
/* VOLDESC.SFD file */

Vol_Ident:              USA_NASA_NSSD_P11A_0001   /*  Last four digits of
                                                      succeeding volumes will
                                                      be 0002, 0003, etc.  */

Vol_Creation_Date:      1992-06-30   /* For example  */

Medium_Description:     Half-inch magnetic tape, 9 track, 6250 bpi

Technical_Contact:      Joyce Wolf
                        Mail Stop 169-506
                        Jet Propulsion Laboratory
                        4800 Oak Grove Drive
                        Pasadena, CA 91109

                        Electronic Mail (SPAN):  JPLSP::JWOLF
                        Phone:  818-354-7361

Prev_Vols:              None
                        /* or USA_NASA_NSSD_P11A_0001
                              USA_NASA_NSSD_P11A_0002, etc.  */


Data_Set_Name:          Pioneer 11 HVM Cruise Data Archive

Data_Source:            Pioneer 11 Helium Vector Magnetometer

Scientific_Contact:     Dr. Edward J. Smith
                        Jet Propulsion Laboratory
                        Mail Stop 169-506
                        4800 Oak Grove Drive
                        Pasadena, CA 91109

                        Electronic Mail:  JPLSP::ESMITH
                        Telephone: 818-354-2248

Spacecraft_Characteristics:  Launched in April of 1973, Pioneer 11 made its
closest approach to Jupiter on Dec. 3, 1974.  During late 1975 and early 1976,
Pioneer 11 attained heliographic latitudes of 16 deg and higher; the sector
structure of the IMF disappeared at these latitudes. On Sept. 1, 1979, Pioneer
11 made its closest approach to Saturn.  Since then, it has been heading out
of the Solar System, upstream with respect to the direction of the
interstellar wind.  It passed Neptune's orbit in 1990.

The spacecraft spins at about 7.8 rpm, with the spin axis directed toward the
Earth.  It carries 12 instruments for measuring fields and particles, and is
powered by radioisotope thermal generators (RTG's).

Investigation_Objectives:   The primary investigation objectives for the
Pioneer 11 Helium Vector Magnetometer cruise data are to determine the large-
scale structure and dynamics of the interplanetary magnetic field in the outer
solar system and to study how they are influenced by changing solar activity,
and the interaction of the solar wind with the interstellar medium.


A.  Instrument_Description: The Helium Vector Magnetometer produces
measurements of the 3 orthogonal components of the ambient magnetic field in a
0-3 Hz passband.  The instrument switches automatically among 8 ranges, plus
or minus 4, 14, 42, 144, 640, 4000, 22000, and 140000 nT.  The measurements
are digitized to 8 bits and a sign bit, giving a sensitivity of 1/256 of full-
scale in each range.  For more information, refer to Smith, E. J., B. V.
Connor, and G. T. Foster, Jr., "Measuring the magnetic fields of Jupiter and
the outer solar system," IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. MAG-11, pp. 962-980, 1975.

B.  Instrument_Performance:  The instrument has functioned normally throughout
the mission.

C.  Measured_Parameters:   Three orthogonal components of magnetic field; the
third component is parallel to the spacecraft spin axis.

D.  Instrument_Accuracy:   Two factors determine the accuracy with which each
component of the field is determined.  One is the scale factor relating the
change in field to the corres-ponding change in output voltage.  The straight
line representing this scale factor intercepts the B axis (V = 0) at a non-
zero value (the instrument "offset" or "zero level").

The HVM is operated in a feedback mode so that the scale factor is highly
linear and very stable.  An in-flight calibration (IFC) is incorporated into
the instrument such that, on receipt of a command, carefully calibrated step
field changes are applied to the sensor to produce an end-to-end calibration
of all three axes.  During the lifetime of Pioneer 10 and 11, we performed an
in-flight calibration approximately every two weeks.  No change in instrument
response as large as one bit has ever been observed on either instrument.
Thus, the scale factors are considered known to within 0.25 percent, and,
accordingly, the errors are negligible.

