Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion
Composition Experiment
Science Operations Center (SOC)
RBSPICE Science Data Handbook
Revision: e
Written by
Jerry W. Manweiler, Ph.D.
Heather Mull Zwiener
February 13, 2018
Lou Lanzerotti, RBSPICE Principal Investigator
Don Mitchell, RBSPICE Instrument Scientist
Jerry W. Manweiler, RBSPICE SOC Lead Engineer
Document Change Log
Date |
Version Number |
Reason for Change |
September 18, 2013 |
Original Draft |
January 29, 2014 |
Rev a |
Added Field Name Descriptions Table for the Calibration Tables |
February 28, 2014 |
Rev� b |
Revised L3 pitch angle quality flags |
August 18, 2015 |
Rev c |
Added section for Pitch Angles and Pressures (PAP), and Table of Acronym Definitions |
April 12, 2017 |
Rev d |
Added information regarding additional field of particle direction velocity unit vector in Level 3 data files. |
February 13, 2018 | Rev e | Added information regarding effects of high rates on the RBSPICE microchannel plates on derived intensities: Accidentals |
RBSPICE Data Handbook
1.3������� Applicable Documentation
2������ Links to Data files, calibration tables and software
2.1������� RBSPICE A and B data files
2.2������� RBSPICE A and B calibration tables
2.3������� Software required and recommended to use RBSPICE data
3������ RBSPICE SOC Archive Data Products
3.1������� RBSPICE Data Categories
3.2������� RBSPICE Data Products Specification
3.3������� RBSPICE Data Product Production Specifications
3.4������� RBSPICE Data Products and related Instrument Data
3.5������� RBSPICE Data Product Production Steps (High Level
3.6������� RBSPICE Data Product Production Steps (Detailed
Processing Algorithms)
3.6.1�������� Level 0 Processing Algorithms
3.6.2�������� Level 1 Processing Algorithms
3.6.3�������� Level 2 Processing Algorithms
3.6.4�������� Level 3 Processing Algorithms
4������ RBSPICE SOC Data Repository Directory Structure
4.1������� Van Allen Probes MOC Data Directory structures
4.2������� RBSP Spacecraft Data Organization
4.3������� EMFSIS Data Organization
4.4������� RBSPICE Data Organization
4.5������� Product Directory Naming
5������ Production Filename Convention
5.2������� RBSPICE Specific File Name Conventions
5.3������� RBSPICE Data Release Plans
5.3.1�������� Publicly Accessible RBSPICE Data
5.3.2�������� Release of data to NSSDC archive
5.3.3�������� Web Services Access
6������ RBSPICE Data Product Field Descriptions
6.1������� RBSPICE Level 1 Product Field Descriptions
6.2������� RBSPICE Level 2 Product Field Descriptions
This is the Data Analysis Handbook for the Van Allen Probes� Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE).� This handbook is intended to guide RBSPICE data users in locating, identifying and understanding the content of the RBSPICE data files maintained by the RBSPICE Science Operations Center (SOC). As data products are added or changed, or other changes are made to the system for storing and accessing the RBSPICE data, this document will be updated accordingly.
This document contains lists, descriptions and/or explanations pertaining to the following RBSPICE data assets:
Data directory structure and file naming convention;
Data products produced and utilized by the RBSPICE SOC data processing system and data publication system;
Produced and published data products for the RBSPICE instrument aboard each Van Allen Probes satellite, A and B, which are available to the general public; and
Processes used to convert the data and generate data products according to specifications from Level 0 through Level 4.
Users who wish to work with either telemetry or commanding data or who have other questions not addressed in this document concerning data maintained by the RBSPICE SOC should contact RBSPICE SOC Lead Engineer Jerry W. Manweiler, Ph.D. at Manweiler@ftecs.com.
Originally named the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP), the mission was re-named the Van Allen Probes, following successful launch and commissioning. For simplicity and continuity, the RBSP short-form has been retained for existing documentation, file naming, and data product identification purposes. The RBSPICE investigation including the RBSPICE Instrument SOC maintains compliance with requirements levied in all applicable mission control documents.
[Insert table of data products, with acronyms,� and explain what the data products are and how they are used. Maybe organize the table by protons, non-protons, ions, etc.]
One key document that every user of the RBSPICE data should read is the RBSPICE Instrument Paper. The abstract can be found at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-013-9965-x, along with a link to the full paper.
Publicly accessible data files for spacecraft A are found at http://rbspicea.ftecs.com.
Publicly accessible data files for spacecraft B are found at http://rbspiceb.ftecs.com.
Calibration Tables �
Field Name Descriptions
SC |
of spacecraft either RBSPA or RBSPB |
ProductType |
of the product types listed in the beginning of the cal file |
Telescope |
which of the six telescopes the cal information corresponds |
StartUTC |
starting time for this calibration record in UTC string format
StartET |
starting time for this calibration record in Ephemeris Time using the J2000
epoch |
StopUTC |
ending time for this calibration record in UTC string format
StopET |
ending time for this calibration record in Ephemeris Time using the J2000
epoch |
Species |
primary species for which this calibration record is responsive � note that
this does not identify all species that this channel will detect but the
species that it is designed to detect, some channels are responsive to
multiple species and depending upon the situation the primary species differs
from time to time. E.g. TOFxPH products are generally responsive to protons
but some of the channels are responsive to Oxygen or Helium although when
those species are not present the channel will detect background proton rates |
Channel |
energy channel number for this calibration record |
E_Low |
bottom energy of the passband in MeV |
E_High |
upper energy of the passband in MeV |
E_Mid |
calculated midpoint energy of the passband in MeV. Note that this is not
always the geometrical mean since some passbands are more sensitive to lower
energies even though they allow for higher energy ranges |
G_Small |
small pixel geometrical factor in cm^2*sr. See the RBSPICE Data Handbook for
more information about pixel sizes |
G_Large |
large pixel geometrical factor in cm^2*sr. See the RBSPICE Data Handbook for
more information about pixel sizes |
Eff |
efficiency of the energy channel. |
Notes |
specific notes about this energy channel. |
Calibration tables for spacecraft A are found at http://rbspice.ftecs.com/RBSPICEA_Calibration.html.
Calibration tables for spacecraft B are found at http://rbspice.ftecs.com/RBSPICEB_Calibration.html.
CDF Files
Access and use of the RBSPICE data requires the most recent version of NASA�s common data format (CDF) software, CDF V3.6.0, which supports the CDF_TIME_TT2000 variable and properly handles the new leapsecond added on June 30, 2015. This software is available for download at http://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov.
CSV Files
CSV files can be opened with PKZip, which can be found at this website: http://www.pkware.com/software/pkzip.
Data visualization
MIDL is used and recommended by the RBSPICE team to visualize RBSPICE data. This software is available for download at http://sd-www.jhuapl.edu/rbspice/MIDL.
The RBSPICE SOC data system contains data products derived from other RBSP mission-related data sources, as well as that data which is produced by the RBSPICE SOC, both intermediary and final.� Organizationally this can be viewed as a collection of data categories, data product specifications, and data production specifications. Each of the following sections provides details of these organizational perspectives on the RBSPICE data.
Table 3‑3‑1 lists the various RBSPICE data categories representing the highest level perspective on the data that is to be contained by the RBSPICE SOC Data Repository system.� These categories do not necessarily represent a directory structure, but do drive the final structure presented in Section 4.
3‑3‑1 Top level list of RBSPICE Data Categories
Data Category |
Data Source |
Level |
MOC Data Products � not instrument specific |
RBSPICE team only |
EMFISIS Mag Data Products |
RBSPICE team only |
RBSPICE Instrument Data (telemetry/Level 0) |
RBSPICE team only |
RBSPICE Level 1, 2, 3 Data |
General Public |
RBSPICE Level 3 PAP data |
General Public |
RBSPICE Level 4 Data � modeling data |
RBSPICE Science Team |
RBSPICE Level 4 Data � results data |
RBSPICE Science Team |
General Public |
RBSPICE Intermediate Data |
Table 3‑3‑2 lists the collection of data products contained in the RBSPICE SOC Data Repository that are specific to the RBSPICE Instrument measurements, as well as any other data elements required to process and understand/interpret the RBSPICE data.� The Level 0 data products are downloaded directly from the Mission Operations Center (MOC), stored locally within the RBSPICE SOC Data Repository, and used for production of the higher level data products. This table provides a high level characterization of the important variables defining the various data products and drives the final structure of the RBSPICE SOC Data Repository.
For a more complete discussion of each of the higher level data products and the controlling variables, see http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11214-013-9965-x for the abstract and a link to the full paper.
Table 3‑3‑2 RBSPICE SOC Data Products �
Product |
Species |
Energy Bins |
L0 Data Type |
L1 Data Type |
L2 Data Type |
L3 Data Type |
L4 Data Type |
Ion Basic Rate |
Ions |
NA |
Count |
Rate |
Electron Basic
Rate |
Electrons |
NA |
Count |
Rate |
Low Energy
Resolution High Time Resolution Electron Species Rate1 |
Electrons |
14 |
Count |
Spectra |
Spectra Flux |
PAD, Aggregates |
PSD, 2nd, 3rd
Adiabat, |
High Energy
Resolution Low Time Resolution Electron Species Rate1 |
Electrons |
64 |
Count |
Spectra |
Spectra Flux |
PAD, Aggregates |
PSD, 2nd, 3rd Adiabat, |
High Energy
Resolution Low Time Resolution Ion Species Rate1 |
Ions |
64 |
Count |
Spectra |
Spectra Flux |
PAD, Aggregates |
PSD, 2nd, 3rd
Adiabat, |
High Energy
Resolution Low Time Resolution TOFxPH Proton Rate |
Protons |
32 |
Count |
Spectra |
Spectra Flux |
PAD, Aggregates |
PSD, 2nd, 3rd
Adiabat, |
TOFxE Proton
Rate |
Protons |
14 |
Count |
Spectra |
Spectra Flux |
PAD, Aggregates |
PSD, 2nd, 3rd
Adiabat, |
TOFxE non Proton
Rate |
Heavy Ions |
28 |
Count |
Spectra |
Spectra Flux |
PAD, Aggregates |
PSD, 2nd, 3rd
Adiabat, |
Low Energy Resolution
High Time Resolution TOFxPH Proton Rate |
Protons |
10 |
Count |
Spectra |
Spectra Flux |
PAD, Aggregates |
PSD, 2nd, 3rd
Adiabat, |
Species |
Ions |
64 |
Count |
Spectra |
Spectra Flux |
PAD, Aggregates |
PSD, 2nd, 3rd
Adiabat, |
Space Weather
Rates |
All |
NA |
Count |
Rate |
Flux |
Ion Species
Basic Rate |
Ions |
NA |
Count |
Rate |
Priority Events |
NA |
NA |
Event |
Ion Energy
Diagnostic Rate |
Ions |
NA |
Count |
Rate |
Ion Species
Diagnostic Rate |
Ions |
NA |
Count |
Rate |
Raw Ion Species
Events |
Ions |
NA |
Event |
Raw Electron
Energy Events |
Electrons |
NA |
Event |
Raw Ion Energy
Events |
Ions |
NA |
Event |
Auxiliary Data |
NA |
NA |
Aux |
Housekeeping Data |
NA |
NA |
Data and Pointing Information |
Mag |
Pitch Angles |
1: Use of the term �species� in these products descriptions is misleading since
these three data products utilize the energy collection mode of the RBSPICE instrument, rather than the species collection
mode. See below for more details about which products use which instrument
Table 3‑3‑3 lists the various data products that exist within the RBSPICE SOC Data Repository and are either produced or used by the RBSPICE SOC Processing System and stored within the RBSPICE SOC Data Repository.� This table provides the critical variables that drive the final storage solution including the expected requirements on the final data volume. These requirements drive not only the size of the file system but also characterize the performance of the database where the data resides for quick access and use by the publication system.
