Package cdasws
Package for accessing the Coordinate Data Analysis System (CDAS)
web services
Copyright © 2018-2025 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved.
- Due to rate limiting implemented by the CDAS web services, an attempt to make simultaneous requests from many threads is likely to actually reduce performance. At this time, it is best to make calls from five or fewer threads.
- Since CDAS data has datetime values with a UTC timezone, all client provided datetime values should have a timezone of UTC. If a given value's timezone is not UTC, the value is adjusted to UTC. If a given value has no timezone (is naive), a UTC timezone is set.
Expand source code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the NASA Open
# Source Agreement (NOSA), Version 1.3 only (the "Agreement"). You may
# not use this file except in compliance with the Agreement.
# You can obtain a copy of the agreement at
# docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt
# or
# See the Agreement for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the Agreement.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this NOSA HEADER in each
# file and include the Agreement file at
# docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt. If applicable, add the
# following below this NOSA HEADER, with the fields enclosed by
# brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
# Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 United States Government as represented by
# the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is
# claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other
# Rights Reserved.
Package for accessing the Coordinate Data Analysis System (CDAS)
web services <>.<br>
Copyright © 2018-2025 United States Government as represented by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in
the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved.
<li>Due to rate limiting implemented by the CDAS web services, an
attempt to make simultaneous requests from many threads is likely
to actually reduce performance. At this time, it is best to make
calls from five or fewer threads.</li>
<li>Since CDAS data has datetime values with a UTC timezone, all
client provided datetime values should have a timezone of UTC.
If a given value's timezone is not UTC, the value is adjusted to
UTC. If a given value has no timezone (is naive), a UTC timezone
is set.</li>
import sys
import os
import platform
import logging
import re
from importlib.util import find_spec
import urllib.parse
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import json
from operator import itemgetter
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from tempfile import mkstemp
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
import requests
import dateutil.parser
from cdasws.datarepresentation import DataRepresentation
from cdasws.datarequest import AudioRequest, DataRequest
from cdasws.datarequest import CdfFormat, CdfRequest, Compression
from cdasws.datarequest import ImageFormat, GraphOptions, GraphRequest
from cdasws.datarequest import TextFormat, TextRequest, ThumbnailRequest
from cdasws.timeinterval import TimeInterval
# requires python >= 3.4
#if find_spec('spacepy.datamodel') is not None:
# import spacepy.datamodel as spdm # type: ignore
# python < 3.4
import spacepy.datamodel as spdm # type: ignore
except ImportError:
from cdflib.xarray import cdf_to_xarray
import xarray as xr
except ImportError:
import cdflib as cdf
import xarray as xr
def cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=False, to_unixtime=False,
Reads a CDF into an xarray.dataset. This function exists
to provide compatility with cdflib >= 1.0.1 for older
releases of cdflib.
The path to the CDF file to read.
Whether or not to convert CDF_EPOCH/EPOCH_16/TT2000 to
datetime, or leave them as is.
Whether or not to convert CDF_EPOCH/EPOCH_16/TT2000 to
unixtime, or leave them as is.
If True, any data values that match the FILLVAL
attribute for a variable will be set to NaN.
An XArray Dataset object.
return cdf.cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=to_datetime,
except ImportError:
__version__ = "1.8.10"
# Limit on the number of times an HTTP request which returns a
# 429 or 503 status with a Retry-After header will be retried.
# XML schema namespace
NS = ''
# XHTML schema namespace
# All namespaces found in responses.
'cdas': NS,
'xhtml': XHTML_NS
def _get_data_progress(
progress: float,
msg: str,
value: Dict) -> int:
A get_data progress callback which adjusts the progress value for
the download portion of a larger operation and then calls the
"real" progress callback function with this adjusted progress value.
Measure of progress.
Message describing progress of get_data call.
Dictionary containing the function to call and values for
computing the adjusted progress value.
Flag indicating whether to continue with getting the data.
0 to continue. 1 to abort getting the data.
progress_callback = value.get('progressCallback', None)
progress_user_value = value.get('progressUserValue', None)
adjusted_progress = value['progressStart'] + \
value['progressFraction'] * progress
if progress_callback is not None:
return progress_callback(adjusted_progress, msg,
return 0
class NullAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Authentication class used to cause requests to ignore any ~/.netrc
file. The CDAS web services do not support authentication and
a cdaweb (ftps) entry will cause CdasWs requests to fail with
a 401 error. See <>.
def __call__(self, r):
return r
class CdasWs:
Class representing the web service interface to NASA's
Coordinated Data Analysis System (CDAS)
The logger used by this class has the class' name (CdasWs). By default,
it is configured with a NullHandler. Users of this class may configure
the logger to aid in diagnosing problems.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(
Creates an object representing the CDAS web services.
URL of the CDAS web service. If None, the default is
Number of seconds to wait for a response from the server.
HTTP proxy information. For example,<pre>
proxies = {
'http': '',
'https': '',
Proxy information can also be set with environment variables.
For example,<pre>
$ export HTTP_PROXY=""
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=""</pre>
Path to certificate authority (CA) certificates that will
override the default bundle.
Flag indicating whether to validate the SSL certificate.
A value that is appended to the HTTP User-Agent value.
self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__)
self.logger.debug('endpoint = %s', endpoint)
self.logger.debug('ca_certs = %s', ca_certs)
self.logger.debug('disable_ssl_certificate_validation = %s',
if endpoint is None:
self._endpoint = ''
self._endpoint = endpoint
self._user_agent = 'cdasws/' + __version__ + ' (' + \
platform.python_implementation() + ' ' \
+ platform.python_version() + '; ' + platform.platform() + ')'
if user_agent is not None:
self._user_agent += ' (' + user_agent + ')'
self._request_headers = {
#'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
'Content-Type' : 'application/xml',
'Accept' : 'application/xml',
'User-Agent' : self._user_agent,
#'Accept-Encoding' : 'gzip' # only beneficial for icdfml responses
self._session = requests.Session()
self._session.auth = NullAuth()
if ca_certs is not None:
self._session.verify = ca_certs
if disable_ssl_certificate_validation is True:
self._session.verify = False
if proxy is not None:
self._proxy = proxy
self._timeout = timeout
endpoint_components = urlparse(self._endpoint)
self._hdp_registry = endpoint_components.scheme + '://' + \
endpoint_components.netloc + '/registry/hdp/SscId.xql'
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments
def __del__(self):
Destructor. Closes all network connections.
def close(self) -> None:
Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting
this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary.
def get_observatory_groups(
**keywords: str
) -> List[Dict]:
Gets descriptions of the observatory groups from the server.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those
returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting
this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated
based upon their instrumentType value.
An array of ObservatoryGroupDescription
dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors
ObservatoryGroupDescription in
if 'instrumentType' in keywords:
url = self._endpoint + 'observatoryGroups?instrumentType=' + \
url = self._endpoint + 'observatoryGroups'
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url)
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout)
if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url,
response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return []
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text)
observatory_response = ET.fromstring(response.text)
observatory_group_descriptions = []
for description in observatory_response.findall(\
'cdas:ObservatoryGroupDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES):
observatory_ids = []
for observatory_id in description.findall(\
'cdas:ObservatoryId', namespaces=NAMESPACES):
'Name': description.find(\
'cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text,
'ObservatoryId': observatory_ids
return observatory_group_descriptions
def get_instrument_types(
**keywords: str
) -> List[Dict]:
Gets descriptions of the instrument types from the server.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>observatory</b> - an observatory value from those returned
by `CdasWs.get_observatories`. Omitting this parameter
indicates that no instrumentTypes are eliminated based upon
their observatory value.<br>
<b>observatoryGroup</b> - an observatory group value from
those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatory_groups`. Omitting
this parameter indicates that no instrumentTypes are
eliminated based upon their observatoryGroup value.</br>
An array of InstrumentTypeDescription
dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors
InstrumentTypeDescription in
if 'observatory' in keywords:
url = self._endpoint + 'instrumentTypes?observatory=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['observatory'])
elif 'observatoryGroup' in keywords:
url = self._endpoint + 'instrumentTypes?observatoryGroup=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['observatoryGroup'])
url = self._endpoint + 'instrumentTypes'
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url)
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout)
if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url,
response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return []
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text)
instrument_response = ET.fromstring(response.text)
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('instrument_response = %s',
instrument_types = []
for description in instrument_response.findall(\
'cdas:InstrumentTypeDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES):
'Name': description.find('cdas:Name',
return instrument_types
def get_instruments(
**keywords: str
) -> List[Dict]:
Gets descriptions of the instruments from the server.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>observatory</b> - an observatory value from those returned
by `CdasWs.get_observatories`. Omitting this parameter
indicates that no instruments are eliminated based upon their
observatory value.<br>
<b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those
returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this
parameter indicates that no instruments are eliminated based
upon their instrument type.<br>
An array of InstrumentDescription
dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors
InstrumentDescription in
if 'observatory' in keywords:
url = self._endpoint + 'instruments?observatory=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['observatory'])
elif 'instrumentType' in keywords:
url = self._endpoint + 'instruments?instrumentType=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType'])
url = self._endpoint + 'instruments'
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url)
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout)
if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url,
response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return []
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text)
instruments_response = ET.fromstring(response.text)
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('instruments = %s', response.text)
#ET.indent(instruments_response, space=' '))
instruments = []
for instrument_description in instruments_response.findall(\
'cdas:InstrumentDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES):
'Name': instrument_description.find(\
'cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text,
'ShortDescription': instrument_description.find(\
'cdas:ShortDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text,
'LongDescription': instrument_description.find(\
'cdas:LongDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text
return instruments
def get_observatories(
**keywords: str
) -> List[Dict]:
Gets descriptions of the observatories from the server.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>instrument</b> - an instrument value from those returned
by `CdasWs.get_instruments`. Omitting this parameter
indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon
their instrument value.<br>
<b>instrumentType</b> - in instrument type value from those
returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this
parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated
based upon their instrumentType value.<br>
An array of ObservatoryDescriptions
dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors
ObservatoryDescription in
if 'instrument' in keywords:
url = self._endpoint + 'observatories?instrument=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrument'])
elif 'instrumentType' in keywords:
url = self._endpoint + 'observatories?instrumentType=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType'])
url = self._endpoint + 'observatories'
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url)
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout)
if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url,
response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return []
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text)
observatory_response = ET.fromstring(response.text)
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('observatories = %s', response.text)
observatories = []
for observatory in observatory_response.findall(\
'cdas:ObservatoryDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES):
'Name': observatory.find(\
'cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text,
'ShortDescription': observatory.find(\
'cdas:ShortDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text,
'LongDescription': observatory.find(\
'cdas:LongDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text
return observatories
def get_observatory_groups_and_instruments(
**keywords: str
) -> List[Dict]:
Gets descriptions of the observatory groups (and associated
instruments) from the server.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those
returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this
parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated
based upon their instrumentType value.<br>
An array of ObservatoryGroupInstrumentDescription
dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors
ObservatoryGroupInstrumentDescription in
if 'instrumentType' in keywords:
url = self._endpoint \
+ 'observatoryGroupsAndInstruments?instrumentType=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType'])
url = self._endpoint + 'observatoryGroupsAndInstruments'
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url)
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout)
if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url,
response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return []
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text)
observatories_response = ET.fromstring(response.text)
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('observatories = %s', response.text)
o_g_i_ds = []
for o_g_i_d in observatories_response.findall(\
o_g_i_d_name = o_g_i_d.find('cdas:Name',
o_is = []
for o_i in o_g_i_d.findall('cdas:ObservatoryInstruments',
o_i_name = o_i.find('cdas:Name',
i_ds = []
for i_d in o_i.findall('cdas:InstrumentDescription',
i_d_name = i_d.find('cdas:Name',
i_d_short_description = \
i_d_long_description = \
'Name': i_d_name,
'ShortDescription': i_d_short_description,
'LongDescription': i_d_long_description
'Name': o_i_name,
'InstrumentDescription': i_ds
'Name': o_g_i_d_name,
'ObservatoryInstruments': o_is
return o_g_i_ds
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
def get_datasets(
**keywords: str
) -> List[Dict]:
Gets descriptions of the specified datasets from the server.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>observatoryGroup</b> - an observatory group value from those
returned by `CdasWs.get_observatory_groups`. Omitting this
indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their
observatoryGroup value.<br>
<b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those
returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this
parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based
upon their instrumentType value.<br>
<b>observatory</b> - an observatory name value from those
returned by `CdasWs.get_observatories`. Omitting this
parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based
upon their observatory value.<br>
<b>instrument</b> - an instrument value from those returned by
`CdasWs.get_instruments`. Omitting this parameter indicates
that no datasets are eliminated based upon their instrument
<b>startDate</b> - a datetime specifying the start of a time
interval. See module note about timezone value. If this
parameter is ommited, the time interval will begin infinitely
in the past.<br>
<b>stopDate</b> - a datetime specifying the end of a time
interval. See module note about timezone value. If this
parameter is omitted, the time interval will end infinitely
in the future.<br>
<b>id</b> - a dataset identifier. The value may be a CDAS
(e.g., AC_H2_MFI), DOI (e.g., 10.48322/fh85-fj47), or SPASE
[ResourceID] (e.g., spase://NASA/NumericalData/ACE/MAG/L2/PT1H)
identifier. If specified, all other keywords are ignored.<br>
<b>idPattern</b> - a java.util.regex compatible regular
expression that must match the dataset's CDAS identifier value.
Omitting this parameter is equivalent to `.*`.<br>
<b>labelPattern</b> - a java.util.regex compatible regular
expression that must match the dataset's CDAS label text.