Accurate estimates of the offsets must be determined in flight.  Since Pioneer
11 is a spinning spacecraft with two magnetometer axes lying in the spin
plane, two of the offsets can be continuously monitored by averaging the data
on a given axis over a large number of revolutions.  By analyzing the results
over many long intervals, it is estimated that these two offsets are being
determined to within 0.005 nT.  Since the spin axis is continuously oriented
toward Earth and is very nearly radial at large distances (about 30 AU) the
two transverse components (B-Theta and B-Phi) are extremely well known.  At 30
AU, the field magnitude, B, is typically 0.2 nT and the relative accuracy is,
therefore, about 2.5 percent.

The offset on the sensor axis parallel to the spin axis is more difficult to
determine.  We use the method developed by Davis and Smith (also independently
developed by Hedgecock), as improved upon by Belcher.  The basis of this so-
called variance method is to choose the BZ offset so as to reduce the
variations in B-magnitude to a minimum in the least squares sense.  Experience
indicates that the method yields a relative accuracy of greater than 5
percent.  For Pioneer 11 we estimate that the offset is known to about 0.02 nT
so that in a typical field of 0.2 nT, the offset is determined to within about
10 percent.  This number is probably conservative and we may actually be doing
slightly better.

Data_Set_Parameters:    Averages of field components (BX, BY, BZ); averages of
squares and crossproducts of components (BX2, BY2, BZ2 and BXBY, BXBZ, BYBZ);
averages of field direction cosines (BXCOS, BYCOS, BZCOS); average of field
magnitude (BMAG) and average of square of field magnitude (BMAG2).
Heliocentric positions of the spacecraft and Earth, referred to the ecliptic
and equinox of date, are also included.

Data_Set_Quality:       There are no significant known errors in the data;
however, in 1987 and afterward, the cyclic switching on and off of other
instruments on Pioneer 11 caused random fluctuations of the instrument's Z
axis zero levels.  These fluctuations are of the order of 0.05 nT, with a
period of several days.  We have been able to remove most, but not all, of
these fluctuations.

Data_Processing_Overview:  Data reduction until 1976 was done on an IBM 7044
and a Univac 1108; after that time a SEL/32 was used.

Raw data points consisted of Ground Received Time, triaxial magnetometer
measurements in counts (0 to 511), and magnetometer range (0 to 7).  Each
measurement was converted into nanotesla using range-dependent scaling factors
and offsets.  Spin-plane offsets were calculated daily by averaging spinning
data.  The other offset (parallel to the spin axis) was estimated over periods
of several weeks using either the Leverett Davis method of minimizing the
variance of the square of the magnitude, or John Belcher's variation of that

The magnetic field vectors were then despun into spacecraft inertial
coordinates and rotated through the roll angle CKAH (Clock Angle of Sun,
provided by Ames in File 3 on our EDR tapes).  In this PE coordinate system,
field vectors from 1976 and later were written onto RDR (Reduced Data Record)
tapes.  Prior to 1976, data were transformed from PE to SH (or SJ during
Jupiter Encounter) before being written onto the RDR tapes.  (In the PE
system, Z is along the Pioneer spin axis, nominally toward Earth, and X lies
in the plane containing the directions from Pioneer to the Earth and Sun and
is orthogonal to the spin axis, Z.  In SH, also known as Radial-Tangential-
Normal, X is the Sun-to-Pioneer direction and Y is parallel to the Sun's
equatorial plane.  For a complete definition of these systems, see the
description of COORDSYS in file FORMAT.SFD.)

From the RDR tapes, Ground Received Time 1-minute, 1-hour, and 1-day averages
of the field components, crossproducts of components, squares of components,
direction cosines of components, field magnitude, and square of field
magnitude were calculated and submitted on tapes to NSSDC.

For this cruise data archive, each 15-minute (or 1 hour) Spacecraft Event Time
parameter average has been constructed from those GRT 1-minute parameter
averages whose midpoints (converted to SCET) lie within the SCET averaging
interval.  The number of seconds in each minute for which data existed was
used as a weighting factor.  Averages in PE coordinates have been converted to

Lit_References:  Smith, E. J., B. V. Connor, and G. T. Foster, Jr., "Measuring
                 the magnetic fields of Jupiter and the outer solar system,"
                 IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. MAG-11, pp. 962-980, 1975.

                 Smith, E. J., et al., "Saturn's Magnetosphere and Its
                 Interaction with the Solar Wind," J. Geophys. Res., vol. 85,
                 pp. 5655-5674, 1980.

