Longitude     T               ZEIGLON   Deg                   Longitude           
        Geographic Latitude     T                ZEIGLAT   Deg                   Latitude            
        Corr. Geomagnetic Long. T                ZEIMLON   Deg                   Corr. Geomag. Long. 
        Corr. Geomagnetic Lat. T                 ZEIMLAT   Deg                   Corr. Geomag. Lat.  
        Station Name           T                 ZEINAME   --                    Station Name        

        Long Description

                                 Corrected Geomagnetic      Geographic                  
        Station No.   Station     Latitude  Longitude     Latitude  Longitude           
            1          Soroya      67.3      107.9         70.5     22.22               
            2          Alta        66.6      107.8         69.9     22.96               
            3          Kautokeino  65.8      107.2         69.0     23.05               
            4          Muonio      64.7      106.7         68.0     23.53               
            5          Pello       63.6      106.0         66.9     24.08               
            6          Kilpisjarvi 66.0      105.4         69.1     20.70               
            7          Kevo        66.2      110.6         69.8     27.01               

          Page    77
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZFI 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Finsh GMag        FinnshMeteorInst/WorldGMag @1m

        Source : Koskinen               Time Resolution :    1 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        X-Comp, Selected Sta  TT                 ZFIBX     nT                    Bx                  
        Y-Comp, Selected Sta  TT                 ZFIBY     nT                    By                  
        Z-Comp, Selected Sta  TT                 ZFIBZ     nT                    Bz                  
        Field Comp. Observed  -T                 ZFICOMP   --                    Observed Components 
        Geographic Longitude  -T                 ZFILONG   Deg                   Longitude           
        Geographic Latitude   -T                 ZFILAT    Deg                   Latitude            
        Station Name          -T                 ZFINAME   --                    Station Name        
        Station Code          -T                 ZFICODE   --                    Station Code        
        Station Index No.     -T                 ZFIINDEX  --                    Station Index No.   

        Long Description

        No. Code  Station Name      Components  Latitude  Longitude                     
         1  AMD   Amderma              X,Y,Z     69.46     60.77                        
         2  BLC   Baker Lake           X,Y,Z     64.33    -96.03                        
         3  BRW   Barrow               X,Y,Z     71.30   -156.75                        
         4  CBB   Cambridge Bay        X,Y,Z     69.10   -105.00                        
         5  COL   College              X,Y,Z     64.87   -147.83                        
         6  CPS   Cape Schmidt         X,Y,Z     68.92   -179.48                        
         7  DIK   Dixon                X,Y,Z     73.55     80.57                        
         8  ESK   Eskdalemuir          X,Y,Z     55.32     -3.20                        
         9  FCC   Fort Churchill       X,Y,Z     58.80    -94.10                        
        10  GDH   Godhavn              H,E,Z     69.23    -53.52                        
        11  GLL   Glenlea              X,Y,Z     49.63    262.87                        
        12  MBC   Mould Bay            X,Y,Z     76.30   -119.40                        
        13  MMK   Murmansk             X,Y,Z     68.25     33.08                        
        14  NAQ   Narssarssuaq         H,E,Z     61.20    -45.40                        

          Page   77 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : ZFI 

        15  OTT   Ottawa               X,Y,Z     45.40    -75.55                        
        16  PDB   Poste-de-la-Baleine  X,Y,Z     55.20    -77.70                        
        17  RES   Resolute Bay         X,Y,Z     64.70    -94.90                        
        18  SIT   Sitka                X,Y,Z     57.10   -135.30                        
        19  SOD   Sodankyla            X,Y,Z     67.37     26.63                        
        20  STJ   St. Johns            X,Y,Z     47.60    -52.60                        
        21  THL   Thule/Qanaq          H,E,Z     77.48    -69.17                        
        22  TIK   Tixie Bay            X,Y,Z     71.58    129.00                        
        23  VIC   Victoria             X,Y,Z     48.50   -123.40                        
        24  YEK   Yellowknife          X,Y,Z     62.43   -114.40                        

          Page    78
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZHA 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Halley Gmg        Halley Station GroundMag @15s 

        Source : Rycroft                Time Resolution :   15 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H component                              ZHAH      nT                    H                   
        D component                              ZHAD      nT                    D                   
        Z component                              ZHAZ      nT                    Z                   

        Long Description

        These CDFs contain 15 sec averages of the H, D, and Z components measured       
        by the Halley Station magnetometer of the British Antarctic Survey.  One sec    
        resolution data is also available, but not in CDF form.  The components are     
        measured with respect to the following baseline:                                
             Z: 40000 nT	H: 19900 nT	D: 1.5 deg W                                       
        Halley Station is located at (75.5 S, 27 W), at L = 4.2.                        

