Info for CDF datasets

A1_K0_MPA: LANL 2001 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer Key Parameters - M. Thomsen (LANL)
A2_K0_MPA: LANL 2002 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer Key Parameters - M. Thomsen (LANL)
AC_H0_MFI: H0 - ACE Magnetic Field 16-Second Level 2 Data - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_H0_SWE: ACE/SWEPAM Solar Wind Experiment 64-Second Level 2 Data - D. J. McComas (SWRI)
AC_H1_EPM: ACE/EPAM Solar Energetic Particle 5-Minute Level 2 Data - R. Gold (JHU/APL)
AC_H1_MFI: H1 - ACE Magnetic Field 4-Minute Level 2 Data - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_H2_EPM: ACE/EPAM Solar Energetic Particle 1-Hour Level 2 Data - R. Gold (JHU/APL)
AC_H2_MFI: H2 - ACE Magnetic Field 1-Hour Level 2 Data - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_H2_SWE: ACE/SWEPAM Solar Wind Experiment 1-Hour Level 2 Data - D. J. McComas (SWRI)
AC_H2_SWI: ACE/SWICS Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer 1-Hour Level 2 Data - G. Gloeckler (University of Maryland)
AC_H2_ULE: ACE/ULEIS Solar Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Intensities 1-Hour Level 2 Data - G. Mason (University of Maryland)
AC_K0_EPM: K0 - ACE EPAM 5-Minute Key Parameters - R. Gold (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory)
AC_K0_GIFWALK: Links to ACE KP pre-generated survey and other plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
AC_K0_MFI: ACE Magnetic Field 5-Minute Key Parameters [PRELIM] - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_K0_SIS: K0 - ACE SIS 1-Hour Key Parameters - E. C. Stone (California Institute of Technology)
AC_K0_SWE: K0 - ACE Solar Wind Experiment 5-Minute Key Parameters [PRELIM] - D. J. McComas (Southwest Research Institute)
AC_K1_EPM: K1 - ACE EPAM 1-Hour Key Parameters - R. Gold (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory)
AC_K1_MFI: ACE Magnetic Field 16-Second Key Parameters [PRELIM] - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_K1_SWE: K1 - ACE Solar Wind Experiment 1-Hour Key Parameters [PRELIM] - D. J. McComas (Southwest Research Institute)
AC_K2_MFI: K2 - ACE Magnetic Field 1-Hour Key Parameters [PRELIM] - N. Ness (Bartol Research Institute)
AC_OR_SSC: ACE GSE Positions @ 12 min resolution - SSC/SSCWeb ( NASA's GSFC)
ALOUETTE2_AV_QUI: ALOUETTE-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Quito, Equador (lat/lon=-1/281) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
ALOUETTE2_AV_SNT: ALOUETTE-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Santiago, Chile (lat/lon=-33/298) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
ALOUETTE2_AV_SOL: ALOUETTE-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Falkland Is., U.K. (lat/lon=-52/302) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
ALOUETTE2_AV_WNK: ALOUETTE-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Winkfield, U.K. (lat/lon=51/359) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
APOLLO12_SWS_1HR: Apollo 12 Solar Wind measurements at the lunar surface - Conway W. Snyder (Jet Propulsion Laboratory )
APOLLO12_SWS_28S: Apollo 12 Solar Wind measurements at the lunar surface - Conway W. Snyder (Jet Propulsion Laboratory )
APOLLO15_SWS_1HR: Apollo 15 Solar Wind measurements at the lunar surface - Conway W. Snyder (Jet Propulsion Laboratory )
C1_JP_PMP: Cluster Spacecraft 1, JSOC Predicted Magnetic Positions - M. Hapgood (RAL)
C1_JP_PSE: Cluster Spacecraft 1, JSOC Predicted Scientific Events - M. Hapgood (RAL)
C1_PP_EDI: Cluster Spacecraft 1, EDI Prime Parameters - G. Paschmann (MPE)
C1_PP_EFW: Cluster Spacecraft 1, EFW Prime Parameters - G. Gustafsson (IRFU)
C1_PP_PEA: Cluster Spacecraft 1, PEACE Prime Parameters - A. Fazakerley (MSSL)
C1_PP_STA: Cluster Spacecraft 1, STAFF Prime Parameters - N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin (CETP)
C1_PP_WHI: Cluster Spacecraft 1, WHISPER Prime Parameters - P.M.E. Decreau (LPCE)
C2_JP_PMP: Cluster Spacecraft 2, JSOC Predicted Magnetic Positions - M. Hapgood (RAL)
C2_JP_PSE: Cluster Spacecraft 2, JSOC Predicted Scientific Events - M. Hapgood (RAL)
C2_PP_EDI: Cluster Spacecraft 2, EDI Prime Parameters - G. Paschmann (MPE)
C2_PP_EFW: Cluster Spacecraft 2, EFW Prime Parameters - G. Gustafsson (IRFU)
C2_PP_PEA: Cluster Spacecraft 2, PEACE Prime Parameters - A. Fazakerley (MSSL)
C2_PP_STA: Cluster Spacecraft 2, STAFF Prime Parameters - N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin (CETP)
C2_PP_WHI: Cluster Spacecraft 2, WHISPER Prime Parameters - P.M.E. Decreau (LPCE)
C3_JP_PMP: Cluster Spacecraft 3, JSOC Predicted Magnetic Positions - M. Hapgood (RAL)
C3_JP_PSE: Cluster Spacecraft 3, JSOC Predicted Scientific Events - M. Hapgood (RAL)
C3_PP_EDI: Cluster Spacecraft 3, EDI Prime Parameters - G. Paschmann (MPE)
C3_PP_EFW: Cluster Spacecraft 3, EFW Prime Parameters - G. Gustafsson (IRFU)
C3_PP_PEA: Cluster Spacecraft 3, PEACE Prime Parameters - A. Fazakerley (MSSL)
C3_PP_STA: Cluster Spacecraft 3, STAFF Prime Parameters - N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin (CETP)
C3_PP_WHI: Cluster Spacecraft 3, WHISPER Prime Parameters - P.M.E. Decreau (LPCE)
C4_JP_PMP: Cluster Spacecraft 4, JSOC Predicted Magnetic Positions - M. Hapgood (RAL)
C4_JP_PSE: Cluster Spacecraft 4, JSOC Predicted Scientific Events - M. Hapgood (RAL)
C4_PP_EDI: Cluster Spacecraft 4, EDI Prime Parameters - G. Paschmann (MPE)
C4_PP_EFW: Cluster Spacecraft 4, EFW Prime Parameters - G. Gustafsson (IRFU)
C4_PP_PEA: Cluster Spacecraft 4, PEACE Prime Parameters - A. Fazakerley (MSSL)
C4_PP_STA: Cluster Spacecraft 4, STAFF Prime Parameters - N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin (CETP)
C4_PP_WHI: Cluster Spacecraft 4, WHISPER Prime Parameters - P.M.E. Decreau (LPCE)
CL_JP_PCY: Cluster, Monthly JSOC Predicted Solar Cycle Trends - M. Hapgood (RAL)
CL_JP_PGP: Cluster, JSOC Predicted Geometric Positions - M. Hapgood (RAL)
CL_OR_GIFWALK: Link to Cluster orbit plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
CL_SP_ASP: Cluster, ASPOC Summary Parameters - W. Riedler (IWF-OAW)
CL_SP_AUX: Cluster, Auxiliary Parameters - Hungarian Data Centre/M. Tatrallyay (KFKI)
CL_SP_CIS: Cluster, CIS Summary Parameters (Ion Spectrometer) - H. Reme (CESR)
CL_SP_DWP: Cluster, DWP Summary Parameters - H. Alleyne (Univ-Sheff)
CL_SP_EDI: Cluster, EDI Summary Parameters - G. Paschmann (MPE)
CL_SP_EFW: Cluster, EFW Summary Parameters - G. Gustafsson (IRFU)
CL_SP_FGM: Cluster, FluxGate Magnetometer (FGM) Summary Parameters - A. Balogh (ICSTM)
CL_SP_PEA: Cluster, PEACE Summary Parameters - A. Fazakerley (MSSL)
CL_SP_RAP: Cluster, RAPID Summary Parameters - B. Wilken and P. Daly (MPAe)
CL_SP_STA: Cluster, STAFF Summary Parameters - N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin (CETP)
CL_SP_WBD: Link to full set of Cluster data at University of Iowa - D. Gurnett (U. Iowa)
CL_SP_WHI: Cluster, WHISPER Summary Parameters - P.M.E. Decreau (LPCE)
CL_US_FGM: Cluster, FluxGate Magnetometer (FGM) Unvalidated Summary Parameters - A. Balogh (ICSTM)
CN_K0_ASI: CANOPUS All Sky Imager, Key Parameters - J. Samson (U. Alberta)
CN_K0_BARS: CANOPUS Bistatic Auroral Radar System, Key Parameters - John Samson (University of Alberta)
CN_K0_MARI: CANOPUS MARI Magnetometer Key Parameters - J. Samson (U. Alberta)
CN_K0_MPA: CANOPUS Meridian Photometer Array, Key Parameters - J. Samson (U. Alberta)
CN_K1_MARI: CANOPUS MARI Riometer Key Parameters - J. Samson (U. Alberta)
CRRES_H0_MEA: CRRES-MEA Data Archive - A. L. Vampola (Space Environment Effects, Vista, CA)
CT_JP_PSE: Cluster centroid, JSOC Predicted Scientific Events - M. Hapgood (RAL)
DE_UV_SAI: DE-1 Spin-scan Auroral Imager (SAI) Ultraviolet Images - Louis A. Frank (The Univ. of Iowa)
DE_VS_EICS: DE-1 Energetic Ion Composition Spectrometer (EICS), Validated Summary Data - E. G. Shelley (Lockheed Martin)
DMSP_R0_SSIES: Link to DMSP thermal plasma analysis package data service at the Center for Space Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas. - Center for Space Sciences (UTD)
DMSP_R0_SSJ4: Link to DMSP low energy electron/ion plots and data at JHU/APL - Hardy (AFGL)
DMSP_R0_SSM: Link to DMSP thermal plasma analysis package data service at the Center for Space Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas. - Center for Space Sciences (UTD)
DN_K0_GBAY: DARN Goose Bay, Key Parameters - R. Greenwald (JHU/APL)
DN_K0_HANK: DARN Hankasalmi, Key Parameters - R. Greenwald (JHU/APL)
DN_K0_ICEW: DARN Iceland West (Stokkseyri),Key Parameters - R. Greenwald (JHU/APL)
DN_K0_KAPU: DARN Kapuskasing,Key Parameters - R. Greenwald (JHU/APL)
DN_K0_PACE: DARN PACE, Key Parameters - R. Greenwald (JHU/APL)
DN_K0_PYKK: DARN Pykkvibaer, Key Parameters - R. Greenwald (JHU/APL)
DN_K0_SASK: DARN Saskatoon, Key Parameters - R. Greenwald (JHU/APL)
EQ_PP_AUX: Equator-S Auxiliary Data Prime Parameters - EDC (MPE)
EQ_PP_EDI: Equator-S Electron Drift Instrument Prime Parameters - G. Paschmann (MPE)
EQ_PP_EPI: Equator-S Energetic Particle Instrument Prime Parameters - T. Sanderson (ESTEC)
EQ_PP_ICI: Equator-S Ion Composition Instrument Prime Parameters.(The raw moments calculated onboard should only be used qualitatively for identifying regions and temporal variations. Quantitative analysis should be done with the final moments generated from telemetered 3D distributions.) - L. Kistler (UNH)
EQ_PP_MAM: Equator-S Fluxgate Magnetometer Prime Parameters - W. Baumjohann (MPE)
EQ_PP_PCD: Equator-S Potential Control Device Prime Parameters - K. Torkar (IWF)
EQ_SP_AUX: Equator-S Auxiliary Data Summary Parameters - EDC (MPE)
EQ_SP_EPI: Equator-S Energetic Particle Instrument Summary Parameters (some intervals to be updated) - T. Sanderson (ESTEC)
EQ_SP_ICI: Equator-S Ion Composition Instrument Prime Parameters. (The raw moments calculated onboard should only be used qualitatively for identifying regions and temporal variations. Quantitative analysis should be done with the final moments generated from telemetered 3D distributions.) - L. Kistler (UNH)
EQ_SP_MAM: Equator-S Fluxgate Magnetometer Summary Parameters - W. Baumjohann (MPE)
EQ_SP_PCD: Equator-S Potential Control Device Summary Parameters - K. Torkar (IWF)
EQ_SP_SFD: Equator-S Scintillating Fibre Detector Summary Parameters - L. Adams (ESTEC)
FA_K0_ACF: FAST AC Fields - Key Parameters - C. Carlson (U.C. Berkeley)
FA_K0_DCF: FAST DC Fields - Key Parameters - C. Carlson (U.C. Berkeley)
FA_K0_EES: FAST Electron (4eV-30keV) Analyzers - 5-s Survey/Key Parameters - C. Carlson (U.C. Berkeley)
FA_K0_IES: FAST Ion (3eV-25eV) Analyzers - 5-s Survey/Key Parameters - C. Carlson (U.C. Berkeley)
FA_K0_TMS: FAST Energy Angle Mass Spectrograph - 5-s Survey/Key Parameters - C. Carlson (U.C. Berkeley)
FM_K0_KILP: FMI Kilpisjarvi: All-Sky Camera Key Parameters - K. Kauristie (Finnish Meteorological Institute)
G0_K0_EP8: GOES 10 Energetic Particle Sensor, Key Parameters - T. Onsager (NOAA SEC)
G0_K0_GIFWALK: Links to GEOSYNC KP pre-generated survey and other plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
G0_K0_MAG: GOES 10 Magnetometer Key Parameters - H. Singer (NOAA SEC)
G6_K0_EPS: GOES 6 Energetic Particle Sensor, Key Parameters - H. Sauer (NOAA)
G6_K0_MAG: GOES-6 Magnetometer Key Parameters - R. Zwickl (NOAA SEL)
G7_K0_EPS: GOES 7 Energetic Particle Sensor, Key Parameters - H. Sauer (NOAA)
G7_K0_MAG: GOES-7 Magnetometer Key Parameters - R. Zwickl (NOAA SEL)
G7_K1_MAG: GOES-7 Magnetometer Calculated PSD for Hn - R. Zwickl (NOAA SEL)
G8_K0_EP8: GOES 8 Energetic Particle Sensor, Key Parameters - T. Onsager (NOAA SEC)
G8_K0_MAG: GOES 8 Magnetometer Key Parameters - H. Singer (NOAA SEC)
G9_K0_EP8: GOES 9 Energetic Particle Sensor, Key Parameters - T. Onsager (NOAA SEC)
G9_K0_MAG: GOES 9 Magnetometer Key Parameters - H. Singer (NOAA SEC)
GENESIS_3DL2_GIM: Genesis Ion Monitor Experiment - Roger C. Wiens (LANL)
GE_AT_DEF: Geotail Definitive Attitude
GE_AT_PRE: Geotail Predicted Attitude
GE_EDA12SEC_LEP: Editor-A 12 second, Low-Energy Particles, Geotail - T. Mukai (ISAS)
GE_EDA3SEC_MGF: Editor-A 3 second data, Magnetic Field Instrument, Geotail - S. Kokubun (STELAB Nagoya Univ., Japan)
GE_EDB12SEC_LEP: Editor-B 12 second, Low-Energy Particles, Geotail - T. Mukai (ISAS)
GE_EDB3SEC_MGF: Editor-B 3 second data, Magnetic Field Instrument, Geotail - S. Kokubun (STELAB Nagoya Univ., Japan)
GE_H0_CPI: Geotail Comprehensive Plasma Inst (CPI), Definitive Parameters
GE_HPAMOM_CPI: Geotail Comprehensive Plasma Inst., 1min HPA Bulk Parameters - L. Frank (U. Iowa)
GE_K0_CPI: Geotail Comprehensive Plasma Inst (CPI), Key Parameters - L. Frank (U. Iowa)
GE_K0_EFD: Geotail Electric Field Detector, Key Parameters - K. Tsuruda (ISAS)
GE_K0_EPI: Geotail Energetic Particles & Ion Composition (EPIC), Key Parameters - D. Williams (APL/JHU)
GE_K0_GIFWALK: Links to Geotial pre-generated survey and other plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
GE_K0_LEP: Geotail Low-Energy Particles, Key Parameters - T. Mukai (ISAS)
GE_K0_MGF: Geotail Magnetic Field Instrument - S. Kokubun (STELAB Nagoya Univ., Japan)
GE_K0_PWI: Geotail Plasma Wave Instrument, Key Parameters - H. Matsumoto (Kyoto Univ.)
GE_K0_SPHA: Geotail Spin Phase
GE_OR_DEF: Geotail Definitive Orbit
GE_OR_GIFWALK: Links to Geotail and multi-mission orbit plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
GE_OR_PRE: Geotail Predicted Orbit
GOES11_K0_EP8: GOES 11 Energetic Particle Sensor, Key Parameters - T. Onsager (NOAA SEC)
GOES11_K0_MAG: GOES 11 Magnetometer Key Parameters - H. Singer (NOAA SEC)
GOES12_K0_EPS: GOES 12 Energetic Particle Sensor, Key Parameters - T. Onsager (NOAA SEC)
GOES12_K0_MAG: GOES 12 Magnetometer Key Parameters - H. Singer (NOAA SEC)
HELIOS1_R0_MAGPLASMA: Helios1 merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
HELIOS2_R0_MAGPLASMA: Helios2 merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
HK_H0_MAG: Hawkeye Magnetic Field Instrument - J. Van Allen (University of Iowa)
HK_H0_VLF: Hk Electric and Magnetic Field Radio Frequency Spectrum Analyzer High Time Resolution - D. Gurnett (University of Iowa)
I1_AV_KER: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Kerguelen Is., France (lat/lon=-49/70) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_KSH: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Kashima, Japan (lat/lon=36/141) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_KWA: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Kwajalein, Marshall Is. (lat/lon=9/168) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_ODG: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (lat/lon=14/359) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_ORR: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Orroral, Australia (lat/lon=-36/149) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_OTT: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Ottawa, Canada (lat/lon=45/284) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_QUI: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Quito, Equador (lat/lon=-1/281) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_RES: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Resolute Bay, Canada (lat/lon=75/265) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_SNT: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Santiago, Chile (lat/lon=-33/298) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_SOD: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Sodankyla, Finland (lat/lon=67/27) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_TRO: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Tromso, Norway (lat/lon=70/19) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I1_AV_ULA: ISIS-1 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Fairbanks, Alaska (lat/lon=65/212) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_ACN: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Ascension Is., U.K. (lat/lon= -8/346) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_ADL: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Terre Adelie, Antarctica (lat/lon=-67/140) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_AME: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Ahmedabad, India (lat/lon=23/73) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_BRZ: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Brazzavillle, Congo (lat/lon=-4/15) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_BUR: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Johannesburg, South Africa (lat/lon=-26/28) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_CNA: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Las Palmas, Canary Is., Spain (lat/lon=28/345) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_KER: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Kerguelen Is., France (lat/lon=-49/70) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_KRU: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Kourou, French Guyana (lat/lon=5/307) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_KSH: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Kashima, Japan (lat/lon=36/141) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_KWA: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Kwajalein, Marshall Is. (lat/lon=9/168) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_LAU: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Lauder, New Zealand (lat/lon=-45/170) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_ODG: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (lat/lon=14/359) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_ORR: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Orroral Australia (lat/lon=-36/149) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_OTT: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Ottawa, Canada (lat/lon=45/284) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_QUI: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Quito, Equador (lat/lon=-1/281) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_RES: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Resolute Bay, Canada (lat/lon=75/265) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_SNT: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Santiago, Chile (lat/lon=-33/298) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_SOD: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Sodankyla, Finland (lat/lon=67/27) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_SOL: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Falkland Is., U.K. (lat/lon=-52/302) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_SYO: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Syowa Base, Antartica (lat/lon=-69/40) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_TRO: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Tromso, Norway (lat/lon=70/19) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_ULA: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Fairbanks, Alaska (lat/lon=65/212) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I2_AV_WNK: ISIS-2 Topside Sounder Ionogram over Winkfield, U.K. (lat/lon=51/359) - R.F. Benson (NASA GSFC)
I7_R0_LEPEDEA: Link to IMP7 LEPEDEA Energy-Time Spectrograms in GIF format at the University of Iowa. - L. A. Frank (University of Iowa)
I8_15SEC_MAG: IMP-8 Fluxgate Magnetometer, 15.36-Second Resolution Data - A. Szabo / R.P. Lepping (NASA GSFC)
I8_H0_GME: IMP-8 GME 30-min Fluxes (SEP optimal bands) - R.E. McGuire (SPDF/Code 612.4, NASA's GSFC)
I8_H0_MITPLASMA: IMP-8 MIT Plasma Investigation, High Resolution Definitive Data - A. Lazarus (MIT)
I8_OR_GIFWALK: Links to IMP-8 and multi-mission orbit plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
I8_OR_SSC: IMP-8 orbital position (multiple coordinate systems, from April 2003 updated I8 orbit model) - SSC ( SPDF/GSFC)
I8_R0_LEPEDEA: Link to IMP8 LEPEDEA Energy-Time Spectrograms in GIF format at the University of Iowa. - L. A. Frank (University of Iowa)
IA_K0_ENF: Interball Auroral Probemeasurements of spectra and anisotropy of electrons SKA-3, Key Parameters - Yu. Galperin, R. Kovrazhkin, A. Kuzmin, F. Shuiskaya (IKI RAN, Russia)
IA_K0_EPI: Interball Auroral Energetic Particle Instruments, KeyParameters - DOK-2: K.Kudela (DOK-2: Institute of experimental physics Slovak Acad. Sci., Kosize, Slovakia )
IA_K0_ICD: Interball Auroral Probe Ion Composition Experiment PROMICS, Key Parameters - I.Sandahl (IRF, Kiruna, Sweden)
IA_K0_MFI: Interball Auroral probe Magnetic Field, Key Parameters - V.Petrov (IMAP:IZMIRAN,Troitsk, Russia. )
IA_OR_DEF: Interball Auroral Probe Orbital Data, Key Parameters - V.Prokhorenko (Space Research Inst., Russian Acad. Sci., Moscow, Russia. )
IG_K0_PCI: Interball Polar Cap Activity Index, Key Parameters - V.Sergeev (Institute of physics Univ. of St.-Peterburg St.-Peterburg, Russia )
IM_HK_ADS: Image Attitude Determination System Housekeeping - Dr. Jim Burch (Southwest Research Institute)
IM_HK_AST: Image Autonomous Star Tracker Housekeeping - Dr. Jim Burch (Southwest Research Institute)
IM_HK_COM: Image Communication Systems Housekeeping - Dr. Jim Burch (Southwest Research Institute)
IM_HK_FSW: Image Flight Software Housekeeping - Dr. Jim Burch (Southwest Research Institute)
IM_HK_PWR: Image Power Systems Housekeeping - Dr. Jim Burch (Southwest Research Institute)
IM_HK_TML: Image Thermal Housekeeping - Dr. Jim Burch (Southwest Research Institute)
IM_K0_EUV: Ion Images, Key Parameters, IMAGE Extreme UltraViolet (EUV) experiment - Bill Sandel (U/Arizona)
IM_K0_HENA: High Energy Neutral Atom (HENA) H Images, Key Parameters, IMAGE - Dr. Don Mitchell (APL)
IM_K0_LENA: IMAGE Low Energy Neutral Atom (LENA) Imager Key Parameters - Dr. Tom Moore (GSFC)
IM_K0_MENA: Medium Energy Neutral Atom (MENA) H Images, Key Parameters, IMAGE - Dr. Craig Pollock (SwRI)
IM_K0_RPI: RPI Plasmagram/Echomap, Key Parameters, IMAGE Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) - B.W. Reinisch (UMLCAR)
IM_K0_SIE: Electron Auroral Images @ 1356A, Key Parameters, IMAGE Far UltraViolet (FUV) Spectrographic Imaging camera Electrons (SIE) - S. Mende (UC/Berkeley/SSL)
IM_K0_SIP: Proton Auroral Images @ 1218A, Key Parameters, IMAGE Far UltraViolet (FUV) Spectrographic Imaging camera Protons (SIP) - S. Mende (UC/Berkeley/SSL)
IM_K0_WIC: Auroral Images, Key Parameters, IMAGE Far UltraViolet (FUV) Wide-band Imaging Camera (WIC) - S. Mende (UC/Berkeley/SSL)
IM_K1_RPI: RPI Dynamic Spectrogram, Key Parameters, IMAGE Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) - B.W. Reinisch (UMLCAR)
IM_OR_DEF: Image Definitive Data Orbit - Dr. Jim Burch (Southwest Research Institute)
IM_OR_GIFWALK: Link to IMAGE orbit plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
IM_OR_PRE: IMAGE Predicted Orbit - Dr. Jim Burch (Southwest Research Institute)
IT_H0_MFI: Interball-Tail 6 sec vector magnetic field data - M.Nozdrachev (IKI, Moscow, Russia)
IT_K0_AKR: Interball Tail Probe AKR Radioemission flux, Key Parameters - V.Kurilchik (Sternberg Astronomical Inst.,Moscow State University, 119899, Universitetsky pr., 13 Moscow, Russia)
IT_K0_COR: Interball Tail Probe CORALL ion moments, Key Parameters - Yu.Yermolaev (Space Research Inst., Russian Acad. Sci., Moscow, Russia)
IT_K0_ELE: Interball Tail probe ELECTRON instrument, Key Parameters - J.-A. Sauvaud (CESR, BP 4346, 31029, Toulouse, France )
IT_K0_EPI: Interball Tail Energetic Particle Instruments, Key Parameters - DOK-2: K.Kudela (DOK-2: Institute of experimental physics Slovak Acad. Sci., Kosize, Slovakia )
IT_K0_ICD: Interball Tail Probe Ion Composition Experiment PROMICS, Key Parameters - I.Sandahl (IRF, Kiruna, Sweden)
IT_K0_MFI: Interball Tail probe Magnetic Field, Key Parameters - S.Romanov (Space Research Inst., Russian Acad. Sci., Moscow, Russia. )
IT_K0_VDP: Interball Tail probe VDP instrument, Key Parameters - J.Safrankova (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic )
IT_K0_WAV: Interball Tail probe Magnetic Field, Key Parameters - S.Romanov (Space Research Inst., Russian Acad. Sci., Moscow, Russia. )
IT_OR_DEF: Interball Tail Orbital Data, Key Parameters - V.Prokhorenko (Space Research Inst., Russian Acad. Sci., Moscow, Russia. )
IT_OR_GIFWALK: Links to Interball-Tail and multi-mission orbit plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
L0_K0_MPA: LANL 1990 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer Key Parameters - M. Thomsen (LANL)
L0_K0_SPA: LANL 1990 Synchronous Orbit Particle Analyzer Key Parameters - E. Dors (LANL)
L1_K0_GIFWALK: Links to GEOSYNC KP pre-generated survey and other plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
L1_K0_MPA: LANL 1991 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer Key Parameters - M. Thomsen (LANL)
L1_K0_SPA: LANL 1991 Synchronous Orbit Particle Analyzer Key Parameters - E. Dors (LANL)
L4_K0_MPA: LANL 1994 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer Key Parameters - M. Thomsen (LANL)
L4_K0_SPA: LANL 1994 Synchronous Orbit Particle Analyzer Key Parameters - E. Dors (LANL)
L7_H0_MPA: LANL 1997 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer High Resolution data - M. Thomsen (LANL)
L7_K0_MPA: LANL 1997 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer Key Parameters - M. Thomsen (LANL)
L7_K0_SPA: LANL 1997 Synchronous Orbit Particle Analyzer Key Parameters - E. Dors (LANL)
L9_H0_MPA: LANL 1989-046 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer High Resolution data - M. Thomsen (LANL)
L9_K0_MPA: LANL 1989 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer Key Parameters - M. Thomsen (LANL)
L9_K0_SPA: LANL 1989 Synchronous Orbit Particle Analyzer Key Parameters - E. Dors (LANL)
MARINER2_R0_MAGPLASMA: Mariner2 merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
OMNI2_H0_MRG1HR: OMNI Combined, Definitive, 1AU Hourly IMF, Plasma, Indices and Energetic Proton Fluxes - J.H. King, N. Papatashvilli (Perot Sys, NASA GSFC)
OMNI_HRO_1MIN: OMNI Combined, Definitive, 1AU 1minute IMF and Plasma data - J.H. King, N. Papatashvilli (Perot Sys, NASA GSFC)
OMNI_HRO_5MIN: OMNI Combined, Definitive, 1AU 5minute IMF and Plasma data - J.H. King, N. Papatashvilli (Perot Sys, NASA GSFC)
PIONEER10_R0_MAGPLASMA: Pioneer10 merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
PIONEER11_R0_MAGPLASMA: Pioneer11 merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
PIONEER6_R0_MAGPLASMA: Pioneer6 merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
PIONEER7_R0_MAGPLASMA: Pioneer7 merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
PO_10MINATT_EFI: Polar Spacecraft Attitude in GSE Coordinates - Mozer (UC Berkeley)
PO_6SECEDSC_EFI: Polar Electric Field (x,y) in Despun Spacecraft Coordinates - Mozer (UC Berkeley)
PO_6SECPOTLDENS_EFI: Polar Spacecraft Potential and Inferred Plasma Density - Mozer (UC Berkeley)
PO_AT_DEF: Polar Definitive Attitude Data
PO_AT_PRE: Polar Predicted Attitude Data
PO_EJ_VIS: Polar Visible Imaging System, Earth Camera Images, processed - Louis A. Frank (The University of Iowa)
PO_H0_CAM: Ion Fluxes 1-200 keV/q @ 3-minute resolution, Polar CAMMICE - R. Friedel (Lanl)
PO_H0_HYD: Polar Fast Plasma Analyzer 13.8 second Resolution Parameters - J. Scudder (U of Iowa)
PO_H0_PWI: Polar Plasma Wave Instrument, MCA - D. Gurnett (U. Iowa)
PO_H0_TID: Polar TIDE H+,O+,He+ High Time Resolution Data (before 10/01/96) - Thomas E. Moore (Goddard Space Flight Center)
PO_H0_TIM: Polar Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph, High Time Resolution data - W.K. Peterson (Lockheed Martin)
PO_H0_UVI: Polar Ultraviolet Imager, High Res. - G. Parks (U. Washington)
PO_H1_PWI: Polar Plasma Wave Instrument, Step Frequency Receivers A & B - D. Gurnett (U. Iowa)
PO_H1_TID: Polar TIDE Total Ion High Time Resolution Data (after 12/7/96) - Thomas E. Moore (Goddard Space Flight Center)
PO_H1_UVI: Polar Ultraviolet Imager, High Res. - G. Parks (U. Washington)
PO_H2_PWI: Polar Plasma Wave Instrument, Low Frequency Waveform Receiver, ~0.01 sec resolution fields - D. Gurnett (U. Iowa)
PO_H3_PWI: Polar Plasma Wave Instrument, Low-rate High Frequency Waveform Receiver, 16K (6-channel, ~0.00003 sec resolution) fields - D. Gurnett (U. Iowa)
PO_H4_PWI: Polar Plasma Wave Instrument, High Frequency Waveform Receiver, 2 kHz (6-channel, ~0.0002 sec resolution) fields - D. Gurnett (U. Iowa)
PO_H5_PWI: Polar Plasma Wave Instrument, High Frequency Waveform Receiver, 16 kHz (interferometry) fields - D. Gurnett (U. Iowa)
PO_K0_CAM: ~2.3-minute Key Parameters, CAMMICE/Polar Charge And Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment - T. A. Fritz (Boston University)
PO_K0_CEP: CEPPAD Energetic particles & angular distribution, Key parameters - J. B.Blake (Aerospace Corp. )
PO_K0_EFI: Polar Electric Field Instrument, Key Parameters - F. Mozer (UC Berkeley)
PO_K0_GIFWALK: Links to Polar KP pre-generated survey and other plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
PO_K0_HYD: Polar Fast Plasma Analyzer Key Parameter - J. Scudder (U of Iowa)
PO_K0_MFE: Polar Magnetic Field,Key Parameters - C.T. Russell (UCLA)
PO_K0_PIX: Polar Ionospheric X-ray Imaging Experiment Key Parameters - D. Chenette (Lockheed)
PO_K0_PWI: Polar Plasma Wave Instrument Key Parameter - D. Gurnett (U. Iowa)
PO_K0_SPHA: Polar Spin Phase Key Parameters
PO_K0_UVI: Polar Ultraviolet Imager, Key Parameters - G. Parks (U. Washington)
PO_K0_VIS: Polar Visible Imaging System Key Parameters - Louis A. Frank (The University of Iowa)
PO_K1_TIM: Polar Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph, Supplemental Key Parameters - W.K. Peterson (LASP/University of Colorado)
PO_K1_VIS: Polar Visible Imaging System Earth Camera Key Parameter - Louis A. Frank (The University of Iowa)
PO_LEVEL1_UVI: Polar UVI Level-1 Full Resolution Imager Data - G. Parks (U. Washington)
PO_OR_DEF: Polar Definitive Orbit Data
PO_OR_PRE: Polar Predicted Orbit Data
PO_PA_DEF: Polar Platform Attitude Definitive data
PVO_R0_MAGPLASMA: Pioneer Venus merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
SE_K0_AIS: SESAME Advanced Ionospheric Sounder, Key Parameters - J. Dudeney (British Antarctic Survey)
SE_K0_FPI: SESAME Fabry-Perot Interferometer, Key Parameters - J.R. Dudeney (British Antarctic Survey)
SE_K0_MAG: SESAME Fluxgate Magnetometer Key Parameters - J. Dudeney (British Antarctic Survey)
SE_K0_RIO: SESAME 30MHz Riometer Array, Key Parameters - J. Dudeney (British Antarctic Survey)
SE_K0_VLF: SESAME VLF/ELF Logger Experiment (VELOX)Key Parameters - J. Dudeney (British Antarctic Survey)
SNOE_L3_GEO: NO density, 100 - 150 km, geographic coordinates - Charles A. Barth (LASP/CU)
SNOE_L3_MAG: NO density, 100 - 150 km, geomagnetic coordinates - Charles A. Barth (LASP/CU)
SO_AT_DEF: SOHO Definitive Attitude Data
SO_K0_CEL: SOHO Charge, Element and Isotope Analysis System, Key Parameters - P. Bochsler (U. Bern)
SO_K0_CST: SOHO ComprehensiveSuprathermal and EnergeticParticle Analyser - Horst Kunow (University of Kiel, Germany)
SO_K0_ERN: SOHO Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electron experiment, Key Parameters - J Torsti (University of Turku)
SO_OR_DEF: SOHO Definitive Orbit Data
SO_OR_PRE: Soho Predicted Data Orbit
SX_K0_30F: 30-s averaged fluxes: 4 Instruments - Glenn Mason (JHU/APL )
SX_K0_POF: SAMPEX POLARCAP Averages: 4 Instruments - G.MASON (JHU/APL )
THA_OR_SSC: THEMIS A GSE Positions @ 1min. res. - SSC/SSCWeb (NASA's GSFC)
THB_OR_SSC: THEMIS B GSE Positions @ 1min. res. - SSC/SSCWeb (NASA's GSFC)
THC_OR_SSC: THC GSE Positions @ 1min. res. - SSC/SSCWeb (NASA's GSFC)
THD_OR_SSC: THD GSE Positions @ 1min. res. - SSC/SSCWeb (NASA's GSFC)
THE_OR_SSC: THE GSE Positions @ 1min. res. - SSC/SSCWeb (NASA's GSFC)
THG_L2_MAG_BMLS: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Bay Mills, MI, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_CCNV: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Carson City, NV, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_CHBG: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Chibougamou, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_DRBY: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Derby, VT, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_EKAT: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Ekati, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_FSIM: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Fort Simpson, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & I. Mann (UCB & U Alberta respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_FSMI: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Fort Smith, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & I. Mann (UCB & U Alberta respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_FYKN: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Fort Yukon, AK, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos (UCB, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_FYTS: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Fort Yates, ND, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_GAKO: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Gakona, AK, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos (UCB, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_GBAY: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Goose Bay, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & I. Mann (UCB & U Alberta respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_GILL: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Gillam, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & I. Mann (UCB & U Alberta respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_HOTS: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Hot Springs, MT, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_INUV: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Inuvik, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_KAPU: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Kapuskasing, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_KIAN: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Kiana, AK, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_LOYS: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Loysburg PA, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_MCGR: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at McGrath, AK, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_PGEO: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Prince George Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_PINA: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Pinawa, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & I. Mann (UCB & U Alberta respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_PINE: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Pine Ridge, SD, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_PTRS: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Petersburg, AK, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_RANK: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Rankin Inlet, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & I. Mann (UCB & U Alberta respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_RMUS: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Remus, MI, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_SWNO: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Shawano, WI, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_TPAS: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Flin Flon / The Pas Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_UKIA: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at Ukiah, OR, 0.5 sec, THEMIS GEONS network.. Calibration files used are at: - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
THG_L2_MAG_WHIT: Ground-based Vector Magnetic Field at White Horse, Canada, 0.5 sec Level-2, THEMIS GBO network. CAL files at - V. Angelopoulos & C. T. Russell (UCB & UCLA respectively, NASA NAS5-02099)
TIMED_EDP_GUVI: Electron Density Profiles - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1B_SABER: IR Radiances in 10 channels (1.27 to 17ym) from 0 to 150 km - James Russell III (Hampton University)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI: Airglow fluxes at 5 wavelengths bands - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_1216A_MERC_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength 1216A in Mercator Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_1216A_NP_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength 1216 A in North Polar Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_1216A_SP_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength 1216 A in South Polar Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_1304A_MERC_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength 1304A in Mercator Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_1304A_NP_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength 1304A in North Polar Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_1304A_SP_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength 1304A in South Polar Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_1356A_MERC_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength 1356A in Mercator Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_1356A_NP_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength 1356A in North Polar Pojection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_1356A_SP_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength 1356A in South Polar Pojection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_LBH1_MERC_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength LBH1 in Mercator Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_LBH1_NP_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength LBH1 in North Polar Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_LBH1_SP_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength LBH1 in South Polar Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_LBH2_MERC_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength LBH2 in Mercator Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_LBH2_NP_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength LBH2 in North Polar Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L1CDISK_GUVI_LBH2_SP_MOVIES: Airglow flux 14 day movies, at wavelength LBH2 in South Polar Projection - Andrew Christensen (Aerospace)
TIMED_L2A_SABER: O3, CO2, H2O Mixing Ratios and O, O2, OH, NO Volume Emission Rates, also NMC Neutral Temp., Density, and Pressure - James Russell III (Hampton University)
TIMED_L3A_SEE: Solar irradiances 0.1 - 194 nm - Tom Woods (LASP/CU)
TIMED_WINDVECTORSNCAR_TIDI: Zonal and meridional winds at 60 to 180 km, - Timothy Killeen (NCAR)
UY_1MIN_VHM: Ulysses VHM 1 minute. - A. Balogh (Imperial College, London, UK)
UY_1SEC_VHM: Ulysses VHM 1 second. - A. Balogh (Imperial College, London, UK)
UY_H0_GLG: Ulysses/SWICS full resolution matrix rate data - G. Gloeckler, J. Geiss (Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA; )
UY_M0_AT1: Ulysses AT Tel 1 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of Chicago, USA)
UY_M0_AT2: Ulysses AT Tel 2 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of Chicago, USA)
UY_M0_BAE: Ulysses BAE 3-22 minute resolution. - D McComas (Southwest Research Institute, USA)
UY_M0_BAI: Ulysses BAI 4-8 minute average. - D McComas (Southwest Research Institute, USA)
UY_M0_HET: Ulysses HET 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of Chicago, USA)
UY_M0_HFT: Ulysses HFT 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of Chicago, USA)
UY_M0_KET: Ulysses KET 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of Chicago, USA)
UY_M0_LET: Ulysses LET 10 minute average. - R. McKibben (University of Chicago, USA)
UY_M0_PFRA: Ulysses PFRA 10 minute average data. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_PFRP: Ulysses PFRP 10 minute peak data. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_R144: Ulysses R144 144 second resolution. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_RARA: Ulysses RARA 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_RARP: Ulysses RARP 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_WFBA: Ulysses WFBA 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_WFBP: Ulysses WFBP 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_WFEA: Ulysses WFEA 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M0_WFEP: Ulysses WFEP 10 minute average. - R MacDowall (NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center)
UY_M1_BAI: Ulysses BAI 1 hour average. - D McComas (Southwest Research Institute, USA)
UY_M1_EPA: Ulysses EPAC 1 hour average. - E Keppler (Max Planck Institut fur Aeronomie, )
UY_M1_LF15: Ulysses HI-SCALE LEFS150 (LF15) 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_LF60: Ulysses HI-SCALE LEFS60 (LF60) 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_LM12: Ulysses HI-SCALE LEMS120 (LM12) 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_LM30: Ulysses HI-SCALE LEMS30 (LM30) 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_LMDE: Ulysses HI-SCALE LEMSDE (LMDE) 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_SWI: Ulysses SWI 3.5 hour average. - J Geiss, G Gloeckler (International Space Science Institute, )
UY_M1_VHM: Ulysses VHM 1 hour average. - A. Balogh (Imperial College, London, UK)
UY_M1_WART: Ulysses HI-SCALE WART 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_M1_WRTD: Ulysses HI-SCALE WARTD (WRTD) 1 hour average. - L. Lanzerotti (Bell Laboratories, USA)
UY_R0_MAGPLASMA: Ulysses merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
VOYAGER1_R0_MAGPLASMA: Voyager1 merged magnetic field and plasma hourly data from COHOWeb Service
WI_AT_DEF: Wind Definitive Attitude
WI_AT_PRE: Wind Predicted Attitude
WI_ELSP_3DP: Electron omnidirectional fluxes 3 eV - 30 keV,EESA LOW, Wind 3DP - R. Lin (UC Berkeley)
WI_H0_MFI: Wind Magnetic Fields Investigation: 3 sec, 1 min, and hourly Definitive Data. - R. Lepping (NASA/GSFC)
WI_H0_SWE: Wind SWE (Solar Wind Experiment), 6 - 12 sec Solar Wind Electron Moments - K. Ogilvie (GSFC Code 692)
WI_H0_WAV: Wind Radio/Plasma Wave, (WAVES) High Res. Plasma Density - M. L. Kaiser (GSFC)
WI_H1_SWE: Wind Solar Wind Experiment, 100-sec Solar Wind Proton Anisotropy Analysis - K. Ogilvie (NASA GSFC)
WI_H1_WAV: Wind Radio/Plasma Wave, (WAVES) Hi-Res Parameters - M. L. Kaiser (GSFC)
WI_K0_3DP: Wind 3-D Plasma Analyzer, Key Parameters - R. Lin (UC Berkeley)
WI_K0_EPA: Wind Energetic Particle Acceleration Composition Transport, Key Parameters - T. Von Rosenvinge (NASA/GSFC)
WI_K0_GIFWALK: Links to Wind KP pre-generated survey and other plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
WI_K0_MFI: Wind Magnetic Fields Investigation, Key Parameters - R. Lepping (NASA/GSFC)
WI_K0_SMS: Solar Wind and Suprathermal Ion Composition Instrument, Key Parameters - G. Gloeckler (U of Maryland)
WI_K0_SPHA: Wind Spin Phase
WI_K0_SWE: Wind SWE (Solar Wind Experiment), Key Parameters - K. Ogilvie (NASA GSFC)
WI_K0_WAV: Wind Radio/Plasma Wave, (WAVES) Key Parameters - M. L. Kaiser (GSFC)
WI_OR_DEF: Wind Definitive Orbit
WI_OR_GIFWALK: Links to Wind and multi-mission orbit plots - Polar-Wind-Geotail Ground System (NASA GSFC)
WI_OR_PRE: Wind Predicted Orbit
WI_PLSP_3DP: Ion omnidirectional fluxes and moments @ 24 second resolution, PESA LOW, Wind 3DP - R. Lin (UC Berkeley)
WI_PM_3DP: Ion moments (computed on-board) @ 3 second (spin) resolution (version 3), PESA LOW, Wind 3DP - R. Lin (UC Berkeley)

This file contains numerical moments computed from measurements of the 
Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA) [Bame et al., 
Rev. Sci. Inst., in press 1993]. 