Table 3‑3‑3 RBSPICE SOC Data Product Production Specifications
Data Level |
Product Title |
Contents |
Volume � |
Format |
Latency |
Frequency |
L0 |
Raw telemetry |
Raw de-commutated telemetry
received at RBSPICE-SOC |
414 MB / day� - TBR |
Binary |
from Receipt (T0) |
daily |
L1 |
Count Rates |
Sorted, time-tagged,
instrument separated cts/sec |
750 MB / day - TBR |
ISTP Compliant CDF & |
T0� + < 14
days |
daily |
L2 |
Calibrated Flux |
Calibrated and corrected
physical units |
1200 MB / day - TBR |
ISTP Compliant CDF & |
T0� + < 1
month |
daily |
L3 |
Pitch Angle and Moments |
Pitch angle distributions,
plasma moments |
1500 MB / day - TBR |
ISTP Compliant CDF & |
T0� + < 3
months* |
daily |
L4 |
Phase Space Density |
PSD units, adiabatic
invariants, mag coordinates |
30 MB / day |
ISTP Compliant CDF & |
T0 + < 1 year |
daily |
RBSPICE Flight Software spin-based sectoring is used to break each spin into 36 sectors.� The sectoring information is then used to drive the accumulation periods for each of the counting data products.� Table 3-4 identifies the various data products collected by the RBSPICE instrument on each spacecraft.� The accumulation time of each measurement is dependent upon the frequency strings shown in the table. �
The Frequency column uses the following key phrases:
As needed |
This product is only produced at certain times and is not a regular product |
On Demand |
This product is only produced at certain times and is not a regular product |
On Demand |
This product is like the �On Demand� but has a 1 record per second default frequency |
Commandable |
The frequency of this product is configurable |
Every Second |
A record is produced every second the instrument is on |
Every Spin |
A record is produced once per spin |
S Sectors |
A record is produced every S sectors; |
S*N1 Sectors |
A record is produced every S*N1 sectors where S and N1 are configurable in the fsw |
S*N1*N2 Sectors/Spins |
Accumulation occurs over multiple spins for every S*N1*N2 sectors where the actual number of Spins and the values of S, N1, and N2 are all configurable in the fsw. |
180 Seconds |
A record is produced every 180 seconds. |
The Mode column uses the following key phrases:
NA |
Not Applicable to a data mode collection pattern |
Ion Species |
Data is collected using the Ion Species Instrument mode1 |
Ion Energy |
Data is collected using the Ion Energy Instrument mode1 |
Electron Energy |
Data is collected using the Electron Energy Instrument
mode1 |
1 � See the instrument paper for a description of the
various instrument modes.
Certain strings in the Product Names relate to the accumulation time and resolution of the energy spectra.� These strings are best interpreted as:
LEHT�� |
Low Energy Resolution High Time Resolution |
High Energy Resolution Low Time Resolution |
Table 3‑4 RBSPICE Data Products and Instrument Modes
Product |
ProductName |
Frequency |
Mode |
301 |
Command Echo |
Commands |
As needed |
NA |
302 |
Alarm |
Alarms |
As needed |
NA |
303 |
Memory Checksum |
MemoryChecksum |
On Demand |
NA |
304 |
Memory Dump |
MemoryDump |
On Demand, 1/sec |
NA |
305 |
Status |
Status |
Commandable |
NA |
306 |
Boot Status |
BootStatus |
Commandable |
NA |
307 |
Macro Dump |
MacroDump |
On Demand, 1/sec |
NA |
308 |
Macro Checksums |
MacroChecksums |
On Demand |
NA |
309 |
Monitor Limits |
MonitorLimits |
On Demand |
NA |
30A |
Parameters |
Parameters |
On Demand |
NA |
30B |
Text |
Text |
On Demand |
NA |
30C |
Pixel Parameters |
PixelParameters |
On Demand |
NA |
30D |
NA |
30E |
NA |
30F |
NA |
310 |
Critical Housekeeping |
Every Second |
NA |
311 |
Space Weather |
SW |
Every Spin |
Ion Species |
312 |
Electron Energy Basic Rates |
S Sectors |
Electron Energy |
313 |
Ion Energy Basic Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Energy |
314 |
Ion Energy Diagnostic Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Energy |
315 |
Ion Species Basic Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
316 |
Ion Species Diagnostic Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
317 |
LER-HTR Electron Spectra |
S Sectors |
Electron Energy |
318 |
HER LTR Ion Spectra |
S*N1*N2 Sectors/Spins |
Ion Energy |
319 |
HER LTR Electron Spectra |
S*N1*N2 Sectors/Spins |
Electron Energy |
31A |
TOFxEnergy Ion Energy Spectra |
TOFxE_Ion |
S*N1*N2 Sectors/Spins |
Ion Species |
31B |
TOFxEnergy Proton Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
31C |
TOFxEnergy Non-Proton Rates |
TOFxE_nonH |
S*N1 Sectors |
Ion Species |
31D |
LRHTR TOFxPH Proton Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
31E |
HRLTR TOFxPH Proton Rates |
S*N1*N2 Sectors/Spins |
Ion Species |
31F |
Raw Electron Energy Events |
S Sectors |
Electron Energy |
320 |
Raw Ion Energy Events |
S Sectors |
Ion Energy |
321 |
Raw Ion Species Events |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
322 |
Priority Events |
Priority |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
323 |
Auxiliary |
Aux |
Every Spin |
NA |
324 |
ERM Data |
180 seconds |
NA |
The RBSPICE automation system performs the following processing steps, in the order listed:
1) Download
Nightly, a set of download scripts is triggered to bring down data that require
a. SPICE Files
b. Mission Operations Center (MOC) Telemetry Files
c. EMFISIS Level 2 Magnetic Field Files
d. ECT Level 2 Magnetic Ephemeris Files
Key XML scripts are modified in this step to integrate new SPICE kernels into
the overall system.
3) MOC
Data Organization
RBSPICE data downloaded from the MOC is moved to a final directory within the
overall repository directory structure, based upon the APID of the data
4) Data
The system does a full file read to provide a detailed characterization of each
file including the actual start and stop times of the data, the total number of
records, and other relevant information.�
This information is entered into a processing control database, which is
the primary driver for subsequent data processing.
5) Level
0 Processing � Daily Files in which each record start time occurs in the
specified day/year
A Processing Script is read, identifying which Level 0 Data Products are to be
a. Telemetry data files for each product are then read.
b. The data is extracted into the database.
c. A Comma Separated Values (CSV) text-based Level 0 data file is produced.
d. A Common Data Format (CDF) Level 0 data file is produced.
6) Level
1 Processing
A Processing Script is read, identifying which Level 1 Data Products are to be
a. Counting data files for each product are then read.
b. The counts for each record are then converted into a rate, in units of Counts/Second.
c. A CSV text-based Level 1 data file is produced.
d. A CDF Level 1 data file is produced.
7) Level
2 Processing
A Processing Script is read, identifying which Level 2 Data Products are to be
a. Rate data files for each product are then read.
b. The rates for each record are then converted, using the RBSPICE calibration data, into particle intensities (flux) in units of counts/(sec*sr*cm2*MeV).
c. A CSV text-based Level 2 data file is produced.
d. A CDF Level 2 data file is produced.
8) Level
3 Processing
A Processing Script is read, identifying which Level 3 Data Products are to be
a. Intensity data files for each product are then read.
b. The Magnetic Field data for the time frame is then loaded.
c. The Magnetic Ephemeris data for the time frame is then loaded.
d. Pitch Angles for each telescope look direction are calculated, using the SPICE system.
e. A CDF Level 3 data file is produced.
Level 3 Pitch Angle and Pressure (PAP)
A Processing Script is read, identifying which Level 3 PAP Data Products are to
be produced.
a. Level 3 data files for each product are then read
b. The intensity data is binned according to a specified pitch angle binning schema
c. The aggregate data (pressures, density, omnidirectional flux, integrated flux) are calculated
d. A CDF Level 3 PAP data file is produced
The RBSPICE SOC software system is comprised of a set of processing workflows (see previous section) in which the underlying software system triggers different processing code for each workflow.� The following sections detail the algorithms used in the creation of the Level 0 Count Files, the Level 1 Rate files, the Level 2 Intensity (flux) files, and the Level 3 Pitch Angle files.� Details presented for each of these steps are sufficient to allow other software developers to write their own translation workflow.� (Note that only the RBSPICE SOC data files are considered the Official release of the data, and any files produced by outside agents using these algorithms are considered unofficial even though they might be identical in content.)
Level 0 data is generated by directly decoding telemetry into binary data values.� The encoding is described completely in the RBPSICE Instrument Flight Software and needs no additional description. Specific aspects of the telemetry to Level 0 processing are explained below.
The data fields described are used throughout the various workflows to generate products for Level 0 through Level 3.