Omitting this parameter is equivalent to `.*`. Embedded
matching flag expressions (e.g., `(?i)` for case insensitive
match mode) are supported and likely to be useful in this
<b>notesPattern</b> - a java.util.regex compatible regular
expression that must match the dataset's CDAS notes text.
Omitting this parameter is equivalent to `.*`. Embedded
matching flag expressions (e.g., `(?s)` for dotall match mode)
are supported and likely to be useful in this case.<br>
A list of dictionaries containing descriptions of the datasets
requested. The dictionary structure is defined by the
DatasetDescription element in
url = self._endpoint + 'datasets?'
observatory_groups = keywords.get('observatoryGroup', None)
if observatory_groups is not None:
if isinstance(observatory_groups, str):
observatory_groups = [observatory_groups]
for observatory_group in observatory_groups:
url = url + 'observatoryGroup=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(observatory_group) + '&'
instrument_types = keywords.get('instrumentType', None)
if instrument_types is not None:
if isinstance(instrument_types, str):
instrument_types = [instrument_types]
for instrument_type in instrument_types:
url = url + 'instrumentType=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(instrument_type) + '&'
observatories = keywords.get('observatory', None)
if observatories is not None:
if isinstance(observatories, str):
observatories = [observatories]
for observatory in observatories:
url = url + 'observatory=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(observatory) + '&'
instruments = keywords.get('instrument', None)
if instruments is not None:
if isinstance(instruments, str):
instruments = [instruments]
for instrument in instruments:
url = url + 'instrument=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(instrument) + '&'
if 'startDate' in keywords:
url = url + 'startDate=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['startDate']) + '&'
if 'stopDate' in keywords:
url = url + 'stopDate=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['stopDate']) + '&'
if 'id' in keywords:
url = url + 'id=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['id']) + '&'
if 'idPattern' in keywords:
url = url + 'idPattern=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['idPattern']) + '&'
if 'labelPattern' in keywords:
url = url + 'labelPattern=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['labelPattern']) + '&'
if 'notesPattern' in keywords:
url = url + 'notesPattern=' \
+ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['notesPattern']) + '&'
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url[:-1])
response = self._session.get(url[:-1], timeout=self._timeout)
if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url,
response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return []
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text)
dss = ET.fromstring(response.text)
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('datasets = %s', response.text)
datasets = []
for ds in dss.findall('cdas:DatasetDescription',
observatory_groups = []
for o_g in ds.findall('cdas:ObservatoryGroup',
instrument_types = []
for i_t in ds.findall('cdas:InstrumentType',
dataset_links = []
for d_l in ds.findall('cdas:DatasetLink',
'Title': d_l.find('cdas:Title',
'Text': d_l.find('cdas:Text',
'Url': d_l.find('cdas:Url',
observatories = []
for obs_elem in ds.findall('cdas:Observatory',
instruments = []
for instr_elem in ds.findall('cdas:Instrument',
dataset = {
'Id': ds.find('cdas:Id', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text,
'Observatory': observatories,
'Instrument': instruments,
'ObservatoryGroup': observatory_groups,
'InstrumentType': instrument_types,
'Label': ds.find('cdas:Label',
'TimeInterval': {
'Start': ds.find('cdas:TimeInterval/cdas:Start',
'End': ds.find('cdas:TimeInterval/cdas:End',
'PiName': ds.find('cdas:PiName',
'PiAffiliation': ds.find('cdas:PiAffiliation',
'Notes': ds.find('cdas:Notes',
'DatasetLink': dataset_links
doi = ds.find('cdas:Doi', namespaces=NAMESPACES)
if doi is not None:
dataset['Doi'] = doi.text
spase_resource_id = ds.find('cdas:SpaseResourceId',
if spase_resource_id is not None:
dataset['SpaseResourceId'] = spase_resource_id.text
additional_metadata = []
for add_meta in ds.findall('cdas:AdditionalMetadata',
meta_type = add_meta.attrib['Type']
value = add_meta.text
'Type': meta_type,
'value': value
if len(additional_metadata) > 0:
dataset['AdditionalMetadata'] = additional_metadata
return sorted(datasets, key=itemgetter('Id'))
# pylint: enable=too-many-branches
def get_doi_landing_page_url(
doi: str
) -> str:
Returns a URL to the given Digital Object Identifier's landing
page (metadata for the DOI).
digital object identifier.
A URL to the DOI's landing page.
if not doi.startswith('http'):
return '' + doi
return doi
def get_citation(
doi: str
) -> str:
Returns the citation from for the given DOI.
digital object identifier.
The citation from for the given DOI.
url = '' + doi
headers = {'Accept': 'text/x-bibliography; style=apa'}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
return response.text
def get_inventory(
identifier: str,
**keywords: str
) -> List[TimeInterval]:
Gets a description of the specified dataset's data inventory.
dataset identifier of data inventory to get.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>timeInterval</b> - `timeinterval.TimeInterval` to restrict
returned inventory.
An array of `timeinterval.TimeInterval`s when data is
url = self._endpoint + 'datasets/' + \
urllib.parse.quote(identifier, safe='') + '/inventory'
if 'timeInterval' in keywords:
time_interval_keyword = keywords['timeInterval']
url = url + '/' + \
TimeInterval.basic_iso_format(time_interval_keyword.start) + \
',' + \
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url)
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout)
if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url,
response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return []
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text)
inventory = ET.fromstring(response.text)
intervals = []
for inventory_desc in inventory.findall(\
for time_interval in inventory_desc.findall(\
return intervals
def get_example_time_interval(
identifier: str,
) -> TimeInterval:
Gets a small example time interval for the specified dataset. The
interval is near the end of the dataset's data inventory. The
returned interval is not guaranteed to have non-fill data for any
specific variable.
dataset identifier of data inventory to get.
An small example time interval that is likely, but not
guaranteed, to have data or None if an interval cannot be
time_intervals = self.get_inventory(identifier)
if len(time_intervals) < 1:
return None
example_interval = time_intervals[-1]
if'MMS[1-4]_.+_BRST_.+', identifier):
time_delta = timedelta(seconds=1)
time_delta = timedelta(hours=2)
example_interval.start = example_interval.end - time_delta
return example_interval
def get_variables(
identifier: str
) -> List[Dict]:
Gets a description of the variables in the specified dataset.
dataset identifier of data to get.
A List of dictionary descriptions of the variables in
the specified dataset. The dictionary structure is defined by
the VariableDescription element in
url = self._endpoint + 'datasets/' + \
urllib.parse.quote(identifier, safe='') + '/variables'
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout)
if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url,
response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return []
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text)
var_descriptions = ET.fromstring(response.text)
variables = []
for var_description in var_descriptions.findall(\
name = var_description.find('cdas:Name',
short_description = var_description.find(\
if short_description is None:
short_description = ''
long_description = var_description.find(\
if long_description is None:
long_description = ''
'Name': name,
'ShortDescription': short_description,
'LongDescription': long_description
return variables
def get_variable_names(
identifier: str
) -> List[str]:
Gets the names of the variables in the specified dataset. This
method is like the get_variables method except that it only returns
the variable names and not the other metadata.
dataset identifier of data to get.
A List of the names of the variables in the specified dataset.
variable_names = []
for variable in self.get_variables(identifier):
return variable_names
def _get_thumbnail_description_dict(
file_description_elem: ET.Element
) -> Dict:
Gets ThumbnailDescription dictionary representation from the
given FileDescription element.
a FileDescription Element.
a Dictionary representation of the ThumbnailDescription
contained in the given FileDescription element.
thumbnail_desc = file_description_elem.find(\
if thumbnail_desc is not None:
time_interval = thumbnail_desc.find('cdas:TimeInterval',
start = time_interval.find('cdas:Start',
end = time_interval.find('cdas:End',
return {
'Name': thumbnail_desc.find('cdas:Name',
'Dataset': thumbnail_desc.find('cdas:Dataset',
'TimeInterval': {
'Start': start,
'End': end
'VarName': thumbnail_desc.find('cdas:VarName',
'Options': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\
'NumFrames': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\
'NumRows': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\
'NumCols': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\
'TitleHeight': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\
'ThumbnailHeight': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\
'ThumbnailWidth': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\
'StartRecord': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\
'MyScale': float(thumbnail_desc.find(\
'XyStep': float(thumbnail_desc.find(\
return None
def _get_data_result_dict(
xml_data_result: str
) -> Dict:
Gets DataResult dictionary representation from the
given XML DataResult element.
XML representation of a DataResult.
a Dictionary representation of the given XML representation
of a DataResult.
data_result = ET.fromstring(xml_data_result)
file_descriptions = []
for file_description in data_result.findall(\
'cdas:FileDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES):
dict_file_description = {
'Name': file_description.find('cdas:Name',
'MimeType': file_description.find(\
'StartTime': file_description.find(\
'EndTime': file_description.find(\
'Length': int(file_description.find(\
'LastModified': file_description.find(\
thumbnail_dict = CdasWs._get_thumbnail_description_dict(\
if thumbnail_dict is not None:
dict_file_description['ThumbnailDescription'] = \
thumbnail_id_elem = file_description.find(\
if thumbnail_id_elem is not None:
dict_file_description['ThumbnailId'] = \
if len(file_descriptions) > 0:
return {
'FileDescription': file_descriptions
return None
def get_data_result(
data_request: DataRequest,
progress_callback: Callable[[float, str, Any], int],
progress_user_value: Any
) -> Tuple[int, Dict]:
Submits the given request to the server and returns the result.
This is a relatively low-level method and most callers should
probably use a higher-level method such as get_data.
data request.
function that is called repeatedly to report the progress
of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it
wants to continue getting data. If it returns a non-0 value,
getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function
will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter
is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and
the str parameter will contain a text message indicating
the progress of this call.
value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.
[0] contains the int HTTP status code. 200 when
[1] contains a dictionary representing the DataResult from
or None.
See Also
#self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request.json())
self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request.xml_str())
url = self._endpoint + 'datasets'
for retries in range(RETRY_LIMIT):
#response =, data=data_request.json(),
response =, data=data_request.xml_str(),
if response.status_code == 200:
data_result = CdasWs._get_data_result_dict(response.text)
if not data_result:
return (response.status_code, None)
return (response.status_code, data_result)
if response.status_code == 429 or \
response.status_code == 503 and \
'Retry-After' in response.headers:
retry_after = response.headers['Retry-After']
self.logger.debug('429/503 status with Retry-After header: %s',
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.2, 'Waiting ' + retry_after + \
's before making server request.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (204, None)
retry_after = int(retry_after)'Sleeping %d seconds before making request',
else:'%s failed with http code %d', url,
response.status_code)'data_request = %s', data_request)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return (response.status_code, None)'%s failed with http code %d after %d retries',
url, response.status_code, retries + 1)'data_request = %s', data_request)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return (response.status_code, None)
def get_data_file(
dataset: str,
variables: List[str],
start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str],
**keywords: Union[
Callable[[float, str, Any], int],
) -> Tuple[int, Dict]:
Gets the specified data file from the server.
dataset identifier of data to get.
array containing names of variables to get.
start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should
be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to
the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that
may contain the following keys: interval,
interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or
overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the
<b>progressCallback</b> - is a
Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int]
function that is called repeatedly to report the progress
of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it
wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value,
getting the data will be aborted and the get_data_file()
function will immediately return (204, None). The float
parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress
and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating
the progress of this call.<br>
<b>progressUserValue</b> - is an Any value that is passsed
to the progressCallback function.<br>
[0] contains the int HTTP status code. 200 when
[1] contains a dictionary representing the DataResult from
or None.
If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
See Also
CdasWs.get_data : In addition to what get_data_file does,
get_data also downloads and reads the data file into memory
(SpaceData or xarray.Dataset object).
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
# pylint: enable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start,
data_request = CdfRequest(dataset, variables,
3, CdfFormat.BINARY,
**keywords.get('binData', {}))
progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None)
progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None)
self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request)
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (204, None)
status_code, data_result = self.get_data_result(data_request,
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(1.0, 'Initial server request complete.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (status_code, None)
return (status_code, data_result)
def download(
url: str,
size: int = 0,
) -> str:
Downloads the file specified by the given URL to a temporary
file without reading all of it into memory. This method
utilizes the connection pool and persistent HTTP connection
to the CdasWs server.
URL of file to download.
number of bytes in file to download.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>progressCallback</b> - is a
typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int]
function that is called repeatedly to report the progress
of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it
wants to continue getting data. If it returns a non-0 value,
getting the data will be aborted and this download() function
will immediately return None. The float parameter
is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and
the str parameter will contain a text message indicating
the progress of this call.<br>
<b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is
passsed to the progressCallback function.<br>
name of tempory file or None if there was an error.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None)
progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None)
suffix = os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path)[1]
file_descriptor, tmp_filename = mkstemp(suffix=suffix)
download_bytes = 0
next_progress_report = 0.1
with self._session.get(url, stream=True,
timeout=self._timeout) as response:
file = open(tmp_filename, 'wb')
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
# file.flush()
if progress_callback is not None:
download_bytes += len(chunk)
if size == 0:
download_progress = 0.0
download_progress = float(download_bytes) / size
if download_progress > next_progress_report:
next_progress_report += download_progress
if progress_callback(download_progress,\
'Continuing download of data.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return None
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.4,
'Data download complete. Reading data.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return None
return tmp_filename
def read_data(
filename: str,
data_representation: DataRepresentation
) -> Union['spacepy.datamodel', 'xr.Dataset']:
Reads the data from the given file.
Name of file to read.
Requested data representation.
spacepy.datamodel or xr.Dataset
Data from file.
If an Exception is raise by either the spdm.fromCDF() or
cdflib.cdf_to_xarray() functions.