The moments are presented in s/c coordinates: the z-axis is aligned with 
the spin axis, which points radially toward the center of the Earth; 
the x-axis is in the plane containing the spacecraft spin axis and the spin 
axis of the Earth, with +X generally northward; and the y-axis points 
generally eastward. Polar angles are measured relative to the spin axis 
(+Z), and azimuthal angles are measured around the z-axis, with zero along 
the +X direction. The moments are computed for three 'species': 
lop (low-ener. ions, ~1eV/e-~130eV/e); hip (hi-ener. ions, ~130eV/e-~45keV/e);
 alle (electrons, ~30eV - ~45keV ). The electron measurements are obtained 
21.5 secs after the ion measurements. Epoch is the measurement time 
appropriate for the ions. The moments are computed after the fluxes are 
corrected for background and s/c potential. Algorithms for these corrections
 are relatively unsophisticated, so the moments are suspect during times of 
high background and/or high spacecraft potential. Because the determined  
spacecraft potential is not very precise, the magnitude of the low-energy 
ion flow velocity is probably not accurate, but the flow direction is well 
determined.  Tperp and Tpara are obtained from diagonalization of the  
3-dimensional temperature matrix, with the parallel direction assigned 
to the eigenvalue which is most different from the other two. 
The corresponding eigenvector is the symmetry axis of the distribution and 
should be equivalent to the magnetic field direction. The eigenvalue ratio 
Tperp/Tmid, which is provided for each species, is a measure of the symmetry 
of the distribution and should be ~1.0 for a good determination. Several of  
the parameters have a fairly high daily dynamic range and for survey purposes 
are best displayed logarithmically. These parameters are indicated by  
non-zero 'SCALEMIN' values in this file. A quality flag value of 1  
indicates that the values are suspect because of unreliable 
location info. 
Modification History
Created SEP 1992 Modified JAN 1993 
Electron time tags removed Mag Latitude added 
Local time added Post Gap flag added 
Ratio variables changed Modified SEP 1994 
Changes noted in mail message from M.Kessel 
New Dict keys added sep95 
Added new global attr. and variables from M.Kessel Oct 98
Back to top
This file contains numerical moments computed from measurements of the 
Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA) [Bame et al., 
Rev. Sci. Inst., in press 1993]. 
The moments are presented in s/c coordinates: the z-axis is aligned with 
the spin axis, which points radially toward the center of the Earth; 
the x-axis is in the plane containing the spacecraft spin axis and the spin 
axis of the Earth, with +X generally northward; and the y-axis points 
generally eastward. Polar angles are measured relative to the spin axis 
(+Z), and azimuthal angles are measured around the z-axis, with zero along 
the +X direction. The moments are computed for three 'species': 
lop (low-ener. ions, ~1eV/e-~130eV/e); hip (hi-ener. ions, ~130eV/e-~45keV/e);
 alle (electrons, ~30eV - ~45keV ). The electron measurements are obtained 
21.5 secs after the ion measurements. Epoch is the measurement time 
appropriate for the ions. The moments are computed after the fluxes are 
corrected for background and s/c potential. Algorithms for these corrections
 are relatively unsophisticated, so the moments are suspect during times of 
high background and/or high spacecraft potential. Because the determined  
spacecraft potential is not very precise, the magnitude of the low-energy 
ion flow velocity is probably not accurate, but the flow direction is well 
determined.  Tperp and Tpara are obtained from diagonalization of the  
3-dimensional temperature matrix, with the parallel direction assigned 
to the eigenvalue which is most different from the other two. 
The corresponding eigenvector is the symmetry axis of the distribution and 
should be equivalent to the magnetic field direction. The eigenvalue ratio 
Tperp/Tmid, which is provided for each species, is a measure of the symmetry 
of the distribution and should be ~1.0 for a good determination. Several of  
the parameters have a fairly high daily dynamic range and for survey purposes 
are best displayed logarithmically. These parameters are indicated by  
non-zero 'SCALEMIN' values in this file. A quality flag value of 1  
indicates that the values are suspect because of unreliable 
location info. 
Modification History
Created SEP 1992 Modified JAN 1993 
Electron time tags removed Mag Latitude added 
Local time added Post Gap flag added 
Ratio variables changed Modified SEP 1994 
Changes noted in mail message from M.Kessel 
New Dict keys added sep95 
Added new global attr. and variables from M.Kessel Oct 98
Back to top
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 9/7/01 
12/04/02: Fixed description of Epoch time variable.
Back to top
SWEPAM - Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor 
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 02/23/00.
12/04/02: Fixed alpha/proton ratio precision bug.
12/04/02: Fixed description of Epoch time variable.
Back to top
The Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (EPAM) is composed of five 
telescope apertures of three different types.  Two Low Energy 
Foil Spectrometers (LEFS) measure the flux and direction of electrons 
above 30 keV (geometry factor = 0.397 cm2*sr), two Low Energy Magnetic 
Spectrometers (LEMS) measure the flux  and direction of ions greater than 50 keV
(geometry factor = 0.48 cm2*sr), and the Composition Aperture (CA) 
measures the elemental composition of the ions (geometry factor = 0.24 
cm2*sr). The telescopes use the spin of the spacecraft to sweep the full 
sky. Solid-state detectors are used to measure the energy and composition 
of the incoming particles. 
For more information about the EPAM instrument, visit the EPAM Home Page 
at JHU/APL:  
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Public Release 01/28/03 (Version 3)
11/11/04: Improved metadata (Version 4) 
Back to top
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 9/6/01 
12/04/02: Fixed description of Epoch time variable.
Back to top
The Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (EPAM) is composed of five 
telescope apertures of three different types.  Two Low Energy 
Foil Spectrometers (LEFS) measure the flux and direction of electrons 
above 30 keV (geometry factor = 0.397 cm2*sr), two Low Energy Magnetic 
Spectrometers (LEMS) measure the flux  and direction of ions greater than 50 keV
(geometry factor = 0.48 cm2*sr), and the Composition Aperture (CA) 
measures the elemental composition of the ions (geometry factor = 0.24 
cm2*sr). The telescopes use the spin of the spacecraft to sweep the full 
sky. Solid-state detectors are used to measure the energy and composition 
of the incoming particles. 
For more information about the EPAM instrument, visit the EPAM Home Page 
at JHU/APL:  
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Public Release 01/28/03 (Version 3)
11/11/04: Improved metadata (Version 4) 
Back to top
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 9/6/01 
12/04/02: Fixed description of Epoch time variable.
Back to top
SWEPAM - Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor 
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 04/04/02.
12/04/02: Fixed alpha/proton ratio precision bug.
12/04/02: Fixed description of Epoch time variable.
12/04/02: -9999.9 fill-data values changed to -1.0e+31.
Back to top
SWICS - The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer - 
determines uniquely the chemical and ionic-charge composition of the solar wind,
the temperatures and mean speeds of major solar wind ions, at all 
speeds above 300 km/s (protons) and 170 km/s (Fe+16), and resolves H and He 
isotopes of solar and interstellar sources. SWICS measures the distribution
of the interstellar cloud and dust cloud pickup ions up to energies of 100
For more information about the SWICS instrument, visit the SWICS Home Page at
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 11/08/05 
Back to top
The ULEIS Instrument on ACE   
The Ultra Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer 
measures ion fluxes over the charge range from H through Ni from about 
20 keV/nucleon to 10 MeV/nucleon, thus covering both suprathermal and 
energetic particle energy ranges. Exploratory measurements of 
ultra-heavy species (mass range above Ni) will also be performed in a more 
limited energy range near 0.5 MeV/nucleon. 
ULEIS will be studying the elemental and isotopic 
composition of solar energetic particles, and the mechanisms by 
which these particles are energized in the solar corona. ULEIS will 
also investigate mechanisms by which supersonic interplanetary shock 
waves energize ions.
For more information about the ULEIS instrument, visit the ULEIS Home Page 
at JHU/APL:  
The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious 
scientific study.  However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it 
is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members
before publishing work derived from the data. The ACE team has worked 
hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team 
cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings 
about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate 
ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very 
least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication.
Modification History
Initial Release 07/19/04 
Back to top
EPAM - ACE Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
EPAM Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not 
be used except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 04/30/99 
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Back to top
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
MAG Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 11/10/98 
Back to top
SIS - ACE Solar Isotope Spectrometer
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
SIS Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 04/10/99 
Back to top
SWEPAM - Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor 
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
SWEPAM Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 12/01/98 
Back to top
EPAM - ACE Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
EPAM Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not 
be used except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 08/26/99 
Back to top
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
References: http://  
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
MAG Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 11/10/98 
Back to top
SWEPAM - Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor 
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
SWEPAM Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 12/01/98 
Back to top
MAG - ACE Magnetic Field Experiment
ACE browse data is designed for monitoring large scale particle and field 
behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data is automatically 
generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by 
the instrument teams. It is not routinely checked for accuracy and is subject 
to revision. Use this data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate 
instrument teams about citing it. 
MAG Browse data is not validated by the experimenters and should not be used 
except for preliminary examination prior to detailed studies. 
Modification History
Initial Release 11/10/98 
Back to top
GROUP 1    Satellite   Resolution   Factor
            ace           720         1
Coord/            Min/Max   Range Filter       Filter
Component   Output Markers  Minimum  Maximum   Mins/Maxes 
GSE X        YES      -        -        -           -        -           -   
GSE Y        YES      -        -        -           -        -           -   
GSE Z        YES      -        -        -           -        -           -   
GSE Lat      YES      -        -        -           -        -           -   
GSE Lon      YES      -        -        -           -        -           -   
Addtnl             Min/Max   Range Filter       Filter
Options     Output Markers  Minimum  Maximum   Mins/Maxes
dEarth       YES      -        -        -           -   
Formats and units:                          
    Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM
    Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s).
        Longitude 0 to 360, latitude -90 to 90.
    Distance format: Kilometers with 2 place(s).
Modification History
Originated 03/14/96
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ALOUETTE 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ALOUETTE 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ALOUETTE 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ALOUETTE 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This is the hourly-averaged data from the Apollo 12 Solar Wind  Spectrometer
instrument, reformatted by NSSDC for easier access and use.
Users should refer to the data set documentation paper entitled 'ALSEP solar
wind spectrometer plasma data as observed at the Apollo 12 and 15 landing
sites,' by Goldstein, Clay,Snyder, and Neugebauer, which is contained in the
online Data Set Catalog at
Back to top
This 28-s data set is the highest resolution data set available from the Apollo
12 Solar Wind Spectrometer instrument, and was reformatted by NSSDC for easier
access and use.
Users should refer to the data set documentation paper entitled 'ALSEP solar
wind spectrometer plasma data as observed at the Apollo 12 and 15 landing
sites,' by Goldstein, Clay,Snyder, and Neugebauer, which is contained in the
online Data Set Catalog at
Back to top
This is the hourly-averaged data from the Apollo 15 Solar Wind  Spectrometer
instrument, reformatted by NSSDC for easier access and use.
Users should refer to the data set documentation paper entitled 'ALSEP solar
wind spectrometer plasma data as observed at the Apollo 12 and 15 landing
sites,' by Goldstein, Clay,Snyder, and Neugebauer, which is contained in the
online Data Set Catalog at
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
JSOC predicted magnetic positions.
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
AP _ Apogee
CY 1 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 2 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 3 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 1 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 2 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 3 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 4 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
DY 1 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 2 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 3 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 4 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 5 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 1 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 2 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 3 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 4 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
GY 1 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 2 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 3 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 4 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 1 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 2 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 3 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
JY 1 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 2 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 3 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 4 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 1 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 2 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 3 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
KA 1 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 2 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 3 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 4 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 1 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 2 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 3 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 4 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
MY 1 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 2 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 3 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 4 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 1 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 2 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 3 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
NS S Southbound neutral sheet
NT I Enter north tail lobe from inner magnetosphere
PA 1 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 2 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 3 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 4 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PE _ Perigee
PL 1 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 2 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 3 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 4 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 5 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
QL I Inbound critical L value for auroral zone
QL O Outbound critical L value for auroral zone
RA 1 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 2 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 3 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 4 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 1 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 2 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 3 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 4 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 5 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
ST O Leave south tail lobe for inner magnetosphere
TL I Inbound radiation belt entry for WEC
TL O Outbound radiation belt exit for WEC
VL I Inbound critical L value for EDI
VL O Outbound critical L value for EDI
XL I Inbound critical L value for PEACE
XL O Outbound critical L value for PEACE
YL I Inbound critical L value for RAPID
YL O Outbound critical L value for RAPID
ZL I Inbound critical L value for CIS
ZL O Outbound critical L value for CIS
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF2000 pole used to calculate GSM latitude and MLT 
 in PSE files produced after 25 June 2001.
JSOC predicted scientific events.
Back to top
G. Paschmann et al, The Electron Drift Instrument for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 233 - 269, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
1) EDI's automated analysis algorithm has a known susceptibility to
producing occasional incorrect values of the drift velocities (and electric
fields). The code attempts to prevent these bad values to be output
to the cdf file. No further removal is done in the validation process.
2) When drift velocities become sufficiently large, there can be a
180-degree ambiguity in drift direction that is usually flagged in bit 7
(counting from 0) of Status Byte 3.
3) There are two methods to analyze a spin's worth of EDI data. If bits 5 
6 in Status Byte 3 are NOT set, the employed method was triangulation. If
either bit 5 or 6 are set, then the results are from time-of-flight
4) The reported drift velocities and electric field refer to inertial
coordinates, i.e., have been corrected for spacecraft velocity. However, the
magnitude errors (in %) and the angle errors (in degrees), reported in
Status Bytes 5 & 6, respectively, refer to the spacecraft frame and have NOT
yet been converted to inertial coordinates.
5) The reduced chi-square reported as a data word is a measure of the
goodness-of-fit of the triangulation analysis.
Back to top
G. Gustafsson et al, The Electric Field and Wave Experiment for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 137 - 156, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data calibration may be unreliable at this early stage of the mission
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** CSDS data are not for publication ***
Be aware that data may be reprocessed as necessary to improve quality
For questions on data validity please contact
Fill value inserted for E_dusk__C1_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_pow_f1__C1_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_sigma__C1_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for U_probe_sc__C1_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Back to top
A. D. Johnstone et al, Peace, A Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 351 - 398, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
PP & SP data is generated at MSSL, then provided to UK-CDHF
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This is PEACE PP/SP data version 3.1, produced at MSSL
Based on onboard moments but using corrected geometric factors which account for
uplinked changes of the values used in onboard calibration as well as estimated
changes due to variable MCP gain performance
Onboard moments are calculated for up to three energy ranges. Photoelectron
contamination may affect 0, 1 or 2 of these ranges
EFW PP probe-spacecraft potential was used to select the energy ranges to be
excluded to remove misleading photoelectron contributions. Note that the density
may be underestimated if there are both plasma electrons and photoelectrons in
the lowest energy range
When 88h58 is used for the HEEA sensor, sometimes the entire plasma electron
population and photoelectrons are in just the lowest of the 3 energy ranges.
This data has been deleted in this release of the PEACE PPs
Data is deleted if the spacecraft electric potential is too large for the simple
correction procedure to work or there is no EFW PP data available
Measured electron energies have not been corrected for their acceleration by the
spacecraft electric potential
Onboard moments use onboard energy tables, efficiencies and response surfaces.
Any errors in these parameters cannot be corrected in ground data processing
Before 2001-09-11 the onboard energy efficiencies were not accurate, which
caused the density in the solar wind to be overestimated. This data has been
removed in this release of the PEACE PPs
The calculation of T_par, T_perp and Q_par used PP FGM data
The data is for context and information only. It is not suitable for detailed
analysis, but may be used for event selection
The next iteration of PP/SP moments will be of a higher quality
Please see links under for more
Please contact the PEACE PI to request science quality data
Automatically validated by UKCDC
Product delivered pre-validated by the PI institute
Back to top
N. Cornilleau et al,
The Cluster Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (Staff) Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 107 - 136, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
PI Software Version 4.1, 27 March 2006
Back to top
P. M. E. Decreau et al, WHISPER, A Resonance Sounder and Wave Analyser:
Performances and Perspectives for the Cluster Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 157 - 193, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Two types of parameters are provided by WHISPER:
1) Density values (and quality): N_e_res and N_e_res_q, are related to sounding
The N_e_res value is calculated from an algorithm for resonance recognition,
which cannot take account of all level of information available to the
experimenter. The reliability of N_e_res parameters derived at the CSDS level
is thus limited in an unknown manner.
The N_e_res_q parameter (one value for each N_e_res data point) provides a crude
idea of the probability that the N_e_res value is actually correct. A value of
0 means that the value is probably wrong, a value above 80 that it is probably
correct. Anything in between reflects a crude evaluation of the chances. Refer
to PI for details.
2) Wave power values: E_pow_f4, E_pow_f5, E_pow_f6, E_pow_su and E_var_ts, are
related to recording of natural wave emissions.
Those parameters, not affected by variations in instrument's transfer functions,
are globally OK.
However, two factors can affect the precision of the measurements:
a) the occasional presence of spurious emissions created by operations of the
EDI instrument increases the wave power values measured on SC1, SC2 and SC3,
from an unknown amount,
b) the limited dynamical range of the instrument leads to an underestimation of
the E_pow parameters values when the voltage difference measured by the double
sphere antenna signal in the 2 - 80 kHz band is higher than 150 mVp or 600 mVp
(depending of the gain chosen). As a consequence, high values have to be taken
with special caution.
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
JSOC predicted magnetic positions.
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
AP _ Apogee
CY 1 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 2 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 3 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 1 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 2 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 3 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 4 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
DY 1 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 2 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 3 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 4 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 1 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 2 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 3 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
GY 1 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 2 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 3 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 4 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 1 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 2 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 3 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
JY 1 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 2 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 3 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 4 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 1 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 2 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 3 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
KA 1 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 2 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 3 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 4 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 1 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 2 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 3 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 4 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
MY 1 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 2 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 3 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 4 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 1 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 2 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 3 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
NS S Southbound neutral sheet
NT I Enter north tail lobe from inner magnetosphere
PA 1 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 2 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 3 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PE _ Perigee
PL 1 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 2 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 3 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 4 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
QL I Inbound critical L value for auroral zone
QL O Outbound critical L value for auroral zone
RA 1 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 2 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 3 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 4 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 1 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 2 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 3 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 4 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
ST O Leave south tail lobe for inner magnetosphere
TL I Inbound radiation belt entry for WEC
TL O Outbound radiation belt exit for WEC
VL I Inbound critical L value for EDI
VL O Outbound critical L value for EDI
WL I Inbound critical L value for ASPOC
WL O Outbound critical L value for ASPOC
XL I Inbound critical L value for PEACE
XL O Outbound critical L value for PEACE
YL I Inbound critical L value for RAPID
YL O Outbound critical L value for RAPID
ZL I Inbound critical L value for CIS
ZL O Outbound critical L value for CIS
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF2000 pole used to calculate GSM latitude and MLT 
 in PSE files produced after 25 June 2001.
JSOC predicted scientific events.
Back to top
G. Paschmann et al, The Electron Drift Instrument for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 233 - 269, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
C2 EDI only operated in ambient mode
Back to top
G. Gustafsson et al, The Electric Field and Wave Experiment for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 137 - 156, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data calibration may be unreliable at this early stage of the mission
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** CSDS data are not for publication ***
Be aware that data may be reprocessed as necessary to improve quality
For questions on data validity please contact
Fill value inserted for E_dusk__C2_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_pow_f1__C2_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_sigma__C2_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for U_probe_sc__C2_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Back to top
A. D. Johnstone et al, Peace, A Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 351 - 398, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
PP & SP data is generated at MSSL, then provided to UK-CDHF
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This is PEACE PP/SP data version 3.1, produced at MSSL
Based on onboard moments but using corrected geometric factors which account for
uplinked changes of the values used in onboard calibration as well as estimated
changes due to variable MCP gain performance
Onboard moments are calculated for up to three energy ranges. Photoelectron
contamination may affect 0, 1 or 2 of these ranges
EFW PP probe-spacecraft potential was used to select the energy ranges to be
excluded to remove misleading photoelectron contributions. Note that the density
may be underestimated if there are both plasma electrons and photoelectrons in
the lowest energy range
When 88h58 is used for the HEEA sensor, sometimes the entire plasma electron
population and photoelectrons are in just the lowest of the 3 energy ranges.
This data has been deleted in this release of the PEACE PPs
Data is deleted if the spacecraft electric potential is too large for the simple
correction procedure to work or there is no EFW PP data available
Measured electron energies have not been corrected for their acceleration by the
spacecraft electric potential
Onboard moments use onboard energy tables, efficiencies and response surfaces.
Any errors in these parameters cannot be corrected in ground data processing
Before 2001-09-11 the onboard energy efficiencies were not accurate, which
caused the density in the solar wind to be overestimated. This data has been
removed in this release of the PEACE PPs
The calculation of T_par, T_perp and Q_par used PP FGM data
The data is for context and information only. It is not suitable for detailed
analysis, but may be used for event selection
The next iteration of PP/SP moments will be of a higher quality
Please see links under for more
Please contact the PEACE PI to request science quality data
Automatically validated by UKCDC
Product delivered pre-validated by the PI institute
Back to top
N. Cornilleau et al,
The Cluster Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (Staff) Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 107 - 136, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
PI Software Version 4.1, 27 March 2006
Back to top
P. M. E. Decreau et al, WHISPER, A Resonance Sounder and Wave Analyser:
Performances and Perspectives for the Cluster Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 157 - 193, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Two types of parameters are provided by WHISPER:
1) Density values (and quality): N_e_res and N_e_res_q, are related to sounding
The N_e_res value is calculated from an algorithm for resonance recognition,
which cannot take account of all level of information available to the
experimenter. The reliability of N_e_res parameters derived at the CSDS level
is thus limited in an unknown manner.
The N_e_res_q parameter (one value for each N_e_res data point) provides a crude
idea of the probability that the N_e_res value is actually correct. A value of
0 means that the value is probably wrong, a value above 80 that it is probably
correct. Anything in between reflects a crude evaluation of the chances. Refer
to PI for details.
2) Wave power values: E_pow_f4, E_pow_f5, E_pow_f6, E_pow_su and E_var_ts, are
related to recording of natural wave emissions.
Those parameters, not affected by variations in instrument's transfer functions,
are globally OK.
However, two factors can affect the precision of the measurements:
a) the occasional presence of spurious emissions created by operations of the
EDI instrument increases the wave power values measured on SC1, SC2 and SC3,
from an unknown amount,
b) the limited dynamical range of the instrument leads to an underestimation of
the E_pow parameters values when the voltage difference measured by the double
sphere antenna signal in the 2 - 80 kHz band is higher than 150 mVp or 600 mVp
(depending of the gain chosen). As a consequence, high values have to be taken
with special caution.
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
JSOC predicted magnetic positions.
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
AP _ Apogee
CY 1 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 2 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 3 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 1 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 2 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 3 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 4 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
DY 1 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 2 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 3 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 1 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 2 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 3 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
GY 1 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 2 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 3 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 4 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 1 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 2 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 3 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
JY 1 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 2 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 3 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 4 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 1 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 2 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 3 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
KA 1 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 2 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 3 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 4 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 1 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 2 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 3 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 4 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
MY 1 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 2 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 3 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 4 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 1 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 2 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 3 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
NS S Southbound neutral sheet
NT I Enter north tail lobe from inner magnetosphere
PA 1 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 2 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 3 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PE _ Perigee
PL 1 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 2 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 3 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 4 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
QL I Inbound critical L value for auroral zone
QL O Outbound critical L value for auroral zone
RA 1 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 2 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 3 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 4 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 1 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 2 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 3 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
ST O Leave south tail lobe for inner magnetosphere
TL I Inbound radiation belt entry for WEC
TL O Outbound radiation belt exit for WEC
VL I Inbound critical L value for EDI
VL O Outbound critical L value for EDI
WL I Inbound critical L value for ASPOC
WL O Outbound critical L value for ASPOC
XL I Inbound critical L value for PEACE
XL O Outbound critical L value for PEACE
YL I Inbound critical L value for RAPID
YL O Outbound critical L value for RAPID
ZL I Inbound critical L value for CIS
ZL O Outbound critical L value for CIS
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF2000 pole used to calculate GSM latitude and MLT 
 in PSE files produced after 25 June 2001.
JSOC predicted scientific events.
Back to top
G. Paschmann et al, The Electron Drift Instrument for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 233 - 269, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
1) EDI's automated analysis algorithm has a known susceptibility to
producing occasional incorrect values of the drift velocities (and electric
fields). The code attempts to prevent these bad values to be output
to the cdf file. No further removal is done in the validation process.
2) When drift velocities become sufficiently large, there can be a
180-degree ambiguity in drift direction that is usually flagged in bit 7
(counting from 0) of Status Byte 3.
3) There are two methods to analyze a spin's worth of EDI data. If bits 5 
6 in Status Byte 3 are NOT set, the employed method was triangulation. If
either bit 5 or 6 are set, then the results are from time-of-flight
4) The reported drift velocities and electric field refer to inertial
coordinates, i.e., have been corrected for spacecraft velocity. However, the
magnitude errors (in %) and the angle errors (in degrees), reported in
Status Bytes 5 & 6, respectively, refer to the spacecraft frame and have NOT
yet been converted to inertial coordinates.
5) The reduced chi-square reported as a data word is a measure of the
goodness-of-fit of the triangulation analysis.
