![]() |
No TEXT global attribute value.
These electron core halo and strahl parameters are moments of Wind 3DP EESA-L and EESA-H measurements, corrected for spacecraft potential and other instrumental effects. More information can be found at: C. S. Salem et al., Precision Electron Measurements in the Solar Wind at 1AU from NASA’s Wind spacecraft, Astron. & Astrophys., 2023. M. Pulupa et al., Spin-modulated spacecraft floating potential: Observations and effects on electron moments, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, Vol. 119, 647-657, doi:10.1002/2013JA019359, 2014. R. P. Lin et al., A Three-dimensional plasma and energetic particle investigation for the Wind spacecraft, Space Science Reviews, Vol. 71, p125-153, 1995.
Total electron density moment from EESA-L and EESA-H
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Electron Core density moment from EESA-L and EESA-H
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Electron halo density moment from EESA-L and EESA-H
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Electron strahl density moment from EESA-L and EESA-H
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Q is a quality parameter calculated from the properties of the input data and goodness-of-fit statistics from the nonlinear fitting process. It varies between 0 and 10. Higher values of Q represent more confidence in the resulting electron parameters
6/13/91 - Original Implementation 9/18/91 - Modified for new attitude file format changes. ICCR 881 2/11/92 - Used the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 and size 3 instead of EPOCH, CDF_EPOCH and 1 for the time tags. CCR 490 6/1/92 - Added global attributes TITLE, PROJECT, DISCIPLINE, SOURCE_NAME, DATA_VERSION, and MODS; added variable attributes VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, LABL_PTR_1, and MONOTON; added variables EPOCH and LABEL_TIME; changed variable name TIME to TIME_PB5. CCR 1066 11/07/92 - use cdf variable Epoch and Time_PB5 6/8/93 - Added global attributes ADID_ref and Logical_file_id. CCR 1092 7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT 9/20/94 - Added global attributes GCI_RA_ERR and GCI_DECL_ERR. CCR 1932 11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors made in CCR 1852. ICCR 1884 12/7/94 - Modified MODS and LABLAXIS to follow ISTP standards. ICCR 1885
6/13/91 - Original Implementation 9/18/91 - Modified for new attitude file format changes. ICCR 881 2/11/92 - Used the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 and size 3 instead of EPOCH, CDF_EPOCH and 1 for the time tags. CCR 490 6/1/92 - Added global attributes TITLE, PROJECT, DISCIPLINE, SOURCE_NAME, DATA_VERSION, and MODS; added variable attributes VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, LABL_PTR_1, and MONOTON; added variables EPOCH and LABEL_TIME; changed variable name TIME to TIME_PB5. CCR 1066 11/07/92 - use cdf variable Epoch and Time_PB5 6/8/93 - Added global attributes ADID_ref and Logical_file_id. CCR 1092 7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT 9/20/94 - Added global attributes GCI_RA_ERR and GCI_DECL_ERR. CCR 1932 11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors made in CCR 1852. ICCR 1884 12/7/94 - Modified MODS and LABLAXIS to follow ISTP standards. ICCR 1885
Wind 3dp, EESA High electron pitch angle distributions Note per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015 wrt time resolution: 24 sec timing changes and is not necessarily constant, depending on the mode that the instrument happens to be in. Not only does the period/interval between each point change, the duration over which the data were taken can change as well.
Uses fix-sparse to fill in nan energy values
Wind 3dp, EESA HIGH electron omni directional energy spectra Note per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015 wrt time resolution: 24 sec timing changes and is not necessarily constant, depending on the mode that the instrument happens to be in. Not only does the period/interval between each point change, the duration over which the data were taken can change as well.
Wind 3dp, ELM2 Lynn Wilson Note Feb2015 Correct spacecraft potential is important to scientifically useful results .No documentation found on how this potential has been calculated.
The elements then correspond to: Perp_1, Perp_2, Parallel (with respect to .MAGF). Let V = .VELOCITY, B = .MAGF, then: Perp_1 = (B x V) x B, Perp_2 = (B x V) and Then T_perp = (MAGT3[0] + MAGT3[1])/2.
Units are eV/c^2, where c = speed of light in units of km/s. This results is a value of ~5.68566 x 10^(-6) for electrons and ~0.0104389 for protons.
Wind 3dp, EESA Low electron pitch angle distributions with ion-derived moments
Wind 3dp, EESA Low omni directional electron energy spectra
These electron parameters are moments of Wind 3DP EESA-L and EESA-H measurements, corrected for spacecraft potential and other instrumental effects. More information can be found at: R. P. Lin et al., A Three-dimensional plasma and energetic particle investigation for the Wind spacecraft, Space Science Reviews, Vol. 71, p125-153, 1995. C. S. Salem et al., Precision Electron Measurements in the Solar Wind at 1AU from NASA’s Wind spacecraft, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 2017. M. Pulupa et al., Spin-modulated spacecraft floating potential: Observations and effects on electron moments, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, Vol. 119, 647-657, doi:10.1002/2013JA019359, 2014.
Total electron density moment from EESA-L and EESA-H
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Includes EESA-L and EESA-H data
Q0 is a quality parameter calculated from the properties of the input data and goodness-of-fit statistics from the nonlinear fitting process. It varies between 0 and 10. Higher values of Q0 represent more confidence in the resulting electron parameters
Wind 3dp, EESA LOW 1 spin resolution Plasma ( electron ) moments (computed on spacecraft)
Version 3 Product, August 2005
Per Lynn Wilson Jan2015: These results cannot take the spacecraft potential into account. Wind does not measure the spacecraft potential actively, so it cannot perform this correction onboard and the results have many uncertainties.
Per Lynn Wilson Jan2015: This is in one of two units. It is calculated as the pressure tensor divided by the number density. In the decommutation source code, they say the units are (km/s)^2. In some of the other moment analysis software, the pressure is in units of [eV cm^(-3)].
Per Lynn Wilson Jan2015: This is the vector form of the electron heat flux. It should have units of either [(km/s)^3 cm^(-3)] or [eV km/s cm^(-3)] . I am guessing the former due to the .VV units used above, since this is usually given the structure tag .NVVV.
The EPACT Instrument on Wind STEP - SupraThermal Energetic Particle Telescope measures ion fluxes of protons (H) in 0.12.5 MeV energy range and He-Fe nuclei in the ~0.032 MeV/nucleon energy ranges in two identical telescopes, each with a geometrical factor of 0.4 cm2 sr and a rectangular field
The EPACT Instrument on Wind STEP - SupraThermal Energetic Particle Telescope measures ion fluxes of protons (H) in 0.12.5 MeV energy range and He-Fe nuclei in the ~0.032 MeV/nucleon energy ranges in two identical telescopes, each with a geometrical factor of 0.4 cm2 sr and a rectangular field of view with an angular acceptance of 44 deg in azimuth and 17 deg in polar angle.
The EPACT Instrument on Wind STEP - SupraThermal Energetic Particle Telescope measures ion fluxes of protons (H) in 0.12.5 MeV energy range and He-Fe nuclei in the ~0.032 MeV/nucleon energy ranges in two identical telescopes, each with a geometrical factor of 0.4 cm2 sr and a rectangular field of view with an angular acceptance of 44 deg in azimuth and 17 deg in polar angle.
The EPACT Instrument on Wind STEP - SupraThermal Energetic Particle Telescope measures ion fluxes of protons (H) in 0.12.5 MeV energy range and He-Fe nuclei in the ~0.032 MeV/nucleon energy ranges in two identical telescopes, each with a geometrical factor of 0.4 cm2 sr and a rectangular field of view with an angular acceptance of 44 deg in azimuth and 17 deg in polar angle.
The EPACT Instrument on Wind STEP - SupraThermal Energetic Particle Telescope measures ion fluxes of protons (H) in 0.12.5 MeV energy range and He-Fe nuclei in the ~0.032 MeV/nucleon energy ranges in two identical telescopes, each with a geometrical factor of 0.4 cm2 sr and a rectangular field of view with an angular acceptance of 44 deg in azimuth and 17 deg in polar angle.
WIND MFI Composite data file. This file contains multiple time resolution data. 1 Minute data averages 3 Second data averages 1 Hour data averages WIND MFI Instrument turn on 11/12/1994 Data versions: 03 - Extrapolated Bz correction 04 - Final Bz correction 05 - Final orbit and Bz correction References: 1. Lepping, R. P., et al., The WIND Magnetic Field Investigation, p. 207 in The Global Geospace Mission, ed. by C. T. Russell, Kluwer,1995 2. Panetta, P. (GSFC), GGS WIND MFI Operator's Manual, September 15, 1992. 3. Computer Sciences Corporation, Data Format Control Document (DFCD) Between The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Information Processing Division Ground Data Processing System and The ISTP Mission Investigators, CSC/TR-91/6014, 560-1DFD/0190, July 1992. 4. Behannon, K. W., International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Investigator Data Analysis Requirements For WIND and GEOTAIL Spacecraft Magnetometer Experiment, September 1987. 5. National Space Science Data Center, CDF User's Guide, Version 2.3.0, October 1, 1992. 6. Mish, W. H., International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Key Parameter Generation Software (KPGS) Standards & Conventions, September 1992. 7. Mish, W. H., IMP F and G Phase I Magnetic Field Analysis, April 1972
10/01/2011 Initial release
Average of the magnitudes (F1)
Average of the magnitudes (F1)
RMS of the magnitudes (F1 RMS)
Average of the magnitudes (F1)
Average of the magnitudes (F1)
RMS of the magnitudes (F1 RMS)
Average of the magnitudes (F1)
Average of the magnitudes (F1)
RMS of the magnitudes (F1 RMS)
Explanatory notes: The electron moments included in this data set are derived from the velocity moments integration of solar wind electron distributions measured by the WIND/SWE VEIS instrument (see Ogilvie et al., "SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the WIND spacecraft", Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55, 1955). Moments parameters are computed from 3s measurements which are spaced either 6s or 12s in time. Plots should therefore not exceed a time range of 2 or 3 hours in order to display the details of this high resolution data. The moments parameters which will be of value to most users of this data set are the electron temperature, the electron temperature anisotropy, and the electron heat flux vector. These quantities are reliable and citable with caution, meaning that the PI advises that the user should discuss their interpretation with a member of the SWE science team before publishing. The following comments are intended to aid in the use and interpretation of the prime quantities of this data set, the electron temperature, the electron temperature anisotropy, and the electron heat flux. (All vector quantities are in GSE coordinates.) The temperature and temperature anisotropy are normalized to the derived electron density and, therefore, are not sensitive to the uncertainty in the density determination as discussed below. The electron temperature is derived from the pressure tensor divided by the electron density and the Boltzmann constant. The three eigenvalues of the diagonalized temperature tensor are the temperature parallel to the tensor principal axis and the two perpendicular components of the temperature. The temperature anisotropy is defined here as the ratio of the parallel temperature to the average of the two perpendicular temperature components. The electron temperature is one-third of the trace of the diagonalized temperature tensor. Also included is the unit vector along the principal axis of the pressure tensor as well as the cosine of the angle between the principal axis and the magnetic field vector. An indication that the principal axis has been uniquely defined is that the temperature anisotropy is significantly different from unity and that the principal axis and the magnetic field are nearly parallel or anti-parallel. The heat flux vector included here is significant only when the magnitude rises above the noise level, i.e., above the level 0.002 to 0.005 ergs/cm/cm/s. The heat flux may be low in magnitude either due to a nearly isotropic distribution, due to electron counter-streaming, or due to a low counting rate of the instrument. An indicator of a significant net heat flux is that the heat flux direction should track with the magnetic field direction. For this purpose, the cosine of the angle between the heat flux vector and the magnetic field is included, and should be close to -1 or +1 in order for the heat flux to be significant. In some cases it will be necessary to use electron pitch angle distributions (available on request from the SWE team) to decide whether low electron flux or counterstreaming account for a low net heat flux. It is also strongly recommended that 3s magnetic field data from the WIND/MFI experiment (not included in this data set) be used in conjunction with the SWE electron heat flux data to ensure a correct interpretation of the heat flux. The electron density and electron bulk flow velocity are also included in this data set but no claim is made for their accuracy. The electron flow velocity is usually within 10% to 20% of the solar wind flow velocity derived from the SWE Faraday cup experiment and which are found in the SWE key parameter data set. The electron density, however, cannot be absolutely determined due to the spacecraft potential and the fact that the electron instrument response has varied over time. The electron density determination includes a first order attempt to determine the spacecraft potential by imposing the charge neutrality condition on the derived electron density and Faraday cup ion density. The electron density will be within a few percent of the solar wind density derived from the Faraday cup early in the mission (1994-1997), while later in the mission (1998 and onward), depending on the state of the instrument, there will be times when the derived electron density may be as much as a factor 2 too low. Although the electron density is not derived absolutely, relative changes in electron density can usually be relied on. Both the electron density and electron flow speed track with variations in the ion density and ion flow speed, respectively. However, the user is strongly advised to use the SWE ion key parameters for the bulk plasma density and flow speed.