If the required spacepy.datamodel or the cdflib and xarray
modules are not installed.
if data_representation is None:
return spdm.fromCDF(filename)
return cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=True,
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
'neither the spacepy.datamodel nor the cdflib and '
'xarray modules are installed')
if data_representation is DataRepresentation.SPACEPY and \
raise ModuleNotFoundError('spacepy module must be installed')
if data_representation is DataRepresentation.XARRAY and \
raise ModuleNotFoundError('cdflib and xarray modules must be installed')
if data_representation is DataRepresentation.SPACEPY:
return spdm.fromCDF(filename)
if data_representation is DataRepresentation.XARRAY:
return cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=True,
return None
def get_data(
dataset: str,
variables: List[str],
time0: Union[TimeInterval, List[TimeInterval], datetime, str],
time1: Union[datetime, str] = None,
**keywords: Union[
Callable[[float, str, Any], int],
) -> Tuple[Dict, 'spdm.SpaceData', 'xarray']:
Gets the specified data from the server. The representation
of the returned data is determined as follows:<br>
1. If a dataRepresentation keyword parameter is given, its
value will determine the representation of the returned
data. If no dataRepresenation keyword parameter is
given, then<br>
2. If the presence of spacepy.datamodel is found, then the data
is returned in the spacepy.datamodel representation.<br>
3. If the presence of the cdflib and xarray modules are found,
then the data is returned in an xarray.Dataset.
dataset identifier of data to get.
array containing names of variables to get. The value
ALL-VARIABLES may be used instead of specifying all the
individual variable names.
TimeInterval(s) or start time of data to get. See module
note about timezone.
when time0 is not one or more TimeInterval(s), the end time
of data to get. See module note about timezone.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should
be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to
the given binning parameter values. See
for more details. binData is a Dict that
may contain the following keys: interval,
interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or
overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the
<b>dataRepresentation</b> - specifies the representation of
the returned data as one of
<b>progressCallback</b> - is a
Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int]
function that is called repeatedly to report the progress
of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it
wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value,
getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function
will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter
is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and
the str parameter will contain a text message indicating
the progress of this call.<br>
<b>progressUserValue</b> - is an Any value that is passsed
to the progressCallback function.<br>
[0] contains a dictionary of HTTP and CDAS status information.
When successful, ['http']['status_code'] will be 200.<br>
[1] contains the requested data (SpaceData or xarray.Dataset
object) or None.
If no variables are given or if the given start/end datetime
values are invalid.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
#import spacepy.datamodel as spdm # type: ignore
if len(variables) < 1:
raise ValueError('at least one variable name is required')
if isinstance(time0, (str, datetime)):
if isinstance(time1, (str, datetime)):
time_intervals = [TimeInterval(time0, time1)]
raise ValueError('time1 must be str/datetime')
elif isinstance(time0, TimeInterval):
time_intervals = [time0]
elif isinstance(time0, list) and len(time0) > 0 and\
isinstance(time0[0], TimeInterval):
time_intervals = time0
raise ValueError('invalid time0 type')
data_request = CdfRequest(dataset, variables,
3, CdfFormat.BINARY,
binData=keywords.get('binData', {}))
data_rep = keywords.get('dataRepresentation', None)
progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None)
progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None)
self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request)
status = {
'http': {
'status_code': 204
'cdas': {
'status': [],
'message': [],
'warning': [],
'error': []
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making initial server request.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (status, None)
status_code, data_result = self.get_data_result(data_request,
status['http']['status_code'] = status_code
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.3, 'Initial server request complete.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (status, None)
if status_code != 200:'get_data_result failed with http code %d',
status_code)'data_request = %s', data_request)
return (status, None)
if not data_result:
return (status, None)
if 'Status' in data_result:
status['cdas']['status'] = data_result['Status']
if 'Message' in data_result:
status['cdas']['message'] = data_result['Message']
if 'Warning' in data_result:
status['cdas']['warning'] = data_result['Warning']
if 'Error' in data_result:
status['cdas']['error'] = data_result['Error']
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.4, 'Beginning download of data.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (status, None)
file_descriptions = data_result['FileDescription']
data_url = file_descriptions[0]['Name']
data_length = file_descriptions[0]['Length']
self.logger.debug('data_url = %s, data_length = %d',
data_url, data_length)
sub_progress_control = {
'progressCallback': progress_callback,
'progressUserValue': progress_user_value,
'progressStart': 0.4,
'progressFraction': 0.1
tmp_filename =, data_length,
data = self.read_data(tmp_filename, data_rep)
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(1.0, 'Finished reading data.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (status, None)
self.logger.error('Exception from read_data(%s): %s, %s',
tmp_filename, sys.exc_info()[0],
self.logger.error('CDF file has been retained.')
return (status, data)
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def get_graph(
dataset: str,
variables: List[str],
start: Union[datetime, str],
end: Union[datetime, str],
options: GraphOptions = None,
image_format: List[ImageFormat] = None,
) -> Tuple[int, Dict]:
Gets a graphical representation of the specified data from the
dataset identifier of data to get.
array containing names of variables to get.
start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
graph options.
image format. If None, then [ImageFormat.PNG].
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should
be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to
the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that
may contain the following keys: interval,
interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or
overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the
<b>progressCallback</b> - is a
typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int]
function that is called repeatedly to report the progress
of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it
wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value,
getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function
will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter
is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and
the str parameter will contain a text message indicating
the progress of this call.<br>
<b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is
passsed to the progressCallback function.<br>
[0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br>
[1] contains a dictionary representation of a
DataResult object or None.<br>
If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
# pylint: enable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start,
request = GraphRequest(dataset, variables,
TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime),
options, image_format,
progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None)
progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None)
self.logger.debug('request = %s', request)
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (204, None)
status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value)
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (status_code, None)
if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d',
status_code)'request = %s', request)
return (status_code, None)
return (status_code, result)
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def get_thumbnail(
dataset: str,
variables: List[str],
start: Union[datetime, str],
end: Union[datetime, str],
identifier: str,
thumbnail: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[int, Dict]:
Gets a graphical representation of the specified data from the
dataset identifier of data to get.
array containing names of variables to get.
start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
thumbnail identifier (returned in a previous get_graph
number of thumbnail whose full size image is being requested.
Thumbnail images are counted beginning at one (not zero).
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>progressCallback</b> - is a
typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int]
function that is called repeatedly to report the progress
of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it
wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value,
getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function
will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter
is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and
the str parameter will contain a text message indicating
the progress of this call.<br>
<b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is
passsed to the progressCallback function.<br>
[0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br>
[1] contains a dictionary representation of a
DataResult object or None.<br>
If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
# pylint: enable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start,
request = ThumbnailRequest(dataset, variables,
TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime),
identifier, thumbnail)
progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None)
progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None)
self.logger.debug('request = %s', request)
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (204, None)
status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request,
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (status_code, None)
if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d',
status_code)'request = %s', request)
return (status_code, None)
return (status_code, result)
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def get_text(
dataset: str,
variables: List[str],
start: Union[datetime, str],
end: Union[datetime, str],
compression: Compression = Compression.UNCOMPRESSED,
text_format: TextFormat = TextFormat.PLAIN,
) -> Tuple[int, Dict]:
Gets a textual representation of the specified data from the
dataset identifier of data to get.
array containing names of variables to get.
start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
file compression.
text format.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should
be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to
the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that
may contain the following keys: interval,
interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or
overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the
<b>progressCallback</b> - is a
typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int]
function that is called repeatedly to report the progress
of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it
wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value,
getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function
will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter
is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and
the str parameter will contain a text message indicating
the progress of this call.<br>
<b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is
passsed to the progressCallback function.<br>
[0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br>
[1] contains a dictionary representation of a
DataResult object or None.<br>
If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
# pylint: enable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start,
request = TextRequest(dataset, variables,
TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime),
compression, text_format,
progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None)
progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None)
self.logger.debug('request = %s', request)
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (204, None)
status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request,
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (status_code, None)
if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d',
status_code)'request = %s', request)
return (status_code, None)
return (status_code, result)
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments
def get_audio(
dataset: str,
variables: List[str],
start: Union[datetime, str],
end: Union[datetime, str],
) -> Tuple[int, Dict]:
Gets an audio representation of the specified data from the
dataset identifier of data to get.
array containing names of variables to get.
start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should
be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to
the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that
may contain the following keys: interval,
interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or
overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the
<b>progressCallback</b> - is a
typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int]
function that is called repeatedly to report the progress
of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it
wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value,
getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function
will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter
is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and
the str parameter will contain a text message indicating
the progress of this call.<br>
<b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is
passsed to the progressCallback function.<br>
[0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br>
[1] contains a dictionary representation of a
DataResult object or None.<br>
If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
# pylint: enable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start,
request = AudioRequest(dataset, variables,
TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime),
progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None)
progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None)
self.logger.debug('request = %s', request)
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (204, None)
status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request,
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (status_code, None)
if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d',
status_code)'request = %s', request)
return (status_code, None)
return (status_code, result)
def get_original_files(
dataset: str,
start: Union[datetime, str],
end: Union[datetime, str],
) -> Tuple[int, Dict]:
Gets original data files from a dataset. Original data files
lack updated meta-data and virtual variable values contained
in files obtained from the `CdasWs.get_data`. Most callers
should probably use `CdasWs.get_data` instead of this function.
dataset identifier of data to get.
start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
optional keyword parameters as follows:<br>
<b>progressCallback</b> - is a
typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int]
function that is called repeatedly to report the progress
of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it
wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value,
getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function
will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter
is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and
the str parameter will contain a text message indicating
the progress of this call.<br>
<b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is
passsed to the progressCallback function.<br>
[0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br>
[1] array of dictionary representations of a
FileDescription objects or None.<br>
If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
See Also
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
# pylint: enable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start,
request = CdfRequest(dataset, [],
TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime))
progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None)
progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None)
self.logger.debug('request = %s', request)
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (204, None)
status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request,
if progress_callback is not None:
if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.',
progress_user_value) != 0:
return (status_code, None)
if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d',
status_code)'request = %s', request)
return (status_code, None)
return (status_code, result['FileDescription'])
def get_ssc_id(
dataset: str
) -> Tuple[int, Union[str, List[str]]]:
Gets the Satellite Situation Center (SSC)
<> observatory identifier(s)
associated with the given cdaweb dataset identifier.
This method relies upon the Heliophysics Data Portal's
<> metadata. That metadata
may be incomplete. Also, cdaweb has datasets for which SSC has
no corresponding observatory (for example, ground observatory
data). Callers should be prepared for negative results (200, None)
from this method.
cdaweb dataset identifier.
[0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br>
[1] the SSC observatory identifier(s) associated with the given
cdaweb dataset identifier or None if none is found.
url = self._hdp_registry + '?cdawebId=' + dataset
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url)
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout)
if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url,
response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text)
return (response.status_code, None)
if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG:
self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text)
results = ET.fromstring(response.text)
ssc_id = []
for ssc_id_elem in results.findall('SscId'):
if len(ssc_id) == 0:
result = None
elif len(ssc_id) == 1:
result = ssc_id[0]
result = ssc_id
return (response.status_code, result)
Module defining data representations for the data returned from the cdasws.get_data function.
… cdasws.datarequest
Package defining classes to represent the DataRequestEntity and its sub-classes from
… cdasws.timeinterval
Package defining a class to represent the TimeInterval class from
def cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=False, to_unixtime=False, fillval_to_nan=False)
Reads a CDF into an xarray.dataset. This function exists to provide compatility with cdflib >= 1.0.1 for older releases of cdflib.
filename The path to the CDF file to read. to_datetime Whether or not to convert CDF_EPOCH/EPOCH_16/TT2000 to datetime, or leave them as is. to_unixtime Whether or not to convert CDF_EPOCH/EPOCH_16/TT2000 to unixtime, or leave them as is. fillval_to_nan If True, any data values that match the FILLVAL attribute for a variable will be set to NaN.
- An XArray Dataset object.
Expand source code
def cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=False, to_unixtime=False, fillval_to_nan=False): """ Reads a CDF into an xarray.dataset. This function exists to provide compatility with cdflib >= 1.0.1 for older releases of cdflib. Parameters: ----------- filename The path to the CDF file to read. to_datetime Whether or not to convert CDF_EPOCH/EPOCH_16/TT2000 to datetime, or leave them as is. to_unixtime Whether or not to convert CDF_EPOCH/EPOCH_16/TT2000 to unixtime, or leave them as is. fillval_to_nan If True, any data values that match the FILLVAL attribute for a variable will be set to NaN. Returns ------- xarray.dataset An XArray Dataset object. """ return cdf.cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=to_datetime, to_unixtime=to_unixtime, fillval_to_nan=fillval_to_nan)
class CdasWs (endpoint=None, timeout=None, proxy=None, ca_certs=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, user_agent=None)
Class representing the web service interface to NASA's Coordinated Data Analysis System (CDAS)
The logger used by this class has the class' name (CdasWs). By default, it is configured with a NullHandler. Users of this class may configure the logger to aid in diagnosing problems.
Creates an object representing the CDAS web services.
- URL of the CDAS web service. If None, the default is ''.
- Number of seconds to wait for a response from the server.
- HTTP proxy information.
For example,
proxies = { 'http': '', 'https': '', }
Proxy information can also be set with environment variables. For example,$ export HTTP_PROXY="" $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
- Path to certificate authority (CA) certificates that will override the default bundle.
- Flag indicating whether to validate the SSL certificate.
- A value that is appended to the HTTP User-Agent value.