Timing values
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Values |
UInt32 |
value of the SCLOCK at the beginning of the spin |
0�4294967295 |
UInt16 |
value of the RBSPICE high resolution clock at the beginning of the spin units
of (1/216) seconds |
0�65535 |
Spin |
UInt16 |
current spin number as received from the SC in the 1 PPS signal |
0�65535 |
Duration |
UInt32 |
value of the spin period in milliseconds used by the RBSPICE flight SW in
units of milliseconds |
5000�20000 |
Accumulation Mode values � used in the calculation of accumulation duration to convert counts to rates (see below)
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Values |
Sectors �S |
Byte |
of sectors used in the RBSPICE fast accumulation mode |
1-36 |
Multiplier 1 � N1 |
Byte |
factor used to control the number of sectors accumulation in medium modes |
1-36 |
Multiplier 2 � N2 |
Byte |
factor used to control the number of sectors accumulated in slow modes |
1-36 |
Spin - SpinI |
Byte |
of spins to include in the slow accumulation mode |
1-20 |
Pixel Size Values � used in the calculation of intensity (flux)
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Values |
Pixel - epixel |
Bool |
whether we are using the small pixel (0) or the large pixel (1) size in
electron energy mode |
0-1 |
Energy Pixel - IEpixel |
Bool |
whether we are using the small pixel or the large pixel in ion energy mode |
0-1 |
Species Pixel - ISpixel |
Bool |
whether we are using the small pixel or the large pixel in ion species mode |
0-1 |
Data Collection Pattern - used in the calculation of accumulation start/stop times and duration to convert counts to rates
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Values |
1 � DCP[0] |
Byte |
what accumulation mode is used in the first half of the sector |
0-2 |
2 � DCP[1] |
Byte |
what accumulation mode is used in the third quarter of the sector |
0-2 |
� DCP[2] |
Byte |
what accumulation mode is used in the fourth quarter of the sector |
0-2 |
Spin Data � used in the calculation of pitch angles
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Values |
Data Valid � validspin |
Bool |
if the spin value from the SC is valid or not, 0=invalid, 1=valid |
0-1 |
Data Valid - validmag |
Bool |
if the magnetic field value from SC is valid or not |
0-1 |
Phase Valid - validphase |
Bool |
if the magnetic field phase value from SC is valid or not |
0-1 |
The telemetry product X323 (Auxiliary) is the only component of the received RBSPICE telemetry that provides the ability to create a high time resolution conversion from spacecraft clock (SCLOCK) plus the RBSPICE instrument internal timer (Fine SCLOCK), which is used for data accumulation in the counters, to ephemeris time (ET) representing the real time on a clock.� The X323 packets are generated by the RBSPICE instrument at the end of each spin. The packets include a time stamp derived from the timing information provided by the spacecraft in the �1 PPS (Pulse Per Spin) SC to Instrument� data packet.� The SCLOCK value cycles from 0 to 4294967295 and then repeats. The Fine SCLOCK value cycles from 0 to 65535 and is in units of (1/216) seconds. In general, each tick of the SCLOCK is approximately 1 second, although this relationship can drift depending upon the heating and cooling of the spacecraft.� The SCLOCK value is not a unique value, but repeats every 136.19 years.� Since the Van Allen Probes Mission is a nominal two-year mission, it is expected that the SCLOCK value never repeats over the life of the mission.� However, environmental factors could trigger a reset of the SCLOCK.
Because the Van Allen Probes spacecraft orbit through extreme radiation environments, it is expected that at some time a Single Event Upset (SEU) will occur, causing the SCLOCK to reset on one or both of the spacecraft.� One of the mission requirements assigned to the Mission Operations Center (MOC) is to ensure the SCLOCK value is unique and monotonic throughout the life of the mission, including extended mission phases, even in the event of an SEU.� The RBSPICE SOC has written the processing software with the assumption that the SCLOCK value provided to the RBSPICE instrument is unique and will never repeat.� When combined with the Fine SCLOCK value, the resulting time value provides RBSPICE scientists the ability to meet the 2-3 millisecond resolution requirement definition specified for inter-instrument calculations, as specified in the instrument requirement documents.
The X323 telemetry record time stamps are decoded by the RBSPICE SOC software system and the resulting SCLOCK and Fine SCLOCK values are converted into a time stamp using the following algorithm:
1. The Fine value is converted into seconds as fine*(1/216) and then converted into SPICE fine seconds (1/5x104) i.e. in units of 20 milliseconds per tick.�
2. The SCLOCK data value from telemetry along with the Fine SCLOCK value (see step 1) is converted into a timestamp by use of the JPL SPICE software system and the MOC-provided RBSP (A/B) SPICE SCLOCK kernels.� (Note that the SPICE system has a high resolution mapping kernel that relates SCLOCK values to ET, which is defined in the J2000 EPOCH.)�
3. The next step in the process is to get the ET value at the start of each sector.� The RBSPICE flight software divides a spin into 36 sectors. At the end of the spin, the spin duration value of the just finished spin is reported in the X323 telemetry record.� With the ET value (from step 2) of the start of the spin and the spin duration in milliseconds, it is possible to directly calculate the ET value at the start of each sector:
Most other telemetry packets received from the RBSPICE instrument contain the spin and sector numbers at the start of the telemetry packet, so that ET at the start of an accumulation can be easily calculated.
During the process of generating the timestamp for each measurement, the level 0 processing system also calculates the duration of each measurement.� This is not as simple as merely calculating the start time of each measurement and subtracting it from the start of the previous measurement since the RBSPICE instrument has three possible measurement modes which can be assigned to one of the three available subsector measurement time frames.�
To understand this fully, it is necessary to understand how the RBSPICE instrument takes measurements.� Each sector is divided into three subsectors. Subsector 0 spans the first half of the sector; subsector 1 spans the third quarter of the sector, and subsector 2 spans the fourth quarter of the sector.�
Figure 3‑1 Sector and subsector scheme used by RBSPICE also showing inter-subsector dead times.
The RBSPICE instrument can be commanded to use one of the three measurement modes (electron energy, ion energy, and ion species) during each of the subsectors, providing the ability to simultaneously measure electrons and ions within a sector or, alternatively, to use a single type of measurement for higher resolution science. Also shown in the diagram is the instances of �dead time� which occur at the end of each subsector due to the instrument must reconfiguring itself for the next subsector. This portion of the subsector time must be subtracted from the overall time of the subsector to properly calculate the total duration of the measurement. The response of the RBSPICE electronics shows that a transition from subsector 2 to subsector 0 takes 4.04 milliseconds and a transition from subsector 0 to 1 or subsector 1 to 2 takes 3.95 milliseconds.
The key values required to properly calculate the measurement duration are found in the X323 telemetry packet (see above): Spin Duration (in seconds), Accumulation Mode Values (S, N1, N2, and Spin) and Data Collection Pattern (DCP).� For each time measurement, the timing system queries the Auxiliary data from the RBSPICE database for the current running value of each of these variables.� The timing system also identifies the type of data product being processed. By using the following table, the system understands the frequency of the measurement for the product and which DCP mode applies to the measurement.
Table 3‑4 Data Collection Pattern and Frequency by APID
Product |
Product Name |
Frequency |
DCP mode |
301 |
Command Echo |
Commands |
As needed |
NA |
302 |
Alarm |
Alarms |
As needed |
NA |
303 |
Memory Checksum |
MemoryChecksum |
On Demand |
NA |
304 |
Memory Dump |
MemoryDump |
On Demand, 1/sec |
NA |
305 |
Status |
Status |
Commandable |
NA |
306 |
Boot Status |
BootStatus |
Commandable |
NA |
307 |
Macro Dump |
MacroDump |
On Demand, 1/sec |
NA |
308 |
Macro Checksums |
MacroChecksums |
On Demand |
NA |
309 |
Monitor Limits |
MonitorLimits |
On Demand |
NA |
30A |
Parameters |
Parameters |
On Demand |
NA |
30B |
Text |
Text |
On Demand |
NA |
30C |
Pixel Parameters |
PixelParameters |
On Demand |
NA |
30D |
NA |
30E |
NA |
30F |
NA |
310 |
Critical Housekeeping |
Every Second |
NA |
311 |
Space Weather |
SW |
Every Spin |
Ion Species |
312 |
Electron Energy Basic Rates |
S Sectors |
Electron Energy |
313 |
Ion Energy Basic Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Energy |
314 |
Ion Energy Diagnostic Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Energy |
315 |
Ion Species Basic Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
316 |
Ion Species Diagnostic Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
317 |
LER-HTR Electron Spectra |
S Sectors |
Electron Energy |
318 |
HER LTR Ion Spectra |
Sectors/Spins |
Ion Energy |
319 |
HER LTR Electron Spectra |
Sectors/Spins |
Electron Energy |
31A |
TOFxEnergy Ion Energy Spectra |
TOFxE_Ion |
Sectors/Spins |
Ion Species |
31B |
TOFxEnergy Proton Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
31C |
TOFxEnergy Non-Proton Rates |
TOFxE_nonH |
S*N1 Sectors |
Ion Species |
31D |
LRHTR TOFxPH Proton Rates |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
31E |
HRLTR TOFxPH Proton Rates |
Sectors/Spins |
Ion Species |
31F |
Raw Electron Energy Events |
S Sectors |
Electron Energy |
320 |
Raw Ion Energy Events |
S Sectors |
Ion Energy |
321 |
Raw Ion Species Events |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
322 |
Priority Events |
Priority |
S Sectors |
Ion Species |
323 |
Auxiliary |
Aux |
Every Spin |
NA |
324 |
ERM Data |
180 seconds |
NA |
The timing system calculates the duration of the measurement using the following algorithm:
1) Use the current Spin Duration and calculate:
a. Accumulation time of a sector � acc�sector
b. Duration of � of a sector (or a subsector) - dursubsector
2) Identify the Product Accumulation Factor (S, S*N1, S*N1*N2, S*N1*N2/Spins) from the above table
a. Use the values of S, N1, N2, and SpinI to calculate the multiplication factor
i. factor = S;
ii. factor = S*N1; or
iii. factor = S*N1*N2
b. If this measurement is done over multiple spins, i.e. (S*N1*N2/Spins), then we also need to query the database for the spin duration of each spin included in the measurement so that the timing can be calculated as precisely as possible for each spin in the measurement, i.e. accsector and dursubsector are recalculated for each value of spin duration.
3) For
the current product, identify which subsectors (0, 1, or 2) are involved in
this measurement for the DCP mode derived from the table.
Note that this measurement mode could be used in all possible combinations of subsectors
(0, 1, and/or 2), but since we are working with a particular product with real
data, there has to be at least one subsector involved (otherwise we wouldn�t
have data for the product!)
4) Create two variables to capture the durations: �
a. AccumTime � to capture the total amount of sector/subsector time available in the measurement
b. DeadTime � to capture the amount of dead time involved in the measurement
5) For each spin that is involved in the measurement, calculate the sector and subsector times based upon the spin duration for each spin:
a. For each DCP that is involved in the measurement
i. Add the subsector time (sub0=2*dursubsector, sub1=dur�subsector, sub2=dursubsector) to the current AccumTime
ii. Add the specific DeadTime to the DeadTime duration
1. In going from subsector 2 to subsector 0, the DeadTime is 4.04 millseconds
2. In going from subsector 0 to 1 or 1 to 2, the DeadTime is 3.95 milliseconds
6) Calculate the duration of the measurement (Duration) as: (AccumTime � DeadTime)*factor for each spin.
7) Calculate the start/stop time for the accumulation �
a. The start time is the start of the accumulation at the start of the first subsector involved in the measurement.
b. The stop time is the end time of the last subsector involved in the measurement.
For products accumulated over a single spin,
this becomes simply
endET = startET + duration + DeadTime; or endET = startET + AccumTime;
ii. For products accumulated over multiple spins
1. For the first spin, add in the time from the start of the measurement to the end of the last subsector of the last sector measured in that spin.
2. For each subsequent spin (except the last), add in the total time of the spin.
3. For the last spin, add in the time to go from the start of the spin to the end of the last subsector of the last sector of the measurement.