          Page    79
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZHU 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Peru GMag         Huancayo Peru Ground Mag @30s 

        Source : Kitamura               Time Resolution :   30 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value      EPOCH     msec                  Time Line           
        H Component of B, Huancayo               ZHUH      nT                    Huancayo, H Comp.   
        D Component of B, Huancayo               ZHUD      nT                    Huancayo, D Comp.   
        Z Component of B, Huancayo               ZHUZ      nT                    Huancayo, Z Comp.   
        Latitude of Station Huancayo             ZHULAT    Degrees               Latitude            
        Longitude of Station Huancayo            ZHULON    Degrees               Longitude           

        Brief Description

        This CDF was revised on August 2, 1990, to correct the sensitivity              
        calibration.  The earlier version assumed 1 nT per data count instead           
        of the actual 0.006 nT per data count that is included in this                  
        revision.  All three components were corrected by the same factor.              

          Page    80
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZIQ 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: IqaluitGMg        Iqaluit, Canada Grnd Mag @10s 

        Source : Rosenberg              Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value      EPOCH     msec                  Time Line           
        H Component of B, Iqaluit ()             ZIQH      nT                    Iqaluit, H Comp.    
        D Component of B, Iqaluit ()             ZIQD      nT                    Iqaluit, D Comp.    
        Z Component of B, Iqaluit()              ZIQZ      nT                    Iqaluit, Z Comp.    
        Latitude of Station Iqaluit              ZIQLAT    Degrees               LATITUDE            
        Longitude of Station Iqaluit             ZIQLON    Degrees               LONGITUDE           

          Page    81
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZIVA

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Magnetom.         Ivalo Induction Coil Magnetom.

        Source : Bosinger               Time Resolution :  1 s avg                    Events :  ----E

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 12:34

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H component                              ZIVAH     nT                    H                   
        D component                              ZIVAD     nT                    D                   
        Z component                              ZIVAZ     nT                    Z                   

        Long Description

        These magnetic H, D, and Z components are from the induction coil pulsation     
        magnetometer at Ivalo Station, Finland (IVA), at geographic coordinates         
        68.55 deg N, 27.27 deg E.  The 0.1s resolution data have been corrected for     
        frequency and phase response, and averaged over 1.0s.  An automatic calibration 
        signal starts every day at 1400 UT.                                             

          Page    82
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZKIL

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Magnetom.         Kilpisjarvi Induction Coil Mag

        Source : Bosinger               Time Resolution :  1 s avg                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H component                              ZKILH     nT                    H                   
        D component                              ZKILD     nT                    D                   

        Long Description

        These magnetic H and D components are from the induction coil pulsation         
        magnetometer at Kilpisjarvi Station, Finland (KIL), at geographic coordinates   
        69^01'15" N, 20^52'21" E, L = 6.0.  The 0.1s resolution data have been correc-  
        ted for frequency and phase response, and averaged over 1.0s.  An automatic     
        calibration signal starts every day at 1400 UT.                                 

          Page    83
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZMC 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: McMurdoGrd        McMurdo Mag/Phot/Riom/Vlf @10s

        Source : Rosenberg              Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value      EPOCH     msec                  Time Line           
        H Component of B, McMurdo                ZMCH      nT                    McMurdo, Mag. H Comp
        D Component of B, McMurdo                ZMCD      nT                    McMurdo, Mag. D Comp
        Z Component of B, McMurdo                ZMCZ      nT                    McMurdo, Mag. Z Comp
        Micropulsation X Comp., McMurdo          ZMCMPX    volts                 McMurdo, Micropulse 
        30 MHz Riometer Signal, McMurdo          ZMCRI30   Volts                 McMurdo, 30 MHz Riom
        51.4 MHz Riometer Signal, McMurdo        ZMCRI51   Volts                 McMurdo, 51 MHz Riom
        427.8 nm photometer, McMurdo             ZMCPH427  volts                 McMurdo, 427.8 nm ph
        630.0 nm photometer, McMurdo             ZMCPH630  volts                 McMurdo, 630.0 nm ph
        Latitude of McMurdo Station              ZMCLAT    Degrees               LATITUDE            
        Longitude of McMurdo Station             ZMCLON    Degrees               LONGITUDE           