Back to top
G. Gustafsson et al, The Electric Field and Wave Experiment for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 137 - 156, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data calibration may be unreliable at this early stage of the mission
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** CSDS data are not for publication ***
Be aware that data may be reprocessed as necessary to improve quality
For questions on data validity please contact
Fill value inserted for E_dusk__C3_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_pow_f1__C3_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_sigma__C3_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for U_probe_sc__C3_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Back to top
A. D. Johnstone et al, Peace, A Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 351 - 398, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
PP & SP data is generated at MSSL, then provided to UK-CDHF
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This is PEACE PP/SP data version 3.1, produced at MSSL
Based on onboard moments but using corrected geometric factors which account for
uplinked changes of the values used in onboard calibration as well as estimated
changes due to variable MCP gain performance
Onboard moments are calculated for up to three energy ranges. Photoelectron
contamination may affect 0, 1 or 2 of these ranges
EFW PP probe-spacecraft potential was used to select the energy ranges to be
excluded to remove misleading photoelectron contributions. Note that the density
may be underestimated if there are both plasma electrons and photoelectrons in
the lowest energy range
When 88h58 is used for the HEEA sensor, sometimes the entire plasma electron
population and photoelectrons are in just the lowest of the 3 energy ranges.
This data has been deleted in this release of the PEACE PPs
Data is deleted if the spacecraft electric potential is too large for the simple
correction procedure to work or there is no EFW PP data available
Measured electron energies have not been corrected for their acceleration by the
spacecraft electric potential
Onboard moments use onboard energy tables, efficiencies and response surfaces.
Any errors in these parameters cannot be corrected in ground data processing
Before 2001-09-11 the onboard energy efficiencies were not accurate, which
caused the density in the solar wind to be overestimated. This data has been
removed in this release of the PEACE PPs
The calculation of T_par, T_perp and Q_par used PP FGM data
The data is for context and information only. It is not suitable for detailed
analysis, but may be used for event selection
The next iteration of PP/SP moments will be of a higher quality
Please see links under for more
Please contact the PEACE PI to request science quality data
Automatically validated by UKCDC
Product delivered pre-validated by the PI institute
Back to top
N. Cornilleau et al,
The Cluster Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (Staff) Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 107 - 136, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
PI Software Version 4.1, 27 March 2006
Back to top
P. M. E. Decreau et al, WHISPER, A Resonance Sounder and Wave Analyser:
Performances and Perspectives for the Cluster Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 157 - 193, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Two types of parameters are provided by WHISPER:
1) Density values (and quality): N_e_res and N_e_res_q, are related to sounding
The N_e_res value is calculated from an algorithm for resonance recognition,
which cannot take account of all level of information available to the
experimenter. The reliability of N_e_res parameters derived at the CSDS level
is thus limited in an unknown manner.
The N_e_res_q parameter (one value for each N_e_res data point) provides a crude
idea of the probability that the N_e_res value is actually correct. A value of
0 means that the value is probably wrong, a value above 80 that it is probably
correct. Anything in between reflects a crude evaluation of the chances. Refer
to PI for details.
2) Wave power values: E_pow_f4, E_pow_f5, E_pow_f6, E_pow_su and E_var_ts, are
related to recording of natural wave emissions.
Those parameters, not affected by variations in instrument's transfer functions,
are globally OK.
However, two factors can affect the precision of the measurements:
a) the occasional presence of spurious emissions created by operations of the
EDI instrument increases the wave power values measured on SC1, SC2 and SC3,
from an unknown amount,
b) the limited dynamical range of the instrument leads to an underestimation of
the E_pow parameters values when the voltage difference measured by the double
sphere antenna signal in the 2 - 80 kHz band is higher than 150 mVp or 600 mVp
(depending of the gain chosen). As a consequence, high values have to be taken
with special caution.
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
JSOC predicted magnetic positions.
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
AP _ Apogee
CY 1 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 2 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CY 3 Start of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 1 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 2 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 3 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
CZ 4 End of visibility window at Canberra (5 deg elevation)
DY 1 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 2 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 3 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DY 4 Start of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 1 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 2 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
DZ 3 End of visibility window at Vilspa (5 deg elevation)
GY 1 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 2 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 3 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GY 4 Start of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 1 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 2 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
GZ 3 End of visibility window at Goldstone (5 deg elevation)
JY 1 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 2 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 3 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JY 4 Start of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 1 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 2 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
JZ 3 End of visibility window at Maspalomas (5 deg elevation)
KA 1 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 2 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 3 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KA 4 Start of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 1 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 2 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 3 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
KL 4 End of visibility window at Kourou (5 deg elevation)
MY 1 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 2 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 3 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MY 4 Start of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 1 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 2 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
MZ 3 End of visibility window at Madrid (5 deg elevation)
NS S Southbound neutral sheet
NT I Enter north tail lobe from inner magnetosphere
PA 1 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 2 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 3 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PA 4 Start of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PE _ Perigee
PL 1 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 2 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 3 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 4 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
PL 5 End of visibility window at Perth (5 deg elevation)
QL I Inbound critical L value for auroral zone
QL O Outbound critical L value for auroral zone
RA 1 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 2 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RA 3 Start of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 1 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 2 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
RL 3 End of visibility window at Redu (5 deg elevation)
ST O Leave south tail lobe for inner magnetosphere
TL I Inbound radiation belt entry for WEC
TL O Outbound radiation belt exit for WEC
VL I Inbound critical L value for EDI
VL O Outbound critical L value for EDI
WL B Outbound critical L value 2 for ASPOC
WL I Inbound critical L value for ASPOC
WL O Outbound critical L value for ASPOC
XL I Inbound critical L value for PEACE
XL O Outbound critical L value for PEACE
YL I Inbound critical L value for RAPID
YL O Outbound critical L value for RAPID
ZL I Inbound critical L value for CIS
ZL O Outbound critical L value for CIS
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF2000 pole used to calculate GSM latitude and MLT 
 in PSE files produced after 25 June 2001.
JSOC predicted scientific events.
Back to top
G. Paschmann et al, The Electron Drift Instrument for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 233 - 269, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
C4 EDI switched off
Back to top
G. Gustafsson et al, The Electric Field and Wave Experiment for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 137 - 156, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data calibration may be unreliable at this early stage of the mission
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** CSDS data are not for publication ***
Be aware that data may be reprocessed as necessary to improve quality
For questions on data validity please contact
Fill value inserted for E_dusk__C4_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_pow_f1__C4_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for E_sigma__C4_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Fill value inserted for U_probe_sc__C4_PP_EFW: No reason given
for time range 2005-01-01T14:58:00Z to 2005-01-01T15:01:00Z
Back to top
A. D. Johnstone et al, Peace, A Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 351 - 398, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
PP & SP data is generated at MSSL, then provided to UK-CDHF
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This is PEACE PP/SP data version 3.1, produced at MSSL
Based on onboard moments but using corrected geometric factors which account for
uplinked changes of the values used in onboard calibration as well as estimated
changes due to variable MCP gain performance
Onboard moments are calculated for up to three energy ranges. Photoelectron
contamination may affect 0, 1 or 2 of these ranges
EFW PP probe-spacecraft potential was used to select the energy ranges to be
excluded to remove misleading photoelectron contributions. Note that the density
may be underestimated if there are both plasma electrons and photoelectrons in
the lowest energy range
When 88h58 is used for the HEEA sensor, sometimes the entire plasma electron
population and photoelectrons are in just the lowest of the 3 energy ranges.
This data has been deleted in this release of the PEACE PPs
Data is deleted if the spacecraft electric potential is too large for the simple
correction procedure to work or there is no EFW PP data available
Measured electron energies have not been corrected for their acceleration by the
spacecraft electric potential
Onboard moments use onboard energy tables, efficiencies and response surfaces.
Any errors in these parameters cannot be corrected in ground data processing
Before 2001-09-11 the onboard energy efficiencies were not accurate, which
caused the density in the solar wind to be overestimated. This data has been
removed in this release of the PEACE PPs
The calculation of T_par, T_perp and Q_par used PP FGM data
The data is for context and information only. It is not suitable for detailed
analysis, but may be used for event selection
The next iteration of PP/SP moments will be of a higher quality
Please see links under for more
Please contact the PEACE PI to request science quality data
Automatically validated by UKCDC
Product delivered pre-validated by the PI institute
Back to top
N. Cornilleau et al,
The Cluster Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (Staff) Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 107 - 136, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
PI Software Version 4.1, 27 March 2006
Back to top
P. M. E. Decreau et al, WHISPER, A Resonance Sounder and Wave Analyser:
Performances and Perspectives for the Cluster Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 157 - 193, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Two types of parameters are provided by WHISPER:
1) Density values (and quality): N_e_res and N_e_res_q, are related to sounding
The N_e_res value is calculated from an algorithm for resonance recognition,
which cannot take account of all level of information available to the
experimenter. The reliability of N_e_res parameters derived at the CSDS level
is thus limited in an unknown manner.
The N_e_res_q parameter (one value for each N_e_res data point) provides a crude
idea of the probability that the N_e_res value is actually correct. A value of
0 means that the value is probably wrong, a value above 80 that it is probably
correct. Anything in between reflects a crude evaluation of the chances. Refer
to PI for details.
2) Wave power values: E_pow_f4, E_pow_f5, E_pow_f6, E_pow_su and E_var_ts, are
related to recording of natural wave emissions.
Those parameters, not affected by variations in instrument's transfer functions,
are globally OK.
However, two factors can affect the precision of the measurements:
a) the occasional presence of spurious emissions created by operations of the
EDI instrument increases the wave power values measured on SC1, SC2 and SC3,
from an unknown amount,
b) the limited dynamical range of the instrument leads to an underestimation of
the E_pow parameters values when the voltage difference measured by the double
sphere antenna signal in the 2 - 80 kHz band is higher than 150 mVp or 600 mVp
(depending of the gain chosen). As a consequence, high values have to be taken
with special caution.
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
JSOC predicted Solar cycle trends.
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre,
 Space Sci. Rev. 79, 487-525 1997
For geometrical configuration parameters, p328 of Tetrahedron Geometric Factors
by P.Robert et al, in Analysis Methods for Multi-Spacecraft Data,
ed. G.Paschmann & P.Daly, pub. 1998 by the European Space Agency and
the International Space Institute, Bern.
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF2000 pole used to calculate dipole tilt and GSE-GSM 
 angle in PGP files produced after 25 June 2001.
JSOC predicted Orbits.
 Using spacecraft C3 as reference spacecraft.
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Back to top
K. Torkar et al, Active spacecraft potential control for Cluster -
implementation and first results
Ann. Geophys., 19,  pp 1289 - 1302, 2001)
Modification History
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
One raw data format (5.1.5 secs) of bad data may occur
when the instrument is powered on.
Back to top
Orbital Parameters Calculated from Short Term Orbit File of RDM
For geometry configuration parameters, see p 328 of Tetrahedron Geometric
by P.Robert et al, in Analysis Methods for Multi-Spacecraft Data,
ed. G.Paschmann & P.Daly, pub. 1998 by the European Space Agency and
the International Space Institute, Bern.
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF 10th generation pole used to calculate
GSE-to-GSM angle and dipole tilt from 1 January 2005
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Back to top
H. Reme et al, First multispacecraft ion measurements in and near 
the Earth's magnetosphere with the identical 
Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) experiment
Annales Geophysicae, 19, pp 1303 - 1354, 2001
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
The user of the CIS data needs to be cautious.
Please refer to the CIS Home Page: ,
link "Caveats for the CIS data", for caveats concerning these data.
Back to top
L. J. C. Woolliscroft et al, The Digital Wave-Processing Experiment on Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 209 - 231, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Operational version of UKCDHF Pipeline software
SP file for S/C Cluster 3
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Refer to the PI or NDC for access to ongoing caveat information
Use correlator data with caution
Back to top
G. Paschmann et al, The Electron Drift Instrument for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 233 - 269, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
1) EDI's automated analysis algorithm has a known susceptibility to
producing occasional incorrect values of the drift velocities (and electric
fields). The code attempts to prevent these bad values to be output
to the cdf file. No further removal is done in the validation process.
2) When drift velocities become sufficiently large, there can be a
180-degree ambiguity in drift direction that is usually flagged in bit 7
(counting from 0) of Status Byte 3.
3) There are two methods to analyze a spin's worth of EDI data. If bits 5 
6 in Status Byte 3 are NOT set, the employed method was triangulation. If
either bit 5 or 6 are set, then the results are from time-of-flight
4) The reported drift velocities and electric field refer to inertial
coordinates, i.e., have been corrected for spacecraft velocity. However, the
magnitude errors (in %) and the angle errors (in degrees), reported in
Status Bytes 5 & 6, respectively, refer to the spacecraft frame and have NOT
yet been converted to inertial coordinates.
5) The reduced chi-square reported as a data word is a measure of the
goodness-of-fit of the triangulation analysis.
Back to top
G. Gustafsson et al, The Electric Field and Wave Experiment for Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 137 - 156, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data calibration may be unreliable at this early stage of the mission
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** CSDS data are not for publication ***
Be aware that data may be reprocessed as necessary to improve quality
For questions on data validity please contact
Back to top
A. Balogh et al, The Cluster Magnetic Field Investigation
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 65 - 92, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Operational version of UKCDHF Pipeline software
SP file for S/C Cluster 3
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
*** CAUTION Preliminary calibrations used: not for publication ***
Back to top
A. D. Johnstone et al, Peace, A Plasma Electron and Current Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 351 - 398, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
PP & SP data is generated at MSSL, then provided to UK-CDHF
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
This is PEACE PP/SP data version 3.1, produced at MSSL
Based on onboard moments but using corrected geometric factors which account for
uplinked changes of the values used in onboard calibration as well as estimated
changes due to variable MCP gain performance
Onboard moments are calculated for up to three energy ranges. Photoelectron
contamination may affect 0, 1 or 2 of these ranges
EFW PP probe-spacecraft potential was used to select the energy ranges to be
excluded to remove misleading photoelectron contributions. Note that the density
may be underestimated if there are both plasma electrons and photoelectrons in
the lowest energy range
When 88h58 is used for the HEEA sensor, sometimes the entire plasma electron
population and photoelectrons are in just the lowest of the 3 energy ranges.
This data has been deleted in this release of the PEACE PPs
Data is deleted if the spacecraft electric potential is too large for the simple
correction procedure to work or there is no EFW PP data available
Measured electron energies have not been corrected for their acceleration by the
spacecraft electric potential
Onboard moments use onboard energy tables, efficiencies and response surfaces.
Any errors in these parameters cannot be corrected in ground data processing
Before 2001-09-11 the onboard energy efficiencies were not accurate, which
caused the density in the solar wind to be overestimated. This data has been
removed in this release of the PEACE PPs
The calculation of T_par, T_perp and Q_par used PP FGM data
The data is for context and information only. It is not suitable for detailed
analysis, but may be used for event selection
The next iteration of PP/SP moments will be of a higher quality
Please see links under for more
Please contact the PEACE PI to request science quality data
Automatically validated by UKCDC
Product delivered pre-validated by the PI institute
Back to top
B. Wilken et al, RAPID, The Imaging Energetic Particle Spectrometer on Cluster
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 399 - 473, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Data processed on 2007-02-15T14:09:42Z
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Caveats file: CAV_3_059.DAT; Release Feb 13, 2007
RAPID Data produced with best-effort general calibration files.
Expert IIMS calibration: with approx. inter-SC factors.
The results are not to be considered final.
Central ion head not functioning, no sensitivity near ecliptic.
Corrected time stamps for ions and electrons.
Energy threshold shifts have been applied.
No background count rates have been subtracted.
Changed EDB format, on-board anisotropies not possible in NM
Back to top
N. Cornilleau et al,
The Cluster Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (Staff) Experiment
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 107 - 136, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
PI Software Version 4.1, 27 March 2006
Back to top
Reference to uiowa cluster site
Back to top
P. M. E. Decreau et al, WHISPER, A Resonance Sounder and Wave Analyser:
Performances and Perspectives for the Cluster Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 157 - 193, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
Two types of parameters are provided by WHISPER:
1) Density values (and quality): N_e_res and N_e_res_q, are related to sounding
The N_e_res value is calculated from an algorithm for resonance recognition,
which cannot take account of all level of information available to the
experimenter. The reliability of N_e_res parameters derived at the CSDS level
is thus limited in an unknown manner.
The N_e_res_q parameter (one value for each N_e_res data point) provides a crude
idea of the probability that the N_e_res value is actually correct. A value of
0 means that the value is probably wrong, a value above 80 that it is probably
correct. Anything in between reflects a crude evaluation of the chances. Refer
to PI for details.
2) Wave power values: E_pow_f4, E_pow_f5, E_pow_f6, E_pow_su and E_var_ts, are
related to recording of natural wave emissions.
Those parameters, not affected by variations in instrument's transfer functions,
are globally OK.
However, two factors can affect the precision of the measurements:
a) the occasional presence of spurious emissions created by operations of the
EDI instrument increases the wave power values measured on SC1, SC2 and SC3,
from an unknown amount,
b) the limited dynamical range of the instrument leads to an underestimation of
the E_pow parameters values when the voltage difference measured by the double
sphere antenna signal in the 2 - 80 kHz band is higher than 150 mVp or 600 mVp
(depending of the gain chosen). As a consequence, high values have to be taken
with special caution.
Back to top
A. Balogh et al, The Cluster Magnetic Field Investigation
Space Sci. Rev., 79,  pp 65 - 92, 1997)
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
Operational version of UKCDHF Pipeline software
See CSDS User's Guide, DS-MPA-TN-0015, for post processing caveats
For the extended mission (starting 1/1/2006) CSDS FGM products
are not validated prior to release to the science community.
Spikes and other artefacts that were previously removed during
validation of the FGM PP/SP data may occur in these files.
Back to top
Images and intensities. 557.7nm Images binned to geodetic grid
References: 1.Rostoker, G., Samson, J.C., Creutzberg, F., Hughes, T.J.,
McDiarmid, D.R., McNamara, A.G., Vallance Jones, A., Wallis, D.D.,
Cogger, L.L.; CANOPUS - a ground based instrument array for remote sensing the 
high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS program, 
Space Sci. Rev., submitted for publication, 1993.
Modification History
Created 29-DEC-1994
Back to top
North & East Velocity components at 336.5 EDFL long. from 64.2 to 67.0 EDFL lat.
References: 1.Rostoker, G., Samson, J.C., Creutzberg, F., Hughes, T.J.,
McDiarmid, D.R., McNamara, A.G., Vallance Jones, A., Wallis, D.D.,
Cogger, L.L.; CANOPUS - a ground based instrument array for remote sensing the 
high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS program, 
Space Sci. Rev., submitted for publication, 1993.
Modification History
Created 18-JUL-1994
Back to top
Magnetic Field Extrema and Location
References: 1.Rostoker, G., Samson, J.C., Creutzberg, F., Hughes, T.J.,
McDiarmid, D.R., McNamara, A.G., Vallance Jones, A., Wallis, D.D.,
Cogger, L.L.; CANOPUS - a ground based instrument array for remote sensing the 
high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS program, 
Space Sci. Rev., submitted for publication, 1993.
Modification History
Created 19-AUG-1994
Back to top
Station Status, Merged Scaled 5577A Scans and Peak Intensity
Merged Scans>from 3 stations along constant Geodetic Long. of 265, from Lat. 46
to 67
References: 1.Rostoker, G., Samson, J.C., Creutzberg, F., Hughes, T.J.,
McDiarmid, D.R., McNamara, A.G., Vallance Jones, A., Wallis, D.D.,
Cogger, L.L.; CANOPUS - a ground based instrument array for remote sensing the 
high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS program, 
Space Sci. Rev., submitted for publication, 1993.
2.Samson, J.C., Lyons, L.R., Newell, P.T., Creutzberg, F. and 
Xu, B., Proton aurora substorm intensifications, Geophys. Res. Letters,
19, 2167, 1992. 3.Samson, J.C., Hughes, T.J., Creutzberg, F., 
Wallis, D.D., Greenwald, R.A. and Ruohoniemi, J.M.,
Observations of a detached discrete arc in association with 
field line resonances, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 15, 683, 1991.
Modification History
Created 18-DEC-1994
Back to top
Riometer measurements and Location
References: 1.Rostoker, G., Samson, J.C., Creutzberg, F., Hughes, T.J.,
McDiarmid, D.R., McNamara, A.G., Vallance Jones, A., Wallis, D.D.,
Cogger, L.L.; CANOPUS - a ground based instrument array for remote sensing the 
high latitude ionosphere during the ISTP/GGS program, 
Space Sci. Rev., submitted for publication, 1993.
Modification History
Created 19-AUG-1994
Back to top
CRRES MEA Data Archive
This is the re-processed version of the MEA data archive from the CRRES
The raw data provided by Principal Investigator A. Vampola have been processed
to derive 1 min average data. 
The data consists of counting rates from 17 energy channels in the range of
0.1-2 MeV and 19 pitch angle bins at 1 minute time intervals. 
The average flux, 90 degree flux and N value are included. 
Also included are the spacecraft geographic coordinates and altitude, L shell,
and the local and equatorial magnetic field magnitudes from the 1977
Olson-Pfitzer model of the earth's geomagnetic field.
The raw high resolution (0.512 sec) data and documentation of raw data can be
found at:
Modification History
Created May 2003
Back to top
M.A. Hapgood et al, The Joint Science Operations Centre, Space Sci. Rev. 79,
487-525 (1997)
NS S Southbound neutral sheet
NT I Enter north tail lobe from inner magnetosphere
ST O Leave south tail lobe for inner magnetosphere
Modification History
Produced in accordance with CSDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
IGRF2000 pole used to calculate GSM latitude and MLT 
 in PSE files produced after 25 June 2001.
JSOC predicted scientific events.
Back to top
   Instrument functional description:
       The spin-scan auroral imagers (SAI) comprise three photometers which
   provide images of Earth at various wavelengths via interference filters
   mounted on a wheel and selected by ground command.  Two of the photometers
   provide visible wavelength images, and the third provides images at
   vacuum-ultraviolet wavelengths.
       The three photometers are mounted on the spacecraft such that their
   fields of view are separated by about 120 degrees in a plane oriented
   perpendicular to the spin axis.  Each photometer in operation collects
   one scan line during each spacecraft rotation, with an internal mirror
   stepping once per rotation to start a new scan line.
       An auroral image is a nadir-centered two-dimensional pixel array
   provided by the spacecraft rotation and the photometer's stepping mirror
   which advances the field of view 0.25 degrees once per rotation in a
   direction perpendicular to the plane of rotation.  A change in mirror-
   stepping direction signals the start of a new image.  One, two, or
   three photometers may be in operation at one time.  The images from all
   operating photometers are telemetered simultaneously with image repetition
   rates that typically vary from about 3 to 12 minutes.
       One of the three imaging photometers is equipped with filters and a
   photocathode for observations at vacuum-ultraviolet wavelengths, in
   particular emissions of the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield band of molecular
   nitrogen at about 140 to 170 nm.  Imaging at these wavelengths allows
   coverage of the auroral oval in both the dark and sunlit ionospheres.
   The filter array for the vacuum-ultraviolet imaging photometer also
   includes filters for atomic hydrogen Lyman alpha at 121.6 nm and oxygen
   lines at 130.4 and 135.6 nm.
       The full width of the fields of view of the photometers
   corresponding to a single pixel is 0.29 degrees.  An image frame
   consists of all scan lines obtained by mirror steps in one direction
   which deflect the field of view by 0.25 degrees per rotation.  The
   angular separation of two consecutive pixels in the direction of
   spacecraft rotation is about 0.23 degrees.  A full frame has 120
   scan lines or 30 degrees of width.  For routine processing the
   angular width along a scan line is 150 pixels, or about 34.5 degrees
   of length.  The frame width is occasionally adjusted to less than
   120 scan lines.
   Frank, L. A., J. D. Craven, K. L. Ackerson, M. R. English, R. H. Eather,
       and R. L. Carovillano, Global auroral imaging instrumentation for
       the Dynamics Explorer mission, Space Sci. Inst., 5, 369-393, 1981.
   Data set description:
       Each DE SAI UV image CDF contains all of images collected by the
   UV photometer during one day of operations.  The displayable image
   counts are in variable 3.
       Coordinates are calculated for each position of the image count array.
   These coordinates are in variables 14, 15, and 16.
       To facilitate viewing of the images, a mapping of pixel value to a
   recommended color table based on the characteristics of the selected
   filter will be included with each image.  See the description of variables
   17, 18, and 19 below.
       A relative intensity scale is provided by the uncompressed count
   table of variable 20.  Approximate intensity levels in kiloRayleighs are
   given in the intensity table of variable 21.
       Other variables provide orbit and attitude data and information about
   the selected filter and the mirror stepping direction.
 Variable descriptions:
  1,2. Start time
        The time assigned to an image is the start time of the initial scan
        line within a resolution of one second.
    3. Image counts
        Image pixel counts range from 0 to 255.  They are stored in a two-
        dimensional byte array of 121 columns by 150 rows.  Each column
        contains one scan line.  Images will generally not fill all of the
        121 columns.  When an image is displayed with row 1 at the top and
        column 1 on the left, the spacecraft spin axis is oriented to the
        left in the display, and the orbit normal vector is oriented to the
    4. Filter
        Twelve filters are available for ultra-violet imaging; the filter
        number, 1-12, is given here.  In addition, the peak wavelength in
        Angstroms is given for the selected filter.
    5. Presumed altitude of emissions
        The presumed altitude of the emissions seen in the image varies
        with the characteristics of the filter used.
  6,7. First and last mirror location counters (MLCs)
        The MLC range is from 28 in column 1 (leftmost) to 148 in column 121
        (rightmost).  The direction of mirror stepping motion is shown by
        comparing first and last MLCs.
    8. Orbit/attitude time
        Whenever possible, the approximate center time of the image is used
        for determining the orbit and attitude parameters.  If O/A data is
        not available for the center time, the closest available O/A time
        is used.
    9. Spacecraft position vector, GCI
   10. Spacecraft velocity vector, GCI
   11. Spacecraft spin axis unit vector, GCI
   12. Sun position unit vector, GCI
   13. Orbit normal unit vector, GCI
   14. Geographic longitude or right ascension
        East longitude is given for each image pixel on the Earth at the
        altitude given in variable 5.  When the pixel altitude is greater
        than the value of variable 5, the right ascension is given.
   15. Geographic latitude or declination
        North latitude is given for each image pixel on the Earth at the
        altitude given in variable 5.  When the pixel altitude is greater
        than the value of variable 5, the declination is given.
   16. Pixel altitude
        For each image pixel on the Earth, the presumed altitude of the
        emissions is used.  This is equal to the value of variable 5.  For each
        pixel off the Earth, the altitude of the line of sight is used.
   17. Pixel UT
        This array gives the start time for the collection of each image pixel.
   18. RGB color table
        This is the recommended color table to be used with the
        limits given in variables 19 and 20.
19,20. Low and high color mapping limits
        The low and high color limits are recommended for remapping
        the color table entries, as follows:
            For pixel values less than the low limit, use the color
                at table position 1.
            For pixel values greater than or equal to the low limit
                and less than or equal to the high limit, use the color
                at table position (pix-low)/(high-low) x 255 + 1.
            For pixel values greater than the high limit, use the color
                at table position 256.
   21. Expanded count table
        The image pixel counts are quasi-logarithmically compressed to the
        range 0-255.  This table gives the average of the uncompressed range
        for each compressed count value.  Table entries 1-128 correspond to
        compressed counts 0-127 respectively.  Count levels greater than
        127 are considered overflow.
   22. Intensity table
        For each of the twelve filters, approximate intensity levels in
        kiloRayleighs are given for each compressed count value.  Table
        entries 1-128 correspond to compressed counts 0-127 respectively.
        No count conversion data is available for count levels greater than
   Supporting software:
         Directions for obtaining supporting software is available on the SAI
   website at the URL . 
   Included is an IDL program that displays the images with the recommended
   color bar and provides approximate intensities and coordinate data for
   each pixel.
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created October, 1995 by W.K. Peterson
Add Q_FLAG_FILE_CORRUPTED variable to indicate intervals for which full data
quality information is not available. 10/10/95 
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
vlptm $Revision: 4.3
Modification History
skeleton table implemented 
new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set
ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
Back to top
vlptm $Revision: 4.5
Modification History
skeleton table implemented 
new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set
ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
Back to top
vlptm $Revision: 4.3
Modification History
skeleton table implemented 
new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set
ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
Back to top
vlptm $Revision: 4.3
Modification History
skeleton table implemented 
new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set
ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
Back to top
vlptm version 2.42
Ref1: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME) 
to be submitted to Reviews of Geophysics (copy held by GGS group at NASA)
Ref2:Baker et al.,EOS 70,p785 1989. Ref3: Greenwald et al.,Radio Sci.20,p63 1985
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British AntarcticSurvey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
Modification History
skeleton table implemented 
new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set
ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
Back to top
vlptm $Revision: 4.5
Modification History
skeleton table implemented 
new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set
ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
Back to top
vlptm $Revision: 4.3
Modification History
skeleton table implemented 
new formats with all the DEPEND attrs set
ISTP KPGS Standard & Conventions version 1 implemented
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.8 AUX
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.2 EDI
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.5 EPI
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.3 ICI
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
 This file has particularly bad background problems due to intense
 radiation belts after 16:00 UT.
 This file contains both onboard calculated moments (labeled 
 "raw" with an "*" in the name) and moments calculated on 
 the ground from 3D distributions (labeled "final").
 Quantitative analysis should be done with the "final" moments.  
 The raw data should only be used qualitatively for identifying
 regions and temporal variations.  It has large errors, particularly
 in Vz in spacecraft coordinates.
 O+ and He+ data should not be used in the magnetosheath or at low
 L-values, due to background problems.
 Contact the LI at if the data you need
 is not available on-line.
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.1 MAM
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.6 PCD
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.8 AUX
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.5 EPI
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.3 ICI
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
 This file has particularly bad background problems due to intense
 radiation belts after 16:00 UT.
 This file contains both onboard calculated moments (labeled 
 "raw" with an "*" in the name) and moments calculated on 
 the ground from 3D distributions (labeled "final").
 Quantitative analysis should be done with the "final" moments.  
 The raw data should only be used qualitatively for identifying
 regions and temporal variations.  It has large errors, particularly
 in Vz in spacecraft coordinates.
 O+ and He+ data should not be used in the magnetosheath or at low
 L-values, due to background problems.
 Contact the LI at if the data you need
 is not available on-line.
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.1 MAM
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.6 PCD
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
Back to top
see EQS-MPE-EDC-01, Equator-S Data Center Manual, section 4.7 SFD
Modification History
Produced in accordance with ESDS file specification
Reference Document for CSDS CDF File Design, DS-QMW-TN-0003
See also `TEXT' global attr. for Caveats file location
Back to top
none yet
Modification History
none yet
Back to top
none yet
Modification History
none yet
Back to top
Carlson et al., 1983, Adv. Space Res. 2(7), 67.
Data are derived from a pair of hemisperical electrostatic
analyzers with 180 degree radial FOVs that together form
a single 360 deg x 4.5 deg planar FOV in the spin 
spacecraft plane.  Sensors can deflect their FOV by
up to +/-10 deg to follow the magnetic field direction
which is within +/-6 deg of the spin plane for most
auroral crossings. Absolute geometric factors are the best
estimate at the time of key parameter data production
(20% uncertainty).  Key parameter data are averaged for
1 spin.  Any change in sensor configuration or onboard
data storage during a spin result in a rejection of the
spin average.
Electron Sensor Parameters:
Inner Hemisphere R = 3.75 cm
dR/R = 0.06
FOV = 360 deg x 4.5 (FWHM) deg 
Angular resolution = 11.25 deg x 4.5 deg
Energy range: 4 eV to 30 keV
dE/E = 0.15 (FWHM)
Geometric Factor = 0.0047 x E  (cm2-sr-eV)
Key Parameter Data:
Electron Energy-Time Spectrogram, 0-30 deg pitch angle
Electron Energy-Time Spectrogram, 60-120 deg pitch angle
Electron Energy-Time Spectrogram, 150-180 deg pitch angle
Electron Pitch Angle-Time Spectrogram, 0.1-1.0 keV
Electron Pitch Angle-Time Spectrogram, 1.0-30.0 keV
Electron Energy Flux mapped along B to 100 km altitude
Electron Number Flux mapped along B to 100 km altitude
Modification History
Initial version April 9, 1997
Back to top
Carlson et al., 1983, Adv. Space Res. 2(7), 67.
Data are derived from a pair of hemisperical electrostatic
analyzers with 180 degree radial FOVs that together form
a single 360 deg x 6.5 deg planar FOV in the spin 
spacecraft plane.  Sensors can deflect their FOV by
up to +/-10 deg to follow the magnetic field direction
which is within +/-6 deg of the spin plane for most
auroral crossings. Absolute geometric factors are the best
estimate at the time of key parameter data production
(20% uncertainty).  Key parameter data are averaged for
1 spin.  Any change in sensor configuration or onboard
data storage during a spin result in a rejection of the
spin average.
Ion Sensor Parameters:  
Inner Hemisphere R = 3.75 cm
dR/R = 0.075
FOV = 360 deg x 6.5 (FWHM) deg 
Angular resolution = 11.25 deg x 6.5 deg
Energy range: 3 eV to 25 keV
dE/E = 0.20 (FWHM)
Geometric Factor = 0.0136 x E  (cm2-sr-eV)
Key Parameter Data:
Ion Energy-Time Spectrogram, 0-30 deg pitch angle
Ion Energy-Time Spectrogram, 40-140 deg pitch angle
Ion Energy-Time Spectrogram, 150-180 deg pitch angle
Ion Pitch Angle-Time Spectrogram, 0.05-1.0 keV
Ion Pitch Angle-Time Spectrogram, 1.0-25.0 keV
Ion Energy Flux mapped along B to 100 km altitude
Ion Number Flux mapped along B to 100 km altitude
Modification History
Initial version April 9, 1997
Back to top
The Time-of-Flight Energy, Angle, Mass Spectrograph 
(TEAMS) Experiment for FAST,  D. M. Klumpar, E. Moebius, 
L. M. Kistler, M. Popecki, E. G. Shelley, E. Hertzberg, 
K. Crocker, M. Granoff, Li Tang, C. W. Carlson, 
J. McFadden, B. Klecker, F. Eberl, E. Kuenneth, 
H. Kaestle, M. Ertl, W. K. Peterson, and D. Hovestadt, 
to be published, Space Science Reviews, 
D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 1997.