8) Calculate the Midpoint time for the accumulation:
a. For single spin measurements, this is startET + (endET-startET)/2
b. For
multiple spin measurements, this is a very complex problem since the midpoint
from startET to endET would not necessarily occur in the middle of the sectors
that are participating in the accumulation.
This can be seen most clearly in the following table in which we are starting
our accumulation in sector 0 and accumulating over 4 sectors and 10 spins, i.e.
S = 1, N1 = 2, N2 = 2, and SpinI = 10.� The sectors involved in the measurement are
identified in the table as green with two white squares in the middle; the
location of the start and end times are obvious.� The red square outside the actual
accumulation time is the false midpoint time taken as simply the startET +
(endET � startET)/2, showing that this algorithm does not work correctly.� The actual midpoint time is shown in the middle
of the two white squares and is based upon the correct calculation of the
midpoint time. This table (and others) were used to generate an algorithm to
properly calculate what the actual midpoint of the measurement is, based upon
the starting sector, the number of sectors involved, and the number of spins
Table 3‑5 Sample multi-spin accumulation showing the false (red) and true (white) midpoint times of the accumulation.
Start ET |
SpinDur |
Sector |
SubSec |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
410270537.6 |
10.884 |
0.302333333 |
0.075583333 |
410270548.4 |
10.883 |
0.302305556 |
0.075576389 |
410270559.3 |
10.882 |
0.302277778 |
0.075569444 |
410270570.2 |
10.882 |
0.302277778 |
0.075569444 |
410270581.1 |
10.883 |
0.302305556 |
0.075576389 |
410270592 |
10.882 |
0.302277778 |
0.075569444 |
410270602.9 |
10.882 |
0.302277778 |
0.075569444 |
410270613.7 |
10.882 |
0.302277778 |
0.075569444 |
410270624.6 |
10.883 |
0.302305556 |
0.075576389 |
410270635.5 |
10.883 |
0.302305556 |
0.075576389 |
The telemetry product X305 (Status) includes a small number of values that are necessary to one or more of the workflows as the data is processed from Level 0 to Level 3. These fields are described below:
Field Name |
SoftName |
Description |
Values |
Deprecation |
how the TOFxPH events are collected: |
0-7 |
There are three telemetry products related to collection of basic rate statistics that are critical in processing RBSPICE data from Level 0 to Level 1, and are part of the Rin versus R�out algorithms described in the Level 1 Processing Algorithms section (3.6.2).
The fields from each of these three telemetry products are as follows:
Electron Basic Rates (X312) and Ion Energy Basic Rates (X313) �
Ancillary Data Values
Field Name |
SoftName |
Description |
Units |
Type |
Values |
Counters |
SSD[0..5] |
events above the SSD energy threshold for each telescope |
Counts |
UINT32[6] |
0� |
Dead Time |
SSDDead[0..5] |
the amount of dead time in each SSD for each telescope |
100ns |
UINT32[6] |
0� |
Machine Idle |
State Machine Idle Time |
100ns |
UINT32 |
0� |
Hit Reject |
number of events rejected due to simultaneous energy channel events |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
Energy Events |
the number of valid energy events |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
Events Queued |
the number of valid energy events placed in the FIFO |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
Events Processed |
the number of valid energy events processed by the flight software |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
Ion Species Basic Rates (X315) � Ancillary Data Values
Field Name |
SoftName |
Description |
Units |
Type |
Values |
0 Anode |
Start0 |
the number of events above the start0 anode threshold |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
0 Anode |
Stop0 |
the number of events above the stop0 anode threshold |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
Coincidence |
the number of events where the start and stop are within the 200ns window |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
Height |
PH |
the number of events above the TOF pulse height threshold |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
Counters |
Start[0..5] |
the number of events calculated to be at the given start position per
telescope |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
Counters |
SSD[0..5] |
the number of events above the SSD threshold |
Counts |
UINT32[6] |
0� |
Dead Time |
SSDDead[0..5] |
the amount of dead time in each SSD for each telescope |
100ns |
UINT32[6] |
0� |
State� Machine Idle |
State Machine Idle Time |
100ns |
UINT32 |
0� |
Hit Reject |
the number of events rejected due to simultaneous energy channel events |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
TOFxPH Events |
the number of valid TOFxPH events |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
TOFxE Events |
the number of valid TOFxE events |
UINT32 |
0� |
Events Queued |
the number of valid energy events placed in the FIFO |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
Events Processed |
the number of valid energy events processed by the flight software |
Counts |
UINT32 |
0� |
The primary activity in processing the Level 0 data into Level 1 data is to convert the count data into rate data.� This is done in a series of algorithmic steps in which the Level 0 count data is read into memory, the duration of the measurement is loaded from the Level 0 file, the counts themselves are adjusted according to the Rin vs Rout algorithm, and the rate data is then written to a Level 1 file.� The following constants and variables are used throughout the subsequent sections:
Name |
Description |
Type |
Value(s) |
Maximum number of 100ns intervals for which data can be accumulated |
UInt32 |
969938 |
ClkPeriod |
Number of nanoseconds in the RBSPICE DPU clock period |
UInt32 |
100 |
STDead |
Start counter dead time due to synchronization logic |
UInt32 |
2 |
SPDead |
Stop counter dead time due to synchronization logic |
UInt32 |
2 |
SPVeto |
Interval in which additional stop pulses cause the event to be discarded |
UInt32 |
2 |
RDTVeto |
Interval for inhibiting start and stop counter during chip TOF reset |
UInt32 |
1 |
PKDReset |
Interval for resetting the peak detector |
UInt32 |
4 |
PURVeto |
Interval during which a second SSD pulse causes the event to be discarded |
UInt32 |
7 |
Basic Rates
EBR (X312), IBR(X313), and ISBR(X315) telemetry includes the measured counts (SSD) and dead time (SSDDead) for each telescope. These values are converted to a rate value using the following algorithm:
For each telescope (where �tele� goes from 0 to 5)
Energy Rates
Conversion of the counts obtained for the ESRLEHT(X317), ISRHELT(X318), and ESRHELT(X319) telemetry is somewhat more complicated, because the algorithm requires an understanding of the spin information (X323) and the basic rate data (EBR for ESRLEHT and ESRHELT, IBR for ISRHELT) to fully convert the count data into a rate. For purposes of this algorithm, the count values in the telemetry are called hij, where i refers to the telescope number and j refers to the energy channel of the measurement.� Following is the algorithm used in the RBSPICE SOC software for each telescope and each energy channel:
1) If the count is zero, return a rate of 0.0
2) Identify the number of sectors involved in the measurement, based upon the frequency of the product (S, S*N1, S*N1*N2/Spins) � for an example see table 3-5.
3) Calculate
the default rate as:
4) If
the measurement spans a single spin
Get the basic rate energy data object (erd)
for the current SCLOCK, Spin, and Sector
5) If
the measurement spans multiple spins
Get a conglomerate basic rate energy data object (erd) for the current SCLOCK, Spin, and Sector for each involved
6) If
erd = null, return the defaultrate (i.e. we cannot do R vs R
correction without the basic rate data)
(Note that there are some scenarios in which this is possible, but they are
extremely rare.)
7) Get
the following variables from the erd
vee = valid energy events
vep = valid events processed
idle = state machine idle
ssd = basic count for the current
ssddead = basic count dead time for
the current telescope
8) Calculate the basic rate, brate, (see section above) using the values returned in the erd object
9) Calculate
each of the following terms (cipkdreset
and cipurveto) using the
following formula:
This algorithm can produce rates that are smaller than the default rate at somewhat low counting times.� The SOC software tests for this condition and returns the default rate if the calculated rate is smaller. Note that the SOC software has conditions on the level of failure built into the processing, such that if the percent error of the calculated rate versus the default rate (in an error condition) is significantly high, then a particular file will fail so that more investigation can be made to better understand the situation.� Eventually the file will be allowed to succeed, once it has been understood and recognized that no significant processing issue is involved.
Species TOFxPH Rates
The conversion of the species mode TOFxPH measurements for products TOFxPHHLEHT (X31D) and TOFxPHHHELT (X31E) follows a similar algorithm as discussed for the calculation of Energy Rates (see above).� The key difference is in the values used from the Ion Species Basic Rate data object (erd) and the formulas of step 9:
7) Get
the following variables from the erd
vtofxe = valid TOFxE events
vtofxph = valid TOFxPH events
vep = valid events processed
idle = state machine idle
ssd = basic count for the current
ssddead = basic count dead time for
the current telescope
stop0 = number of events above the
Stop 0 threshold
9) Calculate each of the following terms (efact)
Species TOFxE Rates
The conversion of the species mode TOFxE measurements for products TOFxEIon (X31A), TOFxEH (X31B), and TOFxEnonH (X31C) follows a similar algorithm as discussed above for Energy Rates and Species TOFxPH rates (see above). Again the key difference is what values are acquired in Step 7 and the formula in Step 9.
7) Get
the following variables from the erd
vtofxe = valid TOFxE events
vtofxph = valid TOFxPH events
vep = valid events processed
idle = state machine idle
ssd = basic count for the current
ssddead = basic count dead time for
the current telescope
stop0 = number of events above the
Stop 0 threshold
9) Calculate each of the following terms (efact)
As counts are converted into rates, the Level 1 files
capture the statistical Poisson error so that the information can be used in
understanding and calculating the error propagation for scientific
publications.� The errors placed in the Level
1 files are done for each telescope and energy channel measured.� Given a count, n, the calculated values are the percent error calculated as:
Effects of high rates on the RBSPICE microchannel plates on derived intensities: Accidentals
The RBSPICE-A and B instruments use a (start) foil to generate secondary electrons as the measured ions enter through the entrance collimator, and another (stop) foil just before they reach the solid state detectors (SSDs) that register their energies. The instruments include electrostatic configurations that guide those secondary electrons to Start and Stop areas on a microchannel plate (MCP), registering timing pulses for determining the particle velocity. Various other environmental sources (UV, low energy plasma, electrons) can also generate secondary electrons on these foils, contributing to the rates of Start and Stop pulses registered by the MCP. The particles of interest are identified by logic which requires that a Start pulse be followed by a Stop pulse within a defined maximum time window of ~150ns (deemed a �valid� time of flight, or TOF). For higher energies (sufficient to register above the energy thresholds of the SSDs), the valid TOF must also be accompanied by an energy signal in the SSD within a longer event window, and the positions of the Start, Stop, and energy pulses must be consistent with a straight particle trajectory across a sensor diameter.