Skeleton created 1/19/2000 Started again 3/13/2001
Te = (trace of pressure tensor)/(electron density * Boltzman constant)/3 = (2*Te_perp + Te_para)/3
Te_perp = average of the perpendicular elements of the temperature tensor. Te_para = parallel component of the temperature tensor.
Average energy = (3/2)Boltzmann constant * Te
See the global attribute TEXT.
See the global attribute TEXT.
See the global attribute TEXT.
See the global attribute TEXT.
Forst-order estimate only; se the global attribute TEXT.
SSR WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the WIND Spacecraft, Vol 71, pg 231-263,1995. Secondary file - high resplasma density
High resolution plasma densities: actual resolution depends on instrument mode and may vary.
No background subtraction - spin plane
SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the WIND spacecraft, K.W. Ogilvie, et al., Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55-77, 1995 Solar wind proton parameters, including anisotropic temperatures, derived by non-linear fitting of the measurements and with moment techniques. Data reported within this file do not exceed the limits of various parameters listed in the following section. There may be more valid data in the original dataset that requires additional work to interpret but was discarded due to the limits. In particular we have tried to exclude non-solar wind data from these files. We provide the one sigma uncertainty for each parameter produced by the non-linear curve fitting analysis either directly from the fitting or by propagating uncertainties for bulk speeds, flow angles or any other derived parameter. For the non-linear anisotropic proton analysis, a scalar thermal speed is produced by determining parallel and perpendicular temperatures, taking the trace, Tscalar = (2Tperp + Tpara)/3 and converting the result back to a thermal speed. The uncertainties are also propagated through Notes: Data reported within this file do not exceed the limits of various paremeters listed in the following section. There may be more valid data in the original dataset that require additional work to interpret but was discarded due to the limits. In particular we have tried to exclude non-solar wind data and questionable alpha data from these files. We provide the one sigma uncertainty for each parameter produced by the non-linear curve fitting analysis either directly from the fitting or by propagating uncertainties for bulk speeds, flow angles or any other derived parameter. For the non-linear anisotropic proton analysis, a scalar thermal speed is produced by determining parallel and perpendicular tmperatures, taking the trace, Tscalar = (2Tperp + Tpara)/3 and converting the result back to a thermal speed. The uncertainties are also. propagated through Limits: Minimum mach number: 1.5000000; Maximum chisq/dof: 100000.00; Minimum distance; to bow shock: 5.0000000 [Re]; Maximum uncertainty in any; parameter from non-linear;analysis: 70.0000[%].
data analysis package revised March, 2012.
FLAG values indicate analysis contingencies:. .10: Solar wind parameters OK -- no action necessary..9: Alpha particles relatively too cold..8: Alpha particles overlap within protons in CDF. ..7: Alphas too fast, out of SWE range..6: Alpha particle peak may be confused with second proton peak...5: Parameters OK, but Tp=Ta constraint used (params obtained with SUB_PROT=1) ..4: alphas are unusually cold, Tp=Ta constraint used (SUB_PROT=1)..3: alpha patr. relatively too hot (SUB_PROT=1). Tp=Ta constraint used..2: The speed of the alpha is unusually low. ..1: Poor peak identification..0: Spectrum cannot be fit with a bimax model..
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
From fit uncertainty, measurement uncertainties
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Calculated from the trace of the anisotropic alpha pressure tensor, obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Calculated from the trace of the anisotropic alpha pressure tensor, obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
calculated from the number of spacecraft spins corresponding to the half-width measurement
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
calculated from 3-second MFI experiment Version 5 data
calculated from 3-second MFI experiment Version 5 data
calculated from 3-second MFI experiment Version 5 data
calculated from 3-second MFI experiment Version 5 data
calculated from 3-second MFI experiment Version 5 data
Notes: - Data reported within this file do not exceed the limits of various paremeters listed in the following section. There may be more valid data in the original dataset that requires additional work to interpret but was discarded due to the limits. In particular we have tried to exclude non-solar wind data and questionable alpha data from these files. - We provide the one sigma uncertainty for each parameter produced by the non-linear curve fitting analysis either directly from the fitting or by propagating uncertainties for bulk speeds, flow angles or any other derived parameter. - For the non-linear anisotropic proton analysis, a scalar thermal speed is produced by determining parallel and perpendicular tmperatures, taking the trace, Tscalar = (2Tperp + Tpara)/3 and converting the result back to a thermal speed. The uncertainties are also propagated through ; Limits: ; Minimum mach number: 1.5000000 ; Maximum chisq/dof: 100000.00 ; Minimum distance ; to bow shock: 5.0000000 [Re] ; Maximum uncertainty in any ; parameter from non-linear ; analysis: 70.0000[%]
data analysis package revised March, 2012. RTN Initial Release: July 16 2024
FLAG values indicate analysis contingencies: 10: Solar wind parameters OK -- no action necessary 9: Alpha particles relatively too cold 8: Alpha particles overlap within protons in CDF. 7: Alphas too fast, out of SWE range 6: Alpha particle peak may be confused with second proton peak. 5: Parameters OK, but Tp=Ta constraint used (params obtained with SUB_PROT=1) 4: alphas are unusually cold, Tp=Ta constraint used (SUB_PROT=1) 3: alpha patr. relatively too hot (SUB_PROT=1). Tp=Ta constraint used 2: The speed of the alpha is unusually low. 1: Poor peak identification 0: Spectrum cannot be fit with a bimax model.
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
From fit uncertainty, measurement uncertainties
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Calculated from the trace of the anisotropic alpha pressure tensor, obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Calculated from the trace of the anisotropic alpha pressure tensor, obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Obtained from non-linear fitting to the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
calculated from the number of spacecraft spins corresponding to the half-width measurement
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
Statistical moments of the ion velocity distribution function (VDF) are estimated analytically from the ion current distribution function (CDF).
calculated from 3-second MFI experiment Version 5 data
calculated from 3-second MFI experiment Version 5 data
calculated from 3-second MFI experiment Version 5 data
calculated from 3-second MFI experiment Version 5 data
calculated from 3-second MFI experiment Version 5 data
The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the WIND Spacecraft, Sp.Sci.Rev.,Vol 71, pg, 231-263,1995.