The 3-D Plasma Distribution Function Analyzers with 
Time-of-Flight Mass Discrimination for CLUSTER, FAST, 
and Equator-S, E. Moebius, L. M. Kistler, M. Popecki, 
K. Crocker, M. Granoff, Y. Jiang, E. Satori, V. Ye, 
H. Reme, J. A. Sauvaud, A. Cros, A. Aoustin, T. Camus, 
J. L. Medale, J. Rouzaud, C. W. Carlson, J. McFadden, 
D. Curtis, H. Heetdirks, J. Croyle, C. Ingraham, 
E. G. Shelley, D. M. Klumpar, E. Hertzberg, B. Klecker, 
M. Ertl, F. Eberl, H. Kaestle, E. Kuenneth, 
P. Laeverenz, E. Seidenschwang, G. Parks, M. McCarthy, 
A. Korth, B. Graeve, H. Balsiger, U. Schwab, and 
M. Steinacher, Measurement Techniques for Space Plasmas, 
J. Borovsky, R. Pfaff, D. Young, eds.,
American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, in press, 1997.
Data are derived from a time-of-flight mass spectrograph 
that determines 3-dimensional distribution functions of 
individual ion species over the energy range 1 - 12000 eV, 
within 2.5 seconds (one-half spacecraft spin).  The 
instrument consists of a toroidal top-hat electrostatic 
analyzer with instantaneous acceptance of ions over 360 
degrees in polar angle in 16 sectors.  Ions passing 
through the electrostatic analyzer are postaccelerated by 
up to 25 kV and then analyzed for mass per charge in a 
foil-based time-of-flight analyzer.  The data used to 
construct CDF data products are derived from the Survey 
data.  Survey data consists of 
4 mass groups x 48 energies x 64 solid angle segments. 
The 4 mass groups are H+, O+, He+, and He++.  Only the 
16 equatorial angle segments are used for the CDF data set. 
Each equatorial solid angle segment contains 2 (4) samples 
at each energy in the 32 (64) sweep/spin mode.  The full 
angular range is covered in half a spin but the actual 
time resolution of the survey data product depends upon 
the telemetry mode.  In the highest TM rate modes H+ and O+ 
survey data read out every half spin.  In lowest TM rate 
mode these data are accumulated for 4 spins.  The minimum 
accumulation time included in the CDF is 1 spin, so if the 
actual accumulation time is a half spin, two data points 
are averaged.  Otherwise, the full resolution is included. 
In every mode He+ and He++ are accumulated twice as long 
as H+ and O+.  To force the H+, O+, and He+ to have an 
equal number of data points when H+ and O+ have twice the 
time resolution, each He+ data point is written twice 
consecutively in the file. 
Modification History
none yet
Back to top
Keograms are quick-look data of an all-sky camera at 
Kilpisjarvi (69.02 N, 20.79 E)  
 maintained and operated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
Keograms show the intensity along the middle meridian of the camera 
field-of-view as a function of time. The camera has a fish-eye lens 
of 180 degrees and narrow bandpass interference filters of wavelengths 
557.7 nm (green) and 630.0 nm (red). In standard operating mode, the sampling
is 20 s and 60 s for the red and green images, respectively.
The exposure time is typically 1000 ms. The time resolution of keograms 
is 1 min and they are constructed using only the green images.
The size of a digital image is 512x512 pixels and intensity values 
vary between 0 and 255. At the altitude of 110 km the field-of-view 
(with reasonable spatial resolution) is a spherical area with the 
diameter of 600 km.  The keograms shown here are intensity versus latitude 
plots while the original keograms (available in 
are intensity versus zenith angle plots.
The conversion from zenith angle dependence to equidistant latitude grid 
causes occasionally artificial two-band structure to the keograms
(light bands below and above the darker zenith).
The artefact becomes visible especially during quiet periods, 
and the autoscaling color palette may even strengthen the effect.
Note that some keograms show also the Moon as a sphere or ellipsoid with 
very high, even saturating intensities. 
Modification History
CDF created 31.05.1999 11:32:29 UTC.
Back to top
The NOAA Geostationary Operational 
 Environmental Satellite (GOES) key
 parameters are obtained from the
 Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS)
 and the magnetometer (MAG).  The
 key parameters are a subset of the 
 data available from the GOES Space
 Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments.
The energetic particle fluxes are 
 given as five-minute averaged values
 and the vector magnetic field is given
 as one-minute average values.
Flux values for three integral electron
 channels (E >0.6 MeV, E >2.0 MeV,
 and E >4.0 MeV) and one differential
 proton channel(0.7 MeV < E <4 MeV)
 are provided. These data are used by
 NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC)
 for the real-time monitoring and
 prediction of the conditions in the
 Earth's space environment.  A new
 series of GOES spacecraft began
 with GOES-8 launched on 4/13/94,
 GOES-9 launched on 5/23/95, and
 GOES-10 launched on 4/25/97. Typically
 two satellites are maintained
 operational,one at about 135 degrees
 geographic west longitude and one at
 about 75 degrees geographic west
 longitude. The satellite inclination
 is typically within a few tenths of a
 degree of the geographic equator.
However, the satellites can be moved,
 especially during the six months to
 one year following launch, and the
 inclination can increase after years
 of satellite operation.
Instrument data quality flags are set
 from real-time telemetry, or, in
 the case of historically-processed
 data sets when telemetry is not
 available, fixed to a level-1
 instrument status flag for all data
Reference: Geostationary Operational
 Environmental Satellite GOES I-M
 System Description, compiled by John
 Savides, Space Systems/Loral, Palo
 Alto, California, December 1992.
 Dr. Terrance Onsager, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-5713,
 Boulder CO 80303 USA,
 or Martin Black, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-7235,
 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80303 USA
NOTICE: GOES 12 energetic particle data are not available
due to the failure of two proton channels in the detectors.  These
 channels were used for the correction and processing of the proton 
and electron data.  Beginning April 8, 2003, the GOES energetic
 particle data are obtained from GOES 10 only. 
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 14 Jul 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C
positions.  -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn  
-db, 20 Apr 93
Version 3.0: Major re-write, added  GOES-8 and GOES-9, -db 22 Feb 96.
Fixed 1-character xyz label problem,
   -db, 8 May 96
Minor text & label changes,
   -db, 29 Jul 96
Added global metadata, support_data  text, blank variable attrib. data  per Mona
Kessel sample file, -db, 5 Aug 96 
Added xyz GEO,GSE,GSM labels, 
 replacing 1 cartesian label  -db, 29 Aug 96 
Create 1 skeleton table for EPS for all GOES  preparing for the switch from
GOES-9 to 10  -anewman, 22 Jul 1998 
Added GOES-10 launch date and replaced Ann Newman with me as contact person.
-mblack, 18 Mar 1999 
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Back to top
The NOAA Geostationary Operational 
 Environmental Satellite (GOES) key
 parameters are obtained from the
 Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS) and
 and the magnetometer (MAG).  The
 key parameters are a subset of the 
 data available from the GOES Space
 Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments.
The vector magnetic field is 
 given as one-minute averaged values
 in three coordinate systems:
 (1) Spacecraft (s/c) P,E,N,
 (2) GSM x,y,z, (3) GSE x,y,z
s/c mag. field is defined as:
 Hp, perpendicular to the satellite
 orbital plane or parallel to the
 Earths spin axis in the case of
 a zero degree inclination orbit;
 He, perpendicular to Hp and
 directed earthwards; and
 Hn, perpendicular to both Hp and
 directed eastwards.
These data are used by
 NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC)
 for the real-time monitoring and
 prediction of the conditions in the
 Earth's space environment.  A new
 series of GOES spacecraft began
 with GOES-8 launched on 4/13/94,
 GOES-9 launched on 5/23/95, and
 GOES-10 launched on 4/25/97.
Typically two satellites are
 operational,one at about 135 degrees
 geographic west longitude and one at
 about 75 degrees geographic west
 longitude. The satellite inclination
 is typically within a few tenths of a
 degree of the geographic equator.
 However, the satellites can be moved,
 especially during the six months to
 one year following launch, and the
 inclination can increase after years
 of satellite operation.
Instrument data quality flags are set
 from real-time telemetry, or, in
 the case of historically-processed
 data sets when telemetry is not
 available, fixed to a level-1
 instrument status flag for all data
Reference: Monitoring Space
 Weather with GOES Magnetometers,
 Singer, H.J, L. Matheson, R.Grubb
 A.Newman, and S.D.Bouwer, SPIE
 Proceedings, Volume 2812,
 4-9 Aug 1996.  For more info, contact:
Dr. Howard Singer, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-6959,
 Boulder CO 80303 USA,
 or Martin Black, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-7235,
 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80303 USA
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 15 Dec 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added  Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C 
 Fixed ADID_ref from 97 to 96    -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units, fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn   
-db, 27 Apr 93
 Version 3.0, Major re-write of text, 
 corrected label_1 bug (now cartesian),
 added GOES-8 & 9 CDFs,-db,26 Jan 1996
 Corrected no. of elements on lines 
   477-479 (labels), -db 7 May 1996
 Minor text changes, -db 22 Jul 1996
Added global metadata, support_data  text, blank variable attrib. data  per Mona
Kessel sample file, -db, 5 Aug 96 
Added xyz GEO,GSE,GSM labels, 
 replacing 1 cartesian label  -db, 29 Aug 96 
Create 1 skeleton table for MAG for all GOES  preparing for the switch from
GOES-9 to 10  -anewman, 22 Jul 1998 
Added GOES-10 launch data and replaced Ann Newman with Martin Black as contact
person. -mblack, 18 Mar 1999 
Back to top
The NOAA GOES satellites include 2 sensors: an Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS),
and a Magnetometer (MAG).
The satellites are geostationary. For older satellites, inclination may be up to
15 deg.
Data sometimes contains errors. especially GOES-6 EPS & possibly both  GOES 6,7
The EPS data are 5-min. averages, the MAG data are 1-min. averages. 
The NOAA Space Environment Lab (SEL), Space Environ. Services Center (SESC) uses
this data in real time for forecasting and monitoring. 
Reference: GOES Spacecraft OperationsManual, Volume I, May 1980, Hughes RefNo.
D5150 SCG 00169R
GOES-8, with 3 electron sensors should launch in early 93: the IE variables will
be defined post-launch.
For additional info., contact Dave Bouwer, NOAA/SEL, Mail Code R/E/SE, 325
Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303 USA (303)497-3899.
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 14 Jul 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C
positions.  -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn  
-db, 20 Apr 93
Back to top
The NOAA GOES satellites include 2 sensors: an Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS),
and a Magnetometer (MAG).
The satellites are geostationary. For older satellites, inclination may be up to
15 deg.
Data sometimes contains errors.
The EPS data are 5-min. averages, the MAG data are 1-min. averages. 
B s/c has undeterm. errors in x,y B field for GSM and GSE is missing while
corrections are developed.
The NOAA Space Environment Lab (SEL), Space Environ. Services Center (SESC) uses
this data in real time for forecasting and monitoring. 
Reference: GOES Spacecraft OperationsManual, Volume I, May 1980, Hughes RefNo.
D5150 SCG 00169R
GOES-8, with 3 electron sensors should launch in early 93: the IE variables will
be defined post-launch.
For additional info., contact Dave Bouwer, NOAA/SEL, Mail Code R/E/SE, 325
Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303 USA (303)497-3899.
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 15 Dec 92
Back to top
The NOAA GOES satellites include 2 sensors: an Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS),
and a Magnetometer (MAG).
The satellites are geostationary. For older satellites, inclination may be up to
15 deg.
Data sometimes contains errors. especially GOES-6 EPS & possibly both  GOES 6,7
The EPS data are 5-min. averages, the MAG data are 1-min. averages. 
The NOAA Space Environment Lab (SEL), Space Environ. Services Center (SESC) uses
this data in real time for forecasting and monitoring. 
Reference: GOES Spacecraft OperationsManual, Volume I, May 1980, Hughes RefNo.
D5150 SCG 00169R
GOES-8, with 3 electron sensors should launch in early 93: the IE variables will
be defined post-launch.
For additional info., contact Dave Bouwer, NOAA/SEL, Mail Code R/E/SE, 325
Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303 USA (303)497-3899.
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 14 Jul 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C
positions.  -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn  
-db, 20 Apr 93
Back to top
The NOAA GOES satellites include 2 sensors: an Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS),
and a Magnetometer (MAG).
The satellites are geostationary. For older satellites, inclination may be up to
15 deg.
Data sometimes contains errors.
The EPS data are 5-min. averages, the MAG data are 1-min. averages. 
B s/c has undeterm. errors in x,y B field for GSM and GSE is missing while
corrections are developed.
The NOAA Space Environment Lab (SEL), Space Environ. Services Center (SESC) uses
this data in real time for forecasting and monitoring. 
Reference: GOES Spacecraft OperationsManual, Volume I, May 1980, Hughes RefNo.
D5150 SCG 00169R
GOES-8, with 3 electron sensors should launch in early 93: the IE variables will
be defined post-launch.
For additional info., contact Dave Bouwer, NOAA/SEL, Mail Code R/E/SE, 325
Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303 USA (303)497-3899.
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 15 Dec 92
Back to top
The NOAA GOES satellites include 2 sensors: an Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS),
and a Magnetometer (MAG).
The satellites are geostationary. For older satellites, inclination may be up to
15 deg.
Data sometimes contains errors.
The EPS data are 5-min. averages, the MAG data are 1-min. averages. 
B s/c has undeterm. errors in x,y B field for GSM and GSE is missing while
corrections are developed.
The NOAA Space Environment Lab (SEL), Space Environ. Services Center (SESC) uses
this data in real time for forecasting and monitoring. 
Reference: GOES Spacecraft OperationsManual, Volume I, May 1980, Hughes RefNo.
D5150 SCG 00169R
GOES-8, with 3 electron sensors should launch in early 93: the IE variables will
be defined post-launch.
For additional info., contact Dave Bouwer, NOAA/SEL, Mail Code R/E/SE, 325
Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303 USA (303)497-3899.
Modification History
 Version 1.0: 1st operational version, RLK, July 2000
Back to top
The NOAA Geostationary Operational 
Environmental Satellite (GOES) key
parameters are obtained from the
Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS)
and the magnetometer (MAG).  The
key parameters are a subset of the 
data available from the GOES Space
Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments.
The energetic particle fluxes are 
given as five-minute averaged values
and the vector magnetic field is given
as one-minute average values.
Flux values for three integral electron
channels (E >0.6 MeV, E >2.0 MeV,
and E >4.0 MeV) and one differential
proton channel(0.7 MeV < E <4 MeV)
are provided. These data are used by
NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC)
for the real-time monitoring and
prediction of the conditions in the
Earth's space environment.  A new
series of GOES spacecraft began
with GOES-8 launched on 4/13/94 and
GOES-9 launched on 5/23/95. Typically
two satellites are maintained
operational,one at about 135 degrees
geographic west longitude and one at
about 75 degrees geographic west
longitude. The satellite inclination
is typically within a few tenths of a
degree of the geographic equator.
However, the satellites can be moved,
especially during the six months to
one year following launch, and the
inclination can increase after years
of satellite operation.
Reference: Geostationary Operational
Environmental Satellite GOES I-M
System Description, compiled by John
Savides, Space Systems/Loral, Palo
Alto, California, December 1992.
Dr. Terrance Onsager, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-5713,
Boulder CO 80303 USA,
or Dave Bouwer, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-3899,
325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80303 USA
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 14 Jul 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C
positions.  -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn  
-db, 20 Apr 93
Version 3.0: Major re-write, added  GOES-8 and GOES-9, -db 22 Feb 96.
Fixed 1-character xyz label problem,
   -db, 8 May 96
Minor text & label changes,
   -db, 29 Jul 96
Added global metadata, support_data  text, blank variable attrib. data  per Mona
Kessel sample file, -db, 5 Aug 96 
Added xyz GEO,GSE,GSM labels, 
 replacing 1 cartesian label  -db, 29 Aug 96 
Back to top
The NOAA Geostationary Operational 
 Environmental Satellite (GOES) key
 parameters are obtained from the
 Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS) and
 and the magnetometer (MAG).  The
 key parameters are a subset of the 
 data available from the GOES Space
 Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments.
The vector magnetic field is 
 given as one-minute averaged values
 in three coordinate systems:
 (1) Spacecraft (s/c) P,E,N,
 (2) GSM x,y,z, (3) GSE x,y,z
s/c mag. field is defined as:
 Hp, perpendicular to the satellite
 orbital plane or parallel to the
 Earths spin axis in the case of
 a zero degree inclination orbit;
 He, perpendicular to Hp and
 directed earthwards; and
 Hn, perpendicular to both Hp and
 directed eastwards.
These data are used by
 NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC)
 for the real-time monitoring and
 prediction of the conditions in the
 Earth's space environment.  A new
 series of GOES spacecraft began
 with GOES-8 launched on 4/13/94 and
 GOES-9 launched on 5/23/95.
Typically two satellites are
 operational,one at about 135 degrees
 geographic west longitude and one at
 about 75 degrees geographic west
 longitude. The satellite inclination
 is typically within a few tenths of a
 degree of the geographic equator.
 However, the satellites can be moved,
 especially during the six months to
 one year following launch, and the
 inclination can increase after years
 of satellite operation.
Reference: Monitoring Space
 Weather with GOES Magnetometers,
 Singer, H.J, L. Matheson, R.Grubb
 A.Newman, and S.D.Bouwer, SPIE
 Proceedings, Volume 2812,
 4-9 Aug 1996.  For more info, contact:
Dr. Howard Singer, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-6959,
 Boulder CO 80303 USA,
 or Dave Bouwer, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-3899,
 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80303 USA
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 15 Dec 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added  Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C 
 Fixed ADID_ref from 97 to 96    -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units, fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn   
-db, 27 Apr 93
 Version 3.0, Major re-write of text, 
 corrected label_1 bug (now cartesian),
 added GOES-8 & 9 CDFs,-db,26 Jan 1996
 Corrected no. of elements on lines 
   477-479 (labels), -db 7 May 1996
 Minor text changes, -db 22 Jul 1996
Added global metadata, support_data  text, blank variable attrib. data  per Mona
Kessel sample file, -db, 5 Aug 96 
Added xyz GEO,GSE,GSM labels, 
 replacing 1 cartesian label  -db, 29 Aug 96 
Back to top
The NOAA Geostationary Operational 
Environmental Satellite (GOES) key
parameters are obtained from the
Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS)
and the magnetometer (MAG).  The
key parameters are a subset of the 
data available from the GOES Space
Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments.
The energetic particle fluxes are 
given as five-minute averaged values
and the vector magnetic field is given
as one-minute average values.
Flux values for three integral electron
channels (E >0.6 MeV, E >2.0 MeV,
and E >4.0 MeV) and one differential
proton channel(0.7 MeV < E <4 MeV)
are provided. These data are used by
NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC)
for the real-time monitoring and
prediction of the conditions in the
Earth's space environment.  A new
series of GOES spacecraft began
with GOES-8 launched on 4/13/94 and
GOES-9 launched on 5/23/95. Typically
two satellites are maintained
operational,one at about 135 degrees
geographic west longitude and one at
about 75 degrees geographic west
longitude. The satellite inclination
is typically within a few tenths of a
degree of the geographic equator.
However, the satellites can be moved,
especially during the six months to
one year following launch, and the
inclination can increase after years
of satellite operation.
Reference: Geostationary Operational
Environmental Satellite GOES I-M
System Description, compiled by John
Savides, Space Systems/Loral, Palo
Alto, California, December 1992.
Dr. Terrance Onsager, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-5713,
Boulder CO 80303 USA,
or Dave Bouwer, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-3899,
325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80303 USA
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 14 Jul 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C
positions.  -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn  
-db, 20 Apr 93
Version 3.0: Major re-write, added  GOES-8 and GOES-9, -db 22 Feb 96.
Fixed 1-character xyz label problem,
   -db, 8 May 96
Minor text & label changes,
   -db, 29 Jul 96
Added global metadata, support_data  text, blank variable attrib. data  per Mona
Kessel sample file, -db, 5 Aug 96 
Added xyz GEO,GSE,GSM labels, 
 replacing 1 cartesian label  -db, 29 Aug 96 
Back to top
The NOAA Geostationary Operational 
 Environmental Satellite (GOES) key
 parameters are obtained from the
 Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS) and
 and the magnetometer (MAG).  The
 key parameters are a subset of the 
 data available from the GOES Space
 Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments.
The vector magnetic field is 
 given as one-minute averaged values
 in three coordinate systems:
 (1) Spacecraft (s/c) P,E,N,
 (2) GSM x,y,z, (3) GSE x,y,z
s/c mag. field is defined as:
 Hp, perpendicular to the satellite
 orbital plane or parallel to the
 Earths spin axis in the case of
 a zero degree inclination orbit;
 He, perpendicular to Hp and
 directed earthwards; and
 Hn, perpendicular to both Hp and
 directed eastwards.
These data are used by
 NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC)
 for the real-time monitoring and
 prediction of the conditions in the
 Earth's space environment.  A new
 series of GOES spacecraft began
 with GOES-8 launched on 4/13/94 and
 GOES-9 launched on 5/23/95.
Typically two satellites are
 operational,one at about 135 degrees
 geographic west longitude and one at
 about 75 degrees geographic west
 longitude. The satellite inclination
 is typically within a few tenths of a
 degree of the geographic equator.
 However, the satellites can be moved,
 especially during the six months to
 one year following launch, and the
 inclination can increase after years
 of satellite operation.
Reference: Monitoring Space
 Weather with GOES Magnetometers,
 Singer, H.J, L. Matheson, R.Grubb
 A.Newman, and S.D.Bouwer, SPIE
 Proceedings, Volume 2812,
 4-9 Aug 1996.  For more info, contact:
Dr. Howard Singer, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-6959,
 Boulder CO 80303 USA,
 or Dave Bouwer, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-3899,
 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80303 USA
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 15 Dec 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added  Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C 
 Fixed ADID_ref from 97 to 96    -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units, fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn   
-db, 27 Apr 93
 Version 3.0, Major re-write of text, 
 corrected label_1 bug (now cartesian),
 added GOES-8 & 9 CDFs,-db,26 Jan 1996
 Corrected no. of elements on lines 
   477-479 (labels), -db 7 May 1996
 Minor text changes, -db 22 Jul 1996
Added global metadata, support_data  text, blank variable attrib. data  per Mona
Kessel sample file, -db, 5 Aug 96 
Added xyz GEO,GSE,GSM labels, 
 replacing 1 cartesian label  -db, 29 Aug 96 
Back to top
Fully processed Level 2 solar wind ion data at 2.5-min intervals including
proton density (/cc), temperature (K), velocity vectors (km/s) in GSE and RTN
systems, alpha/proton ratio, and flags for times of bi-directional electron
Back to top
Modification History
6/13/91 - Original Implementation
9/18/91 - Modified for new attitude file format changes.  ICCR 881
2/11/92 - Used the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 and size 3 instead of 
EPOCH, CDF_EPOCH and 1 for the time tags.  CCR 490
6/1/92 - Added global attributes TITLE, PROJECT, DISCIPLINE, SOURCE_NAME, 
DATA_VERSION, and MODS; added variable attributes VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, 
LABL_PTR_1, and MONOTON; added variables EPOCH and LABEL_TIME; 
changed variable name TIME to TIME_PB5.  CCR 1066
11/07/92 - use cdf variable Epoch and Time_PB5
6/8/93 - Added global attributes ADID_ref and Logical_file_id.  CCR 1092
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/20/94 - Added global attributes GCI_RA_ERR and GCI_DECL_ERR.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS and LABLAXIS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
Back to top
Modification History
6/13/91 - Original Implementation
9/18/91 - Modified for new attitude file format changes.  ICCR 881
2/11/92 - Used the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 and size 3 instead of 
EPOCH, CDF_EPOCH and 1 for the time tags.  CCR 490
6/1/92 - Added global attributes TITLE, PROJECT, DISCIPLINE, SOURCE_NAME, 
DATA_VERSION, and MODS; added variable attributes VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, 
LABL_PTR_1, and MONOTON; added variables EPOCH and LABEL_TIME; 
changed variable name TIME to TIME_PB5.  CCR 1066
11/07/92 - use cdf variable Epoch and Time_PB5
6/8/93 - Added global attributes ADID_ref and Logical_file_id.  CCR 1092
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/20/94 - Added global attributes GCI_RA_ERR and GCI_DECL_ERR.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS and LABLAXIS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
Back to top
Editor-A data are only acquired with the real-time operation in 
Usuda Deep Space Center (UDSC),Japan, while the Editor-B data 
are 24-hours continuouslyrecorded in the onboard tape recorders 
and are dumpedover the NASA/JPL Deep Space Network (DSN) stations
Please use the Editor-A LEP dataset prior to the Editor-B LEP 
dataset sinceplasma moments in the Editor-A data are more reliable. 
(Plasma moments inthe Editor-B are calculated onboard.)
The ion energy analyzer (LEP-EAi) has two energy scan mode: 
RAM-A (60eV to 40 keV) and RAM-B (5 keV to 40 keV). 
The energy scan mode is automatically selected onboard depending 
on the incoming ion fluxes. At present, only the plasma moments 
in the RAM-A mode are plotted (listed) for the LEP-EAi data. 
(The LEP-EAi moments are presented by the solid lines in the plot.)
The plasma moment data of the solar wind analyzer (LEP-SW) should be
used only qualitatively. The LEP-SW plasma moments are plotted 
(listed) when the energy scan mode of LEP-EAi is RAM-B. (The 
LEP-SW moments are presented by the dotted lines in the plot.) 
Modification History
Created by R. McGuire on 9/1/2003; Adapted from GE_K0_LEP
Back to top
The Bz offset is still contained in the magnetic field data. The
magnitude of the Bz offset is about 0.5 nT (+-0.3 nT). The corrected
version of the magnetic field data will be published soon.
Kokubun et al., Geotail Prelaunch Report, ISAS, 58-70, 1992
Modification History
Created by S.-H. Chen on 6/18/97; Adapted from GE_FO_MGF
Back to top
Editor-A data are only acquired with the real-time operation in 
Usuda Deep Space Center (UDSC),Japan, while the Editor-B data 
are 24-hours continuously recorded in the onboard tape recorders 
and are dumped over the NASA/JPL Deep Space Network (DSN) stations.
Please use the Editor-A LEP dataset prior to the Editor-B LEP 
dataset since plasma moments in the Editor-A data are more reliable.
(Plasma moments in the Editor-B are calculated onboard.)
The ion energy analyzer (LEP-EAi) has two energy scan modes:
 RAM-A (60eV to 40 keV) and RAM-B (5 keV to 40 keV). 
The energy scan mode is automatically selected onboard depending 
on the incoming ion fluxes. At present, only the plasma moments 
in the RAM-A mode are plotted (listed) for the LEP-EAi data. 
(The LEP-EAi moments are presented by the solid lines in the plot.)
The plasma moment data of the solar wind analyzer (LEP-SW) should 
be used only qualitatively. The LEP-SW plasma moments are plotted 
(listed) when the energy scan mode of LEP-EAi is RAM-B. 
(The LEP-SW moments are presented by the dotted lines in the plot.) 
J.Geomag.Geoelectr.,46,669, 1994
Modification History
Created by R. McGuire on 9/1/2003; Adapted from GE_K0_MGF
Back to top
The Bz offset is still contained in the magnetic field data. The
magnitude of the Bz offset is about 0.5 nT (+-0.3 nT). The corrected
version of the magnetic field data will be published soon.
Kokubun et al., Geotail Prelaunch Report, ISAS, 58-70, 1992
Modification History
Created by S.-H. Chen on 6/18/97; Adapted from GE_FO_MGF
Back to top
GEOTAIL Prelaunch Report
 April 1992, SES-TD-92-007SY
 CPI-SW Solar Wind Analyzer
   Key Parameters
      Ion number density
      Average proton energy
      Bulk flow velocity
 CPI-HP Hot Plasma Analyzer
   Key Parameters
      Ion number density
      Average proton energy
      Average electron energy
      Bulk flow velocity
      Plasma pressure
 CPI-IC Ion Composition Analyzer
   Key Parameters
      Principal Species
 CPI Survey Data will be made available
 via the World Wide Web as image files
 for the mission operation periods in a
 compressed time resolution for viewing
 and/or downloading with a WWW browser
 from the URL 
Modification History
made from ASCII files at University of IOWA, see URL:
Back to top
 GEOTAIL Prelaunch Report 
  April 1992, SES-TD-92-007SY 
 CPI/HPA  Hot Plasma Analyzer 
    High Time Resolution Moments 
       Ion Number density 
       Ion Average Temperature 
       Ion Bulk Flow Velocity 
       Electron Number Density 
       Electron Average Temperature 
 CPI Survey Data will be made available 
 via the World Wide Web as image files 
 for the mission operation periods in a 
 compressed time resolution for viewing 
 and/or downloading with a WWW browser 
 from the URL:  
Modification History
First Delivery version, 29-JUL-1998
Final Delivery version, 17-AUG-1998
Back to top
GEOTAIL Prelaunch Report
 April 1992, SES-TD-92-007SY
 CPI-SW Solar Wind Analyzer
   Key Parameters
      Ion number density
      Average proton energy
      Bulk flow velocity
 CPI-HP Hot Plasma Analyzer
   Key Parameters
      Ion number density
      Average proton energy
      Average electron energy
      Bulk flow velocity
      Plasma pressure
 CPI-IC Ion Composition Analyzer
   Key Parameters
      Principal Species
 CPI Survey Data will be made available
 via the World Wide Web as image files
 for the mission operation periods in a
 compressed time resolution for viewing
 and/or downloading with a WWW browser
 from the URL 
SPDF/SPOF Supplementary Information and Notes: 
Modification History
First Delivery version, 7-OCT-1993
v2.0, 12-APR-1994, RLD
     Changed dimensions to 3 and 2 at
     recommendation of Mona Kessel
     With help of Jeff Love (CDFSUPPORT)
     have cleaned up dim problems
v2.1, 20-JUL-1994, RLD
     Change VALIDMIN dates for CPI data
     be 1 Oct 92
     Added items to TEXT field to
     include all KPs and defined
     coordinate system used for velocities
v2.2, 24-JAN-1995, RLD
     Added some new comments to the
     description section
v2.3, 19-MAY-1995, RLD
     Added SW_V Z-component
v2.31, 8-Jun-95, RLD
     Corrected dependent variables
     to differentiate between CDF's
     2-D size 2 & 3 (i.e., 2 & 3-
     dimensional velocities
v2.4, 28-Sep-95, RLD
     Updated text & variable
     min/max values for consistency
v2.41, 21-DEC-1995, RLD
     Updated for KPGS v2.3 delivery
     Official version of ST is v04
Back to top
Geotail Prelaunch Report, April 1992
The sensor providing data here (called EFD-P in report above) measures the
difference of electric potential between two electrodes (probes) immersed in the
There are two sperical probes and two wire antennas each of which is extended by
50 meters from the satellite in its rotational plane.
 The two sperical probes are opposite each other (100 meters tip-to-tip) as are
the two wire antennas. The probe pairs are orthogonal to each other.
Diving the potential difference by the distance between the probes or the
centers of the conducting portion of the wire antennas gives the electric field
component along the probe extension.
The measurement of the electric field in the satellite rotational plane gives
the vector electric field when the electric field along the magnetic field is
much smaller than the perpendicular component.
Modification History
Version 1.0 Jan. 12, 1993
Modified on 7/18/94 and 7/29/94 by JT
Modified on 9/9/94 by JT - KPGS CCR 0039
Back to top
EPIC Instrument Description: 
 A) Supra-Thermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) Subsystem: 
    1) Ion Head/Telescope Coverage 
       Apperature Width:  53.4 polar deg 
       Apperature Center: Spacecraft spin plane
 B) Ion Composition Spectrometer (ICS) Subsystem: 
    1) Ion Head Coverage 
       Apperature Width:  60.0 polar deg excluding center 16.0 deg 
       Apperature Center: Spacecraft spin plane
    2) Electron Detector Coverage 
       Apperature Width:  60.0 polar deg 
       Apperature Center: Spacecraft spin plane
    3) Caution 
       ICS Ion channels can change between two sets of energy pass 
       bands from record to record; consult the associated energy 
       information to determine what the current values are.
Anisotropy Calculation Qualification: 
 A) a1, a2, phi1 and phi2 are not
    calculated when the count rate
    is below a threshhold, currently
    8 counts/96 seconds.
Modification History
v1.0 19-Sep-1991
v1.3 11-Mar-1992
v2.0 13-Jan-1993 changes for Standards and Convensions v1.1
v3.0 25-May-1994 a) corrected PDiffI_S_Eminus    dimen variance FTFF -> TFFF
 b) changed LABL_PTR_1 to LABLAXIS    for 3 variables
 c) removed several DEPEND1 attributes d) corrected indexing for M8/P2
 e) corrected anisotropy min/max    values from [0,2pi] to
    [-pi,+pi] for phi1 and to    [-pi/2,+pi/2] for phi2
 f) changed ratio SCALETYP from    linear to log
 g) narrowed several SCALEMIN/MAX    ranges
v3.1 16-Sep-1994 a) shortened TEXT entries to max of     80 char
 b) removed several DEPEND0/1 attributes
 c) removed value for Logical_file_id    entry
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Back to top
Modification History
created Oct 1994
Modified by JT Oct. 28, 1994
Back to top
Kokubun et al., Geotail Prelaunch Report, ISAS, 58-70, 1992
Modification History
Created on 8/7/92, Modified on 1/25/93, 
Modified on 2/19/93, Modified on 3/8/93, 
Modified on 4/16/93, Modified on 7/18/94 by JT
Back to top
Text description of the experiment need to be defined by the developer
Modification History
Back to top
Geotail Prelaunch Report April 1992
Modification History
4/6/92 - Original Implementation, CCR 935
6/12/92 - Added global attributes TITLE, PROJECT, 
added variable attributes VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, LABL_PTR_1, and MONOTON;
added variables EPOCH and LABEL_TIME; 
changed variable name TIME to TIME_PB5. CCR 935
9/23/92 - Changed descriptor value from SPAH to SPHA. ICCR 1387
2/22/93 - Changed VALIDMAX of FAULT. CCR 1361
6/10/93 - Added ADID_ref and Logical_file_id. CCR 1092
6/14/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
11/9/94 - Correct errors made in ccr 1852.  ICCR 1884
Back to top
Modification History
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991
Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1
Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes
Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id
Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of 
EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490
Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and 
mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton 
attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to 
time_pb5; add label_time to variables
Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name
Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris 
comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system.  CCR 1889
2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Back to top
Modification History
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991
Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1
Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes
Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id
Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of 
EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490
Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and 
mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton 
attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to 
time_pb5; add label_time to variables
Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name
Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris 
comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system.  CCR 1889
2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 
Back to top
The NOAA Geostationary Operational 
 Environmental Satellite (GOES) key
 parameters are obtained from the
 Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS)
 and the magnetometer (MAG).  The
 key parameters are a subset of the 
 data available from the GOES Space
 Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments.
The energetic particle fluxes are 
 given as five-minute averaged values
 and the vector magnetic field is given
 as one-minute average values.