Events known as �accidentals� are cases in which the valid event criteria (Start followed by Stop and, for higher energies, an accompanying energy measurement with the required positions satisfied) are met by randomly generated Start, Stop, (and energy for higher energy definitions) pulses that happen to (�accidentally�) meet the valid event criteria. When the Start, Stop, (and energy) rates are low, the probability of generating accidentals is low. Generally, for valid event criteria that do not require energy (known as TOF-only, or TOF-by-pulse-height or TOFxPH), the rate of accidentals can be calculated by Raccidental = Rstart x Rstop x TOFmax-window . For RBSPICE this is further reduced by a factor of 6 because there are 6 start and stop positions that are required to match for validity. For TOFxE events, this becomes Raccidental = Rstart x Rstop x TOFmax-window x Rssd x Tssd where Tssd is the characteristic time width of the SSD energy measurements, about 1 microsecond (�s). This criterion is further strengthened by a factor of 1/36 by requiring that the Start, Stop, and SSD positions coincide.
When rates become very high, Raccidental can become significant, and at times can even dominate the events that the logic deems as valid. For RBSPICE, this condition occurs for particularly high MCP Start and Stop rates that often manifest near periapsis. The causes of these high rates are not fully understood, but they are a very repeatable feature in the RBSPICE data. Because of differing sensitivity to environmental conditions, the high MCP rates under otherwise identical conditions are not identical for RBSPICE A and B. Below we provide examples from early 2018 that illustrate these differences, and point out some of the effects that appear in the RBSPICE data.
The primary activity in processing the Level 1 data into Level 2 data is to convert the rate data into particle intensity (flux) data.� This is done in a series of algorithmic steps in which the Level 1 rate data is read into memory, the calibration data for the SC and product are loaded, the intensities are calculated, and the intensities are then written to a Level 2 file.� Additional fields are added to the Level 2 file to match the Panel on Radiation Belt Environmental Modeling (PRBEM) standards for such data.� See http://craterre.onecert.fr//prbem/home.html for a complete specification of this standard. Note that the Level 2 files do not include all required variables to meet the PRBEM standard, but instead those variables are added to the files to create the Level 3 final data products.
The PRBEM standards require all variables to fit specific field name guidelines.� The RBSPICE SOC team has made every effort to utilize these guidelines.� The Level 1 rate files contain variables of rate data with a CSV common name of T#_R where # represents the telescope, and a CDF common name of T#_Rates.� The Level 2 PRBEM standard requires a variable that is species-specific, so the standard Intensity (Flux) variables contained in the Level 2 files are of the standard for F?DU, where �?� is a character representing the species of the variable. The individual characters have the following meaning:
Character |
Interpretation |
RBPSICE Values |
F |
Represents an Intensity or Flux |
? |
Identifies the Species |
I=Ion, H=Proton(Hydrogen), He=Helium, O=Oxygen, E=Electron |
D |
Identifies that the intensities are Differential in energy |
U |
Identifies that the intensities are unidirectional and not omni-directional |
It should be noted that several RBSPICE products contain multiple intensity variables, because some of the products energy channels are responsive to different species of particles.� While the variable names match the PRBEM standard, the variable sizes do not.� When creating the intensity variables, it was prudent to create a two-dimensional array that contains the intensity for each telescope and channel combination. Energy channels that are NOT responsive to the particular species are written with a fill value in the CDF files and an empty field value in the CSV files.
RBSPICE calibration data can be found at the following
and http://rbspice.ftecs.com/RBSPICEB_Calibration.html.
The data is organized by product type and contains the necessary information needed to convert RBSPICE rate data into intensity (flux) data.� The calibration data fields are described in the following table.
Name |
Description |
Type |
Units |
Values |
SC |
Identifies the SC for this record |
String |
NA |
Product Type |
Identifies the applicable product |
String |
NA |
Telescope |
Allows the values to vary per telescope as the instrument starts degrading |
Integer |
NA |
0 � 5 |
StartUTC |
Identifies when this calibration record is applicable |
String |
Time |
Standard format of CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.hhh |
StartET |
Identifies the Ephemeris Time when this record is applicable |
Real |
Seconds |
315576066.183925 � 788961666.183928 |
StopUTC |
Identifies when ending time when this record is applicable |
String |
Time |
Standard format of CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.hhh |
StopET |
Identifies the ending ET when this record is applicable |
Real |
Seconds |
315576066.183925 � 788961666.183928 |
Species |
Identifies the primary species of the measurement |
String |
NA |
e=electron, Ion(Ions)=ion, H=proton, P=proton, |
Channel |
Energy channel |
Integer |
NA |
0 � total number of energy channels � 1 |
E_Low |
Low end of the energy passband |
Real |
MeV |
E_High |
High end of the energy passband |
Real |
MeV |
E_Mid |
Midpoint of the energy passband |
Real |
MeV |
G_Small |
Geometrical factor when the small pixels are used (See X323 data) |
Real |
cm2 |
G_Large |
Geometrical factor when the large pixels are used (See X323 data) |
Real |
cm2 |
Eff |
Efficiency of the passband |
Real |
NA |
Notes |
Relevant information about channel |
String |
NA |
Rates are converted into Intensities using the following equation:
The specific value used of the geometrical factor, G, is based upon the current pixel value (small or large) contained in the X323 auxiliary data packet (see Level 0 processing for more information).� The final CDF variable that is created to contain the intensities is a two-dimensional variable of type Real and sized as F?DU[tele,ch] so that it contains the data for each telescope and channel combination.
A number of additional variables are added to the Level 2 data file during conversion.� The following paragraphs and tables describe these variables and how they are calculated. Note the following notations: Real[ch] indicates a Real array with a size equivalent to the number of energy channels, Real[tl] indicates a Real array with a size equivalent to the number of telescopes, and Real[tl,ch] indicates a Real two-dimensional array with a size equivalent to the number of telescopes and energy channels.
Field |
Description |
Type |
Units |
Limits |
Algorithm |
L |
of the McElwain L Shell for a Dipole Field |
Real |
RE |
to 10.0 |
Position_SM |
of SC in Solar Magnetospheric Coordinates |
Real[3] |
RE |
to 10.0 |
F?DU_Error |
Poisson statistical percent error (see Level 1 error) |
Real[tl,ch] |
% |
to 100.0 |
F?DU_Crosscalib_RMS |
variable is not used in the Level 2 files but exists for consistency with the
PRBEM standards.� Once inter-instrument
calibration is finished this variable might be used to contain that
information |
Real[tl,ch] |
NA |
F?DU_Energy |
energy for each energy channel |
Real[tl,ch] |
MeV |
to 10 |
F?DU_Energy_Range |
high and low energy values for the Channel |
Real[tl,2,ch] |
MeV |
to 10 |
FEDU_Quality |
data quality flag using the PRBEM standard. |
Integer[tl,ch] |
NA |
to 10 |
The RBSPICE energy measurements have been cross-calibrated with the MagEIS and HOPE energy measurements for similar energy channels.� These calibration activities have resulted in adjustments to the efficiencies in the calibration table. At some time in the future the details of these calibration activities will be presented in this section.
The current data files produced by the RBSPICE SOC are NOT background corrected for contamination due to energetic electrons and cosmic rays.� At some time in the future this section will be completed with steps that describe the process required to background correct the RBSPICE intensity data.
The primary activity in processing the Level 2 data into Level 3 data is to calculate the pitch angles of the six telescopes, based upon the measured magnetic field received from the EMFISIS instrument.� This processing is done in a series of algorithmic steps in which the EMFISIS magnetic field data is loaded, the ECT Magnetic Ephemeris data is loaded, the Level 2 intensity data file is copied, and the pitch angles are calculated and placed into the copied Level 2 file, creating a Level 3 file.� Additional fields are added to the Level 3 file to fulfill the full standards of the PRBEM for such data.� See http://craterre.onecert.fr//prbem/home.html for a complete specification of this standard.
Note that the Level 3 files are only created as CDF files.� It was determined that the number of fields in the Level 2 CSV files was becoming excessive and that the additional fields added to the Level 3 files would make this even more cumbersome.� The RBSPICE SOC can provide a CSV equivalent file for a small specific set of days, if a scientist does not have software to read-in the CDF files. These queries should be emailed to the RBSPICE SOC Lead.
The Level 2 UVW EMFISIS 60 hertz magnetic field data files were chosen to be used to calculate the RBSPICE pitch angles.� These files contain data sampled at 60 Hz, so contain around 5 million samples per data file.� In order to reduce the overall memory utilization and to reduce the overall processing requirements, these files were deprecated by a specific programmable number before being used to calculate Pitch Angles. .� Currently the deprecation is set at a factor of 8.� There is no filtering used during the deprecation stage of loading the magnetic field data into the database, but instead every 8th value was included.
Some of the additional fields included in the RBSPICE Level 3 CDF files have data taken directly from the ECT Magnetic Ephemeris data files.� The definitive Olsen Pfitzer 1977 quiet time files were used in this processing. The data fields chosen from these files are deemed relevant to understanding the RBSPICE energetic particle data.
The particle flow direction has been added to the RBSPICE
Level 3 files since file version x.1.10.�
The particle flow direction is calculated by utilizing the definitive
SPICE CK and FK kernels for each spacecraft at the time of the
observations.� The calculation is made by
utilizing the SPICE function pxform_c(FROM, TO, M) for each telescope. The �FROM� reference frame in
the transformation is the RBSPICE telescope reference frame written as
RBSPA/B_RBPSICE_T{0�5}, e.g. RBSPB_RBSPICE_T3 would represent telescope 3 for
the RBSPICE instrument on the Van Allen Probes B spacecraft.� The �TO� reference frame in the transformation is the �SM�
reference frame. The relationship between the RBSPICE telescopes and the
spacecraft UVW or XYZ reference frames can be found in the Van Allen Probes
frame kernels: rbspa_vxxx.tf and rbspb_vxxx.tf.�
Once the transformation matrix is derived then the boresight unit vector
for each telescope (also defined in the RBSPICE frame kernels) is multiplied by
the transformation matrix as:
The particle flow direction is then calculated as the
negative or reverse of the telescope boresight unit vector transformed into the
SM reference frame, e.g.
The pitch angle calculation uses the following algorithms in the order listed:
1) Verify that magnetic field data and magnetic ephemeris data exist; otherwise fail processing.
2) Verify that SPICE C-Kernels are available for the time frame to be processed.
3) For each record of the Level 2 intensity variable, do the following:
a. Get spin segment that applies to this record
i. This recognizes data products that accumulate over multiple spins
b. Create an array of start and stop times based upon the accumulation sectors for each spin involved and the available magnetic field data, i.e. this is start/stop for the actual B vectors, not for the accumulation time point.
c. Get a set of magnetic field vectors for each time point contained in the time segments defined in b.
d. Calculate the look direction for each telescope and each time point contained in the time segments defined in b.
e. Calculate a pitch angle for each look direction/magnetic field vector combination
f. Average all pitch angles to get a final pitch angle representative of the accumulation for this measurement
g. Set the pitch angle quality flag, as follows:
i. Quality = 0 (good)
ii. Quality = 1 (bad � poorly defined virtual spin period)
iii. Quality = 2 (bad � no magnetic field data available)
h. Set
the minimum and maximum pitch angle values from the list of pitch angles as
calculated above.