Expand source code
class CdasWs: """ Class representing the web service interface to NASA's Coordinated Data Analysis System (CDAS) <>. Notes ----- The logger used by this class has the class' name (CdasWs). By default, it is configured with a NullHandler. Users of this class may configure the logger to aid in diagnosing problems. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, endpoint=None, timeout=None, proxy=None, ca_certs=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, user_agent=None): """ Creates an object representing the CDAS web services. Parameters ---------- endpoint URL of the CDAS web service. If None, the default is ''. timeout Number of seconds to wait for a response from the server. proxy HTTP proxy information. For example,<pre> proxies = { 'http': '', 'https': '', }</pre> Proxy information can also be set with environment variables. For example,<pre> $ export HTTP_PROXY="" $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""</pre> ca_certs Path to certificate authority (CA) certificates that will override the default bundle. disable_ssl_certificate_validation Flag indicating whether to validate the SSL certificate. user_agent A value that is appended to the HTTP User-Agent value. """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__) self.logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) self.logger.debug('endpoint = %s', endpoint) self.logger.debug('ca_certs = %s', ca_certs) self.logger.debug('disable_ssl_certificate_validation = %s', disable_ssl_certificate_validation) if endpoint is None: self._endpoint = '' else: self._endpoint = endpoint self._user_agent = 'cdasws/' + __version__ + ' (' + \ platform.python_implementation() + ' ' \ + platform.python_version() + '; ' + platform.platform() + ')' if user_agent is not None: self._user_agent += ' (' + user_agent + ')' self._request_headers = { #'Content-Type' : 'application/json', 'Content-Type' : 'application/xml', 'Accept' : 'application/xml', 'User-Agent' : self._user_agent, #'Accept-Encoding' : 'gzip' # only beneficial for icdfml responses } self._session = requests.Session() self._session.headers.update(self._request_headers) self._session.auth = NullAuth() if ca_certs is not None: self._session.verify = ca_certs if disable_ssl_certificate_validation is True: self._session.verify = False if proxy is not None: self._proxy = proxy self._timeout = timeout endpoint_components = urlparse(self._endpoint) self._hdp_registry = endpoint_components.scheme + '://' + \ endpoint_components.netloc + '/registry/hdp/SscId.xql' # pylint: enable=too-many-arguments def __del__(self): """ Destructor. Closes all network connections. """ self.close() def close(self) -> None: """ Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary. """ self._session.close() def get_observatory_groups( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the observatory groups from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value. Returns ------- List An array of ObservatoryGroupDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors ObservatoryGroupDescription in <>. """ if 'instrumentType' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'observatoryGroups?instrumentType=' + \ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType']) else: url = self._endpoint + 'observatoryGroups' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) observatory_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) observatory_group_descriptions = [] for description in observatory_response.findall(\ 'cdas:ObservatoryGroupDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatory_ids = [] for observatory_id in description.findall(\ 'cdas:ObservatoryId', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatory_ids.append(observatory_id.text) observatory_group_descriptions.append({ 'Name': description.find(\ 'cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'ObservatoryId': observatory_ids }) return observatory_group_descriptions def get_instrument_types( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the instrument types from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>observatory</b> - an observatory value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatories`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instrumentTypes are eliminated based upon their observatory value.<br> <b>observatoryGroup</b> - an observatory group value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatory_groups`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instrumentTypes are eliminated based upon their observatoryGroup value.</br> Returns ------- List An array of InstrumentTypeDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors InstrumentTypeDescription in <>. """ if 'observatory' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'instrumentTypes?observatory=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['observatory']) elif 'observatoryGroup' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'instrumentTypes?observatoryGroup=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['observatoryGroup']) else: url = self._endpoint + 'instrumentTypes' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) instrument_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('instrument_response = %s', ET.tostring(instrument_response)) instrument_types = [] for description in instrument_response.findall(\ 'cdas:InstrumentTypeDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): instrument_types.append({ 'Name': description.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text }) return instrument_types def get_instruments( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the instruments from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>observatory</b> - an observatory value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatories`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instruments are eliminated based upon their observatory value.<br> <b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instruments are eliminated based upon their instrument type.<br> Returns ------- List An array of InstrumentDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors InstrumentDescription in <>. """ if 'observatory' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'instruments?observatory=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['observatory']) elif 'instrumentType' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'instruments?instrumentType=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType']) else: url = self._endpoint + 'instruments' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) instruments_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('instruments = %s', response.text) #ET.indent(instruments_response, space=' ')) instruments = [] for instrument_description in instruments_response.findall(\ 'cdas:InstrumentDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): instruments.append({ 'Name': instrument_description.find(\ 'cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'ShortDescription': instrument_description.find(\ 'cdas:ShortDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'LongDescription': instrument_description.find(\ 'cdas:LongDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text }) return instruments def get_observatories( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the observatories from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>instrument</b> - an instrument value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instruments`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrument value.<br> <b>instrumentType</b> - in instrument type value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value.<br> Returns ------- List An array of ObservatoryDescriptions dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors ObservatoryDescription in <>. """ if 'instrument' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'observatories?instrument=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrument']) elif 'instrumentType' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'observatories?instrumentType=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType']) else: url = self._endpoint + 'observatories' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) observatory_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('observatories = %s', response.text) observatories = [] for observatory in observatory_response.findall(\ 'cdas:ObservatoryDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatories.append({ 'Name': observatory.find(\ 'cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'ShortDescription': observatory.find(\ 'cdas:ShortDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'LongDescription': observatory.find(\ 'cdas:LongDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text }) return observatories def get_observatory_groups_and_instruments( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the observatory groups (and associated instruments) from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value.<br> Returns ------- List An array of ObservatoryGroupInstrumentDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors ObservatoryGroupInstrumentDescription in <>. """ if 'instrumentType' in keywords: url = self._endpoint \ + 'observatoryGroupsAndInstruments?instrumentType=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType']) else: url = self._endpoint + 'observatoryGroupsAndInstruments' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) observatories_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('observatories = %s', response.text) o_g_i_ds = [] for o_g_i_d in observatories_response.findall(\ 'cdas:ObservatoryGroupInstrumentDescription',\ namespaces=NAMESPACES): o_g_i_d_name = o_g_i_d.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text o_is = [] for o_i in o_g_i_d.findall('cdas:ObservatoryInstruments', namespaces=NAMESPACES): o_i_name = o_i.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text i_ds = [] for i_d in o_i.findall('cdas:InstrumentDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): i_d_name = i_d.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text i_d_short_description = \ i_d.find('cdas:ShortDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text i_d_long_description = \ i_d.find('cdas:LongDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text i_ds.append({ 'Name': i_d_name, 'ShortDescription': i_d_short_description, 'LongDescription': i_d_long_description }) o_is.append({ 'Name': o_i_name, 'InstrumentDescription': i_ds }) o_g_i_ds.append({ 'Name': o_g_i_d_name, 'ObservatoryInstruments': o_is }) return o_g_i_ds # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def get_datasets( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the specified datasets from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>observatoryGroup</b> - an observatory group value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatory_groups`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their observatoryGroup value.<br> <b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value.<br> <b>observatory</b> - an observatory name value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatories`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their observatory value.<br> <b>instrument</b> - an instrument value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instruments`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their instrument value.<br> <b>startDate</b> - a datetime specifying the start of a time interval. See module note about timezone value. If this parameter is ommited, the time interval will begin infinitely in the past.<br> <b>stopDate</b> - a datetime specifying the end of a time interval. See module note about timezone value. If this parameter is omitted, the time interval will end infinitely in the future.<br> <b>id</b> - a dataset identifier. The value may be a CDAS (e.g., AC_H2_MFI), DOI (e.g., 10.48322/fh85-fj47), or SPASE [ResourceID] (e.g., spase://NASA/NumericalData/ACE/MAG/L2/PT1H) identifier. If specified, all other keywords are ignored.<br> <b>idPattern</b> - a java.util.regex compatible regular expression that must match the dataset's CDAS identifier value. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to `.*`.<br> <b>labelPattern</b> - a java.util.regex compatible regular expression that must match the dataset's CDAS label text. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to `.*`. Embedded matching flag expressions (e.g., `(?i)` for case insensitive match mode) are supported and likely to be useful in this case.<br> <b>notesPattern</b> - a java.util.regex compatible regular expression that must match the dataset's CDAS notes text. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to `.*`. Embedded matching flag expressions (e.g., `(?s)` for dotall match mode) are supported and likely to be useful in this case.<br> Returns ------- List A list of dictionaries containing descriptions of the datasets requested. The dictionary structure is defined by the DatasetDescription element in <>. """ url = self._endpoint + 'datasets?' observatory_groups = keywords.get('observatoryGroup', None) if observatory_groups is not None: if isinstance(observatory_groups, str): observatory_groups = [observatory_groups] for observatory_group in observatory_groups: url = url + 'observatoryGroup=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(observatory_group) + '&' instrument_types = keywords.get('instrumentType', None) if instrument_types is not None: if isinstance(instrument_types, str): instrument_types = [instrument_types] for instrument_type in instrument_types: url = url + 'instrumentType=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(instrument_type) + '&' observatories = keywords.get('observatory', None) if observatories is not None: if isinstance(observatories, str): observatories = [observatories] for observatory in observatories: url = url + 'observatory=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(observatory) + '&' instruments = keywords.get('instrument', None) if instruments is not None: if isinstance(instruments, str): instruments = [instruments] for instrument in instruments: url = url + 'instrument=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(instrument) + '&' if 'startDate' in keywords: url = url + 'startDate=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['startDate']) + '&' if 'stopDate' in keywords: url = url + 'stopDate=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['stopDate']) + '&' if 'id' in keywords: url = url + 'id=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['id']) + '&' if 'idPattern' in keywords: url = url + 'idPattern=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['idPattern']) + '&' if 'labelPattern' in keywords: url = url + 'labelPattern=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['labelPattern']) + '&' if 'notesPattern' in keywords: url = url + 'notesPattern=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['notesPattern']) + '&' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url[:-1]) response = self._session.get(url[:-1], timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) dss = ET.fromstring(response.text) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('datasets = %s', response.text) datasets = [] for ds in dss.findall('cdas:DatasetDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatory_groups = [] for o_g in ds.findall('cdas:ObservatoryGroup', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatory_groups.append(o_g.text) instrument_types = [] for i_t in ds.findall('cdas:InstrumentType', namespaces=NAMESPACES): instrument_types.append(i_t.text) dataset_links = [] for d_l in ds.findall('cdas:DatasetLink', namespaces=NAMESPACES): dataset_links.append({ 'Title': d_l.find('cdas:Title', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Text': d_l.find('cdas:Text', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Url': d_l.find('cdas:Url', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, }) observatories = [] for obs_elem in ds.findall('cdas:Observatory', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatories.append(obs_elem.text) instruments = [] for instr_elem in ds.findall('cdas:Instrument', namespaces=NAMESPACES): instruments.append(instr_elem.text) dataset = { 'Id': ds.find('cdas:Id', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Observatory': observatories, 'Instrument': instruments, 'ObservatoryGroup': observatory_groups, 'InstrumentType': instrument_types, 'Label': ds.find('cdas:Label', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'TimeInterval': { 'Start': ds.find('cdas:TimeInterval/cdas:Start', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'End': ds.find('cdas:TimeInterval/cdas:End', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text }, 'PiName': ds.find('cdas:PiName', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'PiAffiliation': ds.find('cdas:PiAffiliation', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Notes': ds.find('cdas:Notes', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'DatasetLink': dataset_links } doi = ds.find('cdas:Doi', namespaces=NAMESPACES) if doi is not None: dataset['Doi'] = doi.text spase_resource_id = ds.find('cdas:SpaseResourceId', namespaces=NAMESPACES) if spase_resource_id is not None: dataset['SpaseResourceId'] = spase_resource_id.text additional_metadata = [] for add_meta in ds.findall('cdas:AdditionalMetadata', namespaces=NAMESPACES): meta_type = add_meta.attrib['Type'] value = add_meta.text additional_metadata.append({ 'Type': meta_type, 'value': value }) if len(additional_metadata) > 0: dataset['AdditionalMetadata'] = additional_metadata datasets.append(dataset) return sorted(datasets, key=itemgetter('Id')) # pylint: enable=too-many-branches @staticmethod def get_doi_landing_page_url( doi: str ) -> str: """ Returns a URL to the given Digital Object Identifier's landing page (metadata for the DOI). Parameters ---------- doi digital object identifier. Returns ------- str A URL to the DOI's landing page. """ if not doi.startswith('http'): return '' + doi return doi @staticmethod def get_citation( doi: str ) -> str: """ Returns the citation from for the given DOI. Parameters ---------- doi digital object identifier. Returns ------- str The citation from for the given DOI. """ url = '' + doi headers = {'Accept': 'text/x-bibliography; style=apa'} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) return response.text def get_inventory( self, identifier: str, **keywords: str ) -> List[TimeInterval]: """ Gets a description of the specified dataset's data inventory. Parameters ---------- identifier dataset identifier of data inventory to get. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>timeInterval</b> - `timeinterval.TimeInterval` to restrict returned inventory. Returns ------- List An array of `timeinterval.TimeInterval`s when data is available. """ url = self._endpoint + 'datasets/' + \ urllib.parse.quote(identifier, safe='') + '/inventory' if 'timeInterval' in keywords: time_interval_keyword = keywords['timeInterval'] url = url + '/' + \ TimeInterval.basic_iso_format(time_interval_keyword.start) + \ ',' + \ TimeInterval.basic_iso_format(time_interval_keyword.end) self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) inventory = ET.fromstring(response.text) intervals = [] for inventory_desc in inventory.findall(\ 'cdas:InventoryDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): for time_interval in inventory_desc.findall(\ 'cdas:TimeInterval', namespaces=NAMESPACES): intervals.append( TimeInterval( time_interval.find('cdas:Start', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, time_interval.find('cdas:End', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text ) ) return intervals def get_example_time_interval( self, identifier: str, ) -> TimeInterval: """ Gets a small example time interval for the specified dataset. The interval is near the end of the dataset's data inventory. The returned interval is not guaranteed to have non-fill data for any specific variable. Parameters ---------- identifier dataset identifier of data inventory to get. Returns ------- timeinterval.TimeInterval An small example time interval that is likely, but not guaranteed, to have data or None if an interval cannot be found. """ time_intervals = self.get_inventory(identifier) if len(time_intervals) < 1: return None example_interval = time_intervals[-1] if'MMS[1-4]_.+_BRST_.+', identifier): time_delta = timedelta(seconds=1) else: time_delta = timedelta(hours=2) example_interval.start = example_interval.end - time_delta return example_interval def get_variables( self, identifier: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets a description of the variables in the specified dataset. Parameters ---------- identifier dataset identifier of data to get. Returns ------- List A List of dictionary descriptions of the variables in the specified dataset. The dictionary structure is defined by the VariableDescription element in <>. """ url = self._endpoint + 'datasets/' + \ urllib.parse.quote(identifier, safe='') + '/variables' response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) var_descriptions = ET.fromstring(response.text) variables = [] for var_description in var_descriptions.findall(\ 'cdas:VariableDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): name = var_description.