Flux values for three integral electron
 channels (E >0.6 MeV, E >2.0 MeV,
 and E >4.0 MeV) and one differential
 proton channel(0.7 MeV < E <4 MeV)
 are provided. These data are used by
 NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC)
 for the real-time monitoring and
 prediction of the conditions in the
 Earth's space environment.  A new
 series of GOES spacecraft began
 with GOES-8 launched on 4/13/94,
 GOES-9 launched on 5/23/95,
 GOES-10 launched on 4/25/97,
 GOES-11 launched on 5/3/2000, and 
 GOES-12 launched on 7/23/2001.
 Typically two satellites are maintained
 operational,one at about 135 degrees
 geographic west longitude and one at
 about 75 degrees geographic west
 longitude. The satellite inclination
 is typically within a few tenths of a
 degree of the geographic equator.
However, the satellites can be moved,
 especially during the six months to
 one year following launch, and the
 inclination can increase after years
 of satellite operation.
Instrument data quality flags are set
 from real-time telemetry, or, in
 the case of historically-processed
 data sets when telemetry is not
 available, fixed to a level-1
 instrument status flag for all data
Reference: Geostationary Operational
 Environmental Satellite GOES I-M
 System Description, compiled by John
 Savides, Space Systems/Loral, Palo
 Alto, California, December 1992.
 Dr. Terrance Onsager, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-5713,
 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305 USA,
 or Ann Newman, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-5100,
 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305 USA
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 14 Jul 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C
positions.  -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn  
-db, 20 Apr 93
Version 3.0: Major re-write, added  GOES-8 and GOES-9, -db 22 Feb 96.
Fixed 1-character xyz label problem,
   -db, 8 May 96
Minor text & label changes,
   -db, 29 Jul 96
Added global metadata, support_data  text, blank variable attrib. data  per Mona
Kessel sample file, -db, 5 Aug 96 
Added xyz GEO,GSE,GSM labels, 
 replacing 1 cartesian label  -db, 29 Aug 96 
Create 1 skeleton table for EPS for all GOES  preparing for the switch from
GOES-9 to 10  -anewman, 22 Jul 1998 
Added GOES-10 launch date and replaced Ann Newman with Martin Black as contact
person. -mblack, 18 Mar 1999 
Changed Epoch and Time_PB5 VAR_TYPEs from data to support_data, and changed
CATDESC values for position variables from s/c to GOES 11. for GSE and GSM mag
field vectors. These changes were requested by Mona Kessel. -mblack, 12 Apr 1999
Updated metadata with GOES-11 launch date and with a Logical_source value that
includes the word GOES. This is in preparation of GOES-11 replacing GOES-10 as
GOES West in late June, 2006 -anewman June 23, 2006
Back to top
The NOAA Geostationary Operational 
 Environmental Satellite (GOES) key
 parameters are obtained from the
 Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS) and
 and the magnetometer (MAG).  The
 key parameters are a subset of the 
 data available from the GOES Space
 Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments.
The vector magnetic field is 
 given as one-minute averaged values
 in three coordinate systems:
 (1) Spacecraft (s/c) P,E,N,
 (2) GSM x,y,z, (3) GSE x,y,z
s/c mag. field is defined as:
 Hp, perpendicular to the satellite
 orbital plane or parallel to the
 Earths spin axis in the case of
 a zero degree inclination orbit;
 He, perpendicular to Hp and
 directed earthwards; and
 Hn, perpendicular to both Hp and
 directed eastwards.
These data are used by
 NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC)
 for the real-time monitoring and
 prediction of the conditions in the
 Earth's space environment.  A new
 series of GOES spacecraft began
 with GOES-8 launched on 4/13/94,
 GOES-9 launched on 5/23/95,
 GOES-10 launched on 4/25/97,
 GOES-11 launched on 5/3/2000, and
 GOES-12 launched on 7/23/2001.
Typically two satellites are
 operational,one at about 135 degrees
 geographic west longitude and one at
 about 75 degrees geographic west
 longitude. The satellite inclination
 is typically within a few tenths of a
 degree of the geographic equator.
 However, the satellites can be moved,
 especially during the six months to
 one year following launch, and the
 inclination can increase after years
 of satellite operation.
Instrument data quality flags are set
 from real-time telemetry, or, in
 the case of historically-processed
 data sets when telemetry is not
 available, fixed to a level-1
 instrument status flag for all data
Reference: Monitoring Space
 Weather with GOES Magnetometers,
 Singer, H.J, L. Matheson, R.Grubb
 A.Newman, and S.D.Bouwer, SPIE
 Proceedings, Volume 2812,
 4-9 Aug 1996.  For more info, contact:
Dr. Howard Singer, NOAA/SEC,,303-497-6959
 325 Broadway,Boulder CO 80305 USA,
 or Ann Newman, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-5100,
 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305 USA
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 15 Dec 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added  Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C 
 Fixed ADID_ref from 97 to 96    -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units, fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn   
-db, 27 Apr 93
 Version 3.0, Major re-write of text, 
 corrected label_1 bug (now cartesian),
 added GOES-8 & 9 CDFs,-db,26 Jan 1996
 Corrected no. of elements on lines 
   477-479 (labels), -db 7 May 1996
 Minor text changes, -db 22 Jul 1996
Added global metadata, support_data  text, blank variable attrib. data  per Mona
Kessel sample file, -db, 5 Aug 96 
Added xyz GEO,GSE,GSM labels, 
 replacing 1 cartesian label  -db, 29 Aug 96 
Create 1 skeleton table for MAG for all GOES  preparing for the switch from
GOES-9 to 10  -anewman, 22 Jul 1998 
Added GOES-10 launch data and replaced Ann Newman with Martin Black as contact
person. -mblack, 18 Mar 1999 
Changed Epoch and Time_PB5 VAR_TYPEs from data to support_data, changed CATDESC
values for position variables from s/c to GOES 11, and added cartesian to
CATDESC for GSE and GSM mag field vectors. These changes were requested by Mona
Kessel. -mblack, 12 Apr 1999
Updated metadata with GOES-11 launch date and with a Logical_source value that
includes the word GOES. This is in preparation of GOES-11 replacing GOES-10 as
GOES West in late June, 2006 -anewman June 23, 2006
Back to top
The NOAA Geostationary Operational 
 Environmental Satellite (GOES) key
 parameters are obtained from the
 Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS)
 and the magnetometer (MAG).  The
 key parameters are a subset of the 
 data available from the GOES Space
 Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments.
The energetic particle fluxes are 
 given as five-minute averaged values
 and the vector magnetic field is given
 as one-minute average values.
Flux values for three integral electron
 channels (E >0.6 MeV, E >2.0 MeV,
 and E >4.0 MeV) and one differential
 proton channel(0.7 MeV < E <4 MeV)
 are provided. These data are used by
 NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC)
 for the real-time monitoring and
 prediction of the conditions in the
 Earth's space environment.  A new
 series of GOES spacecraft began
 with GOES-8 launched on 4/13/94,
 GOES-9 launched on 5/23/95, and
 GOES-10 launched on 4/25/97. Typically
 two satellites are maintained
 operational,one at about 135 degrees
 geographic west longitude and one at
 about 75 degrees geographic west
 longitude. The satellite inclination
 is typically within a few tenths of a
 degree of the geographic equator.
However, the satellites can be moved,
 especially during the six months to
 one year following launch, and the
 inclination can increase after years
 of satellite operation.
Instrument data quality flags are set
 from real-time telemetry, or, in
 the case of historically-processed
 data sets when telemetry is not
 available, fixed to a level-1
 instrument status flag for all data
Reference: Geostationary Operational
 Environmental Satellite GOES I-M
 System Description, compiled by John
 Savides, Space Systems/Loral, Palo
 Alto, California, December 1992.
 Dr. Terrance Onsager, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-5713,
 Boulder CO 80303 USA,
 or Martin Black, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-7235,
 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80303 USA
Modification History
GOES 12 energetic particle 
data are not available due to 
the failure of two proton channels 
in the detectors.  These channels were 
used for the correction and processing of 
the proton and electron data.  Beginning 
April 8, 2003, the GOES energetic particle 
data are obtained from GOES 10 only. 
Back to top
The NOAA Geostationary Operational 
 Environmental Satellite (GOES) key
 parameters are obtained from the
 Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS) and
 and the magnetometer (MAG).  The
 key parameters are a subset of the 
 data available from the GOES Space
 Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments.
The vector magnetic field is 
 given as one-minute averaged values
 in three coordinate systems:
 (1) Spacecraft (s/c) P,E,N,
 (2) GSM x,y,z, (3) GSE x,y,z
s/c mag. field is defined as:
 Hp, perpendicular to the satellite
 orbital plane or parallel to the
 Earths spin axis in the case of
 a zero degree inclination orbit;
 He, perpendicular to Hp and
 directed earthwards; and
 Hn, perpendicular to both Hp and
 directed eastwards.
These data are used by
 NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC)
 for the real-time monitoring and
 prediction of the conditions in the
 Earth's space environment.  A new
 series of GOES spacecraft began
 with GOES-8 launched on 4/13/94,
 GOES-9 launched on 5/23/95, and
 GOES-10 launched on 4/25/97.
Typically two satellites are
 operational,one at about 135 degrees
 geographic west longitude and one at
 about 75 degrees geographic west
 longitude. The satellite inclination
 is typically within a few tenths of a
 degree of the geographic equator.
 However, the satellites can be moved,
 especially during the six months to
 one year following launch, and the
 inclination can increase after years
 of satellite operation.
Instrument data quality flags are set
 from real-time telemetry, or, in
 the case of historically-processed
 data sets when telemetry is not
 available, fixed to a level-1
 instrument status flag for all data
Reference: Monitoring Space
 Weather with GOES Magnetometers,
 Singer, H.J, L. Matheson, R.Grubb
 A.Newman, and S.D.Bouwer, SPIE
 Proceedings, Volume 2812,
 4-9 Aug 1996.  For more info, contact:
Dr. Howard Singer, NOAA/SEC,,303-497-6959
 325 Broadway,Boulder CO 80305 USA,
 or Ann Newman, NOAA/SEC,, 303-497-5100,
 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305 USA
Modification History
 Version 2.0: 1st operational version,-db, 15 Dec 92
 Corrected S/C location error & added  Geographic (not geodetic) & GEO S/C 
 Fixed ADID_ref from 97 to 96    -db, 16 Feb 93
 Added unit_ptr to s/c position units, fixed CATDES on SC_pos_sm, fixed GSn   
-db, 27 Apr 93
 Version 3.0, Major re-write of text, 
 corrected label_1 bug (now cartesian),
 added GOES-8 & 9 CDFs,-db,26 Jan 1996
 Corrected no. of elements on lines 
   477-479 (labels), -db 7 May 1996
 Minor text changes, -db 22 Jul 1996
Added global metadata, support_data  text, blank variable attrib. data  per Mona
Kessel sample file, -db, 5 Aug 96 
Added xyz GEO,GSE,GSM labels, 
 replacing 1 cartesian label  -db, 29 Aug 96 
Create 1 skeleton table for MAG for all GOES  preparing for the switch from
GOES-9 to 10  -anewman, 22 Jul 1998 
Added GOES-10 launch data and replaced Ann Newman with Martin Black as contact
person. -mblack, 18 Mar 1999 
Changed Epoch and Time_PB5 VAR_TYPEs from data to support_data, changed CATDESC
values for position variables from s/c to GOES 12, and added cartesian to
CATDESC for GSE and GSM mag field vectors. These changes were requested by Mona
Kessel. -mblack, 12 Apr 1999
Back to top
Helios1 COHOweb connection
Back to top
Helios2 COHOweb connection
Back to top
Gurnett, D. A., and L. A. Frank, A region of intense plasma wave turbulences on
auroral field lines, JGR, 82, 1031, 1977
Farrell, W. M., and J. A. Van Allen, Observations of the Earth"s  polar cleft at
large radial distances with Hawkeye 1 magnetometer, JGR, 95, 20945, 1990
Modification History
Created by S. Chen on 2-5-97
Modified by R. Kessel on 13 June 2000
Back to top
BUILD_DATE:                     1974-01-01
INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT:       0.058 mt
INSTRUMENT_LENGTH:       0.140 mt
INSTRUMENT_WIDTH:         0.140 mt
                         Electric Antenna
The electric antenna on HAWKEYE consisted of two extendible beryllium copper
elements 0.025 inch in diameter which could be extended to a maximum tip-to-tip
length of 42.7 m. Except for the outermost 6.1 m of each element, which had a
conducting surface, the antenna was coated with Pyre-ML to electrically insulate
the antenna from the surrounding plasma. The insulating coating was required to
insulate the antenna from the perturbing effects of the plasma sheath
surrounding the spacecraft body. At high altitudes, the thickness of the plasma
sheath surrounding  the spacecraft body was quit large, on the order of 9 m.
Since the conducting portion of the antenna must extend beyond the plasma
sheath, it was necessary that the antenna be rather long, at least 30 m.
tip-to-tip. The antenna mechanism used on HAWKEYE was the Dual-Tee extendible
antenna manufactured by Fairchild Industries. The antenna length was 42.49
meters after final deployment until the last orbit, when an attempt was made to
retract the antenna to reduce the spacecraft drag.
                   Magnetic Antenna
 The magnetic antenna for this experiment consisted of a search coil with a high
permeability core mounted on a boom approximately 1.5 m. from the centerline of
the spacecraft body. The boom was a three element telescoping device developed
at the University of Iowa. The boom supporting the flux gate magnetometer on the
opposite side of the spacecraft was the same type. Both booms were extended
simultaneously by an electric motor.
           The search coil core was .305 m. long and was wound with
approximately 20,000 turns of copper wire. The axis of the search coil was
parallel to the spin axis of the spacecraft. A preamplifier was located with the
sensor to provide low-impedance signals to the main electronics package in the
spacecraft body. The frequency range of the search coil antenna was from 1.0 Hz
to 10.0 kHz.
 The potential difference between the electric antenna elements was amplified by
a high input impedance differential amplifier to provide a 0 to 5 volt analog
voltage, V-Diff, to the spacecraft encoder. As the spacecraft rotated the
potential difference between the antenna elements  varied sinusoidally at the
spacecraft rotation rate, with an amplitude proportional to the electric field
strength and a phase determined by the direction of the electric field. The
frequency response of the differential amplifier was 0.05 Hz to 10 Hz and
included the entire range of spin rates expected as the antenna was deployed.
The V-Diff signal was sampled 6 times each frame by the encoder. The gain of the
differential amplifier could be controlled by command to provide dynamic ranges
of +/-0.5 and +/-8.0 volts for the antenna potential difference measurements.
           Signals from the electric antenna in the frequency range from 10 kHz
to 200 kHz were analyzed by the narrow band step frequency receiver. The primary
purpose of this receiver was to provide very good frequency resolution in the
neighborhood of the electron plasma frequency and upper hybrid resonance
frequency. The step frequency receiver consisted of 8 narrow band filters (+/-5%
band-width) which were sequentially switched into a log compressor. The  log
compressor provided a 0 to 5 volt analog voltage, SFR, to the spacecraft
encoder. The switch (S4) position was controlled by clock lines from the
spacecraft encoder and was stepped through 8 frequencies, 13.3, 17.8, 23.7,
31.1, 42.2, 56.2, 100, and 178 kHz, at a rate of four frequencies per telemetry
frame (5.76 seconds). The log compressor provided a 0 to 5 volt analog voltage,
SFR, to the spacecraft encoder which was proportional to the logarithm of the
signal strength over a dynamic range of 100 db.
           The 8-channel spectrum analyzer  provided relatively coarse frequency
spectrum measurements of both electric and magnetic fields over a broad
frequency range of 1.0 Hz to 10.0 kHz. The primary purpose of the 8-channel
spectrum analyzer was to provide field strength measurements to complement the
high-resolution frequency-time spectra from the wide-band receiver.
           Switches S1 and S2 were controlled by clock lines from the spacecraft
encoder and commutate the filter outputs to two log compressors which provided
field strength measurements SA-1 and SA-2 (0 to 5 volts) to the spacecraft
encoder. These outputs were sampled twice per telemetry frame. Switch S3, which
was controlled by a clock line, commutates the electric and magnetic field
signals to the 8-channel spectrum analyzer.
          Approximately every 5 minutes the impedance of the electric antenna
was determined at a frequency of 17 Hz by driving a small AC current into the
antennas and measuring the resultant voltage on the antennas with the 8-channel
spectrum analyzer. The 17 Hz oscillator was gated on for 1 frame out of every 64
frames by a clock line.
           Immediately following the impedance measurement the pulser circuit
produced a 10 volt pulse with a duration of 20 micro- seconds. This pulse was to
stimulate local plasma resonances, such as plasma oscillation, from which the
electron density could be determined. A pulse of +10 volts was applied to one
antenna element and a -10 volt pulse was applied to the opposite antenna
element. The pulser was switched on by command. The pulser was on when the
experiment was in VLF45 mode and off when the experiment was in the VLF10 mode.
The pulser voltage was coupled to the antenna through a 220 pf capacitor which
would have allowed some meaningful data to be obtained from the experiment even
if the pulser output were to short to ground. The pulse was applied at the end
of the impedance measurement frame.
 The potential difference between the electric antenna elements was amplified by
a high input impedance differential amplifier to provide a 0 to 5 volt analog
voltage, V-Diff, to the spacecraft encoder. As the spacecraft rotated the
potential difference between the antenna elements  varied sinusoidally at the
spacecraft rotation rate, with an amplitude proportional to the electric field
strength and a phase determined by the direction of the electric field. The
frequency response of the differential amplifier was 0.05 Hz to 10 Hz and
included the entire range of spin rates expected as the antenna was deployed.
The V-Diff signal was sampled 6 times each frame by the encoder. The gain of the
differential amplifier could be controlled by command to provide dynamic ranges
of +/-0.5 and +/-8.0 volts for the antenna potential difference measurements.
           Signals from the electric antenna in the frequency range from 10 kHz
to 200 kHz were analyzed by the narrow band step frequency receiver. The primary
purpose of this receiver was to provide very good frequency resolution in the
neighborhood of the electron plasma frequency and upper hybrid resonance
frequency. The step frequency receiver consisted of 8 narrow band filters (+/-5%
band-width) which were sequentially switched into a log compressor. The  log
compressor provided a 0 to 5 volt analog voltage, SFR, to the spacecraft
encoder. The switch (S4) position was controlled by clock lines from the
spacecraft encoder and was stepped through 8 frequencies, 13.3, 17.8, 23.7,
31.1, 42.2, 56.2, 100, and 178 kHz, at a rate of four frequencies per telemetry
frame (5.76 seconds). The log compressor provided a 0 to 5 volt analog voltage,
SFR, to the spacecraft encoder which was proportional to the logarithm of the
signal strength over a dynamic range of 100 db.
           The 8-channel spectrum analyzer  provided relatively coarse frequency
spectrum measurements of both electric and magnetic fields over a broad
frequency range of 1.0 Hz to 10.0 kHz. The primary purpose of the 8-channel
spectrum analyzer was to provide field strength measurements to complement the
high-resolution frequency-time spectra from the wide-band receiver.
           Switches S1 and S2 were controlled by clock lines from the spacecraft
encoder and commutate the filter outputs to two log compressors which provided
field strength measurements SA-1 and SA-2 (0 to 5 volts) to the spacecraft
encoder. These outputs were sampled twice per telemetry frame. Switch S3, which
was controlled by a clock line, commutates the electric and magnetic field
signals to the 8-channel spectrum analyzer.
          Approximately every 5 minutes the impedance of the electric antenna
was determined at a frequency of 17 Hz by driving a small AC current into the
antennas and measuring the resultant voltage on the antennas with the 8-channel
spectrum analyzer. The 17 Hz oscillator was gated on for 1 frame out of every 64
frames by a clock line.
           Immediately following the impedance measurement the pulser circuit
produced a 10 volt pulse with a duration of 20 micro- seconds. This pulse was to
stimulate local plasma resonances, such as plasma oscillation, from which the
electron density could be determined. A pulse of +10 volts was applied to one
antenna element and a -10 volt pulse was applied to the opposite antenna
element. The pulser was switched on by command. The pulser was on when the
experiment was in VLF45 mode and off when the experiment was in the VLF10 mode.
The pulser voltage was coupled to the antenna through a 220 pf capacitor which
would have allowed some meaningful data to be obtained from the experiment even
if the pulser output were to short to ground. The pulse was applied at the end
of the impedance measurement frame.
Modification History
CDF created Jan 1999 by Mona Kessel
modified Aug 1999 by Mona Kessel, Carolyn Ng
modified Oct 1999 by Mona Kessel
modified Nov 1999 by Mona Kessel, final for archiving
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 1 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1998
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
A 7-track ISIS 2 analog telemetry tape from Ottawa (#561) has been 
digitized using the GSFC facilities of the Data Evaluation Laboratory 
(DEL) within the Mission Operations and Data Systems Directorate (Code 
500) at Goddard.  The digitization was performed using an A/D 
converter board and software device driver compatible with the OS/2 
operating system used by the 486-based Programmable Telemetry 
Processor (PTP) associated software has been installed on their PTP 
and de-bugged so that we now have a working system for making digital 
ISIS ionograms directly from the telemetry tapes.  Earlier, we 
successfully digitized the PCM and NASA 36 bit time-code data from 
this same tape. The ionograms were digitized at the rate of 40,000 
16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is higher than the Nyquist 
frequency of 30 kHz appropriate for the post-detection ISIS 2 
sounder-receiver video output which extends from DC to 15 kHz (see p. 
50 of the 1971 ISIS 2 report by Daniels).  The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (ct/2) interval of 3.747 km.  With the ISIS 2 prf of 45 
sounder pulses/s, there are (1/45)/(2.5**(-5)) = 888.89 samples 
between each of the approximately 1015 sounder pulses per ionogram 
(including the fixed-frequency portion) or nearly 10**6 16-bit 
samples/ionogram (approximately 1.8 MBytes) for just the 
sounder-receiver video data. Adding header information, and the pcm 
data containing data from the other instruments, yields about 2 MBytes 
of data for the 22.5 s period corresponding to one ionogram. Two steps 
were taken in order to reduce this large volume of nearly 2 
MBytes/ionogram.  First, every four 25 microsecond samples following 
the sounder pulse were averaged.  Second, the 16 bit samples were 
reduced to 8 bit samples.  The first step decreased the apparent-range 
resolution to 15 km, but yielded high-quality ionograms because of the 
improved S/N due to the averaging. 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
This ionogram was digitized from the original ISIS 2 analog 
telemetry data on 7-track tape using the facilities of the Data 
Evaluation Laboratory at GSFC (Code 500). This data restoration 
project is headed by Dr. R.F. Benson (GSFC, Code 692). Ionograms were 
digitized at the rate of 40,000 16-bit samples/sec. This sample rate is 
higher than the Nyquist frequency of 30 kHz. The sample frequency of 40 
kHz provides a measurement every 25 microseconds corresponding to an 
apparent range (c*t/2) interval of 3.747 km. Each ionogram consists 
of a fixed-frequency and and a swept-frequency portion. The time 
resolution is typically 24 seconds. More information can be found 
at http://nssdc/space/isis/isis-status.html 
Modification History
created April 1995
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
This CDF format data set, I8_15sec_mag, version 2, ID=73-078A-01P (SPHE-00862)
was made at NSSDC from the corrected ASCII version 
73-078A-01O (SPHE-00861) in NSSDC's online FTP server interface NSSDCFTP.
, which itself was created at NSSDC by converting the PI-provided 15.36-sec
binary data set
 73-078A-01N (SPHE-00860) to ASCII and simultaneously rejecting
 many little-used data words. With one exception (the number of detail p
oints is omitted), the parameters in this CDF are exactly those included
 in the ASCII version 2 data set 73-078A-01O, which are: time, number of
sequences, spacecraft
 position (GSE and GSM), field magnitude, field cartesian components (GS
E and GSM), and the variances and covariances of the GSE field component
Unlike the original binary source data set, (73-078A-01N), this CDF data 
set and its ASCII version both use a common January 1 = day 1 convention
 throughout. The ASCII version of this data set is accessible at 
the NSSDCFTP interface: 
In making this CDF, an intermediate data file was generated first, which
 duplicates the X components of the position and of the B vector, and in
serts the new values explicitly in the GSM coordinate versions, so that 
the input to the CDF has all three components explicitly given for the G
SM coordinates. 
Modification History
Master CDF made 10/19/99 by H. K. Hills, NSSDC. Modified to revised form v02 on
Back to top
30-min avg flex I8 GME
Modification History
v0.1 (vv01) May/Aug97  orig 30-min design V0.2 (vv02) Nov97  split protons into 
two vars by energies  (not needed virvars) V0.3 (vv03) Jul/Aug98  cleaned up var
names & set up for virvars V0.4 (vv04) Aug98  defined virvars for  alternate
Back to top
See online MIT documentation
Modification History
 CDF versions created August 2004
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Back to top
Generated by SSCWeb from Heather Franz's "Second Experimental Ephemeris" as
approved by IMP-8 PIs 
Modification History
Originated 03/14/96
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
Measurements of spectra and anisotropy of electrons witin energy ranges 20-40
keV from two time-of-flight detectors EM-1-1 and EM-1-2. The field of view of
these detectors are directed oppositely and perpendicular to the satellite 
rotation axis. 
Data description: rball.html  
Modification History
created Sep 1998
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
created Apr 1997
Back to top
Count rate of H+, O+ ions in 2 min, three directions, (1-30 keV) Status flag
shows instrument mode.
Data description: 
Modification History
created Sep 1998
Back to top
Full description: 
Full description: 
Modification History
created May 1997
Back to top
Full description: 
Full description: 
Modification History
created May 1997
edited global attributes Apr 1996
Back to top
References:     1.Troshichev O.A. et al, Planet.Space Sci.,   36, 1095, 1988. 
2.Vennerstrom S. et al,  Report UAG-103, World Data Center A for STP, Boulder,
April 1994 
PC-index is an empirical magnetic activity index based on data from single
near-pole station (Thule or Vostok for N or S hemispheres, respectively).
Its derivation procedure is optimized to achieve the best correlation of 
PC-index with the solar wind electric field (SWEF) magnitude (
v*B*sin(teta/2)**2 ). 
The averaged horizontal magnetic disturbance vector (quiet  value subtracted) is
projected onto the optimal direction (defined  empirically for each UT hour and
each season based on the best correlation  with the SWEF) and, after
normalization to the equivalent value  of SWEF, it gives the PC-index (expressed
in mV/m). 
Although PC-index is  formally expressed in mV/m, it actually represents the 
measure of magnetic activity, the normalization procedure (to SWEF)  helps to
reduce the seasonal/diurnal effects to facilitate the intercomparison.
The resolution of the northern cap PC-index is 5 min and of the one from
southern cap - 15 min. However, one time scale with the 5 min step is used for
both indices and each  15 min averaged value of southern index is, hence,
repeated for three times. 
Full description: 
Modification History
created Mar 1996
Back to top
Modification History
Back to top
Modification History
Back to top
Modification History
Back to top
Modification History
Back to top
Modification History
Back to top
Modification History
Back to top
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
Modification History
Master with plasmagram vv's re-integrated with data CDFs 12/6/00 REM; 
SKTEditor review and corrections applied to master 12/6/00 REM;
Back to top
SKT version 24-July-2000 
Mende et al: Far Ultraviolet Imaging from the IMAGE Spacecraft,Space Sciences
Review 1999  
Back to top
SKT version 24-July-2000
Mende et al: Far Ultraviolet Imaging from the IMAGE Spacecraft,Space Sciences
Review 1999  
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
Back to top
Modification History
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Back to top
Modification History
Back to top
               Magnetic field measurements on the  Interball- Tail  satellites
are carried out by IZMIRAN and Space Research Institute RAS  (SRI)   
       since 1995.  Satellite has  the orbits  with  apogee 200000 (30 Re)  and
perigee 500 km. and provides measurements in the solar wind and in the different
       regions of the magnetosphere at the same time with Geotail, Polar and
Interbal-A working in the magnetosphere and  Wind, ACE in the solar wind. 
        Magnetic field measurements on-board the Interball  Tail Probe are
carried out by the FM-3I and MFI instruments. FM-3I consists of two flux-gate
       magnetometers M1 and  M2  covering two  different  ranges:  200  nT  and 
1000  nT.  The   M2 instrument is mostly  used to perform the  attitude 
       control of  the INTERBALL TAIL spacecraft.   M1 magnetometer data are
transmitted to the scientific SSNI  telemetry  system at rates  0.125-16
       depending on the instrument  operating mode. The magnetic field data from
the M2 magnetometer are transmitted at the  rate 1 vectors per 6 sec. to  the
       BNS attitude  control  system.  MFI magnetometer has the next parameters:
measured range 0.3-37.5 nT, frequency range 0-2  Hz, sampling rate  from 1/4
       to 8 measurements per second. FM-3 M2 magnetometer failed in February
1996, FM-3 M1 and MFI are working until now. 
                  Data presented here are the  combination of the data of all
magnetometers. First of all   FM-3 M1 data are used,  if they are absent, used
MFI data
       and if data of both magnetometer are absent, FM-3 M2 data presented. In
case of FM-3 M1 and MFI, data are averaged for 6 seconds intervals. 
Modification History
created CDF August 2000 by Mona Kessel, data provided by
Dr. Valery G. Petrov ZMIRAN, 
       Troitsk, Moscow region, 
       142092, Russia
Back to top
Radioemission flux measured in 100, 252, 500 kHz ranges, the passband 10 kHz.
Loop antenna with 1.5 m2 area is used.
Full description: 
Modification History
created May 1996
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
created July 1996
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
created Mar 1996
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
created Mar 1996
Back to top
Count rate of H+, O+ ions in 2 min, three directions, (1-30 keV) Status flag
shows instrument mode.
Data description: 
Modification History
created Feb 1996
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
created Feb 1996
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
created Feb 1997
Back to top
Magnetic field averages and variance are computed from 4 Hz or 1 Hz data 
Mf1 magnetic field AC amplitudes are measured by fluxgate sensor.
Mf2 magnetic field AC amplitudes are measured by search-coil.
Mf3 plasma wave AC amplitudesare measured by Langmuir splitprobe.
Full description: 
Modification History
created Jan 1998
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
created Mar 1996
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Back to top
This file contains numerical moments computed from measurements of the 
Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA) [Bame et al., 
Rev. Sci. Inst., in press 1993]. 
The moments are presented in s/c coordinates: the z-axis is aligned with 
the spin axis, which points radially toward the center of the Earth; 
the x-axis is in the plane containing the spacecraft spin axis and the spin 
axis of the Earth, with +X generally northward; and the y-axis points 
generally eastward. Polar angles are measured relative to the spin axis 
(+Z), and azimuthal angles are measured around the z-axis, with zero along 
the +X direction. The moments are computed for three 'species': 
lop (low-ener. ions, ~1eV/e-~130eV/e); hip (hi-ener. ions, ~130eV/e-~45keV/e);
 alle (electrons, ~30eV - ~45keV ). The electron measurements are obtained 
21.5 secs after the ion measurements. Epoch is the measurement time 
appropriate for the ions. The moments are computed after the fluxes are 
corrected for background and s/c potential. Algorithms for these corrections
 are relatively unsophisticated, so the moments are suspect during times of 
high background and/or high spacecraft potential. Because the determined  
spacecraft potential is not very precise, the magnitude of the low-energy 
ion flow velocity is probably not accurate, but the flow direction is well 
determined.  Tperp and Tpara are obtained from diagonalization of the  
3-dimensional temperature matrix, with the parallel direction assigned 
to the eigenvalue which is most different from the other two. 
The corresponding eigenvector is the symmetry axis of the distribution and 
should be equivalent to the magnetic field direction. The eigenvalue ratio 
Tperp/Tmid, which is provided for each species, is a measure of the symmetry 
of the distribution and should be ~1.0 for a good determination. Several of  
the parameters have a fairly high daily dynamic range and for survey purposes 
are best displayed logarithmically. These parameters are indicated by  
non-zero 'SCALEMIN' values in this file. A quality flag value of 1  
indicates that the values are  preliminary and have not been checked 
in detail. 
Modification History
Created SEP 1992 Modified JAN 1993 
Electron time tags removed Mag Latitude added 
Local time added Post Gap flag added 
Ratio variables changed Modified SEP 1994 
Changes noted in mail message from M.Kessel 
Back to top
     Electron, proton and helium measurements are taken every 160 ms from one 
of the three telescopes according to the following sequence:  T1, T2, T3, 
T2, T1, T2 etc.  Heavy ion data accumulated from each of the three telescopes 
again according to the timing and sequence above and summed for 10.24 seconds
which is approximately one spacecraft rotation.  SOPA Key Parameters are 
normally averaged over three telescopes for ~ 1 minute (6 - 10.24 second
data accumulation cycles) giving an average over much of the sky.  The time 
associated with each set of Key Parameters is determined by using the time 
(in minutes of the day) at the start of each data collection cycle as an index
into an array of 1440 time slots dividing the day into 1440 one minute 
intervals.  The time reported is the midpoint of each interval.  
     We provide six fluxes:
        Low energy Protons:  50 keV to 400 keV
        High energy Protons: 1.2 MeV to 5 MeV
        Low energy Electrons:  50 keV to 225 keV
        High energy Electrons: 315 keV to 1.5 MeV
        Helium      : ~0.9 MeV to ~1.3 Mev
        Heavy Ions  : ~5 MeV to ~15 MeV (includes carbon, nitrogen,
                       and oxygen
     We also compute two electron temperatures and densities and two proton
temperatures and densities.  These are based on approximately the same energy
ranges as the fluxes given in above and are determined for relativistic
Maxwellian distributions.  
Status of SOPA Instrument 1990-095:  Loss of all ion data as of July 1992
All three thin, front, D1 detectors have failed, having become intolerably
noisy.  The net result of this failure is the complete loss of proton, 
helium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and other high Z Key Parameter data from
the instrument.  Since all three thick, back D2 detectors are still 
operating normally, the electron measurements remain only insignificantly 
Data is flagged with a data quality flag as follows:
   +1 Data is Good
    0 Data is Suspect
   -1 Data is Unusable
References:   Belian, R. D., Gisler, G. R., Cayton, T. E., Christensen, R. A.,
High-Z Energetic Particles at Geosynchronous Orbit During The Great Solar 
Proton Event Series of October 1989, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 16897, 1992
Modification History
created 30-Nov-1992 
added text to describe instrument 04-Feb-1993
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Back to top
This file contains numerical moments computed from measurements of the 
Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA) [Bame et al., 
Rev. Sci. Inst., in press 1993]. 