                 Smith, E.J., D. Winterhalter, and J. A. Slavin, "Recent
                 Pioneer 11 observations of the distant heliospheric magnetic
                 field," Solar Wind 6, eds. V.J. Pizzo, T.E. Holzer, and D.G.
                 Sime, NCAR/TN-306, HAO/NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, 1988, p. 581.

                 Other references may be found in these articles.


Vol_Time_Coverage:      1973-04-05 to 1973-12-31  /* for example */

File_Naming_Convention: Pioneer 11 HVM average files are named according to
the time of the data in the file as follows: HVM_P11_yyz.DAT, where yy stands
for the last two digits of the year, and z is either A for the first six
months of the year or B for the last six months of the year.

File_Time_Coverage:     File HVM_P11_73A.DAT  1973-04-05 through 1973-06-30.
                        File HVM_P11_73B.DAT  1973-07-01 through 1973-12-31.

/* Above time coverages are only for files on the present data volume. */

/* Time Coverages of files on other data volumes are as follows:

   File HVM_P11_74A.DAT  1974-01-01 through 1974-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_74B.DAT  1974-07-01 through 1974-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_75A.DAT  1975-01-01 through 1975-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_75B.DAT  1975-07-01 through 1975-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_76A.DAT  1976-01-01 through 1976-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_76B.DAT  1976-07-01 through 1976-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_77A.DAT  1977-01-01 through 1977-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_77B.DAT  1977-07-01 through 1977-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_78A.DAT  1978-01-01 through 1978-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_78B.DAT  1978-07-01 through 1978-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_79A.DAT  1979-01-01 through 1979-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_79B.DAT  1979-07-01 through 1979-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_80A.DAT  1980-01-01 through 1980-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_80B.DAT  1980-07-01 through 1980-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_81A.DAT  1981-01-01 through 1981-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_81B.DAT  1981-07-01 through 1981-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_82A.DAT  1982-01-01 through 1982-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_82B.DAT  1982-07-01 through 1982-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_83A.DAT  1983-01-01 through 1983-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_83B.DAT  1983-07-01 through 1983-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_84A.DAT  1984-01-01 through 1984-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_84B.DAT  1984-07-01 through 1984-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_85A.DAT  1985-01-01 through 1985-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_85B.DAT  1985-07-01 through 1985-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_86A.DAT  1986-01-01 through 1986-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_86B.DAT  1986-07-01 through 1986-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_87A.DAT  1987-01-01 through 1987-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_87B.DAT  1987-07-01 through 1987-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_88A.DAT  1988-01-01 through 1988-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_88B.DAT  1988-07-01 through 1988-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_89A.DAT  1989-01-01 through 1989-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_89B.DAT  1989-07-01 through 1989-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_90A.DAT  1990-01-01 through 1990-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_90B.DAT  1990-07-01 through 1990-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_91A.DAT  1991-01-01 through 1991-06-30.
   File HVM_P11_91B.DAT  1991-07-01 through 1991-12-31.
   File HVM_P11_92A.DAT  1992-01-01 through 1992-03-31.





/* End of file occurs here */
/* format file begins at next record */

Subm_Name:      Joyce Wolf

Subm_Addr:      Mail Stop 169-506
                Jet Propulsion Laboratory
                4800 Oak Grove Drive
                Pasadena, CA 91109

                Telephone:  818-354-7361
                Electronic Mail (SPAN):  JPLSP::JWOLF

Subm_Date:      1992-05-03

Title:          Format for Pioneer 11 HVM Cruise Data Archive

Descr:          Format description of the Pioneer 11 Helium Vector Magnetometer
                cruise phase archive data set, March 1973 through March 1992.

Rel_Date:       1992-06-01


File_Class_Name:        HVM_AVG_FILE

Record_Type_Names:      HVM_AVG_REC

File_Class_Syntax:      All records in the Pioneer 10 and 11 HVM cruise phase
                        data archive are of the same type, size, and format.

Record_Name:            HVM_AVG_REC

Record_Structure:       Fixed length records; no record terminators.