Working channels are about 20 of total 256 frequency channels. Values for other channels are interpolations
Zero value denotes channel average values are interpolated, not directly measured
WIND MFI high-resolution data file. Time resolution varies with instrument mode. Modes 0 & 10, low rate: .184s, high rate: .092s Modes 1 & 11, low rate: Prim .092s Sec 1.84s, high rate: Prim .046s Sec .92s Modes 2 & 12, Same as Modes 1 & 11 Calibration constants are 1 minute averages. WIND MFI Instrument turn on 11/12/1994 Data versions: 03 - Extrapolated Bz correction 04 - Final Bz correction 05 - Final attitude and Bz correction References: 1. Lepping, R. P., et al., The WIND Magnetic Field Investigation, p. 207 in The Global Geospace Mission, ed. by C. T. Russell, Kluwer,1995 2. Panetta, P. (GSFC), GGS WIND MFI Operator's Manual, September 15, 1992. 3. Computer Sciences Corporation, Data Format Control Document (DFCD) Between The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Information Processing Division Ground Data Processing System and The ISTP Mission Investigators, CSC/TR-91/6014, 560-1DFD/0190, July 1992. 4. Behannon, K. W., International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Investigator Data Analysis Requirements For WIND and GEOTAIL Spacecraft Magnetometer Experiment, September 1987. 5. National Space Science Data Center, CDF User's Guide, Version 2.3.0, October 1, 1992. 6. Mish, W. H., International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Key Parameter Generation Software (KPGS) Standards & Conventions, September 1992. 7. Mish, W. H., IMP F and G Phase I Magnetic Field Analysis, April 1972
10/01/2011 Initial release
B field Magnitude
WIND MFI Composite data file. This file contains multiple time resolution data. 1 Minute data averages 3 Second data averages 1 Hour data averages WIND MFI Instrument turn on 11/12/1994 Data versions: 03 - Extrapolated Bz correction 04 - Final Bz correction 05 - Final orbit and Bz correction References: 1. Lepping, R. P., et al., The WIND Magnetic Field Investigation, p. 207 in The Global Geospace Mission, ed. by C. T. Russell, Kluwer,1995 2. Panetta, P. (GSFC), GGS WIND MFI Operator's Manual, September 15, 1992. 3. Computer Sciences Corporation, Data Format Control Document (DFCD) Between The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Information Processing Division Ground Data Processing System and The ISTP Mission Investigators, CSC/TR-91/6014, 560-1DFD/0190, July 1992. 4. Behannon, K. W., International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Investigator Data Analysis Requirements For WIND and GEOTAIL Spacecraft Magnetometer Experiment, September 1987. 5. National Space Science Data Center, CDF User's Guide, Version 2.3.0, October 1, 1992. 6. Mish, W. H., International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Key Parameter Generation Software (KPGS) Standards & Conventions, September 1992. 7. Mish, W. H., IMP F and G Phase I Magnetic Field Analysis, April 1972
03/01/2023 Initial release
Average of the magnitudes (F1)
RMS of the magnitudes (F1 RMS)
Average of the magnitudes (F1)
RMS of the magnitudes (F1 RMS)
Average of the magnitudes (F1)
RMS of the magnitudes (F1 RMS)
Explanatory notes: The electron pitch-angle distributions included in this data set are derived from sorting, by pitch (wrt B) and energy, the solar wind electron distributions measured by the Wind/SWE electron instrument (see Ogilvie et al., 'SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the Wind spacecraft', Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55, 1955). Pitch-angle distrubutions, organized by energy, are computed from 9s measurements which are usually separated by one or more 3s spin-periods. These quantities are reliable and citable with caution, meaning that the PI advises that the user should discuss their interpretations with a member of the SWE science team before publishing. The following comments are intended to aid in the use and interpretation of the electron pitch-angle distributions reported in this data set. For each 'energy spectrum', observations are made at 13 energy channels: E = 19.34, 38.68, 58.03, 77.37, 96.71, 116.1, 193.4, 290.1, 425.5, 580.3, 773.7, 1006., and 1238. eV. The observations made at each energy are sorted into pitch-angle bins, six degrees in width, from 0 degrees (flux nearly parallel to B) to 180 degrees (flux nearly anti-parallel with B). A 'spin-averaged' set of observations (aggregated from all pitch-angle bins, each energy) is also reported, one value for each energy channel. The value reported for any bin (including the spin-averaged 'energy bins' is given as a phase-space density, f [#/{cc*(cm/s)^3}], averaged over contributing detectors. The data set reported here contains: f_pitch_E00, f_pitch_E01, f_pitch_E02, f_pitch_E03, f_pitch_E04, f_pitch_E05, f_pitch_E06, f_pitch_E07, f_pitch_E08, f_pitch_E09, f_pitch_E10, f_pitch_E11, f_pitch_E12 (the pitch-angle distributions for each energy channel, with 30 pitch-angle bins for each), and f_pitch_SPA (with 13 spin-averaged energy bins). For reference, the electron speeds (|V|, in cm/s) corresponding to the energy channels used, are reported in this data set.
Skeleton created 5/30/2007
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each spin-averaged flux value, f_pitch_SPA[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each spin-averaged flux value, f_pitch_SPA[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s)
WIND MFI high-resolution data file. Time resolution varies with instrument mode. Modes 0 & 10, low rate: .184s, high rate: .092s Modes 1 & 11, low rate: Prim .092s Sec 1.84s, high rate: Prim .046s Sec .92s Modes 2 & 12, Same as Modes 1 & 11 Calibration constants are 1 minute averages. WIND MFI Instrument turn on 11/12/1994 Data versions: 03 - Extrapolated Bz correction 04 - Final Bz correction 05 - Final attitude and Bz correction References: 1. Lepping, R. P., et al., The WIND Magnetic Field Investigation, p. 207 in The Global Geospace Mission, ed. by C. T. Russell, Kluwer,1995 2. Panetta, P. (GSFC), GGS WIND MFI Operator's Manual, September 15, 1992. 3. Computer Sciences Corporation, Data Format Control Document (DFCD) Between The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Information Processing Division Ground Data Processing System and The ISTP Mission Investigators, CSC/TR-91/6014, 560-1DFD/0190, July 1992. 4. Behannon, K. W., International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Investigator Data Analysis Requirements For WIND and GEOTAIL Spacecraft Magnetometer Experiment, September 1987. 5. National Space Science Data Center, CDF User's Guide, Version 2.3.0, October 1, 1992. 6. Mish, W. H., International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Key Parameter Generation Software (KPGS) Standards & Conventions, September 1992. 7. Mish, W. H., IMP F and G Phase I Magnetic Field Analysis, April 1972
03/01/2023 Initial release
Explanatory notes: The electron pitch-angle distributions included in this data set are derived from sorting, by pitch (wrt B) and energy, the solar wind electron distributions measured by the Wind/SWE electron instrument (see Ogilvie et al., "SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the Wind spacecraft", Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55, 1955). Pitch-angle distrubutions, organized by energy, are computed from 3s measurements which are spaced either 6s or 12s in time. These quantities are reliable and citable with caution, meaning that the PI advises that the user should discuss their interpretations with a member of the SWE science team before publishing. The following comments are intended to aid in the use and interpretation of the electron pitch-angle distributions reported in this data set. For each 'energy spectrum', observations are made at 16 energy channels ranging from about 10 eV to as much as 3 keV. The exact energies at which observations are made is time-varying, and this data set reports the energy each channel observes (along with the observations themselves) at any time. The observations made at each energy are sorted into pitch-angle bins, six degrees in width, from 0 degrees (flux nearly parallel to B) to 180 degrees (flux nearly anti-parallel with B). A "spin-averaged" set of observations (aggregated from all pitch-angle bins, each energy) is also reported, one value for each energy channel. The value reported for any bin (including the spin-averaged "energy bins") is given as a phase-space density, f [#/{cc*(cm/s)^3}], averaged over contributing detectors. The data set reported here contains: f_pitch_E00, f_pitch_E01, f_pitch_E02, f_pitch_E03, f_pitch_E04, f_pitch_E05, f_pitch_E06, f_pitch_E07, f_pitch_E08, f_pitch_E09, f_pitch_E10, f_pitch_E11, f_pitch_E12, f_pitch_E13, f_pitch_E14, f_pitch_E15 (the pitch-angle distributions for each energy channel, with 30 pitch-angle bins for each), and f_pitch_SPA (with 16 spin-averaged energy bins). For reference, the electron speeds (|V|, in cm/s) corresponding to the energy channels used, are reported in this data set.
Skeleton created 12/03/2007
time-varying electron speeds corresponding to fluxes
time-varying electron speeds corresponding to fluxes
time-varying electron speeds corresponding to fluxes
time-varying electron energies corresponding to fluxes
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For the EXX distributions, Ve[XX] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each spin-averaged flux value, f_pitch_SPA[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
Explanatory notes: The electron moments included in this data set are derived from quadrature integration of the solar wind electron distributions (w/ some fitting) measured by the Wind/SWE electron instrument (see Ogilvie et al., "SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the Wind spacecraft", Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55, 1955). Moments parameters are computed from 9s measurements which are usually separated by one or more 3s spin-periods. These quantities are reliable and citable with caution, meaning that the PI advises that the user should discuss their interpretations with a member of the SWE science team before publishing. The following comments are intended to aid in the use and interpretation of the prime quantities of this data set, the electron density, bulk-velocity and temperature. We compensate for the limited nature of our observations under this instrument mode by combining electron observations with bulk-velocity estimates derived from corresponding ion observations. The (13) energy channels over which observations are made are: E = 19.34, 38.68, 58.03, 77.37, 96.71, 116.1, 193.4, 290.1, 425.5, 580.3, 773.7, 1006., and 1238. eV; f(E,Az,El) [#/{cc*(cm/s)^3}] being obtained for each E, using an 8x6 grid of look-directions (Azimuth x Elevation, with ~45x9 deg. "pixels")--thus constituting an 'electron distribution'. A fitted Maxwellian model supplements the "core" regime of each distribution. N_elec [#/cc] gives the density value derived for the full distribution, while NcElec [#/cc] gives that of the core. U_eGSE and UceGSE [km/s, GSE], resp. supply the full and core bulk-velocity. P_eGSE [erg/cc, GSE] has the [Pxx, Pxy, Pxz, Pyy, Pyz, Pzz] components of the derived pressure-tensor. T_elec and TcElec [K], resp. provide the full and core total-temperatures; W_elec and WcElec [eV] specifying the corresponding thermal-energies. Te_pal, Te_per, TecPal and TecPer [K] give resp. full and core parallel- and perpendicular-temperatures (wrt B), with Te_ani and TecAni [unitless] furnishing the perpendicular/parallel temperature-anisotropies for each regime. Finally, Gyrtrp [unitless] indicates the derived electron gyrotropy. The data set reported here contains: N_elec, NcElec, U_eGSE, UceGSE, P_eGSE, T_elec, TcElec, W_elec, WcElec, Te_pal, Te_per, TecPal, TecPer, Te_ani, TecAni, and Gyrtrp (as described above).
Skeleton created 12/03/2009.
Number-density from full solar wind electron distribution, including fitted core.
Number-density from fitted Maxwellian model supplementing the core regime of observed solar wind electron distribution.
Bulk-velocity from full solar wind electron distribution, including fitted core.
Bulk-velocity from fitted Maxwellian model supplementing the core regime of observed solar wind electron distribution.
Pressure-tensor from full solar wind electron distribution, including fitted core.
Total-temperature from full solar wind electron distribution, including fitted core.
Total-temperature from fitted Maxwellian model supplementing the core regime of observed solar wind electron distribution.
Average thermal-energy from full solar wind electron distribution, including fitted core.
Average thermal-energy from fitted Maxwellian model supplementing the core regime of observed solar wind electron distribution.
Parallel-temperature (wrt B) from full solar wind electron distribution, including fitted core.
Perpendicular-temperature (wrt B) from full solar wind electron distribution, including fitted core.
Parallel-temperature (wrt B) from fitted Maxwellian model supplementing the core regime of observed solar wind electron distribution.
Perpendicular-temperature (wrt B) from fitted Maxwellian model supplementing the core regime of observed solar wind electron distribution.
Temperature-anisotropy (Te_per/Te_pal) from full solar wind electron distribution, including fitted core.
Temperature-anisotropy (TecPer/TecPal) from fitted Maxwellian model supplementing the core regime of observed solar wind electron distribution.
Gyrotropy from full solar wind electron distribution, including fitted core.