The moments are presented in s/c coordinates: the z-axis is aligned with 
the spin axis, which points radially toward the center of the Earth; 
the x-axis is in the plane containing the spacecraft spin axis and the spin 
axis of the Earth, with +X generally northward; and the y-axis points 
generally eastward. Polar angles are measured relative to the spin axis 
(+Z), and azimuthal angles are measured around the z-axis, with zero along 
the +X direction. The moments are computed for three 'species': 
lop (low-ener. ions, ~1eV/e-~130eV/e); hip (hi-ener. ions, ~130eV/e-~45keV/e);
 alle (electrons, ~30eV - ~45keV ). The electron measurements are obtained 
21.5 secs after the ion measurements. Epoch is the measurement time 
appropriate for the ions. The moments are computed after the fluxes are 
corrected for background and s/c potential. Algorithms for these corrections
 are relatively unsophisticated, so the moments are suspect during times of 
high background and/or high spacecraft potential. Because the determined  
spacecraft potential is not very precise, the magnitude of the low-energy 
ion flow velocity is probably not accurate, but the flow direction is well 
determined.  Tperp and Tpara are obtained from diagonalization of the  
3-dimensional temperature matrix, with the parallel direction assigned 
to the eigenvalue which is most different from the other two. 
The corresponding eigenvector is the symmetry axis of the distribution and 
should be equivalent to the magnetic field direction. The eigenvalue ratio 
Tperp/Tmid, which is provided for each species, is a measure of the symmetry 
of the distribution and should be ~1.0 for a good determination. Several of  
the parameters have a fairly high daily dynamic range and for survey purposes 
are best displayed logarithmically. These parameters are indicated by  
non-zero 'SCALEMIN' values in this file. A quality flag value of 1  
indicates that the values are  preliminary and have not been checked 
in detail. 
Modification History
Created SEP 1992 Modified JAN 1993 
Electron time tags removed Mag Latitude added 
Local time added Post Gap flag added 
Ratio variables changed Modified SEP 1994 
Changes noted in mail message from M.Kessel 
Back to top
     Electron, proton and helium measurements are taken every 160 ms from one 
of the three telescopes according to the following sequence:  T1, T2, T3, 
T2, T1, T2 etc.  Heavy ion data accumulated from each of the three telescopes 
again according to the timing and sequence above and summed for 10.24 seconds
which is approximately one spacecraft rotation.  SOPA Key Parameters are 
normally averaged over three telescopes for ~ 1 minute (6 - 10.24 second
data accumulation cycles) giving an average over much of the sky.  The time 
associated with each set of Key Parameters is determined by using the time 
(in minutes of the day) at the start of each data collection cycle as an index
into an array of 1440 time slots dividing the day into 1440 one minute 
intervals.  The time reported is the midpoint of each interval.  
     We provide six fluxes:
        Low energy Protons:  50 keV to 400 keV
        High energy Protons: 1.2 MeV to 5 MeV
        Low energy Electrons:  50 keV to 225 keV
        High energy Electrons: 315 keV to 1.5 MeV
        Helium      : ~0.9 MeV to ~1.3 Mev
        Heavy Ions  : ~5 MeV to ~15 MeV (includes carbon, nitrogen,
                       and oxygen
     We also compute two electron temperatures and densities and two proton
temperatures and densities.  These are based on approximately the same energy
ranges as the fluxes given in above and are determined for relativistic
Maxwellian distributions.  
Status of SOPA Instrument 1991-080:  Operating normally as of 01-Feb-1993
with the following exception.  Detector D1 on Telescope 2 is becoming noisy.
This affects proton and ion data from that telescope.  Bad data is disabled 
thru software in the ground processing and is NOT averaged into the Key 
parameter data.  Therefore, the parameters given are good but do not cover 
the same percentage of the sky.
Data is flagged with a data quality flag as follows:
   +1 Data is Good
    0 Data is Suspect
   -1 Data is Unusable
LANL personnel should be contacted before using any data tagged as suspect.
References:   Belian, R. D., Gisler, G. R., Cayton, T. E., Christensen, R. A.,
High-Z Energetic Particles at Geosynchronous Orbit During The Great Solar 
Proton Event Series of October 1989, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 16897, 1992
Modification History
created 30-Nov-1992 
added text to describe instrument 04-Feb-1993
Back to top
This file contains numerical moments computed from measurements of the 
Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA) [Bame et al., 
Rev. Sci. Inst., in press 1993]. 
The moments are presented in s/c coordinates: the z-axis is aligned with 
the spin axis, which points radially toward the center of the Earth; 
the x-axis is in the plane containing the spacecraft spin axis and the spin 
axis of the Earth, with +X generally northward; and the y-axis points 
generally eastward. Polar angles are measured relative to the spin axis 
(+Z), and azimuthal angles are measured around the z-axis, with zero along 
the +X direction. The moments are computed for three 'species': 
lop (low-ener. ions, ~1eV/e-~130eV/e); hip (hi-ener. ions, ~130eV/e-~45keV/e);
 alle (electrons, ~30eV - ~45keV ). The electron measurements are obtained 
21.5 secs after the ion measurements. Epoch is the measurement time 
appropriate for the ions. The moments are computed after the fluxes are 
corrected for background and s/c potential. Algorithms for these corrections
 are relatively unsophisticated, so the moments are suspect during times of 
high background and/or high spacecraft potential. Because the determined  
spacecraft potential is not very precise, the magnitude of the low-energy 
ion flow velocity is probably not accurate, but the flow direction is well 
determined.  Tperp and Tpara are obtained from diagonalization of the  
3-dimensional temperature matrix, with the parallel direction assigned 
to the eigenvalue which is most different from the other two. 
The corresponding eigenvector is the symmetry axis of the distribution and 
should be equivalent to the magnetic field direction. The eigenvalue ratio 
Tperp/Tmid, which is provided for each species, is a measure of the symmetry 
of the distribution and should be ~1.0 for a good determination. Several of  
the parameters have a fairly high daily dynamic range and for survey purposes 
are best displayed logarithmically. These parameters are indicated by  
non-zero 'SCALEMIN' values in this file. A quality flag value of 1  
indicates that the values are  preliminary and have not been checked 
in detail. 
Modification History
Created SEP 1992 Modified JAN 1993 
Electron time tags removed Mag Latitude added 
Local time added Post Gap flag added 
Ratio variables changed Modified SEP 1994 
Changes noted in mail message from M.Kessel 
Back to top
     Electron, proton and helium measurements are taken every 160 ms from one 
of the three telescopes according to the following sequence:  T1, T2, T3, 
T2, T1, T2 etc.  Heavy ion data accumulated from each of the three telescopes 
again according to the timing and sequence above and summed for 10.24 seconds
which is approximately one spacecraft rotation.  SOPA Key Parameters are 
normally averaged over three telescopes for ~ 1 minute (6 - 10.24 second
data accumulation cycles) giving an average over much of the sky.  The time 
associated with each set of Key Parameters is determined by using the time 
(in minutes of the day) at the start of each data collection cycle as an index
into an array of 1440 time slots dividing the day into 1440 one minute 
intervals.  The time reported is the midpoint of each interval.  
     We provide six fluxes:
        Low energy Protons:  50 keV to 400 keV
        High energy Protons: 1.2 MeV to 5 MeV
        Low energy Electrons:  50 keV to 225 keV
        High energy Electrons: 315 keV to 1.5 MeV
        Helium      : ~0.9 MeV to ~1.3 Mev
        Heavy Ions  : ~5 MeV to ~15 MeV (includes carbon, nitrogen,
                       and oxygen
     We also compute two electron temperatures and densities and two proton
temperatures and densities.  These are based on approximately the same energy
ranges as the fluxes given in above and are determined for relativistic
Maxwellian distributions.  
Status of SOPA Instrument 1994-084:  Operating normally as of 01-Jan-1996
Data is flagged with a data quality flag as follows:
   +1 Data is Good
    0 Data is Suspect
   -1 Data is Unusable
LANL personnel should be contacted before using any data tagged as suspect.
References:   Belian, R. D., Gisler, G. R., Cayton, T. E., Christensen, R. A.,
High-Z Energetic Particles at Geosynchronous Orbit During The Great Solar 
Proton Event Series of October 1989, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 16897, 1992
Modification History
created 30-Nov-1992 
added text to describe instrument 04-Feb-1993
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created OCT 1998 
Back to top
This file contains numerical moments computed from measurements of the 
Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA) [Bame et al., 
Rev. Sci. Inst., in press 1993]. 
The moments are presented in s/c coordinates: the z-axis is aligned with 
the spin axis, which points radially toward the center of the Earth; 
the x-axis is in the plane containing the spacecraft spin axis and the spin 
axis of the Earth, with +X generally northward; and the y-axis points 
generally eastward. Polar angles are measured relative to the spin axis 
(+Z), and azimuthal angles are measured around the z-axis, with zero along 
the +X direction. The moments are computed for three 'species': 
lop (low-ener. ions, ~1eV/e-~130eV/e); hip (hi-ener. ions, ~130eV/e-~45keV/e);
 alle (electrons, ~30eV - ~45keV ). The electron measurements are obtained 
21.5 secs after the ion measurements. Epoch is the measurement time 
appropriate for the ions. The moments are computed after the fluxes are 
corrected for background and s/c potential. Algorithms for these corrections
 are relatively unsophisticated, so the moments are suspect during times of 
high background and/or high spacecraft potential. Because the determined  
spacecraft potential is not very precise, the magnitude of the low-energy 
ion flow velocity is probably not accurate, but the flow direction is well 
determined.  Tperp and Tpara are obtained from diagonalization of the  
3-dimensional temperature matrix, with the parallel direction assigned 
to the eigenvalue which is most different from the other two. 
The corresponding eigenvector is the symmetry axis of the distribution and 
should be equivalent to the magnetic field direction. The eigenvalue ratio 
Tperp/Tmid, which is provided for each species, is a measure of the symmetry 
of the distribution and should be ~1.0 for a good determination. Several of  
the parameters have a fairly high daily dynamic range and for survey purposes 
are best displayed logarithmically. These parameters are indicated by  
non-zero 'SCALEMIN' values in this file. A quality flag value of 1  
indicates that the values are  preliminary and have not been checked 
in detail. 
Modification History
Created SEP 1992 Modified JAN 1993 
Electron time tags removed Mag Latitude added 
Local time added Post Gap flag added 
Ratio variables changed Modified SEP 1994 
Changes noted in mail message from M.Kessel 
Back to top
     Electron, proton and helium measurements are taken every 160 ms from one 
of the three telescopes according to the following sequence:  T1, T2, T3, 
T2, T1, T2 etc.  Heavy ion data accumulated from each of the three telescopes 
again according to the timing and sequence above and summed for 10.24 seconds
which is approximately one spacecraft rotation.  SOPA Key Parameters are 
normally averaged over three telescopes for ~ 1 minute (6 - 10.24 second
data accumulation cycles) giving an average over much of the sky.  The time 
associated with each set of Key Parameters is determined by using the time 
(in minutes of the day) at the start of each data collection cycle as an index
into an array of 1440 time slots dividing the day into 1440 one minute 
intervals.  The time reported is the midpoint of each interval.  
     We provide six fluxes:
        Low energy Protons:  50 keV to 400 keV
        High energy Protons: 1.2 MeV to 5 MeV
        Low energy Electrons:  50 keV to 225 keV
        High energy Electrons: 315 keV to 1.5 MeV
        Helium      : ~0.9 MeV to ~1.3 Mev
        Heavy Ions  : ~5 MeV to ~15 MeV (includes carbon, nitrogen,
                       and oxygen
     We also compute two electron temperatures and densities and two proton
temperatures and densities.  These are based on approximately the same energy
ranges as the fluxes given in above and are determined for relativistic
Maxwellian distributions.  
Status of SOPA Instrument LANL-97A:  Operating normally as of 01-Jul-1997
Data is flagged with a data quality flag as follows:
   +1 Data is Good
    0 Data is Suspect
   -1 Data is Unusable
LANL personnel should be contacted before using any data tagged as suspect.
References:   Belian, R. D., Gisler, G. R., Cayton, T. E., Christensen, R. A.,
High-Z Energetic Particles at Geosynchronous Orbit During The Great Solar 
Proton Event Series of October 1989, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 16897, 1992
Modification History
created 30-Nov-1992 
added text to describe instrument 04-Feb-1993
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
Created OCT 1998 
Back to top
This file contains numerical moments computed from measurements of the 
Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA) [Bame et al., 
Rev. Sci. Inst., in press 1993]. 
The moments are presented in s/c coordinates: the z-axis is aligned with 
the spin axis, which points radially toward the center of the Earth; 
the x-axis is in the plane containing the spacecraft spin axis and the spin 
axis of the Earth, with +X generally northward; and the y-axis points 
generally eastward. Polar angles are measured relative to the spin axis 
(+Z), and azimuthal angles are measured around the z-axis, with zero along 
the +X direction. The moments are computed for three 'species': 
lop (low-ener. ions, ~1eV/e-~130eV/e); hip (hi-ener. ions, ~130eV/e-~45keV/e);
 alle (electrons, ~30eV - ~45keV ). The electron measurements are obtained 
21.5 secs after the ion measurements. Epoch is the measurement time 
appropriate for the ions. The moments are computed after the fluxes are 
corrected for background and s/c potential. Algorithms for these corrections
 are relatively unsophisticated, so the moments are suspect during times of 
high background and/or high spacecraft potential. Because the determined  
spacecraft potential is not very precise, the magnitude of the low-energy 
ion flow velocity is probably not accurate, but the flow direction is well 
determined.  Tperp and Tpara are obtained from diagonalization of the  
3-dimensional temperature matrix, with the parallel direction assigned 
to the eigenvalue which is most different from the other two. 
The corresponding eigenvector is the symmetry axis of the distribution and 
should be equivalent to the magnetic field direction. The eigenvalue ratio 
Tperp/Tmid, which is provided for each species, is a measure of the symmetry 
of the distribution and should be ~1.0 for a good determination. Several of  
the parameters have a fairly high daily dynamic range and for survey purposes 
are best displayed logarithmically. These parameters are indicated by  
non-zero 'SCALEMIN' values in this file. A quality flag value of 1  
indicates that the values are  preliminary and have not been checked 
in detail. 
Modification History
Created SEP 1992 Modified JAN 1993 
Electron time tags removed Mag Latitude added 
Local time added Post Gap flag added 
Ratio variables changed Modified SEP 1994 
Changes noted in mail message from M.Kessel 
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     Electron, proton and helium measurements are taken every 160 ms from one 
of the three telescopes according to the following sequence:  T1, T2, T3, 
T2, T1, T2 etc.  Heavy ion data accumulated from each of the three telescopes 
again according to the timing and sequence above and summed for 10.24 seconds
which is approximately one spacecraft rotation.  SOPA Key Parameters are 
normally averaged over three telescopes for ~ 1 minute (6 - 10.24 second
data accumulation cycles) giving an average over much of the sky.  The time 
associated with each set of Key Parameters is determined by using the time 
(in minutes of the day) at the start of each data collection cycle as an index
into an array of 1440 time slots dividing the day into 1440 one minute 
intervals.  The time reported is the midpoint of each interval.  
     We provide six fluxes:
        Low energy Protons:  50 keV to 400 keV
        High energy Protons: 1.2 MeV to 5 MeV
        Low energy Electrons:  50 keV to 225 keV
        High energy Electrons: 315 keV to 1.5 MeV
        Helium      : ~0.9 MeV to ~1.3 Mev
        Heavy Ions  : ~5 MeV to ~15 MeV (includes carbon, nitrogen,
                       and oxygen
     We also compute two electron temperatures and densities and two proton
temperatures and densities.  These are based on approximately the same energy
ranges as the fluxes given in above and are determined for relativistic
Maxwellian distributions.  
Status of SOPA Instrument 1989-046:  Operating normally as of 01-Feb-1993
Data is flagged with a data quality flag as follows:
   +1 Data is Good
    0 Data is Suspect
   -1 Data is Unusable
LANL personnel should be contacted before using any data tagged as suspect.
References:   Belian, R. D., Gisler, G. R., Cayton, T. E., Christensen, R. A.
High-Z Energetic Particles at Geosynchronous Orbit During The Great Solar 
Proton Event Series of October 1989, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 16897, 1992
Modification History
created 30-Nov-1992 
added text to describe instrument 04-Feb-1993
Data reduction software updated.  Temperature and 
Density algorithms implemented  15-dec-1993
Repaired some errors in the skeleton table 21-Feb-1995
Implemented updated algorithm for calculating Electron and Proton densities
 and temperatures  21-Feb-1995
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Mariner2 COHOweb connection
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Hourly averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data
Modification History
created August 2003;
conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000
Time tags in CDAWeb version were modified in March 2005 to use the
CDAWeb convention of having mid-average time tags rather than OMNI's
original convention of start-of-average time tags.
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1minute averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data
Modification History
created November 2006;
conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000
Time tags in CDAWeb version were modified in March 2005 to use the
CDAWeb convention of having mid-average time tags rather than OMNI's
original convention of start-of-average time tags.
Back to top
5minute averaged definitive multispacecraft interplanetary parameters data
Modification History
created November 2006;
conversion to ISTP/IACG CDFs via SKTEditor Feb 2000
Time tags in CDAWeb version were modified in March 2005 to use the
CDAWeb convention of having mid-average time tags rather than OMNI's
original convention of start-of-average time tags.
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Pioneer10 COHOweb connection
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Pioneer11 COHOweb connection
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Pioneer6 COHOweb connection
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Pioneer7 COHOweb connection
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Important Warning: The data described below is meant for archival purposes.  It
should not be considered as highly accurate data.  For example, accurate data
requires a correction in the form of an offset to the Sunward component of the
electric field.  A constant offset of 1.2 mV/m has been used for all the data,
this being an approximate average value.  In fact, however, the offset varies
with time, and must be determined by analysis of the particular time of
interest.  Users of this data desiring more information should get in touch with
Dr. Forrest Mozer, at the Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California,
The electric field data is at spin period time resolution. This means that there
is 1 data point about every 6 seconds. However, it should be noted that there
can be longer intervals between data points, due to missing data.  Data gaps are
not filled in.
The components of the electric field are given in a coordinate system designated
as Despun Spacecraft Coordinates , or DSC.  This is a coordinate system for a
rotating spacecraft that is in an orbit near the Earth.  DSC is defined by the
spacecraft's spin plane and spin axis. However, as the Despun part of the name
suggests, the coordinate axes do not participate of the spacecraft's rotation.
The X and Y axes are on the spacecraft's spin plane; the Z axis is along the
spacecraft's spin axis.  The positive X, Y, and Z axes form an orthogonal,
right-handed coordinate system.  The positive Z axis points in the same
direction as the spacecraft's angular momentum (or spin or attitude) vector. 
The positive X axis points in the direction on the spin plane that is closest to
the direction towards the Sun.  In other words, the positive X axis points in
the direction of the projection on the spin plane of the vector from the
spacecraft to the Sun.  The positive Y axis is determined by the requirement
that the DSC system (X, Y, Z) be an orthogonal right-handed system. It follows
that the positive Y axis points in the direction on the spin plane that is 90
degrees ahead of the positive X axis (in the sense of the spacecraft's
The electric field data included in these files consists of 2 electric field
components on the spin plane.  The original data used is V34L, which typically
has a time resolution of about 40 data points per second.  A least-squares spin
fit of V34L is performed, and the spin fit coefficients provide the spin plane
components of the spin period electric field. 
Time is a real double-precision quantity.  The units for the time are seconds. 
The time is time elapsed since the FAST Mission Epoch, which is May 24, 1968
(1968/05/24) at 00:00:00 UT.  Each time tag indicates the mid-point of the time
interval for the corresponding spin period.  Data gaps are not filled; each time
tag corresponds to an actual data point.  
X, Y, and Z are the 3 components of the attitude vector in the GSE coordinate
system (note that all 3 X, Y, and Z components are present, despite the X in the
file name). 
Back to top
Important Warning: The data described below is meant for archival purposes.  It
should not be considered as highly accurate data.  For example, accurate data
requires a correction in the form of an offset to the Sunward component of the
electric field.  A constant offset of 1.2 mV/m has been used for all the data,
this being an approximate average value.  In fact, however, the offset varies
with time, and must be determined by analysis of the particular time of
interest.  Users of this data desiring more information should get in touch with
Dr. Forrest Mozer, at the Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California,
The electric field data is at spin period time resolution. This means that there
is 1 data point about every 6 seconds. However, it should be noted that there
can be longer intervals between data points, due to missing data.  Data gaps are
not filled in.
The components of the electric field are given in a coordinate system designated
as Despun Spacecraft Coordinates , or DSC.  This is a coordinate system for a
rotating spacecraft that is in an orbit near the Earth.  DSC is defined by the
spacecraft's spin plane and spin axis. However, as the Despun part of the name
suggests, the coordinate axes do not participate of the spacecraft's rotation.
The X and Y axes are on the spacecraft's spin plane; the Z axis is along the
spacecraft's spin axis.  The positive X, Y, and Z axes form an orthogonal,
right-handed coordinate system.  The positive Z axis points in the same
direction as the spacecraft's angular momentum (or spin or attitude) vector. 
The positive X axis points in the direction on the spin plane that is closest to
the direction towards the Sun.  In other words, the positive X axis points in
the direction of the projection on the spin plane of the vector from the
spacecraft to the Sun.  The positive Y axis is determined by the requirement
that the DSC system (X, Y, Z) be an orthogonal right-handed system. It follows
that the positive Y axis points in the direction on the spin plane that is 90
degrees ahead of the positive X axis (in the sense of the spacecraft's
The electric field data included in these files consists of 2 electric field
components on the spin plane.  The original data used is V34L, which typically
has a time resolution of about 40 data points per second.  A least-squares spin
fit of V34L is performed, and the spin fit coefficients provide the spin plane
components of the spin period electric field. 
Time is a real double-precision quantity.  The units for the time are seconds. 
The time is time elapsed since the FAST Mission Epoch, which is May 24, 1968
(1968/05/24) at 00:00:00 UT.  Each time tag indicates the mid-point of the time
interval for the corresponding spin period.  Data gaps are not filled; each time
tag corresponds to an actual data point.  
E_X and E_Y are the X and Y components of the electric field in the DSC
coordinate system (note that both the X and the Y component are present, despite
the X in the file name).  E_X and E_Y are real single-precision quantities. The
units for the electric field components are mV/m.  There are no missing data
values; each data point value corresponds to an actual data point. 
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Important Warning: The data described below is meant for archival purposes.  It
should not be considered as highly accurate data.  For example, accurate data
requires a correction in the form of an offset to the Sunward component of the
electric field.  A constant offset of 1.2 mV/m has been used for all the data,
this being an approximate average value.  In fact, however, the offset varies
with time, and must be determined by analysis of the particular time of
interest.  Users of this data desiring more information should get in touch with
Dr. Forrest Mozer, at the Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California,
The electric field data is at spin period time resolution. This means that there
is 1 data point about every 6 seconds. However, it should be noted that there
can be longer intervals between data points, due to missing data.  Data gaps are
not filled in.
The components of the electric field are given in a coordinate system designated
as Despun Spacecraft Coordinates , or DSC.  This is a coordinate system for a
rotating spacecraft that is in an orbit near the Earth.  DSC is defined by the
spacecraft's spin plane and spin axis. However, as the Despun part of the name
suggests, the coordinate axes do not participate of the spacecraft's rotation.
The X and Y axes are on the spacecraft's spin plane; the Z axis is along the
spacecraft's spin axis.  The positive X, Y, and Z axes form an orthogonal,
right-handed coordinate system.  The positive Z axis points in the same
direction as the spacecraft's angular momentum (or spin or attitude) vector. 
The positive X axis points in the direction on the spin plane that is closest to
the direction towards the Sun.  In other words, the positive X axis points in
the direction of the projection on the spin plane of the vector from the
spacecraft to the Sun.  The positive Y axis is determined by the requirement
that the DSC system (X, Y, Z) be an orthogonal right-handed system. It follows
that the positive Y axis points in the direction on the spin plane that is 90
degrees ahead of the positive X axis (in the sense of the spacecraft's
The electric field data included in these files consists of 2 electric field
components on the spin plane.  The original data used is V34L, which typically
has a time resolution of about 40 data points per second.  A least-squares spin
fit of V34L is performed, and the spin fit coefficients provide the spin plane
components of the spin period electric field. 
Time is a real double-precision quantity.  The units for the time are seconds. 
The time is time elapsed since the FAST Mission Epoch, which is May 24, 1968
(1968/05/24) at 00:00:00 UT.  Each time tag indicates the mid-point of the time
interval for the corresponding spin period.  Data gaps are not filled; each time
tag corresponds to an actual data point.  
The original data used is V1L, V2L, etc., which typically have a time resolution
of about 1 data point per 0.4 seconds. The spacecraft potentials come from spin
period averages of the voltages V1L, V2L, etc.  The spacecraft potential
S_C_Pot12 is defined as follows: S_C_Pot12 = (V1 + V2) / 2  The spacecraft
potential S_C_Pot34 is defined analogously.  V1, V2, etc. stand for V1L, V2L,
etc., respectively.  One additional spacecraft potential, S_C_Pot1234, is
defined as follows: S_C_Pot1234 = (S_C_Pot12 + S_C_Pot34) / 2
The plasma density n is obtained as a function of the spacecraft potential. The
function is a power function, provided by Dr. Jack Scudder (University of Iowa).
 It comes from a fit to the POLAR Hydra particle data.  The function was
determined using data for 2001/04/01. The validity of the function for dates far
from the date above has not been checked.  Values above 75 are regarded as
unphysical and re-assigned a NULL value. n will be in units of cm^(-3), i.e.,
number of charges per cubic centimeter. 
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Modification History
6/13/91 - Original Implementation
9/18/91 - Modified for new attitude file format changes.  ICCR 881
2/11/92 - Used the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 and size 3 instead of 
EPOCH, CDF_EPOCH and 1 for the time tags.  CCR 490
6/1/92 - Added global attributes TITLE, PROJECT, DISCIPLINE, SOURCE_NAME, 
DATA_VERSION, and MODS; added variable attributes VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, 
LABL_PTR_1, and MONOTON; added variables EPOCH and LABEL_TIME; 
changed variable name TIME to TIME_PB5.  CCR 1066
11/07/92 - use cdf variable Epoch and Time_PB5
6/8/93 - Added global attributes ADID_ref and Logical_file_id.  CCR 1092
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/20/94 - Added global attributes GCI_RA_ERR and GCI_DECL_ERR.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS and LABLAXIS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
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Modification History
6/13/91 - Original Implementation
9/18/91 - Modified for new attitude file format changes.  ICCR 881
2/11/92 - Used the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 and size 3 instead of 
EPOCH, CDF_EPOCH and 1 for the time tags.  CCR 490
6/1/92 - Added global attributes TITLE, PROJECT, DISCIPLINE, SOURCE_NAME, 
DATA_VERSION, and MODS; added variable attributes VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, 
LABL_PTR_1, and MONOTON; added variables EPOCH and LABEL_TIME; 
changed variable name TIME to TIME_PB5.  CCR 1066
11/07/92 - use cdf variable Epoch and Time_PB5
6/8/93 - Added global attributes ADID_ref and Logical_file_id.  CCR 1092
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/20/94 - Added global attributes GCI_RA_ERR and GCI_DECL_ERR.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS and LABLAXIS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
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Instrument functional description:
   The VIS is a set of three low-light-level cameras.  Two of these
   cameras share primary and some secondary optics and are designed to
   provide images of the nighttime auroral oval at visible wavelengths.
   A third camera is used to monitor the directions of the fields-of-view
   of the auroral cameras with respect to the sunlit Earth and return
   global images of the auroral oval at ultraviolet wavelengths.  The
   VIS instrumentation produces an auroral image of 256 x 256 pixels
   approximately every 24 seconds dependent on the integration time and
   filter selected.  The fields-of-view of the two nighttime auroral
   cameras are 5.6 x 6.3 degrees and 2.8 x 3.3 degrees for the low and
   medium resolution cameras, respectively.  One or more Earth camera
   images of 256 x 256 pixels are produced every five minutes, depending
   on the commanded mode.  The field-of-view of the Earth camera is
   approximately 20 x 20 degrees.
   Frank, L. A., J. B. Sigwarth, J. D. Craven, J. P. Cravens, J. S. Dolan,
       M. R. Dvorsky, J. D. Harvey, P. K. Hardebeck, and D. Muller,
       'The Visible Imaging System (VIS) for the Polar Spacecraft',
       Space Science Review, vol. 71, pp. 297-328, 1995.
[Note to first-time users:  The first four variables are of primary
interest.  The displayable 256 x 256 image array is in variable 3.  The
correct orien- tation of a displayed image is explained in the
description of variable 3 below.]
Data set description:
   The VIS Earth camera data set comprises all Earth camera images for
the selected time period.  EJ-ER type files have images that have been
processed to remove the effects of penetrating radiation.  In addition,
the images have been flat-fielded and fixed pattern noise has been
removed.  Image pixels are median filtered with the images immediately
before and after in time.  The displayable image counts are in variable
3.  Some coordinate information is included for viewer orientation.
Coordinates are calculated for a grid of 18 x 18 points corresponding to
one pixel out of every 15 x 15 pixel block.  In addition, a rotation
matrix and a table of distortion-correcting look direction unit vectors
are provided for the purpose of calculating coordinates for every pixel.
See the description of variables 14 and 15 below.  To facilitate viewing
of the images, a mapping of pixel value to a recommended color table
based on the characteristics of the selected filter will be included with
each image.  See the description of variables 19, 20, and 21 below.  A
relative intensity scale is provided by the uncompressed count table of
variable 24.  Approximate intensity levels in kiloRayleighs are given in
the intensity table of variable 25.  Information on the availability of
more precisely calibrated intensities can be found on the VIS website at
URL . 
Variable descriptions:
   1,2. Center time
       The time assigned to an image is the center time of the integration
       period within a resolution of 50 milliseconds.
   3. Image counts
       Image pixel counts range from 0 to 255.  They are stored in a two-
       dimensional 256 x 256 byte array.  Images from the Earth camera
       (sensor 0) are conventionally displayed with row 1 at the top, row 256
       at the bottom, column 1 on the left, and column 256 on the right.  The
       conventional image display for the low resolution camera (sensor 1) is
       rotated 180 degrees so that the row 1-column 1 pixel is at the lower
       right corner and the row 256-column 256 pixel is at the upper left
       corner.  When displayed in this manner, the spacecraft spin axis is
       oriented to the right in the display, the X component is defined as
       the center of the image look direction, and the Y component is the
   4. Sensor number
       0 = Earth camera,
       1 = low resolution camera,
       2 = medium resolution camera.
   5. Half integration time
       This is half the length of the integration period for the image,
       measured in milliseconds.
   6. Filter
       Twelve filters are available for visible imaging; the filter number,
       1-12, is given here.  Ultra-violet imaging is done with one filter
       only, designated here as filter number 0.  In addition, the peak
       wavelength in Angstroms is given for the selected filter.
   7. Presumed altitude of emissions
       The presumed altitude of the emissions seen in the image varies
       with the characteristics of the filter used.
   8. Platform pitch angle
       This is the platform pointing angle of rotation around the spin
       axis, measured from nadir.
 9,10. Geographic coordinates
       Geographic north latitude and east longitude are provided for the
       pixels at these image array locations: every 15th row starting
       with row 1 and ending with row 256, and every 15th column starting
       with column 1 and ending with column 256, for a total of
       18 x 18 coordinate pairs.
11,12. Spacecraft position and velocity vectors, GCI
       The spacecraft position vector and velocity vector in GCI
       coordinates are for the image center time as given in variables
       1 and 2.
  13. Spacecraft spin axis unit vector, GCI
14,15. Image-to-GCI rotation matrix and look direction vector table
       The rotation matrix may be used with the look direction vector table to
       obtain pointing vectors in GCI coordinates for each pixel.  The
       resulting vectors may be used to calculate coordinates for the observed
       positions of the pixels.  Software for this purpose is available at URL
       .  The general method 
       used is described below.
       In the image coordinate system, the X axis is the center line-of-sight
       or look direction; the Y axis is the cross product of the spin axis an
       the X axis; and the Z axis is the cross product of the X axis and the
       Y axis.  When the display orientation conventions in the variable 3
       description are applied, the low resolution camera image is rotated so
       that both Earth camera and low resolution camera images are displayed
       with Y axis pointing up and Z axis pointing toward the right.
       To obtain the coordinates of the observed position of a pixel,
       calculate the intersection of the line-of-sight with the surface
       of an oblately spheroidal Earth at the altitude given as
       variable 7.  The equation of the spheroid is
           X**2/(A+ALT)**2 + Y**2/(A+ALT)**2 + Z**2/(B+ALT)**2 = 1
           where A is the Earth radius at the equator,
                 B is the Earth radius at the pole, and
                 ALT is the given altitude.
       The line-of-sight equations are
           (X-SCX)/DX = (Y-SCY)/DY = (Z-SCZ)/DZ
           where (SCX,SCY,SCZ) is the spacecraft position vector GCI, and
                   (DX,DY,DZ)  is the look direction unit vector GCI.
       Solve the line-of-sight equations for two variables in terms
       of the third; substitute into the spheroid equation; and use the
       quadratic formula to solve for the third variable.  Select
       the solution point closer to the spacecraft.
  16. Zenith angle of center line-of-sight at presumed altitude
       This is the angle between the geocentric vector through the
       observed point, assuming the altitude given as variable 7,
       and the reverse of the image center line-of-sight vector.
  17. Sun position unit vector, GCI
  18. Solar zenith angle at observed point of center line-of-sight
       This is the angle of the sun from zenith at the observed point
       of the center line-of-sight, assuming the altitude given as
       variable 7.
  19. RGB color table
       This is the recommended color table to be used with the
       limits given in variables 20 and 21.
20,21. Low and high color mapping limits
       The low and high color limits are recommended for remapping
       the color table entries, as follows:
           For pixel values less than the low limit, use the color
               at table position 1.
               and less than or equal to the high limit, use the color
               at table position (pix-low)/(high-low) x 255 + 1.
           For pixel values greater than the high limit, use the color
               at table position 256.
  22. Data quality flag
       The data quality word has bits set to 1 when the listed
       conditions are true.  Bit #31 is the most significant bit in the
       word, and it will not be used as a flag.  These are the bit
           bit 0 - image data frame sync error
           bit 1 - image data frame counters error
           bit 2 - image data fill frame flag.
  23. Post gap flag
       The post gap flag has these possible values:
           0 - no gap occurred immediately prior to this record,
           1 - the gap occurred because the instrument was not in
                 a mode that allowed for the production of images for the
                 selected sensor,
           2 - the gap occurred because level zero data were missing,
           3 - the gap occurred because level zero data were too
                 noisy to extract images.
  24. Expanded count table
       The image pixel counts are quasi-logarithmically compressed to the
       range 0-255.  This table gives the average of the uncompressed range
       for each compressed count value.  Table entries 1-256 correspond to
       compressed counts 0-255 respectively.
  25. Intensity table
       Approximate intensity levels in kiloRayleighs are given for each
       compressed count value.  Table entries 1-256 correspond to compressed
       counts 0-255 respectively.  Information on the availability of more
       precisely calibrated intensities can be found on the VIS website at
       URL . 