Record_Length:          372 bytes (each byte is one ASCII character)

                        SCETLAST, GRTFIRST, GRTLAST, BX, BY, BZ, BX2,
                        BXBY, BXBZ, BY2, BYBZ, BZ2, BXCOS, BYCOS, BZCOS,
                        BMAG, BMAG2, HRANGP, CELLTP, CELLNP, REARSU,
                        CELLTE, CELLNE, BLANK

Record_Syntax:          There are 29 fields in each record.  SCET
                        indicates Spacecraft Event Time;  GRT indicates
                        Ground Received Time.  If no data exists for a
                        particular averaging interval, TOTDATA = 0,
                        and fields 5 through 22 are also set to zero.


 1      STARTAV    A16        SCET start of averaging interval (Time Code A)
 2      COORDSYS   1X,A2      Coordinate System Identifier
 3      LENGTHAV   1X,I5      Length of averaging interval in seconds
 4      TOTDATA    1X,F9.3    Total seconds of data included in this interval
 5      SCETFIRST  1X,F9.3    SCET of first data in this interval (sec of day)
 6      SCETLAST   1X,F9.3    SCET of last data in this interval (sec of day)
 7      GRTFIRST   1X,F7.0    GRT of first data in this interval (sec of day)
 8      GRTLAST    1X,F7.0    GRT of last data in this interval (sec of day)
 9      BX         1X,E14.6   Average of X component of field
10      BY         1X,E14.6   Average of Y component of field
11      BZ         1X,E14.6   Average of Z component of field
12      BX2        1X,E14.6   Average of square of X component
13      BXBY       1X,E14.6   Average of product of X and Y components
14      BXBZ       1X,E14.6   Average of product of X and Z components
15      BY2        1X,E14.6   Average of square of Y component
16      BYBZ       1X,E14.6   Average of product of Y and Z components
17      BZ2        1X,E14.6   Average of square of Z component
18      BXCOS      1X,E14.6   Average of X direction cosine of field
19      BYCOS      1X,E14.6   Average of Y direction cosine of field
20      BZCOS      1X,E14.6   Average of Z direction cosine of field
21      BMAG       1X,E14.6   Average of field magnitude
22      BMAG2      1X,E14.6   Average of square of field magnitude
23      HRANGP     1X,E14.6   Distance of spacecraft from Sun
24      CELLTP     1X,E14.6   Heliocentric celestial latitude of spacecraft
25      CELLNP     1X,E14.6   Heliocentric celestial longitude of spacecraft
26      REARSU     1X,E14.6   Distance of Earth from Sun
27      CELLTE     1X,E14.6   Heliocentric celestial latitude of Earth
28      CELLNE     1X,E14.6   Heliocentric celestial longitude of Earth
29      BLANK      1X         One blank

Field_Name:             SCET Start of averaging interval
Field_Mnemonic:         STARTAV
Field_Units:            ASCII Timecode A (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm in UTC)
Field_Resolution:       1 Minute
Field_Range:            1973-04-06T00:00 to 1992-06-30T23:59
Field_Description:      Spacecraft event time of start of averaging interval.
                        The subfield YYYY is the four digit year, MM is the
                        month (01 to 12), DD is the day of month (01 to 31),
                        hh represents hours (00 to 23), and mm represents
                        minutes (00 to 59).  For hour averages, the minutes
                        subfield will always be '00', and for 15-minute
                        averages, it will be '00' or '15' or '30' or '45'.
Field_Representation:   16 ASCII characters (I4,'-',I2,'-',I2,'T',I2,':',I2)

Field_Name:             Coordinate System Identifier
Field_Mnemonic:         COORDSYS
Field_Units:            Not applicable
Field_Range:            Value is ' SH' or ' SJ' or ' PE'
Field_Description:      Coordinate System identifier for the field vector
                        The SH system has its X axis in the Sun-to-Pioneer
                        direction; Y is the unit vector in the  direction
                        of the cross-product H x X, where H is the Sun's
                        rotation axis; Z = X x Y.  Referred to the mean equinox
                        and ecliptic of date, the components of H are
                        0.126199 COS(A), 0.126199 SIN(A), 0.992005,
                        where A = -14.6304 + .0139583(t-1972.0) deg, t = year.
                        The SJ system has its X axis in the Pioneer-to-Sun
                        direction; Y is the unit vector in the direction J x X,
                        where J is Jupiter's rotation axis; and Z = X x Y.
                        J = (-0.01448, -0.03482, 0.99929), referred to mean
                        equinox and ecliptic of 1974.0.
                        The PE system has its Z axis along Pioneer's spin axis,
                        which nominally points toward the Earth; its X axis
                        is the unit vector in the direction E x Z, where E is
                        the north perpendicular to the Ecliptic; and Y = Z x X.
Field_Representation:   3 ASCII characters (1X,A2)