          Page    84
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZNG 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Grnd Mag.         25 Stations, 3 comp, B field  

        Source : NGDC                   Time Resolution :    1 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Geog Lat,Lon=(82.5,297.5)                ZNGXALE   nT                    X Comp. B, Alert    
        Geog Lat,Lon=(82.5,297.5)                ZNGYALE   nT                    Y Comp. B, Alert    
        Geog Lat,Lon=(82.5,297.5)                ZNGZALE   nT                    Z Comp. B, Alert    
        Geog Lat,Lon=(64.3,264.0)                ZNGXBLC   nT                    X Comp B, Baker Lake
        Geog Lat,Lon=(64.3,264.0)                ZNGYBLC   nT                    Y Comp B, Baker Lake
        Geog Lat,Lon=(64.3,264.0)                ZNGZBLC   nT                    Z Comp B, Baker Lake
        Geog Lat,Lon=(40.1,254.8)                ZNGHBOU   nT                    H Comp. B, Boulder  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(40.1,254.8)                ZNGDBOU   nT                    D Comp. B, Boulder  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(40.1,254.8)                ZNGZBOU   nT                    Z Comp. B, Boulder  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(71.3,203.3)                ZNGHBRW   nT                    H Comp. B, Barrow   
        Geog Lat,Lon=(71.3,203.3)                ZNGDBRW   nT                    D Comp. B, Barrow   
        Geog Lat,Lon=(71.3,203.3)                ZNGZBRW   nT                    Z Comp. B, Barrow   
        Geog Lat,Lon=(69.1,255.0)                ZNGXCBB   nT                    X Comp B, Cambridg B
        Geog Lat,Lon=(69.1,255.0)                ZNGYCBB   nT                    Y Comp B, Cambridg B
        Geog Lat,Lon=(69.1,255.0)                ZNGZCBB   nT                    Z Comp B, Cambridg B
        Geog Lat,Lon=(64.9,212.2)                ZNGHCOL   nT                    H Comp. B, College  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(64.9,212.2)                ZNGDCOL   nT                    D Comp. B, College  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(64.9,212.2)                ZNGZCOL   nT                    Z Comp. B, College  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(59, 266)                   ZNGXFCC   nT                    X Comp, Ft.Churchill
        Geog Lat,Lon=(59, 266)                   ZNGYFCC   nT                    Y Comp, Ft.Churchill
        Geog Lat,Lon=(59, 266)                   ZNGZFCC   nT                    Z Comp, Ft.Churchill
        Geog Lat,Lon=(38, 283)                   ZNGHFRD   nT                    H Comp B, Fred'sburg
        Geog Lat,Lon=(38, 283)                   ZNGDFRD   nT                    D Comp B, Fred'sburg
        Geog Lat,Lon=(38, 283)                   ZNGZFRD   nT                    Z Comp B, Fred'sburg
        Geog Lat,Lon=(50, 263)                   ZNGXGLL   nT                    X Comp. B, Glenlea  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(50, 263)                   ZNGYGLL   nT                    Y Comp. B, Glenlea  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(50, 263)                   ZNGZGLL   nT                    Z Comp. B, Glenlea  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(14, 145)                   ZNGHGUA   nT                    H Comp. B, Guam     
        Geog Lat,Lon=(14, 145)                   ZNGDGUA   nT                    D Comp. B, Guam     
        Geog Lat,Lon=(14, 145)                   ZNGZGUA   nT                    Z Comp. B, Guam     
        Geog Lat,Lon=(21, 202)                   ZNGHHON   nT                    H Comp. B, Honolulu 