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text short_description = var_description.find(\ 'cdas:ShortDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text if short_description is None: short_description = '' long_description = var_description.find(\ 'cdas:LongDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text if long_description is None: long_description = '' variables.append({ 'Name': name, 'ShortDescription': short_description, 'LongDescription': long_description }) return variables def get_variable_names( self, identifier: str ) -> List[str]: """ Gets the names of the variables in the specified dataset. This method is like the get_variables method except that it only returns the variable names and not the other metadata. Parameters ---------- identifier dataset identifier of data to get. Returns ------- List A List of the names of the variables in the specified dataset. """ variable_names = [] for variable in self.get_variables(identifier): variable_names.append(variable['Name']) return variable_names @staticmethod def _get_thumbnail_description_dict( file_description_elem: ET.Element ) -> Dict: """ Gets ThumbnailDescription dictionary representation from the given FileDescription element. Parameters ---------- file_description_elem a FileDescription Element. Returns ------- Dict a Dictionary representation of the ThumbnailDescription contained in the given FileDescription element. """ thumbnail_desc = file_description_elem.find(\ 'cdas:ThumbnailDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES) if thumbnail_desc is not None: time_interval = thumbnail_desc.find('cdas:TimeInterval', namespaces=NAMESPACES) start = time_interval.find('cdas:Start', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text end = time_interval.find('cdas:End', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text return { 'Name': thumbnail_desc.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Dataset': thumbnail_desc.find('cdas:Dataset', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'TimeInterval': { 'Start': start, 'End': end }, 'VarName': thumbnail_desc.find('cdas:VarName', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Options': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\ 'cdas:Options', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text), 'NumFrames': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\ 'cdas:NumFrames', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text), 'NumRows': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\ 'cdas:NumRows', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text), 'NumCols': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\ 'cdas:NumCols', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text), 'TitleHeight': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\ 'cdas:TitleHeight', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text), 'ThumbnailHeight': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\ 'cdas:ThumbnailHeight', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text), 'ThumbnailWidth': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\ 'cdas:ThumbnailWidth', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text), 'StartRecord': int(thumbnail_desc.find(\ 'cdas:StartRecord', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text), 'MyScale': float(thumbnail_desc.find(\ 'cdas:MyScale', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text), 'XyStep': float(thumbnail_desc.find(\ 'cdas:XyStep', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text) } return None @staticmethod def _get_data_result_dict( xml_data_result: str ) -> Dict: """ Gets DataResult dictionary representation from the given XML DataResult element. Parameters ---------- xml_data_result XML representation of a DataResult. Returns ------- Dict a Dictionary representation of the given XML representation of a DataResult. """ data_result = ET.fromstring(xml_data_result) file_descriptions = [] for file_description in data_result.findall(\ 'cdas:FileDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): dict_file_description = { 'Name': file_description.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'MimeType': file_description.find(\ 'cdas:MimeType', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'StartTime': file_description.find(\ 'cdas:StartTime', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'EndTime': file_description.find(\ 'cdas:EndTime', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Length': int(file_description.find(\ 'cdas:Length', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text), 'LastModified': file_description.find(\ 'cdas:LastModified', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text } thumbnail_dict = CdasWs._get_thumbnail_description_dict(\ file_description) if thumbnail_dict is not None: dict_file_description['ThumbnailDescription'] = \ thumbnail_dict thumbnail_id_elem = file_description.find(\ 'cdas:ThumbnailId', namespaces=NAMESPACES) if thumbnail_id_elem is not None: dict_file_description['ThumbnailId'] = \ thumbnail_id_elem.text file_descriptions.append(dict_file_description) if len(file_descriptions) > 0: return { 'FileDescription': file_descriptions } return None def get_data_result( self, data_request: DataRequest, progress_callback: Callable[[float, str, Any], int], progress_user_value: Any ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Submits the given request to the server and returns the result. This is a relatively low-level method and most callers should probably use a higher-level method such as get_data. Parameters ---------- data_request data request. progress_callback function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns a non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call. progressUserValue value that is passsed to the progressCallback function. Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the int HTTP status code. 200 when successful.<br> [1] contains a dictionary representing the DataResult from <> or None. See Also -------- CdasWs.get_data """ #self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request.json()) self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request.xml_str()) url = self._endpoint + 'datasets' for retries in range(RETRY_LIMIT): #response =, data=data_request.json(), response =, data=data_request.xml_str(), timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code == 200: data_result = CdasWs._get_data_result_dict(response.text) if not data_result: return (response.status_code, None) return (response.status_code, data_result) if response.status_code == 429 or \ response.status_code == 503 and \ 'Retry-After' in response.headers: retry_after = response.headers['Retry-After'] self.logger.debug('429/503 status with Retry-After header: %s', retry_after) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.2, 'Waiting ' + retry_after + \ 's before making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) retry_after = int(retry_after)'Sleeping %d seconds before making request', retry_after) time.sleep(retry_after) else:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'data_request = %s', data_request)'response.text: %s', response.text) return (response.status_code, None)'%s failed with http code %d after %d retries', url, response.status_code, retries + 1)'data_request = %s', data_request)'response.text: %s', response.text) return (response.status_code, None) def get_data_file( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], **keywords: Union[ Dict, Callable[[float, str, Any], int], Any] ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets the specified data file from the server. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data_file() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is an Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the int HTTP status code. 200 when successful.<br> [1] contains a dictionary representing the DataResult from <> or None. Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. See Also -------- CdasWs.get_data : In addition to what get_data_file does, get_data also downloads and reads the data file into memory (SpaceData or xarray.Dataset object). """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) data_request = CdfRequest(dataset, variables, TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime), 3, CdfFormat.BINARY, **keywords.get('binData', {})) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, data_result = self.get_data_result(data_request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Initial server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) return (status_code, data_result) def download( self, url: str, size: int = 0, **keywords ) -> str: """ Downloads the file specified by the given URL to a temporary file without reading all of it into memory. This method utilizes the connection pool and persistent HTTP connection to the CdasWs server. Parameters ---------- url URL of file to download. size number of bytes in file to download. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns a non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and this download() function will immediately return None. The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- str name of tempory file or None if there was an error. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) suffix = os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path)[1] file_descriptor, tmp_filename = mkstemp(suffix=suffix) download_bytes = 0 next_progress_report = 0.1 with self._session.get(url, stream=True, timeout=self._timeout) as response: file = open(tmp_filename, 'wb') for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks file.write(chunk) # file.flush() if progress_callback is not None: download_bytes += len(chunk) if size == 0: download_progress = 0.0 else: download_progress = float(download_bytes) / size if download_progress > next_progress_report: next_progress_report += download_progress if progress_callback(download_progress,\ 'Continuing download of data.', progress_user_value) != 0: file.close() os.close(file_descriptor) return None file.close() os.close(file_descriptor) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.4, 'Data download complete. Reading data.', progress_user_value) != 0: return None return tmp_filename @staticmethod def read_data( filename: str, data_representation: DataRepresentation ) -> Union['spacepy.datamodel', 'xr.Dataset']: """ Reads the data from the given file. Parameters ---------- filename Name of file to read. data_representation Requested data representation. Returns ------- spacepy.datamodel or xr.Dataset Data from file. Raises ------ Exception If an Exception is raise by either the spdm.fromCDF() or cdflib.cdf_to_xarray() functions. ModuleNotFoundError If the required spacepy.datamodel or the cdflib and xarray modules are not installed. """ if data_representation is None: if SPDM_AVAILABLE: return spdm.fromCDF(filename) if CDF_XARRAY_AVAILABLE: return cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=True, fillval_to_nan=True) raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'neither the spacepy.datamodel nor the cdflib and ' 'xarray modules are installed') if data_representation is DataRepresentation.SPACEPY and \ not SPDM_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError('spacepy module must be installed') if data_representation is DataRepresentation.XARRAY and \ not CDF_XARRAY_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError('cdflib and xarray modules must be installed') if data_representation is DataRepresentation.SPACEPY: return spdm.fromCDF(filename) if data_representation is DataRepresentation.XARRAY: return cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=True, fillval_to_nan=True) return None def get_data( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], time0: Union[TimeInterval, List[TimeInterval], datetime, str], time1: Union[datetime, str] = None, **keywords: Union[ Dict, DataRepresentation, Callable[[float, str, Any], int], Any] ) -> Tuple[Dict, 'spdm.SpaceData', 'xarray']: """ Gets the specified data from the server. The representation of the returned data is determined as follows:<br> 1. If a dataRepresentation keyword parameter is given, its value will determine the representation of the returned data. If no dataRepresenation keyword parameter is given, then<br> 2. If the presence of spacepy.datamodel is found, then the data is returned in the spacepy.datamodel representation.<br> 3. If the presence of the cdflib and xarray modules are found, then the data is returned in an xarray.Dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. The value ALL-VARIABLES may be used instead of specifying all the individual variable names. time0 TimeInterval(s) or start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. time1 when time0 is not one or more TimeInterval(s), the end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. See <> for more details. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.<br> <b>dataRepresentation</b> - specifies the representation of the returned data as one of `datarepresentation.DataRepresentation`.<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is an Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains a dictionary of HTTP and CDAS status information. When successful, ['http']['status_code'] will be 200.<br> [1] contains the requested data (SpaceData or xarray.Dataset object) or None. Raises ------ ValueError If no variables are given or if the given start/end datetime values are invalid. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel #import spacepy.datamodel as spdm # type: ignore if len(variables) < 1: raise ValueError('at least one variable name is required') if isinstance(time0, (str, datetime)): if isinstance(time1, (str, datetime)): time_intervals = [TimeInterval(time0, time1)] else: raise ValueError('time1 must be str/datetime') elif isinstance(time0, TimeInterval): time_intervals = [time0] elif isinstance(time0, list) and len(time0) > 0 and\ isinstance(time0[0], TimeInterval): time_intervals = time0 else: raise ValueError('invalid time0 type') data_request = CdfRequest(dataset, variables, time_intervals, 3, CdfFormat.BINARY, binData=keywords.get('binData', {})) data_rep = keywords.get('dataRepresentation', None) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request) status = { 'http': { 'status_code': 204 }, 'cdas': { 'status': [], 'message': [], 'warning': [], 'error': [] } } if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making initial server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status, None) status_code, data_result = self.get_data_result(data_request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) status['http']['status_code'] = status_code if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.3, 'Initial server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status, None) if status_code != 200:'get_data_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'data_request = %s', data_request) return (status, None) if not data_result: return (status, None) if 'Status' in data_result: status['cdas']['status'] = data_result['Status'] if 'Message' in data_result: status['cdas']['message'] = data_result['Message'] if 'Warning' in data_result: status['cdas']['warning'] = data_result['Warning'] if 'Error' in data_result: status['cdas']['error'] = data_result['Error'] if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.4, 'Beginning download of data.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status, None) file_descriptions = data_result['FileDescription'] data_url = file_descriptions[0]['Name'] data_length = file_descriptions[0]['Length'] self.logger.debug('data_url = %s, data_length = %d', data_url, data_length) sub_progress_control = { 'progressCallback': progress_callback, 'progressUserValue': progress_user_value, 'progressStart': 0.4, 'progressFraction': 0.1 } tmp_filename =, data_length, progressCallback=_get_data_progress, progressUserValue=sub_progress_control) try: data = self.read_data(tmp_filename, data_rep) os.remove(tmp_filename) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Finished reading data.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status, None) except: self.logger.error('Exception from read_data(%s): %s, %s', tmp_filename, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) self.logger.error('CDF file has been retained.') raise return (status, data) # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def get_graph( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], options: GraphOptions = None, image_format: List[ImageFormat] = None, **keywords ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets a graphical representation of the specified data from the server. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. options graph options. image_format image format. If None, then [ImageFormat.PNG]. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] contains a dictionary representation of a <> DataResult object or None.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) request = GraphRequest(dataset, variables, TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime), options, image_format, **keywords) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('request = %s', request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'request = %s', request) return (status_code, None) return (status_code, result) # pylint: enable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def get_thumbnail( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], identifier: str, thumbnail: int = 1, **keywords ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets a graphical representation of the specified data from the server. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. identifier thumbnail identifier (returned in a previous get_graph result). thumbnail number of thumbnail whose full size image is being requested. Thumbnail images are counted beginning at one (not zero). keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] contains a dictionary representation of a <> DataResult object or None.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) request = ThumbnailRequest(dataset, variables, TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime), identifier, thumbnail) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('request = %s', request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'request = %s', request) return (status_code, None) return (status_code, result) # pylint: enable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def get_text( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], compression: Compression = Compression.UNCOMPRESSED, text_format: TextFormat = TextFormat.PLAIN, **keywords ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets a textual representation of the specified data from the server. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. compression file compression. text_format text format. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] contains a dictionary representation of a <> DataResult object or None.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) request = TextRequest(dataset, variables, TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime), compression, text_format, **keywords) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('request = %s', request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'request = %s', request) return (status_code, None) return (status_code, result) # pylint: enable=too-many-arguments def get_audio( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], **keywords ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets an audio representation of the specified data from the server. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] contains a dictionary representation of a <> DataResult object or None.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) request = AudioRequest(dataset, variables, TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime), **keywords) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('request = %s', request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'request = %s', request) return (status_code, None) return (status_code, result) def get_original_files( self, dataset: str, start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], **keywords ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets original data files from a dataset. Original data files lack updated meta-data and virtual variable values contained in files obtained from the `CdasWs.get_data`. Most callers should probably use `CdasWs.get_data` instead of this function. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] array of dictionary representations of a <> FileDescription objects or None.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. See Also -------- CdasWs.get_data """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) request = CdfRequest(dataset, [], TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime)) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('request = %s', request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'request = %s', request) return (status_code, None) return (status_code, result['FileDescription']) def get_ssc_id( self, dataset: str ) -> Tuple[int, Union[str, List[str]]]: """ Gets the Satellite Situation Center (SSC) <> observatory identifier(s) associated with the given cdaweb dataset identifier. Notes ----- This method relies upon the Heliophysics Data Portal's <> metadata. That metadata may be incomplete. Also, cdaweb has datasets for which SSC has no corresponding observatory (for example, ground observatory data). Callers should be prepared for negative results (200, None) from this method. Parameters ---------- dataset cdaweb dataset identifier. Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] the SSC observatory identifier(s) associated with the given cdaweb dataset identifier or None if none is found. """ url = self._hdp_registry + '?cdawebId=' + dataset self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return (response.status_code, None) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) results = ET.fromstring(response.text) ssc_id = [] for ssc_id_elem in results.findall('SscId'): ssc_id.append(ssc_id_elem.text) if len(ssc_id) == 0: result = None elif len(ssc_id) == 1: result = ssc_id[0] else: result = ssc_id return (response.status_code, result)
Static methods
def get_citation(doi: str) ‑> str
Returns the citation from for the given DOI.