Note that the pitch angle range data is written in the F?DU_AlphaRange variable
for each species in the file.
i. Write the pitch angle data, as well as the other new variables for this measurement
A number of additional variables are added to the Level 3 data file while the pitch angles are being calculated.� The following paragraphs and tables describe these variables and how they are calculated. Note the following notations: Real[ch] indicates a Real array with a size equivalent to the number of energy channels, Real[tl] indicates a Real array with a size equivalent to the number of telescopes, and Real[tl,ch] indicates a Real two-dimensional array with a size equivalent to the number of telescopes and energy channels.
Field |
Description |
Type |
Units |
Limits |
Algorithm |
Position |
of SC in GSE coordinates |
Real |
RE |
to 10.0 |
Position_GSM |
of SC in GSM Coordinates |
Real[3] |
RE |
to 10.0 |
Quality |
position quality flag, 0=good, 1=bad |
Integer |
NA |
to 1 |
Always 0 |
Alpha |
pitch angle for each telescope |
Real[tl] |
Degrees |
to 90 |
See above |
Alpha_Quality |
of the pitch angles calculated, 0=good, 1=bad |
Real |
NA |
to 1 |
See above |
ParticleDir_SM |
particle velocity unit vector in the SM reference frame, set to (0,0,0) or
(-1,-1,-1) if undefined |
Real[3] |
NA |
to 1.0 |
L_Eq |
distance to Bmin point for FL threading vehicle (i.e. |Pmin|) |
Real |
RE |
to 10 |
ECT Data |
L_Star |
Roederer L-shell value |
Real |
RE |
to 10 |
ECT Data (L_Simple) |
L_StarArr |
McElwain L parameter for each telescope |
Real[tl] |
RE |
to 10 |
ECT Data |
I |
invariant for average pitch angle |
Real |
ECT Data |
IArr |
invariant for each telescope pitch angle |
Real[tl] |
ECT Data |
K |
Invariant ( I*sqrt(Bm) ) for average pitch |
Real |
ECT Data |
Karr |
Invariant ( I*sqrt(Bm) ) for each pitch angle |
Real[tl] |
ECT Data |
Latitude of SC |
Real |
Degrees |
to 90 |
ECT Data |
F?DU_Alpha |
of Alpha required in PRBEM standard |
Real[tl] |
Degrees |
to 90 |
See above |
F?DU_AlphaRange |
values of pitch angle over the accumulation period |
Real[tl,2] |
Degrees |
to 90 |
See above |
The primary activity in processing the Level 3 data into Level 3 PAP data is to read the pitch angle data (flux (intensity) and pitch angles) from the Level 3 files for each set of measurements that occur within a single spin and to bin the observed intensities during this spin as a function of the pitch angle data for each energy channel.� The final step of the system is to utilize the pitch angle binned data to calculate a variety of aggregate values for the data.� The aggregate data includes the following fields: perpendicular partial particle pressure, parallel partial particle pressure, particle density for the given energy channels, the omnidirectional flux (intensity) observed for each energy channel, and finally the integrated particle flux (intensity). This processing is done in a series of algorithmic steps in which the level 3 RBSPICE data is loaded for the targeted product, the Level 3 error data is recalculated based upon the pitch angle binning weights, and the aggregate data is calculated.� All of the new data is then placed into a Level 3 PAP file for each species of each data product.
The binned pitch angles are binned for all data that is
available for each spin. A separate product is created for each species within
any specific level 3 product. I.e. the TOFxE_nonH Level 3 data is used to
create TOFxE_He and TOFxE_O data products.�
A pitch angle binning scheme is created for each product based upon
input parameters associated with each product.�
At this time, all products utilize the same pitch angle binning scheme.
This scheme creates seventeen (17) pitch angle bins. The first and last bins
are fifteen (15) degrees wide and all other bins are ten (10) degrees wide).
The scheme is symmetric and the center bin is centered on ninety (90) degrees and
each subsequent bin both decreasing and increasing (except for boundaries) are
centered on ten (10) degree decrements. I.e. the pitch angle center array for
this schema can be expressed as:
{7.5, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160,
PAP data calculation uses the following algorithms in the order listed:
1) Verify that RBSPICE Level 3 data exists; otherwise do nothing.
2) Create a pitch angle binning scheme based upon input parameters, currently 10 degree bins with 15 degree ends.
3) For each spin record of the Level 3 intensity variable, do the following:
a. Create a binned intensity array and initialize all records to -1.
b. Create a binned intensity weight array and initialize all records to 0.
c. Create a binned count array and initialize all records to 0.
d. Create an array per energy channel to contain the maximum and minimum observed binned intensities
e. For each record of the spin
i. If the pitch angle quality flag is bad go to the next record otherwise
ii. Get the pitch angle array which identifies the pitch angle of the observed particle for each telescope
iii. For each telescope of the intensity variable (for the specified species)
1. Calculate the bin number for the pitch angle associated with this telescope
2. If the value of the intensity bin position is -1 then set the value of the bin to the intensity
3. Otherwise add the intensity to the binned intensity array
4. Increment the weight number by one (1) for the intensity weight array
5. Get the Poisson statistics error array and recalculate the counts and add to binned count array
6. If the current binned intensity is greater than the max then set the max to the intensity
7. If
the current binned intensity is greater than zero but smaller than the min
then set the min to the binned intensity
f. Divide the binned intensity array by the weight number array
g. Calculate the weighted error for each bin based upon the recalculated binned counts
h. Copy the other variables needed for the spin data record such as data quality flags, etc.
i. Calculate the mid-point and stop time of the spin record
j. Calculate the aggregate values:
Perpendicular/Parallel Partial Particle
Omni-directional intensity per energy channel:
Integrated Intensity:
k. Write the data record to the PAP data file
Level 3 Pitch Angle and Pressure (PAP) data products are only created as CDF files and they contain the following set of fields. Note that the source identifies if the field is a calculated field (as in an aggregate or binned value), if it is copied from the Level 3 data source data, or if it an averaged value or otherwise how the data is calculated.
Field |
Description |
Type |
Units |
Limits |
Algorithm |
Epoch |
stamp of the midpoint of the spin |
CDF_TT2000 |
Time |
Start+ |
string representing the time stamp of the midpoint of the spin |
String |
Time |
Start+ |
Day of Year |
Double |
Days |
� 365.999 |
Calculated |
ET |
time stamp of the beginning of the spin |
Double |
Seconds |
Copied |
MidET |
time stamp of the midpoint of the spin |
Double |
Seconds |
Start + |
StopET |
time stamp of the end of the spin |
Double |
Seconds |
Start + Duration |
Duration |
of the spin |
Double |
Seconds |
Calculated |
OrbitNumber |
orbit number that includes start ET |
Integer |
NA |
1-9999 |
Copied |
Spin |
number for the data record |
Integer |
NA |
0-65535 |
Copied |
FspDU |
Differential Flux units for species(sp) |
Double[nE,nP] |
#/(mm^2*sr*MeV*s) |
= unsampled |
See algorithm |
FspDU_Weight |
array used to normalize the binned flux |
Integer[nE,nP] |
NA |
0-17 |
See algorithm |
FspDU_PerpPressure |
Partial Particle Pressure for species |
Double |
nPa |
0.0-100 |
See algorithm |
FspDU_ParaPressure |
Partial Particle Pressure for species |
Double |
nPa |
0.0-100 |
See algorithm |
FspDU_Density |
particle density for specific energy channels |
Double |
#/cm^3 |
0.0-100 |
See algorithm |
FspDU_IntegralFlux |
flux (intensity) for specific energy channels |
Double |
#/(mm^2*sr*MeV*s) |
� Big |
See algorithm |
FspDU_OmniFlux |
flux (intensity) for each energy channel |
Double[nE] |
#/(mm^2*sr*MeV*s) |
� Big |
See algorithm |
FspDU_MinimFlux |
minimum intensity (excluding zero) for energy |
Double[nE] |
#/(mm^2*sr*MeV*s) |
� Big |
See algorithm |
FspDU_MaximFlux |
maximum intensity for each energy channel |
Double[nE] |
#/(mm^2*sr*MeV*s) |
� Big |
See algorithm |
FspDU_Error |
Statistical error of FspDU variable |
Integer[nE,nP] |
NA |
� 100 |
See algorithm |
FspDU_Energy |
Energy of each energy passband |
Double |
MeV |
� 10.0 |
Copied |
FspDU_EnergyRange |
energies of each energy passband |
Double |
MeV |
� 10.0 |
Copied |
FspDU_Quality |
flag associated with FspDU variable |
Integer |
NA |
� 10 |
See quality above |
Position |
of SC in GEO reference frame |
Real[3] |
RE |
to 10.0 |
Copied |
Position_SM |
of the SC in SM reference frame |
Real[3] |
RE |
to 10.0 |
Position_GSM |
of SC in GSM Coordinates |
Real[3] |
RE |
to 10.0 |
Quality |
position quality flag, 0=good, 1=bad |
Integer |
NA |
to 1 |
Always 0 |
L |
value calculated using a dipole magnetic field |
Real |
RE |
� 10.0 |
Calculated |
latitude of SC calculated using Position_SM |
Real |
Hours |
� 23.999 |
ECT Data |
L_Eq |
distance to Bmin point for FL threading vehicle (i.e. |Pmin|) |
Real |
RE |
to 10 |
ECT Data |
L_Star |
Roederer L-shell value |
Real |
RE |
to 10 |
ECT Data (L_Simple) |
I |
invariant for average pitch angle |
Real |
ECT Data |
PA_Midpoint |
of each pitch angle bin |
Real[nP] |
Degrees |
� 180.0 |
Binning schema |
PA_Range |
Angle range for each pitch angle bin |
Real[2] |
Degrees |
� 180.0 |
Binning schema |
Channel |
array for the number of energy channels |
Integer[nE] |
NA |
� 59 |
Bin |
array for the number of pitch angle bins |
Integer[nP] |
NA |
� 17 |
Binning schema |
Axis |
array for the position axes |
Integer[3] |
NA |
� 2 |
MinMaxRange |
array for the min/max energy/PA arrays |
Integer[2] |
NA |
� 1 |
The top level structure of the RBSPICE SOC Data Repository is reflected in the figures in the following subsections.� These figures show the overall structure of the directories and how the data is contained. As much as possible, the structure attempts to represent the overall structure of the management of the Van Allen Probes, itself. This is done to facilitate ease of access to any particular piece of data.
Figure 4-1 describes the high level look at the directory structures used to represent the MOC data that is transferred to the RBSPICE SOC.� The folder called MOCTelemetry is the Van Allen Probes MOC Data Products folder as downloaded directly from the MOC.� The MOCTelemetry folder contains subfolders for each spacecraft (A and B). Within each of those folders is the specific data that the RBSPICE SOC utilizes for data production and scientific analysis.� The folders themselves are logical views mapped to the original source folders within the folder structure.