          Page   84 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : ZNG 

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        Geog Lat,Lon=(21, 202)                   ZNGDHON   nT                    D Comp. B, Honolulu 
        Geog Lat,Lon=(21, 202)                   ZNGZHON   nT                    Z Comp. B, Honolulu 
        Geog Lat,Lon=(36, 140)                   ZNGHKAK   nT                    H Comp. B, Kakioka  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(36, 140)                   ZNGDKAK   nT                    D Comp. B, Kakioka  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(36, 140)                   ZNGZKAK   nT                    Z Comp. B, Kakioka  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(76, 241)                   ZNGXMBC   nT                    X Comp. B, Mould Bay
        Geog Lat,Lon=(76, 241)                   ZNGYMBC   nT                    Y Comp. B, Mould Bay
        Geog Lat,Lon=(76, 241)                   ZNGZMBC   nT                    Z Comp. B, Mould Bay
        Geog Lat,Lon=(55, 247)                   ZNGXMEA   nT                    X Comp. B, Meanook  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(55, 247)                   ZNGYMEA   nT                    Y Comp. B, Meanook  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(55, 247)                   ZNGZMEA   nT                    Z Comp. B, Meanook  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(48, 243)                   ZNGHNEW   nT                    H Comp. B, Newport  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(48, 243)                   ZNGDNEW   nT                    D Comp. B, Newport  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(48, 243)                   ZNGZNEW   nT                    Z Comp. B, Newport  
        Geog Lat,Lon=(45, 284)                   ZNGXOTT   nT                    X Comp. B, Ottawa   
        Geog Lat,Lon=(45, 284)                   ZNGYOTT   nT                    Y Comp. B, Ottawa   
        Geog Lat,Lon=(45, 284)                   ZNGZOTT   nT                    Z Comp. B, Ottawa   
        Geog Lat,Lon=(55, 282)                   ZNGXPDB   nT                    X Comp Poste Baleine
        Geog Lat,Lon=(55, 282)                   ZNGYPDB   nT                    Y Comp Poste Baleine
        Geog Lat,Lon=(55, 282)                   ZNGZPDB   nT                    Z Comp Poste Baleine
        Geog Lat,Lon=(75, 265)                   ZNGXRES   nT                    X Comp, Resolute Bay
        Geog Lat,Lon=(75, 265)                   ZNGYRES   nT                    Y Comp, Resolute Bay
        Geog Lat,Lon=(75, 265)                   ZNGZRES   nT                    Z Comp, Resolute Bay
        Geog Lat,Lon=(57, 225)                   ZNGHSIT   nT                    H Comp. B, Sitka    
        Geog Lat,Lon=(57, 225)                   ZNGDSIT   nT                    D Comp. B, Sitka    
        Geog Lat,Lon=(57, 225)                   ZNGZSIT   nT                    Z Comp. B, Sitka    
        Geog Lat,Lon=(18, 294)                   ZNGHSJG   nT                    H Comp. B, San Juan 
        Geog Lat,Lon=(18, 294)                   ZNGDSJG   nT                    D Comp. B, San Juan 
        Geog Lat,Lon=(18, 294)                   ZNGZSJG   nT                    Z Comp. B, San Juan 
        Geog Lat,Lon=(67, 27)                    ZNGXSOD   nT                    X Comp. B, Sodankyla
        Geog Lat,Lon=(67, 27)                    ZNGYSOD   nT                    Y Comp. B, Sodankyla
        Geog Lat,Lon=(67, 27)                    ZNGZSOD   nT                    Z Comp. B, Sodankyla
        Geog Lat,Lon=(48, 307)                   ZNGXSTJ   nT                    X Comp. B, St. Johns
        Geog Lat,Lon=(48, 307)                   ZNGYSTJ   nT                    Y Comp. B, St. Johns
        Geog Lat,Lon=(48, 307)                   ZNGZSTJ   nT                    Z Comp. B, St. Johns
        Geog Lat,Lon=(32, 249)                   ZNGHTUC   nT                    H Comp. B, Tucson   
        Geog Lat,Lon=(32, 249)                   ZNGDTUC   nT                    D Comp. B, Tucson   
        Geog Lat,Lon=(32, 249)                   ZNGZTUC   nT                    Z Comp. B, Tucson   
        Geog Lat,Lon=(49, 237)                   ZNGXVIC   nT                    X Comp. B, Victoria 
        Geog Lat,Lon=(49, 237)                   ZNGYVIC   nT                    Y Comp. B, Victoria 
        Geog Lat,Lon=(49, 237)                   ZNGZVIC   nT                    Z Comp. B, Victoria 
        Geog Lat,Lon=(62, 246)                   ZNGXYEK   nT                    X Comp B,Yellowknife

          Page   84 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : ZNG 

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        Geog Lat,Lon=(62, 246)                   ZNGYYEK   nT                    Y Comp B,Yellowknife
        Geog Lat,Lon=(62, 246)                   ZNGZYEK   nT                    Z Comp B,Yellowknife

        Long Description

        Ground magnetometer data from 25 stations were supplied by the National         
        Geophysical Data Center (NGDC).  Either HDZ or XYZ components are presented     
        from each station.  99999 is the flag for fill values.                          
        There are no data for Event D from Fredericksburg or from Sitka.                