Field_Name:             Length of averaging interval in seconds
Field_Mnemonic:         LENGTHAV
Field_Units:            Seconds
Field_Resolution:       1 second
Field_Range:            Always equal to 3600 for hour averages, 900 for
                        15-minute averages.
Field_Description:      Number of seconds in averaging interval.
Field_Representation:   6 ASCII characters (1X,I5)

Field_Name:             Total seconds of data included in this interval
Field_Mnemonic:         TOTDATA
Field_Units:            Seconds
Field_Resolution:       .001 sec.
Field_Range:            0 to 3612 for hour averages; 0 through 912 for
                        15-minute averages.
Field_Description:      This value is the sum of the sample time for each
                        high resolution data point included in the averages.
                        The sampling time varied with bit rate; at the highest
                        bit rate of 2048 bps, the time between successive points
                        was 3/32 sec; at the lowest rate of 16 bps, it is 12
                        sec.  (Bit rates typically changed several times during
                        a day.)  A value of zero means that there was no data
                        at all during the averaging interval.  The value of
                        TOTDATA should be used as a weighting factor when
                        using a number of these averages to compute averages
                        over a longer time interval.
Field_Representation:   10 ASCII characters (1X,F9.3)

Field_Name:             SCET of first data for this interval (sec of day)
Field_Mnemonic:         SCETFIRST
Field_Units:            Seconds from start of day
Field_Resolution:       .001 sec.
Field_Range:            0 to 86400
Field_Description:      Spacecraft event time of the midpoint of the first
                        GRT (Ground Received Time) 1-minute interval with data
                        that is included in this averaging interval, measured
                        in seconds from start of day specified in STARTAV.
Field_Representation:   10 ASCII characters (1X,F9.3)

Field_Name:             SCET of last data for this interval (sec of day)
Field_Mnemonic:         SCETLAST
Field_Units:            Seconds from start of day
Field_Resolution:       .001 sec.
Field_Range:            0 to 86400
Field_Description:      Spacecraft event time of the midpoint of the last
                        GRT (Ground Received Time) 1-minute interval with data
                        that is included in this averaging interval, measured
                        in seconds from start of day specified in STARTAV.
Field_Representation:   10 ASCII characters (1X,F9.3)

Field_Name:             GRT of first data for this interval (sec of day)
Field_Mnemonic:         GRTFIRST
Field_Units:            Seconds from start of day
Field_Resolution:       1 sec.
Field_Range:            0 through 108000
Field_Description:      Ground Received time of the midpoint of the first
                        1-minute interval with data that is included in this
                        averaging interval, measured in seconds from start
                        of day specified in STARTAV.  Field range allows
                        for up to 6 hours one-way light time.
Field_Representation:   8 ASCII characters (1X,F7.0)

Field_Name:             GRT of last data for this interval (sec of day)
Field_Mnemonic:         GRTLAST
Field_Units:            Seconds from start of day
Field_Resolution:       1 sec.
Field_Range:            0 through 108000
Field_Description:      Ground Received time of the midpoint of the last
                        1-minute interval with data that is included in this
                        averaging interval, measured in seconds from start
                        of day specified in STARTAV.  Field range allows
                        for up to 6 hours one-way light time.
Field_Representation:   8 ASCII characters (1X,F7.0)

