Availability: Exclusively CDAW Proprietary Data - Contact Agent for More Information
Time span: 1977-11-03 to 1979-01-07
This data set is proprietary and not for distribution. It is submitted by experimenters to NSSDC for the purpose of the Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops (CDAW). The data sets submitted for CDAW are usually small, and the time coverage is usually scanty within the time span indicated. However, this data set (or part of it) may be provided to the general science community through an online data set in CDF format. For more detailed description, as well as access information, please contact the NSSDC Request Coordination Office at request@mail630.gsfc.nassa.gov.
These 4-second average magnetic field data are on binary magnetic tape created on an IBM 360/91 computer. The records are fixed length with 100 48-byte logical records per physical block. The data consist of year; day of year; month; day of month; hour, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds of day; 4-second average magnetic field values in spacecraft coordinates; and total magnetic field values. This data set was submitted as input for Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops and is therefore limited to discrete periods within the time interval covered.
Questions or comments about this data collection can be directed to: Dr. H. Kent Hills.
Name | Role | Original Affiliation | |
Dr. Howard J. Singer | Data Provider | University of California, Los Angeles | howard.singer@noaa.gov |