RBSPICE->Data_Root->MOCTelemetry folder as downloaded from the MOC:
Figure 4-1 RBSP
MOC Data stored in the RBSPICE Data Repository \---RBSPICE ��� +---Data_Root ��� |����� +---MOCTelemetry ��� |��������� +---RBSPA ��� |������� ����� +---data_products ��� |������ \---RBSPB ��� |������������� +---data_products �������
Figure 4-2 represents the rest of the directory organization that contains the instrument specific data.� The secondary level is organized by software and data subdirectories called �Software� and �Data_Root.� Each of these subdirectories contains a production folder and a development folder. Contained within each production and development folder are subfolders for each spacecraft (A and B). Each spacecraft folder contains the instruments� data for that spacecraft.� It is recognized that the RBSPICE SOC Data Repository might not contain data from any instruments other than EMFISIS and RBSPICE, but the directories will be maintained for completeness.
\RBSPICE \---Data_Root ��� ������������������� \---Development ������ ����������������� ����������� \---RBSP ���������� ������������������������� ����������� \---RBSPA ��������������� �������������������������������������������� +---ECT ����������� �� �������������������������������������������� +---EFW ����������� �� �������������������������������������������� +---EMFISIS ����������� �� �������������������������������������������� +---PSBR \---RBSPICE ����������� +---Data +...RBSPB
(see RBSPA) �� �������� \---Production ������� ���������������������������� \---RBSP ���������� ������������������������������������� �\---RBSPA ��������������� �������������������������������������������� +---ECT ����������� �� �������������������������������������������� +---EFW ����������� �� �������������������������������������������� +---EMFISIS ����������� � ��������������������������������������������� �+---PSBR � ��������������������������������������������� �\---RBSPICE ����������������������������������������������������������� +---Data +...RBSPB
(see RBSPA) ����������� ������
Figure 4-2 RBSP
Spacecraft Data Directory Structure
Figure 4-3 represents the extent of the EMFISIS data that is
needed to be contained within the RBSPICE Data Repository.�
Figure 4-3 EMFISIS Directory Structure within
the RBSPICE Data Repository \---RBSP ��� +---RBSPA ��� |�� +---ECT ��� |�� +---EFW ��� |�� +---EMFISIS ��� |�� |��
\---Data ��
In this structure, there will be multiple products contained within the RBSPICE Data directories; however, this figure shows only a sample product A.� Table 4-1shows the products that are to be maintained and the directory names that will be used for each. Table 3-2 shows the various levels for each of the data products that are to be produced. Each product directory will contain a list of the relevant data for that product.� This list of data includes the Mission Simulation data, Integration and Testing data (IT), Commissioning data, any relevant calibration data for the particular product, the telemetry received from the MOC, the Level 0 data received from the MOC, the Level 1-3 data products produced, any internally required data used in the generation of Level 4 data, the publishable Level 4 data, interim data needed in production, and finally the database repository that contains the relevant data for that product.
Figure 4-4 represents the RBSPICE data organizational structure that will be contained within the RBSPICE SOC Data Repository.� Each spacecraft directory will contain its own respective data. Not all folders exist or are populated at this time.
\---RBSP ��� +---RBSPA ��� |�� \---RBSPICE ��� |������ +---Data ��� |������ |��
----Calibration ��� |������ |��
+---MSIM3 ��� |������ |��
|�� +---ProdA1 ��� |������ |��
|�� |�� +---Year_1 ��� |������ |��
|�� |�� +---Year_2 ��� |������ |��
|�� |�� \---Year_3 ��� |������ |��
+---Commissioning ��� |������ |��
+---Level_0 (see MSIM3 for subdirectories) |������ |��
+---Level_1 (see MSIM3 for subdirectories) ��� |������ |�� +---Level_2 (see
MSIM3 for subdirectories) ��� |������ |��
+---Level_3 (see MSIM3 for subdirectories) ��� |������ |��
+---Level_3PAP (see MSIM3 for subdirectories) ��� |������ |��
+---Level_4-models (see MSIM3 for subdirectories) ��� |������ |��
+---Level_4-release (see
MSIM3 for subdirectories)
Figure 4-4 RBSPICE Data Directory Structure
Note: Product Mapping Directory follows in Section 4.5
Table 4-1 shows the list of data products, key variables, and the short directory names
Table 4-1 Mapping of Product to Short Directory Name
Product |
Short Directory
Name |
Species |
Energy Bins |
Ion Basic Rate |
Ion |
NA |
Electron Basic Rate |
Electron |
NA |
Low Energy Res, High Time Res, Electron Species Rates |
Electron |
14 |
High Energy Res, Low Time Res, Electron Species Rates |
Electron |
64 |
High Energy Res, Low Time Res, Ion Species Rates |
Ion |
64 |
High Energy Res, Low Time Res, TOFxPH Proton Rates |
Protons |
32 |
TOFxE Proton Rates |
Protons |
14 |
TOFxE Non Proton Rates |
TOFxEnonH |
Heavy Ions |
28 |
Low Energy Res, High Time Res, TOFxPH Proton Rates |
Proton |
10 |
TOFxE Ion Species Rates |
TOFxEIon |
Ion |
64 |
Space Weather Rates |
All |
NA |
Ion Species Basic Rates |
Ion |
NA |
Priority Events |
PriorityEvents |
NA |
NA |
Ion Energy Diagnostic Rates |
Ion |
NA |
Ion Species Diagnostic Rates |
Ion |
NA |
Raw Ion Species Events |
Ion |
NA |
Raw Electron Energy Events |
Electron |
NA |
Raw Ion Energy Events |
Ions |
NA |
Auxiliary Data |
Aux |
NA |
NA |
Critical Housekeeping Data |
NA |
NA |
Pitch Angles |
PA |
All |
NA |
Table 4-2 Mapping of Product to Short Directory Name for Level 3 PAP products � note that the energy bins can vary over the duration of the mission based upon the channel assignments in the flight software
Product |
Directory Name |
Species |
Bins |
Time of flight by energy Proton data |
Protons |
14 |
Time of flight by energy Helium data |
Helium |
9 |
Time of flight by energy Oxygen data |
Oxygen |
9 |
Time of flight by pulse height Proton data |
Protons |
20 |
Time of flight by pulse height Oxygen data |
Oxygen |
11 |
Time of flight by pulse height Proton data |
Protons |
7 |
Time of flight by pulse height Oxygen data |
Oxygen |
3 |
The filename convention used by the RBSPICE SOC Data Production software is derived directly from the recommended file naming convention suggested by the Van Allen Probes SOC Lead.� The following is a direct copy from the document titled �Filename Convention for Radiation Belt Storm Probes Common Data Format data files� written by R. Freidel and modified by R. Barnes.� Tables that are specific to the RBSPICE data files are presented following the basic naming convention specifications.
Multiple file formats will be produced by the RBSPICE SOC; however, the primary �flat file� storage format is in Common Data Format (CDF) as specified by the Space Physics Data Facility at Goddard Space Flight Center and more specifically by ISTP compliance requirements. Other formats will include ASCII Comma Separated Value (CSV) flat file versions of the RBSPICE data.
RBSP CDF files are comprised of a number of variable-length alphanumeric fields, followed by a filename suffix (�cdf�). All fields are required and are delineated by a field separator character, an underscore (�_�). Fields can be further divided into sub-fields, delineated by a dash (�-�). The distinction between a field and a sub-field is that a field is a required element that must always be included in the filename, and a sub-field is an optional element that may or may not be present. A filename parser can be safely coded to extract all fields from a filename and can optionally further extract sub-fields as needed.
The filename is of the form:
Field |
Description |
Example |
<source> |
Data source identifier, comprised of sub-fields for mission (�rbsp�), spacecraft (�a� or �b�), and optionally the instrument suite. |
�rbsp-a-ect�, �rbsp-b-emfisis�, �rbsp-a� |
<type> |
Data type, comprised of sub-fields for a short mnemonic data type identifier. |
�pre�, �fnl-001� |
<descriptor> |
A short descriptor of the data included in the file. |
�mag-L2�, �rbspice-L3�, �rps-ap003-l3� |
<date> |
Start date of the file in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). Dates can either be in the form, �yyyymmdd� or �yyyymmddhhMMss�. |
�20120201�, �20120830103000� |
<version> |
Version number consisting of the form �X.Y.Z-R�, where X is the major (interface) number, Y is the minor (quality number), Z is the revision number and R is an optional release number |
�v1.1.1�, �v1.2.1�, v2.2.1-100� |
<ext> |
Filename suffix identicating Common Data Format or �compressed Comma Separated Value file using GZIP |
�.cdf� or �.csv.gz� |
The source specifies the mission, the spacecraft (�a� or �b�), and may also include the instrument suite (e.g., rbspice).
The data type identifier is used to specify the providence
of the data, for example: preliminary data (�pre�), final data (�fnl�).
Instrument teams are free to define additional types as needed for specific
modes or products.
The descriptor field is a short, human readable description of the data product. It should include the instrument and the data product level. Finer levels of description down to measurement type and even APID may be used if deemed appropriate.
The date is specified in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). The length of the date field defines both the format of the date and the length of the file. Dates of the form �yyyymmdd� represent files that contain one UTC day of data.� Files with the longer �yyyymmddhhMMss� specification represent files containing one orbit of data.
Yyyy |
Year |
Mm |
Month |
Dd |
Day |
Hh |
Hour |
MM |
Minute |
Ss |
Second |
The version number uses a variant of the industry standard version scheme for software of the form �vX.Y.Z�
� X is the interface number.� Increments in this number represent that a significant change to the processing software or to the contents of the file has been made. These changes would require code changes to software readers and possibly changes to processing algorithms. The user should consult the appropriate meta-data for or change logs.
Y is the
quality number. This number represents a change in the quality of the data
in the file, such as change in calibration or increase in fidelity. Changes
should not impact software, but may require consideration when processing data.
Z is the
bug fix/revision number. This number changes to indicate minor changes to
the contents of the file due to reprocessing of missing data.
R is the
optional release number. This number can be used to group a collection of
data products which may have different version numbers. Depending on each
instrument team�s method of data processing, a file may or may not have a
release number. If the release number is omitted, it is assumed to be zero, so
that if a team later decides to use release numbers, this change in procedure
will not cause a subsequent problem in identifying release numbers. The release
number is a monotonically increasing integer that is used to capture a set of
data products at a point in the mission defined by the instrument team.
Individual data products may have different version numbers, representing
different versions of analysis software and calibration, yet have a common
release number.
Time Conversion and splitting data files:
The filenames for Level 0 PTP files use the mission elapsed day within the filename. The files are generated to match the UTC day as closely as possible; however, there will be some discrepancies.� In generating higher level data products, the actual UTC should be found from the contents of the CCSDS telemetry packets and should be used to generate the correct filename for that packet.
Parsing Filenames:
Filenames can be parsed by first breaking the filename down into the various fields, and then decoding them. As all fields are required, the extraction of fields is a trivial case of string tokenization.� In C this can be done using the �strtok� function, in IDL by using �strpos� and in shell scripts by using simple pattern expansion operators.