Electron flux energy levels: channel 1: 0.1-.4 keV channel 2: 0.4-1.8 keV channel 3: 1.9-8.0 keV channel 4: 9.0-30 keV channel 5: 20-48 keV channel 6: 43-138 keV channel 7: 127-225 keV Ion flux energy levels: channel 1: 0.07-.21 keV channel 2: 0.25-1.1 keV channel 3: 1.3-7 keV channel 4: 8-30 keV channel 5: 20-58 keV channel 6: 58-126 keV channel 7: 115-400 keV pfu == 1/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Created : Nov, 1991, for 3dpa kpgs testing Modified: May, 1992, to accomodate Standards and Conventions Modified: Jan, 1993, as suggested by Kessel Modified: Mar, 1993, as suggested by Kessel Modified: Jun 7, 1994, for updated 3dpa telemetry specifications Modified: Jun 9, 1994, as suggested by KITT Modified: Jul 10, 1994 Modified: Apr 3, 1995, particle temperatures from K to eV Modified: jun 12, 1995, particle flux scaling adjustments
version 1.0, october 91 version 1.0.1, summer 92 version 1.0.2, january 93 version 1.1, june 94 version 1.1.1, june 94 version 1.1.2, june 94 version 1.1.3, july 94 version 1.2, april 95 version 05, june 95
pfu=particle flux unit=1/(cm^2-s-sr-keV)
pfu=particle flux unit=1/(cm^2-s-sr-keV)
The parameters contained in this data set are: low energy He, Oxygen, and Iron fluxes in the range 3.2 to 6.2 keV/n; electron flux in the range 1 to 10 Mev/n; proton flux in two contiguous channels from 19 to 72 Mev/n; He flux in four channels from 19 to 640 keV/n; CNO flux in two channels 80 to 640 keV/n; and Iron flux in two channels 80 to 1050 kev/n. The experiment home page at http://lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/gamcosray/lecr/EPACT/epact.html gives more detailed information about the instrument.
Created May 10, 1995 Created May 18, 1995
References: 1. Panetta P. (GSFC), GGS WIND MFI Operator's Manual, September 15, 1992. 2. Computer Sciences Corporation, Data Format Control Document (DFCD) Between The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Information Processing Division Ground Data Processing System and The ISTP Mission Investigators, CSC/TR-91/6014, 560-1DFD/0190, July 1992. 3. Behannon, K. W., International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Investigator Data Analysis Requirements For WIND and GEOTAIL Spacecraft Magnetometer Experiment, September 1987.
Initial Release 7/12/93 Zvar Release 10/24/96 Zvar Update 11/12/96
Time is for the start of the averaging interval. Computed are the avg alpha vel; avg C/O abundance ratio; avg carbon ionization temp in million degs K from C+6 & C+5 (using the tbls of Arnaud & Rothenflug, 1985); the avg oxygen ionization temp from O+7 & O+6 in million degs K (using tbls of Arnaud & Rothenflug, 1985) Above avgs are made over 4 hrs. He vel and He kinetic temp are computed every 3 min & are contained in the K1 CDF References: Space Science Reviews 71:79-124, 1995, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Belgium Instrument consist of: Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS); high resolution mass spectrometer (MASS); Supra-Thermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) & common DPU
Version 01 Feb. 1996 - whm
To be supplied
12/17/92 - Original Implementation, CCR 87 6/14/94 - CCR ISTP 1852, updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT 11/9/94 - Correct errors made in ccr 1852. CCR 1884
SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the WIND spacecraft, K.W. Ogilvie, et al., Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55-77, 1995 USE OF THE QUALITY VARIABLES: *** Good data is indicated by a quality flag of 0. *** The quality flags for each parameter are given as integers 4 bytes long (integer*4). The individual 'bits' for each quality value are set (or cleared) in the analysis code by adding (or subtracting) a power of 2 as follows: To set the 1st bit, add 1. To set the 2nd bit, add 2, To set the 3rd bit, add 4, To set the 4th bit, add 8, and so on. BIT TO_SET_BIT MEANING 1 +1 = 3 point parabolic fits to proton peaks were not attempted. 2 +2 = non-linear least squares fit was not attempted. 3 +4 = 3 point parabolic fits to proton peaks FAILED. 4 +8 = non-linear least squares fit FAILED. See https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/wind_swe_quality.html For the complete guide to the quality flag values.
12/28/94, 3/4/96, by Alan J. Lazarus John T. Steinberg Daniel B. Berdichevsky. Skeleton TABLE for plasma CDF SWE keyparameters, dbb, Jan., 1994. Instr. qual. flags validmax setequal to +2147483647, 12/94. Qual. flags format changed to compatible values with new validmax, jts and ajl, 12/94. Processing with instrument science modes 2 and 11 added, jts and dbb, 10/27/95. DICT_KEYs added ajl, 3/4/96. Added quality flag info to TEXT field
Velocity Quality Flag: 0=OK; 2=parabolic 3-point fit only; 130=parabolic 3-point fit only, sensor 1 only, N/S angle zero degrees assumed; Other values NOT VALID
Proton Density Quality Flag: 0=OK; 2=parabolic 3-point fit only; 130=parabolic 3-point fit only, sensor 1 only, N/S angle zero degrees assumed; Other values NOT VALID
SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the WIND spacecraft, K.W. Ogilvie, et al., Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55-77, 1995. USE OF THE QUALITY VARIABLES: Quality flags are set in the analysis program that generates the KP data. Previous descriptions of their meaning were out of date. Good data is indicated by a quality flag of 0. The quality flags for each parameter are given as integers 4 bytes long (integer*4). The individual 'bits' for each quality value are set (or cleared) in the analysis code by adding (or subtracting) a power of 2 as follows: To set the 1st bit, add 1. To set the 2nd bit, add 2. To set the 3rd bit, add 4. To set the 4th bit, add 8, and so on. BIT TO_SET_BIT MEANING 1 +1 = 3 point parabolic fits to proton peaks were not attempted. 2 +2 = non-linear least squares fit was not attempted. 3 +4 = 3 point parabolic fits to proton peaks FAILED. 4 +8 = non-linear least squares fit FAILED. (Non-linear fit may be reported as good for protons and, at the same time, not good for alphas.) 5 +16 = Alpha params not valid for reason that the non-linear least squares fit was done for protons only. Not enough good energy channels to do simultaneous alpha fit. (This value applies to iqual_core(5) only.) 6 +32 = analysis code unable to get good value for spin period. 7 +64 = SWE instrument in mode 1 - calibration state. Key parameters not produced this mode, only in mode 1 - science. 8 +128 = 3 point fits done for cup 1 only. Split collector ratio of currents used to get n/s angle. Either cup 2 turned off, or cup 2 densities were low indicating noise associated with vibration. 9 +256 = fewer than 10 fc_blocks in spectrum. Analysis skipped. 10 +512 = Alpha non-linear fit produced values of thermal speed and density that do not seem reasonable. 11 +1024 = 3 point parabolic fits to proton peaks done for cup 2 only. Ratio of currents on split collectors used to get n/s angle. Probably Cup 1 is turned off. 12 +2048 = single width windows. Delta E over E 6/5% instead of the default 13%. 13 +4096 = tracking mode operation 14 +8192 = Limited tracking mode scan (Not a full scan) Comments: Non-linear fits are not done for Key Parameters (KPs), but those parameter values are excellent and should be used to do science; non-linear fits are available, but they have problems which suggest strongly that the KP parameters should be used (see paper by Kasper et al., 'Physics-based tests to identify the accuracy of solar wind ion measurements: A case study with the Wind Faraday Cups', J. Geophys. Res., 111, A03105, doi:101029/2005JA011442. Examples (note that all are even numbers because non-linear fits were not attempted) FLAG Meaning 4098 Tracking mode (4096) full scan + no non-linear (2) 14338 Limited tracking mode (8192) + Tracking mode (4096) See http://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/wind_swe_quality.html for the complete guide to the quality flag values.
12/28/94, 3/4/96, by Alan J. Lazarus John T. Steinberg Daniel B. Berdichevsky. Skeleton TABLE for plasma CDF SWE keyparameters, dbb, Jan., 1994. Instr. qual. flags validmax setequal to +2147483647, 12/94. Qual. flags format changed to compatible values with new validmax, jts and ajl, 12/94. Processing with instrument science modes 2 and 11 added, jts and dbb, 10/27/95. DICT_KEYs added ajl, 3/4/96. Added quality flag info to TEXT field RTN Initial Release: July 16 2024
SSR WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the WIND Spacecraft, Vol 71, pg 231-263,1995.
background subtracted using 3% lower bound across each frequency band for entire day - backgrounds given in variable E_Background. Data taken in spin plane only
Solar array current from s/c HK correlates with photoelectric effect on antennas
Solar array current from s/c HK correlates with photoelectric effect on antennas
References: 1. Panetta P. (GSFC), GGS WIND MFI Operator's Manual, September 15, 1992. 2. Computer Sciences Corporation, Data Format Control Document (DFCD) Between The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Information Processing Division Ground Data Processing System and The ISTP Mission Investigators, CSC/TR-91/6014, 560-1DFD/0190, July 1992. 3. Behannon, K. W., International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Program Investigator Data Analysis Requirements For WIND and GEOTAIL Spacecraft Magnetometer Experiment, September 1987.
Initial Release 7/12/93 Zvar Release 10/24/96 Zvar Update 11/12/96 RTN Initial Release: July 16 2024
The Energetic Particles: Acceleration, Composition and Transport (EPACT) on Wind APE-B Telescope measures proton fluxes 18.90 to 21.90 MeV energetic particle energy
Initial Release 04/01/17
The EPACT Instrument on Wind LEMT - Low Energy Matrix Telescope measures ion fluxes over the charge range from He through Ni from about 0.1 MeV/nucleon to 30 MeV/nucleon, thus covering energetic particle energy ranges.Exploratory measurements of ultra-heavy species (mass range above Ni) will also be performed
Initial Release 10/20/14
The Suprathermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) is a time of flight (TOF) plasma mass spectrometer, capable of identifying mass and mass per charge for incident ions up to 200 keV/e. It uses an electrostatic analyzer to admit ions of a particular energy per charge (E/Q) into the TOF chamber. The E/Q voltage is stepped through 32 values, sitting at each value for approximately 24 sec., to measure ions over the full E/Q range of 6 - 200 keV/e. Ions then pass through a carbon foil and TOF chamber, before finally impacting on a solid-state detector (SSD) for energy measurement. STICS combines these three measurements of E/Q, TOF and residual energy, producing PHA words. This triple-coincidence technique greatly improves the signal to noise ratio in the data. Measurements of E/Q and TOF without residual energy also produce PHA words. These double-coincidence measurements are characterized by better statistics since ions whose energy does not allow them to be registered by the SSD can still be counted in double-coincidence measurements. However, ion identification in double-coincidence measurements are limited to a select number of ions that are well separated in E/Q - TOF space. The STICS instrument provides full 3D velocity distribution functions, through a combination of multiple telescopes and spacecraft spin. The instrument includes 3 separate TOF telescopes that view 3 separate latitude sectors, as shown in Figure 1. In addition, the WIND spacecraft spins, allowing the 3 telescopes to trace out a nearly 4�° steradian viewing area. The longitudinal sectors are shown in Figure 2. The solar direction is in sectors 8-10 while the earthward direction is in sectors 0-2.
