Document title: IDL Read program for NDADS DE datatypes MAGA_GMS and MAGB_GMS Project: DE NDADS Datatype: MAGA_GMS and MAGB_GMS EID: SOFTWARE Super-EID: SOFTWARE There may be other documents also identified by this super-EID. NDADS filename: MAGB_GMS_READ.PRO TRF entry: in NSSDC's controlled digital document library, Mar. 1999. Document text follows: ---------------------- ;DYNAMICS EXPLORER 2 (DE-2) MAGNETOMETER (MAG-B) HIGH RESOLUTION GMS DATA ; 1995 July 21; temp = {magb_str, $ Year:0L, $ Day:0L, $ ; Day of year, January 1 = day 1 Time:0L, $ ; Time of MAG-B measurement in milliseconds from beginning of day Mode:0L, $ ; Instrument mode at time measurement taken. No change on MAG-B BR:0., $ ; Radial-Component of the Measured magnetic field in GMS coord. BTH:0., $ ; Theta-Component of the Measured magnetic field in GMS coord. BPH:0., $ ; Phi-Component of the Measured magnetic field in GMS coord. MR:0., $ ; Radial-Component of the Model magnetic field in GMS coord. MTH:0., $ ; Theta-Component of the Model magnetic field in GMS coordinates MPH:0., $ ; Phi-Component of the Model magnetic field in GMS coordinates GALT:0., $ ; Satellite altitude MLONG:0., $ ; Magnetic longitude MLAT:0., $ ; Magnetic latitude MLT:0., $ ; Magnetic local time ILAT:0. $ ; Invariant latitude } count = 0L maxCount = 1000L ; 24L*60L*60L*16L + 100L data = replicate(temp, maxCount) filename = ' ' read, 'What GMS MAG-B file to read? ', filename openr, lun, filename, /get_lun, /stream ; 60 while (count lt (maxCount-1)) and not eof(lun) do begin readu, lun, temp data(count) = temp count = count + 1 endwhile if count ge maxCount then print, 'Exceeded maxCount' else $ data = data (0:count-1) free_lun, lun if (strupcase(!version.os) ne 'VMS') then data = conv_vax_unix(data) ; dehires_load, filename, start, finish, br, bth, bph, mod_br, mod_bth,$ ; mod_bph, galt, mlt, ilat, mlong, mlat, time, flag ; Inputs: Daily file name, start time, end time ; Outputs: Br, Bth, Bph, Mr, Mth, Mph, altitude, magnetic local time, ;; invariant latitude, magnetic longitude, magnetic latitude, ; time, and a flag if there was no data in the requested interval. end