Filename Ordering:
Release numbers, version, and sub-version numbers do not have leading zeros; therefore, a simple alphanumeric sort will not necessarily return the file names in the ascending version order, e.g. �V1.9.1� will precede �V.1.10.1� in a file listing. To avoid this problem filenames should be sorted by parsing the filename. This can be accomplished under UNIX in the form of shell scripts using a combination of the �find� command and the �sort� command:
find . �name �rbsp*.cdf� | sort �t �.� �kA,Bn �kC,Dn
For efficiency, RBSP CDF files will use the built-in compression capability of the CDF file format. It is strongly suggested that time variables are NOT compressed to allow for quick time based searching of data. CSV files are compressed using GZIP.
The following table lists those filename convention specifics as applied to the RBSPICE data.
Table 5‑5‑1 RBSPICE Specific File Name conventions
Item |
RBSPICE Value(s) |
<source> |
rbsp-a-rbspice |
<type> |
Derived from the RBSPICE Product Directory it = integration and test lev-0 = level 0 lev-1 = level 1 lev-2 = level 2 lev-3 = level 3 lev-4 = level 4 for release lev-4-m = level 4 not for release ms-3 = mission sim 3 ms-4 = mission sim 4 tel = telemetry |
<descriptor> |
See directory short names in Table |
<date> |
yyyymmdd (file boundaries occur at day boundaries) |
<version> |
vX.Y.Z-rr rr = Data Release Number |
<ext> |
.cdf = Common Data Format |
A sample filename is rbsp-b-rbspice_lev-1_TOFxPHHHELT_20130512_v1.0.0-00.cdf which represents level 1 data produced for the time of flight by pulse height proton rates taken at high energy resolution and low time resolution on May 12, 2013. As data is processed and reprocessed the file version numbers will increment appropriately.
The RBSPICE data is released through the RBSPICE data web sites. There is a specific web site for each spacecraft instrument, i.e. RBSPICEA and RBSPICEB located at: RBSPICEA.FTECS.com and RBSPICEB.FTECS.com.
No security precautions are applied to the publicly released data; it is accessible from generally any web browser as a file listed directory.� At the time of writing, the public access data will start at Level 1 data files and will include all data through Level 3 PAP.� Some Level 4 data and models will be provided as the RBSPICE team decides to release such data/models for public use.
Level 0 data derived from the original payload telemetry packets will not be released to the general public.�
The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) located at Goddard Spaceflight Center (GSFC) will have access to the RBSPICE data through password protected websites. The NSSDC published web sites are currently planned at:
RBSPICEA.FTECS.com/NSSDC and RBSPICEB.FTECS.com/NSSDC and will provide access to the Level 0 data files as well as all publicly accessible data files.
A web services interface is currently planned to be built for access to the RBSPICE data files accessible to the general public.� At the time of this writing, the web services interface is in concept and has not fully been designed.� As time becomes available after primary development activities and mission simulations, the design of the web services interface will begin with full release documentation to be incorporated into this document. It is conceivable that password protected access to other areas of the data files will become available thru this interface so that organizations such as the NSSDC can have more programmatic access to the RBSPICE data thru the interface.
The following tables provide file field descriptions for each RBSPICE Level 1 and Level 2 data product, in both CDF and CSV formats:
Table 6.1-1 EBR_L1
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.1-2 ESR_HELT_L1
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.1-3 ESR_LEHT_L1
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.1-4 IBR_L1
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.1-5 ISBR_L1
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.1-6 ISR_HELT_L1
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.1-7 TOFxE_H_L1
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.1-8 TOFxE_Ion_L1
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.1-9 TOFxE_nonH
_L1 Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.1-10 TOFxPH_H_HELT
_L1 Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.1-11 TOFxPH_H_LEHT
_L1 Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.2-1 ESR_HELT_L2
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.2-1 ESR_HELT_L2
Product Field Descriptions (cont.)
Table 6.2-2 ESR_LEHT_L2
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.2-2 ESR_LEHT_L2
Product Field Descriptions (cont.)
Table 6.2-3 ISR_HELT_L2
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.2-3 ISR_HELT_L2 Product Field
Descriptions (cont.)
Table 6.2-4 TOFxE_H_L2
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.2-4 TOFxE_H_L2
Product Field Descriptions (cont.)
Table 6.2-5 TOFxE_Ion_L2
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.2-5 TOFxE_Ion_L2
Product Field Descriptions (cont.)
Table 6.2-6 TOFxE_nonH_L2
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.2-6 TOFxE_nonH_L2
Product Field Descriptions (cont.)
�Table 6.2-6 TOFxE_nonH_L2 Product Field
Descriptions (cont.)
Table 6.2-7 TOFxPH_H_HELT_L2
Product Field Descriptions
Table 6.2-7 TOFxPH_H_HELT_L2
Product Field Descriptions (cont.)
Table 6.2-7 TOFxPH_H_HELT_L2
Product Field Descriptions (cont.)
�Table 6.2-8 TOFxPH_H_LEHT_L2 Product Field
Table 6.2-8 TOFxPH_H_LEHT_L2 Product Field
Descriptions (cont.)
Table 6.2-8 TOFxPH_H_LEHT_L2 Product Field
Descriptions (cont.)
Appendix A - Q&A
Q: What does "TOFx"
stand for? Through http://athena.jhuapl.edu/data_finder I found TOFxEH, TOFxEIon,
TOFxEnonH, TOFxPHHHELT, and TOFxPHHLEHT for RBSP-B, but did not find the
"TOFx"s for RBSP-A. Will they ever be posted?
A: TOFx stands for Time of
Flight by �, the � is either Energy or Pulse Height so we have TOFxE or TOFxPH
data products.
This product designation has to do with the mode in which we are taking the
data and whether there is enough energy to trigger the SSD portion of the
In general the TOFxE products calculate the total energy using the time of
flight and then utilize the SSD energy deposition to further clarify the
The TOFxPH products calculate the total energy using the time of flight and
then utilize the pulse height to identify the species since the energy of the
species is not enough to penetrate into the SSD. The alternative counting data
product that we have is the ESRHELT, ESRLEHT, and ISRHELT products in which
these products are taken only using the �energy� mode of the RBSPICE
instrument. That means that we have no understanding of the species of the
particle (barring electron versus ion).
ESR products stand for Electron Species products and ISR stand for Ion Species.
In everything, the HELT stands for High Energy Low Time resolution and the LEHT
stands for Low Energy High Time resolution.
during January 17, the RBSPICE A instrument was not programmed to produce any
of the TOFx data products.
This capability was turned off due to some instrument issues observed in early
November 2012 and then once they were resolved it was turned back on January
26, 2013.
The RBSPICE B instrument was fully operational during the time frame that you
are looking at.
I point you to our production report pages at http://rbspicea.ftecs.com/RBSPICEA_Production_Status_Report.htm (click on the counting
tab at the bottom) and
http://rbspiceb.ftecs.com/RBSPICEB_Production_Status_Report.htm to see what counting
data products are available for the mission.
Q: I found H fluxes in TOFxEH,
He and O fluxes in TOFxEnonH, H and O fluxes in TOFxPHHHELT and TOFxPHHLEHT.
Which file(s) should I use to get the fluxes? Are they all sector (not
spin-averaged) data?
A: In regards to which
files to use first understand that the Level 0 files are counts, the Level 1
files are rate, and the Level 2 files are intensity (differential flux) (units
of counts/(MeV*cm^2*sr*sec).
regards to density you need to combine all of the particle data from each of
the products which contain the species for which you are interested.
For instance, if you want the density of oxygen ions (note that we don�t have
anything that separates O+, O++, etc) then you need to
work with the TOFxEnonH and one of TOFxPHHLEHT or TOFxPHHHELT. The decision on
which of the TOFxPH products to use is based upon what time resolution you want
to work with in regards to your production of the densities.
As a note, the TOFxEnonH oxygen energy starts around 123KeV and the TOFxPHHHELT
ends around 177 KeV so there are measurements that overlap between the two
products. The overlap is there to help us make sure that our calibration is
working correctly and to provide the option on which products we use in regards
to the how we calculate the macro properties like density. You need to
make sure that you are not combining all of the data from all of the channels
though because you would then over calculate the densities at certain energies.
I would also discourage you from using the very bottom energy channels of any
of the data products since they have a tendency to be contaminated.
of the data are Spin Averaged from a traditional sense of higher level data
Instead the accumulation periods vary from product to product. To start off,
the RBSPICE instrument breaks a spin into 36 sectors and the accumulation
period of the products is individually defined so that some products accumulate
in very high time resolution and others accumulate in low time resolution and
some in a somewhat medium time resolution.
The TOFxEnonH data product have 20 energy channels and are accumulated over a
single spin but the number of sectors of the accumulation can vary over the
mission. You can look at the data files to determine how many sectors are
included in the accumulation by the sector cadence within any spin, i.e. in
2012 for spin= 64424 the sector numbers step as 0, 2, 4, 6, i.e. accumulating
over 2 sectors for each data point.
The TOFxPHHLEHT data product are also accumulated in a single spin with
generally a higher angular resolution compared to the TOFxEnonH data products
but the energy resolution is limited to 10 energy channels and only 3 or 4 are
The TOFxPHHHELT data product has 32 energy channels 11 of which are counting
oxygen ions but the product itself is accumulated over multiple spins for each
of the sector groups that are involved in the accumulation. To be more
specific, the accumulation breaks a spin into X number of larger �sectors� and each
�sector� is then accumulated over 10 spins.
For instance, during much of the mission (maybe all of it) the spin is divided
into 9 larger �sectors� each accumulated over 10 spins.
By looking at the sector cadence within a file and the spin cadence you can
tell how many sectors are included in a larger �sector� and how many spins are
included in the accumulation.
If you want a spin averaged data product then you will need to add all of the
data from each sector group within a spin and then you will have the spin
averaged data.
Q: What are the energy
channels? What is the y-axis plotted with Autoplot? What operations (slice,
collapse, etc) should be applied to the data to get the fluxes and further
calculate the densities?
A: This is a much harder
question to answer but I will attempt it.
First I would like to encourage you to utilize the MIDL analysis package that
is available at the following URL: http://sd-www.jhuapl.edu/rbspice/MIDL/
This analysis package already understands how to plot the RBSPICE data and I
think would be very useful to you to better have access and understand our
The energy channels can be found at the following URL: http://rbspice.ftecs.com/Data.html --- scroll down to the
bottom to get to links for the A/B calibration pages.
In regards to plotting of the y axis for autoplot, that depends upon what you
are plotting and trying to accomplish.
The x axis is most likely time and for a spectrograph the y axis is energy and
the z axis is intensity/rate/count (depending upon what data level you are
Obviously once you calculate the density of the data then the y axis is just
the density and x the time.
Appendix B - Glossary