HAPI Server
This server supports the HAPI 2.0 specification for delivery of time series
data. The server consists of the following 4 REST-like endpoints that will
respond to HTTP GET requests.
- capabilities endpoint (/capabilities) describes the capabilities of the server; this lists the output formats this server can emit (csv, json and binary)
- catalog endpoint (/catalog) lists the datasets that are available; each dataset is associated with a unique id
- info endpoint (/info) (example) provides a description for a dataset of a given id; the description defines the parameters in every dataset record
- data endpoint (/data) (example) streams data content for a dataset of a given id; the streaming request must have time bounds (specified by request parameters time.min and time.max) and may indicate a subset of parameters (default is all parameters)
For more information, see HAPI github site.