Field_Name:             Average of X component of field
Field_Mnemonic:         BX
Field_Units:            Nanotesla
Field_Range:            -1.4E5 to 1.4E5 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of X Component of magnetic field vector
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of Y component of field
Field_Mnemonic:         BY
Field_Units:            Nanotesla
Field_Range:            -1.4E5 to 1.4E5 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of Y Component of magnetic field vector
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of Z component of field
Field_Mnemonic:         BZ
Field_Units:            Nanotesla
Field_Range:            -1.4E5 to 1.4E5 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of Z Component of magnetic field vector
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of square of X component
Field_Mnemonic:         BX2
Field_Units:            Nanotesla squared
Field_Range:            0 to 1.9E10 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of square of X component of magnetic field
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of product of X and Y components
Field_Mnemonic:         BXBY
Field_Units:            Nanotesla squared
Field_Range:            -1.9E10 to 1.9E10 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of product of X and Y components of magnetic
                        field vector.
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of product of X and Z components
Field_Mnemonic:         BXBZ
Field_Units:            Nanotesla squared
Field_Range:            -1.9E10 to 1.9E10 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of product of X and Z components of magnetic
                        field vector.
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of square of Y component
Field_Mnemonic:         BY2
Field_Units:            Nanotesla squared
Field_Range:            0 to 1.9E10 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of square of Y component of magnetic field
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of product of Y and Z components
Field_Mnemonic:         BYBZ
Field_Units:            Nanotesla squared
Field_Range:            0 to 1.9E10 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of product of Y and Z components of magnetic
                        field vector
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of square of Z component
Field_Mnemonic:         BZ2
Field_Units:            Nanotesla squared
Field_Range:            -1.9E10 to 1.9E10 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of square of Z component of magnetic field
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of X direction cosine of field
Field_Mnemonic:         BXCOS
Field_Units:            Unitless number
Field_Range:            -1 to +1
Field_Description:      Average of the quotient of the X component divided
                        by the magnitude of the magnetic field vector
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of Y direction cosine of field
Field_Mnemonic:         BYCOS
Field_Units:            Unitless number
Field_Range:            -1 to +1
Field_Description:      Average of the quotient of the Y component divided
                        by the magnitude of the magnetic field vector
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of Z direction cosine of field
Field_Mnemonic:         BZCOS
Field_Units:            Unitless number
Field_Range:            -1 to +1
Field_Description:      Average of the quotient of the Z component divided
                        by the magnitude of the magnetic field vector
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of field magnitude
Field_Mnemonic:         BMAG
Field_Units:            Nanotesla
Field_Range:            0 to 2.4E5 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of the magnitude of the magnetic field vector
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Average of square of field magnitude
Field_Mnemonic:         BMAG2
Field_Units:            Nanotesla squared
Field_Range:            0 to 5.8E10 (instrument limits)
Field_Description:      Average of the square of the magnitude of the
                        magnetic field vector
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Distance of spacecraft from Sun
Field_Mnemonic:         HRANGP
Field_Units:            Kilometers
Field_Range:            1.E8 to 1.E10
Field_Description:      Distance of the spacecraft from the Sun at the
                        start of the averaging interval
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Heliocentric celestial latitude of the spacecraft
Field_Mnemonic:         CELLTP
Field_Units:            Degrees
Field_Range:            -90 to 90
Field_Description:      Heliocentric latitude of the spacecraft at the start of
                        the averaging interval, referred to Ecliptic of date
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Heliocentric celestial longitude of the spacecraft
Field_Mnemonic:         CELLNP
Field_Units:            Degrees
Field_Range:            0 to 360
Field_Description:      Heliocentric longitude of the spacecraft at the start of
                        the averaging interval, referred to Ecliptic and
                        Equinox of date
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Distance of Earth from Sun
Field_Mnemonic:         REARSU
Field_Units:            Kilometers
Field_Range:            1.4E8 to 1.6E8
Field_Description:      Distance of Earth from the Sun at the
                        start of the averaging interval
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Heliocentric celestial latitude of Earth
Field_Mnemonic:         CELLTE
Field_Units:            Degrees
Field_Range:            -90 to 90
Field_Description:      Heliocentric latitude of Earth at the start of
                        the averaging interval, referred to Ecliptic of date
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             Heliocentric celestial longitude of Earth
Field_Mnemonic:         CELLNE
Field_Units:            Degrees
Field_Range:            0 to 360
Field_Description:      Heliocentric longitude of Earth at the start of
                        the averaging interval, referred to Ecliptic and
                        Equinox of date
Field_Representation:   15 ASCII characters (1X,E14.6)

Field_Name:             One blank
Field_Mnemonic:         BLANK
Field_Units:            Not applicable
Field_Range:            Always blank
Field_Description:      One ASCII blank character
Field_Representation:   1 ASCII character (1X)

/*  End of file occurs here  */