Initial release
The Suprathermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) is a time of flight (TOF) plasma mass spectrometer, capable of identifying mass and mass per charge for incident ions up to 200 keV/e. It uses an electrostatic analyzer to admit ions of a particular energy per charge (E/Q) into the TOF chamber. The E/Q voltage is stepped through 32 values, sitting at each value for approximately 24 sec., to measure ions over the full E/Q range of 6 - 200 keV/e. Ions then pass through a carbon foil and TOF chamber, before finally impacting on a solid-state detector (SSD) for energy measurement. STICS combines these three measurements of E/Q, TOF and residual energy, producing PHA words. This triple-coincidence technique greatly improves the signal to noise ratio in the data. Measurements of E/Q and TOF without residual energy also produce PHA words. These double-coincidence measurements are characterized by better statistics since ions whose energy does not allow them to be registered by the SSD can still be counted in double-coincidence measurements. However, ion identification in double-coincidence measurements are limited to a select number of ions that are well separated in E/Q - TOF space. The STICS instrument provides full 3D velocity distribution functions, through a combination of multiple telescopes and spacecraft spin. The instrument includes 3 separate TOF telescopes that view 3 separate latitude sectors, as shown in Figure 1. In addition, the WIND spacecraft spins, allowing the 3 telescopes to trace out a nearly 4�° steradian viewing area. The longitudinal sectors are shown in Figure 2. The solar direction is in sectors 8-10 while the earthward direction is in sectors 0-2.
Initial release
The Suprathermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) is a time of flight (TOF) plasma mass spectrometer, capable of identifying mass and mass per charge for incident ions up to 200 keV/e. It uses an electrostatic analyzer to admit ions of a particular energy per charge (E/Q) into the TOF chamber. The E/Q voltage is stepped through 32 values, sitting at each value for approximately 24 sec., to measure ions over the full E/Q range of 6 - 200 keV/e. Ions then pass through a carbon foil and TOF chamber, before finally impacting on a solid-state detector (SSD) for energy measurement. STICS combines these three measurements of E/Q, TOF and residual energy, producing PHA words. This triple-coincidence technique greatly improves the signal to noise ratio in the data. Measurements of E/Q and TOF without residual energy also produce PHA words. These double-coincidence measurements are characterized by better statistics since ions whose energy does not allow them to be registered by the SSD can still be counted in double-coincidence measurements. However, ion identification in double-coincidence measurements are limited to a select number of ions that are well separated in E/Q - TOF space. The STICS instrument provides full 3D velocity distribution functions, through a combination of multiple telescopes and spacecraft spin. The instrument includes 3 separate TOF telescopes that view 3 separate latitude sectors, as shown in Figure 1. In addition, the WIND spacecraft spins, allowing the 3 telescopes to trace out a nearly 4�° steradian viewing area. The longitudinal sectors are shown in Figure 2. The solar direction is in sectors 8-10 while the earthward direction is in sectors 0-2.
Initial release
The Suprathermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) is a time of flight (TOF) plasma mass spectrometer, capable of identifying mass and mass per charge for incident ions up to 200 keV/e. It uses an electrostatic analyzer to admit ions of a particular energy per charge (E/Q) into the TOF chamber. The E/Q voltage is stepped through 32 values, sitting at each value for approximately 24 sec., to measure ions over the full E/Q range of 6 - 200 keV/e. Ions then pass through a carbon foil and TOF chamber, before finally impacting on a solid-state detector (SSD) for energy measurement. STICS combines these three measurements of E/Q, TOF and residual energy, producing PHA words. This triple-coincidence technique greatly improves the signal to noise ratio in the data. Measurements of E/Q and TOF without residual energy also produce PHA words. These double-coincidence measurements are characterized by better statistics since ions whose energy does not allow them to be registered by the SSD can still be counted in double-coincidence measurements. However, ion identification in double-coincidence measurements are limited to a select number of ions that are well separated in E/Q - TOF space. The STICS instrument provides full 3D velocity distribution functions, through a combination of multiple telescopes and spacecraft spin. The instrument includes 3 separate TOF telescopes that view 3 separate latitude sectors, as shown in Figure 1. In addition, the WIND spacecraft spins, allowing the 3 telescopes to trace out a nearly 4�° steradian viewing area. The longitudinal sectors are shown in Figure 2. The solar direction is in sectors 8-10 while the earthward direction is in sectors 0-2.
Initial release
The Suprathermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) is a time of flight (TOF) plasma mass spectrometer, capable of identifying mass and mass per charge for incident ions up to 200 keV/e. It uses an electrostatic analyzer to admit ions of a particular energy per charge (E/Q) into the TOF chamber. The E/Q voltage is stepped through 32 values, sitting at each value for approximately 24 sec., to measure ions over the full E/Q range of 6 - 200 keV/e. Ions then pass through a carbon foil and TOF chamber, before finally impacting on a solid-state detector (SSD) for energy measurement. STICS combines these three measurements of E/Q, TOF and residual energy, producing PHA words. This triple-coincidence technique greatly improves the signal to noise ratio in the data. Measurements of E/Q and TOF without residual energy also produce PHA words. These double-coincidence measurements are characterized by better statistics since ions whose energy does not allow them to be registered by the SSD can still be counted in double-coincidence measurements. However, ion identification in double-coincidence measurements are limited to a select number of ions that are well separated in E/Q - TOF space. The STICS instrument provides full 3D velocity distribution functions, through a combination of multiple telescopes and spacecraft spin. The instrument includes 3 separate TOF telescopes that view 3 separate latitude sectors, as shown in Figure 1. In addition, the WIND spacecraft spins, allowing the 3 telescopes to trace out a nearly 4�� steradian viewing area. The longitudinal sectors are shown in Figure 2. The solar direction is in sectors 8-10 while the earthward direction is in sectors 0-2.
Initial release
SPDF:summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF:summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
The Suprathermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) is a time of flight (TOF) plasma mass spectrometer, capable of identifying mass and mass per charge for incident ions up to 200 keV/e. It uses an electrostatic analyzer to admit ions of a particular energy per charge (E/Q) into the TOF chamber. The E/Q voltage is stepped through 32 values, sitting at each value for approximately 24 sec., to measure ions over the full E/Q range of 6 - 200 keV/e. Ions then pass through a carbon foil and TOF chamber, before finally impacting on a solid-state detector (SSD) for energy measurement. STICS combines these three measurements of E/Q, TOF and residual energy, producing PHA words. This triple-coincidence technique greatly improves the signal to noise ratio in the data. Measurements of E/Q and TOF without residual energy also produce PHA words. These double-coincidence measurements are characterized by better statistics since ions whose energy does not allow them to be registered by the SSD can still be counted in double-coincidence measurements. However, ion identification in double-coincidence measurements are limited to a select number of ions that are well separated in E/Q - TOF space. The STICS instrument provides full 3D velocity distribution functions, through a combination of multiple telescopes and spacecraft spin. The instrument includes 3 separate TOF telescopes that view 3 separate latitude sectors, as shown in Figure 1. In addition, the WIND spacecraft spins, allowing the 3 telescopes to trace out a nearly 4�� steradian viewing area. The longitudinal sectors are shown in Figure 2. The solar direction is in sectors 8-10 while the earthward direction is in sectors 0-2.
Initial release
SPDF:summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF:summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
SPDF: summed and sorted for spectrogram plot
The EPACT Instrument on Wind LEMT - Low Energy Matrix Telescope measures ion fluxes over the charge range from He through Ni from about 0.1 MeV/nucleon to 30 MeV/nucleon, thus covering energetic particle energy ranges.Exploratory measurements of ultra-heavy species (mass range above Ni) will also be performed
Initial Release 10/20/14
This number is the number of minutes of the interval since the fluxes are collected
The Suprathermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) is a time of flight (TOF) plasma mass spectrometer, capable of identifying mass and mass per charge for incident ions up to 200 keV/e. It uses an electrostatic analyzer to admit ions of a particular energy per charge (E/Q) into the TOF chamber. The E/Q voltage is stepped through 32 values, sitting at each value for approximately 24 sec., to measure ions over the full E/Q range of 6 - 200 keV/e. Ions then pass through a carbon foil and TOF chamber, before finally impacting on a solid-state detector (SSD) for energy measurement. STICS combines these three measurements of E/Q, TOF and residual energy, producing PHA words. This triple-coincidence technique greatly improves the signal to noise ratio in the data. Measurements of E/Q and TOF without residual energy also produce PHA words. These double-coincidence measurements are characterized by better statistics since ions whose energy does not allow them to be registered by the SSD can still be counted in double-coincidence measurements. However, ion identification in double-coincidence measurements are limited to a select number of ions that are well separated in E/Q - TOF space. The STICS instrument provides full 3D velocity distribution functions, through a combination of multiple telescopes and spacecraft spin. The instrument includes 3 separate TOF telescopes that view 3 separate latitude sectors, as shown in Figure 1. In addition, the WIND spacecraft spins, allowing the 3 telescopes to trace out a nearly 4�° steradian viewing area. The longitudinal sectors are shown in Figure 2. The solar direction is in sectors 8-10 while the earthward direction is in sectors 0-2.