          Page    85
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZONA

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Magnetom.         Onagawa Induction Coil Mag.   

        Source : Watanabe               Time Resolution :    1 sec                    Events :  --CDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 11:36

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H component pulsation amplitude          ZONADH    mV                    dH/dt               
        D component pulsation amplitude          ZONADD    mV                    dD/dt               

          Page    86
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZRG 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Grnd Mag.         RGON grnd magnetogram stations

        Source : NGDC                   Time Resolution :                             Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified : 26-Oct-2005 09:02

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------

          Page    87
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZROV

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Magnetom.         Rovaniemi Induction Coil Mag. 

        Source : Bosinger               Time Resolution :  1 s avg                    Events :  ----E

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 12:34

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H component                              ZROVH     nT                    H                   
        D component                              ZROVD     nT                    D                   
        Z component                              ZROVZ     nT                    Z                   

        Long Description

        These magnetic H, D, and Z components are from the induction coil pulsation     
        magnetometer at Rovaniemi Station, Finland (ROV), at geographic coordinates     
        66.77 deg N, 25.94 deg E.  The 0.1s resolution data have been corrected for     
        frequency and phase response, and averaged over 1.0s.  An automatic calibration 
        signal starts every day at 1400 UT.                                             

          Page    88
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZSA 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: CoherRadar        STARE Radar Drift Vel         

        Source : Nielsen                Time Resolution :  120 sec                    Events :  AB-DE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        Time of data point in msec since 0 A.D.  EPOCH     ms                    TIME LINE           
        E-W drift vel.(+=East)TT                 ZSAEWVEL  m/sec                 E-W DRIFT VELOCI    
        N-S drift vel.(+=North)TT                ZSANSVEL  m/sec                 N-S DRIFT VELOCI    
        Bottom geog. latitude (-T) of interval   ZSAGLAT   DEG                   GEOG LAT,LO EDGE    
        Center of geog. longitude range (=19.0)  ZSAGLONG  DEG                   GEOG LONG (=19.0    

          Page    89
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZSI 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Siple Grnd        Siple Mag/Phot/Riom/Vlf @10s  

        Source : Rosenberg              Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value      EPOCH     msec                  Time Line           
        H Component of B, Siple                  ZSIH      nT                    Siple, Mag. H Comp. 
        D Component of B, Siple                  ZSID      nT                    Siple, Mag. D Comp. 
        Z Component of B, Siple                  ZSIZ      nT                    Siple, Mag. Z Comp. 
        Micropulsation X Comp., Siple            ZSIMPX    volts                 Siple, Micropulse X 
        Micropulsation Y Comp., Siple            ZSIMPY    Volts                 Siple, Micropulse Y 
        20.5 MHz Riometer Signal, Siple          ZSIRI20   Volts                 Siple, 20.5 MHz Riom
        30 MHz Riometer Signal, Siple            ZSIRI30   Volts                 Siple, 30 MHz Riom. 
        1-2 KHz VLF Signal, Siple                ZSIVLF1   volts                 Siple, 1-2 KHz VLF  
        2-4 KHz VLF Signal, Siple                ZSIVLF2   volts                 Siple, 2-4 KHz VLF  
        427.8 nm photometer, Siple               ZSIPH427  volts                 Siple, 427.8 nm phot
        557.7 nm photometer, Siple               ZSIPH557  volts                 Siple, 557.7 nm phot
        Latitude of Siple Station                ZSILAT    Degrees               LATITUDE            
        Longitude of Siple Station               ZSILON    Degrees               LONGITUDE           

          Page    90
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZSP 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: SouthPole         SouthPole Mag/Pht/Rio/Vlf @10s

        Source : Rosenberg              Time Resolution :   10 sec                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified : 29-Apr-1993 17:59