Supporting software:
   Supporting software is available on the VIS website at the URL
   .  Included is an IDL 
   program that displays the images with the recommended color bar and
   provides approximate intensities and coordinate data for each pixel.
Modification History
Initial development
Updated TEXT section bug
Updated some variables
Added an ADID number, same as K1
changed linear validmin 0->10, validmax 255->60 to suppress dayglow - 4/12/01 -
changed log validmin 0->1, validmax 255->18 to suppress dayglow - 4/12/01 - REM
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No TEXT global attribute value.
Modification History
CDF Master created 3/21/03
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Reference: HYDRA is a 3-Dimensional Electron and Ion Hot Plasma Instrument
for the Polar Spacecraft of the GGS Mission, J. Scudder et al., 
Space Sci. Rev., 71,459-495, Feb. 1995.  
This data set contains the differential electron and proton 
omnidirectional fluxes per unit solid angle vs energy, 
at 13.8-second resolution.  Multiply the given value by 4 pi 
to obtain the total omnidirectional differential energy flux.
There are 29 energy channels from 12.5 ev to 18.3 keV.
HYDRA is composed of two boxes, each housing 6 detectors.
A separate stepping power supply is used for each box.
The values of these steps are designed to be interlaced.
Therefore, the energies designated in this file are 
interpolated between the values of the two power supplies.
Stepping modes may also vary the number and range of steps 
during the mission.  To accommodate these changes an 
interpolation is done from the steps for a particular mode 
to the common energy values listed in ENERGY_ELE and ENERGY_ION.
Modification History
Generated March 26, 2003.
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Reference:..Gurnett, D.A. et al, The Polar plasma wave instrument, Space Science
Reviews, Vol. 71, pp. 597-622,
Note:..The electron cyclotron frequencies are derived from the following:  Fce =
0.028 kHz*B, where B is the magnitude of the ambient magnetic field measured in
nT.  All frequencies are converted to Hz.
There are 20 MCA E frequency bands, logarithmically spaced and 14 MCA B
frequency bands, logarithmically spaced.
Modification History
Created Dec 1997
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TIDE data for dates 28-Mar-1996 to 30-Sep-1996 are mass resolved. 
TIDE data between 01-Oct-1996 and 07-Dec-1996 are not valid.
Modification History
Skeleton table version 1 created 08/10/98.
Skeleton table version 2 created 10/16/00.
Skeleton table version 3 created 07/12/06.
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H+, O+, He+ and He++ number fluxes and statistical 
uncertainties processed by 
 the TIMAS science team.  Data acquired   
with various anglular and energy 
resolutions are combined here.  
Data Quality and other indicators are provided 
 to allow selection of high 
 resolution data (PA_status(ion)=0 and  
 Energy_status(ion)=0 )  and  
 High Quality data (Quality=0). 
 See the VAR_NOTES for the following  
 variables for more detailed information.  
Quality, PA_status, Energy_status 
Bcr, Fec, Even_odd,  
Energy_Range_ID and Spins. 
A PAPCO module exists that reads 
and displays these data and data 
From other POLAR instruments.  See and the
pointer to a description of the TIMAS PAPCO module on the TIMAS home page.
E.G. Shelley et al., The Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS) for
the Polar Mission, Sp. Sci. Rev, Vol 71, pp 497-530, 1995.
Metadata provided by W.K. Peterson
Modification History
Version 0 December, 1997 
Version 1 July, 1998 
Version 2 December, 2000 Algorithm improved to more accurately subtract
backgrounds arising from spill over from H+ into He++ channel and other sources.
 Fill data are now inserted for limited energy and pitch angle ranges for Flux_H
Flux_O Flux_He_1 and Flux_He_2 variables. The meanging of values of the of
Quality variable have been slightly modified
Back to top
References --------------------
1. M. R. Torr, et al., A far ultraviolet imager for the International
Solar-Terrestrial Physics mission, Space Sci. Rev., v71, pp329 - 383, 1995
Notes ------------------------ 
1. The UVI field of view is circular with an 8 degree full width.  The circular
image is stored in IMAGE_DATA as a rectangular array of 228 rows and 200
2.  Time information is contained in EPOCH, Time_PB5, IMG_MINUS_MSEC, and
3. Pointing information is given in GCI_LOOK_DIR, GEODETIC_LAT, and
Modification History
v1.0 Initial Prelaunch Release 10/16/95 
v1.0 Interim Prelaunch Release 
5/8/96 Added KPGS_VERSION
3/9/97 Changed min/max valuesfor IMAGE_DATA
Back to top
Reference:..Gurnett, D.A. et al, The Polar plasma wave instrument, Space Science
Reviews, Vol. 71, pp. 597-622,
There are 224 SFR frequency bands, logarithmically spaced.  When SFR_MODE is
Linear, the 448 linear frequency bands are mapped to 224 logarithmic bands.
Modification History
Created July 2000
Back to top
TIDE data after 07-Dec-1996 are non-mass total ion contribution below 411 ev
Modification History
Skeleton table version 1 created 10/16/00.
Skeleton table version 2 created 07/12/06.
Back to top
References --------------------
1. M. R. Torr, et al., A far ultraviolet imager for the International
Solar-Terrestrial Physics mission, Space Sci. Rev., v71, pp329 - 383, 1995
Notes ------------------------ 
1. The UVI field of view is circular with an 8 degree full width.  The circular
image is stored in IMAGE_DATA as a rectangular array of 228 rows and 200
2.  Time information is contained in EPOCH, Time_PB5, IMG_MINUS_MSEC, and
3. Pointing information is given in GCI_LOOK_DIR, GEODETIC_LAT, and
Modification History
v1.0 Initial Prelaunch Release 10/16/95 
v1.0 Interim Prelaunch Release 
5/8/96 Added KPGS_VERSION
3/9/97 Changed min/max valuesfor IMAGE_DATA
Back to top
Reference:..Gurnett, D.A. et al, The Polar plasma wave instrument, Space Science
Reviews, Vol. 71, pp. 597-622,
An FFT on 256 or 464 values, depending on the snapshot size, was used in
calibrating the data; i.e., perform FFT, calibrate in frequency domain, perform
inverse FFT to get calibrated time series.
Coordinate System Used:  local magnetic field-aligned, a spacecraft centered
coordinate system where Z is parallel to the local B-field determined from Polar
MFE, X points outward and lies in the plane defined by the Z-axis and the radial
vector from the earth to the spacecraft, and Y completes a right-handed system
and points eastward.  The X- and Z-axes are contained in the north-south plane.
The three orthogonal magnetic field components are given in units of nT/Sec
rather than nT because the response of the searchcoils across the passband is
not flat.  In order to obtain units of nT, the data would need to be digitally
filtered to the frequency of interest and then integrated over time. 
Integrating over the entire passband could possibly destroy the resolution of
the higher frequency components since the low frequency noise, if present, will
Data are bandpass filtered.  The valid range of data in the frequency domain is
from 0.5 to 22.5 Hz.
Modification History
Created Oct 1999
Back to top
Effective Bandwidth is 1.5*delta_f, where delta_f depends on the size of the FFT
used to convert to the frequency domain, and delta_t.
Modification History
Created Oct 1999
Back to top
Reference:..Gurnett, D.A. et al, The Polar plasma wave instrument, Space Science
Reviews, Vol. 71, pp. 597-622, 1995.
An FFT on 2048 values was used in calibrating the data; i.e., perform FFT,
calibrate in frequency domain, perform inverse FFT to get calibrated time
Data are lowpass filtered so that the data are valid only up to 2 kHz.
The three orthogonal magnetic field components are given in units of nT/Sec
rather than nT because the response of the searchcoils across the passband is
not flat.  In order to obtain units of nT, the data would need to be digitally
filtered to the frequency of interest and then integrated over time. 
Integrating over the entire passband could possibly destroy the resolution of
the higher frequency components since the low frequency noise, if present, will
Effective Bandwidth is 1.5*delta_f, where delta_f depends on the size of the FFT
used to convert to the frequency domain, and delta_t.
Modification History
Created Oct 1999
Back to top
Reference:..Gurnett, D.A. et al, The Polar plasma wave instrument, Space Science
Reviews, Vol. 71, pp. 597-622,
An FFT on 2048 values was used in calibrating the data; i.e., perform FFT,
calibrate in frequency domain, perform inverse FFT to get calibrated time
Data are lowpass filtered so that the data are valid only up to 16 kHz.
Effective Bandwidth is 1.5*delta_f, where delta_f depends on the size of the FFT
used to convert to the frequency domain, and delta_t.
Modification History
Created Oct 1999
Back to top
This data set contains 96-second averaged counting rates for H+, He++, (O+, O++
together), (O>2+), all from the MICS part of the instrument, with a +/- 1 degree
field of view perpendicular to the spin axis, segmented into bins of size 1/32
of a spin.
T.A. Fritz, CAMMICE:The POLAR CAMMICE instruments
It also contains 96-second averaged counting rates from two proton channels
(0.5-1.7 MeV and 1.7-5.8 MeV), two He channels (1.4-4.3 MeV and 4.3-9.6 MeV),
and six CNO channels (5-10, 6-11, 7-13, 17-92, 18-92, 21-92 MeV), from the HIT
part of the instrument, with a +/- 6 degree field of view perpendicular to the
spin axis, segmented into bins  
of 1/32 of a spin.
A. Fritz, CAMMICE:The POLAR CAMMICE instruments
Modification History
This is the 1st version, generated on 17 November 1995.
Back to top
Data: 96 second averages
J. B. Blake, Comprehensive Energetic Particle & Pitch Angle Distribution
Back to top
GGS Instrument papers (DRAFT)December 1992 pages B.2.1 thru B.2.14 inclusive.
The Polar Electric Field Instrument KPS will record data from two sets of
Langmuir probes.
The first set V12, are 130m apart, the second set V34, are 100m apart.
Modification History
Avoid B algorithm was added to the ground spinfits calculations in version 4.0.
Version 4.1: Update of Berkeley Modules.
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
Back to top
Reference: HYDRA is a 3-Dimensional Electron and Ion Hot  plasma Instrument for
the Polar Spacecraft of the GGS Mission, J. Scudder et al., Space Sci. Rev., 71,
459-495, Feb. 1995.
This data set contains the electron density and average energy, and the maximum
and minimum Debye energies, at 1-minute resolution.
J. Scudder,, Space Sci. Rev., 71, 459-495, 1995,
J. Scudder,, Space Sci. Rev., 71, 459-495, 1995,
Modification History
Created Feb. 10, 1997
3/23/97: Corrected attribute errors
Back to top
Data: 0.92 minute and6 second averages
Modification History
version 1.0 Jan 93 Test. Modified by JT on Nov. 30, 1995Modified by XL on Feb.
18, 1997
Back to top
The PIXIE instrument remotely images 
bremsstrahlung X-rays which are 
emitted from the earth's atmosphere. 
PIXIE measures the bremsstrahlung 
X-ray flux in two spatial dimensions 
and as a function of energy from 
2 keV to 60 keV in 64 energy 
channels.  The spatial 
resolution and sensitivity of the 
instrument are a function of orbital 
altitude.  Sensitivity is optimized 
by the use of a variable 
configuration of the instrument's 
adjustable aperture plate.    
Continuous imagery will be provided, 
since PIXIE is mounted on the 
despun platform.  Each X-ray photon 
is identified individually by the 
time and location at which it is 
detected within the focal plane.
1.  Instrument Description Document 
for the Polar Ionospheric X-ray 
Imaging Experiment (PIXIE) on the 
ISTP/GGS POLAR Satellite (submitted 
to Project as a PIXIE deliverable). 
Document number LMSC F254274 
(Lockheed Space and Missiles Co.) 
2.  McKenzie, D. L., D. J. Gorney, 
and W. L. Imhof, Auroral X-ray 
Imaging from High- and Low-Earth 
Orbit, Proc. SPIE, 1745, 39, 1992. 
3.  McKenzie, D. L., D. J. Gorney, 
and W. L. Imhof, Auroral X-ray 
Imaging from High- and Low-Earth 
Orbit, Opt. Eng. (to be published in 
the February 1994 issue). 
4.  Imhof, W. L., et al., The Polar 
Ionospheric X-ray Imaging Experiment 
(PIXIE), Space Science Reviews (to 
be published as part of a special 
issue on the GGS instruments). 
The Primary Key Parameter data 
consists of two 64x64 pixel X-ray 
image arrays and two Mean Intensity 
measures. The images and intensities 
are associated with two variable 
integrated energy channel ranges.  
The Secondary Key Parameter data 
contains information necessary to 
the appropriate interpretation of 
the images.  This information 
includes geographic and geomagnetic 
spatial registration references, 
integrated energy range definitions, 
data quality flags, and various 
mode/state indicators.  The spatial 
references include full pixel maps 
(providing the value of a particular 
coordinate, e.g., magnetic latitude, 
at each of the 4096 pixels) as well 
as simple pixel markers locating 
specific features (such as the 
geographic and geomagnetic poles).
Modification History
Unified image array has been split
into high & low energy image arrays.
VAR_NOTES attribute entries have
been included to supplement CATDESC
entries where appropriate.
Back to top
Reference:..Gurnett, D.A. et al, The Polar plasma wave instrument, Space Science
Reviews, Vol. 71, pp. 597-622,
Note:..The electron ion and cyclotron frequencies are derived from the
following:  Fce = 0.028 kHz*B, where B is the magnitude of the ambient magnetic
field measured in nT.  Fcp = Fce/1837 in kHz.  FcO+ = Fcp/16 in kHz.  All
frequencies in the key parameters are converted to Hz.
Since the SFR frequency steps vary with the mode, the measured SFR frequencies
will be mapped to a fixed array of 160 approximately logarithmically spaced
frequency values, 32 frequency values for each of the five SFR channels.  In the
log mode, the 64 frequency steps of the fourth and fifth frequency channels will
be mapped to 32 frequency steps each, using geometric averaging.  In the linear
mode, the 448 linearly spaced frequency steps of the five frequency channels
will be mapped to the fixed array of 160 logarithmically spaced frequency values
using a windowing technique.  The magnetic and electric field values
corresponding to each SFR frequency step will be similarly mapped to 160-point
fixed arrays corresponding to the mapped frequency array.
Modification History
Created Sept 1992, modified by JT 2/15/96
Back to top
To be supplied 
Modification History
6/4/93 - Original Implementation
6/8/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
11/10/94 - Correct errors made in ccr 1852.  ICCR 1884
Back to top
References --------------------
1. M. R. Torr, et al., A far ultraviolet imager for the International
Solar-Terrestrial Physics mission, Space Sci. Rev., v71, pp329 - 383, 1995
Notes ------------------------ 
1. The UVI field of view is circular with an 8 degree full width.  The circular
image is stored in IMAGE_DATA as a rectangular array of 228 rows and 200
2.  Time information is contained in EPOCH, Time_PB5, IMG_MINUS_MSEC, and
3. Pointing information is given in GCI_LOOK_DIR, GEODETIC_LAT, and
Modification History
v1.0 Initial Prelaunch Release 10/16/95 
v1.0 Interim Prelaunch Release 
5/8/96 Added KPGS_VERSION
3/9/97 Changed min/max valuesfor IMAGE_DATA
Back to top
 Instrument functional description:
    The VIS is a set of three low-light-level cameras.  Two of these
    cameras share primary and some secondary optics and are designed to
    provide images of the nighttime auroral oval at visible wavelengths.
    A third camera is used to monitor the directions of the fields-of-view
    of the auroral cameras with respect to the sunlit Earth and return
    global images of the auroral oval at ultraviolet wavelengths.  The
    VIS instrumentation produces an auroral image of 256 x 256 pixels
    approximately every 24 seconds dependent on the integration time and
    filter selected.  The fields-of-view of the two nighttime auroral
    cameras are 5.6 x 6.3 degrees and 2.8 x 3.3 degrees for the low and
    medium resolution cameras, respectively.  One or more Earth camera
    images of 256 x 256 pixels are produced every five minutes, depending
    on the commanded mode.  The field-of-view of the Earth camera is
    approximately 20 x 20 degrees.
    Frank, L. A., J. B. Sigwarth, J. D. Craven, J. P. Cravens, J. S. Dolan,
        M. R. Dvorsky, J. D. Harvey, P. K. Hardebeck, and D. Muller,
        'The Visible Imaging System (VIS) for the Polar Spacecraft',
        Space Science Review, vol. 71, pp. 297-328, 1995.
 [Note to first-time users:  The first four variables are of primary interest.
    The displayable 256 x 256 image array is in variable 3.  The correct orien-
    tation of a displayed image is explained in the description of variable 3
 Data set description:
         The VIS key parameter data set is a survey of auroral activity
    provided by a series of single images showing a significant area of the
    auroral zone.  The displayable image counts are in variable 3.
         Some coordinate information is included for viewer orientation.
    Coordinates are calculated for a grid of 18 x 18 points corresponding
    to one pixel out of every 15 x 15 pixel block.  In addition, a rotation
    matrix and a table of distortion-correcting look direction unit vectors
    are provided for the purpose of calculating coordinates for every pixel.
    See the description of variables 17 and 18 below.
         To facilitate viewing of the images, a mapping of pixel value to a
    recommended color table based on the characteristics of the selected
    filter will be included with each image.  See the description of variables
    22, 23, and 24 below.
         A relative intensity scale is provided by the uncompressed count table
    of variable 27.  Approximate intensity levels in kiloRayleighs are given in
    the intensity table of variable 28.  Information on the availability of
    more precisely calibrated intensities can be found on the VIS website at
    URL . 
 Variable descriptions:
    1,2. Center time
        The time assigned to an image is the center time of the integration
        period within a resolution of 50 milliseconds.
    3. Image counts
        Image pixel counts range from 0 to 255.  They are stored in a two-
        dimensional 256 x 256 byte array.  Images from the Earth camera
        (sensor 0) are conventionally displayed with row 1 at the top, row 256
        at the bottom, column 1 on the left, and column 256 on the right.  The
        conventional image display for the low resolution camera (sensor 1) is
        rotated 180 degrees so that the row 1-column 1 pixel is at the lower
        right corner and the row 256-column 256 pixel is at the upper left
        corner.  When displayed in this manner, the spacecraft spin axis is
        oriented to the right in the display, the X component is defined as
        the center of the image look direction, and the Y component is the
        cross product of the spin axis and the look direction.
    4. Sensor number
        0 = Earth camera,
        1 = low resolution camera,
        2 = medium resolution camera.
    5. Half integration time
        This is half the length of the integration period for the image,
        measured in milliseconds.
    6. Filter
        Twelve filters are available for visible imaging; the filter number,
        1-12, is given here.  Ultra-violet imaging is done with one filter only,
        designated here as filter number 0.  In addition, the peak wavelength
        in Angstroms is given for the selected filter.
    7. Presumed altitude of emissions
        The presumed altitude of the emissions seen in the image varies
        with the characteristics of the filter used.
    8. Field stop position
        The field stop may partially occlude the field of view of the low
        or medium resolution cameras.  The position is given in 1.5 degree
    9. Platform pitch angle
        This is the platform pointing angle of rotation around the spin
        axis, measured from nadir.
 10,11. Mirror elevation and azimuth angles
        For the low or medium resolution camera, the two-axis mirror
        position is given in steps measured from the instrument calibration
        switches.  The boresight of the instrument is located at step 68 in
        azimuth and step 118 in elevation.
 12,13. Geographic coordinates
        Geographic north latitude and east longitude are provided for the
        pixels at these image array locations: every 15th row starting
        with row 1 and ending with row 256, and every 15th column starting
        with column 1 and ending with column 256, for a total of
        18 x 18 coordinate pairs.
 14,15. Spacecraft position and velocity vectors, GCI
        The spacecraft position vector and velocity vector in GCI
        coordinates are for the image center time as given in variables
        1 and 2.
   16. Spacecraft spin axis unit vector, GCI
 17,18. Image-to-GCI rotation matrix and look direction vector table
        The rotation matrix may be used with the look direction vector table to
        obtain pointing vectors in GCI coordinates for each pixel.  The
        resulting vectors may be used to calculate coordinates for the observed
        positions of the pixels.  Software for this purpose is available at URL
         .  The general method 
         used is described below.
        In the image coordinate system, the X axis is the center line-of-sight
        or look direction; the Y axis is the cross product of the spin axis an
        the X axis; and the Z axis is the cross product of the X axis and the
        Y axis.  When the display orientation conventions in the variable 3
        description are applied, the low resolution camera image is rotated so
        that both Earth camera and low resolution camera images are displayed
        with Y axis pointing up and Z axis pointing toward the right.
        To obtain the coordinates of the observed position of a pixel,
        calculate the intersection of the line-of-sight with the surface
        of an oblately spheroidal Earth at the altitude given as
        variable 7.  The equation of the spheroid is
            X**2/(A+ALT)**2 + Y**2/(A+ALT)**2 + Z**2/(B+ALT)**2 = 1
            where A is the Earth radius at the equator,
                  B is the Earth radius at the pole, and
                  ALT is the given altitude.
        The line-of-sight equations are
            (X-SCX)/DX = (Y-SCY)/DY = (Z-SCZ)/DZ
            where (SCX,SCY,SCZ) is the spacecraft position vector GCI, and
                    (DX,DY,DZ)  is the look direction unit vector GCI.
        Solve the line-of-sight equations for two variables in terms
        of the third; substitute into the spheroid equation; and use the
        quadratic formula to solve for the third variable.  Select
        the solution point closer to the spacecraft.
   19. Zenith angle of center line-of-sight at presumed altitude
        This is the angle between the geocentric vector through the
        observed point, assuming the altitude given as variable 7,
        and the reverse of the image center line-of-sight vector.
   20. Sun position unit vector, GCI
   21. Solar zenith angle at observed point of center line-of-sight
        This is the angle of the sun from zenith at the observed point
        of the center line-of-sight, assuming the altitude given as
        variable 7.
   22. RGB color table
        This is the recommended color table to be used with the
        limits given in variables 23 and 24.
 23,24. Low and high color mapping limits
        The low and high color limits are recommended for remapping
        the color table entries, as follows:
            For pixel values less than the low limit, use the color
                at table position 1.
            For pixel values greater than or equal to the low limit
                and less than or equal to the high limit, use the color
                at table position (pix-low)/(high-low) x 255 + 1.
            For pixel values greater than the high limit, use the color
                at table position 256.
   25. Data quality flag
        The data quality word has bits set to 1 when the listed
        conditions are true.  Bit #31 is the most significant bit in the
        word, and it will not be used as a flag.  These are the bit
            bit 0 - image data frame sync error
            bit 1 - image data frame counters error
            bit 2 - image data fill frame flag.
   26. Post gap flag
        The post gap flag has these possible values:
            0 - no gap occurred immediately prior to this record,
            1 - the gap occurred because the instrument was not in
                  a mode that allowed for the production of images for the
                  selected sensor,
            2 - the gap occurred because level zero data were missing,
            3 - the gap occurred because level zero data were too
                  noisy to extract images.
   27. Expanded count table
        The image pixel counts are quasi-logarithmically compressed to the
        range 0-255.  This table gives the average of the uncompressed range
        for each compressed count value.  Table entries 1-256 correspond to
        compressed counts 0-255 respectively.
   28. Intensity table
        Approximate intensity levels in kiloRayleighs are given for each
        compressed count value.  Table entries 1-256 correspond to compressed
        counts 0-255 respectively.  Information on the availability of more
        precisely calibrated intensities can be found on the VIS website at
        URL . 
 Supporting software:
    Supporting software is available on the VIS website at the URL
    .  Included is an IDL program 
    that displays the images with the recommended color bar and provides
    approximate intensities and coordinate data for each pixel.
Modification History
Initial development
Back to top
H+, O+, He+ and He++ number fluxes for survey  purposes only 
E.G. Shelley et al., The Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS) for
the Polar Mission, Sp. Sci. Rev, Vol 71, pp 497-530, 1995.
Metadata provided by W.K. Peterson
Modification History
Version 0 June, 2001 
Back to top
 Instrument functional description:
    The VIS is a set of three low-light-level cameras.  Two of these
    cameras share primary and some secondary optics and are designed to
    provide images of the nighttime auroral oval at visible wavelengths.
    A third camera is used to monitor the directions of the fields-of-view
    of the auroral cameras with respect to the sunlit Earth and return
    global images of the auroral oval at ultraviolet wavelengths.  The
    VIS instrumentation produces an auroral image of 256 x 256 pixels
    approximately every 24 seconds dependent on the integration time and
    filter selected.  The fields-of-view of the two nighttime auroral
    cameras are 5.6 x 6.3 degrees and 2.8 x 3.3 degrees for the low and
    medium resolution cameras, respectively.  One or more Earth camera
    images of 256 x 256 pixels are produced every five minutes, depending
    on the commanded mode.  The field-of-view of the Earth camera is
    approximately 20 x 20 degrees.
    Frank, L. A., J. B. Sigwarth, J. D. Craven, J. P. Cravens, J. S. Dolan,
        M. R. Dvorsky, J. D. Harvey, P. K. Hardebeck, and D. Muller,
        'The Visible Imaging System (VIS) for the Polar Spacecraft',
        Space Science Review, vol. 71, pp. 297-328, 1995.
 [Note to first-time users:  The first four variables are of primary interest.
    The displayable 256 x 256 image array is in variable 3.  The correct orien-
    tation of a displayed image is explained in the description of variable 3
 Data set description:
         The VIS Earth camera key parameter data set is a survey of global
    auroral activity providedby a series of piled images produced by the median-
    filtering of up to five consecutive images.  The displayable image counts
    are in variable 3.
         Some coordinate information is included for viewer orientation.
    Coordinates are calculated for a grid of 18 x 18 points corresponding
    to one pixel out of every 15 x 15 pixel block.  In addition, a rotation
    matrix and a table of distortion-correcting look direction unit vectors
    are provided for the purpose of calculating coordinates for every pixel.
    See the description of variables 14 and 15 below.
         To facilitate viewing of the images, a mapping of pixel value to a
    recommended color table based on the characteristics of the selected
    filter will be included with each image.  See the description of variables
    19, 20, and 21 below.
         A relative intensity scale is provided by the uncompressed count table
    of variable 24.  Approximate intensity levels in kiloRayleighs are given in
    the intensity table of variable 25.  Information on the availability of
    more precisely calibrated intensities can be found on the VIS website at
    URL . 
 Variable descriptions:
    1,2. Center time
        The time assigned to an image is the center time of the integration
        period within a resolution of 50 milliseconds.
    3. Image counts
        Image pixel counts range from 0 to 255.  They are stored in a two-
        dimensional 256 x 256 byte array.  Images from the Earth camera
        (sensor 0) are conventionally displayed with row 1 at the top, row 256
        at the bottom, column 1 on the left, and column 256 on the right.  The
        conventional image display for the low resolution camera (sensor 1) is
        rotated 180 degrees so that the row 1-column 1 pixel is at the lower
        right corner and the row 256-column 256 pixel is at the upper left
        corner.  When displayed in this manner, the spacecraft spin axis is
        oriented to the right in the display, the X component is defined as
        the center of the image look direction, and the Y component is the
        cross product of the spin axis and the look direction.
    4. Sensor number
        0 = Earth camera,
        1 = low resolution camera,
        2 = medium resolution camera.
    5. Half integration time
        This is half the length of the integration period for the image,
        measured in milliseconds.
    6. Filter
        Twelve filters are available for visible imaging; the filter number,
        1-12, is given here.  Ultra-violet imaging is done with one filter only,
        designated here as filter number 0.  In addition, the peak wavelength
        in Angstroms is given for the selected filter.
    7. Presumed altitude of emissions
        The presumed altitude of the emissions seen in the image varies
        with the characteristics of the filter used.
    8. Platform pitch angle
        This is the platform pointing angle of rotation around the spin
        axis, measured from nadir.
  9,10. Geographic coordinates
        Geographic north latitude and east longitude are provided for the
        pixels at these image array locations: every 15th row starting
        with row 1 and ending with row 256, and every 15th column starting
        with column 1 and ending with column 256, for a total of
        18 x 18 coordinate pairs.
 11,12. Spacecraft position and velocity vectors, GCI
        The spacecraft position vector and velocity vector in GCI
        coordinates are for the image center time as given in variables
        1 and 2.
   13. Spacecraft spin axis unit vector, GCI
 14,15. Image-to-GCI rotation matrix and look direction vector table
        The rotation matrix may be used with the look direction vector table to
        obtain pointing vectors in GCI coordinates for each pixel.  The
        resulting vectors may be used to calculate coordinates for the observed
        positions of the pixels.  Software for this purpose is available at URL
         .  The general method 
         used is described below.
        In the image coordinate system, the X axis is the center line-of-sight
        or look direction; the Y axis is the cross product of the spin axis an
        the X axis; and the Z axis is the cross product of the X axis and the
        Y axis.  When the display orientation conventions in the variable 3
        description are applied, the low resolution camera image is rotated so
        that both Earth camera and low resolution camera images are displayed
        with Y axis pointing up and Z axis pointing toward the right.
        To obtain the coordinates of the observed position of a pixel,
        calculate the intersection of the line-of-sight with the surface
        of an oblately spheroidal Earth at the altitude given as
        variable 7.  The equation of the spheroid is
            X**2/(A+ALT)**2 + Y**2/(A+ALT)**2 + Z**2/(B+ALT)**2 = 1
            where A is the Earth radius at the equator,
                  B is the Earth radius at the pole, and
                  ALT is the given altitude.
        The line-of-sight equations are
            (X-SCX)/DX = (Y-SCY)/DY = (Z-SCZ)/DZ
            where (SCX,SCY,SCZ) is the spacecraft position vector GCI, and
                    (DX,DY,DZ)  is the look direction unit vector GCI.
        Solve the line-of-sight equations for two variables in terms
        of the third; substitute into the spheroid equation; and use the
        quadratic formula to solve for the third variable.  Select
        the solution point closer to the spacecraft.
   16. Zenith angle of center line-of-sight at presumed altitude
        This is the angle between the geocentric vector through the
        observed point, assuming the altitude given as variable 7,
        and the reverse of the image center line-of-sight vector.
   17. Sun position unit vector, GCI
   18. Solar zenith angle at observed point of center line-of-sight
        This is the angle of the sun from zenith at the observed point
        of the center line-of-sight, assuming the altitude given as
        variable 7.
   19. RGB color table
        This is the recommended color table to be used with the
        limits given in variables 20 and 21.
 20,21. Low and high color mapping limits
        The low and high color limits are recommended for remapping
        the color table entries, as follows:
            For pixel values less than the low limit, use the color
                at table position 1.
            For pixel values greater than or equal to the low limit
                and less than or equal to the high limit, use the color
                at table position (pix-low)/(high-low) x 255 + 1.
            For pixel values greater than the high limit, use the color
                at table position 256.
   22. Data quality flag
        The data quality word has bits set to 1 when the listed
        conditions are true.  Bit #31 is the most significant bit in the
        word, and it will not be used as a flag.  These are the bit
            bit 0 - image data frame sync error
            bit 1 - image data frame counters error
            bit 2 - image data fill frame flag.
   23. Post gap flag
        The post gap flag has these possible values:
            0 - no gap occurred immediately prior to this record,
            1 - the gap occurred because the instrument was not in
                  a mode that allowed for the production of images for the
                  selected sensor,
            2 - the gap occurred because level zero data were missing,
            3 - the gap occurred because level zero data were too
                  noisy to extract images.
   24. Expanded count table
        The image pixel counts are quasi-logarithmically compressed to the
        range 0-255.  This table gives the average of the uncompressed range
        for each compressed count value.  Table entries 1-256 correspond to
        compressed counts 0-255 respectively.
   25. Intensity table
        Approximate intensity levels in kiloRayleighs are given for each
        compressed count value.  Table entries 1-256 correspond to compressed
        counts 0-255 respectively.  Information on the availability of more
        precisely calibrated intensities can be found on the VIS website at
        URL . 
 Supporting software:
    Supporting software is available on the VIS website at the URL
    .  Included is an IDL program 
    that displays the images with the recommended color bar and provides
    approximate intensities and coordinate data for each pixel.
Modification History
Initial development
modified linear validmin 0=>15, linear validmax 255=>50 to suppress dayglow for
UVI testing - 4/12/01 - REM
modified log validmax 255=>15 to suppress dayglow - 4/12/01 - REM
Back to top
Primary UVI team data products
CDAWeb displayed images have time-tags shifted 51 seconds back from nominal
This corrects that H2 Epochs are telemetry times, not centered collection time
51 seconds is an approximate, typical correction.  Exact values depend on modes
and transition status.
Modification History
Initial work at SPDF 3/20-x/xx/2001 by REM
This dataset was renamed  from po_h2_uvi and po_l1_uvi to po_level1_uvi on
5/6/2005 in CDAWeb
Back to top
Modification History
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991
Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1
Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes
Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id
Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of 
EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490
Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and 
mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton 
attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to 
time_pb5; add label_time to variables
Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name
Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris 
comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system.  CCR 1889
2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 
11/03/95 - deleted crn_space for CCR 2154 - RM
Back to top
Modification History
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991
Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1
Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes
Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id
Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of 
EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490
Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and 
mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton 
attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to 
time_pb5; add label_time to variables
Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name
Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris 
comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system.  CCR 1889
2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 
11/03/95 - deleted crn_space for CCR 2154 - RM
Back to top
Based on the FDF DPA algorithm
Modification History
6/11/93 - Original Implementation
4/1/94 - Modified VALIDMIN and VALIDMAX for ORB_ROLL, 
6/7/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
11/9/94 - Correct errors made in ccr 1852.  ICCR 1884
04/04/96 - Added despun plat.offset and lock status
Back to top
Pioneer Venus COHOweb connection
Back to top
Ionospheric parameters derived from quarter-hourly ionograms
Ref: Grubb,RN The NOAA SEL HF Radar system (ionospheric sounder) NOAA Tech Memo 
ERL SEL-55, Space Environ Lab, Boulder, CO, 1979
Ref: Jarvis,MJ & Dudeney ,JR Reduction of ambiguities in HF radar results
through a revised receiving array & sounding pattern. Radio Sci 21, 151-158,
Ref: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME), 
in GGS Instrument Papers, submitted to Space Science Reviews
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British Antarctic Survey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
QUALITY_FLAG Comprised of several additive values each with a specific meaning:-
0 okay,+1 <6 echoes used for fmin,+2 <6 echoes for fEmax,+4 <6 echoes for fFmax,
+8 fmin approx= min tx frequency,+16 fEmax approx= max tx frequency,
+32 fFmax approx= max tx  frequency (tx=transmitter)
eg 37 indicates <6 echoes used for fmin & fFmax, & fFmax approx= max tx freq
Modification History
This is first  operational version
Back to top
Measurements made looking in South and East directions (positive) 
Ref1: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME),
in GGS Instrument Papers, submitted to Space Science Reviews.