Initial release
The Suprathermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (STICS) is a time of flight (TOF) plasma mass spectrometer, capable of identifying mass and mass per charge for incident ions up to 200 keV/e. It uses an electrostatic analyzer to admit ions of a particular energy per charge (E/Q) into the TOF chamber. The E/Q voltage is stepped through 32 values, sitting at each value for approximately 24 sec., to measure ions over the full E/Q range of 6 - 200 keV/e. Ions then pass through a carbon foil and TOF chamber, before finally impacting on a solid-state detector (SSD) for energy measurement. STICS combines these three measurements of E/Q, TOF and residual energy, producing PHA words. This triple-coincidence technique greatly improves the signal to noise ratio in the data. Measurements of E/Q and TOF without residual energy also produce PHA words. These double-coincidence measurements are characterized by better statistics since ions whose energy does not allow them to be registered by the SSD can still be counted in double-coincidence measurements. However, ion identification in double-coincidence measurements are limited to a select number of ions that are well separated in E/Q - TOF space. The STICS instrument provides full 3D velocity distribution functions, through a combination of multiple telescopes and spacecraft spin. The instrument includes 3 separate TOF telescopes that view 3 separate latitude sectors, as shown in Figure 1. In addition, the WIND spacecraft spins, allowing the 3 telescopes to trace out a nearly 4�° steradian viewing area. The longitudinal sectors are shown in Figure 2. The solar direction is in sectors 8-10 while the earthward direction is in sectors 0-2.
Initial release
Wind WAVES Time Domain Sampler (TDS) Dust Data File References: 1) Bougeret, J.-L., et al. `WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the Wind Spacecraft,` Space Sci. Rev. Vol. 71, pp. 231-263, doi:10.1007/BF00751331, (1995). 2) Malaspina, D.M., M. Horanyi, A. Zaslavsky, K. Goetz, L.B. Wilson III, and K. Kersten `Interplanetary and interstellar dust observed by the Wind/WAVES electric field instrument,` Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 41, pp. 266-272, doi:10.1002/2013GL058786, (2014). 3) Malaspina, D.M., and L.B. Wilson III `A Database of Interplanetary and Interstellar Dust Detected by the Wind Spacecraft, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2016JA023209, (2016).
The peak amplitude of the electric field component from the dust impact. This is the peak amplitude measured during a TDSF event on both antenna. This is a signed (i.e., +/-) value. The X-antenna was first cut on August 3, 2000. It was cut again on September 24, 2002. Currently, the effective antenna lengths used are 41.1 m, 3.79 m, and 2.17 m for the X-, Y-, and Z-antenna, respectively, for all dust impacts. We have removed these antenna length dependencies, which is why the amplitude units are in mV.
The cross-correlation value between Ch 1 waveform and the normalized median waveform of a given morphological type [e.g., see Malaspina and Wilson, (2016) for morphological type definitions].
The cross-correlation threshold value for the Ch 1 waveform used. The overall cross-correlation threshold is 0.8 but morphological types C, D, and M are required to exceed 0.9.
The minimum Ch 1 absolute amplitude required for event selection. The X-antenna was first cut on August 3, 2000. It was cut again on September 24, 2002. Currently, the effective antenna lengths used are 41.1 m, 3.79 m, and 2.17 m for the X-, Y-, and Z-antenna, respectively, for all dust impacts. We have removed these antenna length dependencies, which is why the amplitude units are in mV.
The angle accounts for the XY-GSE displacement of Wind but assumes Earth remains at exactly 1 AU always. The error introduced by not including the change of the Earth's radial position throughout its annual orbit is less than ~0.017 degrees. The error introduced by not including the change of the spacecraft's out-of-ecliptic displacement is less than ~0.0018 degrees. The spacecraft (SC) spin axis is aligned within ~0.8 degrees of the south ecliptic pole. This varies annually due to the differences in torque applied to the SC bus by solar radiation. The angle can be as low as < 0.1 degrees.We define clockwise (CW) angles as being < 0 for CW rotations to remain consistent with Euler angle notation. We define CW as viewed from the north ecliptic pole looking down upon the XY-GSE plane. All angles herein vary from 0 to 360 degrees (absolute values), thus a positive counter-clockwise angle corresponds to [(clockwise angle) + 360] > 0. The impact antenna angle depends upon the closest impact antenna, defined by the CDF variables Ch01___ImpactAntenna and Ch02___ImpactAntenna. An example image illustrating the various angles within these CDF files can be found in the Malaspina and Wilson, [2016] (doi:10.1002/2016JA023209)
The peak amplitude of the electric field component from the dust impact. This is the peak amplitude measured during a TDSF event on both antenna. This is a signed (i.e., +/-) value. The X-antenna was first cut on August 3, 2000. It was cut again on September 24, 2002. Currently, the effective antenna lengths used are 41.1 m, 3.79 m, and 2.17 m for the X-, Y-, and Z-antenna, respectively, for all dust impacts. We have removed these antenna length dependencies, which is why the amplitude units are in mV.
The cross-correlation value between Ey waveform and the normalized median waveform of a given morphological type.
The cross-correlation threshold value for the Ch 2 waveform used.
The minimum Ch 2 absolute amplitude required for event selection. The X-antenna was first cut on August 3, 2000. It was cut again on September 24, 2002. Currently, the effective antenna lengths used are 41.1 m, 3.79 m, and 2.17 m for the X-, Y-, and Z-antenna, respectively, for all dust impacts. We have removed these antenna length dependencies, which is why the amplitude units are in mV.
The angle accounts for the XY-GSE displacement of Wind but assumes Earth remains at exactly 1 AU always. The error introduced by not including the change of the Earth's radial position throughout its annual orbit is less than ~0.017 degrees. The error introduced by not including the change of the spacecraft's out-of-ecliptic displacement is less than ~0.0018 degrees. The spacecraft (SC) spin axis is aligned within ~0.8 degrees of the south ecliptic pole. This varies annually due to the differences in torque applied to the SC bus by solar radiation. The angle can be as low as < 0.1 degrees.We define clockwise (CW) angles as being < 0 for CW rotations to remain consistent with Euler angle notation. We define CW as viewed from the north ecliptic pole looking down upon the XY-GSE plane. All angles herein vary from 0 to 360 degrees (absolute values), thus a positive counter-clockwise angle corresponds to [(clockwise angle) + 360] > 0. The impact antenna angle depends upon the closest impact antenna, defined by the CDF variables Ch01___ImpactAntenna and Ch02___ImpactAntenna. An example image illustrating the various angles within these CDF files can be found in the Malaspina and Wilson, [2016] (doi:10.1002/2016JA023209)
The angle accounts for the XY-GSE displacement of Wind but assumes Earth remains at exactly 1 AU always. The error introduced by not including the change of the Earth's radial position throughout its annual orbit is less than ~0.017 degrees. The error introduced by not including the change of the spacecraft's out-of-ecliptic displacement is less than ~0.0018 degrees. The spacecraft (SC) spin axis is aligned within ~0.8 degrees of the south ecliptic pole. This varies annually due to the differences in torque applied to the SC bus by solar radiation. The angle can be as low as < 0.1 degrees.We define clockwise (CW) angles as being < 0 for CW rotations to remain consistent with Euler angle notation. We define CW as viewed from the north ecliptic pole looking down upon the XY-GSE plane. All angles herein vary from 0 to 360 degrees (absolute values), thus a positive counter-clockwise angle corresponds to [(clockwise angle) + 360] > 0. The impact antenna angle depends upon the closest impact antenna, defined by the CDF variables Ch01___ImpactAntenna and Ch02___ImpactAntenna. An example image illustrating the various angles within these CDF files can be found in the Malaspina and Wilson, [2016] (doi:10.1002/2016JA023209)
The angle accounts for the XY-GSE displacement of Wind but assumes Earth remains at exactly 1 AU always. The error introduced by not including the change of the Earth's radial position throughout its annual orbit is less than ~0.017 degrees. The error introduced by not including the change of the spacecraft's out-of-ecliptic displacement is less than ~0.0018 degrees. The spacecraft (SC) spin axis is aligned within ~0.8 degrees of the south ecliptic pole. This varies annually due to the differences in torque applied to the SC bus by solar radiation. The angle can be as low as < 0.1 degrees.We define clockwise (CW) angles as being < 0 for CW rotations to remain consistent with Euler angle notation. We define CW as viewed from the north ecliptic pole looking down upon the XY-GSE plane. All angles herein vary from 0 to 360 degrees (absolute values), thus a positive counter-clockwise angle corresponds to [(clockwise angle) + 360] > 0. The impact antenna angle depends upon the closest impact antenna, defined by the CDF variables Ch01___ImpactAntenna and Ch02___ImpactAntenna. An example image illustrating the various angles within these CDF files can be found in the Malaspina and Wilson, [2016] (doi:10.1002/2016JA023209)
The angle accounts for the XY-GSE displacement of Wind but assumes Earth remains at exactly 1 AU always. The error introduced by not including the change of the Earth's radial position throughout its annual orbit is less than ~0.017 degrees. The error introduced by not including the change of the spacecraft's out-of-ecliptic displacement is less than ~0.0018 degrees. The spacecraft (SC) spin axis is aligned within ~0.8 degrees of the south ecliptic pole. This varies annually due to the differences in torque applied to the SC bus by solar radiation. The angle can be as low as < 0.1 degrees.We define clockwise (CW) angles as being < 0 for CW rotations to remain consistent with Euler angle notation. We define CW as viewed from the north ecliptic pole looking down upon the XY-GSE plane. All angles herein vary from 0 to 360 degrees (absolute values), thus a positive counter-clockwise angle corresponds to [(clockwise angle) + 360] > 0. The impact antenna angle depends upon the closest impact antenna, defined by the CDF variables Ch01___ImpactAntenna and Ch02___ImpactAntenna. An example image illustrating the various angles within these CDF files can be found in the Malaspina and Wilson, [2016] (doi:10.1002/2016JA023209)
The angle accounts for the XY-GSE displacement of Wind but assumes Earth remains at exactly 1 AU always. The error introduced by not including the change of the Earth's radial position throughout its annual orbit is less than ~0.017 degrees. The error introduced by not including the change of the spacecraft's out-of-ecliptic displacement is less than ~0.0018 degrees. The spacecraft (SC) spin axis is aligned within ~0.8 degrees of the south ecliptic pole. This varies annually due to the differences in torque applied to the SC bus by solar radiation. The angle can be as low as < 0.1 degrees.We define clockwise (CW) angles as being < 0 for CW rotations to remain consistent with Euler angle notation. We define CW as viewed from the north ecliptic pole looking down upon the XY-GSE plane. All angles herein vary from 0 to 360 degrees (absolute values), thus a positive counter-clockwise angle corresponds to [(clockwise angle) + 360] > 0. The impact antenna angle depends upon the closest impact antenna, defined by the CDF variables Ch01___ImpactAntenna and Ch02___ImpactAntenna. An example image illustrating the various angles within these CDF files can be found in the Malaspina and Wilson, [2016] (doi:10.1002/2016JA023209)
The impact angle uncertainties are mostly controlled by the quadrant or hemisphere in which the dust impact occurred. This is true for the Ch1ImpAnt_E_S_Angle and Ch2ImpAnt_E_S_Angle. This is roughly +/- 45 degrees (i.e., quadrant) for all events. For the other sun angles (i.e., Pos_Ax_SCS_Angle, Pos_Ax_E_S_Angle, and Pos_Ay_E_S_Angle), the uncertainty is controlled by the spin rate of the spacecraft (determined by event duration and angle subtended during an event) multiplied by the TDSF event duration plus the DPU clock latency uncertainty (i.e., ~10.6 ms). Thus, this uncertainty is currently < 13 degrees (i.e., worst case scenario for fastest spin rate and slowest sampling rate). In the best case scenario (i.e., most events), the uncertainties drop to ~3 degrees.