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value      EPOCH     msec                  Time Line           
        H Component of B, S. Pole                ZSPH      nT                    S. Pole, Mag. H Comp
        D Component of B, S. Pole                ZSPD      nT                    S. Pole, Mag. D Comp
        Z Component of B, S. Pole                ZSPZ      nT                    S. Pole, Mag. Z Comp
        Micropulsation X Comp., S. Pole          ZSPMPX    volts                 S.Pole, Micropulse X
        Micropulsation Y Comp., S. Pole          ZSPMPY    Volts                 S.Pole, Micropulse Y
        20.5 MHz Riometer Signal, S. Pole        ZSPRI20   Volts                 S. Pole, 20 MHz Riom
        30 MHz Riometer Signal, S. Pole          ZSPRI30   Volts                 S. Pole, 30 MHz Riom
        38.2 MHz Riometer Signal, S. Pole        ZSPRI38   Volts                 S. Pole, 38 MHz Riom
        51.4 MHz Riometer Signal, S. Pole        ZSPRI51   Volts                 S. Pole, 51 MHz Riom
        0.5-1 KHz VLF Signal, S. Pole            ZSPVLF0   volts                 S. Pole .5-1 KHz VLF
        1-2 KHz VLF Signal, S. Pole              ZSPVLF1   volts                 S. Pole, 1-2 KHz VLF
        2-4 KHz VLF Signal, S. Pole              ZSPVLF2   volts                 S. Pole, 2-4 KHz VLF
        11-13 KHz VLF Signal, S. Pole            ZSPVLF11  volts                 S.Pole 11-13 KHz VLF
        31-38 KHz VLF Signal, S. Pole            ZSPVLF31  volts                 S.Pole, 31-38 KHz VL
        427.8 nm photometer, S. Pole             ZSPPH427  volts                 S.Pole 427.8 nm phot
        630.0 nm photometer, S. Pole             ZSPPH630  volts                 S.Pole 630.0 nm phot
        Latitude of South Pole Station           ZSPLAT    Degrees               LATITUDE            
        Longitude of South Pole Station          ZSPLON    Degrees               LONGITUDE           

          Page    91
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZSSR

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: SovGrdMags        Soviet Ground Mag Sta (6)@1min

        Source : Mishin                 Time Resolution :    1 min                    Events :  AB---

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        X-Comp, Vize                             ZSSRVIZX  nT                    Vize BX             
        Y-Comp, Vize                             ZSSRVIZY  nT                    Vize BY             
        Z-Comp, Vize                             ZSSRVIZZ  nT                    Vize BZ             
        X-Comp, Uedinenie                        ZSSRUDNX  nT                    Uedinenie BX        
        Y-Comp, Uedinenie                        ZSSRUDNY  nT                    Uedinenie BY        
        Z-Comp, Uedinenie                        ZSSRUDNZ  nT                    Uedinenie BZ        
        X-Comp, Izvestia                         ZSSRIZVX  nT                    Izvestia BX         
        Y-Comp, Izvestia                         ZSSRIZVY  nT                    Izvestia BY         
        Z-Comp, Izvestia                         ZSSRIZVZ  nT                    Izvestia BZ         
        X-Comp, Kotelny                          ZSSRKOTX  nT                    Kotelny BX          
        Y-Comp, Kotelny                          ZSSRKOTY  nT                    Kotelny BY          
        Z-Comp, Kotelny                          ZSSRKOTZ  nT                    Kotelny BZ          
        X-Comp, Sopoch. Karga                    ZSSRSKGX  nT                    Sopoch. Karga BX    
        Y-Comp, Sopoch. Karga                    ZSSRSKGY  nT                    Sopoch. Karga BY    
        Z-Comp, Sopoch. Karga                    ZSSRSKGZ  nT                    Sopoch. Karga BZ    
        X-Comp, Norilsk                          ZSSRNORX  nT                    Norilsk BX          
        Y-Comp, Norilsk                          ZSSRNORY  nT                    Norilsk BY          
        Z-Comp, Norilsk                          ZSSRNORZ  nT                    Norilsk BZ          

        Long Description

                                    Geomagnetic dipole                                  
        Station             Code      Coordinates            Institute                  
                                     PHI   LAMBDA   PSI                                 
        Vize                VIZ   69.08   164.1   -17.16   AANII, O. A. Troshichev      
        Uedinenie           UDN   66.9    165.3   -13.3    AANII, O. A. Troshichev      
        Izvestia            IZV   65.4    164.9   -12.2    AANII, O. A. Troshichev      