- digital object identifier.
- The citation from for the given DOI.
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@staticmethod def get_citation( doi: str ) -> str: """ Returns the citation from for the given DOI. Parameters ---------- doi digital object identifier. Returns ------- str The citation from for the given DOI. """ url = '' + doi headers = {'Accept': 'text/x-bibliography; style=apa'} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) return response.text
def get_doi_landing_page_url(doi: str) ‑> str
Returns a URL to the given Digital Object Identifier's landing page (metadata for the DOI).
- digital object identifier.
- A URL to the DOI's landing page.
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@staticmethod def get_doi_landing_page_url( doi: str ) -> str: """ Returns a URL to the given Digital Object Identifier's landing page (metadata for the DOI). Parameters ---------- doi digital object identifier. Returns ------- str A URL to the DOI's landing page. """ if not doi.startswith('http'): return '' + doi return doi
def read_data(filename: str, data_representation: DataRepresentation) ‑> Union[_ForwardRef('spacepy.datamodel'), _ForwardRef('xr.Dataset')]
Reads the data from the given file.
- Name of file to read.
- Requested data representation.
- Data from file.
- If an Exception is raise by either the spdm.fromCDF() or cdflib.cdf_to_xarray() functions.
- If the required spacepy.datamodel or the cdflib and xarray modules are not installed.
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@staticmethod def read_data( filename: str, data_representation: DataRepresentation ) -> Union['spacepy.datamodel', 'xr.Dataset']: """ Reads the data from the given file. Parameters ---------- filename Name of file to read. data_representation Requested data representation. Returns ------- spacepy.datamodel or xr.Dataset Data from file. Raises ------ Exception If an Exception is raise by either the spdm.fromCDF() or cdflib.cdf_to_xarray() functions. ModuleNotFoundError If the required spacepy.datamodel or the cdflib and xarray modules are not installed. """ if data_representation is None: if SPDM_AVAILABLE: return spdm.fromCDF(filename) if CDF_XARRAY_AVAILABLE: return cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=True, fillval_to_nan=True) raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'neither the spacepy.datamodel nor the cdflib and ' 'xarray modules are installed') if data_representation is DataRepresentation.SPACEPY and \ not SPDM_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError('spacepy module must be installed') if data_representation is DataRepresentation.XARRAY and \ not CDF_XARRAY_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError('cdflib and xarray modules must be installed') if data_representation is DataRepresentation.SPACEPY: return spdm.fromCDF(filename) if data_representation is DataRepresentation.XARRAY: return cdf_to_xarray(filename, to_datetime=True, fillval_to_nan=True) return None
def close(self) ‑> NoneType
Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary.
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def close(self) -> None: """ Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary. """ self._session.close()
def download(self, url: str, size: int = 0, **keywords) ‑> str
Downloads the file specified by the given URL to a temporary file without reading all of it into memory. This method utilizes the connection pool and persistent HTTP connection to the CdasWs server.
- URL of file to download.
- number of bytes in file to download.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
progressCallback - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns a non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and this download() function will immediately return None. The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.
progressUserValue - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.
- name of tempory file or None if there was an error.
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def download( self, url: str, size: int = 0, **keywords ) -> str: """ Downloads the file specified by the given URL to a temporary file without reading all of it into memory. This method utilizes the connection pool and persistent HTTP connection to the CdasWs server. Parameters ---------- url URL of file to download. size number of bytes in file to download. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns a non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and this download() function will immediately return None. The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- str name of tempory file or None if there was an error. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) suffix = os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path)[1] file_descriptor, tmp_filename = mkstemp(suffix=suffix) download_bytes = 0 next_progress_report = 0.1 with self._session.get(url, stream=True, timeout=self._timeout) as response: file = open(tmp_filename, 'wb') for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks file.write(chunk) # file.flush() if progress_callback is not None: download_bytes += len(chunk) if size == 0: download_progress = 0.0 else: download_progress = float(download_bytes) / size if download_progress > next_progress_report: next_progress_report += download_progress if progress_callback(download_progress,\ 'Continuing download of data.', progress_user_value) != 0: file.close() os.close(file_descriptor) return None file.close() os.close(file_descriptor) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.4, 'Data download complete. Reading data.', progress_user_value) != 0: return None return tmp_filename
def get_audio(self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime.datetime, str], end: Union[datetime.datetime, str], **keywords) ‑> Tuple[int, Dict]
Gets an audio representation of the specified data from the server.
- dataset identifier of data to get.
- array containing names of variables to get.
- start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
binData - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.
progressCallback - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.
progressUserValue - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.
- [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).
[1] contains a dictionary representation of a DataResult object or None.
- If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
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def get_audio( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], **keywords ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets an audio representation of the specified data from the server. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] contains a dictionary representation of a <> DataResult object or None.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) request = AudioRequest(dataset, variables, TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime), **keywords) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('request = %s', request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'request = %s', request) return (status_code, None) return (status_code, result)
def get_data(self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], time0: Union[TimeInterval, List[TimeInterval], datetime.datetime, str], time1: Union[datetime.datetime, str] = None, **keywords: Union[Dict, DataRepresentation, Callable[[float, str, Any], int], Any]) ‑> Tuple[Dict, _ForwardRef('spdm.SpaceData'), _ForwardRef('xarray')]
Gets the specified data from the server. The representation of the returned data is determined as follows:
1. If a dataRepresentation keyword parameter is given, its value will determine the representation of the returned data. If no dataRepresenation keyword parameter is given, then
2. If the presence of spacepy.datamodel is found, then the data is returned in the spacepy.datamodel representation.
3. If the presence of the cdflib and xarray modules are found, then the data is returned in an xarray.Dataset.Parameters
- dataset identifier of data to get.
- array containing names of variables to get. The value ALL-VARIABLES may be used instead of specifying all the individual variable names.
- TimeInterval(s) or start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- when time0 is not one or more TimeInterval(s), the end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
binData - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. See for more details. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.
dataRepresentation - specifies the representation of the returned data as one ofDataRepresentation
progressCallback - is a Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.
progressUserValue - is an Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.
- [0] contains a dictionary of HTTP and CDAS status information.
When successful, ['http']['status_code'] will be 200.
[1] contains the requested data (SpaceData or xarray.Dataset object) or None.
- If no variables are given or if the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
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def get_data( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], time0: Union[TimeInterval, List[TimeInterval], datetime, str], time1: Union[datetime, str] = None, **keywords: Union[ Dict, DataRepresentation, Callable[[float, str, Any], int], Any] ) -> Tuple[Dict, 'spdm.SpaceData', 'xarray']: """ Gets the specified data from the server. The representation of the returned data is determined as follows:<br> 1. If a dataRepresentation keyword parameter is given, its value will determine the representation of the returned data. If no dataRepresenation keyword parameter is given, then<br> 2. If the presence of spacepy.datamodel is found, then the data is returned in the spacepy.datamodel representation.<br> 3. If the presence of the cdflib and xarray modules are found, then the data is returned in an xarray.Dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. The value ALL-VARIABLES may be used instead of specifying all the individual variable names. time0 TimeInterval(s) or start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. time1 when time0 is not one or more TimeInterval(s), the end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. See <> for more details. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.<br> <b>dataRepresentation</b> - specifies the representation of the returned data as one of `datarepresentation.DataRepresentation`.<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is an Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains a dictionary of HTTP and CDAS status information. When successful, ['http']['status_code'] will be 200.<br> [1] contains the requested data (SpaceData or xarray.Dataset object) or None. Raises ------ ValueError If no variables are given or if the given start/end datetime values are invalid. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel #import spacepy.datamodel as spdm # type: ignore if len(variables) < 1: raise ValueError('at least one variable name is required') if isinstance(time0, (str, datetime)): if isinstance(time1, (str, datetime)): time_intervals = [TimeInterval(time0, time1)] else: raise ValueError('time1 must be str/datetime') elif isinstance(time0, TimeInterval): time_intervals = [time0] elif isinstance(time0, list) and len(time0) > 0 and\ isinstance(time0[0], TimeInterval): time_intervals = time0 else: raise ValueError('invalid time0 type') data_request = CdfRequest(dataset, variables, time_intervals, 3, CdfFormat.BINARY, binData=keywords.get('binData', {})) data_rep = keywords.get('dataRepresentation', None) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request) status = { 'http': { 'status_code': 204 }, 'cdas': { 'status': [], 'message': [], 'warning': [], 'error': [] } } if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making initial server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status, None) status_code, data_result = self.get_data_result(data_request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) status['http']['status_code'] = status_code if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.3, 'Initial server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status, None) if status_code != 200:'get_data_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'data_request = %s', data_request) return (status, None) if not data_result: return (status, None) if 'Status' in data_result: status['cdas']['status'] = data_result['Status'] if 'Message' in data_result: status['cdas']['message'] = data_result['Message'] if 'Warning' in data_result: status['cdas']['warning'] = data_result['Warning'] if 'Error' in data_result: status['cdas']['error'] = data_result['Error'] if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.4, 'Beginning download of data.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status, None) file_descriptions = data_result['FileDescription'] data_url = file_descriptions[0]['Name'] data_length = file_descriptions[0]['Length'] self.logger.debug('data_url = %s, data_length = %d', data_url, data_length) sub_progress_control = { 'progressCallback': progress_callback, 'progressUserValue': progress_user_value, 'progressStart': 0.4, 'progressFraction': 0.1 } tmp_filename =, data_length, progressCallback=_get_data_progress, progressUserValue=sub_progress_control) try: data = self.read_data(tmp_filename, data_rep) os.remove(tmp_filename) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Finished reading data.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status, None) except: self.logger.error('Exception from read_data(%s): %s, %s', tmp_filename, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) self.logger.error('CDF file has been retained.') raise return (status, data)
def get_data_file(self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime.datetime, str], end: Union[datetime.datetime, str], **keywords: Union[Dict, Callable[[float, str, Any], int], Any]) ‑> Tuple[int, Dict]
Gets the specified data file from the server.
- dataset identifier of data to get.
- array containing names of variables to get.
- start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
binData - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.
progressCallback - is a Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data_file() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.
progressUserValue - is an Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.
- [0] contains the int HTTP status code.
200 when
[1] contains a dictionary representing the DataResult from or None.
- If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
See Also
- In addition to what get_data_file does, get_data also downloads and reads the data file into memory (SpaceData or xarray.Dataset object).
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def get_data_file( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], **keywords: Union[ Dict, Callable[[float, str, Any], int], Any] ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets the specified data file from the server. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data_file() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is an Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the int HTTP status code. 200 when successful.<br> [1] contains a dictionary representing the DataResult from <> or None. Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. See Also -------- CdasWs.get_data : In addition to what get_data_file does, get_data also downloads and reads the data file into memory (SpaceData or xarray.Dataset object). """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) data_request = CdfRequest(dataset, variables, TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime), 3, CdfFormat.BINARY, **keywords.get('binData', {})) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, data_result = self.get_data_result(data_request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Initial server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) return (status_code, data_result)
def get_data_result(self, data_request: DataRequest, progress_callback: Callable[[float, str, Any], int], progress_user_value: Any) ‑> Tuple[int, Dict]
Submits the given request to the server and returns the result. This is a relatively low-level method and most callers should probably use a higher-level method such as get_data.
- data request.
- function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns a non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.
- value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.
- [0] contains the int HTTP status code.
200 when
[1] contains a dictionary representing the DataResult from or None.