Explanatory notes: The electron pitch-angle distribution averages included in this data set are derived from integrating the electron pitch-angle distributions measured by the Wind/SWE electron instrument (see Ogilvie et al., "SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the Wind spacecraft", Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55, 1955). Averages of phase-space density (f) over key regions of the unit sphere (the set of all possible electron velocity directions) are computed from 9s measurements which are usually separated by one or more 3s spin-periods. These quantities are reliable and citable with caution, meaning that the PI advises that the user should discuss their interpretations with a member of the SWE science team before publishing. The following comments are intended to aid in the use and interpretation of the averages reported in this data set. We begin this analysis with a measure of f for each pitch-angle bin, six degrees in width, from 0 degrees (flux nearly parallel to B) to 180 degrees (flux nearly anti-parallel with B). The f values for pitch-angles from 0-90 degrees (parallel streaming) are integrated (with angluar weighting and assumptions of gyrotropy) over this half-sphere, then averaged by dividing out the 2-pi solid angle of the half-sphere; the result being referred to as the 'f_para' average. Similarly, the 'f_perp' (flux nearly perpendicular to B) average is the result of integrating f for pitch-angles from 60-120 degrees (a region also 2-pi in solid angle). Next, the 'f_anti' (flux nearly anti-parallel to B) average covers the half-sphere of "backward" streaming electrons; having pitch-angles from 90-180 degrees. Finally, the 'f_omni' (omni-directional) average provides the integral of f over the full sphere, divided by the full 4-pi solid angle; providing a measure of total electron flux into the region of observation. The above analysis is carried out for each of 13 energy channels: E = 19.34, 38.68, 58.03, 77.37, 96.71, 116.1, 193.4, 290.1, 425.5, 580.3, 773.7, 1006., and 1238. eV. For reference, the electron speeds (|V|, in cm/s) corresponding to these energies are reported in this data set. Hence the data set reported here contains: f_para, f_perp, f_anti, f_omni (for each of 13 values of E), and the 13 values of |V| (constant, included for reference).
Skeleton created 5/25/2007
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
Explanatory notes: The electron pitch-angle distribution averages included in this data set are derived from integrating the electron pitch-angle distributions measured by the Wind/SWE electron instrument (see Ogilvie et al., "SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the Wind spacecraft", Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55, 1955). Averages of phase-space density (f) over key regions of the unit sphere (the set of all possible electron velocity directions) are computed from 3s measurements which are spaced either 6s or 12s in time. These quantities are reliable and citable with caution, meaning that the PI advises that the user should discuss their interpretations with a member of the SWE science team before publishing. The following comments are intended to aid in the use and interpretation of the averages reported in this data set. We begin this analysis with a measure of f for each pitch-angle bin, six degrees in width, from 0 degrees (flux nearly parallel to B) to 180 degrees (flux nearly anti-parallel with B). The f values for pitch-angles from 0-90 degrees (parallel streaming) are integrated (with angluar weighting and assumptions of gyrotropy) over this half-sphere, then averaged by dividing out the 2-pi solid angle of the half-sphere; the result being referred to as the 'f_para' average. Similarly, the 'f_perp' (flux nearly perpendicular to B) average is the result of integrating f for pitch-angles from 60-120 degrees (a region also 2-pi in solid angle). Next, the 'f_anti' (flux nearly anti-parallel to B) average covers the half-sphere of "backward" streaming electrons; having pitch-angles from 90-180 degrees. Finally, the 'f_omni' (omni-directional) average provides the integral of f over the full sphere, divided by the full 4-pi solid angle; providing a measure of total electron flux into the region of observation. The above analysis is carried out for each of 16 energy channels ranging from about 10 eV to as much as 3 keV. The exact energies at which observations are made is time-varying, and this data set reports the electron speeds each channel observes (|V|, in cm/s, along with the observations themselves) at any time. Hence the data set reported here contains: f_para, f_perp, f_anti, f_omni (for each of 16 values of |V|), and the 16 values of |V| (time-varying, although usually much more slowly than the order of a day).
Skeleton created 12/17/2007
time-varying electron speeds corresponding to fluxes
time-varying electron speeds corresponding to fluxes
electron speeds corresponding to fluxes
electron speeds corresponding to fluxes
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_para[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_perp[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_anti[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
For each flux value, f_omni[i], Ve[i] gives the corresponding electron speed (cm/s).
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991 Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1 Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490 Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to time_pb5; add label_time to variables Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id 7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT 9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file. CCR 1932 11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors made in CCR 1852. ICCR 1884 12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards. ICCR 1885 01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system. CCR 1889 2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 11/03/95 - deleted crn_space for CCR 2154 - RM 09/20/96 - changed CRN to CRN_EARTH for CCR 2269
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991 Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1 Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490 Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to time_pb5; add label_time to variables Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id 7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT 9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file. CCR 1932 11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors made in CCR 1852. ICCR 1884 12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards. ICCR 1885 01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system. CCR 1889 2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 11/03/95 - deleted crn_space for CCR 2154 - RM 09/20/96 - changed CRN to CRN_EARTH for CCR 2269
Wind 3dp, PESA Low (~24 sec resolution) energy spectra with ion moments
Proton number flux in 14 energy channels populated from about 0.6 keV to about 10 keV. Channel energies vary with time, keeping the peak flux in channel 10. Channel 15 is the lowest energy channel.
Energy, for 14 channels ~0.6 to ~10 KeV
The elements then correspond to: Perp_1, Perp_2, Parallel (with respect to .MAGF). Let V = .VELOCITY, B = .MAGF, then: Perp_1 = (B x V) x B, Perp_2 = (B x V) and Then T_perp = (MAGT3[0] + MAGT3[1])/2.
The elements then correspond to: Perp_1, Perp_2, Parallel (with respect to .MAGF). Let V = .VELOCITY, B = .MAGF, then: Perp_1 = (B x V) x B, Perp_2 = (B x V) and Then T_perp = (MAGT3[0] + MAGT3[1])/2.
Wind 3dp, PESA LOW 1 spin resolution ion (proton and alpha) moments (computed on spacecraft)
Version 3 Product, August 2005
Proton number density values are fill for time period 5/20/2009-5/11/2010; noisy 3/8/2012 04:37 to 5/15/2012 22:45]
Proton velocity vector values are noisy for time period 5/15/2009-5/11/2010 and 3/8/2012 04:37 to 5/15/2012 22:45
Residual Variance in Proton Velocity values are noisy for time period 5/15/2009-5/11/2010 and 3/8/2012 04:37 to 5/15/2012 22:45
Proton temperature values are noisy for time period 5/15/2009-5/11/2010 and 3/8/2012 04:37 to 5/15/2012 22:45
Alpha number density values are fill for time period 5/15/2009-5/11/2010; noisy 3/8/2012 04:37 to 5/15/2012 22:45
Alpha velocity vector values are noisy for time period 5/15/2009-5/11/2010 and 3/8/2012 04:37 to 5/15/2012 22:45
Residual Variance in Alpha Velocity values are noisy for time period 5/15/2009-5/11/2010 and 3/8/2012 04:37 to 5/15/2012 22:45
Alpha temperature values are noisy for time period 5/15/2009-5/11/2010 and 3/8/2012 04:37 to 5/15/2012 22:45
Wind 3dp, SST Foil energetic electron pitch angle distributions. General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: The solid-state telescope (SST) for Wind 3DP electrons returns a velocity distribution function containing 7 energy bins and 48 solid-angle bins. The automated CDF routine appears to remove all the following solid-angle bins: [7,8,9,15,31,32,33] = sun/anti-sun look directions, and [20,21,22,23,44,45,46,47] = low geometry factor bins (also correspond to the SST Thick anti-coincidence detector bins). The sun/anti-sun directions are removed to avoid X-ray and EUV contamination, which is often seen during solar flares. The onset looks exactly like the GOES X-ray observations, which is kind of fun but not what we want to look at. Unfortunately, these look directions can correspond to the magnetic field direction, which can limit the times when we would like to examine SEP events. General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: Note that SST Open (e.g., wi_sopd_3dp_00000000_v01.cdf) software removes the following additional solid-angle bins: [0,1,24,25] = noisy. Additionally, SST Open has 9 energy channels from ~70 keV to ~6.7 or 7.1 MeV, depending on the mode the instrument is in. It does not appear that the routine mk_sosp_cdf.pro removes any of these ...bad... look directions, so that should be noted as well. General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: Inside the radiation belts, both Foil and Open saturate and suffer from penetrating particles. The instruments are not shielded, so they can only provide relative changes when in these regions. General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: The data all look like they are in units of number flux or # cm-2 s-1 sr-1 eV-1.
Uses fix-sparse to fill in nan energy values
Wind 3dp, SST Foil energetic electron omni directional energy spectra General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: The solid-state telescope (SST) for Wind 3DP electrons returns a velocity distribution function containing 7 energy bins and 48 solid-angle bins. The automated CDF routine appears to remove all the following solid-angle bins: [7,8,9,15,31,32,33] = sun/anti-sun look directions, and [20,21,22,23,44,45,46,47] = low geometry factor bins (also correspond to the SST Thick anti-coincidence detector bins). The sun/anti-sun directions are removed to avoid X-ray and EUV contamination, which is often seen during solar flares. The onset looks exactly like the GOES X-ray observations, which is kind of fun but not what we want to look at. Unfortunately, these look directions can correspond to the magnetic field direction, which can limit the times when we would like to examine SEP events. General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: Note that SST Open (e.g., wi_sopd_3dp_00000000_v01.cdf) software removes the following additional solid-angle bins: [0,1,24,25] = noisy. Additionally, SST Open has 9 energy channels from ~70 keV to ~6.7 or 7.1 MeV, depending on the mode the instrument is in. It does not appear that the routine mk_sosp_cdf.pro removes any of these ...bad... look directions, so that should be noted as well. General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: Inside the radiation belts, both Foil and Open saturate and suffer from penetrating particles. The instruments are not shielded, so they can only provide relative changes when in these regions. General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: The data below all look like they are in units of number flux or # cm-2 s-1 sr-1 eV-1. I believe the CDAWeb units are correct for most of these.