          Page   91 contd.
          Version No.  2.02      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION - contd.                CDFname : ZSSR

        Kotelny             KOT   64.9    194.8   -12.5    IFKIA, G. F. Krymsky         
        Sopochanaya Karga   SKG   62.05   162.1   -11.57   AANII, O. A. Troshichev      
        Norilsk             NOR   58.6    165.7    -7.88   SibIZMIR, G. A. Zherebtsov   
        Uses coordinate system of the central magnetic dipole:                          
               X = H cos(D-PSI)                                                         
               Y = H sin(D-PSI)                                                         
               H = Ho + dH                                                              
               D = Do + dD                                                              
               PSI = The angle between the geographic and geomagnetic meridians         
        at the point of measurement.                                                    

          Page    92
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZSYM

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Dst & Asym        Dst & Asym Provis. Indices @1m

        Source : Iyemori                Time Resolution :    1 min                    Events :  ABCDE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 09:58

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        H Dst (symmetric)     Tf                 ZSYMHDST  nT                    H Dst               
        D Dst (symmetric)     Tf                 ZSYMDDST  nT                    D Dst               
        H Asymmetric Disturb. Tf                 ZSYMHASY  nT                    H Asymmetric        
        D Asymmetric Disturb. Tf                 ZSYMDASY  nT                    D Asymmetric        
        H Asym., Selected Sta TT                 ZSYMHSTA  nT                    H asymmetric--sta   
        D Asym., Selected Sta TT                 ZSYMDSTA  nT                    D asymmetric--sta   
        Geographic Longitude  -T                 ZSYMGLON  Deg                   Geographic Longitude
        Geographic Latitude   -T                 ZSYMGLAT  Deg                   Geographic Latitude 
        Geomagnetic Longitude -T                 ZSYMGMLN  Deg                   Geomagnet. Longitude
        Geomagnetic Latitude  -T                 ZSYMGMLT  Deg                   Geomagnetic Latitude
        Station Name          -T                 ZSYMNAME  --                    Station Name        
        Station Code          -T                 ZSYMCODE  --                    Station Code        
        Station Index No.     -T                 ZSYMINDX  --                    Station Index No.   

          Page    93
          Version No.  2.02                                            Spacecraft : Ground    
                                                                          CDFname : ZWE 

                                                                    Catalog as of : 17-DEC-1993 14:08

                                      DETAILED DATA SET DESCRIPTION

                      Data Set Name: Weston Gmg        Weston Observ. Ground Mag @5s 

        Source : Hughes                 Time Resolution :    5 sec                    Events :  ---DE

                                                                    Last modified :  7-Feb-1992 12:15

                     DESCRIPTION                 MNEMONIC          UNITS              PLOT LABEL
        --------------------------------------   --------  --------------------  --------------------
        NSSDC standard-reference time value.     EPOCH     milliseconds (UT)     Time since 0 A.D.   
        Mag. North Component: H                  ZWESH     nT                    Mag. N Component H  
        Mag. East Component: D                   ZWESD     nT                    Mag. E Component D  
        Mag. Vert. Component: Z                  ZWESZ     nT                    Mag. Component Z    

        Long Description

        These data were obtained at the Boston College Weston Observatory in Weston,    
        Massachusetts by Father Devine and Ted Johnston of Boston College using a       
        3-axis flux gate magnetometer loaned them by Howard Singer of the Air Force     
        Geophysics Laboratory.  This magnetometer had previously been used in the AFGL  
        Magnetometer Network.                                                           
        The three magnetic field components are H (measured positive in the magnetic    
        north direction) D (measured positive in the magnetic east direction) and Z     
        (measured positive vertically downwards).  All are measured in nanoTesla (nT).  
        The magnetometer provides measurements of variations in the local magnetic      
        field, not its absolute value, so all three components have an arbitary         
        Warning:  the clock was reset only every two weeks, and the drift may           
        amount to as much as 30 sec (the clock runs fast).  No attempt has been made to 
        correct the CDF times for this.                                                 

Author and Curator: H. Kent Hills (hills@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov)
NASA Official: Robert E. McGuire (mcguire@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov)
Head, Space Physics Data Facility (Code 632), NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Last Revised: 22 Nov 1996 [HKH]