See Also
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def get_data_result( self, data_request: DataRequest, progress_callback: Callable[[float, str, Any], int], progress_user_value: Any ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Submits the given request to the server and returns the result. This is a relatively low-level method and most callers should probably use a higher-level method such as get_data. Parameters ---------- data_request data request. progress_callback function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns a non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call. progressUserValue value that is passsed to the progressCallback function. Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the int HTTP status code. 200 when successful.<br> [1] contains a dictionary representing the DataResult from <> or None. See Also -------- CdasWs.get_data """ #self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request.json()) self.logger.debug('data_request = %s', data_request.xml_str()) url = self._endpoint + 'datasets' for retries in range(RETRY_LIMIT): #response =, data=data_request.json(), response =, data=data_request.xml_str(), timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code == 200: data_result = CdasWs._get_data_result_dict(response.text) if not data_result: return (response.status_code, None) return (response.status_code, data_result) if response.status_code == 429 or \ response.status_code == 503 and \ 'Retry-After' in response.headers: retry_after = response.headers['Retry-After'] self.logger.debug('429/503 status with Retry-After header: %s', retry_after) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.2, 'Waiting ' + retry_after + \ 's before making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) retry_after = int(retry_after)'Sleeping %d seconds before making request', retry_after) time.sleep(retry_after) else:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'data_request = %s', data_request)'response.text: %s', response.text) return (response.status_code, None)'%s failed with http code %d after %d retries', url, response.status_code, retries + 1)'data_request = %s', data_request)'response.text: %s', response.text) return (response.status_code, None)
def get_datasets(self, **keywords: str) ‑> List[Dict]
Gets descriptions of the specified datasets from the server.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
observatoryGroup - an observatory group value from those returned byCdasWs.get_observatory_groups()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their observatoryGroup value.
instrumentType - an instrument type value from those returned byCdasWs.get_instrument_types()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value.
observatory - an observatory name value from those returned byCdasWs.get_observatories()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their observatory value.
instrument - an instrument value from those returned byCdasWs.get_instruments()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their instrument value.
startDate - a datetime specifying the start of a time interval. See module note about timezone value. If this parameter is ommited, the time interval will begin infinitely in the past.
stopDate - a datetime specifying the end of a time interval. See module note about timezone value. If this parameter is omitted, the time interval will end infinitely in the future.
id - a dataset identifier. The value may be a CDAS (e.g., AC_H2_MFI), DOI (e.g., 10.48322/fh85-fj47), or SPASE [ResourceID] (e.g., spase://NASA/NumericalData/ACE/MAG/L2/PT1H) identifier. If specified, all other keywords are ignored.
idPattern - a java.util.regex compatible regular expression that must match the dataset's CDAS identifier value. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to.*
labelPattern - a java.util.regex compatible regular expression that must match the dataset's CDAS label text. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to.*
. Embedded matching flag expressions (e.g.,(?i)
for case insensitive match mode) are supported and likely to be useful in this case.
notesPattern - a java.util.regex compatible regular expression that must match the dataset's CDAS notes text. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to.*
. Embedded matching flag expressions (e.g.,(?s)
for dotall match mode) are supported and likely to be useful in this case.
- A list of dictionaries containing descriptions of the datasets requested. The dictionary structure is defined by the DatasetDescription element in
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def get_datasets( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the specified datasets from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>observatoryGroup</b> - an observatory group value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatory_groups`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their observatoryGroup value.<br> <b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value.<br> <b>observatory</b> - an observatory name value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatories`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their observatory value.<br> <b>instrument</b> - an instrument value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instruments`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no datasets are eliminated based upon their instrument value.<br> <b>startDate</b> - a datetime specifying the start of a time interval. See module note about timezone value. If this parameter is ommited, the time interval will begin infinitely in the past.<br> <b>stopDate</b> - a datetime specifying the end of a time interval. See module note about timezone value. If this parameter is omitted, the time interval will end infinitely in the future.<br> <b>id</b> - a dataset identifier. The value may be a CDAS (e.g., AC_H2_MFI), DOI (e.g., 10.48322/fh85-fj47), or SPASE [ResourceID] (e.g., spase://NASA/NumericalData/ACE/MAG/L2/PT1H) identifier. If specified, all other keywords are ignored.<br> <b>idPattern</b> - a java.util.regex compatible regular expression that must match the dataset's CDAS identifier value. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to `.*`.<br> <b>labelPattern</b> - a java.util.regex compatible regular expression that must match the dataset's CDAS label text. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to `.*`. Embedded matching flag expressions (e.g., `(?i)` for case insensitive match mode) are supported and likely to be useful in this case.<br> <b>notesPattern</b> - a java.util.regex compatible regular expression that must match the dataset's CDAS notes text. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to `.*`. Embedded matching flag expressions (e.g., `(?s)` for dotall match mode) are supported and likely to be useful in this case.<br> Returns ------- List A list of dictionaries containing descriptions of the datasets requested. The dictionary structure is defined by the DatasetDescription element in <>. """ url = self._endpoint + 'datasets?' observatory_groups = keywords.get('observatoryGroup', None) if observatory_groups is not None: if isinstance(observatory_groups, str): observatory_groups = [observatory_groups] for observatory_group in observatory_groups: url = url + 'observatoryGroup=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(observatory_group) + '&' instrument_types = keywords.get('instrumentType', None) if instrument_types is not None: if isinstance(instrument_types, str): instrument_types = [instrument_types] for instrument_type in instrument_types: url = url + 'instrumentType=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(instrument_type) + '&' observatories = keywords.get('observatory', None) if observatories is not None: if isinstance(observatories, str): observatories = [observatories] for observatory in observatories: url = url + 'observatory=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(observatory) + '&' instruments = keywords.get('instrument', None) if instruments is not None: if isinstance(instruments, str): instruments = [instruments] for instrument in instruments: url = url + 'instrument=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(instrument) + '&' if 'startDate' in keywords: url = url + 'startDate=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['startDate']) + '&' if 'stopDate' in keywords: url = url + 'stopDate=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['stopDate']) + '&' if 'id' in keywords: url = url + 'id=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['id']) + '&' if 'idPattern' in keywords: url = url + 'idPattern=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['idPattern']) + '&' if 'labelPattern' in keywords: url = url + 'labelPattern=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['labelPattern']) + '&' if 'notesPattern' in keywords: url = url + 'notesPattern=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['notesPattern']) + '&' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url[:-1]) response = self._session.get(url[:-1], timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) dss = ET.fromstring(response.text) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('datasets = %s', response.text) datasets = [] for ds in dss.findall('cdas:DatasetDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatory_groups = [] for o_g in ds.findall('cdas:ObservatoryGroup', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatory_groups.append(o_g.text) instrument_types = [] for i_t in ds.findall('cdas:InstrumentType', namespaces=NAMESPACES): instrument_types.append(i_t.text) dataset_links = [] for d_l in ds.findall('cdas:DatasetLink', namespaces=NAMESPACES): dataset_links.append({ 'Title': d_l.find('cdas:Title', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Text': d_l.find('cdas:Text', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Url': d_l.find('cdas:Url', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, }) observatories = [] for obs_elem in ds.findall('cdas:Observatory', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatories.append(obs_elem.text) instruments = [] for instr_elem in ds.findall('cdas:Instrument', namespaces=NAMESPACES): instruments.append(instr_elem.text) dataset = { 'Id': ds.find('cdas:Id', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Observatory': observatories, 'Instrument': instruments, 'ObservatoryGroup': observatory_groups, 'InstrumentType': instrument_types, 'Label': ds.find('cdas:Label', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'TimeInterval': { 'Start': ds.find('cdas:TimeInterval/cdas:Start', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'End': ds.find('cdas:TimeInterval/cdas:End', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text }, 'PiName': ds.find('cdas:PiName', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'PiAffiliation': ds.find('cdas:PiAffiliation', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'Notes': ds.find('cdas:Notes', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'DatasetLink': dataset_links } doi = ds.find('cdas:Doi', namespaces=NAMESPACES) if doi is not None: dataset['Doi'] = doi.text spase_resource_id = ds.find('cdas:SpaseResourceId', namespaces=NAMESPACES) if spase_resource_id is not None: dataset['SpaseResourceId'] = spase_resource_id.text additional_metadata = [] for add_meta in ds.findall('cdas:AdditionalMetadata', namespaces=NAMESPACES): meta_type = add_meta.attrib['Type'] value = add_meta.text additional_metadata.append({ 'Type': meta_type, 'value': value }) if len(additional_metadata) > 0: dataset['AdditionalMetadata'] = additional_metadata datasets.append(dataset) return sorted(datasets, key=itemgetter('Id'))
def get_example_time_interval(self, identifier: str) ‑> TimeInterval
Gets a small example time interval for the specified dataset. The interval is near the end of the dataset's data inventory. The returned interval is not guaranteed to have non-fill data for any specific variable.
- dataset identifier of data inventory to get.
- An small example time interval that is likely, but not guaranteed, to have data or None if an interval cannot be found.
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def get_example_time_interval( self, identifier: str, ) -> TimeInterval: """ Gets a small example time interval for the specified dataset. The interval is near the end of the dataset's data inventory. The returned interval is not guaranteed to have non-fill data for any specific variable. Parameters ---------- identifier dataset identifier of data inventory to get. Returns ------- timeinterval.TimeInterval An small example time interval that is likely, but not guaranteed, to have data or None if an interval cannot be found. """ time_intervals = self.get_inventory(identifier) if len(time_intervals) < 1: return None example_interval = time_intervals[-1] if'MMS[1-4]_.+_BRST_.+', identifier): time_delta = timedelta(seconds=1) else: time_delta = timedelta(hours=2) example_interval.start = example_interval.end - time_delta return example_interval
def get_graph(self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime.datetime, str], end: Union[datetime.datetime, str], options: GraphOptions = None, image_format: List[ImageFormat] = None, **keywords) ‑> Tuple[int, Dict]
Gets a graphical representation of the specified data from the server.
- dataset identifier of data to get.
- array containing names of variables to get.
- start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- graph options.
- image format. If None, then [ImageFormat.PNG].
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
binData - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.
progressCallback - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.
progressUserValue - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.
- [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).
[1] contains a dictionary representation of a DataResult object or None.
- If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
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def get_graph( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], options: GraphOptions = None, image_format: List[ImageFormat] = None, **keywords ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets a graphical representation of the specified data from the server. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. options graph options. image_format image format. If None, then [ImageFormat.PNG]. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] contains a dictionary representation of a <> DataResult object or None.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) request = GraphRequest(dataset, variables, TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime), options, image_format, **keywords) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('request = %s', request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'request = %s', request) return (status_code, None) return (status_code, result)
def get_instrument_types(self, **keywords: str) ‑> List[Dict]
Gets descriptions of the instrument types from the server.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
observatory - an observatory value from those returned byCdasWs.get_observatories()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instrumentTypes are eliminated based upon their observatory value.
observatoryGroup - an observatory group value from those returned byCdasWs.get_observatory_groups()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instrumentTypes are eliminated based upon their observatoryGroup value.
- An array of InstrumentTypeDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors InstrumentTypeDescription in
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def get_instrument_types( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the instrument types from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>observatory</b> - an observatory value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatories`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instrumentTypes are eliminated based upon their observatory value.<br> <b>observatoryGroup</b> - an observatory group value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatory_groups`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instrumentTypes are eliminated based upon their observatoryGroup value.</br> Returns ------- List An array of InstrumentTypeDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors InstrumentTypeDescription in <>. """ if 'observatory' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'instrumentTypes?observatory=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['observatory']) elif 'observatoryGroup' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'instrumentTypes?observatoryGroup=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['observatoryGroup']) else: url = self._endpoint + 'instrumentTypes' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) instrument_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('instrument_response = %s', ET.tostring(instrument_response)) instrument_types = [] for description in instrument_response.findall(\ 'cdas:InstrumentTypeDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): instrument_types.append({ 'Name': description.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text }) return instrument_types
def get_instruments(self, **keywords: str) ‑> List[Dict]
Gets descriptions of the instruments from the server.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
observatory - an observatory value from those returned byCdasWs.get_observatories()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instruments are eliminated based upon their observatory value.
instrumentType - an instrument type value from those returned byCdasWs.get_instrument_types()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instruments are eliminated based upon their instrument type.
- An array of InstrumentDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors InstrumentDescription in
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def get_instruments( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the instruments from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>observatory</b> - an observatory value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_observatories`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instruments are eliminated based upon their observatory value.<br> <b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no instruments are eliminated based upon their instrument type.<br> Returns ------- List An array of InstrumentDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors InstrumentDescription in <>. """ if 'observatory' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'instruments?observatory=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['observatory']) elif 'instrumentType' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'instruments?instrumentType=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType']) else: url = self._endpoint + 'instruments' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) instruments_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('instruments = %s', response.text) #ET.indent(instruments_response, space=' ')) instruments = [] for instrument_description in instruments_response.findall(\ 'cdas:InstrumentDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): instruments.append({ 'Name': instrument_description.find(\ 'cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'ShortDescription': instrument_description.find(\ 'cdas:ShortDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'LongDescription': instrument_description.find(\ 'cdas:LongDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text }) return instruments
def get_inventory(self, identifier: str, **keywords: str) ‑> List[TimeInterval]
Gets a description of the specified dataset's data inventory.
- dataset identifier of data inventory to get.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
timeInterval -TimeInterval
to restrict returned inventory.
- An array of
s when data is available.