Uses fix-sparse to fill in nan energy values
Wind 3dp, SOPD
Uses fixed-sparse to fill in nan'd energies
Wind 3dp, SST Open energetic Proton omni directional energy spectra General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: The solid-state telescope (SST) for Wind 3DP electrons returns a velocity distribution function containing 7 energy bins and 48 solid-angle bins. The automated CDF routine appears to remove all the following solid-angle bins: [7,8,9,15,31,32,33] = sun/anti-sun look directions, and [20,21,22,23,44,45,46,47] = low geometry factor bins (also correspond to the SST Thick anti-coincidence detector bins). The sun/anti-sun directions are removed to avoid X-ray and EUV contamination, which is often seen during solar flares. The onset looks exactly like the GOES X-ray observations, which is kind of fun but not what we want to look at. Unfortunately, these look directions can correspond to the magnetic field direction, which can limit the times when we would like to examine SEP events. General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: Note that SST Open (e.g., wi_sopd_3dp_00000000_v01.cdf) software removes the following additional solid-angle bins: [0,1,24,25] = noisy. Additionally, SST Open has 9 energy channels from ~70 keV to ~6.7 or 7.1 MeV, depending on the mode the instrument is in. It does not appear that the routine mk_sosp_cdf.pro removes any of these ...bad... look directions, so that should be noted as well. General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: Inside the radiation belts, both Foil and Open saturate and suffer from penetrating particles. The instruments are not shielded, so they can only provide relative changes when in these regions. General Notes per Lynn Wilson Jan 2015: The data below all look like they are in units of number flux or # cm-2 s-1 sr-1 eV-1. I believe the CDAWeb units are correct for most of these.
Uses fixed-sparse to fill in nan'd energies
Explanatory notes: The 2D electron angular distributions included in this data set were measured by the Wind/SWE strahl detector (see Ogilvie et al., "SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the Wind spacecraft", Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55, 1995). Each angular distribution was measured at a single electron energy. The energy was selected by applying a voltage between the electrostatic analyzer plates. The detector sampled 32 energies between 19 eV and 1238 eV, and during normal operation would sweep through these energies one at a time with approximately 12 second cadence. The instrument's 12 anodes are set in a vertical pattern in a plane that contains the spacecraft spin axis, spanning a field of view +/-28 degrees centered around the ecliptic (with uneven angular spacing between anodes). Wind's spin axis is set at a right angle with the ecliptic plane, allowing different azimuthal angles to be sampled as the spacecraft spins (3 sec spin period). These azimuthal bins have a fixed separation of 3.53 degrees. Each strahl (and antistrahl) distribution measured by the spacecraft consists of a 14x12 angular grid of electron counts, that was measured at a fixed energy during a single spacecraft spin. Counts are converted into physical units of f (v) (e.g., cm^-6s^3) in the standard fashion by accounting for the detector efficiency and geometric factor. The data set reported here contains: f_strahl, f_antistrahl, f_strahl_counts, f_antistrahl_counts, phi_strahl, phi_antistrahl, theta, energy.
Skeleton created 9/6/2017 by Konstantinos Horaites
2D angular electron distribution in physical units (#/{cc*(cm/s)^3}). Measured at fixed energy in a fraction of a single spacecraft spin. "f_strahl" corresponds with the anti-sunward, field-aligned portion of the distribution function, which likely exhibits a pronounced strahl signature.
2D angular electron distribution in physical units (#/{cc*(cm/s)^3}). Measured at fixed energy in a fraction of a single spacecraft spin. "f_strahl" corresponds with the anti-sunward, field-aligned portion of the distribution function, which likely exhibits a pronounced strahl signature.
2D angular electron distribution in physical units (#/{cc*(cm/s)^3}). Measured at fixed energy in a fraction of a single spacecraft spin. "f_antistrahl" corresponds with the sunward, field-aligned portion of the distribution function, which sometimes exhibits a pronounced antistrahl signature.
2D angular electron distribution in physical units (#/{cc*(cm/s)^3}). Measured at fixed energy in a fraction of a single spacecraft spin. "f_antistrahl" corresponds with the sunward, field-aligned portion of the distribution function, which sometimes exhibits a pronounced antistrahl signature.
2D angular electron distribution (detector counts). Measured at fixed energy in a fraction of a single spacecraft spin. "f_strahl" corresponds with the anti-sunward, field-aligned portion of the distribution function, which likely exhibits a pronounced strahl signature.
2D angular electron distribution (detector counts). Measured at fixed energy in a fraction of a single spacecraft spin. "f_strahl" corresponds with the anti-sunward, field-aligned portion of the distribution function, which likely exhibits a pronounced strahl signature.
2D angular electron distribution (detector counts). Measured at fixed energy in a fraction of a single spacecraft spin. "f_antistrahl" corresponds with the sunward, field-aligned portion of the distribution function, which sometimes exhibits a pronounced antistrahl signature.
2D angular electron distribution (detector counts). Measured at fixed energy in a fraction of a single spacecraft spin. "f_antistrahl" corresponds with the sunward, field-aligned portion of the distribution function, which sometimes exhibits a pronounced antistrahl signature.
phi_strahl corresponds with azimuthal directions (phi GSE) sampled during the measurement of f_strahl.
phi_antistrahl corresponds with azimuthal directions (phi GSE) sampled during the measurement of f_antistrahl.
The 12 anodes of the SWE strahl detector are arranged in a fixed pattern, with non-uniform spacing.
the strahl detector swept through 32 different energies, one at a time, with ~12 seconds between each energy step.
This data set provides the Faraday Cup positive ion charge flux [picoAmperes] as a function of epoch, cup number, orientation angle, and bias grid potential. For each time point, a full spectrum is comprised of charge flux measurements at the two Faraday Cup sensors at 20 azimuth angles for each of 31 energy-per-charge windows (1240 data points per spectrum). Spectra are built up over approximately 92-second intervals. Th effective area of the Faraday Cup sensor as a function of incidence angle onto the cup is also provided.
The noise limit of this measurement is approximately 0.69 pA...Models of charge flow into the cup from oblique angles to the cup axis should account for projection of the aperture onto the collector. The calibrated effective area of the cup is given as a function of incidence angle in the lookup table.
The noise limit of this measurement is approximately 0.69 pA...Models of charge flow into the cup from oblique angles to the cup axis should account for projection of the aperture onto the collector. The calibrated effective area of the cup is given as a function of incidence angle in the lookup table.
The noise limit of this measurement is approximately 0.69 pA...Models of charge flow into the cup from oblique angles to the cup axis should account for projection of the aperture onto the collector. The calibrated effective area of the cup is given as a function of incidence angle in the lookup table.
The noise limit of this measurement is approximately 0.69 pA...Models of charge flow into the cup from oblique angles to the cup axis should account for projection of the aperture onto the collector. The calibrated effective area of the cup is given as a function of incidence angle in the lookup table.
The noise limit of this measurement is approximately 0.69 pA...Models of charge flow into the cup from oblique angles to the cup axis should account for projection of the aperture onto the collector. The calibrated effective area of the cup is given as a function of incidence angle in the lookup table.
The noise limit of this measurement is approximately 0.69 pA...Models of charge flow into the cup from oblique angles to the cup axis should account for projection of the aperture onto the collector. The calibrated effective area of the cup is given as a function of incidence angle in the lookup table.
The noise limit of this measurement is approximately 0.69 pA...Models of charge flow into the cup from oblique angles to the cup axis should account for projection of the aperture onto the collector. The calibrated effective area of the cup is given as a function of incidence angle in the lookup table.
The noise limit of this measurement is approximately 0.69 pA...Models of charge flow into the cup from oblique angles to the cup axis should account for projection of the aperture onto the collector. The calibrated effective area of the cup is given as a function of incidence angle in the lookup table.
The azimuthal angle for cup 1, in degrees. This is the angle formed by the ecliptic plane component of the cup normal and the XGSE unit vector. Positive angles correspond to deflection into the YGSE direction.
The azimuthal angle for cup 1, in degrees. This is the angle formed by the ecliptic plane component of the cup normal and the XGSE unit vector. Positive angles correspond to deflection into the YGSE direction.
For each potential window, the bias oscillates over a small range. This is the central value of the range.
For each potential window, the bias oscillates over a small range. This is the central value of the range.
For each potential window, the bias oscillates over a small range. This is the width of the range.
The azimuthal angle for cup 2, in degrees. ed This is the angle formed by the ecliptic plane component of the cup normal and the XGSE unit vector. Positive angles correspond to deflection into the YGSE direction.
The azimuthal angle for cup 2, in degrees. ed This is the angle formed by the ecliptic plane component of the cup normal and the XGSE unit vector. Positive angles correspond to deflection into the YGSE direction.
For each potential window, the bias oscillates over a small range. This is the central value of the range.
For each potential window, the bias oscillates over a small range. This is the central value of the range.
For each potential window, the bias oscillates over a small range. This is the width of the range.
0=not tracking.1=tracking..In TRACKING mode, the EperQ window with maximum current signal is identified and the EperQ scanning range is continuously adjusted such that the scan begins five windows below the peak (or at the minimum voltage).
0=limited scan.1=full scan..In full scan mode, the EperQ scanning range is the full range of the instrument. In limited scan mode, the EperQ scanning range is smaller. Typically, limited scan mode is used in conjunction with tracking in order to best resolve the ion core distributions.
This file contains goniopolarimetry analytical inversion dataset for Wind/Waves, assuming an unpolarized extended radio source (U=V=Q=0). Data are calibrated in W/m^2/Hz. Caveat: Level 3 df data are computed with the following assumptions : (i) incoming wave properties do not change during a spacecraft rotation (~3 seconds), (ii) radio sources are unpolarized (U=V=Q=0), (iii) Only receiver noise is substracted, (iv) radio sources have an uniform brightness distribution, (v) Z antennas are not tilted
Absolute flux density (i.e., I Stokes parameter) of the incoming wave. Derived from direction-finding inversion.The receiver background is already removed.
Colatitude angle of the wave vector in the Wind Spacecraft Reference reference (SRF)
Azimuth angle of the wave vector in the Wind Spacecraft Reference Frame (SRF)
Radio source angular size radius, assuming an uniform brightness distribution.
Signal modulation rate
Flag to indicate the quality of the data. Possible values are: 0=Bad data. 1=Known problems. 2=Survey data. 3=Good for publication. 4=Data which has received special treatment.