pidf v2_RPIB { $********************************************************************* float version = 2.0; $$ version string institution = "SwRI/MSFC"; $$ institute string project = "TSS"; $$ project string mission = "TSS-1R"; $$ mission string experiment = "ROPE"; $$ experiment string instrument = "ROPE"; $$ instrument string vinst = "RPIB"; $$ vinst $********************************************************************* int num_groups = 2; $$ no. groups string group_name = "p+ Sensor 1 (Boom/In)"; $$ group name string group_name = "p+ Sensor 2 (Boom/Out)"; $$ group name int plot_avail_flag = 0x7; $$ plot avail int data_type_mask = 0x7B; $$ Sen/Scn/Cal/Mode/Qual int instrument_dep = 5; $$ avg over char cyclic = 'Y'; float phi_min = 0.0; $$ phi limits float phi_max = 360.0; $$ phi limits float scan_min = 0.1; $$ scan limits float scan_max = 15000.0; $$ scan limits $********************************************************************* int num_bin_sets = 0; $$ no. bin sets $********************************************************************* int num_units = 12; $$ no. units struct Unit0 { $-------------------------UNIT 00------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = 0.0; $$ unit min/max float max = 255.0; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 1; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "Dimensionless"; $$ unit label string long_description = "Telemetry"; $$ long desc. string short_description = "Raw"; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 0; $$ number of tables }; struct Unit1 { $-------------------------UNIT 01------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = 1.0; $$ unit min/max float max = 50000.0; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 2; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "c/acc"; $$ unit label string long_description = "counts/acc"; $$ long desc. string short_description = "c/acc"; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 1; $$ number of tables int tbl_app_flag = 1; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_oper = 0; $$ operations }; struct Unit2 { $-------------------------UNIT 02------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = 0.0; $$ unit min/max float max = 50000.0; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 2; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "c/acc"; $$ unit label string long_description = "cor. cnts/acc"; $$ long desc. string short_description = "c/acc"; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 3; $$ number of tables int tbl_app_flag = 1; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 7; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 2; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_oper = 0; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 3; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 3; $$ operations }; struct Unit3 { $-------------------------UNIT 03------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = 10.0; $$ unit min/max float max = 750000.0; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 2; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "c/s"; $$ unit label string long_description = "Count Rate"; $$ long desc. string short_description = "CR"; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 3; $$ number of tables int tbl_app_flag = 1; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 7; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 2; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_oper = 0; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 3; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 153; $$ operations }; struct Unit4 { $-------------------------UNIT 04------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = 1e9; $$ unit min/max float max = 5e13; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 2; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "cnts/(cm**2-ster-s)"; $$ unit label string long_description = "Number Flux"; $$ long desc. string short_description = "NF"; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 5; $$ number of tables int tbl_app_flag = 1; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 7; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 2; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 3; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 4; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_oper = 0; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 3; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 153; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations }; struct Unit5 { $-------------------------UNIT 05------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = 1e4; $$ unit min/max float max = 1e13; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 2; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "cnts/(cm**2-ster-s-eV)"; $$ unit label string long_description = "Diff. Number Flux"; $$ long desc. string short_description = "dNF"; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 6; $$ number of tables int tbl_app_flag = 1; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 7; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 2; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 3; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 4; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 0; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_oper = 0; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 3; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 153; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations }; struct Unit6 { $-------------------------UNIT 06------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = 1e-1; $$ unit min/max float max = 1e1; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 2; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "ergs/(cm**2-ster-s-eV)"; $$ unit label string long_description = "Diff. Energy Flux"; $$ long desc. string short_description = "dEF"; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 6; $$ number of tables int tbl_app_flag = 1; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 7; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 2; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 3; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 4; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 5; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_oper = 0; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 3; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 153; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 3; $$ operations }; struct Unit7 { $-------------------------UNIT 07------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = 1e2; $$ unit min/max float max = 1e10; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 2; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "sec**3/km**6"; $$ unit label string long_description = "Distribution Func."; $$ long desc. string short_description = "DF"; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 10; $$ number of tables int tbl_app_flag = 1; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 7; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 2; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 3; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 4; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 6; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 5; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 0; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 5; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_flag = 0; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_oper = 0; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 3; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 153; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 3; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations int tbl_app_oper = 4; $$ operations }; struct Unit8 { $-------------------------UNIT 08------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = .1; $$ unit min/max float max = 15000.0; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 2; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "eV"; $$ unit label string long_description = "Electron Volts"; $$ long desc. string short_description = "eV"; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 1; $$ number of tables int tbl_app_flag = 0; $$ table numbers int tbl_app_oper = 0; $$ operations }; struct Unit9 { $-------------------------UNIT 09------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = -1.0; $$ unit min/max float max = 3.0; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 1; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "Dimensionless"; $$ unit label string long_description = "Integer"; $$ long desc. string short_description = "Integer"; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 0; $$ number of tables }; struct Unit10 { $-------------------------UNIT 10------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ unit id float min = 0.0; $$ unit min/max float max = 180.0; $$ unit min/max int unit_scaling = 1; $$ unit lin/log string unit_label = "Degrees"; $$ unit label string long_description = "Pitch Angle"; $$ long desc. string short_description = "Deg."; $$ short desc. int num_tables = 0; $$ number of tables }; struct Unit11 { $-------------------------UNIT 11------------------------------------- int id = 0; $$ units id float min = 0.00; $$ Unit11. min float max = 360.00; $$ Unit11. max int unit_scaling = 1; $$ units scaling string unit_label = "Degrees"; $$ unit label string long_description = "Spin Angle"; $$ unit long descr. string short_description = "Deg."; $$ unit short descr. int num_tables = 0; $$ num. tables }; $********************************************************************* int num_sensors = 2; $$ no. of sensors struct Sensor0 { $-----------------------SENSOR 00------------------------------------- string name = "p- Sen 1"; $$ sensor name string component = "N/A"; $$ component name char source = 'V'; $$ source (V) (S) string scf_filename = "N/A"; $$ not applicable int pidf_sensor_num = 0; $$ pidf sensor num int vidf_sensor_num = 0; $$ sensor vidf no. int group_num = 0; $$ sensor group no. int display_flag = 1; $$ display bit int scan_block_info = 0; $$ scan block info int num_units = 8; $$ no. data of units int unit_number = 0; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 1; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 2; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 3; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 4; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 5; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 6; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 7; $$ unit numbers }; struct Sensor1 { $-----------------------SENSOR 01------------------------------------- string name = "p- Sen 2"; $$ sensor name string component = "N/A"; $$ component name char source = 'V'; $$ source (V) (S) string scf_filename = "N/A"; $$ not applicable int pidf_sensor_num = 1; $$ pidf sensor num int vidf_sensor_num = 1; $$ sensor vidf no. int group_num = 1; $$ sensor group no. int display_flag = 1; $$ display bit int scan_block_info = 0; $$ scan block info int num_units = 8; $$ no. data of units int unit_number = 0; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 1; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 2; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 3; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 4; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 5; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 6; $$ unit numbers int unit_number = 7; $$ unit numbers }; $********************************************************************* int num_scan = 1; $$ no. of scan blocks struct Scan0 { $----------------------SCAN BLOCK 00---------------------------------- int scan_block_num = 0; $$ scan block number int num_units = 2; $$ no. scan of units struct ScanUnit0 { char spacing = 'I'; $$ raw sweep int units_index = 0; $$ raw sweep }; struct ScanUnit1 { char spacing = 'L'; $$ center eV int units_index = 8; $$ center eV }; }; $********************************************************************* int num_modes = 1; $$ no. of modes struct Mode0 { $-------------------------MODE 00------------------------------------- string name = "HV Pwr Supply"; $$ mode name string short_name = "HVPS"; $$ mode name int pidf_mode_num = 0; $$ pidf mode number int vidf_mode_num = 0; $$ mode no. int num_units = 1; $$ no. of units int unit_number = 9; $$ unit numbers }; struct DataQual { $********************************************************************* string name = "Data Quality"; $$ dqual name string short_name = "Dqual"; $$ dqual name int num_units = 1; $$ no. of units int unit_number = 9; $$ unit numbers }; struct PitchAngle { string name = "Pitch Angle"; $$ pitch angle name string short_name = "PA"; $$ pitch angle short name int num_units = 1; $$ num. units int unit_number = 10; $$ pitch angle units }; struct SpinAngle { string name = "Spin Angle"; $$ spin angle name string short_name = "SA"; $$ spin angle short name int num_units = 1; $$ num. units int unit_number = 11; $$ spin angle units }; }