Ref2: Nature,317,p45 1985. Ref3: R.D.Stewart, PhD Thesis, Univ of Ulster, 1986
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British Antarctic Survey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
Modification History
29-Oct-92 Changes in accordance with new Standards & Conventions document
Back to top
H, D and Z components of the earth's magnetic field
Measuring variation of field relative to arbitrary baseline. Accurate to 1nT
1 minute data representing 'spot' values of the 1Hz sampling
Ref: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME), 
in GGS Instrument Papers, submitted to Space Science Reviews
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British Antarctic Survey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
Back to top
Equivalent overhead absorption measured 45 degrees to vertical in N,S,E,W 
directions, but in an L-shell-aligned coordinate system (ie rotated 17 degrees 
anti-clockwise from geographic). Preliminary Quiet-Day Curve used.
1 minute data represent 'spot' values of the 1Hz sampling
Accurate to 0.05dB, but possible baseline uncertainties of +/-0.5dB
Ref1: The multiple riometer system at Halley, Antarctica, in 
British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, no 72, p13-23, 1986
Ref2: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME), 
in GGS Instrument Papers, submitted to Space Science Reviews
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British Antarctic Survey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
Back to top
Omni-directional intensities in 2 narrow passband filters centred on 1kHz & 3kHz
Ref1: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME),
in GGS Instrument Papers submitted to Space Science Reviews.
Ref2: VERSIM Newsletter No.4, p7 1992.
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British Antarctic Survey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
Modification History
05-Aug-92 Changed fill values to +10.0E+30 and -2147483648
08-Oct-92 Changed DATA ENCODING to NETWORK. Added Quality and Post Gap Flags
Plotting range changed to  10-80
27-Oct-92 Put in Logical_file_id, ADID_ref, DEPEND_i, VAR_TYPE
Back to top
Barth, C. A. and S. M. Bailey, Comparison of a thermospheric photochemical model
with SNOE observations of nitric oxide, J. Geophys. Res.,
doi:10.1029/2003JA010227, 2004.
Back to top
Barth, C. A. and S. M. Bailey, Comparison of a thermospheric photochemical model
with SNOE observations of nitric oxide, J. Geophys. Res.,
doi:10.1029/2003JA010227, 2004.
Back to top
Data: 10 minute intervals
Modification History
5/6/94 - Original Implementation
1/25/96 - Added SARVariables for CCR 2189
Back to top
Data entry every 5 minutes
A description of the CELIAS instrument and scientific scope can be found on WWW
at on the SOHO homepage
A written description of CELIAS will appear in the special issue of Solar 
Physics dedicated to SOHO 
Modification History
created Dec 1993
Modified by JT on 9/21/94
Modified by PW on 2/Mar/95
Modified by PW on 21/Jul/95
Modified by PW on 18/Aug/95
Back to top
Data: 5 minute averages Time tag = center of interval 
References                    1.Kunow, H., et al., COSTEP -   Comprehensive
Suprathermal and  Energetic Particle Analyser for SOHO, in V. Domingo, editor,
The SOHO Mission - Scientific and  Technical Aspects of the        Instruments,
ESA SP-1104, pages 75 - 80, 1988 
2.Kunow, H., et al., COSTEP -  Comprehensive Suprathermal and  Energetic
Particle Analyser for SOHO - Scientific Goals and Data Description, Proc. First
SOHO  Workshop, ESA SP-348,           pages 43 - 46, 1992 
2.Mueller-Mellin, R., et al.,  COSTEP -                        Comprehensive
Suprathermal and  Energetic Particle Analyser,    to be published in            
 Solar Physics, 1995
 19 Dec 1996 Caveat: 1. The EPHIN E-detector developed gradually a noise problem
during 1996 and was switched off logically on 1996-305-14.40. Check EPHIN status
word >Ephin_Stat< bit 2 (2^2): if set to one: E detector  is on, if set to zero,
E detector is off. When off, the channels E3000, P41 and H41 show zero
intensity, the energy of the next lower channel E1300 is the average of E1300
and E3000, the width of channel E1300 is the sum of the  width E1300 and E3000;
P25, and H25 are changed accordingly.  Note: the KPGS calulates correctly the
new fluxes in channels E1300, P25, H25. Only their interpretation needs to be
changed by the user. 2. The geometric factor for the counting rate channels can
be changed either by ground command or autonomously by detecting high fluxes in
the center segment of detector A. Check EPHIN status word >Ephin_Stat<bits
9,10,11,12,13,17,18,19,20,21: if set to one: large geometric factor, if set to
zero: small geometric factor. Note: the KPGS software calculates correctly the
fluxes. No action needed by the user.
Modification History
 15 Feb 1994    Version  1.0 
 22 Nov 1994    Version  1.0                     Revision 1.0      new variables
 28 Mar 1995    Version  1.0                     Revision 2.0      Energy ranges
 15 May 1995    Version  1.0                     Revision 3.0      Addition:
TEXT                   Correction: E_Energy [4]                     P_Energy [2]
 28 Nov 1995  Version  1.0.                    Revision 4.0        Correction: #
Var. from 24 to 25 Change: Descript. COST -> CST       Var_type data -
support_data         at: Epoch, PB5                   at:  E_energy,  E_delta   
      at:  P_energy,  P_delta          at: He_energy, He_delta          at:
E_energy, E_delta  
 19 Dec 1996  Version  7.0. EPHIN E, P and He channel values adapted to new
investigations to geometry factors 
Back to top
Data: 1 minute avarages Time tag = center of interval
Torsti et al.: ERNE - Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electron experiment,
The SOHO Mission ESA SP-1104, 1988
Torsti et al.: Energetic Particle Experiment ERNEto be published in
SolarPhysics, 1995
M. Lumme and Eino Valtonen: CEPAC Experiment Operations Manual, November 1994 
ERNE WWW Home page  
Modification History
Version 01 19-Nov-1995. Modified by JT on Dec. 4, 1995
Back to top
Modification History
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991
Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1
Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes
Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id
Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of 
EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490
Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and 
mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton 
attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to 
time_pb5; add label_time to variables
Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name
Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris 
comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system.  CCR 1889
2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 
11/03/95 - deleted crn_space for CCR 2154 - RM
Back to top
Modification History
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991
Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1
Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes
Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id
Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of 
EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490
Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and 
mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton 
attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to 
time_pb5; add label_time to variables
Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name
Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris 
comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system.  CCR 1889
2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 
11/03/95 - deleted crn_space for CCR 2154 - RM
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
GROUP 1    Satellite   Resolution   Factor
            themis a       60         1
           Start Time           Stop Time 
           2006 292 10:00       2008 254 23:59   
Coord/            Min/Max   Range Filter       Filter
Component   Output Markers  Minimum  Maximum   Mins/Maxes 
GSE X        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Y        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Z        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Lat      YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Lon      YES      -          -            -             -          -        
Addtnl             Min/Max       Range Filter           Filter
Options     Output Markers    Minimum      Maximum     Mins/Maxes
dEarth       YES      -          -            -             -   
Formats and units:                          
    Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM
    Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s).
        Longitude -180 to 180, latitude -90 to 90.
    Distance format: Kilometers with 2 place(s).
Modification History
Originated Feb. 16, 2006
Back to top
GROUP 1    Satellite   Resolution   Factor
            themis b       60         1
Coord/            Min/Max   Range Filter       Filter
Component   Output Markers  Minimum  Maximum   Mins/Maxes 
GSE X        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Y        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Z        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Lat      YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Lon      YES      -          -            -             -          -        
Addtnl             Min/Max       Range Filter           Filter
Options     Output Markers    Minimum      Maximum     Mins/Maxes
dEarth       YES      -          -            -             -   
Formats and units:                          
    Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM
    Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s).
        Longitude -180 to 180, latitude -90 to 90.
    Distance format: Kilometers with 2 place(s).
Modification History
Originated Feb. 16, 2006
Back to top
GROUP 1    Satellite   Resolution   Factor
            themis c       60         1
           Start Time           Stop Time 
           2006 292 10:00       2008 254 23:59   
Coord/            Min/Max   Range Filter       Filter
Component   Output Markers  Minimum  Maximum   Mins/Maxes 
GSE X        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Y        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Z        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Lat      YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Lon      YES      -          -            -             -          -        
Addtnl             Min/Max       Range Filter           Filter
Options     Output Markers    Minimum      Maximum     Mins/Maxes
dEarth       YES      -          -            -             -   
Formats and units:                          
    Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM
    Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s).
        Longitude -180 to 180, latitude -90 to 90.
    Distance format: Kilometers with 2 place(s).
Modification History
Originated Feb. 16, 2006
Back to top
GROUP 1    Satellite   Resolution   Factor
            themis d       60         1
           Start Time           Stop Time 
           2006 292 10:00       2008 254 23:59   
Coord/            Min/Max   Range Filter       Filter
Component   Output Markers  Minimum  Maximum   Mins/Maxes 
GSE X        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Y        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Z        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Lat      YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Lon      YES      -          -            -             -          -        
Addtnl             Min/Max       Range Filter           Filter
Options     Output Markers    Minimum      Maximum     Mins/Maxes
dEarth       YES      -          -            -             -   
Formats and units:                          
    Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM
    Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s).
        Longitude -180 to 180, latitude -90 to 90.
    Distance format: Kilometers with 2 place(s).
Modification History
Originated Feb. 16, 2006
Back to top
GROUP 1    Satellite   Resolution   Factor
            themis e       60         1
           Start Time           Stop Time 
           2006 292 10:00       2008 254 23:59   
Coord/            Min/Max   Range Filter       Filter
Component   Output Markers  Minimum  Maximum   Mins/Maxes 
GSE X        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Y        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Z        YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Lat      YES      -          -            -             -          -        
GSE Lon      YES      -          -            -             -          -        
Addtnl             Min/Max       Range Filter           Filter
Options     Output Markers    Minimum      Maximum     Mins/Maxes
dEarth       YES      -          -            -             -   
Formats and units:                          
    Day/Time format: YYYY DDD HH:MM
    Degrees/Hemisphere format: Decimal degrees with 2 place(s).
        Longitude -180 to 180, latitude -90 to 90.
    Distance format: Kilometers with 2 place(s).
Modification History
Originated Feb. 16, 2006
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS),  part of the THEMIS
EPO Effort.
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
THEMIS Ground Based Observatory part of the THEMIS GBO effort
Modification History
Rev- 2006-08-16
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
The L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) data 
provide the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 5
wavelengths bands. 
(1) Mapped images of the (lin or log) 
intensities by orbit using a transverse
Mercator projection.
(2) Mapped images of the (lin or log) 
intensities using a polar projection
of the North and South pole areas.
  Generating thumbnails for (1) or (2) 
  for one day takes about 1 minute.
(3) Movies of plot types (1),(2):
There are 15 orbits/frames per day,
max is 2 days, i.e. 30  frames. 
(4) Images of intensitiesas scanned
along the orbit.
(5) Line plots of intensities
at selected across-track positions.
A tutorial on how to use CDAWeb 
to quickly generate GUVI plots can
be found at
Details about the data format 
and processing can be found at
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 1st H Ly-alpha (1216 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a Transverse Mercator projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 1st H Ly-alpha (1216 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a North Polar projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 1st H Ly-alpha (1216 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a South Polar projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 2nd (1304 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a Transverse Mercator projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 2nd (1304 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a North Polar projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 2nd (1304 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a South Polar projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 3rd (1356 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a Transverse Mercator projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 3rd (1356 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a North Polar projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 3rd (1356 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a South Polar projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 4th LBH1 (1400-1500 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a Transverse Mercator projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 4th LBH1 (1400-1500 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a North Polar projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 4th LBH1 (1400-1500 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a South Polar projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 5th LBH2 (1650-1800 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a Transverse Mercator projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 5th LBH2 (1650-1800 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a North Polar projection.
Back to top
GUVI measures FUV airglow in five spectral 
bands: HI(121.6nm), OI(130.4nm), 
OI(135.6nm), LBHS(141-152.8nm), and  
LBHL(167.2-181.2nm). The cross-track 
scanning spectrograph images a 
ground swath of 3000 km width 
providing a nearly contiguous 
global coverage duringone day 
(15 orbits).
This L1CDisk (Level 1C disk, V03) file 
provides the calibrated, geolocated,
and rectified intensities for the 5th LBH2 (1650-1800 A) 
wavelength band. 
This is a movie with mapped images of the 
log intensities by orbit using
 a South Polar projection.
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
No TEXT global attribute value.
Back to top
This data set contains 1 minute data 
of the magnetic field components (RTN) 
and field magnitude from the Vector 
Helium Magnetometer.
Units are nT.
Data Set Contact: Joyce Wolf,
Principal Investigator: A Balogh, The 
Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, 
London, UK.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 221-236 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 1 second data 
of the magnetic field components (RTN) 
and field magnitude from the Vector 
Helium Magnetometer.
Units are nT.
Data Set Contact: Joyce Wolf,
Principal Investigator: A Balogh, The 
Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, 
London, UK.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 221-236 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
The Ulysses/SWICS instrument is a mass spectrometer combining an 
electrostatic analyzer with post acceleration, followed by a time-of-flight 
and energy measurement. The instrument covers an energy per charge range 
from 0.16 to 59.6 keV/e with a time resolution of about 13 minutes.
SWICS is designed to determine uniquely the elemental and ionic-charge 
composition, the temperatures and mean speeds of all major solar wind ions, 
from H through Fe. For more information see G. Gloeckler, J. Geiss et al., 
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 92, 267-289, 1992.
This archive consists of all 18 Matrix Rates (MR) as a function of energy 
per charge (E/q) and of time. Each MR represents a specific element in one 
or several ionization states, but it may also contain significant 
contributions from neighbouring elements due to spillover. The MRs are given 
in units of count rates only. The accompanying SAPRO (SWICS Archive 
Processor) software can be used both to convert the MR count rates to 
physical units (differential flux, phase space density), to correct for 
spillover between different MRs, and to obtain kinetic parameters (density, 
speed, thermal speed) of selected ions (to be used with caution).
Modification History
1999-01-12: Initial CDF data file creation
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the proton and Z>=1 
flux data from the Ulysses 
Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Investigation Anisotropy Telescope 1. 
Flux units are /cm2/s/sr/Mev. 
Data Set Contact: S Dalla, 
Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, 
Imperial College, London, UK.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992). 
Relevant web sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the proton and Z>=1 
flux data from the Ulysses 
Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Investigation Anisotropy Telescope 2. 
Flux units are /cm2/s/sr/Mev. 
Data Set Contact: S Dalla, 
Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, 
Imperial College, London, UK.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992). 
Relevant web sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 3 to 22 minute 
averages of the electron density and 
temperature data from the 
Ulysses Solar Wind Observations Over 
the Poles of the Sun instrument. 
Density units are /cm3, temperature 
units are K. 
Data Set Contact: B E Goldstein, 
NASA Ames Research Center, USA. 
Principal Investigator: D J McComas, 
Southwest Research Institute, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 237-265 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 4 to 8 minute 
averages of the ion density, 
temperature and velocity data from the 
Ulysses Solar Wind Observations Over 
the Poles of the Sun instrument. 
Density units are /cm3, temperature 
units are K, velocity units are km/s. 
Data Set Contact: B E Goldstein, 
NASA Ames Research Center, USA. 
Principal Investigator: D J McComas, 
Southwest Research Institute, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 237-265 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the proton, electron, and 
Z>=3 count rate data from the Ulysses 
Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Investigation High Energy Telescope. 
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the ion flux data from the 
Ulysses Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Investigation High Flux Telescope. 
Flux units are /cm2/s/sr. 
Data Set Contact: J D Anglin, 
Herzberg Institute for Astrophysics, 
National Research Council of Canada, 
Ottawa, Canada.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
For a fuller description of the data 
channels and their energy levels see 
the format file at 
 and Anglin et al., J. Geophys. Res., 
 102, 1 (1997). 
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the proton, helium, 
and electron count rate data from the
Ulysses Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Kiel Electron Telescope. 
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: B Heber, 
CEA, DSM, Service d'Astrophysique, 
Centre d'Etudes de Saclay,
91191 Gif sur Yvette, Cedex, France.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the ion and electron 
flux data from the Ulysses 
Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle 
Investigation Low Energy Telescope. 
Flux units are /cm2/s/sr/Mev. 
Data Set Contact: T R Sanderson, 
Solar System Division, ESA/ESTEC.
Principal Investigator: R B McKibben, 
Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space 
Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, 
University of Chicago, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 365-399 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the average 
electric field intensities from the 
Unified Radio and Plasma Wave 
Instrument Plasma Frequency Receiver.
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the peak 
electric field intensities from the 
Unified Radio and Plasma Wave 
Instrument Plasma Frequency Receiver.
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 144 second 
averages of the electric field 
intensities from the 
Unified Radio and Plasma Wave 
Instrument Radio Astronomy Receiver.
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the average 
electric field intensities from the 
Unified Radio and Plasma Wave 
Instrument Radio Astronomy Receiver.
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the peak 
electric field intensities from the 
Unified Radio and Plasma Wave 
Instrument Radio Astronomy Receiver.
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the averaged magnetic field 
intensities from the Unified Radio and
Plasma Wave Instrument Waveform Analyzer
Units are 1.0e-15Tesla/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the peak magnetic field 
intensities from the Unified Radio and
Plasma Wave Instrument Waveform Analyzer
Units are 1.0e-15Tesla/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the averaged electric field 
intensities from the Unified Radio and
Plasma Wave Instrument Waveform Analyzer
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 10 minute 
averages of the peak electric field 
intensities from the Unified Radio and
Plasma Wave Instrument Waveform Analyzer
Units are microVolt/Hz**0.5.
Data Set Contact: R Hess, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Principal Investigator: R J Macdowall, 
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 291-316 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 1 hour 
averages of the ion density, 
temperature and velocity data from the 
Ulysses Solar Wind Observations Over 
the Poles of the Sun instrument. 
Density units are /cm3, temperature 
units are K, velocity units are km/s. 
Data Set Contact: B E Goldstein, 
NASA Ames Research Center, USA. 
Principal Investigator: D J McComas, 
Southwest Research Institute, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 237-265 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 1 hour averages 
of the proton and electron 
flux data from the Ulysses 
Energetic Particle Composition
Flux units are /cm2/s/sr. 
Data Set Contact: M Bruns, 
Max Planck Institut fur Aeronomie, 
Lindau, Germany.
Principal Investigator: E Keppler, 
Max Planck Institut fur Aeronomie, 
Lindau, Germany.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 317-331 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Data version 1: Original ASCII source data.
Data version 2: Applies to 1996 CDFs onwards, 
which have been replaced with (or now use) 
ASCII source files generated with a program 
which does not remove low event rate data, 
as was the case for version 1 data. Pre-1996 
files are not reprocessed/replaced as version 2 
as no useful low event rate data exists pre-1996.
For further details contact M. Bruns, 
Max Planck Institut fur Aeronomie, 
Lindau, Germany
Back to top
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the electron and 
ion data from the Ulysses Heliosphere
Instrument for Spectra, Composition 
and Anisotropy at Low Energies 
(HI-SCALE) Low Energy Foil Spectrometer 
at 150 degrees to the spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the electron and 
ion data from the Ulysses Heliosphere
Instrument for Spectra, Composition 
and Anisotropy at Low Energies 
(HI-SCALE) Low Energy Foil Spectrometer 
at 60 degrees to the spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the ion data 
from the Ulysses Heliosphere Instrument 
for Spectra, Composition and Anisotropy 
at Low Energies (HI-SCALE) Low Energy 
Magnetic Spectrometer at 120 degrees to 
the spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the ion data 
from the Ulysses Heliosphere Instrument 
for Spectra, Composition and Anisotropy 
at Low Energies (HI-SCALE) Low Energy 
Magnetic Spectrometer at 30 degrees to 
the spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the deflected 
electron data from the Ulysses Heliosphere 
Instrument for Spectra, Composition and 
Anisotropy at Low Energies (HI-SCALE) 
Low Energy Magnetic Spectrometer at 30 
degrees to the spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 3.5 hour 
averages of the solar wind ion density 
ratio (to O6+), velocity and 
temperature from the Ulysses Solar Wind 
Ion Composition Spectrometer.
Velocity units are km/s. 
Temperature units are K. 
Data Set Contact: R von Steiger, 
International Space Science Institute, 
Bern, Switzerland.
Principal Investigators: J Geiss, 
International Space Science Institute,
Bern, Switzerland, and G Gloeckler, 
University of Maryland, College Park, 
Maryland, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 267-289 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 1 hour averages 
of the magnetic field components (RTN) 
and field magnitude from the Vector 
Helium Magnetometer.
Units are nT.
Data Set Contact: R J Forsyth,
The Blackett Laboratory, 
Imperial College, London, UK.
Principal Investigator: A Balogh, The 
Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, 
London, UK.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 221-236 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the proton and 
ion data from the Ulysses Heliosphere
Instrument for Spectra, Composition 
and Anisotropy at Low Energies 
(HI-SCALE) Composition Aperture
Telescope at 60 degrees to the 
spacecraft spin axis.
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
This data set contains 1 hour spin
averaged count rates of the 
ion data from the Ulysses Heliosphere
Instrument for Spectra, Composition 
and Anisotropy at Low Energies 
(HI-SCALE) Composition Aperture
Telescope at 60 degrees to the 
spacecraft spin axis (WARTD).
Count rate units are /s. 
Data Set Contact: T P Armstrong, 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, 
University of Kansas, USA.
Principal Investigator: L J Lanzerotti, 
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 
Murray Hill, NJ, USA.
Reference: Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 
Ser., 92(2), 349-363 (1992).
Relevant Web Sites:
Modification History
Back to top
Ulysses COHOweb connection
Back to top
Voyager1 COHOweb connection
Back to top
Modification History
6/13/91 - Original Implementation
9/18/91 - Modified for new attitude file format changes.  ICCR 881
2/11/92 - Used the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 and size 3 instead of 
EPOCH, CDF_EPOCH and 1 for the time tags.  CCR 490
6/1/92 - Added global attributes TITLE, PROJECT, DISCIPLINE, SOURCE_NAME, 
DATA_VERSION, and MODS; added variable attributes VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, 
LABL_PTR_1, and MONOTON; added variables EPOCH and LABEL_TIME; 
changed variable name TIME to TIME_PB5.  CCR 1066
11/07/92 - use cdf variable Epoch and Time_PB5
6/8/93 - Added global attributes ADID_ref and Logical_file_id.  CCR 1092
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/20/94 - Added global attributes GCI_RA_ERR and GCI_DECL_ERR.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS and LABLAXIS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
Back to top
Modification History
6/13/91 - Original Implementation
9/18/91 - Modified for new attitude file format changes.  ICCR 881
2/11/92 - Used the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 and size 3 instead of 
EPOCH, CDF_EPOCH and 1 for the time tags.  CCR 490
6/1/92 - Added global attributes TITLE, PROJECT, DISCIPLINE, SOURCE_NAME, 
DATA_VERSION, and MODS; added variable attributes VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, 
LABL_PTR_1, and MONOTON; added variables EPOCH and LABEL_TIME; 
changed variable name TIME to TIME_PB5.  CCR 1066
11/07/92 - use cdf variable Epoch and Time_PB5
6/8/93 - Added global attributes ADID_ref and Logical_file_id.  CCR 1092
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/20/94 - Added global attributes GCI_RA_ERR and GCI_DECL_ERR.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS and LABLAXIS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
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Wind 3dp, EESA LOW omni directional electron energy spectra
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WIND MFI Composite data file.  This file contains multiple time resolution data.
1 Minute data averages                                                          
3 Second data averages                                                          
1 Hour   data averages                                                          
WIND MFI Instrument turn on 11/12/1994                                          
1. Lepping, R. P., et al., The WIND Magnetic Field Investigation, p. 207 in     
The Global Geospace Mission, ed. by C. T. Russell, Kluwer,1995                  
2. Panetta, P. (GSFC), GGS WIND MFI Operator's Manual, September 15, 1992.      
3. Computer Sciences Corporation, Data Format Control Document (DFCD) Between   
The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Information          
Processing Division Ground Data Processing System and The ISTP Mission          
Investigators, CSC/TR-91/6014, 560-1DFD/0190, July 1992.                        
4. Behannon, K. W., International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program      
Investigator Data Analysis Requirements For WIND and GEOTAIL Spacecraft         
Magnetometer Experiment, September 1987.                                        
5. National Space Science Data Center, CDF User's Guide, Version 2.3.0,         
October 1, 1992.                                                                
6. Mish, W. H., International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Key Parameter    
Generation Software (KPGS) Standards & Conventions, September 1992.             
7. Mish, W. H., IMP F and G Phase I Magnetic Field Analysis, April 1972         
Modification History
 10/28/94 Initial release                    
 01/28/97 Z-variable Release add Z correction
 02/20/97 Change file name from sp to h0     
Back to top
Explanatory notes:
The electron moments included in this data set are derived from the velocity
moments integration of solar wind electron distributions measured by the
WIND/SWE VEIS instrument (see Ogilvie et al., "SWE, a comprehensive plasma
instrument for the WIND spacecraft", Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55, 1955). Moments
parameters are computed from 3s measurements which are spaced either 6s or 12s
in time.  Plots should therefore not exceed a time range of 2 or 3 hours in
order to display the details of this high resolution data.  The moments
parameters which will be of value to most users of this data set are the
electron temperature, the electron temperature anisotropy, and the electron heat
flux vector. These quantities are reliable and citable with caution, meaning
that the PI advises that the user should discuss their interpretation with a
member of the SWE science team before publishing. 
The following comments are intended to aid in the use and interpretation of the
prime quantities of this data set, the electron temperature, the electron
temperature anisotropy, and the electron heat flux. (All vector quantities are
in GSE coordinates.) The temperature and temperature anisotropy are normalized
to the derived electron density and, therefore, are not sensitive to  the
uncertainty in the density determination as discussed below. The electron
temperature is derived from the pressure tensor divided by the electron density
and the Boltzmann constant. The three eigenvalues of the diagonalized
temperature tensor are the temperature parallel to the tensor principal axis and
the two perpendicular components of the temperature. The temperature anisotropy
is defined here as the ratio of the parallel temperature to the average of the
two perpendicular temperature components. The electron temperature is one-third
of the trace of the diagonalized temperature
tensor. Also included is the unit vector along the principal axis of the
pressure tensor as well as the cosine of the angle between the principal axis
and the magnetic field vector. An indication that the principal axis has been
uniquely defined is that the temperature anisotropy is significantly different
from unity and that the principal axis and the magnetic field are nearly
parallel or anti-parallel.
The heat flux vector included here is significant only when the magnitude rises
above the noise level, i.e., above the level 0.002 to 0.005 ergs/cm/cm/s.  The
heat flux may be low in magnitude either due to a nearly isotropic distribution,
due to electron counter-streaming, or due to a  low counting rate of the
instrument. An indicator of a significant net heat flux is that the heat flux
direction should track with the magnetic field direction. For this purpose, the
cosine of the angle between the heat flux vector and the magnetic field is
included, and should be close to  -1 or  +1 in order for the heat flux to be
significant. In some cases it will be necessary to use electron pitch angle
distributions (available on request from the SWE team) to decide whether low
electron flux or counterstreaming account for a low net heat flux. It is also
strongly recommended that 3s magnetic field data from the WIND/MFI experiment
(not included in this data set) be used in
conjunction with the SWE electron heat flux data to ensure a correct
interpretation of the heat flux.
The electron density and electron bulk flow velocity are also included in this
data set but no claim is made for their accuracy. The electron flow velocity is
usually within 10% to 20% of the solar wind flow velocity derived from the SWE
Faraday cup experiment and which are found in the SWE key parameter data set.
The electron density, however,  cannot be absolutely determined due to the
spacecraft potential and the fact that the electron instrument response has
varied over time. The electron density determination includes a first order
attempt to determine the spacecraft potential by imposing the charge neutrality
condition on the derived electron density and Faraday cup ion density. The
electron density will be within a few percent of the solar wind density derived
from the Faraday cup early in the mission (1994-1997), while later in the
mission (1998 and onward), depending on the state of the instrument,  there will
be times when the derived electron density
may be as much as a factor 2 too low. Although the electron density is not
derived absolutely, relative changes in electron density can usually be relied
on. Both the electron density and electron flow speed track with variations in
the ion density and ion flow speed, respectively. However, the user is strongly
advised to use the SWE ion key parameters for the bulk plasma density and flow
Modification History
Skeleton created 1/19/2000
Started again 3/13/2001
Back to top
SSR WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the WIND Spacecraft, Vol
71, pg 231-263,1995.
Secondary file - high resplasma density 
Modification History
Back to top
SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the WIND spacecraft, K.W.
Ogilvie, et al., Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55-77, 1995
Solar wind proton parameters, including anisotropic temperatures, derived by
non-linear fitting of the measurements and with moment techniques.
Data reported within this file do not exceed the limits of various parameters
listed in the following section.  There may be more valid data in the original
dataset that requires additional work to interpret but was discarded due to the
limits.  In particular we have tried to exclude non-solar wind data from these
We provide the one sigma uncertainty for each parameter produced by the
non-linear curve fitting analysis either directly from the fitting or by
propagating uncertainties for bulk speeds, flow angles or any other derived
For the non-linear anisotropic proton analysis, a scalar thermal speed is
produced by determining parallel and perpendicular temperatures, taking the
trace, Tscalar = (2Tperp + Tpara)/3 and converting the result back to a thermal
speed.  The uncertainties are also propagated through
Modification History
12/28/94, 3/4/96, by Alan J. Lazarus John T. Steinberg Daniel B. Berdichevsky. 
Back to top
 The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the WIND Spacecraft, Sp.Sci.Rev.,Vol
71, pg,  231-263,1995.
Modification History
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Electron flux energy levels: 
channel 1: 0.1-.4   keV      
channel 2: 0.4-1.8  keV      
channel 3: 1.9-8.0  keV      
channel 4: 9.0-30   keV      
channel 5: 20-48    keV      
channel 6: 43-138   keV      
channel 7: 127-225  keV      
Ion flux energy levels:      
channel 1: 0.07-.21 keV      
channel 2: 0.25-1.1 keV      
channel 3: 1.3-7    keV      
channel 4: 8-30     keV      
channel 5: 20-58    keV      
channel 6: 58-126   keV      
channel 7: 115-400  keV      
pfu == 1/(cm^2-s-sr-keV)     
Created : Nov, 1991, for 3dpa kpgs testing
Modified: May, 1992, to accomodate Standards and Conventions
Modified: Jan, 1993, as suggested by Kessel
Modified: Mar, 1993, as suggested by Kessel
Modified: Jun 7, 1994, for updated 3dpa telemetry specifications
Modified: Jun 9, 1994, as suggested by KITT
Modified: Jul 10, 1994
Modified: Apr  3, 1995, particle temperatures from K to eV
Modified: jun 12, 1995, particle flux scaling adjustments
Modification History
version 1.0, october 91   
version 1.0.1, summer 92  
version 1.0.2, january 93 
version 1.1,   june 94 
version 1.1.1, june 94 
version 1.1.2, june 94 
version 1.1.3, july 94 
version 1.2, april 95 
version 05, june 95 
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Wind/EPACT Key Parameters
LEMT - Low Energy Matrix       Telescope        
APE - Alpha Proton            Electron          
This is a character attribute to hold some meta-data........
Modification History
Created May 10, 1995
Created May 18, 1995
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Pre-generated PWG plots
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1. Panetta P. (GSFC), GGS WIND MFI Operator's Manual, September 15, 1992.   
2. Computer Sciences Corporation, Data Format Control Document (DFCD) Between   
The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Information          
Processing Division Ground Data Processing System and The ISTP Mission          
Investigators, CSC/TR-91/6014, 560-1DFD/0190, July 1992.                        
3. Behannon, K. W., International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program      
Investigator Data Analysis Requirements For WIND and GEOTAIL Spacecraft         
Magnetometer Experiment, September 1987.                                        
Modification History
Initial Release 7/12/93 
Zvar Release 10/24/96 
Zvar Update  11/12/96 
Back to top
Time is for the start of the averaging interval. Computed are
 the avg alpha vel; avg C/O abundance ratio; avg carbon
 ionization temp in million degs K from C+6 & C+5 
(using the tbls of Arnaud & Rothenflug, 1985); 
the avg oxygen ionization temp from O+7 & O+6 in
million degs K (using tbls of Arnaud & Rothenflug, 1985)
Above avgs are made over 4 hrs.
He vel and He kinetic temp are computed every 3 min & are contained in the K1
References:                   Space Science Reviews 71:79-124, 1995,
 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Belgium  
Instrument consist of: Solar Wind Ion Composition 
Spectrometer (SWICS); high resolution mass  spectrometer (MASS); 
Supra-Thermal Ion Composition Spectrometer 
(STICS) & common DPU
Modification History
Version 01 Feb. 1996 - whm
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To be supplied
Modification History
12/17/92 - Original Implementation, CCR 87
6/14/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
11/9/94 - Correct errors made in ccr 1852.  CCR 1884
Back to top
SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the WIND spacecraft, K.W.
Ogilvie, et al., Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55-77, 1995
*** Good data is indicated by a quality flag of 0. ***
The quality flags for each parameter are given as integers 4 bytes 
long (integer*4).  The individual 'bits' for each quality value are set 
(or cleared) in the analysis code by adding (or subtracting) a power of 
2 as follows: 
To set the 1st bit, add 1. 
To set the 2nd bit, add 2, 
To set the 3rd bit, add 4, 
To set the 4th bit, add 8, and so on. 
    1    +1         = 3 point parabolic fits to proton peaks were not attempted.
    2    +2         = non-linear least squares fit was not attempted. 
    3    +4         = 3 point parabolic fits to proton peaks FAILED. 
    4    +8         = non-linear least squares fit FAILED. 
For the complete guide to the quality flag values. 
Modification History
12/28/94, 3/4/96, by Alan J. Lazarus John T. Steinberg Daniel B. Berdichevsky. 
Skeleton TABLE for plasma CDF SWE keyparameters, dbb, Jan., 1994.
Instr. qual. flags validmax setequal to +2147483647, 12/94. Qual. flags format
changed to compatible values with new validmax, jts and ajl, 12/94. 
Processing with instrument science modes 2 and 11 added, jts and dbb, 10/27/95.
DICT_KEYs added ajl, 3/4/96.
Back to top
SSR WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the WIND Spacecraft, Vol
71, pg 231-263,1995.
Modification History
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Modification History
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991
Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1
Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes
Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id
Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of 
EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490
Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and 
mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton 
attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to 
time_pb5; add label_time to variables
Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name
Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris 
comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system.  CCR 1889
2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 
Back to top
Pre-generated PWG plots
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Modification History
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991
Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1
Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes
Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id
Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of 
EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490
Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and 
mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton 
attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to 
time_pb5; add label_time to variables
Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name
Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris 
comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system.  CCR 1889
2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 
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Wind 3dp, PESA LOW (~24 sec resolution) energy spectra with ion moments 
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Wind 3dp, PESA LOW 1 spin resolution ion (proton and alpha) moments (computed on
Modification History
Version 3 Product, August 2005
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