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def get_inventory( self, identifier: str, **keywords: str ) -> List[TimeInterval]: """ Gets a description of the specified dataset's data inventory. Parameters ---------- identifier dataset identifier of data inventory to get. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>timeInterval</b> - `timeinterval.TimeInterval` to restrict returned inventory. Returns ------- List An array of `timeinterval.TimeInterval`s when data is available. """ url = self._endpoint + 'datasets/' + \ urllib.parse.quote(identifier, safe='') + '/inventory' if 'timeInterval' in keywords: time_interval_keyword = keywords['timeInterval'] url = url + '/' + \ TimeInterval.basic_iso_format(time_interval_keyword.start) + \ ',' + \ TimeInterval.basic_iso_format(time_interval_keyword.end) self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) inventory = ET.fromstring(response.text) intervals = [] for inventory_desc in inventory.findall(\ 'cdas:InventoryDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): for time_interval in inventory_desc.findall(\ 'cdas:TimeInterval', namespaces=NAMESPACES): intervals.append( TimeInterval( time_interval.find('cdas:Start', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, time_interval.find('cdas:End', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text ) ) return intervals
def get_observatories(self, **keywords: str) ‑> List[Dict]
Gets descriptions of the observatories from the server.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
instrument - an instrument value from those returned byCdasWs.get_instruments()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrument value.
instrumentType - in instrument type value from those returned byCdasWs.get_instrument_types()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value.
- An array of ObservatoryDescriptions dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors ObservatoryDescription in
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def get_observatories( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the observatories from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>instrument</b> - an instrument value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instruments`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrument value.<br> <b>instrumentType</b> - in instrument type value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value.<br> Returns ------- List An array of ObservatoryDescriptions dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors ObservatoryDescription in <>. """ if 'instrument' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'observatories?instrument=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrument']) elif 'instrumentType' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'observatories?instrumentType=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType']) else: url = self._endpoint + 'observatories' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) observatory_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('observatories = %s', response.text) observatories = [] for observatory in observatory_response.findall(\ 'cdas:ObservatoryDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatories.append({ 'Name': observatory.find(\ 'cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'ShortDescription': observatory.find(\ 'cdas:ShortDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'LongDescription': observatory.find(\ 'cdas:LongDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text }) return observatories
def get_observatory_groups(self, **keywords: str) ‑> List[Dict]
Gets descriptions of the observatory groups from the server.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
instrumentType - an instrument type value from those returned byCdasWs.get_instrument_types()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value.
- An array of ObservatoryGroupDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors ObservatoryGroupDescription in
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def get_observatory_groups( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the observatory groups from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value. Returns ------- List An array of ObservatoryGroupDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors ObservatoryGroupDescription in <>. """ if 'instrumentType' in keywords: url = self._endpoint + 'observatoryGroups?instrumentType=' + \ urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType']) else: url = self._endpoint + 'observatoryGroups' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) observatory_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) observatory_group_descriptions = [] for description in observatory_response.findall(\ 'cdas:ObservatoryGroupDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatory_ids = [] for observatory_id in description.findall(\ 'cdas:ObservatoryId', namespaces=NAMESPACES): observatory_ids.append(observatory_id.text) observatory_group_descriptions.append({ 'Name': description.find(\ 'cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text, 'ObservatoryId': observatory_ids }) return observatory_group_descriptions
def get_observatory_groups_and_instruments(self, **keywords: str) ‑> List[Dict]
Gets descriptions of the observatory groups (and associated instruments) from the server.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
instrumentType - an instrument type value from those returned byCdasWs.get_instrument_types()
. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value.
- An array of ObservatoryGroupInstrumentDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors ObservatoryGroupInstrumentDescription in
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def get_observatory_groups_and_instruments( self, **keywords: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets descriptions of the observatory groups (and associated instruments) from the server. Parameters ---------- keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>instrumentType</b> - an instrument type value from those returned by `CdasWs.get_instrument_types`. Omitting this parameter indicates that no observatories are eliminated based upon their instrumentType value.<br> Returns ------- List An array of ObservatoryGroupInstrumentDescription dictionaries where the structure of the dictionary mirrors ObservatoryGroupInstrumentDescription in <>. """ if 'instrumentType' in keywords: url = self._endpoint \ + 'observatoryGroupsAndInstruments?instrumentType=' \ + urllib.parse.quote(keywords['instrumentType']) else: url = self._endpoint + 'observatoryGroupsAndInstruments' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) observatories_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('observatories = %s', response.text) o_g_i_ds = [] for o_g_i_d in observatories_response.findall(\ 'cdas:ObservatoryGroupInstrumentDescription',\ namespaces=NAMESPACES): o_g_i_d_name = o_g_i_d.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text o_is = [] for o_i in o_g_i_d.findall('cdas:ObservatoryInstruments', namespaces=NAMESPACES): o_i_name = o_i.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text i_ds = [] for i_d in o_i.findall('cdas:InstrumentDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): i_d_name = i_d.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text i_d_short_description = \ i_d.find('cdas:ShortDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text i_d_long_description = \ i_d.find('cdas:LongDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text i_ds.append({ 'Name': i_d_name, 'ShortDescription': i_d_short_description, 'LongDescription': i_d_long_description }) o_is.append({ 'Name': o_i_name, 'InstrumentDescription': i_ds }) o_g_i_ds.append({ 'Name': o_g_i_d_name, 'ObservatoryInstruments': o_is }) return o_g_i_ds
def get_original_files(self, dataset: str, start: Union[datetime.datetime, str], end: Union[datetime.datetime, str], **keywords) ‑> Tuple[int, Dict]
Gets original data files from a dataset. Original data files lack updated meta-data and virtual variable values contained in files obtained from the
. Most callers should probably useCdasWs.get_data()
instead of this function.Parameters
- dataset identifier of data to get.
- start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
progressCallback - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.
progressUserValue - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.
- [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).
[1] array of dictionary representations of a FileDescription objects or None.
- If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
See Also
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def get_original_files( self, dataset: str, start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], **keywords ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets original data files from a dataset. Original data files lack updated meta-data and virtual variable values contained in files obtained from the `CdasWs.get_data`. Most callers should probably use `CdasWs.get_data` instead of this function. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] array of dictionary representations of a <> FileDescription objects or None.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. See Also -------- CdasWs.get_data """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) request = CdfRequest(dataset, [], TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime)) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('request = %s', request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'request = %s', request) return (status_code, None) return (status_code, result['FileDescription'])
def get_ssc_id(self, dataset: str) ‑> Tuple[int, Union[str, List[str]]]
Gets the Satellite Situation Center (SSC) observatory identifier(s) associated with the given cdaweb dataset identifier.
This method relies upon the Heliophysics Data Portal's metadata. That metadata may be incomplete. Also, cdaweb has datasets for which SSC has no corresponding observatory (for example, ground observatory data). Callers should be prepared for negative results (200, None) from this method.
- cdaweb dataset identifier.
- [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).
[1] the SSC observatory identifier(s) associated with the given cdaweb dataset identifier or None if none is found.
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def get_ssc_id( self, dataset: str ) -> Tuple[int, Union[str, List[str]]]: """ Gets the Satellite Situation Center (SSC) <> observatory identifier(s) associated with the given cdaweb dataset identifier. Notes ----- This method relies upon the Heliophysics Data Portal's <> metadata. That metadata may be incomplete. Also, cdaweb has datasets for which SSC has no corresponding observatory (for example, ground observatory data). Callers should be prepared for negative results (200, None) from this method. Parameters ---------- dataset cdaweb dataset identifier. Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] the SSC observatory identifier(s) associated with the given cdaweb dataset identifier or None if none is found. """ url = self._hdp_registry + '?cdawebId=' + dataset self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return (response.status_code, None) if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) results = ET.fromstring(response.text) ssc_id = [] for ssc_id_elem in results.findall('SscId'): ssc_id.append(ssc_id_elem.text) if len(ssc_id) == 0: result = None elif len(ssc_id) == 1: result = ssc_id[0] else: result = ssc_id return (response.status_code, result)
def get_text(self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime.datetime, str], end: Union[datetime.datetime, str], compression: Compression = Compression.UNCOMPRESSED, text_format: TextFormat = TextFormat.PLAIN, **keywords) ‑> Tuple[int, Dict]
Gets a textual representation of the specified data from the server.
- dataset identifier of data to get.
- array containing names of variables to get.
- start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- file compression.
- text format.
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
binData - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.
progressCallback - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.
progressUserValue - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.
- [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).
[1] contains a dictionary representation of a DataResult object or None.
- If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
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def get_text( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], compression: Compression = Compression.UNCOMPRESSED, text_format: TextFormat = TextFormat.PLAIN, **keywords ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets a textual representation of the specified data from the server. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. compression file compression. text_format text format. keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>binData</b> - indicates that uniformly spaced values should be computed for scaler/vector/spectrogram data according to the given binning parameter values. binData is a Dict that may contain the following keys: interval, interpolateMissingValues, sigmaMultiplier, and/or overrideDefaultBinning with values that override the defaults.<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] contains a dictionary representation of a <> DataResult object or None.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) request = TextRequest(dataset, variables, TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime), compression, text_format, **keywords) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('request = %s', request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'request = %s', request) return (status_code, None) return (status_code, result)
def get_thumbnail(self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime.datetime, str], end: Union[datetime.datetime, str], identifier: str, thumbnail: int = 1, **keywords) ‑> Tuple[int, Dict]
Gets a graphical representation of the specified data from the server.
- dataset identifier of data to get.
- array containing names of variables to get.
- start time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- end time of data to get. See module note about timezone.
- thumbnail identifier (returned in a previous get_graph result).
- number of thumbnail whose full size image is being requested. Thumbnail images are counted beginning at one (not zero).
- optional keyword parameters as follows:
progressCallback - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.
progressUserValue - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.
- [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).
[1] contains a dictionary representation of a DataResult object or None.
- If the given start/end datetime values are invalid.
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def get_thumbnail( self, dataset: str, variables: List[str], start: Union[datetime, str], end: Union[datetime, str], identifier: str, thumbnail: int = 1, **keywords ) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ Gets a graphical representation of the specified data from the server. Parameters ---------- dataset dataset identifier of data to get. variables array containing names of variables to get. start start time of data to get. See module note about timezone. end end time of data to get. See module note about timezone. identifier thumbnail identifier (returned in a previous get_graph result). thumbnail number of thumbnail whose full size image is being requested. Thumbnail images are counted beginning at one (not zero). keywords optional keyword parameters as follows:<br> <b>progressCallback</b> - is a typing.Callable[[float, str, typing.Any], int] function that is called repeatedly to report the progress of getting the data. The function should return 0 if it wants to continue getting data. If it returns non-0 value, getting the data will be aborted and the get_data() function will immediately return (204, None). The float parameter is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate progress and the str parameter will contain a text message indicating the progress of this call.<br> <b>progressUserValue</b> - is a typing.Any value that is passsed to the progressCallback function.<br> Returns ------- Tuple [0] contains the HTTP status code value (200 when successful).<br> [1] contains a dictionary representation of a <> DataResult object or None.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If the given start/end datetime values are invalid. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: enable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches start_datetime, end_datetime = TimeInterval.get_datetimes(start, end) request = ThumbnailRequest(dataset, variables, TimeInterval(start_datetime, end_datetime), identifier, thumbnail) progress_callback = keywords.get('progressCallback', None) progress_user_value = keywords.get('progressUserValue', None) self.logger.debug('request = %s', request) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(0.1, 'Making server request.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (204, None) status_code, result = self.get_data_result(request, progress_callback, progress_user_value) if progress_callback is not None: if progress_callback(1.0, 'Server request complete.', progress_user_value) != 0: return (status_code, None) if status_code != 200:'get_result failed with http code %d', status_code)'request = %s', request) return (status_code, None) return (status_code, result)
def get_variable_names(self, identifier: str) ‑> List[str]
Gets the names of the variables in the specified dataset. This method is like the get_variables method except that it only returns the variable names and not the other metadata.
- dataset identifier of data to get.
- A List of the names of the variables in the specified dataset.
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def get_variable_names( self, identifier: str ) -> List[str]: """ Gets the names of the variables in the specified dataset. This method is like the get_variables method except that it only returns the variable names and not the other metadata. Parameters ---------- identifier dataset identifier of data to get. Returns ------- List A List of the names of the variables in the specified dataset. """ variable_names = [] for variable in self.get_variables(identifier): variable_names.append(variable['Name']) return variable_names
def get_variables(self, identifier: str) ‑> List[Dict]
Gets a description of the variables in the specified dataset.
- dataset identifier of data to get.
- A List of dictionary descriptions of the variables in the specified dataset. The dictionary structure is defined by the VariableDescription element in
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def get_variables( self, identifier: str ) -> List[Dict]: """ Gets a description of the variables in the specified dataset. Parameters ---------- identifier dataset identifier of data to get. Returns ------- List A List of dictionary descriptions of the variables in the specified dataset. The dictionary structure is defined by the VariableDescription element in <>. """ url = self._endpoint + 'datasets/' + \ urllib.parse.quote(identifier, safe='') + '/variables' response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code != 200:'%s failed with http code %d', url, response.status_code)'response.text: %s', response.text) return [] if self.logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: self.logger.debug('response.text = %s', response.text) var_descriptions = ET.fromstring(response.text) variables = [] for var_description in var_descriptions.findall(\ 'cdas:VariableDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES): name = var_description.find('cdas:Name', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text short_description = var_description.find(\ 'cdas:ShortDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text if short_description is None: short_description = '' long_description = var_description.find(\ 'cdas:LongDescription', namespaces=NAMESPACES).text if long_description is None: long_description = '' variables.append({ 'Name': name, 'ShortDescription': short_description, 'LongDescription': long_description }) return variables
class NullAuth
Authentication class used to cause requests to ignore any ~/.netrc file. The CDAS web services do not support authentication and a cdaweb (ftps) entry will cause CdasWs requests to fail with a 401 error. See
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class NullAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Authentication class used to cause requests to ignore any ~/.netrc file. The CDAS web services do not support authentication and a cdaweb (ftps) entry will cause CdasWs requests to fail with a 401 error. See <>. """ def __call__(self, r): return r
- requests.auth.AuthBase